Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church


Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
1000 North Jefferson Avenue, Goldsboro NC 27530-3141
Rev. Alex Gonzalez, Pastor
Deacon Webster James
March 22, 2015—Fifth Sunday of Lent
When the prophet Jeremiah coined the term
"new covenant" he was actually doing something quite radical. For the Jewish people,
there was only one covenant, the one made
between the Lord God and Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai. For Jeremiah to suggest
that God would somehow supersede the covenant with a new one would have sounded
audacious to Jewish ears. But in this way he is
a predecessor of Jesus who, in the Gospel of
John, is continually portrayed as superseding
the past, establishing the reign of God in a
new way. And in today's Gospel passage, Jesus the "new covenant" speaks the language of
his "new commandment" of love when he tells
of the dying grain of wheat, and of our own
need to die to self in order to be raised with
Christ. As Lent ends and we prepare to enter
into Holy Week, the dying grain of wheat
serves as an excellent symbol of the kind of
dying and self-sacrifice to which disciples are
called, a symbol of that new covenant written
deep within our hearts.
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
Saturday Vigil
5:00PM English
7:00PM Spanish
10:00 AM English
1:00 PM Spanish
Fin de Semana
Sábado ~ 5:00 PM En Inglés
Sábado ~ 7:00 PM En Español
Domingo ~ 10:00 AM En Inglés
Domingo ~ 1:00 PM En Español
Días de Semana
9:00 AM Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
lunes, martes, miércoles, viernes
7:00 PM Jueves en Español
No 9 AM Mass on Thursday
No hay Misa los jueves a las 9 AM
Holy Days check inside Bulletin
Revise dentro del Boletín que se entrega en las Misas
First Friday Adoration begins after morning Mass
and ends with Benediction at 10:00 PM.
Todos los viernes primero de mes de 10:00 AM Adoración
al Santísimo a 10:00 PM.
New members may register by calling the parish
office (weekdays from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM).
Para registrarse hablar con Elvira Ponce
o llamar a la oficina
Mission Statement
Saint Mary is a diverse Catholic community working
together to live the Gospel, grow in faith through the
Eucharist, and share our gifts in service to others.
Misión de la Parroquia
La parroquia de Santa María es una comunidad
católica y diversa que trabaja unida para vivir el
evangelio, crecer en fe por la Eucaristía y compartir
nuestros talentos en servicio a otros.
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Mass Intentions and Readings
for March 21 to March 29, 2015
Office (Oficina): 919 734-5033
FAX: 919 580-0730
Rev. Alex Gonzalez, Pastor…..ext. 27
Deacon Webster A. James...….ext. 29
Director of Faith Formation
Mrs. Carole Sears……………...ext. 34
Liturgy Coordinator
Mrs. Debbie Gambella,
Parish Secretary…………....…ext. 10
Mrs. Kathy Hennessy,
Parish Secretary…….....…......ext. 26
Mrs. Tracey Davis,
Parish Bookkeeper…..…...…..ext. 28
Mrs. Elvira Ponce,
Hispanic Ministry………...…..ext. 22
Mrs. Vicki Ellis,
Choir Director, 10:00 AM
Mr. Philip Eubanks, Organist
Mr. Mike Nault, Organist & Choir
Director, 5:00 PM
Mr. Van Tran, Sacristan
Office: 919 735-1931
FAX: 919 735-1917
Mrs. Lynn Magoon,
Principal…………………........ext. 33
Mrs. Anne Marie Gambella,
Admn. Assistant………….......ext. 11
Mr. Harold Jones,
Supervisor………………….….ext. 31
Mr. Larry Jones,
Assistant………...………….....ext. 31
Chair Kevin Bacon
Vice-Chair John Marguglio
Secretary Sharon Thomas
Finance Council Chair John Heeden
Steve Balli, Sheila Covar, Anne Hurrey, Joseph Jones, Paula Long, Carlos
Morales San Juan, Phyllis Radford,
Donna Stevenson, Gene Seward.
Goldsboro, N. C.
Jeremiah 11:18-20; Psalm 7:2-3, 9bc-12; John 7:40-53
Sue Smyk, dec. by Erma & Joseph Smyk
Pro Populo
Ezekiel 37:12-14; Psalm 130:1-8; Romans 8:8-11; John 11:1-45
[3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45]
Henry F. Labrecque, Jr., dec. by Effie Labrecque
Gioankim Hoe & Anna Bot, dec. by Gia Nguyen
Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Psalm 23:1-6;
John 8:1-11
Carlos Alberto Cruz, dec. by Deacon & Mrs. W. James
Numbers 21:4-9,12; Psalm 102:2-3, 16-21; John 8:21-30
Harvey Lester Hill, dec. by Deacon & Mrs. W. James
Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10; Psalm 40:7-11; Hebrews 10:4-10; Luke
Fred Shehdan, dec. by Rick & Vicki Ellis & John Roberts
Genesis:17:3-9; Psalm 105:4-9; John 8:51-59
No Mass this morning
Spanish Mass
Jeremiah 20:10-13; Psalm 18:2-7; John 10:31-42
Jill Bradley, dec. by Vickie Biasca Robertson
Ezekiel 37:21-28; Jeremiah 31:10, 11-13; John 11:45-56
Geraldine Prys, dec. by K of C council 5487
Brian Jonas Keith, dec. by his wife
Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16 (procession); Isaiah 50:4-7;
Psalm 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 14:1—15:
47 [15:1-39]
Frank Newell, dec. by Newell Family
Pro Populo
Penance and Reconciliation
Saturday ~ 4-4:40PM and by appointment.
Baptisms are during Mass the third weekend of each month. Preparation is required
before scheduling the time and date.
Contact the Deacon six months in advance of
the ceremony.
Sacrament of the Sick
If you wish to receive the sacrament of the
sick during a prolonged illness or before
surgery, please call the office.
If you wish to receive communion from a
Eucharistic Minister due to illness, age, or
handicap, please call the office. These visits are made after the Mass has been celebrated.
Altar Flowers
During Lent there are no flowers on
the Altar. This year we are offering the
Palm arrangement on Palm Sunday if
you would like to have them in Honor
or Memory of a person or event. Just
call the Parish Office at 919-734-5033
ext. 10 or 26 to arrange this.
The Sanctuary Lamps for the
week of March 22 to 28
Church Lamp: will be lit in Loving
Memory of Joseph Bannon by his
wife & daughters.
Chapel Lamp: if you would like to
reserve the Chapel Lamp in honor or
in memory of a person or event
please, call the Parish Office.
Fifth Sunday of Lent
K of C 18th Annual Family Fish
Date: Friday, March 27, 2015
Place: St. Mary School Auditorium
Time: 4:30-7:00pm with drive by
take outs 4:30-6:30pm.
Price: $8.00 per person/$4.00 5
years and younger.
Tickets: from any Knight; after Mass
on March 14/15 & 21/22
or at the door on March 27th.
Desserts: will be provided by St.
Mary Ladies Guild.
Do you commute from Goldsboro to Raleigh?
One of our parishioners is looking to
carpool from Goldsboro to Raleigh
(NC State) from May 18th to June
15th. If you travel to Raleigh each
day and would be interested in carpooling please, call the Parish Office
at 919-734-5033 ext. 10 or 26.
The person looking for the carpool
will be happy to pay gas and all expenses.
Lenten Rosary for Vocations…
Monday, March 23rd we will recite
the Rosary for Vocations at 5:30pm
in the Chapel. Please, consider giving
a half hour of your time as part of
your Lenten sacrifice to join with
other parishioners in reciting the Rosary for Vocations.
Men’s Fellowship Group…
Have you joined the 27:17 Men’s
Fellowship Group? If not join us on
Wednesday, March 25th ,7:00am at
Five Star Restaurant on Berkeley.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
May 1-3, 2015 in Greensboro, NC
and July 31-August 2, 2015 in Chapel
Hill, NC. Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information
visit our website at: http:// or contact
us at or
Monday, March 23,7:00 pm,
Transfiguration, Wallace
March 22, 2015
Parish Calendar
Sunday, March 22 – 5th Sunday of Lent
* Faith Formation 5th to HS
* Faith Formation K to 4th
* Communion Parents Meeting
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
* Formation beyond Confirmation
11:15am to 12:45pm
11:30am to 12:30pm
after 10:00am Mass
after 1:00pm Mas
6:00 to 7:30pm
Monday, March 23
* Lenten Rosary for Vocations
* Lenten Reflection (Liturgical Ministers) Church
Tuesday, March 24
* Finance Council Meeting
* PAC Meeting
* SVDP Meeting
* Perpetual Novena
* Legion of Mary
FF Conf. Room
FF Conf. Room
6th grade classroom
5 Star Restaurant
5th grade
Wednesday, March 25
* 27:17 Fellowship (Men’s Group)
* Bible Study
Thursday, March 26
* 10:00am Choir Practice
Friday, March 27
* School Liturgy
* K of C Family Fish Dinner
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
* Stations of the Cross (English)
* Stations of the Cross (Spanish)
4:30pm to 7:00pm
Saturday, March 28
* 5:00pm Choir Practice
Sunday, March 29-Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord
* No Faith Formation Classes
* Spanish Language Choir Practice
* Formation beyond Confirmation
after 1:00pm Mass
6:00 to 7:30pm
Offertory Report
Our BAA goal is $65,889 with 100%
of households participating as of today we are at 25% of households participating and have reach $41,666.00
in pledges. Please, prayerfully consider making a donation to the BAA. If
you need a pledge card call the office.
March 8
$ 8,258.43
$ 7,750.00
Over (Under) $ 808.43
Priests’ Retirement: $1,586.00
Second Collection March 29:
Family Life Center
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Treasures From Our Tradition
In our thoughts and prayers:
Pray for the intentions of those in
nursing facilities, the homebound, the
chronically ill, and those who are critically ill.
Please remember in a special way the
following parishioners who have requested your prayers:
Robert Ames, José David Ariza,
Ralph Bailey, Leonor Balderas, Jesse
Brickhouse, Nubia Cano, Judy Cordeiro, Andrea Cruz, Lee & Sarah Davis, Marjorie Dixon, Elaine Evans,
Gustavo Gonzalez, Agnes Harris,
Joan Jones, Laura Jones, Bertha
Kish, Erma Lawrence, Denise Lewis,
Dorothy Lewis, Christine Marguglio,
Pat Marguglio, Verna Mullinax, Billie Myers, Wilbur & Mary Perry, Benjamin Raposa.
If you would like your name included
in the Prayers for the Sick in the Bulletin please contact our coordinators
for “Prayers for the Sick”, Gloria at
919-734-3810 or Barbara at 919-7510024.
Knights of Columbus State Raffle
Tickets available from all Knights
after Masses on March 15/16 and
Drawing: May 16, 2015 at the State
Convention (need not be present to
First Prize: 7 Day Alaskan Cruise
including airfare for 2 plus $700 cash.
Second Prize: 7 Day Carribean
Cruise including airfare for 2 plus
$500 cash.
Third thru seventh prizes: $200
As we approach Holy Week, the creative juices of the ancient church of
Jerusalem begin to shape our journey.
In old Jerusalem at this season of the
year, the attempt was made to recall
the events leading up to Christ's passion. Those attempts were based not
only on time, with celebrations of
events as close to the day and hour as
possible, but also on people's best
guesses as to the actual place of these
events. Vast numbers of pilgrims
flooded the city during the forty days
of Lent, many of them catechumens
in their last stages of preparation for
initiation. The fourth-century Spanish
nun Egeria wrote a delightfully detailed diary of her experience of this
lively and aerobic liturgy, which involved hearty singing, strong preaching, and nimble processions across
vast and arduous terrain.
Much of this energy was lost over the
centuries, with the procession of
palms a noteworthy exception.
Northern climates had to reinterpret
this Jerusalem liturgy, using forsythia,
willow, or olive branches, but to this
day the entry into Holy Week by a
community on the move accompanied by joyful song hearkens back to a
venerable tradition. Egeria's letters
were rediscovered a little more than a
hundred years ago, but they reveal a
pattern of prayer: full, conscious, active participation, to which we have a
right and a duty.
--Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S.
SVDP Society is in need of
the following items…
Rice in 1 or 2 pound bags, dry beans
in 1 or 2 pound bags, chicken soup,
tomato soup, canned tomatoes or
tomato sauce in large or small cans,
canned fruit, vegetables other than
green beans, small jars of mayo, potted meats (Treat, Spam , etc.), hamburger or tuna helper and boxed potatoes.
Thanks you for your generosity to
the SVDP Society in assisting us with
our outreach to those in need within
Wayne County.
Goldsboro, N. C.
Diocese of Raleigh
Grant applications are available for
a project to be used to support and
uphold the sacredness of human life of
all persons from conception to natural
death. Funds are derived from a grant
provided by the Diocese of Raleigh
generated by funds from the Bishop’s
Annual Appeal. The total amount
available for 2015 is $10,000.00. The
Respect Life Grant was established in
the year 2000 to meet the demand for
funding for Respect Life initiatives.
Grants are awarded in amounts from
$500.00 to $2,000.00. Applications
must be submitted by April 30, and
funds will be awarded in June. For
more information, or to download the
application form, please visit http://
grants. - See more at: http://
Connect with the Diocese!
Look for photos, videos and stories of
your favorite ministries, parishes and
schools on our Diocesan Facebook
You are invited to follow the Diocese
@RaleighDiocese and Bishop Burbidge @BishopBurbidge on Twitter.
Tweets include current news stories,
photos and Bishop Burbidge’s daily
reflections. If you are not on Twitter,
you can still receive the Bishop’s messages by simply texting follow bishopburbidge to phone number: 40404. See more at: http://
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Respect Life
Saint Mary School Corner
Keeping Spirit and Faith in Education
The weekend of March 14th/15th we
celebrated our EIC Tournament and
there are pictures on the next two pages showing our teams and congratulating them and their coaches.
The upcoming week at Saint Mary
Wednesday, March 25th we have
our Spring Pictures. Wednesday
is also the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord.
Thursday, March 26th the 7th
grade have the Bake Sale.
Friday, March 27th school Liturgy at 9:00am.
TYM Upcoming Events…
Saturday, April 18th Spaghetti
Dinner. Watch for more information on this.
Saturday, May 9th Mother’s
Day Makeover.
Interested in being a member of our
TYM (Total Youth Ministry)
the parish office at 919-734-5033 ext.
10 or 26 and give us your name and
phone number and we will have our
teen leaders get in touch with you.
Feast of St. Rafca-March 23rd…
St. Rafca (Rebecca) is a Lebanese
Saint. Born June 29, 1832 at Himlaya, Lebanon and named Petronilla.
She was an only child. Her mother
died when she was 6. At age 14 Rafca
announced that she felt a call to religious life. Her father objected but at
age 21 she became a nun in the Marian Order. Rafca spent much of her
life in pain and she is known as the
Patron Saint of Sufferers, cancer and
loss of parents.
We have a beautiful stained glass
window depicting St. Rafca in the
vestibule of our church, think about
spending some time in prayer with St.
What is Mercy Killing?
"Mercy killing" is simply another
word for "euthanasia" in most English-language dictionaries. Euthanasia and, therefore, mercy killing is
"the act of putting a person or animal
to death painlessly or allowing them
to die by withholding medical services, usually because of a painful
and incurable disease."
The Greek word euthanasia translates to "good death," making it and
mercy killing terms that can be comforting in the face of difficult medical
situations. When any person, especially a family member or close
friend, is experiencing pain, mental
degeneration, or other adverse condition, our instinct is to relieve the person in any way possible. Sometimes,
this desire to alleviate pain can become so strong in the caregiver or
patient that it overrides our deeper
natural impulse to preserve life and
Not By Emotion, But By God's Will
However "reasonable" or "logical"
mercy killing may seem to us, we do
not live by emotion or by our own
logic (Jeremiah 17:9) but by natural
law and faith (Romans 1:17) and obedience to God and His Church (1
Samuel 15:22; Matthew18:17). God
has plans and an understanding we
can never grasp. He is the Giver and
Sustainer of life (Nehemiah 9:6), and
we do not have the right to usurp His
authority by ending our own life either by suicide or euthanasia.
Pray the Rosary for
Respect for all Life!
March 22, 2015
Getting Ready for Palm Sunday
In ancient times, palm branches symbolized goodness and victory. They
were often depicted on coins and important buildings. Solomon had palm
branches carved into the walls and
doors of the temple (1 Kings 6:29).
Again at the end of the Bible, people
from every nation raise palm branches to honor Jesus (Revelation 7:9).
In Jesus time the week preceding the
Jewish Passover was a time when
Jews form all over the civilized world
made their pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
The hope of the Jews for a Messianic
liberator ran especially high during
this time of celebration. Therefore, it
is not surprising to find these multitudes flocking to Jesus of Nazareth as
he approached the city. They wanted
to hail him as the long awaited Messiah. They knew of his miraculous
deeds and authoritative teaching and
had heard of his raising Lazarus from
the dead. When it was heard that
Jesus was approaching, the multitudes greeted him in the way all
Kings or hero’s, of the day, were celebrated, with the waving of palm
branches. These crowds were not
greeting Jesus as their spiritual Messiah but as a potential political leader
who would overthrow the Roman
government. They refused to see Jesus for what he really was, instead
they placed their own selfish needs
and wants on his shoulders. They
shouted “Hosanna” which means
“save now”. Despite what Jesus had
foretold about his mission, the people
were looking for a military Messiah
who would overthrow the Romans
and restore Israel’s independence.
As we move toward Palm Sunday we
must all decide who Jesus is for us.
Is he someone whom we want to satisfy our selfish wants and goals, or is
he Lord and Master who gave up his
life to save us from your sins?
Saint Mary Roman Catholic Church
Goldsboro, N. C.
Eastern Independent Conference
EIC Tournament
We came, We played and
JV Girls Won!!!
Congratulations to our JV Girls for a wonderful season. They took 1st place for the
season and won the Championship. EIC Tournament was played the weekend of March
13/14/15 at Infant of Prague in Jacksonville, NC.
We thank all of our coaches, parents, families, students, staff, and our cheerleaders for
helping to make our basketball year a good one. All of our teams represented themselves
in a respectful manner and all had a wonderful time at the tournament.
Fifth Sunday of Lent
March 22, 2015
Saint Mary Varsity Boys Team at the EIC Tournament.
SMS JV Boys Team at the EIC Tournament
SMS Varsity Girls Team at the EIC Tournament
SMS Cheerleaders– filled the auditorium with lots of Spirit!!
Thanks, Mrs. Magoon for a wonderful weekend…
you and Mr. Magoon deserve this rest!!
Iglesia Católica Romana Santa María
∗ Estar bautizada
∗ Haber hecho la primera Comunión
∗ Inscribirse con 4 meses de anticipación con María la coordinadora.
∗ Asistir a la preparación
∗ Donación
∗ Llevarse un volante de información
y seguir las reglas.
Goldsboro, N. C.
la cruz para seguirlo (Marcos 8:34); que
perdamos nuestra vida por su nombre
Padre John Alexander Gonzalez
(Lucas 9:24). Todo esto porque Jesús
919 734-5033 ext. 27
reconoce que el grano de trigo debe morir para dar vida, para multiplicarse
Bautismos—Elvira Ponce 919-252-0768
(Juan 12:24).
El canto: "Una espiga dorada por el
sol", de Cesáreo Gabaráin, nos recuerda
Bautismo: Asistir a la preparación, paque los cristianos somos trigo del mismo
dres y padrinos y
sembrador. Es Jesús quien nos siembra,
fijar la fecha con el sacerdote.
Abogado Certificado en Migración nos cultiva, nos cosecha, nos tritura, nos
amasa, y nos hace un solo pan
El ministerio social católico tiene un
Confesión: Sábados de 4:00pm a
consagrado a Dios. Somos granos de
abogado autorizado y reconocido para
trigo que, unidos formamos el pan de la
alPara enfermos en el hospital o en casa
comunión que es comunidad. Para esto,
gún servicio comuníquese con:
cada uno debe morir a sus egoísmos y
Jim Palmer 252-355-5111
con la parroquia.
preferencias. Morir a sí mismo tiene
(habla español)
Unción de los Enfermos: Si usted
sentido cristiano, sólo si es para trabajar
2717 Memorial Blvd., Greenville
quiere recibir el sacramento por enferunidos y en la misión de Cristo, la cual
medad u operación favor de comunicáres salvación del mundo y construcción
del Reino de Dios.
Cuando el profeta Jeremías creó el
--Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM,
Comunión para enfermos: Si tiene altérmino "nueva alianza" hacía algo muy
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
gún familiar en el
radical. Para el pueblo judío, sólo había
hospital o en casa que desee recibir la
una alianza, la que el Señor Dios había
hecho con Israel por medio de Moisés
comuníquese con la parroquia.
en el Monte Sinaí. Cuando Jeremías
dice que de alguna manera Dios va a
Matrimonios: Iniciar la preparación
Divorciado? Vuelto a casar? Pensando
reemplazar la antigua alianza con una
con seis meses de anticipación.
en casarse con alguien que se divorció?
nueva, seguro que sus oyentes pensaban
¿Tiene preguntas acerca de la libertad de
que era algo muy atrevido. De ese modo
Platicas Pre-Bautismales
casarse en la Iglesia Católica? ¿Sabía
Jeremías es un predecesor de Jesús,
usted que el Tribunal está disponible
quien, en el Evangelio de Juan se
∗ Asistir a las pláticas, padres y papara responder a estas y otras preguntas
presenta siempre como alguien que
que usted pueda tener acerca de volverse
∗ Traer copia del acta de nacimiento reemplaza el pasado, estableciendo el
a casar en la Iglesia? Por favor, póngase
Reino de Dios de una manera nueva. Y
del niño (a).
en contacto con el Sra. Teresa Alda∗ Traer copia del acta de matrimonio en el pasaje del Evangelio de hoy, Jesús, hondo (919-821-9758 or Tere"la nueva alianza" habla con el lenguaje
de los padrinos. con sus
del "nuevo mandamiento" de amor cu∗ Llenar una solicitud por niño.
preguntas, o usted puede visitar nuestro
ando menciona el grano de trigo que
∗ Estar registrados o registrarse en la muere y nuestra propia muerte al egoís- sitio web http://
mo para poder resucitar con Cristo. Al
tribunal para más información. Damos
finalizar la Cuaresma y al prepararnos a
la bienvenida a la oportunidad de poder
entrar en la Semana Santa, el grano de
∗ Estar bautizado.
ayudarle. - See more at: http://
trigo que muere es un símbolo excelente
∗ Haber hecho la primera comunión.
del tipo de muerte y autosacrificio al que
∗ Ser mayor de 15 años.
communications/centralizedlos discípulos están llamados, un símbomail#sthash.GWXRwv9J.dpuf
lo de esa nueva alianza escrita en lo más
profundo de nuestro corazón.
Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co.
∗ Solicitarla 2 meses antes.
∗ Estar bautizado (a).
∗ Donación
Basándose en las palabras de Jesús,
∗ Se hacen en la Misa del sabado o
Mariano de Blas, compuso su canto:
"Entre tus manos". Este hermoso canto PENITENCIALES
XV Años
nos recuerda que "hay que morir para
Si cumples y/o deseas celebrar tus XV
vivir", es decir, que no es nada fácil ser GROVE
años en los primeros 6 meses del año te discípulo de Jesucristo. El mismo Jesús
Lunes, Marzo 23,7:00 pm, Transfigurainvitamos a inscribirte para la preparanos pide que nos neguemos a nosotros
tion, Wallace
mismos (Mateo 16:24); que carguemos
Quinto Domingo de Cuaresma
22 de marzo de 2015
Lecturas De La Semana
Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62]; Salmos 23 (22):1-6; Juan
Números 21:4-9; Salmos 102 (101):2-3, 16-21; Juan 8:21-30
Miércoles: Isaías 7:10-14; 8:10; Salmos 40 (39):7-11; Hebreos 10:4-10; Lucas
Felicitaciones a Carlos Morales y
María De Los Angeles Barrientos
Méndez que se unieron en el Sacramento del Santo Martimonio el 14 de
febrero de 2015 aquí en la Iglesia de
St. Mary.
Felicitaciones a Tito Rodríguez
Figueroa y María Guadalupe Ricardo Sánchez que se unieron en el Sacramento del Santo Martimonio el 14
de febrero de 2015 aquí en la Iglesia
de St. Mary.
Felicitaciones a Severino Santíbañez
y Crisanta Gómez que se unieron en
el Sacramento del Santo Martimonio
el 14 de febrero de 2015 aquí en la
Iglesia de St. Mary.
Génesis 17:3-9; Salmos 105 (104):4-9; Juan 8:51-59
Jermías 20:10-13; Salmos 18 (17):2-7; Juan 10:31-42
Ezequiel 37:21-28; Jeremías 31:10, 11-13; Juan 11:45-56
Domingo: Marco 11:1-10 o Juan 12:12-16 (procession); Isaias 50:4-7
Salmos 22 (21):8-9, 17-20, 23-24; Filipenses 2:6-11; Marco
14:1—15:47 [15:1-39]
Felicitaciones a Juan José Saucedo
Martinez y Reyna Celia Cota García
que se unieron en el Sacramento del
Santo Martimonio el 14 de febrero de
2015 aquí en la Iglesia de St. Mary.
Felicitaciones a Didier Velazquez
Morales y María Guadalupe Trejo
Bautista que se unieron en el Sacramento del Santo Martimonio el 14
de febrero de 2015 aquí en la Iglesia
de St. Mary.