thirteenth sunday in ordinary time—june 28, 2015
thirteenth sunday in ordinary time—june 28, 2015
Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340 Office Hours: Open Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm. — E-Mail: Fr. Jerry Brown, Pastor 634-5202 Fr. Fabio Correa, Parochial Vicar 634-4154 x 108 Fr. Joseph Le, Parochial Vicar 634-4154 x 111 Fr. Jim Sullivan, Parochial Vicar Dn. John Kortuem - 634-4154 x 115 Dn. Ed Spano - 634-4154 Dn. Ron Horan - 963-6501 or 634-4154 Missionary Sisters - 513-8154 or 634-4154 x 154 MASSES / MISAS Saturday/Sábado: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eng 6:30 PM Español Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Eng 10:45 AM and 2:00 PM Español, 5:00 PM Traditional Roman Rite (Latin) Weekday Masses/Misas Diarias: Mon thru Fri: 7:00AM English Mon-Tues-Wed-Fri: 8:30 AM Bilingual Thurs: 8:30 AM Spanish Tues 5:15PM Traditional Roman Rite (Latin) Tues. 7:00 PM Spanish THIRTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME—JUNE 28, 2015 INTERFAITH BLOOD DRIVE On July 9th, we will be participating in our annual Interfaith American Red Cross blood drive from 12:00noon to 6:00pm in the Hall. This blood drive is a commitment to helping meet the needs of seriously ill or injured patients. Volunteers will be available to answer your questions and get you signed up after all the masses on June 27th and 28th. Please consider being a part of this lifesaving program. To schedule an appointment, please log on to and enter sponsor code: InterfaithCommunity or call 1-800-733-2767. For further information, call Sandy Heinisch, 513-3412. SECOND COLLECTION FOR TODAY IS FOR THE MAINTENANCE RESERVE SEGUNDA COLECTA DE HOY ES PARA LA RESERVA DEL MANTENIMIENTO The Church Office will be closed on Friday, July 3rd in observance of Independence Day. La oficina estará cerrada el viernes 3 de Julio en commemoración del dia de la Independencia. Page 2 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time Entrance Chant: I Am the Bread of Life Psalm Response Penitential Rite (Confiteor) I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. Gloria Refrain Gospel Acclamation Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible. I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made; For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, (all bow) and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen. Mystery of Faith Page 3 Amen Preparation of the Gifts: Psalm of Hope Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) Practicing Catholics (those at Mass each week and regular at confession) are invited to receive the Sacrament. Non practicing Catholics should go to confession before receiving Holy Communion. Non Catholics are welcome to come for a blessing (cross your arms over your chest). Communion Chant: Blest Are They Sanctus (Holy, Holy) Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts. Heav’n and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest! Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna... Cont. Page 4 Song of Praise: I Will Lift Up My Eyes Ang Katawan Ni Kristo/Behold, the Body of Christ Sending Forth: All Creatures of Our God and King Salmo Responsorial Page 5 XIII Domingo Ordinario Entrada: Vamos Cantando al Señor Aclamación del Evangelio Credo Niceno Gloria Estribillo Creo en un solo Dios, Padre todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la tierra. Creo en un solo Señor, Jesucristo, Hijo único de Dios, nacido del Padre antes de todos los siglos: Dios de Dios, Luz de Luz, Dios verdadero de Dios verdadero, engendrado, no creado, de la misma naturaleza del Padre, por quien todo fue hecho; que por nosotros, los hombres, y por nuestras salvación bajó del cielo, Todos se inclinan: Y por obra del Espíritu Santo se encarnó de María, la Virgen, y se hizo hombre; Y por nuestra causa fue crucificado en tiempos de Poncio Pilato; padeció y fue sepultado, y resucitó al tercer día, según las Escrituras, y subió al cielo, y está sentado a la derecha del Padre; y de nuevo vendrá con gloria para juzgar a vivos y muertos, y su reino no tendrá fin. Creo en el Espíritu Santo, Señor y dador de vida, que procede del Padre y el Hijo, que con el Padre y el Hijo recibe una misma adoración y gloria, y que habló por los profetas. Creo en la Iglesia, que es una, santa, católica y apostólica. Confieso que hay un solo bautismo para el perdón de los pecados. Espero la resurrección de los muertos y la vida del mundo futuro. Amén. Preparación de las Ofrendas: Felices Estrofas 1. Por tu inmensa gloria te alabamos, te bendecimos, te adoramos, te glorificamos, te damos gracias, Señor Dios, Rey celestial. (a Estrofa 2) 2. Dios Padre todopoderoso. Señor Hijo único, Jesucristo. Señor Dios, Cordero de Dios, Hijo del Padre. (Estribillo) 3. Tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, ten piedad de nosotros; Tú que quitas el pecado del mundo, atiende nuestra súplica; Tú que estás sentado a la derecha del Padre, ten piedad de nosotros. (a Estrofa 4) 4. Porque sólo tú eres Santo, sólo tú Señor, sólo tú Altísimo Jesucristo, con el Espíritu Santo en la gloria de Dios Padre. (Estribillo) Santo Santo, santo, santo es el Señor, Dios del universo. Llenos están el cielo y la tierra de tu gloria. ¡Hosanna, hosanna en el cielo! Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor. ¡Hosanna, hosanna en el cielo! ¡Hosanna, hosanna en el cielo! Page 6 3. Soy la fortaleza del débil; al avergonzado exaltaré. Los ciegos verán, los lisiados correrán. Mi nombre revelaré. Estribillo Aquí estoy contigo, no temas. Yo por nombre te llamé. Ven y sígueme. Yo te llevaré. Te amo y contigo estoy. 4. Soy palabra liberadora, la paz que el mundo no puede dar. Tu nombre llamaré; tu llanto tomaré. Levántate a caminar. Estribillo Misterio de la Fe Pescador de Hombres Amén Canto de Alabanza: Mi Luz y Mi Salvación Cordero de Dios Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo: Ten piedad, de nosotros, ten piedad. (BIS) Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo: Danos la paz. Danos paz. Comunión: Contigo Estoy 1. Te hablaré en la paz del silencio, y del miedo te libraré. Mi voz escucharás, y mío tú serás. Junto a ti estaré. 2. Soy esperanza de quien anhela, la vista de los que no pueden ver. Con intensidad brillaré en la oscuridad. Tu descanso quiero ser. Estribillo Aquí estoy contigo, no temas. Yo por nombre te llamé. Ven y sígueme. Yo te llevaré. Te amo y contigo estoy. Salida: Amémonos de Corazón Pastor’s Page Page 7 GIVE AND IT WILL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU III For me the first level of learning generosity came from my family. Not all of them were generous, but the strongest influences were. I mentioned my great aunt last week, but my grandparents were also very generous, not so much with money, because they really didn’t have much of that, but with time. For example my grandmother worked at JC Penney in the yardage department [boy does that date me…] and she sewed and helped other women to learn to sew. So far as I know she did not accept payment for those services. I always remember coming home from school [she lived around the corner from my grammar school] and there would be dresses and other garments hanging in the kitchen and during the afternoon people stopped by to pick them up. She seemed always willing to pitch in and help whether it was cooking or helping others in the neighborhood. I learned from her that when you are willing to give your time to those in need, it comes back to you. The scripture I have chosen as a title for these articles is “Give and it will be given to you;” Luke adds to that “good measure, packed together, shaken down and overflowing, it will be poured into your lap.” Luke 6:38 In other words if you give in an unselfconscious way, an abundance will be poured out upon you. My grandparents were lower working class folk, who had very little, but because they were willing to give what they had, there was always enough to go around and more. Pray for us Fr. Jerry DAD Y SE OS DARA III Para mi, el primer nivel de aprender de la generosidad vino de mi familia. No todos ellos eran generosos, pero las fuertes influencias eran. Yo mencioné a mi Tia-Abuela la semana pasada, pero mis abuelos también eran muy generosos, no tanto con dinero, porque ellos realmente no tenian mucho pero con su tiempo. Por ejemplo mi abuela trabajo en JC Penney en el departamento de telas (caramba esa memoria enseña mi edad…..) ella cosia y ella enseño a muchas mujeres como coser. Por lo que yo se, ella no aceptaba pago por estos servicios. Siempre me recuerdo cuando llegaba a casa de la escuela ( ella vivia alrededor de la cuadra de mi colegio de primaria) y alli habian vestidos y otros trajes colgando en la cocina y durante la tarde la gente venia a recogerlos. Ella siempre lista para ayudar asi sea cocinando o ayudando a otros en la vecindad. Yo aprendí de ella que cuando uno quiere dar su tiempo para ayudar a otros que lo necesitan, siempre uno lo recibirá de regreso. La Escritura que yo elegi para estos articulos es “Dad y se os dará;” Lucas añade a eso “buena medida, empaquetando junto, revuelto y desbordandose, será arrojado en tus faldas” Lucas 6:38 . En otras palabras si tú das de una manera conciente y sin egoismo, una abundancia te será dada. Mis abuelos erán de una clase baja trabajadora, quienes tenian muy poco, pero porque ellos estaban siempre listos para dar lo que tenian, siempre habia suficiente para todos y más. Ora por nosotros Fr. Jerry SVDP CANNED FOOD DRIVE For the weekend of July 5, 2015, please bring mac & cheese . Thank you! SCHEDULE OF SECOND COLLECTIONS 07/05/2015—Church loan 08/02/2015—Church loan Para el fin de semana del 5 de Julio del 2015, por favor traigan macarron con queso. Gracias! FECHAS DE SEGUNDA COLECTA 07/05/2015—Deuda de la Iglesia 08/02/2015—Church loan SAVE THE DATE !!! The Second Annual Parish Festival is scheduled. We will enjoy another great day of fun and festivities. Come join in on the fun Saturday, October 17, 2015. El Segundo Festival Anual de la Parroquia ya esta Programado para el Sabado, 17 de Octubre del 2015. Vengan todos a pasar un dia lleno de diversiones y festividades. HORA SANTA — Están todos invitados a la Hora Santa todos los Jueves de las 5:15pm a 6:00pm en la Iglesia. PRAY FOR THE UNBORN AND THEIR MOTHERS Every Thursday 9:30am - 11:00am at Planned Parenthood, Antioch Nancy - Lou - Prayer & Ministries MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK INTENCIONES PARA MISAS DE LA SEMANA SAT. June 27th. 8:00AM † Zoila and Wenceslao Rodas 5:00PM † Anna Jesionosky Cynthia and Juan Ordaz - Anniversary 6:30PM † Teresa Meraz, Rogelio Mejia SUN. June 28th. 7:30AM † Diaman Fyuat, Mary Petracci 9:00AM † Sophie Coggins, Paulino Aingo Oca, Sr. 10:45AM † Elvira and Jose Oseguera 12:30PM † Julian Aldon Connie Soliz - Birthday 2:00PM † IHM 5:00PM † Amanda Porter Celia Cuana—Health MON. June 29th. 7:00AM † Bob Merritt 8:30AM † Herminia Gomora TUES. June 30th. 7:00AM † Don Alexander 8:30AM † Teresa Meraz 5:15PM † Enrique Cajias WED. July 1st. 7:00AM † Eleanor Stark 8:30AM † Lourdes Zulaybar del Rosario, William Asuncion THURS. July 2nd. 7:00AM † Rudy Labanan 8:30 AM † Teresa Meraz FRIDAY. July 3rd. 7:00AM † Mary Wagner 8:30AM Giselle Honore - Special intention Sacred Heart of Jesus 591: Acts 12:1-11 Ps 34:2-9 2 17-18 Mt 16:13-19 Tuesday: 378: Gn 19:15-29 Mt: 8:23-27 Tm 4:6-8, Ps 26:2-3, 9-12 Wednesday: 379: Gn 21:5, 8-20a Ps 34:7-8, 10-13 Mt 8:28-34 Thursday: 380: Gn 22:1b-19 Ps 115:1-6, 8-9 Mt 9:1-8 Friday: 593: Eph 2:19-22 Jn 20:24-29 Saturday 382: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29 Ps 135:1b-6 Ps 117:1b-2 Mt 9:14-17 Sunday: Sick Relatives & Friends/Parientes y Amigos Enfermos Courtnay Wallpe, Tom Kane, Kris Szilagyi, Austin Bolender, Ron Sutton, Linda Spring, Lisa Korstad, Juanita Estrella, Henry Muchlinski, Edward Fedock, Tom Muise, Maria Lagman, Ronald and Giselle Honore, Pete Villapondo, Kathy Craw, Rosa Oliveira, Joanne Crammer, Gloria Godinez and Family, Nancy Lingo, Socorro Contreras, Antonio Contreras, Dennis and Teresa Saunders, Gabby Saunders, Marianne and Richard Bohakel, Helene Arrieta, Raymond Hansen, William Godfrey, Mildred Arnold, Susan and Sergei Slavoutski, Diane Parker, Betty Kebede, Julie Halpin, Cindy Fairchild, Lisa Constantine, Colton McQuary, John Neppl, Julie Ann Koerperich, Joanne Tilly, Luiz, Zeneida, and Maria Luisa Muñoz, Peter and Vivian DeSouza, Mary Sanchez, Lorna Napigkit, Villa Santiago, Mary Sanchez, Laura Greco, Bev Casey, Pat Johnson, John and Cheryl Flebut, Ted and Kathy Tomusiak, Galina McCoy, Vicente Lastimoza, Felix Dacdac, Ray Resler, Erika Clawson, Lisa Hamlin, Alexander Goldstein, Denny Kruger, Mary Pham, Colten Guerra, Efren Contreras, Debbie Cipollina, Mary Ratto, Lori Giacomini, Debra Martinez, Rylan Macomb, Colin Worster, Stephanie Jane Mitchener, Jim McDermott, Dan Lefrebvre, Christin Cacho, Candelario Quintanilla *** Gaby Montes, Maria Lourdes Limbaga, Javier Serrano, Betty Bailey, Mario Ramirez, Mark Spano, Charlie Ramirez, Nancy Norton, Mary Canari, Jennifer Lopez, Diana Alvarez, Maria Hubert, Jeremy Conally, Andre Fairfield, Rose Marie Scortino, Sally Chavez, Joanatan Teran Montes, Barbara McDermott, Jose Buczacki, Jose Salas, Mary Fedderson, Deanna Surbridge, Samir Samin, Antonia Villa, Rod Alvarez, Sarah Palafox, Phylis Cooper, Olivia Rodriquez. If you would like a name added to the prayer list, please call the parish office at (925) 634-4154, or e-mail, Names will be removed at month-end unless requested otherwise. Si Ud. quiere añadir un nombre en esta lista, por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia al (925) 634-4154 o mande un correo electrónico a Nombres serán borrados de la lista a final de cada mes si no especifican cuanto tiempo quieren que se dejen en esta lista. Stewardship Corner READINGS FOR THE WEEK / LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: Page 8 101: Ez 2:2-5 Ps 123-1-4 2 Cor 12:7-10 Mk 6:1-6a Today’s Reading from St. Paul explains the “divine economy” of stewardship—“the relief of others ought not to impoverish you; there should be a certain equality. Your plenty at the present time should supply their need so that their surplus may in turn one day supply your need.” La lectura de hoy de San Pablo explica “la economía divina” de la administración de los bienes de Dios—”La ayuda a los demás no debe empobreceros; tiene que haber cierta igualdad. Vuestra abundancia en el presente debe satisfacer las necesidades de aquellos, para que algún dia los excedentes de ellos puedan a su vez satisfacer nuestras necesidades” Respect Human Life: The question : “Where does one begin?” is easy to answer: “We must begin with a commitment never to intentionally kill, or collude in the killing, of any innocent human life. US Bishops Pastoral plan for pro-life activities. Make-up Lector Workshop Workshop scheduled for June 13, 2015, 10am - 1:00pm IHM Church - English and Spanish Lectors - is rescheduled for July 11, 2015 at 1pm-3pm. For more information email Dcn. Ed Spano at: Ministries & Events/Fundraisers Page 9 Join Fr Jim on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje’s Annual Youth Fest. July 29-August 7. Cost $3,159. For details and registration form, see the website at: www.pilgrimages/com/frjimsullivan. Or contact Lisa Fisher, Group Coordinator at (925) 785-1969 or For more information on Medjugorje: Little Ones of Momma Mary Do you have a child who is struggling in school? Dealing with the school system can be difficult and knowing where to begin and how to proceed to get help can be challenging. Come learn how to track your child’s progress, keep and review records, ask for and learn about assessments, navigate the Special Education system and more. Our first meeting will be held Friday June 26, 2015, from 9:30 to 11am in Luke’s classroom. For more information feel free to contact us with your questions at: Por una Familia más Feliz Estimados hermanos en Cristo y María. Todos los retos y dificultades que enfrentamos los matrimonios hoy en día, no sería posible superarlos sin la ayuda de Cristo y María. El MFCC nos ofrece las herramientas para enfrentar esas dificultades inspirados en la palabra de Dios. Únete a nosotros! Estamos aceptando aplicaciones para el ciclo 2015-16. Para mayor información comunícate con Antonio Rodriguez: (925) 565-2015, o Yolanda Rodriguez: (925) 783-3442 7th TEA AND VINTAGE FASHION DESFILE DE MODAS Y ALMUERZO SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2015 SABADO 11 DE JULIO, 2015 12:00pm - 3:00pm Hosted by the Emmaus Sisters/El evento es organizado por el Ministerio de Emaus. Tables can be reserved for groups of 6-8/ Mesas pueden reservarse para grupos de 6-8 personas. For tickets and table reservations call/para tiquetes y reservación de mesas favor llamar a Delores McLean (925) 595-5500, Kathy Vigil (925) 550-1491, or Pat Roederer (925) 752-1932. Los pequeños de Mamá Maria ¿Tienes alguno de tus niños(as) con problemas de aprendizaje en la escuela? Es difícil saber entender el sistema escolar o el saber como comenzar y buscar la ayuda necesaria para nuestros hijos. Ven y aprende como mantenerte informado sobre el progreso académico de tu hijo(a), mantener y revisar sus archivos escolares, preguntar y aprender sobre lo que es un evaluación académica, navegar el sistema de Educación Especial y mas. Nuestra primera reunión será el Viernes 26 de Junio de 2015, de las 9:30am a las 11:00 am en el salón Luke. Para más información contáctanos con tus preguntas a: Adoration/Adoración Thursday/Jueves 8:30am to 6:00pm. Friday/Viernes durante la noche Page 10 Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos Contact a priest/llame a un sacerdote Home Communion/Comunión a los Enfermos Please call 634-4154/Favor de llamar al 634-4154 DATE/TIME: 1:30pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Homeschoolers Bible Study/Sp. Charismatic Prayer Group Daughters of Mary Men of St. Joseph Tues. June 30th 10:00am 10:00am 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm Homeschoolers/Extra Math/Catechism John Crafty Quilters Hall C Escuela de Musica Mariachi Music Room Bible Study/Eng. Library Legion of Mary/Sp Chapel Marriage Preparation Library Wed. July 1st 7:45am 4:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm 8:00pm Men’s Fellowship Group Choir/Youth Choir/9:00am Mass Choir/12:30pm Mass Marriage Prep NCW Choir/Spanish Mass Hall C Music Room Music Room Music Room Library Cry Music Room Thurs. July 2nd 10:00am 10:30am 4:00pm 5:45pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Women’s Faith Sharing Opus Dei Spanish CCD Choir Legion of Mary/Eng. RCIA/Eng Emmaus Great Adventure Bible Study Escuela de la Cruz/Men Sp Library/Matt/Mk Church Church Conference Room Mark/Library Luke John Music Room Fri. June 3rd 9:00am 9:15am 9:30am Library Hall A/B/C Luke 10:30am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Divine Mercy/Eng St. Vincent de Paul /Food Dist. Ministry of Caring Littles Ones of Momma Mary St. Vincent de Paul /Client Meeting St. Joseph/Sp Divine Mercy/Sp Youth Group Sat. July 4th 10:00am 7:30pm Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle Hall C NCW Hall A/Luke Sun. July 5th 10:45am 3:45pm 5:00pm 7:00pm Sunday School/Sp Choir/Latin Mass Faith Formation/RICA Divine Mercy/Sp Please call 634-4154/Favor de llamar al 634-4154 Have something to publish in the IHM Bulletin? Please submit your request to: Need to schedule use of facilities? Please submit request to: SAVE THE DATE See Event Information in Church Vestibule Cabinet Quo Vadis Camp - The Office of Vocations is hosting a Quo Vadis Camp that is set for young men ages 13-18 years of age. This is an opportunity to ask young men of whom you think may benefit from discerning their vocation in life, especially toward the priesthood or religious life. The event will be held at the Lafayette Retreat Center from July 12-15, 2015. There is a small fee of $50. but the cost should not be a reason for a good candidate not to attend. Information and registration forms are available in the IHM office. Catholic Divorce Survival Guide Course - How to Survive the Loss of a Marriage - Info night August 5, at 7pm in IHM Library - Course begins September 3December 17, 2015. 13 weeks for $25. For additional information contact Sandy at 925-513-3412 Emmaus English Speaking Men’s Retreat September 18-20, 2015 (details to follow) Emmaus English Speaking Women’s Retreat October 23-25, 2015 (details to follow) The Summer Feeding program is funded by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). It provides healthy meals for children ages 2-18 during the summer months when regular school is out. There is no enrollment, paperwork or income qualifications to participate . Just come to Mary Casey Black Elementary, Villa Amador or Village Community resource Center to get your lunch. Lunches must be eaten at the site. For more information : Contact the Brentwood Union School District Food Service Dept. (925) 513-6338. LOCATION: Mon. June 29th Marriage and Baptism/Matrimonios y Bautismos Funerals/Funerales Call Catholic Funeral Services al 757-0658/ Llame a los Servicios de Funerales Católicos al 757-0658 MEETING: Hall B/Luke Matthew Chapel Luke Library John Luke Mark/Matthew John Matthew Music Room John Library ST. PETER MARTYR - Job Postings Accepting fall applications for Preschool, Pre Kindergarten, Kindergarten and grades 1-8. The Catholic school offers extended care, extra curricular programs, faith development, and a strong academic program. Applications are available at the school or Located at 425 West Fourth St. in Pittsburg, the school is fully accredited and welcomes families from all parishes and surrounding communities. For information about our affordable rates call the school at 925-439-1014 or visit the Second and Fifth Grade Teacher Positions Available - St.. Peter Martyr Catholic School is seeking applicant for credentialed teachers for second and fifth grades. Interested persons should contact the school at 925-439-1014 or send resume to SPM School, 425 West Fourth Street, Pittsburg, CA 94565 ST BERNARD’S CATHOLIC SCHOOL - Job Postings Part-time Spanish Teacher: The applicant needs to be fluent in Spanish (speaking, reading and writing) and have teaching experience. P. E. Instructor and Librarian: These positions may be separate (part-time) or combined (full-time). The librarian position requires ability to work with technology in order to manage the online library system and Accelerated Reader Program. The positions begin in August. All interested applicants need to submit an application to the office. The application can be found on the school website: A letter of interest, resume and three letters of reference need to be included with the application. St. Bernard’s Catholic School, 165 W. Eaton Avenue, Tracy, CA. 95376. 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Perfect for Weddings, Grad Parties, Communions, Memorials & Baptisms SUNDAY BRUNCH EVERY SUNDAY 10am-1:30pm Call us for any Special Family Events 925-706-4232 • 4800 Golf Course Rd. in Antioch 513483 Immaculate Heart of Mary (B) $2 OFF ONE HAIRCUT 925.240.1337 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 SAND CREEK DENTAL Hanny Reingold, CARE Licensed Esthetician 30 Years Experience FREE 240-8210 Consultation & Sample of Products 2540 Sand Creek Rd., Ste A-4 Brentwood Tagalog Spoken and Se Habla Español A TASTE OF LOUISIANA For further information, please call the Parish Office. 925.305.9088 JHOANNA F. G. TUAZON, D.M.D. Authentic New Orleans cuisine from Gumbo, Jambalaya to Catfish and Po Boy Sandwiches and much more. Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 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These materials are not from & were not approved by HUD or FHA. David S. Roche Financial Advisor/Parishioner Stocks Tax Free Bonds Mutual Funds Annuities • IRA’s 401 (k) Rollovers Income Strategies Lic# OA67683 Residential & Commercial Pest Control 275 Central Terrace • 634-2221 • 513483 Immaculate Heart of Mary (A) (925) 516-2731 Taking care of investors since 1989. No charge for initial consultation. APEX SECURITIES & ASSET MANAGMENT LLC 8660 Brentwood Blvd., Ste G BRENTWOOD FUNERAL HOME 839 First Street Brentwood, CA 94513 (925) 634-2171 (FD #50) Jeanette C. Guerrero, DDS Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry Deer Valley Dental - Antioch (925) 706-4497 Union City Dental - Union City (510) 441-2952 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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