Holy Week Services Schedule / Horario de Semana Santa
Holy Week Services Schedule / Horario de Semana Santa
Brentwood, CA 94513 • (925) 634-4154 • FAX (925) 516-9340 Office Hours: Open Monday-Friday 9:00 am-4:00 pm. — E-Mail: ihmchurch@ihmbrentwood.com Fr. Jerry Brown, Pastor 634-5202 jbrown@ihmbrentwood.com Fr. Fabio Correa, Parochial Vicar fcorrea@ihmbrentwood.com 634-4154 x 108 Fr. Joseph Le, Parochial Vicar jle@ihmbrentwood.com 634-4154 x 111 MASSES / MISAS Saturday/Sábado: 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Eng 6:30 PM Español Sunday/Domingo: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM Eng 10:45 AM and 2:00 PM Español, 5:00 PM Traditional Roman Rite (Latin) Fr. Jim Sullivan, Parochial Vicar fr.jim@ihmbrentwood.com Weekday Masses/Misas Diarias: Mon thru Fri: 7:00AM English Mon-Tues-Wed-Fri: 8:30 AM Bilingual Thurs: 8:30 AM Spanish Tues 5:15PM Traditional Roman Rite (Latin) Tues. 7:00 PM Spanish Dn. John Kortuem - 634-4154 x 115 Dn. Ed Spano - 634-4154 Dn. Ron Horan - 963-6501 or 634-4154 rhoran16@gmail.com Missionary Sisters - 513-8154 or 634-4154 x 154 FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT — SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015 Holy Week Services Schedule / Horario de Semana Santa Holy Thursday / Jueves Santo: 8:00AM 7:00PM Morning Prayer / Laudes (NO MASS) Mass of the Lord’s Supper (bilingual) / Misa de la Cena del Señor (bilingue) Good Friday / Viernes Santo: 8:00AM Morning Prayer / Laudes (NO MASS) 12:00PM Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion (English) 5:00PM Sations of the Cross (bilingual) / Vía Crucis en vivo (bilingue) 6:00PM Liturgia de la Pasión del Sénor (Español) Holy Saturday / Sábado de Gloria: (No 5:00pm or 6:30pm Mass) 8:00AM Morning Prayer / Laudes (NO MASS) 8:00PM Easter Vigil, Baptisms / Vigilia Pascual, Bautizos 5th Psalm Response Page 4 Saturday Mass (3rd Scrutiny) Sunday of Lent Entrance Chant: Return to God Sunday Masses Penitential Rite (Confiteor) Lenten Gospel Acclamation I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. (Kyrie) Apostle’s Creed I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen. Prayer of the Faithful Sanctus (Holy, Holy) Page 5 Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts. Heav’n and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest! Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna... Mystery of Faith Save us, Savior of the world, for by your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free. Preparation of the Gifts: You Are Mine Amen Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) Practicing Catholics (those at Mass each week and regular at confession) are invited to receive the Sacrament. Non practicing Catholics should go to confession before receiving Holy Communion. Non Catholics are welcome to come for a blessing (cross your arms over your chest). Communion Chant: Make Me An Instrument of Your Peace 1. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace Where there is hatred, let me sow your love Where there is injury, may I bring your pardon, Lord Where there is doubt, faith Where there’s despair, hope Where there is darkness, light, and in sadness joy 2. Oh Divine Master grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console To be understood as to understand Or to be loved as to love For in giving we receive And in pardoning we are pardoned And in dying we are born To eternal life. Page 6 Unless A Grain of Wheat Song of Praise: Altar Call Refrain He calls us to receive Him, to leave our sins behind To join with one another, to recreate our lives, He calls us to believe Him, to let Him change our minds. He calls us to the altar to alter our lives. Lyrics and music by Amanda Vernon © 2008, Joyful Noise, Inc. Sending Forth: Jesus Christ, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow The Lord Is My Hope For tickets, please contact the Music Ministry Office at (925) 634-4154, ext. 112. or by visiting www.ChamberSingers.org. Presale $12, Door $15. V Domingo Aclamación del Evangelio Page 7 de Cuaresma Entrada: Volvamos Hoy a Nuestro Dios Vol-va-mos hoy a nues-tro Dios, Se- ñor de gra-cia, bus - can-do su per - dón y le - al - Credo de los Apóstoles to - da tad. Creo en Dios, Padre todopoderoso, Creador del cielo y de la tierra. Creo en Jesucristo, su único Hijo, nuestro Señor, que fue concebido por obra y gracia del Espíritu Santo, nació de Santa María Virgen, padeció bajo el poder de Poncio Pilato, fue crucificado, muerto y sepultado, descendió a los infiernos, al tercer día resucito de entre los muertos, subió a los cielos y ésta sentado a la derecha de Dios, Padre todopoderoso. Desde allí ha de venir a juzgar a vivos y muertos. Creo en el Espíritu Santo, la santa Iglesia católica, la comunión de los santos, el perdón de los pecados, la resurrección de la carne y la vida eterna. Amén. Oración de los Fieles Acto Penitencial (Confiteor) Yo confieso ante Dios todopoderoso y ante vosotros, hermanos, que he pecado mucho de pensamiento, palabra, obra y omisión. Por mi culpa, por mi culpa, por mi gran culpa. Por eso ruego a santa María, siempre Virgen, a los ángeles, a los Santos y a vosotros, hermanos, que intercedáis por mi ante Dios, nuestro Señor. Preparación de las Ofrendas: Contigo Estoy 1. Te hablaré en la paz del silencio, y del miedo te libraré. Mi voz escucharás, y mío tú serás. Junto a ti estaré. 2. Soy esperanza de quien anhela, la vista de los que no pueden ver. Con intensidad brillaré en la oscuridad. Tu descanso quiero ser. (Kyrie) Estribillo Aquí estoy contigo, no temas. Yo por nombre te llamé. Ven y sígueme. Yo te llevaré. Te amo y contigo estoy. 3. Soy la fortaleza del débil; al avergonzado exaltaré. Los ciegos verán, los lisiados correrán. Mi nombre revelaré. Estribillo 4. Soy palabra liberadora, la paz que el mundo no puede dar. Tu nombre llamaré; tu llanto tomaré. Levántate a caminar. Estribillo Salmo Responsorial (Salmo 50) Respuesta: Oh Dios, crea en mí, Oh Dios, crea en mí, crea un corazón, un corazón puro. Santo Page 8 Santo, santo, santo es el Señor, Dios del universo. Llenos están el cielo y la tierra de tu gloria. Hosanna. Estribillo: ¡Hosanna en el cielo, hosanna en el cielo, Hosanna en el cielo, hosanna! ¡Hosanna en el cielo, hosanna en el cielo, Hosanna en el cielo, hosanna! Bendito el que viene en nombre del Señor. ¡Hosanna en el cielo, hosanna! (Estribillo) Misterio de la Fe Por tu cruz, y resurrección nos has salvado, Señor. Por tu cruz, y resurrección nos has salvado, Señor. Amén Tu Cuerpo y Sangre, Señor Cordero de Dios Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo: Ten piedad, ten piedad, ten piedad de nosotros. (BIS) Cordero de Dios, que quitas el pecado del mundo: Danos la paz. Danos la paz. Danos la paz, Cristo Jesús. (BIS) Comunión: Entre Tus Manos Canto de Alabanza: Ave Maria Salida: Jesucristo Ayer, Jesucristo Hoy Prayer & Ministries MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK INTENCIONES PARA MISAS DE LA SEMANA SAT. Mar. 21st. 8:00AM † Alejandro Galvez Maximiliano Ramos - Special Intention 5:00PM Gabrielle Ochoa - Birthday † August Pellegri 6:30PM † Sara Castro Mata, Eva Lopez SUN. Mar. 22nd. 7:30AM † Jessie Sandoval Fr. Jerry - Special Intention 9:00AM Melanie Ponce-Ramones - Birthday † Angelo Padilla 10:45AM IHM 12:30PM † Wrights Family Fr. Jerry - Special Intention 2:00pm † Jesus Díaz 5:00PM † Holy Souls in Purgatory Eduardo Rosillo - Birthday MON. Mar. 23rd. 7:00AM † Cathy Carr 8:30AM Felice Underwood - Health Rodrigo Del Real, Jr. - Birthday TUES. Mar. 24th. 7:00AM † Nivardo Sanchez, Zerfini, Maria and Rafael Mendoza 8:30AM Fr. Paul Fazio - Health Lamperez Family - Special Intention 5:15PM † Lola Lopez WED. Mar. 25th. 7:00AM † Emmanuel Leyva Ceanna Nunaz-Mandatat - Birthday 8:30AM † Ron Dalto, Guadalupe and Felipe Rodriguez THURS. Mar. 26th. 7:00AM † Celso Nunaz, Sr., Mary Wagner 8:30 AM Lamperez Family – Special Intention FRIDAY. Mar. 27th. 7:00AM Alfonso Ochoa - Birthday Schrick Family - Special Intention † Dr. Plinio Terrero 8:300AM Blessed Virgin Mary - Special Intention † Carrol Elkins Page 9 Sick Relatives & Friends/Parientes y Amigos Enfermos Courtnay Wallpe, Tom Kane, Kris Szilagyi, Austin Bolender, Ron Sutton, Michelle Crow, Linda Spring, Lisa Korstad, Juanita Estrella, Henry Muchlinski, Edward Fedock, Tom Muise, Maria Lagman, Ronald and Giselle Honore. Pete Villapondo, Kathy Craw, Rosa Oliveira, Joanne Crammer, Gloria Godinez and family, Nancy Lingo, Socorro Contreras, Antonio Contreras, Dennis and Teresa Saunders, Gaby Saunders, Marianne and Richard Bohakel, Helene Arrieta, Raymond Hansen, William Godfrey, Mildred Arnold, Susan and Sergei Slavoutski, Diane Parker, Betty Kebede, Julie Halpin, Cindy Fairchild, Lisa Constantine, Colton McQuary, John Neppl, Julie Ann Koerperich, Joanne Tilly, Luiz, Zeneida, and Maria Luisa Muñoz, Peter and Vivian DeSouza, Mary Sanchez, Laura Greco, Bev Casey *** Gaby Montes, Dan Lesebvre, Jose Salas, Maria Lourdes Limbaga, Ernie Gilmore, Eleno Navat, Sr., Homer Richardson, Ricardo Oseguera, Bea Colburn, Jane Marchi, Robbi Robbins, Graciela Garcia, Patricia Johnson, Minerva Marquez, Masario Martinez., Romeo Venturina, Sr., Javier Serrano, Charles Oyler. If you would like a name added to the prayer list, please call the parish office at (925) 634-4154 or e-mail Bulletin@ihmbrentwood.com. Si Ud. quiere añadir un nombre en esta lista, por favor llame a la oficina de la parroquia al (925) 634-4154 o mande un correo electrónico a Bulletin@ihmbrentwood.com. SVDP CANNED FOOD DRIVE For the weekend of March 29, 2015, please bring canned tomatoes. Thank you! Para el fin de semana del 29 de Marzo del 2015, por favor traigan tomates enlatados. Gracias! SCHEDULE OF SECOND COLLECTIONS 03/29/2015 - St. Vincent de Paul 04/05/2015 - Church Loan FECHAS DE SEGUNDA COLECTA 03/29/2015 - San Vicente de Paul 04/05//2015 - Préstamo de la Iglesia CONTRA COSTA FOOD BANK READINGS FOR THE WEEK / LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: 251: Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 Ps 23:1-6 Jn8:1-11 Tuesday: 252: Nm 21:4-9 Ps 102:2-3,16-21 Jn 8:21-30 Wednesday: 245: Is 7:10-14; 8-10, Ps 40:7-11 Heb 10:4-10 Lk 1:26-38 Thursday: 254: Gn 17:3-9 Ps 105:4-9 Jn 8:51-59 Friday: 255: Jer 20:10-13 Ps 18:2-7 Jn 10:31-42 Saturday 256: Ez 37:21-28 (Ps) Jer 31:10-13 Jn 11:45-56 Sunday: 38: Is 50:4-7 Ps 22:8-9, 17-18, 23-24 Phil 2:6-11 Mk 15:1-39 The Contra Costa Food Bank Mobile Produce Distribution Program distributes FREE produce on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month in the IHM parking lot from 12:00 noon to 1:00pm to families in need. This program is only for low income families. For more information, please call Ralph at (925)240-1177. IHM Lector Workshop On March 28, 2015, in the Church, we will be having a workshop for all current lectors and anyone that would like to be a lector in the future. Lectors are those that proclaim the Word of God during liturgies. We will explore (1) the correct procedure, (2) techniques of proclamation of God’s Word (3) lector workbooks, (4) what is expected of this ministry. If you have questions contact Deacon Ed at: edspano7@gmail.com STATIONS OF THE CROSS & CONFESSIONS/ VIA CRUCIS & CONFESIONES Join us every Friday at 7:00pm in the Church during Lent, to meditate about the Passion and Death of our Lord. Los invitamos todos los Viernes a las 7:00pm en la Iglesia durante la Cuaresma para meditar sobre la Pasión y Muerte de nuestro Señor. Fri. 03/27 Fil-Am Fri. 04/03 Guadalupanos Adoration/Adoración Thursday/Jueves 8:30am to 6:00pm. Friday/Viernes durante la noche Page 10 Anointing of the Sick / Unción de los Enfermos Contact a priest/llame a un sacerdote Home Communion/Comunión a los Enfermos Please call 634-4154/Favor de llamar al 634-4154 Marriage and Baptism/Matrimonios y Bautismos Please call 634-4154/Favor de llamar al 634-4154 DATE/TIME: 1:30pm 3:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Homeschoolers Younger Youth Group Nami (Family to Family) Bible Study/Sp Daughters of Mary Men of St. Joseph Charismatic Prayer Group Hall B/Luke Hall A,B,C John Matthew Luke Library Chapel Tues. Mar. 24th. 9:30am 10:00am 12:00pm 4:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm Homeschoolers Crafty Quilters Food Bank Escuela de Musica Mariachi Legion of Mary/Sp Bible Study/Eng. Luke Hall C Parking Lot Music Room Chapel Library Wed. Mar. 25th. 7:45am 4:00pm 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:30pm 8:00pm Men’s Fellowship Group Choir/Youth Choir/9:00am Mass Choir/12:30pm Mass NCW Choir/Spanish Mass Hall C Music Room Music Room Music Room John Music Room Thurs. Mar. 26th. 10:00am 4:00pm 5:45pm 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Women’s Faith Sharing Spanish CCD Choir Legion of Mary/Eng. RCIA/Eng Emmaus Women’s Retreat/Sp Escuela de la Cruz/Men Sp Library/Matt/Mark Church Conference Rm Mark/Library Luke Conference Rm Fri. Mar. 27th. 9:00am 9:15am 10:30am 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm Divine Mercy/Eng St. Vincent de Paul /Food Dist. St. Vincent de Paul /Client Meeting Youth Group Divine Mercy/Sp St. Joseph/Sp Library Hall A/B/C John Library/John Matthew/Mark Luke Sat. Mar. 28th. 5:00pm 7:30pm Break Out Opening the Word NCW John Hall A/Luke 9:00am 10:45am 3:45pm 5:00pm 7:00pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word Sunday School/Sp Choir/Latin Mass Faith Formation/RICA Divine Mercy/Sp John/Luke Matthew Music Room John Library Need to schedule use of facilities? Please submit request to: ihmfacilityschedule@ihmbrentwood.com SAVE THE DATE See Event Information in Church Vestibule Cabinet Divine Mercy Conference - April 10, 11, 12 at IHM - Speakers to include Fr. Jerry Brown, Fr. Jim Sullivan, Fr. Dermot Roache, Paul Reagan and Br. Erick Villa - $25. Adults, $10. Youth until April 3rd. For information call Lydia Cencil at 207-7070 or Elizabeth Gomez at 470-5944. Couples for Christ -Youth for Family and Life 2015 Spring Youth Camp - April, 17-19, 2015 Holy Redeemer Retreat Center– Nona Cornejo (925)752-8250, nhonz888@gmail.com or Ella San Miguel (925)305-4934, jonsm_7@hotmail.com 13th Annual Emmaus Monte Carlo Night April 18, 2015 - 6pm-11pm at Club Meganos at Trilogy - Contact Kathy Vigil at 634-549 or Mary Webber at 628-5468. Day of Reflection “EASTER PREDICTIONS IN THE PSALMS: Reserrection, Ascension and Pentecost” - Join Fr, Jim on April 18, 2015 Fiesta de 5 de Mayo—Cena, baile con banda. Sera a las 6pm Viernes Primero de May. Llamar a Sr. Carina Vargas al 513-8154 Movie Night - May 2, 2015 at 7:30pm - Proceeds to help youth of our parish attend Medjugorje Youth Fest. GOSPA tells of the early days in Medjugorje and the persecution of the parish priest and the children. Tickets are $10. and include soda, popcorn and candy. Info: Lisa at 925-803-1517 FilAm Ministry Spring into Summer Dinner Dance—May 30, 2015, 6pm-12am at Brentwood Community Center. Tickets ($45.) for information call Villa Serrano 925-890-4317 or Nida Legaspi 925-752-5145 IHM 10th Annual Scramble Golf Tournament Monday June 8th. More information will be in next weeks bulletin. Fil-Am Casino Bus Trips - June 20, August 22, September 19, October 24, 2015. Medjugorje Fund Raising - Fr. Jim’s Dinner Dance Party - de Luna Ranch July 11, 2015. For more information call Lisa at 925-803-1517. Emmaus English speaking Men’s Retreat is September 18-20, 2015 (details to follow). Emmaus English speaking Women’s Retreat is October 23-25, 2015 (details to follow). LOCATION: Mon. Mar. 23rd. Funerals/Funerales Call Catholic Funeral Services al 757-0658/ Llame a los Servicios de Funerales Católicos al 757-0658 Have something to publish in the IHM Bulletin? Please submit your request to: bulletin@ihmbrentwood.com MEETING: Sun. Mar. 29th. Been away from the Church for a while? Non-Christian? Non-Catholic Christian? Catholic who has not completed your sacraments? Discovering Christ is an exciting course designed to help men and women encounter the person of Jesus Christ and accept his invitation to know him in a personal relationship. Listen to a dynamic presentation and explore questions with others in small groups on these basic questions of purpose, faith and life: What is the Meaning of Life? Why Does Jesus Matter? What does Jesus Want Us to Know? Why do I Need a Savior? Why the Resurrection is Important to Us? Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit in You! New Life in the Spirit: Being a Catholic Disciple. Believing and Belonging: Why We Need the Church? Immaculate Heart of Mary will host this free course starting April 9, 2015 for nine consecutive Thursdays from 7pm to 8:30pm at the parish library. 500 Fairview Ave, Brentwood, CA Contact Linda Kortuem: 925-634-4154 X 117 or 110. John Kortuem: 925-634-4154 X 161. Email : linda.kortuem@yahoo.com Sandy Thom Taylor Bell (510) 910-4553 A Better Choice (925) 642-5378 Home Care Agency Member FDIC Your Care ... Your Home ... Your Way Specializing in Brentwood & Summerset Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Choose the Premiere Home Care Agency Owned and Operated by Experienced Nurses • RN/LVN Assessments • Post-op Assistance • Personal Assistance • Transportation • Meal Preparation • Grocery Shopping • Handyman Services • And so much more! TED CURRAN Medication Set up & Monitoring, and Care Management also available Call 925-310-4455 today to schedule your FREE Health & Safety Assessment with a licensed nurse! It’s A Matter of Trust! 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