Primera edición The Inaugural MÉXICO GRI2015 The St. Regis Hotel MÉXICO D.F., 27-28 ENERO MEXICO CITY, 27-28 JANUARY El foro de inversión inmobiliaria de más alto nivel de México Mexico´s most senior real estate investment forum AGENDA TIMETABLE 27 de Enero, Martes • 27 January, Tuesday 28 de Enero, Miércoles • 28 January, Wednesday 13:00 - 14:00 Registro Check In 09:00 - 09:30 14:00 - 17:15 Debates Discussions 09:30 - 10:30 Sesión de Aper tura Keynote TOM H E N E G H A N, CEO, Equity International anfitrión/hosted by KE N M U N K AC Y, Senior MD, GID 11:00 - 16:15 Debates Discussions 16:15 - 17:00 Cócteles de Despedida Farewell Drinks 17:15 - 19:00 19:00 - 22:00 Cóctel Networking Drinks Reception Cena Networking Dinner (For registered event attendees only) hosted by: G REENBERG TRAURIG Dress Code: Business casual Registro Check In THE ST. REGIS MEXICO CITY | Paseo de la Reforma 439 - Colonia Cuauhtemoc | Mexico City, Federal District 06500 CONSEJOS PARA SACAR LO MEJOR DE GRI A FEW TIPS TO GET THE MOST OUT OF THE GRI Los foros GRI no son paneles, son debates, como si estuvieras de sobremesa después de una cena con amigos bajo la guía de un moderador. GRI discussions are NOT panels. They are like after-dinner conversations in one’s own living room with a few good friends under the guidance of the moderating Chair. Todo el mundo participa por igual, tanto los delegados como los copresidentes. El trabajo del moderador es hacer que todo el mundo participe haciendo que la conversación fluya. Los copresidentes se sientan entre los delegados y todos participan, igual que cualquier otro asistente. Everyone participates equally, not just the Discussion (co-)Chairs. The job of the moderating Chair is to make EVERYBODY talk and engage. Discussion co-Chairs sit scattered about the room and participate no more, no less than anyone else in the room. Si entrar en contacto con otros participantes puede serte útil, te recomendamos que seas lo más activo posible. Esto te permitirá darte a conocer y viceversa. El moderador se dirigirá a los participantes con preguntas directas nombrándoles o dirigiéndose a ellos. No se dirigirá a toda la sala, ya que esto suele ser recibido con un silencio por parte de los participantes. Aun así, se anima a comentar, preguntar e intervenir. Algunos participantes hablan muy suave de forma que la mayoría no los oye. Habla alto y dile a otros que lo hagan si no puedes oirlos. Evita monopolizar la conversación, promocionarte o comercializarte, ya que el moderador ha sido avisado de cortar estas situaciones. If connecting with new partners can be useful, we encourage you to engage as vocally and actively as you might enjoy. This will enable others to get to know you and you to get to know them. The Moderating Chair will be addressing questions directly to particular participants, not just to anyone unspecified in the room at-large, as this is usually greeted with pregnant silence. Even so, you are encouraged to comment, question, dissent or otherwise interject. As no one will prompt you, please join the discussion room of your choice in time. Rooms only fill in after a discussion starts and you need not be alarmed by a near empty room. It will quickly get crowded. Some participants speak so softly as to be unheard by most. Speak up and remind others to do so if you can’t hear them. Avoid monopolizing conversation, self-promotion or commercial pitches as the Moderating Chair has been urged to cut them off. PRESENCIA EN LOS MEDIOS MEDIA PRESENCE Mientras que los periodistas a veces toman notas durante los debates, solo lo hacen después de haber firmado un “Chatham House” de confidencialidad donde se comprometen a no atribuir los comentarios a una persona o compañía, excepto bajo consentimiento de ambas partes. While journalists may sometimes take notes during discussions, they only ever do so after signing a “Chatham House” confidentiality agreement under which they commit not to quote for attribution to a person or to a company, except with specific consent from the respective parties. WELCOME BIENVENIDO Bienvenido a la primera edición de Mexico GRI! Welcome to the inaugural Mexico GRI! Sólo en México D.F., las desarrolladoras han añadido 45 millones de pies cuadrados de espacio destinado a nuevas oficinas y habrá 15 millones más para el 2017. In Mexico City alone, developers have added 45 million square feet of new office space and there will be 15 million more by 2017. There are over 1,000 modern shopping centers driven by an increasingly urban middle class which is also changing the demand for the residential sector. The maquiladoras are moving up the value chain and the re-shoring of manufacturing from Asia is impacting on industrial and logistics space. Hay más de 1.000 centros comerciales modernos generados para una clase media urbana en incremento que está cambiando la demanda del sector residencial. Las maquiladoras están subiendo la cadena de valor y la industria manufacturera proveniente de Asia está provocando un impacto sobre la demanda de espacio industrial y logístico. Un nuevo Presidente reformista y el desarrollo de las FIBRAs están atrayendo al capital extranjero. Pero, ¿Serán las reformas beneficiosas para el desarrollo de México? ¿Habrá riesgo de exceso de oferta? All material throughout this program is subject to change without notice. GRI Mexico te dará la oportunidad de entender cómo se desarrollarán todos estos factores involucrándote en productivos y dinámicos debates con los inversores, desarrolladores, fondos y financieras líderes del mercado con los cuales crearás fuertes relaciones de negocios. A new, reformist President and the development of FIBRAs (REITs) has attracted an influx of foreign capital. But will this promise materialise? Can the President deliver on his reforms? Is there a risk of oversupply? The inaugural Mexico GRI will give you an inside edge on understanding how these factors will play out be immersing you in interactive and dynamic discussions with the leading investors, developers, fund managers and lenders, who will also become your friends and business partners. We wish you a great GRI. Thanks for being with us. Te deseamos un gran GRI. Gracias por estar con nosotros. Diego Sáez Director for Spain & Latin America GRI – Global Real Estate Institute Henri Alster Chairman GRI - Global Real Estate Institute ENQUIRIES AND FURTHER INFORMATION UK Tel: +44 20 7121 5070 UK Fax: +44 20 7388 8740 e se at NOT ch tim FI ec e o NA kh f L an pre do ss ut up da t Pl ea MARTES TUESDAY 27.01.2015 FLOORPLAN A DIAMOND BALLROOM BB EL FUTURO DEL SECTOR INMOBILIARIO EN MÉXICO ¿El mercado más atractivo en Latino América? THE FUTURE OF MEXICAN REAL ESTATE - Now the most attractive Latin American market? INVERSORES INSTITUCIONALES ¿Dónde invierten? ¿Qué están buscando? INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS Where are they investing and what do they want? ANTONIO DIAZ FRANCISCO BÚRQUEZ VALENZUELA JORGE CARLOS RAMÍREZ MARÍN MIGUEL TORRES SANDOR VALNER JORGE AVALOS PHILIP FITZGERALD CAPITAL PRIVADO - Los fondos de capital privado, ¿Serán protagonistas del desarrollo de México? PRIVATE EQUITY - Will they be the main driving force for the new development? ALEJANDRO RODRIGUEZ ANDREU CORS GUILLERMO SILBERMAN JORGE GUAJARDO RYAN HAWLEY TOMAS GARCIA NICOLIN MIGUEL MOISÉS ALEJANDRO RODRIGUEZ ERNESTO DIECK ANDREU CORS ALEJANDRO RODRIGUEZ RIVERO CARLOS ROUSSEAU FRANCISCO ANDRAGNES ONAY PAYNE PIERRE LAJEUNESSE BROOKS MORHAM RODRIGO SUAREZ JOSE ARTURO ANDRADE RETAIL VS OFFICES VS USOS MIXTOS - ¿Dónde están las mejores oportunidades? RETAIL VS OFFICES VS MIXED USE Where are the best opportunities? FEDERICO CASTILLO JAIME FASJA JORGE GAMBOA DE BUEN LUIS CANTU RITA-ROSE GAGNÉ SERGIO RASCON JORGE GAMBOA DANIEL SALTZBERG NETWORKING DRINKS 17H15-19H00 NETWORKING DINNER 19H00–22H00 Hosted by GREENBERG TRAURIG 16H00-17H15 NETWORKING BREAK 15H15–16H00 CHECK-IN 13H00 DIAMOND B 14H00-15H15 NETWORKING DRINKS RECEPTION 17H15–19H00 Hosted by GREENBERG TRAURIG DIAMOND A DIAMOND TERRACE DIAMOND FOYER DIAMOND LOUNGE followed by NETWORKING DINNER* 19H00–22H00 hosted by * CENA PRIVADA DE NETWORKING es únicamente para participantes registrados. Por favor lleve consigo su invitación, que recibirá en el momento de registrarse. * THE NETWORKING DINNER is for registered dinner guests only. Please bring your invitation that you received at the registration desk to dinner. La cena de networking hospedada por Greenberg Traurig tendrá lugar en el restaurante Les Mustaches, situado a pocos minutos del Hotel St. Regis, donde podrá continuar con el networking acompañado con buena comida y vino. The Networking Dinner hosted by Greenberg Traurig will take place at Les Moustaches, just a short walk from the St. Regis hotel, for an evening of networking over good food and fine wine. Les Moustaches es un elegante y confortable local, perfecto para continuar sus conversaciones o iniciar nuevas después de las sesiones del primer día. Les Moustaches an elegant and unforgettable setting, providing the perfect opportunity to extend your conversations and catch up with any of those you may have missed during the day. Los aperitivos serán servidos desde las 19.00 seguidos de una cena de 3 platos. Se incluye vino, cerveza y refrescos. Cualquier otro tipo de bebida no está incluida. Aperitifs will be served at 19:00 followed by a 3 course dinner. Wine, beer and soft drinks are included but any more extravagant drinks will be charged separately. All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. se AL ss pd IN re t u T F f p ou NO me o and h ti at heck c ea Pl 28.01.2015 WEDNESDAY MIERCOLES at e SESIÓN DE APERTURA • KEYNOTE "FIRESIDE CHAT" 09H30-10H30 UNA PERSPECTIVA INTERNACIONAL SOBRE MÉXICO AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE ON MEXICO DIAMOND A Anfitrión de la sesión "Fireside chat" host KEN MUNKACY Senior MD GID USA Keynote Speaker TOM HENEGHAN CEO EQUITY INTERNATIONAL USA 13H00-14H15 INVERSIÓN EXTRANJERA - ¿Cómo deben posicionarse los fondos y desarrolladoras mexicanas? ATTRACTING FOREIGN CAPITAL How should Mexican funds & developers position themselves? FINANCIACIÓN - El futuro de la financiación de deuda y de capital privado FINANCE The future of debt and equity finance MÉXICO D.F. VS. REGIONES - ¿Dónde encontrar las mejores propuestas? MEXICO CITY VS. THE REGIONS Where to find the best value? CARLOS LERMA COTERA JOSE ALVERDE SACHIHO NAKAYAMA LUIS OCTAVIO NÚÑEZ GERARDO FUENTES SUZANNE ETCHEVERRY ALFREDO ASALI DANIEL TOVAR FRANCISCO AYALA HERNAN MONTEMAYOR TALY BRINZEY RICARDO ZUÑIGA ALEJANDRO VÁZQUEZ GONZÁLEZ GONZALO ESPEJEL LOZOYA IGNACIO BEZARES KEN MUNKACY MARÍA PALOMA SILVA DE ANZORENA SANTIAGO GIL HOTELES - ¿Continuará siendo una inversión segura o correrá riesgo de exceso de oferta? HOTELS - Still a safe bet or risk of oversupply? ADRIAN AGUILERA ALEJANDRO ACEVEDO CESAR PASCUAL FRANCIS MUÛLS MICHEL MONTANT SEBASTIAN CHIRULNICOFF SAMANTHA SUGARMAN INDUSTRIAL Y LOGISTICA ¿Cambiará la demanda la llegada de nuevas industrias? INDUSTRIAL & LOGISTICS - How does value-added manufacturing change tenant demand? DAVID PASCUAL ALEMANY JAIME DE LA GARZA JUAN MANUEL GONZALEZ NELLY CAMPOS SERGIO ARGUELLES GONZÁLEZ THE ST. REGIS MEXICO CITY Paseo de la Reforma 439 | Colonia Cuauhtemoc Mexico City | Federal District 06500 Todo el material de este folleto está sujeto a la posibilidad de cambio sin previo aviso. FAREWELL DRINKS 16H15–17H00 RESIDENCIAL - ¿Hay vida fuera del desarrollo vertical? RESIDENTIAL - Is it all vertical development? 15H15-16H15 LUNCH 14H15–15H15 BILL O’CONNOR DAVID ROTH FEDERICO MARTIN DEL CAMPO GERARDO RUÍZ MARIN MAYDON LISBETH CALDERON FEDERICO GARZA NETWORKING BREAK 12H15–13H00 CHECK-IN 09H00 DIAMOND B KEYNOTE 09H30 –10H30 followed by NETWORKING BREAK 10H30 –11H00 DIAMOND A 11H00-12H15 DEBATES DISCUSSIONS 27.01.2015 14H00 - 15H15 EL FUTURO DEL SECTOR INMOBILIARIO EN MÉXICO ¿El mercado más atractivo en Latino América? THE FUTURE OF MEXICAN REAL ESTATE Now the most attractive Latin American market? I N V E RT I R E N E L S E C TO R I N M O B I L I A R I O M E X I C A N O • I N V E S T I N G I N M E X I C A N R E A L E S TAT E DIAMOND A Antonio Diaz ANTONIO DIAZ Director General PROVIVE MEXICO SANDOR VALNER President Executive Mexico, CEO Latin América WALTON STREET CAPITAL MEXICO FRANCISCO BÚRQUEZ VALENZUELA Senador de la República SENADO DE LA REPÚBLICA MEXICO JORGE AVALOS CEO FIBRAMTY MEXICO JORGE CARLOS RAMÍREZ MARÍN Secretario de Desarrollo Agrario, Territorial y Urbano SEDATU - SECRETARÍA DE DESARROLLO AGRARIO, TERRITORIAL Y URBANO MEXICO PHILIP FITZGERALD CEO JAMESTOWN LATIN AMERICA Francisco Búrquez Valenzuela Jorge Carlos Ramírez Marín Philip Fitzgerald Miguel Torres Sandor Valner Jorge Avalos Alejandro Rodriguez Andreu Cors Guillermo Silberman Jorge Guajardo Ryan Hawley Tomas Garcia Nicolin Miguel Moisés Ernesto Dieck MIGUEL TORRES General Manager of GE Capital Real Estate in Mexico GE CAPITAL REAL ESTATE MEXICO CAPITAL PRIVADO Los fondos de capital privado, ¿Serán protagonistas del desarrollo de México? PRIVATE EQUITY – Will they be the main driving force for the new development? photo pending DIAMOND B ALEJANDRO RODRIGUEZ Vice President, Private Equity Funds Group PINEBRIDGE INVESTMENTS USA RYAN HAWLEY Head of Latin America STARWOOD CAPITAL BRAZIL ANDREU CORS Managing Partner GAVA CAPITAL MEXICO TOMAS GARCIA NICOLIN Director General NIBIR MEXICO GUILLERMO SILBERMAN Vice President W. P. CAREY INC. USA MIGUEL MOISÉS Shareholder Corporate GREENBERG TRAURIG LATIN AMERICA JORGE GUAJARDO Senior Associate ORANGE INVESTMENTS MEXICO ERNESTO DIECK CEO DESARROLLOS DELTA MEXICO I N V E RT I R E N E L S E C TO R I N M O B I L I A R I O M E X I C A N O I N V E S T I N G I N M E X I C A N R E A L E S TAT E DEBATES DISCUSSIONS 27.01.2015 16H00 - 17H15 INVERSORES INSTITUCIONALES – ¿Dónde invierten? ¿Qué están buscando? INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS – Where are they investing and what do they want? DIAMOND A ALEJANDRO RODRIGUEZ RIVERO MD – Business Development & Capital Markets GE CAPITAL REAL ESTATE MEXICO PIERRE LAJEUNESSE President PL CAPITAL EXPERT CANADA CARLOS ROUSSEAU Senior Partner ORANGE INVESTMENTS MEXICO RODRIGO SUAREZ Director of Development and Investment GREYSTAR MEXICO FRANCISCO ANDRAGNES Head of Real Estate COMPASS GROUP MEXICO JOSÉ ARTURO ANDRADE Head of Investment Services PENSIONISSSTE MEXICO ONAY PAYNE Portfolio Manager CLARION PARTNERS MEXICO BROOKS MOHRMAN Managing Director AIG GLOBAL REAL ESTATE MEXICO Alejandro Rodriguez Rivero Carlos Rousseau Francisco Andragnes Onay Payne Pierre Lajeunesse Rodrigo Suarez José Arturo Andrade Brooks Mohrman 16H00 - 17H15 27.01.2015 DISCUSSIONS DEBATES photo pending DIAMOND B FEDERICO CASTILLO Director, Acquisitions MIRA MEXICO RITA-ROSE GAGNÉ Executive Vice President, Growth Markets IVANHOÉ CAMBRIDGE CANADA JAIME FASJA Managing Director THOR URBANA MEXICO SERGIO RASCON Relationship Manager GE CAPITAL MEXICO JORGE GAMBOA DE BUEN Director General GRUPO DANHOS MEXICO DANIEL SALTZBERG Shareholder Real Estate GREENBERG TRAURIG LATIN AMERICA Federico Castillo LUIS CANTU COO - Shopping Centers ABILIA MEXICO 09H30 - 10H30 28.01.2015 Jaime Fasja Jorge Gamboa de Buen Luis Cantu Rita-Rose Gagné Sergio Rascon Daniel Saltzberg S E C TO R E S & R E G I O N E S • S E C TO R S & R E G I O N S RETAIL VS OFFICES VS USOS MIXTOS – ¿Dónde están las mejores oportunidades? RETAIL VS OFFICES VS MIXED USE – Where are the best opportunities? KEYNOTE "FIRESIDE CHAT" SESIÓN DE APERTURA UNA PERSPECTIVA INTERNACIONAL SOBRE MÉXICO • AN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE ON MEXICO DIAMOND A Keynote Speaker TOM HENEGHAN CEO EQUITY INTERNATIONAL USA Anfitrión de la sesión "Fireside chat" host KEN MUNKACY Senior MD GID USA 11H00 - 12H15 28.01.2015 DISCUSSIONS DEBATES INVERSIÓN EXTRANJERA – ¿Cómo deben posicionarse los fondos y desarrolladoras mexicanas? ATTRACTING FOREIGN CAPITAL – How should Mexican funds & developers position themselves? BILL O’CONNOR President & COO O’CONNOR CAPITAL PARTNERS USA MARIN MAYDON Managing Director, Head of Acquisitions LASALLE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT MEXICO DAVID ROTH Managing Director BLACKSTONE USA FEDERICO GARZA SANTOS President DESARROLLOS DELTA MEXICO FEDERICO MARTIN DEL CAMPO Director General Mexico WALTON STREET MEXICO LISSETTE CALDERON President International & Strategic Projects President International & Strategic Projects RELATED GROUP USA GERARDO RUIZ Managing Partner ADVANCE REAL ESTATE MEXICO Bill O’Connor Federico Martin del Campo Gerardo Ruiz Marin Maydon Federico Garza Santos Lissette Calderon Alejandro Vázquez González Gonzalo Espejel Lozoya Ignacio Bezares Ken Munkacy María Paloma S. de Anzorena Santiago Gil RESIDENCIAL – ¿Hay vida fuera del desarrollo vertical? RESIDENTIAL – Is it all vertical development? DIAMOND B ALEJANDRO VÁZQUEZ GONZÁLEZ Consejero Ejecutivo HERCESA - FERROCARRIL MEXICO KEN MUNKACY Senior Managing Director GID USA GONZALO ESPEJEL LOZOYA Director de Proyectos Inmobiliarios ANIDA MEXICO MARÍA PALOMA SILVA DE ANZORENA Managing Director CONAVI - COMISIÓN NACIONAL DE VIVIENDA MEXICO IGNACIO BEZARES Country Manager GRUPO LAR MEXICO SANTIAGO GIL Managing Director, Mexico Country Head PALADIN REALTY PARTNERS LLC MEXICO SECTORES & REGIONES • SECTORS & REGIONS David Roth E S T R AT E G I A S • S T R AT E G I E S DIAMOND A S E C TO R E S & R E G I O N E S • S E C TO R S & R E G I O N S INVERTIR EN EL SECTOR INMOBILIARIO MEXICANO INVESTING IN MEXICAN REAL ESTATE DEBATES DISCUSSIONS 28.01.2015 13H00 - 14H15 FINANCIACIÓN – El futuro de la financiación de deuda y de capital privado FINANCE – The future of debt and equity finance DIAMOND A CARLOS LERMA COTERA Director de Financiamiento Immex BANCOMEXT MEXICO GERARDO FUENTES VILLARREAL CIO DESARROLLOS DELTA MEXICO JOSE ALVERDE Managing Director for Debt & Marketing GE CAPITAL REAL ESTATE MEXICO SUZANNE ETCHEVERRY Director - Funds Portfolio Management OPIC-OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION USA SACHIHO NAKAYAMA Investment Officer IFC MEXICO LUIS OCTAVIO NÚÑEZ Shareholder Corporate GREENBERG TRAURIG LATIN AMERICA Carlos Lerma Cotera Jose Alverde Sachiho Nakayama Gerardo Fuentes Villarreal Suzanne Etcheverry Luis Octavio Núñez Alejandro Acevedo Cesar Pascual Francis Muûls HOTELES ¿Continuará siendo una inversión segura o correrá riesgo de exceso de oferta? HOTELS – Still a safe bet or risk of oversupply? DIAMOND B ADRIAN AGUILERA Co-Founder & Senior Partner VERTEX REAL ESTATE MEXICO MICHEL MONTANT Director of Development GRUPO POSADAS MEXICO ALEJANDRO ACEVEDO VP Development Caribbean & Latin America MARRIOTT HOTELS USA SEBASTIAN CHIRULNICOFF Senior Relationship Manager GE CAPITAL REAL ESTATE MEXICO CESAR PASCUAL Director General GRUPO ACERTA MEXICO SAMANTHA SUGARMAN Manager - Development, Americas FOUR SEASONS HOTEL & RESORTS CANADA Adrian Aguilera photo pending Michel Montant Sebastian Chirulnicoff Samantha Sugarman FRANCIS MUÛLS Managing Director BK PARTNERS MEXICO DEBATES DISCUSSIONS 28.01.2015 15H15 - 16H15 SECTORES & REGIONES • SECTORS & REGIONS E S T R AT E G I A S • S T R AT E G I E S MÉXICO D.F. VS. REGIONES – ¿Donde encontrar las mejores propuestas? MEXICO CITY VS. THE REGIONS – Where to find the best value? DIAMOND A ALFREDO ASALI Global Real Estate Director GRUPO BIMBO MEXICO HERNAN MONTEMAYOR Senior Relationship Manager GE CAPITAL REAL ESTATE MEXICO DANIEL TOVAR General Manager GRUPO ACERTA MEXICO TALY BRINZEY CEO SUMMIT PROPERTIES INTERNATIONAL USA FRANCISCO AYALA Managing Director GOBIERNO DEL DISTRITO FEDERAL AUTORIDAD DEL ESPACIO PÚBLICO MEXICO RICARDO ZÚÑIGA Managing Partner VERTEX REAL ESTATE MEXICO Alfredo Asali Daniel Tovar Francisco Ayala Hernan Montemayor Taly Brinzey Ricardo Zúñiga David Pascual Alemany Jaime De La Garza Juan Manuel Gonzalez Nelly Campos Sergio Arguelles González INDUSTRIAL Y LOGISTICA – ¿Cambiará la demanda la llegada de nuevas industrias? INDUSTRIAL & LOGISTICS – How does value-added manufacturing change tenant demand? DIAMOND B DAVID PASCUAL ALEMANY President DESARROLLADORA MARABIS MEXICO NELLY CAMPOS Global Real Estate Manager GRUPO BIMBO MEXICO JAIME DE LA GARZA Chief Executive Officer CPA - CORPORATE PROPERTIES MEXICO SERGIO ARGUELLES GONZÁLEZ President & CEO FINSA MEXICO JUAN MANUEL GONZALEZ Senior Relationship Manager GE CAPITAL REAL ESTATE MEXICO COCKTAIL & BOARD DINNER SPONSOR Mario del Bosque Miguel Moisés Luis Octavio Núñez Daniel Saltzberg Mario del Bosque Senior Associate Real Estate Tel: +52 55 5029 0000 Miguel Moisés Shareholder Corporate Tel: +52 55 5029 0000 Luis Octavio Núñez Shareholder Corporate Tel: +52 55 5029 0000 Daniel Saltzberg Shareholder Real Estate Tel: +52 55 5029 0000 Mexico City is the business and financial center of the second largest economy in Latin America - the place where companies and individuals from across Latin America and the world come to do business. Greenberg Traurig's Mexico City office is well-positioned to assist clients in taking advantage of the myriad opportunities Mexico has to offer. Our Mexico City office is comprised of business-savvy attorneys, with deep roots in Mexico and a wealth of experience representing both local and international clients. Our legal practice in Mexico reflects the firm’s multidisciplinary platform and focus. We represent clients on wide-ranging matters, including corporate and securities, mergers and acquisitions, real estate, media and telecommunications, global energy and infrastructure, global trade and investments, civil and commercial litigation, international dispute resolution, and tax. Drawing on Greenberg Traurig's global platform, the Mexico City office works closely with its colleagues in the United States, Europe and Asia to help clients identify and maximize their business opportunities. Our Mexico City office is an integral part of our Global Practice, and specifically our Latin America and Iberian Practice. We leverage the firm's broad resources and collaboratively provide strategic legal advice with an entrepreneurial, client-centric focus. We advise domestic and international clients with respect to their interests in Mexico City and across the region. We also work closely with our global colleagues to represent Mexican and Latin American clients in connection with their transactional, regulatory, tax or litigation matters in the United States and other international markets. Our attorneys' vast collective experience in the Mexican legal market is an example of how legal services can support business objectives. Our Mexico City team includes bilingual, dual-licensed attorneys with decades of experience. Our attorneys have held positions within the Mexican government and its regulatory agencies as well as served as key contributors to national projects in Mexico. Additionally, our team has been involved in judicial procedures that have helped shape current Mexican jurisprudence and established legal precedent in important sectors of the Mexican economy. EXCLUSIVE LOYALTY OFFER MEXICO GRI 2016 Please fax to: +44 20 7388 8740 or email to: – EXCLUSIVE LOYALTY OFFER – MÉXICO GRI2016 Thank you for joining us at the Mexico GRI 2015. We look forward to seeing you again next year! For a limited time only we are offering returning attendees an exclusive loyalty price of US$1775 for the Mexico GRI 2016. Register now for some great benefits: Save US$1200 off the standard event price. Transfer your registration to a colleague at any time. In the event of cancellation, receive a full refund up to one month before the event. The offer is valid until 2nd February 2015 Gracias por unirte a nosotros en México GRI 2015. Será un placer volver a verte el año que viene! Durante un tiempo limitado, ofrecemos a los asistentes que vuelvan un precio exclusivo anticipado de US$1775 para México GRI 2016. Regístrate ahora y consigue grandes beneficios: Ahorra US$1200 del precio estándar. Transfiere tu registro a otro compañero en cualquier momento. En caso de cancelación, se te reembolsa toda la cantidad hasta un mes antes del evento. Oferta válida hasta el 02 de febrero de 2015 STANDARD PRICE US$2975 EXCLUSIVE ADVANCE PRICE US$1775 Fee for payment methods other than credit card: SAVE US$1200 REGISTRATION FORM GLOBAL REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE EUROPE/ASIA: 10 Melton Street, London NW1 2EB, UK tel +44 20 7121 5060 USA: 511 Avenue of the Americas - suite 4100, New York, NY 10011, USA tel +1.866 399 1210 MR/MRS/DR FIRST INITIALS (III/JR/...) NICKNAME BADGE NAME q INVESTOR q PENSION (Investor) q PROPERTY COMPANY (Developer) q INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY q LENDER q HOTEL (Company) q INVESTMENT BANK US$100 q ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT q ACADEMIC (Think Tank) q MEDIA q TRADE (Group/Exhibit/ Conference Organiser) q OTHER_________________ q CORPORATE (User) q AGENT (Surveyor) q ADVISOR (Accountant/Tax) q LAWYER q A&E (Architect/Engineer) q TITLE (COMPANY) q GOVERNMENT (Officials) LAST n PAYMENT DETAILS A receipt will be returned. PLEASE TICK POSITION/JOB TITLE q TRANSFER (+US$ 100) q CHEQUE (+US$ 100) q CREDIT/DEBIT CARD (mandatory fields*) COMPANY NAME *CARD NUMBER *NAME ON CARD EMAIL *EXPIRY *(1)CSC/CVV FAX DIRECT TEL *SIGNATURE EMAIL PA TEL CREDIT CARD BILLING ADDRESS, if different from above (important, please provide) ADDRESS CITY STREET ADDRESS STATE POSTCODE DIVISION’S WEB ADDRESS (EX: WWW.COMPANY.EXT/DIVISION...) COUNTRY *CITY STATE/COUNTY/PROVINCE *POSTCODE (1)THE CSC IS THE FINAL THREE DIGIT NUMBER PRINTED ON THE REVERSE OF YOUR CARD ALONG THE SIGNATURE STRIP. FOR AMERICAN EXPRESS CARDS, PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOUR DIGIT CVV LOCATED ABOVE THE CARD NUMBER. BUILD YOUR GLOBAL NETWORK. BUILD YOUR BUSINESS. ASIA GRI2015 UPCOMING GRI EVENTS TÜRKİYE TURKEY GRI2015 TURKEY GRI 2015 Istanbul, 20-21 April AFRICA BRITISH GRI2015 AFRICA GRI 2015 Johanesburg, 21-22 April GRI2015 ASIA GRI 2015 Singapore, 22-23 April CEE GRI LOTEAMENTOS & COMUNIDADES PLANEJADAS ESPAÑA GRI2015 GRI2015 DEUTSCHE GRI 2015 Frankfurt, 6-7 May GRI EUROPE SUMMIT 2015 GRI2015 2015 DEUTSCHE GRI RESIDENTIAL BRAZIL 2015 São Paulo, 28-29 April BRITISH GRI 2015 London, 28-29 April GRI LOTEAMENTOS & COMUNIDADES PLANEJADAS 2015 Sao Paulo, 19-20 May ESPAÑA GRI 2015 Madrid, 20-21 May RUSSIA CEE GRI 2015 Prague, 1-2 June MENA GRI2015 GRI2015 INDIA GRI2015 SHOPPING BRAZIL GRI 2015 São Paulo, 16-17 June ITALIA GRI 2015 GRI EUROPE SUMMIT 2015 Paris, 10-11 September Deutsche GRI Wohnen 2015 RUSSIA GRI 2015 Moscow, 30 September-1 October CHINA GRI2015 INDIA GRI 2015 Mumbai, 18-19 November MENA GRI 2015 Dubai, 2-3 November LATIN AMERICA GRI2015 2016 GRI CHAIRMEN’S RETREAT ITALIA GRI 2015 Milan, 24-25 November DEUTSCHE GRI WOHNEN 2015 Berlin, 24-25 November CHINA GRI 2015 coming soon GRI meetings provide a forum for the world’s leading real estate players to develop valuable relationships, find new business partners, and strengthen their global networks. At GRI meetings there are no speakers or panellists, just informal discussions in small groups, where everyone participates equally. If building close relationships with the driving elite of the real estate industry at the most senior levels is useful, we welcome you to join us. LATAM GRI 2015 coming soon GRI CHAIRMEN'S RETREAT 2016 St Moritz, January Global Real Estate Institute @realestateGRI Tel: +44 20 7121 5060 Fax: +44 20 7388 8740 COCKTAIL & BOARD DINNER SPONSOR IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: INDUSTRY PARTNER RESEARCH PARTNER MEDIA PARTNERS WWW.GLOBALREALES TATE.ORG
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