St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis de Sales 1450 Abingdon Road, Abingdon, MD 21009 410-676-5119 or 410-679-4555 (Balto. Line) Fax: 410-676-7520 E-mail: Web Site: A Christian Community in the Roman Catholic Tradition WELCOME MASS SCHEDULE We at St. Francis de Sales warmly welcome all to our community. New parishioners may register after Mass on weekends or by calling the parish office Saturday: Sunday: Daily Mass: VISION STATEMENT Holy Day: Spanish: Byzantine: God calls us, The members of St. Francis de Sales Catholic Parish, To be a welcoming, worshipping, caring community of faith, hope and love. Through His Spirit, the Lord Jesus lives in us and Reaches into the world with his saving message And healing love MINISTRY STAFF James R. Sullivan, Deacon Alex Rodriguez, Deacon, Latino Community Rob Henry, Director Of Music Angie Rebbert, Dir. Of Evangelization and Adult Catechesis Diane Lewis, Coordinator of Elementary Catechesis & Youth Minister Betty Burlin & Patrick Perkins Coordinators of Middle/High School Catechesis Doris McKibben, Director of Pre-School 5:00pm 7:30am, 9:00am, 11:00am Stone Chapel Mon. thru Fri. – 9:00am As announced in bulletin Sunday – 12:45 – Worship Center Sunday – 5:30pm – Stone Chapel COMMUNION CALLS Please notify the parish office if you would like Holy Communion brought to a member of your family. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Available after all of the weekend Masses and at other times by appointment. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3:45pm – 4:30pm – also by appointment. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Attendance at a baptismal preparation program is required before Baptism can be scheduled. Preparation may begin any time during pregnancy. Please call the parish office to make arrangements as early as possible. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Office Manager – Sandy Gill* Business Manager – Beth Poggioli* Finance Manager – Susan Pfarr* Religious Ed Assistant – Lisa Borkoski * Facilities – Lee Eder* Executive Assistant - Rebecca Harper* *represents part-time PASTORAL COUNCIL Chair- Susan Gallagher Vice Chair- Iris Hernandez Secretary- Rob Hardy Meetings are open to all parishioners and are normally held on the 4th Tuesday of the month. Minutes of the Pastoral Council meetings can be found on the Parish Website or at the Ushers table in the Narthex. According to Archdiocesan policy, couples are required to make an appointment with a priest or deacon of the parish at least six months in advance of the date they plan to celebrate their wedding in order to have sufficient time for marriage preparation. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Please call the parish office for information regarding Religious Education classes for your child, Adult Reflection Groups and the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. SFDS OUTREACH Deacon Jim Sullivan ext.156 Thursdays 5:30pm-6:30pm & Saturdays 9:00am-10:00am. Food Pantry Item Collection bin is located in Narthex. *Deadline for Bulletin items is Monday-11am Third Sunday Of Easter April 19, 2015 WHAT’S INSIDE CREATE-ATILE EVENT From the Deacon’s Desk INFO Dear Friends: FEINSTEIN CHALLENGE PARISH YARD SALE INFO Our Gospel story today places quite a challenge before us. We might be surprised that Jesus’ closest followers do not recognize him. They are terrified, startled and actually thought they were seeing a ghost. We ask ourselves, “How can this be?” They had just spent about three years with Jesus. They ate with him, visited all of Galilee and beyond, woke up together, and watched him heal and cure many people along the way! You would think they would know Jesus quite well. THANK YOU Many thanks to Jeff Lawson and Lawson Construction for quickly responding to our call for help with the many parking lot pot holes left by this year’s harsh winter. Mr. Lawson graciously performed the work at no charge. Thank you! Your generosity of time, talent and treasure are greatly appreciated by the parish and all of our cars! Readings for next week Fourth Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 1st Reading: Acts 4:8-12 Peter proclaims Jesus as Savior to the Sanhedrin. 2nd Reading: 1 John 3:1-2 We are God’s children now. Gospel: John 10:11-18 Jesus is the Good Shepherd. It isn’t until Jesus opens their minds and hearts to the Scripture that they understand exactly what happened. It isn’t until Jesus explains in words they can understand that they begin to grasp the meaning of his resurrection. They will still experience fear and doubt about what they learned while Jesus was with them. It is not until Pentecost when the Holy Spirit comes that they truly understand his mission and the mission they were recruited to do. It’s the same with us. We need instruction and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in order to do the work Jesus wants us to do. Even then we may struggle. This is the reason God gave us our church. It is the church’s work on earth to teach us and grant us the wisdom to be disciples of Jesus. That is why it is so important for us to attend church regularly. It is in the writings of the Scripture that we can become closer to our Lord. It is my sincere hope that all of us will try to attend Mass on a regular basis. It is there we will learn what Jesus wants us to know. On a more mundane note, I wanted to make you aware of the challenge we are facing here in our parish. Snow removal was very expensive this year. The total bill for salting and snow removal was almost $18,000. In addition, attendance was severely down on some extremely cold weekends; and one weekend, we were unable to safely open the parish to celebrate Masses. We need your help! Please consider making a donation to cover the cost of snow and ice removal as you are able. Envelopes are available for this purpose at all Masses this weekend. If you didn’t get one, please take a plain envelope, mark it snow removal, and place it in the collection basket next week when you come to Mass. Thank you for your kind attention. May God bless you and your families, and may you know he is always with you. Deacon Jim [Type text] FOOD PANTRY Our pantry is doing well. However, we still need ample donations to keep up with the demand. Please consider bringing a few of the items listed below. We always need your help! We are always in need of: beans, stew, peanut butter, jelly, canned fruit, soup, tuna, mac and cheese, spaghetti sauce, spaghetti, canned spaghettiand hot/cold cereal. We also need personal products such as:toilet paper, feminine hygiene items, toothbrushes, toothpaste, smallersized shampoo, deodorant and bar soap. YOUTH GROUP SFDS Youth Events are open to students in 6th through 12th grade. SFDS offers Archdiocesan, Harford Area, and parish events for both Middle and High School Youth. Events are spiritual, service, and social. For more information contact Diane Lewis at or 410 676-5119 X115 JIF Meeting First Sunday of each Month Next meeting is Sunday May 3rd at 10am in Kilduff Hall. All high school youth are invited to attend. For more information contact Mr. Pat @ 410-8362730. Social Action/Outreach FEINSTEIN CHALLANGE Once again, the Feinstein Foundation will give us a share of one million dollars based on your donations to the Poor Box and any food donated to our Food Pantry during April. Please be as generous as you can. HAITI Fr. Maurice Christophe sends his regards and wishes all of us a most Holy and Happy Easter. He is looking forward to visiting us in July this summer. HOMELESS SHELTER (FCCAU) Grab your dancing shoes and join FCCAU for their third annual "Retro Dance" at the Callahan Center, 1716 Churchville Road, Bel Air 21015, on Saturday May 2, 6-10 p.m.For tickets call Bonnie at 410.404.8747. OUR DAILY BREAD Please take a pan May 2nd-3rd and return a completed frozen casserole May 9-10th.The recipe is in the pan!You may also now donate Stouffer’s Dinner Casseroles (Lasagna) if you wish. Call or e-mail Kathy Batdorf at; or 410-638-0883 for details! Peace and All Good, Deacon Jim Youth Ministry May 1st Game Night II (SOCIAL) MS/HS youth are invited for a night of fun & games from 7-10pm. We will also do a little planning for Summer Activities. Cost is a snack to share! Bring a friend, RSVP to Ms. Diane at May 3rd Create-a-Tile (FUNDRAISING) Families are invited to decorate a tile which will be placed underneath the chair rail on the second floor of the Education Center. We need 200 tiles to put one row around the entire floor. Help brighten up the Education Center. Tiles are just $15 each. Come decorate your tile(s) after all Sunday masses on May 3rd. Proceeds will be used to fund youth programs at SFDS! June 13 Parish Yard Sale 8am-1pm (FUNDRAISING) Help support the youth programs at St Francis de Sales by purchasing a Vendor Booth for $25, donating items to the Youth Booth, or shopping our Parish Yard Sale. Food for sale, plenty of parking, and all are welcome! For more information contact Diane at . 2015 VBS Superhero’s from the Bible (SPIRITUAL) All volunteers are requested to sign up using signup genius! The link can be found on the parish facebook page. [Type text] Faith Formation HOME STUDY: Home Study Faith Formation –Our final family meeting of the year will be Sunday April 26th at 12:30pm in the Stone Chapel. Vacation Bible School will take place June 29- July 3rd and the theme is “Superhero’s from the Bible”. Join us in uncovering our own superpowers of Forgiveness, Mercy, Compassion and using our Talents! Registration forms can be found on the parish website or contact Diane for more information! CONFIRMATION: April 20, 22, 26 Third Class of Spring Session April 15-Bishop letter WAS due from Year 2 Candidates. Contact Betty Burlin ADULT: COME AND SEE Are you interested in knowing more about the Catholic Church? If you were baptized Catholic or are Catholic and not confirmed, or thinking of becoming Catholic, this 6 week seminar gives an overview of the major aspects of our Catholic faith. The seminar begins on Tuesday, May 5th @ 7:30pm in the Education Center Room 202. For more information, there are brochures in the Pamphlet Rack. To register, contact Angie Rebbert @ 410-676-5119 or RCIA RCIA presentations are held on Thursday evenings from 7:00-8:30pm. Each week is centered on a different aspect of our faith. The parish community is invited to attend any of these sessions. Please contact Angie Rebbert at the parish office prior to the session or email Topic for April 23rd: Lay Ministry ADULT SCRIPTURE STUDY First Tuesday of every month @ 7pm Topic: Pilgrimage in the Footsteps of Jesus For more information contact: Beth Taneyhill Last Tuesday of every month @ 10am NEW TOPIC starts April 28th Genesis 1212-23: Abraham and Sarah’s Journey For more information contact: Gabi Segletes First Eucharist Rehearsals: Celebration Date: 4/25 @ 2pm Rehearsal: 4/20 @ 7pm Celebration Date: 4/25 @5pm Rehearsal: 4/21 @ 7pm Celebration Date: 4/26 @ 9 or 11am Rehearsal: 4/21 @ 6pm Celebration Date: 5/2 @ 2pm Rehearsal: 4/27 @ 7pm Contact Angie Rebbert at 410-676-5119 ext. 121 for more information. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED Dolores K. Barker PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE ON OUR PRAYER LINE Mary Ann Bauer; David Bradshaw; Pat Martin; Mrs. Raymon; Rita Rebbert; Tony Sarcone & Family; Tiberski Family; Judy Twitty [Type text] THIS WEEK’S MASS INTENTIONS April April April 18th 19th 19th 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am Darren Luckhardt (D) People of SFdS Helen Bialek (SI) April 19th 11:00am George Braeske April April April April April April April April April 20th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 26th 26th 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 11:00am William Krentz (D) Marguerite Sullivan Salvatore Sarcone (D) Chester Polanowski (D) Betty Mae Cox (D) Gladys Salort (D) People of SFdS James Moore Sr. (D) James Rawlings (D) YOUR ENVELOPE COUNTS WEEKLY GIVING REPORTS April 12, 2015 901 adults – 222 children Offertory -Envelopes Offertory-Loose Total Poor Box 7,181.50 2,416.28 $9,597.78 $634.05 (SI)Special Intention (S) Sick (D) Deceased Music Ministry In Memory Contact Robert Henry Additional Easter Flower Donation: Barbara Rosin Children’s Choir Rehearsals: Wednesday April 22 & 29 @ 6:00pm. Children’s choir will sing for the celebration of First Eucharist on Sat., April 25 & May 2 @ 2:00pm For more information, contact Tami Zavislan, Hand Bell Group- please contact Rob Henry for more information. Wedding Planning Session Wedding planning session will take place on Thurs. April 23 @ 7pm in the Worship center. This planning session is for all couples who will be celebrating the Sacrament of Matrimony at St. Francis de Sales Parish. At the end of this session, the Wedding Liturgy will be planned. The couples will get to meet their Volunteer wedding ministers who will help on the day of your rehearsal and wedding. Please call the office to register - 410-676-5119. Thank you! Thank you to the members of the Knights of Columbus for their help with the parking lot during Easter Sunday Masses! [Type text] Respect Life TALK WITH YOUR LOVED ONES ON END-OF-LIFE ISSUES Looking for Information Illness and death – whether our own or that of a loved one – are issues many of us avoid thinking and talking about until they are immediately confronting us. Too often we are unprepared for the questions that arise, and find ourselves making difficult decisions in the midst of a crisis, without the benefit of time and reflection. Maryland’s bishops have released a pastoral letter, Comfort and Consolation, on care for the sick and dying to encourage Catholics to take that time now, before facing a crisis, so that when illness and death inevitably come, we can face them with the comfort and peace of understanding our faith, and knowing our Lord is there to embrace us in our hour of need. Visit the Maryland Catholic Conference at for downloading copies or to order. FOOD FOR THOUGHT The Knights of Columbus of Father Wolfe Council will be placing flags on the graves of all veterans buried in the St. Francis cemetery over the Memorial Day weekend. If you have a relative or friend that was a veteran and is buried at St. Francis, please contact Ed Petrovic at or call 410-679-4179 to ensure a flag is placed on their grave or Columbarium location. The Lord views all life as precious. He values each life at wherever stage that life is. Life is a gift from our Lord and all life MUST be treated with dignity and love. It is not something to be dealt with, it is a living breathing being and needs whatever support we can give it. [Type text] ONLINE Bulletin **Mother’s Day Weekend Tea and Tour Saturday, May 9. Bring your mother, grandmother, daughters, or friends to our Mother’s Day Weekend Tea on Saturday, May 9th at 1:00pm at the Mother Seton House on Paca Street in Baltimore. Following the tea we will show an original 1975 ABC newsreel about Elizabeth Ann Seton. Tickets are $35 per person. Call 410-728-6464 for tickets or visit ** “Pope Francis and the Mission of the Laity” – presentation by papal adviser on May 1 Come hear Honduran Cardinal Oscar Andres Rodriguez Maradiaga, SDB, head of the council of cardinals and president of Caritas Internationalis, at 7 p.m. on May 1 at St. Francis Hall (1349 Quincy Street NE, Washington, DC). This keynote is part of the World Care Benefit and Celebration commemorating the 25th anniversary of DC-based Catholic nonprofit Franciscan Mission Service. Come enjoy wine, hors d'oeuvres, dessert, and a silent auction while supporting lay mission at home and abroad. For more information, visit Spring Time is Mulch Time BSA Troop 810 Mulch Sale A 2 cubic foot bag of Hardwood Mulch is only $4.00 each Free Delivery with the purchase of 25 or more bags. Contact Lisa Scowden at 410-538-6334 for details or Email Mulch will be available on April 10. [Type text] ***Join us for the Alumni & Friends Annual Golf Outing for St. Michael the Archangel School - Wednesday, May 20th, Mountain Branch Golf Course, 8:00am Registration, 9:00am Tee Time, $460.00 foursome, $120.00 per person, includes continental breakfast, green fees, hospitality cart, hot dog with chips at the mid-point, delicious luncheon with awards ceremony following tournament. Visit to register online as well as support the school with a sponsorship or advertisement. Call 410-665-1054 or email for further information. ** Pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Father Percival D’Silva, from the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament invites you to join him on a ten day pilrimae to the Holy Land, October 29-Nov 7th. Departure from Washington/National. For detailed information contact Father D’Silva, email: or Elizabeth Grinder, Tel 301-740-9332, email: Deadline for reservations is Jul 29th. - ST. FRANCIS DE SALES THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE Same Day Service, 7 Days a Week! AUTO • MARINE FOREIGN, DOMESTIC, LIGHT TRUCK & MARINE REPAIR 1-800-287-1684 410-679-6300 ABINGDON 410-676-6262 Fast, Reliable, Local Service TODAY! TODAY Joseph LaPonzina, D.D.S., P.A. Orthodontic Specialist RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL SINCE 1808 Our Family Serving Your Family ABINGDON BELAIR 410-676-4600 410-838-4040 COMPLIMENTS OF S&M Emmorton Crossroads Professional Center Bel Air, Maryland 21015 Paving, Inc. Parking Lots • Roadways • Driveways Milling • Sealcoating Free Estimates • MHIC LIC. 31661 410-501-5284 800-778-6977 • 410-515-0035 American Dental Association Member American Association of Orthodontists Schimunek Funeral Homes Churchville Veterinary Clinic David O’Dea - Agent Churchville Pet Resort 9705 Belair Road Greenbrier Veterinary Clinic Nottingham, MD 21236 410-420-0500 212 Archer Street, Bel Air, MD 21014 Swan Creek Veterinary Clinic 410-256-3600 The Friendly Food People Don’t Advertise CLARK LOAN & JEWELRY Weakly ADVERTISE WEEKLY Certified Gold Buying EXPERTS! Auto Body This Space 10% OFF with this ad Fallston Available. Please Call Us At 2350 E. Churchville Rd. Bel Air 410-734-0616 410-578-3600 410-879-8925 JOSEPH ANGELO, M.D. LIBERATORE'S INTERNAL MEDICINE Aesthetic Services are Provided at Request 410-588-5681 208 Plumtree Rd. • Suite D • Bel Air CATERING Elegantly Presented Deliciously Prepared Affordably Priced Full Catering Service On or Off Premises HIGH QUALITY ITALO DIGITAL LIBERATORE PRINTING 410-838-9100 For an On-Site Appointment call LOCAL CONTAINER SERVICE WE JUST DO IT BETTER! Edgewood, MD 21040 410-676-4950 Elite Spine & Wellness Center 2107 B Laurel Bush Rd • Bel Air, MD 21015 410-569-7015 FREE (with CONSULT coupon) “Live Life Naturally” SPACE AVAILABLE Group Benefits Specialists Carol McCarty next to Golden Corral 410-273-2434 BELAIR Complete Automotive Care 3615 B&O Road Abingdon, MD 21009 410-578-3600 Great Food • Great Prices Behind Cracker Barrel Exit 80 off 95N, Rt. 7 & 543 1402 Handlir Dr. • Bel Air 410-272-1486 Contact us for help with your Medical, Dental, Vision & Life needs 443-372-5811 PATRICK J. PERKINS, ESQUIRE Attorney at Law/Parishioner Personal Injury, Traffic, Wills, Estates "A family lawyer for the family of St. Francis de Sales" Baltimore 410-685-0770 PRAYER CARDS Commemorate ... Celebrate ... Remember your special days, events, people ... Call to discuss 410-578-3600 Personalized • Full Color • Unlimited Designs ECONOMY TIRE & SERVICE "18 years Quality Auto Service" Maryland State Inspections Alex Eder 410-538-4210 Willie Wagoner Meats • Seafood • Produce Dairy • Canned Goods • Paper Goods ~ Ask about our Guaranteed Sale ~ ~ Sold over $250 Million in Real Estate ~ ~ Over 1,000+ Homes Sold ~ ~ Outstanding 24/7 Customer Service ~ ~ Dynamic Results Oriented Sales Force ~ ~ Cutting Edge Advertising Presence ~ ~ Free packing boxes & Moving Trucks for Clients ~ ~ Professional Staging & Photography available ~ ~ Catered Housewarming Party ~ 2225 Old Emmorton Rd., Suite 207, Bel Air, MD 21015 Office: 410-638-9555 Broker: 443-512-0090 Fax: 888-644-7775 RIVERSIDE PUB & GRILLE 410-676-6200 410-679-5290 Fast Turn Around All Types of Jobs Send your file for a quote to 410-638-5360 700 South Philadelphia Rd. Licensed & Bonded #2235 & #2235-02 610 W. MacPhail Rd. Bel Air, MD 21014 Aloha Beauty Salon Hair, Nails, Spa Pedicure, Wax 410.676.2227 3914 Philadelphia Rd. Mon–Thurs: 10am-7pm Abingdon, MD 21009 Fri–Sat: 9am-7pm Sun: Closed 704 Pulaski Hwy, Joppa, MD 21085 STOP BY OUR CASH & CARRY STORE We have a Full Line of Food Products and a Full Line of Non Food Products as well. 410-671-0011 Use this ad as a coupon to receive 5% off your purchase. We are open to the public 6 days a week! like us on facebook to see our weekly specials St. Joan of Arc Catholic School PreK4 - 8th Grade 230 S. Law Street, Aberdeen 410-272-1387 hƩp:// CelebraƟng 60 Years of Catholic EducaƟon For ad information, Call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, toll free 1-800-934-1620, or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015 1450 Abingdon Road, Abingdon, MD 21009 410-676-5119 or 410-679-4555 (Balto. Line) Fax: 410-676-7520 E-mail: Web Site: A Christian Community in the Roman Catholic Tradition - ST. FRANCIS DE SALES THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - R Pediatric & Home Improvement dental care for your • Roofing • Bathroom • Decks growing Complete Home Improvement smile! Better home, Better life 410.569.6700 443-528-8209 Bel Air, MD G MHIC #98872 Better Service = Better Results Search for your new home at Real Estate Agent for the Families of St. Francis de Sales • Independent Living • Assisted Living • Long Term Care • Hospice • Respite Stay Lowest UPS rates. Pack • Ship • Copy • Print Shredding Services Mailboxes 410-692-5341 3725 Federal Hill Rd Jarrettsville, MD 21084 Corner of Rt. 924 & Belair South Parkway 2206 Old Emmorton Road (410) 569-7894 SAMUEL D. HOBBS HOBBS HO BBS & SON PLUMBIN PLUMB ING, G, INC. ST. STEPHEN SCHOOL Faith • Values • Education Pre-K3 – 8th Grade 410-592-7617 8028 Bradshaw Road Kingsville, MD 21087 DeCapite & DeCapite, PA Caring for children from crib to college Birth to 21 years Certified Public Accountants Kobusingye, M.D., F.A.A.P. Tax Preparation For All Your Plumbing Needs Grace Board Certified in Pediatrics Small Business Services Fallston, MD 410-557-9390 Parishioner Residential & Commercial 102 Powell Avenue • Bel Air Pre-Planning Available 410-420-1743 Phone: 410-515-4633 410-836-8887 • Trinity Lutheran Christian School & Early Learning Center A Tradition of Excellence 21st Century Faith Based Education with Technology Age 2 - Grade 8 Daily Open House 9:00-5:00pm Caring for those you love 410-638-6087 It’s all right here. Latest UPS Pickup time. Home Furnishings & Accessories Notary Public 410-591-1948 direct • 410-803-0900 office Assisted Living Communities Practice Limited to Orthodontics Edgewood 410-679-2523 Aberdeen 410-272-7970 Elkridge 410-799-8194 Belle Patri Lee Eder Hart Heritage Estates T. Scott Jenkins, DDS Jay Y. Rudo, DDS Free Educational Conference 1100 Philadelphia Road • Joppa, MD 21085 (Near I-95 and Rt. 152 on Rt. 7) Family Dental/Orthodontics Open 7 Days 410-879-4444 410-679-4000 x185 Forest Hill Top Nationwide Lender Currently Licensed in 47 States • Local Underwriting Purchase • Refinance Parishioner Closing Cost Incentive • $450 Closing Cost Discount for 1st mortgage amounts up to $417,000 • $800 Closing Cost Discount for 1st mortgage amounts $417,001 or higher OPEN FOR BUSINESS.. Yours! Todd A. Dennis 539 Rock Spring Rd., Suite 201, Bel Air, MD 21014 Call For Info. 410-578-3600 SONNY LEHNER REALTOR® (410) 515-2000 OFFICE (410) 877-5729 CELL (410) 515-2014 FAX 2023 Emmorton Road Operated By a Subsidiary of NRT, LLC. Bel Air, MD 21015 • PROGRAMS • MAGNETS NMLS: 178583 Company NMLS: 1788 Call 410-578-3600 or Email 443-286-5142 Timothy's HOME IMPROVEMENT SPACE AVAILABLE All Home Remodeling Roofing • Slate Decks Windows 410-879-1527 General•Contractor THIS WILL DO IT! Call 410-578-3600 (Save the Date & Thank You) Personalized, Full Color Designs $2.00 OFF 1802 Walton Rd. 410-679-0890 JOAN SHARESKY Long & Foster ONLY GOD KNOWS HOW WE NEED THEM For information: 410-547-5426 SERRA CLUB ARCHDIOCESE OF BALTIMORE - An organization of Catholic laypersons affirming vocations to the priesthood and religious life Chesapeake Traders Food Warehouse 410-420-8544 NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Restaurant Quality Food at Wholesale Prices Wed 10am-2pm • Thurs 4-8pm • Sat 9am-2pm Free 16 oz can of Old Bay or 2 lb bag or Coffee with a purchase of $25 or more w/bulletin Bel Air Central Office 590 Baltimore Pike Bel Air, MD 21014 Thank you for your business & referrals Cell: 410-322-7802 Office: 410-879-0900 121 A Industry Lane, Suite #7 Forest Hill (In the Forest Hill Industrial Airpark - Behind Harford Sports) Wedding Programs Personalized Full Color • Unlimited Designs Call 410-578-3600 For ad information, Call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, toll free 1-800-934-1620, or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015 E R
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