Ausgabe 13 KW 31


Ausgabe 13 KW 31
Ausgabe 13
KW 31
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Ulisses Spiele
Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
Romane / Comics
Im Feuer der Esse #150.............................11,95
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Noch immer ist kein Frieden
eingekehrt in der Wildermark, wo
das Volk der Willkürherrschaft
grausamer Kriegsfürsten
ausgeliefert ist. Um seinen
Untertanen ein besseres Leben
bieten zu können, stürzt sich
Ulfberth von Moorauen in den
Kampf, sein verlorenes Lehen
zurück zu erobern. Doch er wird
verraten und findet sich sich
unversehens im Herzen der
Schwarzen Lande wieder, wo er
ums nackte Überleben kämpfen
muss. Als sie von Ulfberths
Schicksal erfährt, weilt Zita in der
Kaiserstadt Gareth, um einem
Meisterschmied alte Geheimnisse
von Feuer und Stahl abzutrotzen. Entschlossen bricht sie auf, ihren
Geliebten zu retten. Im Vorposten der Niederhöllen, der verfluchten Stadt
Yol-Ghurmak, müssen beide dem schwärzesten Teil ihrer Seele
entgegentreten, wollen sie nicht in den unheiligen Schmiedefeuern der
dämonischen Esse vergehen. Nach Im Schatten der Esse schmiedet
Judith C. Vogt das Schicksal von Zita und Ulfberth nun Im Feuer der Esse
Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien
» Das Antlitz des Gottes selbst
jedoch ist wechselhaft wie Wetter
und Wellen. Wie der Lauf eines
Flusses, der sich den rechten Weg
bahnt, haben sich verschiedene
Bildnisse des Gottes als wahrhaftig
herausgestellt.« —aus den Schriften
des Sankt Admares Wer sind die
Gischttöchter? Wie lautet der
Wortlaut des Gebetes der letzten
Ebbe? Kann ein Efferd-Geweihter
den Feuersegen wirken? Welche
Handlungen vollzieht er während
des Bootssegens? Was bedeutet
der Wind der Kirche des
Launenhaften? Gibt es gar Sekten,
die allein die Winde verehren? Wie
einheitlich ist die Bruderschaft von Wind und Wogen und weshalb nennt
sie sich Bruderschaft, obwohl es auch weibliche Efferd-Geweihte gibt?
Der vorliegende Band gibt Antworten auf solche Fragen, ergänzt und
vertieft die Texte aus Wege der Götter. Das Efferd-Vademecum enthält
vielerlei aventurisches Hintergrundmaterial über die Bruderschaft von
Wind und Wogen, die Kirche Efferds. Grundsätze, Gruppierungen,
Geschichte und die Brandungen sowie eine ausführliche Darstellung von
Liturgien, Gebeten und Ritualen. Darüber hinaus finden sich in diesem
Band wertvolle regeltechnische Hinweise für Spieler und Meister zur
Ausgestaltung von Talenten und der rollenspielerische Darstellung eines
Efferd-Geweihten. Kurzum: Das Efferd-Vademecum präsentiert einen
tiefen Einblick in die Denk- und Sichtweisen eines Efferd-Dieners. Diese
Spielhilfe enthält viele weiterführende Informationen zur Kirche Efferds
und zur Ausgestaltung eines Efferd-Geweihten und ist für Meister und
Spieler aller Erfahrungsstufen geeignet.
»Siehe die Leidenschaft in allen
Dingen und du wirst das Wirken
der Schönen Göttin selbst an den
ungewöhnlichsten Orten finden.« —
aus den Schriften der Sankta
Dorlen von Joborn Welches Opfer
brachte die liebliche Rahja, um
ihren Sohn Levthan aus den Klauen
der Erzdämonin Belkelel zu retten?
Vermag die Liturgie RAHJAS
SINNLICHKEIT wirklich für kurze
Zeit, Unverwundbarkeit zu
verleihen? Wie wird man zum
Geliebten der Göttin gewählt? Was
erwartet einen Frevler, der sich
gegen die Gebote der Kirche
versündigt hat? Wie ist das
Verhältnis zu den anderen Kirchen der Zwölfe? Und was geschieht, wenn
güldenländische Harmonielehre und urtulamidische Mystik
aufeinanderprallen? Das Rahja-Vademecum bietet vielerlei aventurisches
Hintergrundmaterial über die Kirche der Schönen Göttin und ihre
Geweihten. Neben Geschichten über Heilige und Talismane der RahjaKirche enthält dieses Büchlein auch eine ausführliche Darstellung von
Gebeten, Ritualen und Liturgien. Auszüge aus dem legendären
Rahjasutra mit reicher Bebilderung sind ebenso enthalten, wie wertvolle
regeltechnische Hinweise für Spieler und Meister zur Ausgestaltung von
Talenten und der rollenspielerische Darstellung eines Rahja-Geweihten.
Kurzum: Dieses Vademecum präsentiert einen tiefen Einblick in die
Denk- und Sichtweisen eines Rahja-Dieners und der Gemeinschaft der
Gläubigen. Diese Spielhilfe enthält viele weiterführende Informationen
zur Kirche Rahjas und zur Ausgestaltung eines Rahja-Geweihten und ist
für Meister und Spieler aller Erfahrungsstufen geeignet.
Der Fluch des Flussvaters (AB192).............20,00
Erscheint am 16.08.2012
Havena, Tor zum Meer der Sieben
Winde an der Mündung des Großen
Flusses, Hauptstadt Albernias und
Hort alter Geheimnisse. Seit
Jahrhunderten ringen hier die
Kräfte des Meeresgottes Efferd und
der Erzdämonin Charyptoroth
miteinander. Unbemerkt von den
Bürgern der Handelsstadt, die nach
Jahren des Kriegs mit den
Nordmarken nur die
Wiederherstellung ihres alten
Wohlstandes im Blicke haben,
erheben sich die Schatten der
versunkenen Unterstadt erneut:
Menschen verschwinden und
Schiffe werden von
ungeheuerlichen Monstrositäten angegriffen. Selbst der Flussvater,
Efferds Statthalter, der seinen Hof in der Unterstadt haben soll, nimmt
nur wenig Notiz von den Vorgängen. Einzig die Thorwaler der
Sturmtrotzer-Otta kommen den Helden zu Hilfe. Gemeinsam bekämpfen
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
KW 31
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
sie die ‚Hranngarsbrut‘. Um den Flussvater wachzurütteln und die
charyptide Bedrohung abzuwenden, bleibt den Helden nichts anderes
übrig, als in seine Unterwasserwelt einzutauchen – denn auch an seinen
Hof sind ihre Gegner bereits vorgedrungen. Auf der Jagd nach den
Schergen der Tiefen Tochter stehen die Thorwaler den Helden mehr als
einmal hilfreich zur Seite. Doch was treibt die Nordleute wirklich in die
Stadt? Ist es tatsächlich nur der Kampf gegen die Schrecken der Tiefe
oder verfolgen sie noch ganz andere Ziele? Warum sind sie so versessen
darauf, den uralten Fluch des Flussvaters, der seit 2000 Jahren
verhindert, dass Thorwaler den Großen Fluss befahren, zu brechen?
Schließlich müssen die Helden eine Entscheidung darüber treffen, wie sie
in die Sänge der Skalden eingehen wollen: als Freunde oder Feinde der
Nordleute? Zum Spielen dieses Abenteuers benötigen Sie die DSARegelwerke zu Kampf, Magie und Götterwirken sowie die
Ergänzungsbände Zoo-Botanica Aventurica und Efferds Wogen. Für den
Spielleiter ist die Kenntnis der Regionalspielhilfen Am Großen Fluss und
Unter dem Westwind hilfreich. Dieses Buch enthält alle weiteren
Informationen, um als Meister des Schwarzen Auges eine Gruppe von
Spielern durch das Abenteuer zu führen.
An fremden Gestaden (Ab 193)..................25,00
Erscheint am 23.08.2012
Die goldene Stadt Aurika, Pyrdacors
Insel und die Rose der
Unsterblichkeit – alle jene verheißungsvollen Legenden sollen in
Uthuria, dem geheimnisvollen
Südkontinent, zu finden sein. Zu
allen Zeiten haben mutige
Abenteurer und Seefahrer versucht
die fernen Gestade zu erreichen,
doch bislang war die Passage
dorthin von der gefährlichen
Sargasso-See und ihren
Seeschlangen versperrt. Stürme
und Flauten machten die Überfahrt
bisher schier unmöglich. Doch nun
dringen Gerüchte zu den Helden vor,
die von einer Möglichkeit künden,
das Feuermeer zu überwinden. Im Auftrag Stover Regolan
Stoerrebrandts sollen sie eine Expeditionsflotte zusammen¬stellen und
sich auf den gefahrvollen Weg durch die südliche Charyptik zu machen.
Doch auch das Horasreich und das Imperium von Al’Anfa schicken ihre
besten Kapitäne aus, um einen Seeweg nach Uthuria zu finden – und die
Helden sind für sie unliebsame Konkur¬renz, die sie gerne ausschalten
würden. Fremde Kulturen, sagenumwobene Schätze und Wunder jenseits
aller Vorstellung warten auf ihre Entdeckung. Doch birgt nicht nur der
Weg nach Uthuria Gefahr. Das fremde Land soll von Schwarzogern,
Zitadellenechsen und Glasdrachen bewohnt sein, deren liebste Speise
Menschen sind. Wird es den Helden gelingen, das Feuermeer zu
überwinden und als erste ihren Fuß auf Uthuria zu setzen? Oder werden
sie das Schicksal der hundert anderen Glücksritter teilen, die nie
zurück¬kehrten? Und falls sie es schaffen Uthars Land zu finden, was
wird sie dort erwarten? Werden sie Aurika finden? Oder gar die
Uthurische Rose und damit das Geheimnis der Unsterblichkeit?
Aventurischer Bote #154.............................3,50
Der Aventurische Bote #154
versammelt allerlei
abwechslungsreiche Texte, die dem
geneigten Leser als Spielhilfen,
Handouts oder Inspiration dienen
sollen. Neues aus Al’Anfa weiß Alex
Spohr zu berichten und setzt den
Leser nach den Ereignissen aus dem
Abenteuer Rabenblut auf den
neuesten Stand der Geschehnisse in
der Region. Weiterhin stellt er in
der Reihe Aventurische Archetypen
die Hofdame vor, eine sicherlich
eher ungewöhnliche Heldin, die sich
aber hervorragend als
Meisterperson in vielerlei
Abenteuern einsetzen lässt. Marc
Jenneßen stellt uns ausführlicher die Gesellschaft des Mondkontors vor,
die aranische Mada Basari, die man besonders bei der Ausgestaltung von
Abenteuern im Mhaharanyat und der tulamidischen Welt gut gebrauchen
kann, die aber auch in anderem Kontext immer wieder ihre Finger im
Spiel haben können. Gemeinsam mit Michael Keil beschreibt Marc
Jenneßen dann in der Reihe Ortsbeschreibungen das Hauptkloster der
Noioniten zu Selem. Nicht nur die Räumlichkeiten, sondern auch die
wichtigen Personen des Klosters, seine Geschichte und Umgebung sowie
seine Geheimnisse werden in dieser Spielhilfe eingehend beleuchtet.
Tahir Shaikh setzt seine Betrachtungen über das neue Kalifat und dessen
wichtigste Personen fort, die in der kommenden Zeit als Antagonisten
Malkillahs auftreten werden. Daniel Simon Richter wirft einen weiteren
Blick hinter die Kulissen des Miniaturenspiels Schicksalspfade und stellt
die ersten beiden Gruppen vor, deren Figuren man auf das Spielbrett von
Schicksalspfade führen kann. Dazu kommen natürlich wieder
Meisterinformationen zu den aktuellen aventurischen Artikeln und die
Chronologie der inneraventurischen Ereignisse sowie eine ausführliche
Vorschau auf die Produkte, die in der nächsten Zeit erscheinen werden.
Auch in der Ausgabe #154 beinhaltet der herausnehmbare
Schwarzweiß-Teil wieder die beliebte inneraventurische Gazette des
Aventurischen Boten, diesmal für den Zeitraum Firun/Tsa 1035 BF und
u.a. mit einer Beurteilung der Geschehnisse im Mittelreich durch Prinz
Pathfinder dt.
Pathfinder RSP: Ausbauregeln: Magie........39,95
ABSOLUTE MACHT! Führe deinen
Charakter an die Spitze magischer
Macht mit den Pathfinder
Ausbauregeln: Magie zum
Pathfinder Rollenspiel. In diesem
Band warten arkane und göttliche
Geheimnisse auf dich, um in den
Händen aller zauberkundigen
Klassen zum Leben zu erwachen.
Neben der neuen Basisklasse des
Kampfmagus, welche arkane Magie
und die Kunst des Kampfes
verbindet, findest du ein neues
Zaubersystem, Regeln für
Zauberduelle und andere magische
Spezialisierungen, sowie Seiten voller neuer Zauber, Talente und mehr.
Denn warum sollte man sich bei frt Magie mit weniger als der absoluten
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
KW 31
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Macht zufrieden geben? Pathfinder Ausbauregeln: Magie ist ein
Begleitband für das Pathfinder Rollenspielsystem, den jeder haben
sollte. Dieses phantasievolle Rollenspiel basiert auf einer mehr als
zehnjährigen Entwicklungszeit und einer öffentlichen Testphase, bei der
über 50.000 Spieler an der Erschaffung eines modernen Rollenspiels
mitgewirkt haben, um den Bestseller unter den Fantasy-Rollenspielen
ins neue Jahrtausend zu holen. Die Pathfinder Ausbauregeln: Magie
► Den Kampfmagus, eine neue Basisklasse, die tödliche arkane Magie
mit den Fähigkeiten und Waffen eines ausgebildeten Kriegers verbindet.
► Worte der Macht, ein innovatives und flexibles neues Zaubersystem.
► Neue Optionen für Zauberkundige, wie alchemistische Entdeckungen,
alternative Einsatzmöglichkeiten für fokussierte Energie,
Druidentiergefährten, Hexenmeisterblutlinien, Eidolonkräfte, Hexereien
und Mysterien.
► Zusätzliche Talente und magische Fähigkeiten für kriegerische
Charaktere, darunter Ki-Tricks für Mönche, Archetypen für Inquisitoren
und Waldläuferfallen.
► Neue magische Zustände namens Zauberplagen, sowie Systeme zum
Erschaffen von Konstrukten, dem Binden Externarer und Zauberduelle.
► Mehr als 100 neue Zauber und ausführliche Richtlinien zum
Entwickeln eigener Zaubersprüche.
Handbuch: Andoran - Geist der Freiheit.......11,95
von Andoran es satt hatte, vor den
Teufelsanbetern aus Cheliax auf die
Knie zu gehen, erklärte es seine
Unabhängigkeit. Andoran sollte
eine Nation werden, in der alle
Frauen und Männer das Recht
haben, ihre Anführer selbst zu
wählen. Unter den Ländern
Golarions nimmt Andoran eine
einzigartige Stellung ein, denn es
ist eine repräsentative Demokratie.
Ausländische Adlige glauben an ein
zum Untergang verdammtes
Experiment, während sie
gleichzeitig befürchten, dass die Kraft andoranischer Ideale in ihren
eigenen Ländereien Bauernaufstände auslösen könnte. Wahre Andoraner
glauben an bedingungslose Selbstbestimmung und hassen Sklaverei wie
die Pest. Sie gehen darin sogar so weit, dass sie die ruhmreichen
Adlerritter auf gefährliche Missionen aussenden, um den Sklavenhandel
zu unterbinden und den Ruf der Freiheit landauf, landab zu verbreiten. In
diesem Pathfinder-Handbuch findest du:
► Detaillierte Informationen über das andoranische Volk: wie es lebt, wie
es sich selbst regiert, seine Beziehungen zu anderen Ländern und den
ehemaligen Adligen, seine philosophischen Ansichten und seine tiefe
nationale Verbindung zu Raubvögeln.
► Den Stahlfalken: Eine Prestigeklasse, die den Zweig der Adlerritter
repräsentiert, der die Sklaverei bekämpft.
► Eine Zusammenfassung der Geschichte Andorans: von seinen
bescheidenen Anfängen als Quelle für Nutzholz bis zur derzeitigen
ruhmreichen Republik.
► Die Beschreibung der großen und kleinen Städte Andorans.
► Mächtige neue magische Gegenstände und Zaubersprüche.
► Neue Wesenszüge, um andoranische Charaktere unterschiedlich zu
Handbuch: Taldor - Nachhall des Ruhms.....11,95
Erscheint am 31.08.2012
Ritter, holde Maiden, heroische
Abenteuer und gerechte Questen –
dies sind die Legenden Alt-Taldors.
Aber das einst so mächtige
Imperium hat seinen früheren
Glanz verloren. Nun bekämpfen
sich rivalisierende Adlige
gegenseitig mit erbitterten Rittern
und Armeen als Stellvertreter, eher
für ihre persönliche Macht statt für
ihre Ehre. Eine schwelende
Waffenruhe mit Qadira droht sich
jederzeit wieder zu einem Krieg zu
entzünden und Taldors
Tochterstaaten schauen mit Verachtung auf ihr Herkunftsland herab.
Noch gibt es Größe in Taldor, ein Fundament aus Steinen unter
abblätternden Goldverzierungen. Söhne und Töchter vergessener adliger
Blutlinien spüren, dass der Wind sich dreht; aber ist es das Geflüster von
kommender Größe oder das Todesröcheln eines Imperiums, dessen
Blütezeit längst vorbei ist? Dieses Pathfinder-Handbuch beschreibt den
Staat Taldor und seine Hauptstadt Oppara. Werde eine der Löwenklingen,
eine Prestigeklasse von Spionen für das Imperium! Lerne die Magie der
unterdrückten Kirche der Dämmerblume! Steige mit neuen Talenten von
niederer Herkunft zu Größe auf! Erlerne die prahlerische Magie von
Taldors wohlhabender Elite! Taldor braucht Streiter: Stellst du dich der
Abenteuerpfad #18: Der Klang von Tausend SchreienKönigs.6/6................................................19,95
Erscheint am 31.08.2012
Pathfinder Abenteuerpfad 18 Eine
Welt im Griff des Wahnsinns! Die
Abenteurer haben die Gefahren der
Raublande bezwungen und sind
nun die Herren dieses Reiches.
Doch plötzlich bricht aus einem
unbedeutenden Winkel ihres
Königreiches eine neue Bedrohung
hervor, als ein über die
Jahrhunderte vorbereiteter Plan
Gestalt annimmt und das Land
selbst in einen gefährlichen Gegner
verwandelt. Schon bald darauf
steht das Königreich der
Abenteurer am Rande des
Abgrundes! Die Grenze zwischen den Raublanden und einer fremden,
wahnsinnigen Welt beginnt sich aufzulösen. Die Abenteurer müssen ihr
Volk vor einer verrücktspielenden Natur und den Sendboten einer
anderen, unvorstellbaren Realität retten. Wird es ihnen gelingen, im
Angesicht des Zornes der Ersten Welt nicht nur ihr Königreich, sondern
auch ihre geistige Gesundheit zu bewahren? Dieser Band des PathfinderAbenteuerpfades bringt die Kampagne „Königsmacher“ zu ihrem
spannenden Abschluss. Er enthält:
► „Der Klang von Tausend Schreien“, ein Pathfinder-Abenteuer für
Charaktere der 15. Stufe – von Richard Pett.
► Finstere Pläne und hochstufige Herausforderungen, um die
„Königsmacher“- Kampagne auch über das Ende des Abenteuerpfades
hinaus zu leiten – von F. Wesley Schneider.
► Einen Ausflug in die Erste Welt, das Heim der Feen und das Land des
Unmöglichen – von James L. Sutter.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
KW 31
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
► Möchtegern-Kundschafter Ollix Kaddar erfährt Enthüllungen auf dem
Schlachtfeld und unliebsame Wahrheiten. ► Fünf neue Monster von
Gareth Hanrahan und Patrick Renie.
Uhrwerk Verlag
Das Schwarze Auge-Myranor
Im Zeichen der Götter.................................25,00
Erscheint am 16.08.2012
Im Zeichen der Götter Diese
Anthologie beinhaltet drei
Abenteuer, die jeweils vor dem
Hintergrund eines der vielen
religiösen Kulte Myranors spielen.
Im Netz der Spinne befinden sich
die Helden plötzlich, als sie in der
Eshbathya Nahambath in der
glutheißen Wüste Narkramar nur
eine simple Botschaft überbringen
sollen. Doch der Empfänger ist
verschwunden und ein ganzes
Viertel verhält sich äußerst seltsam.
Können die Helden das Netz
durchschneiden und das
Rattenviertel von einem
unheimlichen Kult erlösen? Wind
und Wogen haben eine große Bedeutung für die kleine Hafenstadt Lagor
im nordöstlichen Imperium, in der die Kulte des Ephar und des Chrysir
um die Vorherrschaft streiten. Doch erhebt auch die finstere Göttin
Charypta ihr nachtblaues Haupt, als ein wichtiges Artefakt gestohlen
wird – ein Artefakt mit dem man sogar den gefürchteten Efferdwall
überwinden können soll. Die Tage des Sieges sind in Sidor Harpax
gekommen, wo die alljährlichen Spiele zu Ehren Shinxirs stattfinden und
sich Athleten und Kämpfer aus nah und fern messen. Doch dieses Jahr
liegt ein Schatten über dem Fest, denn ein Gönner der Helden wurde
brutal ermordet. Was haben die mysteriösen letzten Hinweise des Toten
zu bedeuten? Und wer sabotiert die gottgefälligen Wettkämpfe?
ABENTEUER M16 Spieler: 1 Spielleiter und 3-6 Spieler ab 14 Jahren
KOMPLEXITÄT (MEISTER/SPIELER): mittel bis hoch / mittel
Anforderungen (Helden): Kampffertigkeiten, Talenteinsatz, Interaktion,
Nachforschung, Körperliche Fähigkeiten ORT: Das Imperium und die
Narkramar; beliebige Zeit
Space: 1899
Space: 1889..............................................39,95
Space: 1889 Alles, was Jules Verne hätte schreiben können. Alles, was
H. G. Wells hätte schreiben sollen. Alles, woran Arthur Conan Doyle
dachte, aber nie veröffentlichte - weil es zu phantastisch war. Im Jahr
1870 eröffnet der amerikanische Erfinder Thomas Edison den Weg zu
den Sternen! Mit dem Prototyp eines Ätherschiffes erreicht er den Mars
und betritt als erster Mensch den roten Sand einer fremden Welt. Er ist
der erste von vielen Menschen, die staunend die Wunder des Mars und
seiner Bewohner sehen werden: Die Kanäle des Roten Planeten, vor
Jahrtausenden erbaut, Städte, die schon alt waren, als auf der Erde die
Sumerer die ersten Lehmziegel aufeinander schichteten, und Relikte alter
Technik, deren Grundlagen schon lange vergessen sind. Andere Forscher
folgen Edisons Spuren und stoßen zu weiteren Planeten vor. Die
nebelverhangenen Sümpfe, Meere und Dschungel der Venus bieten
phantastische und bizarre Rohstoffe und Kreaturen – vor allem
Dinosaurier. Mit großem Aufwand und trotz aller Widrigkeiten wird
seine Urbarmachung und Besiedlung vorangetrieben. Auch der Merkur
lockt mit Rohstoffen und bietet urtümliches Leben. In einer
Dämmerungszone zwischen
einem Hitze- und Kältepol
liegt für wagemutige
Entdecker und Ingenieure die
Basis für eine Zukunft voller
Ruhm und Verdienst. Doch
auch die entlegenen Ecken
der Erde, das Ringen der
Kolonialmächte um Macht
und Einfluss,
atemberaubende Erfindungen
und Begegnungen mit
Berühmtheiten bieten Spaß
und Spannung. In Space:
1889 werden die Phantasien
zum Leben erweckt, die Jules
Verne, H.G. Wells, Arthur
Conan Doyle, H.R. Haggard
und andere geschaffen
haben: Klassische
Abenteuergeschichten und
Science-Fiction-Abenteuer mit einem skurrilen oder nostalgischen Hauch.
Sie spielen in einem Zeitalter, das vom Glauben an Technik und
Fortschritt erfüllt ist, in einer Welt im Schein von Gaslichtlampen, unter
der Energie der Dampfkraft und mit den sich verbreitenden Wundern von
Elektrizität und Äther: Voller Erfindungsreichtum und Abenteuerlust.
Space: 1889 ist ein Science-Fiction-Abenteuerspiel in einer
zivilisierteren Zeit. Oft sind es Gentlemen, die in den nebligen Straßen
Londons ebenso Abenteuer entdecken, wie in den staubigen Straßen
Syrtis Majors auf dem Mars. Aber auch Soldaten im Auftrag ihres
Landes, Erfinder beim Test ihrer neuesten Entwicklung, Historiker auf
der Suche nach den Geheimnissen der alten Marsianer, wilde venusische
Echsenmenschen oder stolze marsianische Steppenkriegerinnen erfüllen
ihre Missionen, um Ruhm, Einfluss und Ehre zu erlagen. Kern des
Rollenspielsystems sind die innovativen, schnell und leicht
verständlichen Ubiquity-Regeln, die sowohl einen spannenden Verlauf
von Geschichten und Abenteuern als auch kinoreife Aktionen
unterstützen. Space: 1889 – Vier Welten voller neuer Abenteuer.
Dungeonslayers - Caera Kampagnensetting.....
DIE WILDNIS Uralte Geheimnisse
wurden entschlüsselt, wertvolle
Schätze geborgen, abscheuliche
Monster besiegt und unzählige
Dungeons verwüstet. Doch bislang
war die Welt, in der all diese
Abenteuer spielten, nur ein vager
Schemen, ihre Karteneinträge
Namen ohne Bedeutung. Doch
damit ist nun endgültig Schluss. Mit
dem Öffnen dieser Box betretet Ihr
eine faszinierende Welt voller
Legenden und Geheimnisse, in der
nicht alles ist, wie es zunächst den
Anschein hat. Caera ist das klassische Fantasysetting für das
Dungeonslayers Rollenspiel – eine Welt der Magie, geheimnisvoller Orte,
fremdartiger Geschöpfe und tödlicher Gefahren. Bereist die Länder rund
um die Innersee, lernt Caeras Völker kennen und stellt Euch den
Gefahren fernab von engen Verliesen und Gewölben. Ob Hellweiter
Kronkriege, die sich ausbreitenden Ascheweiten, das verfluchte
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Maskenvolk von Mardos, die Rebellion in Kait, Sklavenjäger Nieheims im
Auftrag der Mumienfürsten von Shan'Zasar oder das rätselhafte
Schimmerschwinden – überall gibt es in dieser Welt zwischen Licht und
Schatten für angehende Helden etwas zu tun, worauf wartet Ihr noch?
Die Dungeonslayers Kampagnenbox enthält: Den Almanach von Caera,
der alle nötigen Hintergrundinformationen enthält, um Abenteuer und
Kampagnen in dieser fantastischen Welt anzusiedeln. Die Regeln von
Caera, die das Spiel in dieser Welt vertiefen und dabei auch ausgiebig
das Thema “Charaktere - Made in Caera” behandeln. Zwei
großformatige, farbige Karten mit detaillierten Darstellungen der Länder
rund um die Innersee.
Erschaffen von untoten Helden, sowie über 50 neue, mystische Kräfte,
die für die Verdammten bereit stehen. Hier gibt es vieles über den
mysteriösen Goldgräber und seinen Plan für die Bosse der Manitous, die
mächtigen Abrechener, zu erfahren. Abgerundet wird das Ganze mit
einem Abenteuer, speziell für untote Helden, die sich gerade noch die
Grabeserde von ihren Klamotten klopfen. So ist es an der Zeit das
„Leben“ als Untoter zu betrachten. Es ist an der Zeit, sich von den
verlockenden Stimmen der Lieben, die einen ins Paradies rufen wollen
abzuwenden, das weiße Licht zu ignorieren und wieder in den kalten
Körper zurück zu kehren. Also, wisch dir die Grabeserde aus den Augen
und beginn die verbotenen Geheimnisse des Buchs der Toten zu
studieren. Und denk immer daran, hier bist Du der Schwarze Mann!
Alderac Entertainment Group
CONTACT - Zug um Zug.............................10,95
Erscheint am 09.08.2012
Jetzt bist DU am Zug! Der Atomzug
Tango-3 befördert heiße Fracht:
OMEGA ist es in Südeuropa
gelungen, eine Gruppe Aliens aus
der Fraktion der Plünderer lebend
gefangen zu nehmen. An Bord von
Spezialwagons mit Wachen,
Wissenschaftlern und
Quarantänevorkehrungen sollen die
Aliens samt den Wrackteilen ihres
Schiffes zum europäischen
Hauptquartier in Deutschland
gebracht werden, um weiteren
Untersuchungen unterzogen werden
zu können. Doch plötzlich bricht der
Kontakt zum Gefangenentransport
ab. Die Lage ist unklar, eine
Gefährdung von Zivilisten ist nicht ausgeschlossen - es gibt keine Zeit zu
verlieren. Euer Truppentransporter steht bereit. Schnappt euch eure
Ausrüstung und steigt ein, denn ihr habt einen Auftrag ... ZUG UM ZUG
ist ein explosives CONTACT-Abenteuer für 3-6 Spieler, bei dem die
Charaktere es mit gefährlichen Aliens, irren UFO-Kultisten und einem
außer Kontrolle geratenen Nuklearreaktor auf Schienen zu tun
bekommen. Doppelgleiszüge sind die größten und schwersten
Landfahrzeuge der Welt, und wenn sie einmal Fahrt aufgenommen
haben, gibt es nur wenig, was sie aufhalten kann. Und als ob das nicht
genug wäre, sind die Rollen der Jäger und Gejagten auf dem
dahinrasenden Ungetüm keineswegs klar vergeben. Eine tödliche Hatz
Manchmal ist tot doch besser! Das
Buch der Toten lüftet den Schleier,
der über den Mysterien des Todes
liegt und enthüllt die Geheimnisse
derjenigen, die über die Schwelle
getreten und dann zurück gekehrt
sind, die grausigen Verdammten.
Diese knallharten Helden leben mit
einem Fluch, in Form eines bösen
Manitous, der sich in ihrer Seele
festgekrallt hat, um sie von ihrer
verdienten Ruhe abzuhalten und es
noch eine Weile dauern mag, bis
dass sie die Blumen von unten
betrachten können. In diesem Buch
finden sich neue Regeln zum
Thunderstone Advance: Caverns of Bane .......
Following on the heels of
Thunderstone Advance: Towers of
Ruin, the “10-out-of-10” hit game
(–Tom Vasel from Dice Tower),
Thunderstone goes underground
into the Caverns of Bane. The first
three Thunderstone Bearers are
defeated. In the aftermath, the
adventurers find clues leading to the abandoned Dwarven kingdom of
Caligin, beneath the fortress at Cheah Dell. Caverns of Bane contains
new challenges and allies in the growing Thunderstone Advance game.
This expansion includes: Vicious burrowing worms. Horrifying bat
monsters. Regenerating subterranean trolls. 3 new Thunderstone
Bearers add extra challenge. 7 new heroes! 6 new monster groups! 14
new village cards! A new way to play with treasures! Monsters carry
treasures, and use them against you. But when you slay them, you gain
the power of the treasure for yourself. Contents: Nearly 300 new cards,
dividers, rulebook, and a redesigned travel box to help you bring
Thunderstone everywhere! Players: 1-5 Ages: 12 & Up Playing Time:
45 minutes & Up
Atlas Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Das Buch der Toten....................................26,00
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Murder of Crows.........................................10,35
Uncover a murder most foul by
revealing six story elements that
together describe the deadly deed and
spell the word MURDER. But take care
that your opponents can't do the same -take their letters, counter their actions,
or call on a waiting Crow to influence
the murder before they do! At any
moment a well-played card can shift the
balance and seal someone's fate. Murder
of Crows is a fast-paced card game for
2 to 5 players that's quick to learn and
features atmospheric art by Thomas
Denmark. A game typically lasts 15 to
20 minutes, and is designed for ages
13 and up.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Battlefront Miniatures
Flames of War
Cratered Rural Roads..................................35,00
includes five Pre-painted Cratered
Rural Road Sections, one Packet of
GF9 Green Grass Static Grass & one
Packet of GF9 Meadow Blend
Static Grass. Road networks are
the heart of supply and
communication across the battlefield. An unpaved rural road will allow
trucks and half-tracks to move much faster than they do cross-country
due to the lack of major obstacles. Even tanks benefit from roads since
they often offer paths through difficult terrain that may otherwise cause
them to bog down. Careful use of a road network will allow your forces to
rapidly deploy across the battlefield, allowing you to surprise an unwary
foe. Combine the Cratered Rural Roads with the Rural Road Expansion
Set (BB140), Rural Roads (BB117), Cobblestone Roads (BB141), and
Train Tracks (BB135) to expand your road and rail network. Includes
Individually Sculpted:
■ 1x 6” T Intersection.
■ 1x 6” Crossroad Intersection.
■ 2x 6” Cratered Rural Road.
■ 1x 6” Curved Cratered Rural Road.
■ 1x Packet of GFS001 Green Grass GF9 Static Grass.
■ 1x Packet of GFS017 Meadow Blend GF9 Static Grass.
Sculpted by Jason Buyaki
simplified by removing unnecessary vision slots, reducing the number of
return rollers, and other economy measures. With a penetration of
96mm (3.8”) of sloped armour at 500m, the 7.5cm KwK40 gun of the
Panzer IV out performs most tanks in its weight class and can take on
any medium tank in existence.
SS-Panzergrenadier Command......................9,00
includes one Company Commander SMG team, one 2iC Command SMG,
two Panzerschreck teams, three Sniper teams, five Small bases & two
Medium bases. The SS-Panzergrenadiers are the elite infantry of the
German war machine. Despite constant fighting against the Allies on
both the Eastern and Western Fronts, the veteran soldiers of the SS
remain fearless in their pursuit of victory. Considered by Hitler as the
best units Germany had to offer; they were armed with the best
equipment the German war industry could produce. These Shock troops
were often called upon to form the tip of the spear when an offensive
was launched. Superbly led by battle hardened and well respected
officers, the SS-Panzergrenadiers will hold the line when lesser units
would run, fighting to the last man. Designed by Evan Allen
SS Heavy Machine-gun Platoon....................9,00
Calais House ..............................................16,00
Includes one fully-painted
Interchangeable Ground Floor, one
fully-painted Interchangeable Upper
Storey and one fully-painted
Interchangeable Roof. The Calais
House and the initial House
Subscription Deals are now sold out
Build a small village or a large town
one building at a time with the
Battlefield in a Box European House
range. Each building is pre-painted
and ready for your table, no
carpenters or stonemasons
required! Each three-part house measures 6cm x 8cm x 11cm and each
floor can hold up to two medium Flames Of War bases but best of all,
they come fully-painted.
includes one Command SMG team, four MG42 HMG teams, one Small
base & four Medium bases. Armed with the versatile MG42, the HMG
platoons of the Waffen-SS were able to pour fire into an enemy to either
suppress them in attack or pin them down in defence. Spitting out bullets
at rates up to 1200 rounds per minute earned this formidable weapon
the nickname Hitler's Buzzsaw. With such a high rate of fire, the facility
for a quick barrel change was a must as constant fire caused to the barrel
to quickly overheat; an experienced gunner could successfully change the
barrel on a MG42 in mere seconds and often had a number of spare
barrels on hand. The MG42 could be used as a light machine-gun when
fired from a bipod or as a heavy machine-gun when fired from a tripod
which helped reduce recoil and increased accuracy with the help of an
optic sight. Designed by Evan Allen
Panzer IV J Platoon....................................45,00
includes five Panzer IV J Medium
tanks, ten plastic part sprues, two
Stowage sprues, two Tank
Commander sprues, five sets of
metal Schürzen, ten Rare-earth
magnets & one Decal sheet. The
original Panzer IV entered service
before the start of the Second
World War, while the last model into production, the Panzer IV J, fought
through to the end. The Panzer IV J retains most of the features of the
earlier Panzer IV H, but replaces the power traverse with a hand-cranked
system due to shortages of critical materials. Production has also been
SS-Heavy Mortar Platoon (x4)....................16,00
includes four 12cm sGW43 mortars with crew, four Transport axles, one
Command SMG team, one Observer Rifle team, two Small bases & four
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Large bases. During Operation Barbarossa in 1941 the Germans
encountered the large Soviet 120-PM-38 12cm mortars. The qualities
of this weapon were immediately recognised and any captured weapons
immediately put into service under the designation 12cm Granatwerfer
378(r) (Literally, grenade thrower). The Germans were so impressed by
this weapon that they immediately set about making their own version.
This German duplicate design was called 12cm Granatwerfer 42 (though
sometimes it is referred to as the 12cm Granatwerfer 43 for the year it
was introduced to service). The tube length was 186.5cm and the
complete weapon weighed 285kg. It fired the Wurfgranate 42 that
weighed 15.8kg, which included 3.1kg of high explosives. The warhead
was usually fitted with the Abstandszünder 41 (distance detonator)
extender fuse. The maximum range was slightly over 6km. It could use
both Soviet and German ammunition. Because of the weight of the
weapon a two wheeled axle was utilised, enabling the mortar to be towed
into action. The axle could then be quickly removed before firing. Design
by Evan Allen
Calliope Tank Platoon.................................22,00
includes two T34 Calliope tanks,
two Plastic Sherman sprues, two
Tank Commander figures, one Full
Salvo token & four Rare-earth
magnets. The 30th and 90th
Infantry Divisions’ 743rd and
712th Tank Battalions were among
the first to receive T34 Calliope
rocket launcher kits. These
launchers were named after the
Calliope (pronounced Kal-lee-ohp by
some and Kal-lieoh-pee by others)
steam-powered organ played at
carnivals and circuses. The
launcher’s frame couldn’t stand up
to the main gun’s recoil, so the
crews became dedicated rocketeers,
forgoing their main gun completely. Each Calliope rocket launcher
system fired a bombardment of sixty 4.5” (114mm) rockets.
Individually, these rockets may not cause much damage, but group 60 to
240 of them into a single salvo and the enemy will have nowhere to
hide. Calliope launcher kits were attached to tanks from an infantry
division’s tank battalion. This meant that the Calliope crews were fulltime tankers but only part-time artillerymen without much, if any,
specialised training. Designed by Evan Allen
US Rifle companiy (Winter)........................45,00
includes one Company Command
Carbine team, one 2iC Command
Carbine team, two Command Rifle
teams, eight Bazooka teams,
eighteen Rifle teams, twelve Small
bases & eighteen Medium bases.
The GIs (derived from ‘General
Issue’, a nickname for US soldiers)
of the rifle platoons form the core of your company. These ‘dog faces’
were well trained and some have seen combat. They are also well known
for their scrounging capabilities, augmenting their platoons with
unauthorised weapons such as bazookas and submachine-guns stripped
from transport vehicles. While strictly against the rules, the GIs know
better than others that they’ll need the added firepower in the coming
campaigns. The triangular formation of an infantry division means that
you can count on three rifle platoons in your company. This gives you
flexibility to keep one platoon in reserve while the others hold the line.
Designed by Evan Allen
Wargames Illustrated
Wargames Illustrated #298.........................6,50
The upcoming issue of Wargames
Illustrated contains the following
Barry Hilton guides us through a
wonderful introduction to Napoleonic
wargaming on the dusty plains of Spain
and Portugal, where thousands of men
from dozens of nations fought hard for
or against the will of Emperor Napoleon.
We find out more about the reasons the
French were there in the first place, the
type and scale of the battles, and the
variety of troops involved. THE BATTLE
OF CORUNNA Rick Priestley has
written up a report of a massive battle
hosted by Robert Browning late last year in his wargaming room, the
retreat to Corunna by the British forces in 1809. This excellent table
was featured in our Great Wargames special, but has never been part of
a WI article before. SALAMANCE, 1812 A group of veteran wargamers,
all relatively new to the Napoleonic period, decided to get together and
host a BlackPowder demonstration game at Adepticon, one of the largest
sci-fi and fantasy, tournament-based, conventions in the US. AVILA,
1812 Barry Hilton hosted a collection of fictional Peninsular War battles
at a local hotel, one of his famous “weekenders” that are open to any
member of the wargaming public to attend. The rules used were Barry’s
The March of Eagles and Republic To Empire. POLAND INVADED Early
war Soviet infantry forces in Flames Of War. Looking ahead to the
release of next year’s Early War material for the Eastern Front, the
Battlefront Studio present an Intelligence Briefing for the Soviet
Strelkovy Battalion. THE BATTLE OF PLATAEA Rob Broom of Scarab
Miniatures reports on a recent Society of Ancients ‘Battle Day’, in which
fifty-plus gamers used twelve different rule sets to play out the same
battle - Plataea 479BC - “The most glorious victory ever seen”. MATT
methods for painting various types of clothing. From simple fabrics to
fancy patterns, there are certainly some wonderful ideas to improve the
look of your wargaming armies. CULLODEN The Jacobite rebellion ended
in defeat for Bonnie Prince Charlie on Culloden Moor, near Inverness in
1746. In conclusion to our recent theme on The ’45 here we present the
background to the battle and a refight report, using the Volley and
Bayonet rules, which took place at the Fiasco wargames show in Leeds.
SALUTE 2012 PAINTING COMPETITION All the best entries from this
year’s Salute painting competition.
Würfel & Zubehör
Vortex 12mm d6 Dice Blocks Bright Green/black
Würfelset 36 6-seitige Würfel
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Vortex 12mm d6 Dice Blocks Yellow/blue......
Würfelset 36 6-seitige Würfel
Vortex 12mm d6 Dice Blocks Teal/gold..........
Würfelset 36 6-seitige Würfel
Lost - Squamata Spitter(Blister)..................19,99
What general would not wish for
warriors such as the ones they call
Spitters in his ranks: these
monsters are able to project jets of
acidic vomit that can hit a target
four fathoms away, and the acid
eats away at the flesh of any
foolish enough to get within range.
It will even eat its way through
steel and leather. This is the perfect
example of the infernal paradox of
this place. It sets up battles
between titans and monsters, all
well armed and protected, as if the very nature of Hell favors neverending battles. It is as if a twisted intelligence was manipulating devils
and men, setting them up against each other with an evil glee...
Saracens - Chams al Majid (Blister)............13,99
Sayid pulled up his blanket, wished
his comrades a good night, checked
that his scimitar was close to hand
and turned over onto his side. The
other men soon did the same. Only
Ali remained awake. He was staring
intently at the hill. By Allah, there
were verses of The Voyage from the
Qur’an coming from the whirlwind!
Vortex 12mm d6 Dice Blocks Pink/gold.........
Würfelset 36 6-seitige Würfel
Cipher Studios
Hell Dorado
Demons - Flesh Demon (Blister)..................19,99
Sometimes, upon a battlefield
abandoned by the survivors, the
rotting flesh can return to life. Some
say that this is the part that the souls
of the damned leave behind when
they enter the Abyss. A pound of
flesh, if you will, that the Underworld
reclaims to pay for their
Immortals - Kuan Yin (Box)........................34,99
Seeing the black and purple marks on
the girl’s face Kuan Yin moved
forward out of the cave. The girl
shied away fearfully from the naga’s
alien physique.”Ah … now you see
why I am the hermit priestess of your
village. Be not afraid, as I said, I am
intrigued.” “What has brought you
here girl?”
Cubicle 7
Doctor Who
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space....
-Eleventh Doctor Ed...................................47,99
Imagine you could go anywhere.
This world or countless others,
encountering strange alien races,
new cultures or hostile
environments. Now imagine you
could travel to any time. See the
pyramids and the Sphinx (back
when she had a nose!), discover
who (or what) really built
Stonehenge, meet the first Emperor
of Japan, or travel into the far
future as humanity spreads to the
stars. Where would you go? With
Doctor Who: Adventures in Time
and Space, the power is in your
hands! You can go anywhere or anywhen in the universe. It’s not going
to be easy. It’ll probably be dangerous. The universe is a hostile place,
full of Daleks, Sontarans, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, The Atraxi and
worse. There will be fear, heartbreak and excitement, but above all, it’ll
be the trip of a lifetime. Doctor Who: Adventures in Time and Space is a
roleplaying game set in the universe of the world’s longest running
science fiction show on TV – the BBC’s Doctor Who. Published in a
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
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Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
boxed format, the core set includes: Player’s Guide Gamemaster’s Guide
Adventure Book Quick Start Guide Character sheets, including pregenerated characters for the series cast Tokens and Dice The Eleventh
Doctor edition features: All-new art and graphic design Aliens and
Creatures from the Doctor's most recent adventures A New adventures
book written specifically for this edition Doctor Who: Adventures in Time
and Space has been written to appeal to both the experienced and first
time gamer.
Dark Harvest: The Legacy of Frankenstein - Resistance
Dark Harvest: The Legacy of
Frankenstein - Resistance
Resistance is the first full
supplement for the critically
acclaimed RPG Dark Harvest: The
Legacy of Frankenstein. Building on
what has been described as “…
without a doubt the best world
description I have ever seen…”
(Brian Fitzgerald, Game Knight
Reviews*) the supplement focuses
on the struggle between Victor
Frankenstein’s Promethean
authorities and the Creature’s
Resistance fighters, as well as
covering many other aspects of life
within Promethea. Included are:
• A full items and equipment listing
using 1920’s monetary values
• New and clarified rules and mechanics
• New NPCs, organisations, and Augmentations
• Detailed maps of military installations
• A full scenario with campaign suggestions
• Six page intro comic
• Detail on subjects ranging from the Resistance and the Promethean
Military Forces, to the Suffragette movement in Promethea and the
thriving black market; from escaping the country to how both the
authorities and the Resistance try to stop that happening; from passive
resistance by university staff to the knife in the dark arranged by a dark
cabal misinterpreting Frankenstein’s wishes.
• Three new short stories by Iain Lowson, adding yet more flavour and
detail to the Dark Harvest setting. Resistance covers everything from
merciless high politics in Victor Frankenstein’s inner circle of advisors, to
the desperate fight for life and liberty in the mud and darkness between
loyal soldiers from both sides; and looming over all, the relentless Dark
Harvest continues… Dark Harvest: The Legacy of Frankenstein is a
detailed, fascinating game setting, a terrifyingly plausible alternative
history, and a fiction anthology; a gothic horror fantasy that will appeal
to gamers and the general public alike. Dark Harvest: The Legacy of
Frankenstein uses a version of the Heresy Engine system and is fully
compatible with the Victoriana 2nd Edition, also available from Cubicle 7
Entertainment. The core book is a standalone game.
The Spellweaver (PFRPG) ..........................15,99
The Spellweaver presents an alternate magic system that transforms
arcane magic into a matter of skill and not just level climbing. Using the
new spellweaving skill, a spellweaver is able to manipulate the threads of
magic that spread throughout Existence like an infinite web of arcane
energy. Using this system, arcane spells of any level may be cast so long
as the character is sufficiently
skilled and willing to risk the
hazardous repercussions of failure.
Inside you will find instructions on
how to integrate this new form of
skill-based magic into your game
setting, or how to replace the
existing magic system outright. The
simple rules for doing so are
presented in easy-to-read tables
that can be used for converting
third party spells to spellweaving
DCs. Also within are... - The
spellweaver base class, along with
4 archetypes - 4 spellweavingrelated prestige classes: the battle
weaver, cartomancer, fated, and weave dancer - More than 30 new feats
concerning this new magic system and notes on how existing feats relate
to spellweaving - A new race of natural spellweavers, the spider-like
Ardekh - A new, spellweaving-based goddess, a new cleric domain, new
spells, and new magic items related to spellweaving - 5 new creatures, a
new hazard, the Weave creature subtype, and a new creature template More than 30 new feats concerning the spellweaving magic system Rules for lands where the Weave acts abnormally - All Pathfinder
Reference Document spells converted to spellweaving DC to save you
time The time has come to break the mold and put spell slots aside.
Fantasy Flight Games
The Lord of the Rings LCG
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Lord of the Rings LCG: Foundations of Stone Expansion
"Something has crept, or been
driven out of dark waters under the
mountains. There are older and
fouler things than Orcs in the deep
places of the world." –Gandalf, The
Fellowship of the Ring Having set
out from Rivendell to discover the
root of the Orcs’ increased activity,
the heroes wander deep into the
mines of Moria. Hazards slow their
movement and threaten their
health, and Orcs confront them at
every turn, but with little sign of
true organization. Still, as the
heroes track the Orcs back toward
larger encampments, their search
leads them deeper and deeper,
down into Moria’s Foundations of
Stone. Foundations of Stone is the
fifth Adventure Pack in the
Dwarrowdelf cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. Its 60
cards introduce a new hero, three copies of each player card, and an allnew scenario that traps your heroes in treacherous underground currents
that wash them into a dark and dangerous realm where the nameless
things lair! This is not a stand-alone deck. A copy of The Lord of the
Rings: The Core Set and The Lord of the Rings: Khazad-dûm are required
to play.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Warhammer Invasion LCG
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Warhammer Invasion: Fragments of Power.....
Chaos infects this world like a
malignant disease… Yet amidst all
of the fire, flame and fury, it is a
world too of mighty heroes, of bold
deeds and of great courage. These
few champions stand against the
encroaching darkness, rallying their
warriors with acts of valour and
hope of victory. The deafening roar
of battle rises above them all. –
Warhammer, "Introduction"
Fragments of Power is the second
Battle Pack in The Bloodquest Cycle
for Warhammer: Invasion! The
armies of the Old World collide. As
the Empire and other forces of
Order oppose the servants of Chaos,
the Greenskin hordes, and the cruel
Dark Elves, mighty visionaries
undertake quests to recover mighty
artifacts, infiltrate enemy forces, rally troops, and turn the tide of battle.
With its 60 new cards (3 copies each of 20 different cards), Fragments
of Power introduces new units, attachments, and tactics that provide
powerful benefits to your army while you control a Hero or legend. New
nobles, warriors, priests, and creatures arrive to fill your ranks, and
quests become more varied and important than ever. CONTAINS CARDS
21-40 of “THE BLOODQUEST CYCLE.” This is not a stand-alone deck. A
Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game core set is required to play.
Warhammer Invasion: The Accursed Dead.......
"However many ye send to stoppe
me, foolysh priest, I shalle send
upon ye the same tally of corpses
and more. I warn ye now, ye may
find them ille upon the eye, and yet
they will be most familiar to ye." –
Excerpt from a parchment signed in
bloody by Valdrek the Crimson The
Accursed Dead is the third Battle
Pack in The Bloodquest Cycle for
Warhammer: Invasion! Undead and
the forces of Destruction gain
unprecedented necromantic
prowess. Even the forces of Order
gain new control over their fallen
with cards that manipulate players'
discard piles and the units therein.
Additionally, three of the Old
World's races set off on bold new
quests to disrupt their opponents'
plans, the Dark Elves conduct bold raids, the Orcs gain early card draw,
and an adventurous legend lends his strength to the Empire's cause. With
its 60 new cards (3 copies each of 20 different cards), The Accursed
Dead introduces new units, tactics, and attachments (including a
powerful new Artefact) that increase the value of your Heroes, legends,
and quests. Face the full fury of Dark Magic in the realm of the Undead
in The Accursed Dead. CONTAINS CARDS 41-60 of “THE BLOODQUEST
CYCLE.” This is not a stand-alone deck. A Warhammer: Invasion The
Card Game core set is required to play.
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Descent 2nd Edition Boardgame (engl.)...........
In Descent: Journeys in the Dark,
heroes explore the corridors,
chambers, and caverns that exist
below the surface of the world,
gathering equipment and treasure,
battling monsters, and working
together as a team to complete their
quest. Can you survive the dark?
Call of Cthulhu LCG
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
COC: Lost Rites Asylum Pack ....................11,95
One night about midnight, as Charles was
chanting a ritual whose weird cadence echoed
unpleasantly through the house below, there
came a sudden gust of chill wind from the bay,
and a faint, obscure trembling of the earth which
everyone in the neighbourhood noted. At the
same time the cat exhibited phenomenal traces of
fright, while dogs bayed for as much as a mile
around. –H.P. Lovecraft, The Case of Charles
Dexter Ward Forbidden secrets and dark rituals
alter the face of reality in Lost Rites, the fourth
Asylum Pack in the Revelations cycle for Call of
Cthulhu: The Card Game. Scientists, cultists, monsters, and relic hunters
scour libraries and haunted woods for powerful Tomes and the arcane
knowledge they contain. Will the magical forces they unleash hasten the
end of days? Or will heroic government agents and Miskatonic
University faculty be able to force the Ancient Ones back toward their
eternal slumber in distant realms? Lost Rites continues to reinforce the
centrality of occult knowledge in the Revelations cycle and the struggles
of Call of Cthulhu. In the 60 cards (3 copies each of 20 new cards) in
Lost Rites, players gain the unique talents of a host of new characters,
discover a deadly location, and uncover terrifying conspiracies Contains
cards 61-80 of the Revelations cycle. This is not a standalone deck; you
must have additional Call of Cthulhu LCG cards to play.
A Game of Thrones LCG
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
AGOT: Valar Dohaeris ................................11,95
“Remember, the House of Black and White is not a
home for orphans. All men must serve beneath this
roof. Valar dohaeris is how we say it here. Remain
if you will, but know that we shall require your
obedience. At all times and in all things. If you
cannot obey, you must depart.” –George R.R.
Martin, A Feast for Crows Valar Dohaeris
introduces 60 new cards (3 copies each of 20
different cards) to serve you during your contests of
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. A host of new
characters arrive to serve the Great Houses of
Westeros, including Knights, Fools, Allies, and even
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
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Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Lords. All must show obedience and play their roles in the myriad battles
and intrigues launched between rival houses as they all seek to win the
Iron Throne. Meanwhile, as the Great Houses continue to expand their
influence into Essos, Valar Dohaeris brings more of the Eastern
continent’s flavor to A Game of Thrones: The Card Game. Two unique
locations encourage decks built around themes that can unite characters
from rival houses, and players can continue their journey down the
Rhoyne with four exciting River plots. An A Game of Thrones: The Card
Game core set is required to play. Contains cards 21-40 of the Beyond
the Narrow Sea series.
AGoT: A Song of Summer Revised .............11,95
“The smallfolk say that the last year of summer is
always the hottest. It is not so, yet ofttimes it feels
that way, does it not? On days like this, I envy you
northerners your summer snows.” - Grand Maester
Pycelle A Song of Summer is the first installment
of 60 fixed cards for the A Time of Ravens
expansion to the A Game of Thrones card game,
based on George R.R. Martin’s bestselling A Song
of Ice and Fire saga. It contains 3 copies each of 20
different cards designed to augment existing decks
and add variety to the A Game of Thrones
metagame. This is not a stand-alone deck; an A
Game of Thrones: The Card Game core set is required to play.
AGoT: Winds of Winter Revised ................11,95
“I can feel it in these old bones of mine, and
Maester Aemon agrees. The cold winds are
rising. Summer is at an end, and a winter is
coming such as this world has never seen.” - Old
Bear Mormont The Winds of Winter is the
second installment of 60 fixed cards for the A
Time of Ravens expansion to the A Game of
Thrones card game, based on George R.R.
Martin’s bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire saga.
It contains 3 copies each of 20 different cards
designed to augment existing decks and add
variety to the A Game of Thrones metagame.
This is not a stand-alone deck; an A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
core set is required to play.
AGoT: A Change of Seasons Revised ..........11,95
As the warm embrace of summer releases its grip
to the harsh winds of winter, the continent of
Westeros is in turmoil. The change of seasons will
send the timid and the weak into hiding, longing for
better times. But for the cunning, the opportunistic,
and the bold, the chaos surrounding the onset of
winter will be seen as the means to power! A
Change of Seasons is the third installment of 60
fixed cards for the A Time of Ravens expansion to
the A Game of Thrones card game, based on George
R.R. Martin’s bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire
saga. It contains 3 copies each of 20 different cards designed to
augment existing decks and add variety to the A Game of Thrones
metagame. This is not a stand-alone deck; an A Game of Thrones: The
Card Game core set is required to play.
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
FFG Gamers Deck Boxes BLUE......................7,95
Find the perfect storage for cards from your
favorite LCG or other game with the Fantasy
Flight Games Deck Box. This boldly-colored
container is made of sturdy polypropelene plastic
and safely holds up to 100 sleeved cards. A
smaller, detachable compartment fits snugly
underneath to secure all your necessary tokens
and dice. You can add greater personality to any
Fantasy Flight Supply Deck Box, by making use
of its removable clear front plate. You can use the
space behind this front plate to proudly display
your favorite card or to associate your deck box
with a specific game by showing any card back. This means your Deck
Box is not only sturdy, but also stylish! The Fantasy Flight Supply Deck
Box comes in five solid colors: red, blue, green, black, and white. Safely
stores up to 100 sleeved cards Removable clear front plate can hold and
display your favorite card Detachable under box secures your tokens with
your cards Made of sturdy polypropelene plastic Choose from five bold
colors: red, blue, green, black, and white
FFG Gamers Deck Boxes GREEN....................7,95
Find the perfect storage for cards from your
favorite LCG or other game with the Fantasy
Flight Games Deck Box. This boldly-colored
container is made of sturdy polypropelene plastic
and safely holds up to 100 sleeved cards. A
smaller, detachable compartment fits snugly
underneath to secure all your necessary tokens
and dice. You can add greater personality to any
Fantasy Flight Supply Deck Box, by making use
of its removable clear front plate. You can use the
space behind this front plate to proudly display
your favorite card or to associate your deck box
with a specific game by showing any card back. This means your Deck
Box is not only sturdy, but also stylish! The Fantasy Flight Supply Deck
Box comes in five solid colors: red, blue, green, black, and white. Safely
stores up to 100 sleeved cards Removable clear front plate can hold and
display your favorite card Detachable under box secures your tokens with
your cards Made of sturdy polypropelene plastic Choose from five bold
colors: red, blue, green, black, and white
FFG Gamers Deck Boxes RED........................7,95
Find the perfect storage for cards from your
favorite LCG or other game with the Fantasy
Flight Games Deck Box. This boldly-colored
container is made of sturdy polypropelene plastic
and safely holds up to 100 sleeved cards. A
smaller, detachable compartment fits snugly
underneath to secure all your necessary tokens
and dice. You can add greater personality to any
Fantasy Flight Supply Deck Box, by making use
of its removable clear front plate. You can use the
space behind this front plate to proudly display
your favorite card or to associate your deck box
with a specific game by showing any card back. This means your Deck
Box is not only sturdy, but also stylish! The Fantasy Flight Supply Deck
Box comes in five solid colors: red, blue, green, black, and white. Safely
stores up to 100 sleeved cards Removable clear front plate can hold and
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
KW 31
Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
display your favorite card Detachable under box secures your tokens with
your cards Made of sturdy polypropelene plastic Choose from five bold
colors: red, blue, green, black, and white
FFG Gamers Deck Boxes WHITE....................7,95
Find the perfect storage for cards from your
favorite LCG or other game with the Fantasy
Flight Games Deck Box. This boldly-colored
container is made of sturdy polypropelene plastic
and safely holds up to 100 sleeved cards. A
smaller, detachable compartment fits snugly
underneath to secure all your necessary tokens
and dice. You can add greater personality to any
Fantasy Flight Supply Deck Box, by making use
of its removable clear front plate. You can use the
space behind this front plate to proudly display
your favorite card or to associate your deck box
with a specific game by showing any card back. This means your Deck
Box is not only sturdy, but also stylish! The Fantasy Flight Supply Deck
Box comes in five solid colors: red, blue, green, black, and white. Safely
stores up to 100 sleeved cards Removable clear front plate can hold and
display your favorite card Detachable under box secures your tokens with
your cards Made of sturdy polypropelene plastic Choose from five bold
colors: red, blue, green, black, and white
Arkham Horror
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Arkham Horror Novel: The Lies of Solace-Lord of
Nightmares 2................................................7,15
A cold-eyed man was smiling at her from so close
she could kiss him. Except it was her face twisting
in surprise as she looked at herself... Jacqueline
Fine is having visions…visions of a robed man
before the crumbling edifice of a city, of bones
and flesh at his feet, of blood and terrifying
words. She's determined to stop this latest vision
from happening, but can she change fate, or only
allow herself to be swept along in the tides that
come? The Lies of Solace is the second novel in
The Lord of Nightmares Trilogy, based on the
popular Arkham Horror board game. This
disturbing tale explores the depths to which desperation and tragedy can
plunge us, and the grim consequences that await those who surrender to
grief and pain.
humanity. In the midst of perpetual war, a far-eastern warrior sect with
a shadowy agenda has set out toward the evergreen peninsula of
Kamchatka. Can Union Major John McNeal and the elite soldiers of the
42nd Marines stop their sinister plot before it’s too late? And what
terrible powers lie hidden in the verdant wilderness? The race is on to
discover ancient secrets that could finally bring the Great War to its
climactic end!
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Sky Traders................................................39,95
Launch your skyship into the clouds
and experience adventure and
intrigue in Sky Traders, a board
game for two to five players. Evade
ruthless Wind Pirates and
manipulate the commodities
market. Work with your peers to
create larger profits for everyone,
or try to undermine your rivals and
keep all the money for yourself.
Trade your way to fortune and
fame as you attempt to take control
of the powerful Sky Guild! Sky
Traders includes: Five Sky Trader figures and 5 skyship sheets One
Commodities Exchange sheet and one Guild Influence track 14 Sky
District tiles 31 Ill Wind cards And everything else you’ll need to play
Dust Tactics
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Dust Tactics: KV47 Walker........................23,95
KV47 is a versatile new walker for
Dust Tactics! While the SSU once
lagged in walker technology, they
have since developed the KV47, a
walker platform capable of trading
blows with any opposing armor.
This impressive machine can be
fielded in three different variants:
the Nadya, Natasha, or Natalya.
Dust Tactics: SSU Specialists......................15,95
The NKVD Battle Squad brings
tough new soldiers to your Dust
Tactics army. Trained in the art of
rapid assaults, the SSU Battle
Squad frequently forms the front
line of SSU armies. This squad is
equipped with a pair of DPM
machine guns that allow them to
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Tannhäuser Novel: Rising Sun, Falling Shadows
MacNeal’s hand shot up, and his commandos
froze. He started to give the signal to form on
Fireteam Alpha. But before he could finish the
signal, he heard more gunfire from a different
direction. This time, it was coming from nine
o’clock, from the vicinity of Fireteam Charlie.
MacNeal, who only moments ago had imagined he
was taking a nature hike in Maine, switched
smoothly into warrior mode. Rising Sun, Falling
Shadows is a novel by Robert Jeschonek and
based in the war-torn alternate history of
Tannhäuser. This gripping tale brings fan-favorite
characters vividly to life, while drawing newcomers into a war-torn
world where science and the supernatural clash to determine the fate of
pummel the enemy from afar.
Dust Tactics: Allies MCW M3 Walker.........23,95
The Cobra and Rattler Medium
Walkers offer the Allies more
options for armored support. With
its anti-aircraft gun, the Rattler is
capable of grounding airborne units.
When it is not punishing aircraft,
the Rattler unloads a wall of
machine gun fire that shreds
infantry to pieces. Meanwhile, the
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Cobra uses its Phaser gun to electrify vehicles and troops alike, causing
massive amounts of damage to both. Additionally, this expansion
includes parts to give your walker the Amphibious Unit skill.
Warhammer 40K
The brethren of the Deathwatch are
the champions of humanity, the
elite of the elite, and the very best
the thousand and more Chapters of
the Adeptus Astartes can produce.
But while many Battle-Brothers are
drawn from the most well known
Chapters—the Blood Angels, the
Space Wolves, the Ultramarines,
and others of the First Founding—
still more hail from lesser known
bodies, the Successors of the great
Legions. Some of these Chapters are
every bit as famous as their
celebrated progenitors, while others
are all but unheralded. Nevertheless, all are heroes. Honour the Chapter is
a supplement for Deathwatch that provides a wealth of options for
players interested in characters drawn from Chapters created during the
Second or subsequent Foundings. This comprehensive tome contains new
character creation rules, a wealth of relics unique to each Chapter, and
plenty of guidance and adventure seeds for Game Masters.
Dust Tactics: SSU Rifle Squad....................15,95
The SSU Rifle Squad is unique in
the fact that its members make use
of a mix of Sniper Rifles and
machine guns to support their
Comrades. The soldiers of the SSU
are renowned for their skill with
rifles, and they prefer to wield
these weapons instead of more
traditional assault weapons like Flamethrowers or heavy machine guns.
In fact, Rifle Squads are so skilled with their weapons that it is not
uncommon for them to take down enemy walkers!
Dust Tactics: Warzone Tenement Building .....
Accessory Pack...........................................23,95
As the political officers of the SSU,
Commissar Squads have the task of
enforcing the bloc’s ideology. Members
of this squad can be attached to other
squads, or they may also be deployed as
a single squad. Each commissar has
either a special ability or a unique
weapon to augment whatever unit he
joins. Whether fielded as a unit or
separated into other units, the SSU Commissar Squad is a powerful
addition to your Dust Tactics and Dust Warfare army.
WH40K: Deathwatch Honour the Chapter...31,95
Gale Force Nine
Barbed Wire (30mm) ...................................4,50
Contains 8 metres of 30mm scale
barbed wire.
Dust Tactics: SSU Commissar Squad Drakoni .
As the political officers of the SSU,
Commissar Squads have the task of
enforcing the bloc’s ideology.
Members of this squad can be
attached to other squads, or they
may also be deployed as a single
squad. Each commissar has either a
special ability or a unique weapon
to augment whatever unit he joins. Whether fielded as a unit or
separated into other units, the SSU Commissar Squad is a powerful
addition to your Dust Tactics and Dust Warfare army.
Barbed Wire (15mm) ...................................4,50
Dust Tactics: Axis Panzer Kampfläufer III.......
Supporting three different builds,
the Panzer-Kampfläufer III adds
destructive weapons and extra
toughness to your Axis armies in
Dust Tactics and Dust Warfare. The
Flamm-Luther uses massive
flamethrowers to incinerate
opposing troops and vehicles.
Meanwhile, the Wotan fires explosive lasers from afar, punching holes in
anything in its path. With the same laser cannons as the Wotan, the
Wotan-AR features heavier armor for added protection. Reinforce your
army with the Panzer-Kampfläufer III expansion and devastate your
Contains 6 metres of 15mm scale barbed wire.
Iron Chain (1,5mm) .....................................4,50
Contains 2 metres of 1.5mm thick
chain. Whether it’s a steampowered robot, a gun festooned
tank, or an imprisoned beast broken
free, they all would look great with chains hanging from them.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Snake Chain (1.5mm)...................................4,50
Haywire Group
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Contains 2 metres of 1.5mm thick snake chain Sci-fi gamers will find
many uses for this product. Anything from surging power conduits, to
hi-tech cables can be acheived with this stylised chain.
Iron Cable (1mm)..........................................4,50
Contains 2 metres of 1mm thick iron cable. Tow cables on tanks,
electrical wiring, and industrial cables on cranes are some of the uses for
this Iron Cable.
Three Strand Rope (0.5mm).........................4,50
Chupacabra Survive the Night.....................15,99
What is Chupacabra? For over a
decade, and all over Latin America,
goats, burros, chickens, and other
farm animals have been
mysteriously found with puncture
wounds on their chest and void of
blood. Farmers and villagers have
long told tales that a blood-thirsty
creature is responsible for the death
of their livestock. Some say the
creature looks like a small bear with
porcupine spines. Others say the
creature looks like a mangy coyote
or even an alien. Whatever you
believe about the creature's
appearance, one thing is certain--this creature likes to hunt at night,
killing its prey with swiftness and ferocity while draining the blood from
its victim. The locals call the beast responsible for these slayings "El
Chupacabra", or "Goat Sucker". Turn out the lights and try to be the last
mammal standing in this survival dice game. Based on Latin American
Folklore. Can You SURVIVE the Night? All dice and packaging glow in
the dark! • Includes 24 high-quality two-color embossed dice • Retail
packaging features embossed eyes and spot UV coating that leaps off the
shelf! • Play a short game or draw out the horror with the ¡Chupacabra
Loco! catch-up rules! • Play time 15 minutes
Heidelberger Spiele Verlag
Contains 2 metres of 0.5mm thick rope. The use of ropes dates back to
prehistoric times, and is still in use today. No matter what time period
your wargaming is taking place, whether it’s on sea or land, you’re bound
to find a use for these lengths of rope.
Braided Rope (0.8mm).................................4,50
Contains 2 metres of 0.8mm thick rope. The use of ropes dates back to
prehistoric times, and is still in use today. No matter what time period
your wargaming is taking place, whether it’s on sea or land, you’re bound
to find a use for these lengths of rope.
Warhammer Invasion: Gefäss der Winde......7,95
Als sich ein Riss ins Reich des
Chaos öffnet, fegen die Winde der
Magie uber das Land. Viele
versuchen, ihre Macht zu nutzen,
doch wer wird uberleben, um davon
zu berichten? Gefäß der Winde ist
ein Battlepack aus dem BlutquestZyklus, einer inhaltlich
Erweiterungsreihe fur Warhammer:
Invasion. Warhammer: Invasion ist
ein Kartenspiel um erbitterte
Schlachten, clevere Verwaltung von
Königreichen und epische Questen.
Diese 60 Karten umfassende
Packung enthält 20 verschiedene
bisher unveröffentlichte Karten, mit
denen man bestehende Decks
verbessern und den Metaplot von
Warhammer: Invasion vielfältiger gestalten kann.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Warhammer 40K
WH40K: Deathwatch – Schlachtriten .........44,95
"Deine Zukunft liegt beim Orden.
Die Vergangenheit ist Staub. Bau
auf diese Grundlage und Sie soll
groß sein unter deinen
Schlachtenbrüdern." - Gotthold,
Ordenspriester der Black Templer Die Deathwatch hält standhaft
Nachtwache über einen der
gefährlichsten Regionen in der
Galaxis, Wache gegen die
widerlichen Kräfte von feindlichen
fremden Rassen und alten Gräbern
die am besten unberührt bleiben.
Das Imperium ist der Deathwatch
für zehntausend Jahre geheimen
Kampf gegen die Feinde des
Reiches des Gott-Imperators, die es unterworfen und zerstört sehen
wollen, zu Dank verpflichtet. Die Space Marine der Deathwatch schätzen
jeden dieser schwer gewonnenen Siege. Die Galaxis ist ein gewaltiger
und gefährlicher Ort mit zahlreichen Aliens, Ketzern, und Dämonen, die
danach gieren, diesen von jedem zu nehmen. Schulter an Schultern mit
der Deathwatch standzuhalten, sich mit endlosen Massen von
unmenschlichen Feinden zu messen und weiter zu kämpfen, um der
Galaxis erhalten zu bleiben, ist, um sich zurückzuhalten, die am
tödlichsten von allen Drohungen. Es ist eine Ehre für jeden Deathwatch
Space Marine diese Aufgabe mit Stolz zu erfüllen.
Micro Art Studios
Infinity Token Starter (32).........................16,20
MPI Media
The Wild Hunt Larp Movie..........................19,99
MAYHEM. A Guy Will Do Anything
for Love – Perhaps Even Fight to the
Death – in a Hard-Charging Thriller
Hitting DVD From FilmBuff and MPI.
Iron Wind Metals
Classic Battletech
Nyx Mech w/Lance variant parts (TRO 3085 - 30 ton)
Ebony Mech w/ Sword variant parts...............
(TRO 3085 - 25 ton) 2................................8,40
Omen Mech (TRO 3085 Supplemental - 85 ton)
Eldingar Hover Sled (2) (TRO 3085 - 50 ton)..
Vulcan VLC-5N Heavy Aerospace Fighter.........
(TRO3075 - 80 Ton).................................11,15
The world of live-action role playing
was the source of comedy in the hit
Role Models, but it’s the dark and
deadly side of the phenomenon that’s
at the center of THE WILD HUNT, a
suspenseful and frightening thriller
coming to DVD. world of live-action
role playing was the source of comedy in the hit Role Models, but it’s the
dark and deadly side of the phenomenon that’s at the center of THE
WILD HUNT, a suspenseful and frightening thriller coming to DVD.
Paradigm Concepts
Arcanis: Codex of Heroes ...........................31,99
The must-have resource for Heroes of
Arcanis: the World of Shattered Empires.
This tome provides the players of the
Arcanis Roleplaying Game the tools to
create the Hero they desire.
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.
Ausgabe 13
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Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/9887050 ●
Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Privateer Press
Cygnar Avenger/Centurion/Hammersmith H.Warjack
Box (plastic)...............................................31,50
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Caspian engineers developed the
hulking Centurion to rival the size
and strength of Khador’s warjacks.
Its increased armor and heavy shield
makes it one of Cygnar’s most
durable designs, and its mighty
piston spear can easily pierce the
hulls of enemy warjacks. The
Hammersmith swaps out shield and spear with massive twin forge
hammers meant to flatten anything in its path, while the Avenger
features a stun blade and a groundbreaking seismic cannon.
Representing a step forward in Cygnaran technology, the seismic cannon
fires sophisticated projectiles that can unleash a localized earthquake
upon impact. This box set contains three color stat cards and one multipart heavy warjack plastic model (PIP 31074). Included are all the
components to assemble one of three heavy warjack variants: Avenger,
Centurion, or Hammersmith. A player may field any number of these
heavy warjacks in a Cygnar army.
Protectorate WJ Castigator/Reckoner/Sanctifier Box
The Reckoner was heralded as the
first warjack entirely of Menite
design. It lights the way for the
faithful with its cannon as it
charges across the battlefield and
then smashes anything still
standing with its club. Based on the
same design, the Castigator brings
Menoth’s Fury to its enemies with its flaming fists and the ability to
ignite the surrounding air with flesh-cremating heat. The Sanctifier is
employed in battle to ensure the spirits of the righteous are ushered to
Urcaen; as battle wears on, it becomes a vessel for Menite souls, fueling
its power even as it protects the righteous. This box set contains three
color stat cards and one multi-part heavy warjack plastic model (PIP
32070). Included are all the components to assemble one of three heavy
warjack variants: Castigator, Reckoner, or Sanctifier. A player may field
any number of these heavy warjacks in a Protectorate of Menoth army.
SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 32070 contains the same Mk II stat cards as PIP
32025 and PIP 32038. The model in this box represents the same
figures as those PIPs in the game. However, the model in PIP 32070 is
a new sculpt and therefore looks different from the models found in
those PIPs. In addition, this model is plastic rather than metal. PIP
32025 and 32038 will no longer be available from Privateer Press
beginning July 1, 2012.
Khador Conquest Colossal Box (plastic).....121,50
The Conquest is a walking
mountain of steel bristling with
some of the most powerful
weapons ever used on the
battlefields of the Iron Kingdoms.
The deafening roar of the colossal’s
steam-fed engine is punctuated by the staggering percussion of its
devastating guns, which unleash a punishing barrage of shells able to
reduce warjacks to slag and annihilate entire enemy formations.
Deployed to the front lines, the Conquest brings unrivaled firepower to
Khadoran battlegroups. The Conquest colossal comes in a box (PIP
33050) and includes a colossal wreck marker. A player may field up to
two Conquests for each warcaster in a Khador army.
Khador Iron Fang Pikemen Unit Box (10)....59,99
Heavily armored Khadoran Iron
Fangs are charged with hunting
down and destroying enemy
warjacks. Fast and deadly, Iron
Fangs are armed with explosive
blasting pikes designed to tear
through the thickest armor and
bring enemy warjacks to their knees. The Iron Fang Pikemen unit comes
in a box (PIP 33090). A player may field up to two Iron Fang Pikemen
units for each warcaster in a Khador army. SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 33090
contains the same Mk II stat card as PIP 33018. The models in this box
represent the same figures in the game. PIP 33090 replaces PIP 33018
and PIP 33012 by offering their contents in a complete unit. The
replaced PIPs will no longer be available from Privateer Press beginning
July 1, 2012.
Khador Epic Warcaster Vladimir Tzepesci, Great
Prince Box..................................................29,99
Reclaiming his long-denied birthright,
Great Prince Vladimir Tzepesci rides
his warhorse Vsada into battle to
defend the lands of Umbrey restored
to his family. He wields weapons of
the ancient Tzepesci horselords,
carrying a spear in one hand and the
mace Huntsman in the other. Should
strength of arms alone prove
insufficient, Vladimir lashes out with
dark sorceries. The blood of kings that
runs in his veins lends him the
strength to secure victory. Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey
epic cavalry warcaster comes in a box (PIP 33092). A player may field
one Vladimir Tzepesci, Great Prince of Umbrey in a Khador army.
Cryx Kraken Colossal Box (plastic)............112,50
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
The Kraken ranks among the most
terrifying necromechanikal
fabrications ever loosed upon the
mortals of the Iron Kingdoms.
Lashing out with grasping tentacles,
it snatches up men and stuffs them
within the grease-slicked orifices of
its shell. The captured have but a
moment of terror to consider their
lightless environs before their bodies and life energies are extracted by a
necromantic furnace that fuels the Kraken’s engines and armament. The
Kraken was conceived as the perfect Cryxian engine of death—a machine
that could strike from below with overwhelming force, devour its
victims, refuel itself on their carcasses, and then vanish beneath the
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Cryx Epic Warcaster- Asphyxious the Hellbringer &
Vociferon ..................................................26,50
Circle Orboros Winter Argus Light Warbeast Box
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A specialist in the acquisition of lore
from the dead, Lord Exhumator
Scaverous is one of the most potent
and intelligent servants of the
Nightmare Empire. Souls are both
ammunition and fuel for Scaverous.
Those he slays and casts aside are
fortunate compared to any possessed of special lore, whose skulls and
souls he preserves for horrific necromantic interrogation. The warcaster
Lord Exhumator Scaverous comes in a blister (PIP 34094). A player may
field one Lord Exhumator Scaverous in a Cryx army.
The savage winter argus stalk the
dark, frozen hinterlands of the
Scarsfell Forest and Blackroot
Wood, prowling under cover of
great northern storms. Gouts of
gelid breath freeze the argus’
victims in place until the pack
closes in for the feast. Though feared by many, the creatures are prized
by northern druids for their savagery and the supernatural cold they can
manifest to cripple the enemies of the Circle Orboros. The Winter Argus
light warbeast comes in a box (PIP 72060). A player may field any
number of Winter Argus in a Circle Orboros army.
No Quarter Magazine 43...............................7,50
No Quarter Magazine is your best
source for new IK RPG material,
and No Quarter #43 is the first
issue to feature playable IK RPG
content! Additionally, Guts & Gears
heads to the east with a revealing
look at the mighty Siege
Animantarax and Gavyn Kyle
checks in with a dossier on the
powerful trollkin leader Hoarluk
Doomshaper. Never miss an issue!
Trollblood Sons of Bragg Fell Caller (3) Unit Blister
The Sons of Bragg swagger across western Immoren like living legends,
each mighty with both sword and voice. The Sons are heard long before
their arrival, booming mighty chants that resound off trees and
mountains. Wrathar leads the chorus of his brothers Tor and Rhudd.
Their voices join in perfect harmony to belt out powerful chants that
sustain them despite impossibly grievous wounds. On their own each
brother is formidable, but together they are an army of three. The Sons
of Bragg unit comes in a box (PIP 71063). A player may field one Sons
of Bragg unit in a Trollblood army.
Circle Orboros Scarsfell Griffon L. Warbeast Box
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
The savage winter argus stalk the
dark, frozen hinterlands of the
Scarsfell Forest and Blackroot
Wood, prowling under cover of
great northern storms. Gouts of
gelid breath freeze the argus’
victims in place until the pack
closes in for the feast. Though
feared by many, the creatures are
prized by northern druids for their savagery and the supernatural cold
they can manifest to cripple the enemies of the Circle Orboros. The
Winter Argus light warbeast comes in a box (PIP 72060). A player may
field any number of Winter Argus in a Circle Orboros army.
Legion Succubus Blister..............................12,99
Products of generations of Everblight’s
manipulations, succubi are fonts of blighted
arcane power. To create each one, a
specially selected Nyss is brought to the
spawning pools and ritually bathed in the
blood of a warlock. It emerges as something
no longer wholly Nyss, attuned to the
warlock whose blood actualized its second
birth. This ritual empowers each succubus as
an amplifier of its warlock’s own gifts. With
their every thought and action these
creatures carry out the will of their masters
and the dragon itself. The Succubus solo comes in a blister (PIP 73060).
A player may field one Succubus for each warlock in a Legion of
Everblight army.
Legion Naga Nightlurker Light Warbeast Box...
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
As the hosts of Everblight’s legion
advance, they are preceded on the ground
by the fearsome naga. These draconic
horrors first spew caustic venom upon
their victims before closing to tear the
wounded apart with fanged maws.
Though seemingly simple in form, the
naga are in truth complex spawn
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representing Everblight’s genius in the manipulation of blighted flesh.
Skorne Cyclops Brute Light Warbeast (plastic)
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The tenacious and vicious nature of
the cyclops brutes makes them
singularly responsive to training,
and the skorne rely on them to hold
the flanks of formations or stand
vigil over tyrants. Armed with
towering shields and massive
polearms, brutes constitute a
virtually insurmountable threat on
the battlefield. Their unique vision
focuses on evading blows, and they
can extend this power to those they
Minion Gatorman Witch Doctor Solo Blister.....
Reaper Miniatures
Dark Heaven Legends
Aquatic Familiars 3 (4).................................6,79
Eregris Darkfathom, Evil High Sea Priest ........
Erscheint voraussichtlich am
Each witch doctor is a powerful
mystic who lives and breathes the
foul necromantic arts that are his
birthright. Life and death are two
edges of the same bloody knife to
the witch doctor, who often sees his
allies as nothing more than tools of
battle to be moved between those
two states as required. Amid the morass of combat he gathers the vile
totems required to power his spells, tearing the fleshy trophies from the
carcasses of vanquished foes. Raising his sacral blade aloft, the witch
doctor utters sibilant incantations that impel the huge beasts he control
in a wave of scaled death.
Skorne Tiberion Character Titan H. Warbeast .
Upgrade Blister...........................................14,50
Few warbeasts survive long enough
to distinguish themselves in the
service of the skorne, but the
fiercely intelligent and disciplined
Tiberion has fought alongside
Tyrant Xerxis for over a decade.
Because the titan’s intractable
nature made him almost impossible
to train, his original handlers nearly
put him to death. Xerxis sensed an
extraordinary fighting spirit in him,
though, and took it upon himself to
break the beast. Now Tiberion serves his master Xerxis with all the
devotion of a sworn soldier, standing immovable against waves of
enemies even as he shatters entire formations with his powerful tetsubo.
The Tiberion character titan heavy warbeast upgrade comes in a blister
(PIP 74061). The Tiberion character titan heavy warbeast upgrade is
NOT a complete model. Players will need a Skorne
Cannoneer/Gladiator/Sentry Titan Heavy Warbeast (PIP 74057) in
addition to this kit. A player may field one Tiberion in a Skorne army.
Cheiton, Dwarf Hero .....................................4,79
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Dark Heaven Bones
Minotaur ......................................................2,79
Redaktion Zunftblatt
Zunftblatt Nr. 13 (2/2012) .........................3,50
In dieser Ausgabe dreht sich beim
Zunftblatt alles um Kulte und
Mythen. Taucht ein in die Welt
dunkler Verschwörungen und
finsterer Machenschaften im
Namen von uralten Wesen! Es wird
ein Blick auf DS Aventurien
geworfen und es gibt jede Menge
Abenteuer, zum Beispiel für
Cthulhu Now und Hollow Earth
Expedition. Die Ausgabe zum
fünfährigen Jubiläum des
Zombies (3)..................................................3,59
Scibor Monstrous Miniatures
Rats (6)........................................................2,79
SMM28FM0080 Summer Set (3)..........................................13,85
SMM28FM0081 28mm/30mm Figthing Priest #3 1.............5,50
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SMM28FM0082 28mm/30mm Sword Master ......................5,50
SMMBRBR0094 Rot and Grubs 40 mm round edge bases set1 (2)
SMM28FM0083 28mm/30mm Vampire Hunter ....................5,50
SMMBRRL0086 Royal Lions Ruins round bases 25mm #1 (5)
SMM28SF0081 28mm SF Eagle Knight ..............................18,50
SMMBRRL0087 Royal Lions Ruins round edge Bases 30mm #2 (5)
SMMBRAN0090 Ancient Ruins 25 mm fly round bases (2) ......
SMMBRRL0088 Royal Lions Ruins round bases 25mm #2 (3)
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SMMBRRL0089 Royal Lions Ruins round bases 25mm #3 (3)
....................................................................... 3,70
SMMBRTR0095 Templar Ruins 40mm round bases set1 (2) ....
SMMBSRL0045 Royal Lions Ruins 40mm square bases (5) ....
SMMBSRL0046 Royal Lions Ruins 50mm square bases ..........
SMMBRTR0096 Templar Ruins 25mm round bases set1 (5) ...
SMMBSRO0043 Rocky 40mm set2 square bases (2) .............3,68
SMMBSTT0042 Temple of Time Ruins square bases 20mm (5)
....................................................................... 3,70
SMMBSRL0044 Royal Lions Ruins 20mm square bases (5) ...
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SMMCPEG0163 Egyptian Helmets #2 (4)..............................3,70
SMMCPRL0158 Royal Lion Basing Kit set1 (10)....................5,50
SMMCPRL0159 Royal Lion Basing Kit set2 ...........................4,32
SMMCPRL0161 Royal Lion Reliefs set1 ................................5,50
SMMCPRL0162 Royal Lion Reliefs set2.................................5,50
SMMCPSK0164 Skulls (20) ...................................................3,70
SMMCPRL0160 Royal Lion Basing Kit set3 (10) ...................5,50
SMMTELR0005 Lion Ruins Terrain (4).................................13,50
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SMMTETR0006 Templar Ruins Terrain (4)..........................18,50
Spartan Games
Russian Coalition Naval Battle Group..........38,35
The Russian Coalition Naval Battle
Group is the perfect way to get
started and learn the unique
characteristics and advantages of
the Russian navy. The Russian
Coalition is a proud and motivated
Nation, and their Naval Battle Group
is sure to serve you well. Begin
building your collection and soon
you will be able to plot your path towards world domination.
Sierra Madre Games
Russian Coalition Kostroma Class Battle Carrier (1)
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
The Kostroma Class Support
Carrier is able to fully support the
vessels of the White Navy, with
both air support and troops, while
also able to manipulate the waters
around them. In addition to all of
this, it still packs a considerable
gun armament and will take a lot of
punishment before it falls.
Origins / Der Ursprung...............................32,00
Es ist das Ende der Eiszeit. Die globale
Erwärmung ertränkt die Städte der
Neandertaler in dem, was bald die
Nordsee und das Schwarze Meer werden
wird. Der hobbitartige Homo
florensiensis hat Australien entdeckt und
gelernt riesige Wombats zu benutzen,
um seine Felder zu pflügen. Im Osten hat
der Homo errectus auf Kannibalismus an
seinen schwächsten Kindern
zurückgegriffen, um die Stärke der
Überlebenden zu verbessern. Sie alle
sind vollkommen unvorbereitet auf die
Invasion der dunkelhäutigen Homo
sapiens aus Ägypten auf ihren KriegsZebras …. In diesem Spiel durchleben die
Spieler in jeder Runde tausend Jahre und
durchschreiten mit jedem Hexfeld
tausend Meilen. Jeder Spieler startet mit
einer eigenen Rasse des frühen
Menschen mit ganz unterschiedlichen Gehirnen. Dieses Spiel zeigt das
die menschliche Entwicklung auch ganz anders hätte verlaufen können
und der Homo sapiens nicht unbedingt der Gewinner im Kampf um die
Vorherrschaft auf der Erde hätte sein müssen. In bis zu vier Stunden
Spielzeit durchleben die Spieler mir Ihren Rassen drei Epochen der
Menschheit bis hin zum modernen Menschen. Dabei wandelt sich das
Spiel in seinen Abläufen ebenso wie es die Menschen mit
voranschreitender Entwicklung getan haben. Spielmaterial: 1 Spielregel
2 Spielbretter 5 Demographiepläne 1 Spielablauf-Übersicht 120
Spielsteine aus Holz 102 Ära-Karten 5 Gehirn-Karten 3 Klimakarten 1
sechseitiger Würfel
Russian Coalition Saransk Class Medium Skyship (2)
As with the army’s armour, size and
strength are the guiding principles
of Russian aerial equipment.
Markov’s Circle has made its
greatest advances in this area,
producing a series of unorthodox
but sturdy and streamlined
skyships. Their great aesthetic look
is another factor that makes this
model so appealing.
Russian Coalition Rostov Class Destroyer (3) ..
The Rostov was designed to
manipulate opposing ships into the
path of the more powerful weapons
on their larger cousins. To
underestimate the power of this
Russian Coalition Destroyer is to
underestimate the White Navy
itself. Add them to your fleet and
realise their extraordinary
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Russian Coalition Tambov Class Gunship......... 12,40
Russian Coalition Gunships have a
front-mounted turret set that can
deliver short-ranged firepower in a
relatively broad arc. They are able
to operate in focused Squadrons or
loan their increased power to a
Squadron of Cruisers. They are an
essential addition to any Russian
Coalition fleet.
Russian Coalition Armoured Battle Group....33,60
The key to Russian military
strength has always been the vast
White Army. Driven by oil-fired
engines, their tanks and other
armoured vehicles are large and
immensely strong. The Armoured
Battle Group is the ideal way to
begin realising what an
unbelievable force the Russian
Dindrenzi Federation Falchion Class Mk II Carrier (1)
The potent mix of fear, paranoia
and hubris generated by many
different factors within Dindrenzi
politics and society has seen the
federation invest an enormous
amount of time and resources in
their military. The navy
incorporates Planetfall Divisions,
composed of ships optimised for
planetary assault, and this is where you are most likely to find the
savage Falchion Class Mk II Carrier.
Oroshan Imperium Slayer Class Frigate (6)......
It is difficult not to be curious about
this unique vessel. With a vertical,
spherical design, it certainly stands
out in the Storm Zone. The Riever
Class Frigate is primed for combat
and has a knack to survive in even
the most unlikely of situations.
Coalition is on land.
Russian Coalition Kursk Class Land Dreadnought (1)
Dreadnoughts are some of the most
formidable machines of war
deployed in the world of Dystopian
Wars. It was only a matter of time
before land variants of these brutal
ships entered the fray. It is perhaps
not a surprise, however, that the
first to utilise such a ship is the
Russian Coalition. The heart of
their military strength, the White Army is proud to unleash the Kursk
Class Land Dreadnought into battle.
Russian Coalition Tyumen Class Repair Vehicle (2)
The Russian taste for weaponry is
simple and direct – masses of largebore cannons, mortars and
bombards to smash the opposition.
Russian weaponry tends to be
short-ranged, but makes up for this
with its enormous destructive
power and ease of maintenance in
harsh conditions. The Repair
Vehicle will ensure the White Army maintains its supreme strength for
years to come.
Oroshan Imperium Armageddon Class Dreadnought (1)
campaign of terror.
Truly one of the most extraordinary
ships to ever grace the Storm Zone,
the Reaper Class Dreadnought is a
sight to behold. Its blockbuster
presence is only matched by its
capability to destroy. A ship built
upon the will of the Elders for their
people to survive, it is the perfect
vessel for initiating a brutal
Terran Alliance Ares Class Mk II Carrier (1).....
Once again, the Terran Alliance
must prepare for war. A frenzy of
new construction has begun to make
good the losses sustained by the
Terran Storm Fleet during the
massive Dindrenzi first strikes. The
Ares Class Mk II Carrier is the fruit
of their labours. This devastating
machine of war serves to bring a
halt to Dindrenzi momentum.
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Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Internet:
Studio 2 Productions
Mistborn Adventure Game
Warlord Games
Mistborn Adventure Game..........................34,95
Based on the best-selling novels by
Br andon Sanderson and powered
by an all-new story-driven rules
system, the Mistborn Adventure
Game lets you explore, command, or
liberate the oppressed world of
Scadrial, battle the Lord Ruler’s
Inquisitors, and master the primal
forces of Allomancy, Feruchemy,
and Hemalurg y. It features new o
fficial fiction from Mr. Sanderson
himself and loads of never-beforeseen material, making it the
ultimate resource for fans of the
novels and those who want to
experience the Final Empire
Valley Games
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
D-Day Dice ................................................31,95
Although built around dice rolling,
this game is about resource
management (soldiers, specialists,
items and courage) and knowing
when to move your unit. Resources
are kept from turn to turn, so the
players can plan ahead. Contents:
• 8 Battle Maps
• 52 Regular Specialist cards (4
sets of 13, in each color)
• 11 Unique Specialist cards
• 10 Regular Item cards
• 18 Special Item cards
• 6 Vehicle cards
• 12 Award cards
• 4 sets of 6 engraved “resource dice” (2 Red, 2 White, 2 Blue)
• 4 special “Unit marker” dice (player tokens that double as turn
• 4 regular d6 (for Machine-Gun Fire and Landmines)
• 4 Resource cards (with dials for each of the 4 resources)
• 4 player aids
Russian T34/85 Medium Tank ................24,10
The late version of the classic
Soviet T34 tank with 85mm gun. A
tank that could take on the German
big cats; solid, fast, reliable and
with a gun that packs a punch. The
T34 was way ahead of its time and
the 85 version kept it ahead of the
game right until the end of the war.
Boxed Set containing a single resin
Crimean - British 17th Lancers Command ......
The 17th Lancers, commanded by
Captain William Morris, drove
through the Russian artillery before
smashing straight into the Russian
cavalry and pushing them back. The
Light Brigade were unable to
consolidate their position, however,
having insufficient forces (the
Heavy Brigade had not advanced
further into the valley) and had to
withdraw to their starting positions,
coming under artillery and musket
fire and cavalry attack as they did
so. Blister pack containing 2 metal mounted figures
Crimean - British 17th Lancers Casualties ......
Of the 147 men of the 17th, just 38
were at the roll call the following
morning. The Light Brigade as a whole
suffered 118 men killed and 127
wounded out of a total of 673 men, and
362 horses lost, effectively destroying
the unit as a fighting force. Blister pack
containing 2 metal mounted figures
Crimean - British 17th Lancers ..................12,00
The 17th was part of the Light Brigade,
under the command of Major-General
Lord Cardigan, which landed with the
British forces at a place known as
Calamity Bay. It took part in a minor
skirmish at the Bulganek River and
subsequently took part in the Battle of
Alma on 20 September. During the
Siege of Sevastopol (which began in
September) the 17th Lancers took part
in the Battle of Balaklava on 25
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October. During the battle the regiment took part in a cavalry charge that
became known as the Charge of the Light Brigade. Blister pack
containing 3 metal mounted figures
Crimean - British Hussars Command ...........8,40
There were few more splendidly
mounted and dressed cavalry
regiments than the British Crimean
war Hussars. In tight red trousers
and splendid blue dolmans and
pelisses topped with a rakish fur
busby, the "Cherry-Bums" as they
were known not only looked the
part; they smashed the Russian
cavalry at the famous Balaklava
charge. Blister pack containing 2
metal mounted figures
Crimean - British Hussars Casualties ............8,40
Warlord's Hussars are packed with
wonderful detail and dash, a tribute
to the finest army ever to have left
England's shores. Blister pack
containing 3 metal mounted figures
eagles, and were manned by well trained and motivated men. Blister
pack containing 3 metal mounted figures and artillery piece
Napoleonic Russian Licorne howitzer 1809-1815
The Licorne (or Unicorn in English)
was a different breed of gun to its
French howitzer counterpart. It was
a uniquely Russian design, being a
hybrid howitzer with a long barrel
and chambering that allowed a
flatter trajectory and improved
range and accuracy. They came as
quite a nasty surprise for Napoleon’s veterans. Blister pack containing 3
metal mounted figures and artillery piece
Wiggles 3D
Brett-/ Kartenspiele
Crimean - British Hussars ..........................12,00
Warlord's Hussars are packed with
wonderful detail and dash, a tribute
to the finest army ever to have left
England's shores. Blister pack
containing 3 metal mounted figures
Army Vs Aliens...........................................12,79
Choose a Side, Roll the Dice, Rule
the World! Can flying saucers and
death rays beat out tanks, nukes
and troopers? Find out with Army
vs. Aliens, a fun take on alien
invasion games. You get to choose
whether you want to fight off alien
forces as the army or if you want
be the aliens trying to conquer
Earth. Army vs Aliens tests your gaming skills in fast-paced dice combat.
By combining strategy, cunning and a little luck, players outsmart their
opponents to win. Eighteen custom dice—9 for each team—deliver fullvalue fun. The handy guide helps players plan their battle moves. The
game also features two dice cups that snap together to double as a
carrying case for portability and play anywhere fun!
Napoleonic Russian 6 pdr cannon 1809-1815
....................................................................... 14,50
The 6-pounder became the
standard gun for light artillery
batteries from 1805, and was used
to deadly effect by their very
capable crews. Stout and resolute,
the gunners would fight ferociously
if their precious guns were
threated. Blister pack containing 3
metal mounted figures and artillery piece
Napoleonic Russian 12 pdr cannon 1809-1815
The 12-Pounder was the standard
heavy artillery gun in the later
Russian Napoleonic army; Russian
guns were treated with as much
reverence as the French viewed their
*für Kunden, die keine Lieferadresse in Deutschland haben, bzw. per Nachnahme zahlen, gelten Mindestbestellwerte.