alliance summer 2013 sale book
alliance summer 2013 sale book
ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at Stock Code Description AAG FOFCD1 ADV DMGK003 APL 0818 APL 0822 APL 1808 APL 1816 APL 1823 ARY GG-SP1 ARY GG-SP2 ARY GG-SP3 ARY GG-SPM ASI FE01 ASM 49765 ASM 700500 ASM AGE01US ASM ALP01US ASM BBQ01US ASM CARO01US ASM DIX03US ASM DIXJ01 ASM DM01US ASM DRAG001 ASM DT02US ASM ECL02 ASM ECLI01 ASM EYE01US ASM FD04US ASM FEL01US ASM GAL01US ASM GOSU03 ASM HIK01US ASM HIK03US ASM IDK02US ASM IDK03US ASM ISE01US ASM KEM01 ASM KG24 ASM MIA01US ASM NC01 ASM OCTO01ML ASM OK01US FOF Fog of War Deck Magikano V3 (DVD) THIRD REICH: RUMORS OF WAR GWAS: SEA OF TROUBLES Panzer Grenadier: North of Elsenborn Panzer Grenadier: Siegfried Line PG: Divizione Corazzata Armory Spray Primer (White) Armory Spray Primer (Grey) Armory Spray Primer (Black) Armory Spray Primer (Matte Sealer) Fealty Space Pirates Lady Alice Age Of Gods Expedition Altiplano Barbeque Party Carole Dixit: Odyssey (expansion) Dixit Jinx (stand alone) Draco Mundis Board Game River Dragons Dungeon Twister: Paladins & Dragons Eclipse: Rise Of The Ancients Expansion Eclipse: New Dawn For The Galaxy Eye For An Eye Formula D Expansion 4: Baltimore/India Felinia Galapa Go! Gosu: Tactics Hero Immortal King: The Lair Of The Lich Hero Immortal King: The Den Of Dementia Identik Blue Expansion Identik Red Expansion Insidious Sevens Kemet ROBOTORY Miam Nostra City Octo Okko: Era of the Asagiri Price $18.00 $29.98 $29.99 $29.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $5.95 $5.95 $5.95 $5.95 $30.00 $59.99 $42.99 $39.99 $19.99 $19.99 $14.99 $29.99 $14.99 $32.99 $39.99 $21.99 $49.99 $99.99 $12.99 $29.99 $49.99 $12.99 $24.99 $22.99 $22.99 $15.00 $15.00 $12.99 $69.99 $12.99 $12.99 $39.99 $14.99 $34.99 Discount SALE PRICE 80 $3.60 95 $1.50 80 $6.00 80 $6.00 85 $1.50 80 $2.00 75 $2.50 52 $2.86 52 $2.86 52 $2.86 52 $2.86 75 $7.50 75 $15.00 60 $17.20 75 $10.00 70 $6.00 75 $5.00 70 $4.50 65 $10.50 70 $4.50 80 $6.60 52 $19.20 65 $7.70 52 $24.00 52 $48.00 75 $3.25 52 $14.40 75 $12.50 65 $4.55 65 $8.75 85 $3.45 85 $3.45 80 $3.00 80 $3.00 75 $3.25 55 $31.50 75 $3.25 65 $4.55 75 $10.00 52 $7.20 60 $14.00 Revised 7/23/13 1 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at ASM OK03US ASM OKM02US ASM OKM03US ASM OKM05US ASM OKM06US ASM OKM07US ASM OKM10US ASM OKM11US ASM OKM12US ASM OKM14US ASM PIC01US ASM QUE01 ASM SE07US ASM SEN01US ASM SHA01US ASM SHO01US ASM SID01 ASM STIC01 ASM STR01 ASM TAMU01US ASM WALI01 ATG 0301 ATG 0303 ATG 1260 ATH CB002 AYG 5101 AYG 5251 BAI 14619-D BAI 14619-S BAI 14623-S BAI 14627-S BAI 23552-S BAI 23554-S BAI 23558-D BAI 23566-D BAI 23586-S BAI 23590-D BAI 23594-S BAI 23606-D BAI 23614-D Okko: Era of Karasu Expansion Okko: Windreaper Okko: Bodyguard Okko: Arquebus Okko: Master Kanatta Okko: Okko Okko: Noburo Okko: Oni Sumo Okko: Setzuka Okko: Nezumi Picnic Blitz Quebec Death Wears White Senji Shashawa Shokoba Sidi Baba Sticky Sticks Streams Tadaaam! $34.99 $10.99 $9.99 $8.99 $9.99 $10.99 $11.99 $19.99 $10.99 $9.99 $12.99 $59.99 $29.99 $39.99 $12.99 $12.99 $59.99 $29.99 $25.00 $39.99 60 75 75 75 60 60 60 75 75 75 60 75 70 60 75 65 65 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Contact your Account Rep or order online at BOG 00390 BOG 00470 CAG 410 CDG WG01SC CDG WG02 CDG WGO304 CDG WGO703 CDG WGO707 CGD 8226 CGD 8227 CGD 8612 CGF 005 CGF 008 CHA 6038 CHA 6042 CHA 6046 CHA 6048 CHX 27202 CHX 27208 CHX 27213 CHX 27216 CHX 27230 CHX 27232 CHX 27234 CHX 27235 CHX 27236 CHX 27239 CHX 27244 CHX 27254 CHX 27255 CHX 27256 CHX 27265 CHX 27267 CHX 27275 CHX 27276 CHX 27632 CHX 27639 CHX 27644 CHX 27655 CHX 27839 CHX 27844 CHX 27855 Peek Poker Analyze Me One False Step Home Expansion War Gods of Aegyptus 2nd Edition SC Wargods: The Wendigo Warband Guidebook Satyr Archer Unit Titan Master 2 Minotaur With Flail Plush Nativity 4 Piece Play Set Plush Noahs Ark 6 Piece Play Set Plush Jonah & Fish Aapep 3d North Pole Coc Arkham Tales Pb The Strange Cases of Rudolph Pearson Klarksh-Ton Cycle: The Lovecraftian Fiction of Clark Ashton Smith COC Eldritch Evolutions PB Marble Poly D10 Ivory/black (10) Nebula Poly D10 Black/white (10) Leaf Poly D10 Copper/steel (10) Frosted Poly 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$3.70 $3.70 $3.70 $3.70 $3.70 $3.70 48 50 52 52 48 55 50 50 50 48 55 47 55 48 50 55 50 50 50 50 48 52 50 52 50 50 46 48 52 48 50 48 55 60 48 50 48 45 50 50 50 47 $1.92 $1.85 $1.78 $1.78 $1.92 $1.67 $1.85 $1.85 $1.85 $1.92 $1.67 $1.96 $1.67 $1.92 $1.85 $1.67 $1.85 $1.85 $1.85 $1.85 $1.92 $1.78 $1.85 $1.78 $1.85 $1.85 $2.00 $1.92 $1.78 $1.92 $1.85 $1.92 $1.67 $1.48 $1.92 $1.85 $1.92 $2.04 $1.85 $1.85 $1.85 $1.96 Revised 7/23/13 16 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at GAW 32-05 GAW 32-06 GAW 32-07 GAW 32-08 GAW 40-025THEDITION GAW 40-09 GAW 40-45 GAW 43-01-OLD GAW 43-08-OLD GAW 46-06-OLD GAW 46-15 GAW 48-11-OLD GAW 48-28-OLD GAW 49-08-OLD GAW 56-01-OLD GAW 60-07 GAW 61-09 GAW 61-15 GAW 61-16 GAW 61-18 GAW 61-19 GAW 61-32 GAW 61-33 GAW 61-36 GAW 61-37 GAW 61-53 GAW 61-62 GAW 61-81 GAW 61-82 GAW 61-83 GAW 64-16 GAW 64-38 GAW 68-02 GAW 68-03 GAW 68-04 GAW 68-05 GAW 68-06 GAW 68-07 GAW 68-09 GAW 68-10 GAW 68-11 GAW 68-12 The Hobbit: The Trolls The Hobbit: Goblin Warriors The Hobbit: Goblin Town The Hobbit: Hunter Orcs Warhammer 40K: Rulebook 5th Edition HC $85.00 $35.00 $60.00 $35.00 $74.25 60 55 55 70 75 $34.00 $15.75 $27.00 $10.50 $18.56 Warhammer 40K: Psychic Powers Warhammer 40K: Munitorum Tape Measure 40K CSM CODEX 5th Edition 40K CSM BIKE Warhammer 40k: Eldar Jet Bike Warhammer 40,000 Eldar Dire Avengers Warhammer 40k: Space Marines Bike Warhammer 40K: Space Marines Scout Bike Warhammer 40K: Necron Destroyer Warhammer 40k: Codex Tau Empire Supplies and Tools: Citadel Water Pot Supplies And Tools Paint Golden Yellow Supplies And Tools Paint Bubonic Brown Supplies and Tools Paint Vomit Brown Supplies And Tools Paint Dark Flesh Supplies and Tools Paint Vermin Brown Supplies and Tools Paint Regal Blue Supplies and Tools Paint Ultramarine Blue Supplies And Tools Paint Ice Blue Supplies And Tools Paint Hawk Turquoise Supplies And Tools Paint Fortress Grey Supplies And Tools Paint Burnished Gold Supplies And Tools Paint Graveyard Earth Supplies And Tools Paint Kommando Khaki Supplies And Tools Paint Desert Yellow WHF CHAPEL Warhammer 40K: Tanglewire Supplies And Tools: Paint Macharius Solar Orange Supplies And Tools: Paint Tausept Ochre Supplies And Tools: Paint Iyanden Darksun Supplies And Tools: Paint Hormagaunt Purple Supplies And Tools: Paint Tallarn Flesh Supplies And Tools: Paint Mordian Blue Supplies And Tools: Paint Fenris Grey Supplies And Tools: Paint Adeptus Battlegrey Supplies And Tools: Paint Astronomicon Grey Supplies And Tools: Paint Orkhide Shade $13.25 $16.50 $33.00 $15.00 $15.00 $35.00 $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 $33.00 $5.75 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $29.75 $10.00 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 60 48 75 60 50 75 50 60 48 75 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 47 45 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 $5.30 $8.58 $8.25 $6.00 $7.50 $8.75 $7.50 $6.00 $10.40 $8.25 $1.73 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $15.77 $5.50 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 $6.66 Revised 7/23/13 17 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at GAW 68-13 GAW 68-14 GAW 68-16 GAW 81-38 GAW 83-08 GAW 84-26 GAW 85-09 GAW 86-01 GAW 86-05 GAW 86-18 GAW 86-20 GAW 86-22 GAW 86-23 GAW 86-24 GAW 87-01 GAW 89-15 GAW 89-35 GAW 89-36 GAW 90-41 GAW 90-43 GAW 90-46 GAW 90-46-N GAW 91-33 GAW 97-01-OLD GAW 97-01-60 GAW 97-02-60 GAW DF-01 GAW WD01-13 GAW WD02-13 GAW WD10-13 GAW WD11-13 GAW WD12-13 GAW WD-353 GAW WD-354 GAW WD-355 GAW WD-356 GAW WD-357 GAW WD-358 Supplies And Tools: Paint Knarloc Green Supplies And Tools: Paint Gretchin Green Supplies And Tools: Paint Calthan Brown Warhammer Fantasy Battle: BM Ghorros Warhoof Warhammer: Chaos 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2012 White Dwarf November 2012 White Dwarf December 2012 White Dwarf #353 White Dwarf #354 White Dwarf #355 White Dwarf #356 White Dwarf #357 White Dwarf #358 $22.20 $22.20 $22.20 $22.25 $29.00 $33.00 $49.50 80 70 75 70 52 70 60 $4.44 $6.66 $5.55 $6.68 $13.92 $9.90 $19.80 $45.50 $29.75 $53.75 $53.75 $14.75 $14.75 $53.75 $33.00 $35.00 $20.00 65 45 60 52 60 65 65 70 70 75 $15.93 $16.36 $21.50 $25.80 $5.90 $5.16 $18.81 $9.90 $10.50 $5.00 $17.00 $16.50 $15.00 $13.25 $15.00 75 70 70 70 70 $4.25 $4.95 $4.50 $3.98 $4.50 $14.75 50 $7.38 $33.00 $49.50 70 60 $9.90 $19.80 $49.50 $115.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 $9.00 50 55 60 60 75 75 75 90 90 90 90 90 90 $24.75 $51.75 $4.00 $4.00 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $0.90 $0.90 $0.90 $0.90 $0.90 $0.90 Revised 7/23/13 18 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at GAW WD-366 GAW WD-367 GAW WD-368 GAW WD-369 GAW WD-370 GAW WD-371 GAW WD-372 GAW WD-373 GAW WD-374 GAW WD-375 GAW WD-376 GAW WD-377 GAW WD-382 GAW WD-383 GAW WD-385 GAW WD-386 GAW WD-387 GAW WD-392 GBC 0303 GBC 0307 GBC 0308 GBC 0332 GBC 0352 GBC 0369 GBC 0370 GBC NB-104 GBC NB-106 GBC NB-108 GBC NB-209 GF9 11140 GF9 11204 GF9 50133 GF9 50203 GF9 50302 GF9 50502 GF9 50622 GF9 50632 GF9 50642 GF9 50652 GF9 51012 GF9 51022 GF9 51042 White Dwarf #366 White Dwarf #367 White Dwarf #368 White Dwarf #369 White Dwarf #370 White Dwarf #371 White Dwarf #372 White Dwarf #373 White Dwarf #374 White Dwarf #375 White Dwarf #376 White Dwarf #377 White Dwarf #382 White Dwarf #383 White Dwarf #385 White Dwarf #386 White Dwarf #387 White Dwarf #392 Series 20 Round Red Sable 4/0 Series 20 Round Red Sable 1 Series 20 Round Red Sable 2 Series 76 Sponge Carded Brush Set #3 (0367,68,69) Series 10 Round Red Sable 3 Series 10 Round Red Sable 5 White Nylon Brush 3/0 White Nylon Brush 0 Sponge Golden Nylon Brush- Flat #4 Game Pack #4 Move/shoot Tracking 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supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at SBL 2HYB SCI POSTGREEN SCP C1 SCP K1 SCP ROT001 SCU 0003 SCU 0004 SCU 0014 SFP 1203 SGS DWAC01 SGS DWAC02 SGS DWAC03 SGS DWAC04 SGS DWAC05 SGS DWAC06 SGS DWAC07 SGS DWAL07 SGS DWAL41 SGS DWAL42 SGS DWBS03 SGS DWBS28 SGS DWBS32 SGS DWBS33 SGS DWBS34 SGS DWBS35 SGS DWBS36 SGS DWCA03 SGS DWCA04 SGS DWCA23 SGS DWCA24 Armytransport 2 Hybrid Tray (NET) Postumo: The Deck of the Dead (Green back) Pathfinder Realms of Twilight: Claws Of Pelazin Pathfinder Realms of Twilight: Lycan`s Bane Pathfinder Realms of Twilight Campaign Setting USOA: Undead Nations Expansion USOA: Undead Universe Expansion Umbridge of the Automaton SOC Bavarian Game Set Armoured Clash Kingdom of Britannia Armoured Brigade Box Armoured Clash Prussian Empire Armoured Brigade Box Armoured Clash Federated States Armoured Brigade Box Armoured Clash Blazing Sun Armoured Brigade Box Armoured Clash Antarctica Armoured Brigade Box Armoured Clash Republique of France Armoured Brigade Box Armoured Clash Russian Coalition Armoured Brigade Box Dystopian Wars Italian States Support Group Dystopian Wars Protectorate of Belgium Liege Class Land Ship (1) Dystopian Wars Protectorate of Belgium R-4 Class Medium Tank (6) Dystopian Wars: Empire Of The Blazing Sun Cruiser (3) Dystopian Wars Empire of the Blazing Sun Bansan Class Small Walker Dystopian Wars Empire of the Blazing Sun Myobu Class Light Gyro Tank (6) Dystopian Wars Empire of the Blazing Sun O-I ``MiageNyudo`` Class Heavy Walker (1) Dystopian Wars Blazing Sun Ronin Class Heavy Walker Dystopian Wars Blazing Sun Komainu Class Garrison Tank Dystopian Wars Blazing Sun Ryuo Class Large Robot Dystopian Wars: Covenant Of Antarctica Plato Class Cruiser (3) Dystopian Wars: Covenant Of Antarctica Diogenes Class Frigate (6) Dystopian Wars: Covenant Of Antarctica Atticus Class Medium Walker (6) Dystopian Wars: Covenant Of Antarctica Socrates Class Bombard (6) $10.81 $10.00 $11.99 $14.99 $39.99 $12.50 $20.00 $15.00 $29.95 $110.00 15 55 60 80 60 55 65 70 54 70 $9.19 $4.50 $4.80 $3.00 $16.00 $5.63 $7.00 $4.50 $13.78 $33.00 $110.00 55 $49.50 $110.00 60 $44.00 $110.00 $110.00 $110.00 70 70 70 $33.00 $33.00 $33.00 $110.00 60 $44.00 $54.00 $23.00 65 80 $18.90 $4.60 $13.00 75 $3.25 $19.50 $13.00 60 75 $7.80 $3.25 $13.00 55 $5.85 $20.00 75 $5.00 $15.50 $14.00 60 60 $6.20 $5.60 $28.00 $19.50 55 60 $12.60 $7.80 $11.00 55 $4.95 $13.00 80 $2.60 $13.00 85 $1.95 Revised 7/23/13 56 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at SGS DWCA25 SGS DWCA32 SGS DWCB01 SGS DWEX01 SGS DWFS12 SGS DWFS22 SGS DWFS25 SGS DWFS26 SGS DWFS32 SGS DWFS33 SGS DWKB16 SGS DWKB28 SGS DWKB33 SGS DWPE25 SGS DWPE27 SGS DWPE33 SGS DWPE34 SGS DWRB03 SGS DWRC03 SGS DWRC04 SGS DWRC06 SGS DWRC07 SGS DWRC19 SGS DWRC23 SGS DWRC24 Dystopian Wars: Covenant Of Antarctica Xenophon Class Small Walker (20) Dystopian Wars Covenant of Antarctica Orpheus Class Drone Controller (6) Dystopian Wars: Campaign Book - Hurricane Season Dystopian Wars: Flight Stands Base And Peg Set (8) Dystopian Wars: Federated States Of America John Henry Class Robot (2) Dystopian Wars: Federated States Of America Washington Class Land Ship Dystopian Wars: Federated States Of America Pioneer Class Small Tanks (20) Dystopian Wars: Federated States Of America Washington Land Ship Waterline Dystopian Wars Federated States Triumph Pattern Reno Class Command Tank (3) Dystopian Wars Federated States Columbia Class Land Train Dystopian Wars: Kingdom Of Britania Agincourt Class Gunship (3) Dystopian Wars Kingdom of Britannia Lysander Class Land Ship Dystopian Wars Kingdom of Britannia Foxhound Class Light Tank (6) Dystopian Wars: Prussian Empire Walze Class Small Tank (20) Dystopian Wars: Prussian Empire Seydlitz Class Mobile Airfield Dystopian Wars Prussian Empire Schildtrager Class Medium Robot Dystopian Wars Prussian Empire A2-L ``Ritter`` Class Light Tank Dystopian Wars Upgrade Booklet 1.1 (NET) Dystopian Wars: Russian Coalition Suvorov Class Cruiser (3) Dystopian Wars Russian Coalition Novgorod Class Frigate/Veliky Class Escort (6) Dystopian Wars: Russian Coalition Myshkin Class Bomber (3) Dystopian Wars: Russian Coalition Tiny Flyer Tokens (30) Dystopian Wars: Russian Coalition Tower Set (2) Dystopian Wars Russian Coalition Kamchatka Class Medium Tank (6) Dystopian Wars Russian Coalition Volochok Class $13.00 80 $2.60 $13.00 70 $3.90 $40.00 $15.00 $29.00 65 60 70 $14.00 $6.00 $8.70 $23.00 60 $9.20 $13.00 70 $3.90 $22.00 75 $5.50 $9.00 75 $2.25 $16.00 65 $5.60 $19.50 65 $6.83 $23.00 70 $6.90 $12.00 75 $3.00 $13.00 55 $5.85 $37.00 55 $16.65 $26.00 55 $11.70 $10.00 80 $2.00 $0.00 $17.50 75 60 $0.00 $7.00 $10.00 65 $3.50 $20.00 75 $5.00 $12.00 65 $4.20 $26.00 $12.00 70 75 $7.80 $3.00 $12.00 75 $3.00 Revised 7/23/13 57 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at SGS DWRC25 SGS DWRC29 SGS DWRC32 SGS DWRF07 SGS DWRF19 SGS DWRF20 SGS DWRF22 SGS DWRF23 SGS DWRF25 SGS DWRF27 SGS DWRF28 SGS DWRF32 SGS DWRF33 SGS FACG01 SGS FADF05 SGS FAMP12 SGS FAMP16 SGS FAMP17 SGS FATD04 SGS FATR03 SGS FAZB05 SGS SBG001-N SGS SBG002N SGS SBG003 SGS SBG004 SGS SBG004N SGS SBG005 SGS SBG006 Bombard (6) Dystopian Wars Russian Coalition Tikhvin Class Small Tank (20) Dystopian Wars: Russian Coalition Tyumen Class Repair Vehicle (2) Dystopian Wars Russian Coalition Orlov Class Heavy Tank (4) Dystopian Wars: Republique Of France Tiny Flyer Tokens (30) Dystopian Wars: Republique Of France Tower Set (2) Dystopian Wars: Republique Of France Bunker Complex (1) Dystopian Wars: Republique Of France Bastille N-5 Class Land Ship Dystopian Wars: Republique Of France Focault R-6 Class Medium Tank Dystopian Wars: Republique Of France Hotch Ft-12 Class Small Tank Dystopian Wars: Republique Of France Masaulle Class Mobile Air Strip(1) Dystopian Wars Republique of France L``Arman ``Char 1C`` Class Medium Tank (6) Dystopian Wars Republique of France Arbalete Class Medium Land Carrier (4) Dystopian Wars Republique of France Grele Class Flak Tank Firestorm Armada: Campaign Guide 1 - Marauders Of The Rift Firestorm Armada: Drindrenzi Federation Carrier (1) Firestorm Armada Corsairs Outlaw Class Frigate (6) Firestorm Armada Pathogen X9-V Infected Battleship (1) Firestorm Armada Pathogen X9-V Infected Escort (2) Firestorm Armada: The Directorate Frigate (6) Firestorm Armada: The Relthoza Cruiser (2) Firestorm Armada: Zenian League Bakash Kelor Class Frigate (6) Uncharted Seas: Bone Griffons Starter Fleet Uncharted Seas: Bone Griffons Plague/reaper Class Battleship Uncharted Seas: Bone Griffons Cruiser (1) Uncharted Seas: Bone Griffons Frigates (6) Uncharted Seas: Bone Griffons Orcus Class Frigate (6) Uncharted Seas: Bone Griffons Heavy Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas: Bone Griffons Flagship (1) $12.00 80 $2.40 $22.00 70 $6.60 $16.00 60 $6.40 $13.00 75 $3.25 $29.00 $25.00 80 55 $5.80 $11.25 $23.00 55 $10.35 $13.00 65 $4.55 $13.00 80 $2.60 $33.50 70 $10.05 $14.00 80 $2.80 $13.00 55 $5.85 $15.50 65 $5.43 $20.00 60 $8.00 $19.00 $23.00 $31.00 55 65 55 $8.55 $8.05 $13.95 $19.00 $23.00 $17.00 $24.00 70 55 65 65 $5.70 $10.35 $5.95 $8.40 $58.00 $17.50 85 85 $8.70 $2.63 $9.53 $8.47 $12.00 $15.36 $15.89 80 85 75 80 80 $1.91 $1.27 $3.00 $3.07 $3.18 Revised 7/23/13 58 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at SGS SBG007 SGS SBG007-N SGS SBG008 SGS SBG010 SGS SDL002 SGS SDL002N SGS SDL003 SGS SDL004 SGS SDL005N SGS SDL007 SGS SDL010 SGS SDL010N SGS SDL012 SGS SDL013 SGS SDW002 SGS SDW002N SGS SDW003 SGS SDW003N SGS SDW004 SGS SDW004N SGS SDW006 SGS SDW008 SGS SDW009 SGS SDW010 SGS SDW011 SGS SDW016 SGS SGC001 SGS SGC002 SGS SGC003 SGS SGC003N SGS SGC004N SGS SGC005 SGS SGC006 SGS SGC007 SGS SGC008 SGS SGC008N Uncharted Seas: Bone Griffons Destroyer (3) Uncharted Seas: Bone Griffons Phantom Class Destroyer (3) Uncharted Seas: Bone Griffons Cruiser Uncharted Seas Bone Griffons Reanimator Class Troop Ship (1) Uncharted Seas: Dragon Lords Battleship (1) Uncharted Seas: Dragon Lords Nightshade Class Battleship (1) Uncharted Seas: Dragon Lords Cruiser (1) Uncharted Seas: Dragon Lords Frigates (3) Uncharted Seas: Dragon Lords Twilight Class Heavy Cruiser(1 Uncharted Seas: Dragon Lords Flagship (1) Uncharted Seas: Dragon Lords Arcane Class Cruiser (1) Uncharted Seas: Dragon Lords Arcane Class Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas: Dragon Lords Invoker Class Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas: Dragon Lords Nogdra Dragons Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Battleship (1) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Forge Class Battleship (1) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Cruisers (2) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Hammer Class Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Frigates (6) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Mortis Class Frigate (3) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Frigates 2 (6) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Kraken Class Submarine (2) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Flagship (1) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Airship (1) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Destroyer (3) Uncharted Seas Iron Dwarves Foundry Class Heavy Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas: Orc Raiders (27) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human (27) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves (27) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Cards (27 per pack) Uncharted Seas: Dragon Lords Cards (27 per pack) Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves (27) Uncharted Seas: Bone Griffons (27) Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages (27) US TR Ralgard (27) Uncharted Seas: The Ralgard Cards (27 per pack) $11.65 $14.50 85 80 $1.75 $2.90 $17.00 $12.00 85 75 $2.55 $3.00 $14.49 $17.00 80 85 $2.90 $2.55 $9.49 $9.49 $20.00 85 80 85 $1.42 $1.90 $3.00 $20.99 $14.99 $15.00 $26.00 $10.00 $10.49 $13.50 80 80 85 75 80 85 75 $4.20 $3.00 $2.25 $6.50 $2.00 $1.57 $3.38 $9.49 $11.50 85 70 $1.42 $3.45 $9.49 $9.00 $10.49 $12.49 85 80 80 80 $1.42 $1.80 $2.10 $2.50 $15.49 $19.99 $10.99 $13.00 80 80 80 75 $3.10 $4.00 $2.20 $3.25 $5.25 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 80 $1.05 85 $0.90 85 $0.90 75 $1.50 80 $1.20 80 $1.20 80 $1.20 85 $0.90 80 $1.20 75 $1.50 Revised 7/23/13 59 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at SGS SHU002 SGS SHU003 SGS SHU004 SGS SHU004N SGS SHU005N SGS SHU006 SGS SHU006N SGS SHU007 SGS SHU008 SGS SHU008-N SGS SHU009 SGS SHU009-N SGS SHU010 SGS SHU010-N SGS SHU011 SGS SMAP001 SGS SMON01 SGS SMON02 SGS SMON03 SGS SMON03N SGS SMON04 SGS SMON05 SGS SOR001 SGS SOR002 SGS SOR003 SGS SOR003N SGS SOR004 SGS SOR004N SGS SOR005 SGS SOR007 SGS SOR008 SGS SOR009-N SGS SOR013 SGS SSC002 SGS SSC002N SGS SSC005N Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Battleship (1) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Cruiser (1) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Frigates (3) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Falcon Class Frigate (3) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Martyr Class Frigate (3) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Transport (1) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Albatross Class Transport (1) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Heavy Cruiser (1) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Flagship (1) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Condor Class Flagship (1) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Destroyer (3) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Kestrel Class Destroyer (3) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Assault Balloon (2) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Harrier Class A Balloon (2) Uncharted Seas: Imperial Human Kingfisher Class Cruiser (1) Uncharted Seas: A1 - Laminated Map (1) Uncharted Seas: Sea Monsters (3) Uncharted Seas: Giant (1) Uncharted Seas: Crocidon (1) Uncharted Seas: Crocidon (1) Uncharted Seas: Elder Dragon (1) Uncharted Seas: Water Behemoth (2) Uncharted Seas: Orc Raiders Starter Fleet Uncharted Seas: Orc Raiders Battleship (1) Uncharted Seas: Orc Raiders Cruiser (1) Uncharted Seas: Orc Raiders Ravager Class Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas: Orc Raiders Frigates (6) Uncharted Seas: Orc Raiders Warcroc Class Frigate (6) Uncharted Seas: Orc Raiders Battlecruiser (1) Uncharted Seas: Orc Raiders Flagship (1) Uncharted Seas: Orc Raiders Destroyer (3) Uncharted Seas: Orc Raiders Carnage Class Heavy Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas Orc Raiders Pyre Class Frigate (6) Uncharted Seas: Jetty And Wharf Uncharted Seas: Scenery Jetty & Wharf Uncharted Seas: Scenery Towers & Gun Walls $18.99 $9.49 $9.49 $14.00 85 85 80 85 $2.85 $1.42 $1.90 $2.10 $14.00 75 $3.50 $9.49 $24.00 80 75 $1.90 $6.00 $11.49 $24.49 $34.00 80 80 85 $2.30 $4.90 $5.10 $15.49 $22.00 80 85 $3.10 $3.30 $19.49 $20.00 80 85 $3.90 $3.00 $15.00 80 $3.00 $10.49 $8.49 $15.99 $19.99 $21.50 $19.99 $12.49 $48.99 $14.49 $9.49 $22.00 $9.49 $10.00 $15.99 $17.99 $15.49 $23.00 80 80 80 85 75 75 80 85 80 85 85 85 85 85 80 80 75 $2.10 $1.70 $3.20 $3.00 $5.38 $5.00 $2.50 $7.35 $2.90 $1.42 $3.30 $1.42 $1.50 $2.40 $3.60 $3.10 $5.75 $10.00 $18.99 $20.00 $14.50 70 $3.00 80 $3.80 85 $3.00 80 $2.90 Revised 7/23/13 60 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at SGS SSC009 SGS SSM002N SGS SSM003 SGS SSM003N SGS SSM004 SGS SSM004N SGS SSM005N SGS SSM006 SGS SSM008 SGS SSM009 SGS SSM009N SGS SSM011 SGS SSM012 SGS SSP002 SGS STE001 SGS STE002 SGS STE002N SGS STE003 SGS STE004 SGS STE004N SGS STE006 SGS STE008 SGS STE008-N SGS STE010 SGS STE010N SGS STR002 SGS STR002N SGS STR003 SGS STR004 SGS STR005N SGS STR006 SGS SWD012N SHP 17214 Uncharted Seas: Floating Trader Town Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages Intruder Class Battleship (1) Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages Cruiser (1) Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages Stalker Class Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages Frigates (6) Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages Lurker/Illuminator Class Frigate (3) Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages Tormentor Class Heavy Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages Flagship (1) Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages Destroyer (3) Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages Destroyer (3) Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages Infiltrator Class Destroyer (3) Uncharted Seas: Shroud Mages Darkness Class Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas Shroud Mages Beacon Class Platform (1) Uncharted Seas: Sky Pirates Airship (2) Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves Starter Fleet Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves Battleship (1) Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves Phoenix Class Battleship (1) Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves Cruiser (1) Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves Frigates (2) Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves Raven Class Frigate (3) Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves Assault Destroyer (1) Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves Heavy Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves Griffon Class Heavy Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves Cruiser (1) Uncharted Seas: Thaniras Elves Viper Class Cruiser (2) Uncharted Seas: The Ralgard Battleship Uncharted Seas: The Ralgard Vantak Class Battleship (1) Uncharted Seas: The Ralgard Cruiser Uncharted Seas: The Ralgard Frigate (3) Uncharted Seas: The Ralgard Jarak Class Balloon (1) Uncharted Seas: The Ralgard Balloonship (2) Uncharted Seas: Iron Dwarves Armoury Class Troop Carrier (2 Tile Twist $26.00 $13.00 85 75 $3.90 $3.25 $9.53 $11.50 80 85 $1.91 $1.73 $10.59 $10.00 85 85 $1.59 $1.50 $13.00 75 $3.25 $15.89 $11.65 $11.49 $12.00 85 80 75 75 $2.38 $2.33 $2.87 $3.00 $15.00 70 $4.50 $17.00 75 $4.25 $19.99 $49.99 $13.99 $16.00 85 85 85 85 $3.00 $7.50 $2.10 $2.40 $9.49 $7.49 $12.00 $10.49 $11.49 $23.00 80 85 85 80 80 85 $1.90 $1.12 $1.80 $2.10 $2.30 $3.45 $11.49 $22.00 $23.99 $25.00 80 75 80 85 $2.30 $5.50 $4.80 $3.75 $10.99 $12.99 $25.00 $21.99 $13.00 80 85 70 80 85 $2.20 $1.95 $7.50 $4.40 $1.95 $24.99 60 $10.00 Revised 7/23/13 61 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at SNK 01002 SNK 02002 SOF 001 SPM 2424-S SPM 6111-S SPM 7217-D SPM 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(NET) Sum Word Game: Bible Edition (NET) Chaotic TCG: M`arrillian Invasion Starter Deck Chaotic TCG: M`arrillian Invasion Booster Pack Chaotic TCG: Collectible Tin & Scanner Deck Display (12) Chaotic TCG: Collectible Tin & Scanner Deck Box Chaotic TCG: M?arrillian Invasion ? Turn of the Tide Booster Display (24) Chaotic TCG: Secrets of the Lost City Starter Deck Junkyard Races Tricky Monkey Fortuna Opera Bag O` Zombies!!!: Clowns Humans!!! 3: ZombieCon Zombies!!!: Roll Them Bones Deadlands Board Game: The Battle for Slaughter Gulch Deadlands Invasion of Slaughter Gulch Forever Young Zombie Survival 2: There Goes The Neighborhood Little Dead Riding Hood Go Goblin, Go! Monsuno TCG Booster Display (NET) Monsuno TCG Booster Pack (NET) Wacky Packages Erasers #1 Pack (NET) Wacky Packages Erasers #2 Pack (NET) Monsuno TCG Starter Box Display (NET) Monsuno Tcg Starter Box (NET) Wacky Packages Stickers #8 BD (24) (NET) $13.99 75 $3.50 $13.99 $29.95 $4.38 $18.56 $105.12 $3.13 $131.30 $13.13 $155.04 $19.38 $19.99 $11.70 $14.63 $13.99 $3.99 $260.00 65 80 35 75 80 80 80 60 80 60 60 25 25 90 90 90 $4.90 $5.99 $2.85 $4.64 $21.02 $0.63 $26.26 $5.25 $31.01 $7.75 $8.00 $8.78 $10.97 $1.40 $0.40 $26.00 $21.67 $95.76 90 90 $2.17 $9.58 $11.99 $52.95 $21.95 $21.53 $27.71 $12.99 $14.99 $14.99 $44.99 $12.99 $34.99 $19.99 $34.99 $24.99 $54.90 $2.29 $1.88 $1.88 $89.40 $7.45 $39.60 90 60 80 75 65 53 70 65 55 75 70 80 75 65 90 90 35 35 90 90 35 $1.20 $21.18 $4.39 $5.38 $9.70 $6.11 $4.50 $5.25 $20.25 $3.25 $10.50 $4.00 $8.75 $8.75 $5.49 $0.23 $1.22 $1.22 $8.94 $0.75 $25.74 Revised 7/23/13 62 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at TOP 77711-S TOP 834-D TOP 834-S TOP 875-S TOY 15030 TOY 22002 TOY 22004 TOY 59002 TOY 73003 TOY 75001 TOY 75004 TRG 100 TRG 200 TSL 0410 TWE 2000-S UDC 32848-S UDC 48000-D UDC 53098-D UDC 57510-S UDC 57514-D UDC 57514-S UDC 62833-S UDC 62871-S UDC 66067-D UDC 69587-S UGS FW100 UGS FX6 UGS MP100 UGS RF48 UGS SB32YEL UGS TRIP64 UGS YB61BLU UPR 81920-S UPR 81921-D UPR 81921-S UPR 82084 UPR 82218 UPR 82271 Wacky Packages Stickers #8 Booster (NET) Attax Baseball TCG Starter Kit Carton (12) (NET) Attax Baseball TCG Str Kit (NET) Attax Baseball TCG Booster (NET) Black Knight Mini-Plush Rubik`s Cube Reversible Plush Rubik`s Cube Plush Keychain REDNECK SWEARBEAR TALKING PLUSH Nightmares: Bloody Mary Plush Possession Card Game Starship Merchants Flick Your Chip A Way With Words Wealth of Nations Powerz CCG: : Genesis Series Booster Pack DC TCG Origins Booster (NET) World of Warcraft CCG: Heroes of Azeroth Starter Display (6) (NET) World of Warcraft TCG: Dark Portal Starter Display (6) (NET) Huntik TCG: Secrets & Seekers Booster Pack (NET) Huntik TCG: Secrets & Seekers Starter Game Display (6) (NET) Huntik Tcg: Secrets & Seekers Starter Game (NET) Marvel Ultimate Battle Starter Set (NET) World Of Warcraft: The Miniatures Game Core Starter (NET) World of Warcraft Miniatures Game: Spoils of War Booster Display (16) (NET) World Of Warcraft Tcg: Arena Grand Melee Set (NET) Flashwordz Flip Six Mystic Pyramid Rain Forest Card Game Star Ball Tripolo Y-Ball Future Comics DP Pack (NET) Future Comics Mini Deck Protector Display (12) (NET) Future Comics Mini DP Pack (NET) MTG: 10th Edition Art 9-pocket Portfolio (NET) Chaotic 9-pocket Portfolio (NET) Chaotic 4-pocket Portfolio (NET) $1.65 $54.00 $4.50 $1.13 $12.99 $19.99 $12.99 $19.99 $24.99 $19.99 $34.99 $24.99 $24.99 $49.95 $3.99 $3.13 $54.53 35 90 90 90 55 55 65 75 75 75 60 70 70 52 90 85 80 $1.07 $5.40 $0.45 $0.11 $5.85 $9.00 $4.55 $5.00 $6.25 $5.00 $14.00 $7.50 $7.50 $23.98 $0.40 $0.47 $10.91 $54.53 75 $13.63 $2.42 $47.25 90 90 $0.24 $4.73 $7.88 $6.06 $15.15 85 20 75 $1.18 $4.85 $3.79 $145.40 85 $21.81 $9.09 $19.95 $6.00 $25.00 $10.00 $35.00 $6.00 $35.00 $1.92 $23.00 $1.92 $4.65 $4.65 $3.70 85 75 55 75 75 75 55 75 85 85 85 10 90 90 $1.36 $4.99 $2.70 $6.25 $2.50 $8.75 $2.70 $8.75 $0.29 $3.45 $0.29 $4.19 $0.47 $0.37 Revised 7/23/13 63 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at UPR 82304 UPR 82346-S UPR 82502 UPR 82503 UPR 82504 UPR 82508-D UPR 82508-S UPR 82509 UPR 82541 UPR 82577 UPR 82596 UPR 82616 UPR 82704-D UPR 82704-S UPR 82708-D UPR 82708-S UPR 82810 UPR 82811 UPR 82815 UPR 82816 UPR 82822 UPR 82836 UPR 82853 UPR 82875 UPR 82878-S UPR 82909 UPR 82910 UPR 82911 UPR 82912 UPR 82913 UPR 82926 UPR 82932 UPR 82939 UPR 82940 UPR 82956-S UPR 82962-S UPR 82968-S UPR 82979-D UPR 82979-S Pokemon: Casemade Album Refill (NET) Monte Angel Manga Mini Gold Deck Protector Pack (50) (NET) Small Card Exalted Dragon 4-pocket Portfolio (NET) Small Card Warlock 4-pocket Portfolio (NET) Small Card Spiral Dragon 4-pocket Portfolio (NET) Wizard/Dragon Caller DP Dis (12) (NET) Wizard/Dragon Caller DP Pack (NET) Hi-Gloss Silver Small Size Deck Protector (NET) MTG 2011 Style 1 Deck Protector (NET) Mtg Mirrodin Symbol Deck Protector (NET) MTG Scars Of Mirrodin Deck Box (Side-Loading) (NET) MTG Scars of Mirrodin Playmat (NET) Strategy Entertainment: Yuan Shao Deck Protector Display (12) (NET) Strategy Entertainment: Yuan Shao Deck Protector Pack (NET) Parkinson Demon DP Dis (12) (NET) Parkinson Demon DP Pack (NET) MTG 2012 9pkt Portfolio (NET) MTG 2012 Horizontal Deck Protector (NET) MTG 2012 Playmat (NET) MTG Innistrad 9-pocket Portfolio (NET) Pokemon Noble Victories 4-pocket Portfolio (NET) MTG 2012 Vertical Deck Protector (NET) MTG Elspeth Tirel Deck Box Combo (NET) MTG Graveborn Nesting Deck Vault (NET) MTG Mayan Countdown Deck Protector Pack (50) (NET) MTG: Commander Deck Box Mana White (NET) MTG: Commander Deck Box Mana Blue (NET) MTG: Commander Deck Box Mana Black (NET) MTG: Commander Deck Box Mana Red (NET) MTG: Commander Deck Box Mana Green (NET) MTG Venser vs. Koth Duel Deck Box (NET) Mtg: Avacyn Restored Horizontal-load Deck (NET) Mtg Avacyn Restored Playmat 5 (NET) Mtg Avacyn Restored Playmat 6 (NET) General`s Order: Liu Chan Deck Protector Pack (NET) Clear Small Size Deck Protector Pack (NET) Orange Small Size Deck Protector Pack (NET) General`s Order: Yuji Small Deck Protector Display (10) General`s Order: Yuji Small Deck Protector Pack $1.85 $2.10 20 15 $1.48 $1.79 $3.40 $3.40 $3.40 $25.45 $2.15 $1.55 $4.80 $4.80 $1.35 $11.75 $28.20 25 15 10 70 10 15 10 10 15 25 10 $2.55 $2.89 $3.06 $7.64 $1.94 $1.32 $4.32 $4.32 $1.15 $8.81 $25.38 $2.35 20 $1.88 $25.45 $2.15 $5.10 $5.50 $12.90 $5.10 $4.05 $5.50 $7.85 $5.15 $2.15 15 20 10 25 20 25 15 35 25 15 10 $21.63 $1.72 $4.59 $4.13 $10.32 $3.83 $3.44 $3.58 $5.89 $4.38 $1.94 $7.65 $7.65 $7.65 $7.65 $7.65 $6.15 $5.50 $12.90 $12.90 $2.35 $1.85 $1.85 $27.00 $2.70 15 15 25 15 15 20 15 10 10 10 55 10 30 15 $6.50 $6.50 $5.74 $6.50 $6.50 $4.92 $4.68 $11.61 $11.61 $2.12 $0.83 $1.67 $18.90 $2.30 Revised 7/23/13 64 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at UPR 82980-D UPR 82981 UPR 82982 UPR 82983 UPR 82984 UPR 82985 UPR 82986 UPR 82988 UPR 82990 UPR 82996-D UPR 82996-S UPR 82997-D UPR 84014 UPR 84021-S UPR 84028-D UPR 84028-S UPR 84092-D UPR 84099-D UPR 84100-D UPR 86000 UPR 86002 UPR 86003 UPR 86004 UPR 86005 UPR 86006 UPR 86007 UPR 86010 UPR 86011 UPR 86012 UPR 86013 UPR 86014 UPR 86022 UPR 86030 UPR 86031 General`s Order: Liu Chan Small Deck Protector Display (10) Black Small Pro-dual Deck Box (NET) White Small Pro-dual Deck Box (NET) Red Small Pro-dual Deck Box (NET) Light Green Small Pro-dual Deck Box (NET) Light Blue Small Pro-dual Deck Box (NET) Yellow Small Pro-dual Deck Box (NET) Blue Pro-dual Deck Box (NET) Green Pro-dual Deck Box (NET) General``s Order: Yan Shi Small Deck Protector Display (10) General``s Order: Yan Shi Small Deck Protector Pack General``s Order: Poison Master Small Deck Protector Display (10) Baseball Collectors 4-Pocket Portfolio (NET) Pro-Matte Small Black 60-count Deck Protector Pack (NET) Brown Small Size Deck Protector Display (10) (NET) Brown Small Size Deck Protector Pack (NET) Monte Moore Deadly Temptation Deck Protector Display (12) Lite Green Standard Size Deck Protector Display (12) Lite Green Small Size Deck Protector Display (10) MTG 2013 Vertical Deck Protector (NET) MTG 2013 Horizontal Deck Protector (NET) MTG 2013 Side Load Deck Box (NET) MTG 2013 Playmat 1 (NET) MTG 2013 Playmat 2 (NET) MTG 2013 Playmat 3 (NET) MTG 2013 Playmat 4 (NET) MTG Return to Ravnica Horizontal Deck Protector Series 1 (NET) MTG Return to Ravnica Horizontal Deck Protector Series 2 (NET) MTG Return to Ravnica Horizontal Deck Protector Series 3 (NET) MTG Return to Ravnica Horizontal Deck Protector Series 4 (NET) MTG Return to Ravnica Horizontal Deck Protector Series 5 (NET) MTG Return to Ravnica Playmat 3 (NET) Mtg Izzet Vs Golgari Duel Deck Box (NET) MTG Gatecrash Horizontal Deck Protector Series 1 $27.00 30 $18.90 $3.20 $3.20 $3.20 $3.20 $3.20 $3.20 $3.20 $3.20 $27.00 25 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 30 $2.40 $2.72 $2.72 $2.72 $2.72 $2.72 $2.88 $2.88 $18.90 $2.70 $27.00 20 30 $2.16 $18.90 $3.45 $2.15 10 10 $3.11 $1.94 $18.50 $1.85 $28.35 20 15 20 $14.80 $1.57 $22.68 $19.15 $18.50 $5.50 $5.50 $1.50 $12.90 $12.90 $12.90 $12.90 $5.50 25 15 25 25 20 15 15 25 20 10 $14.36 $15.73 $4.13 $4.13 $1.20 $10.97 $10.97 $9.68 $10.32 $4.95 $5.50 15 $4.68 $5.50 20 $4.40 $5.50 10 $4.95 $5.50 10 $4.95 $12.90 $6.15 $5.50 10 25 10 $11.61 $4.61 $4.95 Revised 7/23/13 65 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at UPR 86032 UPR 86033 UPR 86036 UPR 86043 UPR 86044 UPR 86048 UPR 86050 UPR 86051 UPR 86052 UPR 86053 UPR 86054 UPR 86055 UPR 86056 UPR 86057 UPR 86058 UPR 86059 UPR 86073 USO JA000176 USO ME04379 USO MN04326 USO MN04372 USO MN04373 USO MN04382 USO MN07013 USO PG00473 USO PZ010357 USO SC04384 USO TP04222 USO YZ04385 USO YZ04396 USO YZ078307 VAL 26232 VAL 26234 VAL 26236 MTG Gatecrash Horizontal Deck Protector Series 2 MTG Gatecrash Horizontal Deck Protector Series 3 MTG Gatecrash Side-Loading Deck Box Series 1 MTG Gatecrash Playmat 3 MTG Gatecrash Playmat 4 MTG Sorin vs Tibalt Duel Deck Box MTG Dragon``s Maze Horizontal Deck Protector Series 1 MTG Dragon``s Maze Horizontal Deck Protector Series 2 MTG Dragon``s Maze Horizontal Deck Protector Series 3 MTG Dragon``s Maze Horizontal Deck Protector Series 4 MTG Dragon``s Maze Horizontal Deck Protector Series 5 MTG Dragon``s Maze Horizontal Deck Protector Series 6 MTG Dragon``s Maze Horizontal Deck Protector Series 7 MTG Dragon``s Maze Horizontal Deck Protector Series 8 MTG Dragon``s Maze Horizontal Deck Protector Series 9 MTG Dragon``s Maze Horizontal Deck Protector Series 10 MTG Dragon``s Maze Playmat 4 Holiday Jenga (NET) National Parks Memory Office Monopoly AC/DC Monopoly Three Stooges Monopoly Pirates of the Caribbean Monopoly Dinosaur Monopoly Sync Up The Hobbit Collector``s Puzzle Cooking Scrabble Rolling Stones Trivial Pursuit Pirates of the Caribbean Yahtzee Glee Yahtzee South Park Yahtzee (NET) TX Sandy Paste (30ml) TX White Stone (30ml) TX Red Oxide Paste (30ml) $5.50 $5.50 $1.50 $12.90 $12.90 $6.15 $5.50 10 15 10 10 10 15 30 $4.95 $4.68 $1.35 $11.61 $11.61 $5.23 $3.85 $5.50 25 $4.13 $5.50 30 $3.85 $5.50 30 $3.85 $5.50 25 $4.13 $5.50 25 $4.13 $5.50 30 $3.85 $5.50 30 $3.85 $5.50 30 $3.85 $5.50 30 $3.85 $12.90 $14.00 $10.50 $23.80 $28.00 $28.00 $28.00 $24.50 $14.00 $10.50 $21.00 $23.80 $17.50 $14.00 $14.00 $5.89 $5.19 $6.69 25 15 55 25 55 60 55 65 75 25 50 75 50 75 10 60 65 60 $9.68 $11.90 $4.73 $17.85 $12.60 $11.20 $12.60 $8.58 $3.50 $7.88 $10.50 $5.95 $8.75 $3.50 $12.60 $2.36 $1.82 $2.68 Revised 7/23/13 66 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at VAL 26579 VAL 26591 VAL 70109 VAL 70141 VAL 70145 VAL 70146 VAL 70303 VAL 70308 VAL 70313 VAL 70317 VAL 70320 VAL 70323 VAL 70324 VAL 70325 VAL 70327 VAL 70328 VAL 70329 VAL 70330 VAL 70331 VAL 70332 VAL 70334 VAL 70339 VAL 70346 VAL 70603 VAL 70604 VAL 70605 VAL 70606 VAL 70607 VAL 70957 VAL 71013 VAL 71053 VAL 71067 VAL 71091 VAL 71101 VAL 71105 VAL 71109 VAL 71110 VAL 71173 VAL 72063 VAL 72208 VAL 73213 VAL 73606 Stone And Water: Mica Flake Gel (200ml) TX Heavy Gel Gloss (30ml) Vallejo Model Color : Set 09 WWII Aliados Model Color Set: Earth Tones (16) Model Color Set: Native Americans (16) Model Color Set: Naval (steam Era) (16) PA Yellowish Rust PA Green Tail Light PA Stencil PA British Tank Crew PA French Tank Crew PA Highlight USMC Tkr PA Highlight French Tkr PA Russian Tank Crew I PA Italian Tank Crew PA Japanese Tank Crew PA Highlight Rus Tkcr I PA Highlight Rus Tkcr II PA Highlight Italian Tkcr PA Highlight Japans Tkcr PA German Tkcr I (Feldgrau) PA Highlight Ger II (Feldgrau) PA Splinter Blotches I AP German Panzer Grey RAL 7021(17ml) AP German Dark Yellow RAL 7028(17ml) AP German Red Brown RAL 8012 (17ml) AP German Green Brown RAL 8000(17ml) AP UK Bronze Green (17ml) Vallejo Model Color : Flat Red Vallejo Model Air : Yellow Olive Vallejo Model Air: Dark Seagreen Vallejo Model Air: Bright Brass Vallejo Model Air: Insignia Blue Vallejo Model Air : Blue RLM 23 Vallejo Model Air : Brown RLM 26 Vallejo Model Air : UK PRU Blue Vallejo Model Air : UK EXT DK Sea Grey Model Air Boxed Set: Camo Color With Airbrush (29) Vallejo Game Color : Desert Yellow GC Set AP Decal Fix (17ml) AP German Green Brown RAL 8000(60ml) $14.47 $6.69 $52.09 $52.09 $52.09 $52.09 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $3.69 $4.29 $4.29 $4.29 $4.29 $4.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $3.29 $305.39 $3.29 $36.79 $3.39 $7.79 80 $2.89 65 $2.34 55 $23.44 55 $23.44 55 $23.44 55 $23.44 52 $1.77 60 $1.48 55 $1.66 50 $1.85 65 $1.29 55 $1.66 65 $1.29 55 $1.66 60 $1.48 65 $1.29 65 $1.29 55 $1.66 65 $1.29 65 $1.29 55 $1.66 55 $1.66 55 $1.66 55 $1.93 55 $1.93 55 $1.93 60 $1.72 55 $1.93 52 $1.58 55 $1.48 55 $1.48 55 $1.48 55 $1.48 55 $1.48 52 $1.58 60 $1.32 55 $1.48 55 $137.43 60 $1.32 55 $16.56 55 $1.53 60 $3.12 Revised 7/23/13 67 ALLIANCE SUMMER 2013 SALE BOOK Quantities are limited, prices good while supply lasts Sale ends Friday, August 16, 2013 Contact your Account Rep or order online at VAL 73607 VAL 74604 VAL 74606 VAL 74607 VAL CC991 VAL P54004 VAL P54005 VAL P54006 VAL P54007 VAN 1323 VAN 1439 VIZ DDN05 WGF DFG-IA001 WGF DFG-IN003 WGF HM003 WGS 001-D WIN 1106 WIN 1131 WIN 1148 WIN 1160 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Scribbo (NET) Instant Insanity: Brain Blocks (NET) Rubiks Jr (NET) Rubiks Key Ring (NET) HorrorClix Alien VS Predator Queen Action Pack HorrorClix: Freddy Vs. 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