30 % Rabatt - Ulisses Spiele
30 % Rabatt - Ulisses Spiele
Ausgabe 21 KW 32 Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/988700 ● vertrieb@ulisses-spiele.de Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Händlershop: www.ulisses-webshop.de Mantic Games & Warlord -Sommer AngebotDer Sommer hat endlich Einzuggehalten in Deutschland und um Ihnen die Möglichkeit zu geben Ihre Tabletopper für große Scifi & Fantasyschlachten zurück in den Laden zu holen geben wir auf alle Produkte von Mantic & Warlord 30 % Rabatt das Angwebot gilt bis auf weiteres... Versäumen sie nicht die Chance sich mit den attraktiven Produkten von Mantic & Warlord einzudecken! Infinity INF289703 sie die ‚Hranngarsbrut‘. Um den Flussvater wachzurütteln und die charyptide Bedrohung abzuwenden, bleibt den Helden nichts anderes übrig, als in seine Unterwasserwelt einzutauchen – denn auch an seinen Hof sind ihre Gegner bereits vorgedrungen. Auf der Jagd nach den Schergen der Tiefen Tochter stehen die Thorwaler den Helden mehr als einmal hilfreich zur Seite. Doch was treibt die Nordleute wirklich in die Stadt? Ist es tatsächlich nur der Kampf gegen die Schrecken der Tiefe oder verfolgen sie noch ganz andere Ziele? Warum sind sie so versessen darauf, den uralten Fluch des Flussvaters, der seit 2000 Jahren verhindert, dass Thorwaler den Großen Fluss befahren, zu brechen? Schließlich müssen die Helden eine Entscheidung darüber treffen, wie sie in die Sänge der Skalden eingehen wollen: als Freunde oder Feinde der Nordleute? Zum Spielen dieses Abenteuers benötigen Sie die DSARegelwerke zu Kampf, Magie und Götterwirken sowie die Ergänzungsbände Zoo-Botanica Aventurica und Efferds Wogen. Für den Spielleiter ist die Kenntnis der Regionalspielhilfen Am Großen Fluss und Unter dem Westwind hilfreich. Dieses Buch enthält alle weiteren Informationen, um als Meister des Schwarzen Auges eine Gruppe von Spielern durch das Abenteuer zu führen. Pathfinder dt. Corvus Belli US54002 Tabletop Infinity Campaign: Paradiso (Englisch) ......................................................21,97 Infinity Campaign: Paradiso (Englisch) + Go-Go Marlene Mini....................26,97 39,95 49,95 Erscheint voraussichtlich September / Oktober 2012 Achtung Vorverkauf!! Das Infinity Campaign: Paradiso (Englisch) + GoGo Marlene Mini müssen Sie bis 21.08.2012 bestellt haben! Bestellungen danach können nicht berücksichtigt werden. Ulisses Spiele Das Schwarze Auge-Aventurien 13056 JUR Rollenspiele Der Fluch des Flussvaters (AB192) 11,50 20,00 Erscheint am 16.08.2012 Havena, Tor zum Meer der Sieben Winde an der Mündung des Großen Flusses, Hauptstadt Albernias und Hort alter Geheimnisse. Seit Jahrhunderten ringen hier die Kräfte des Meeresgottes Efferd und der Erzdämonin Charyptoroth miteinander. Unbemerkt von den Bürgern der Handelsstadt, die nach Jahren des Kriegs mit den Nordmarken nur die Wiederherstellung ihres alten Wohlstandes im Blicke haben, erheben sich die Schatten der versunkenen Unterstadt erneut: Menschen verschwinden und Schiffe werden von ungeheuerlichen Monstrositäten angegriffen. Selbst der Flussvater, Efferds Statthalter, der seinen Hof in der Unterstadt haben soll, nimmt nur wenig Notiz von den Vorgängen. Einzig die Thorwaler der Sturmtrotzer-Otta kommen den Helden zu Hilfe. Gemeinsam bekämpfen Rollenspiele Kritischer Treffer Karten .................6,87 11,95 Erscheint 30.08.2012 Habt ihr genug von so langweiligen Effekten wie doppeltem Schaden? Würdet ihr nicht lieber die Köpfe eurer Gegner mit sauberen Schlägen abtrennen oder ihre Herzen mit Pfeilen durchbohren? Ihr habt Kritische Treffer erzielt? Dann zieht eine Karte und wendet das Ergebnis an! Jede Karte nennt vier unterschiedliche Ergebnisse in Abhängigkeit von der benutzten Waffenart. Und alle sind natürlich mit dem Pathfinder Rollenspiel kompatibel. Noch nie hat es so viel Spaß gemacht, dem Gegner den Schädel einzuschlagen! Erscheint voraussichtlich September / Oktober 2012 Neues Infinty Buch INF289703L 1/6 US54003 Kritischer Patzer Karten ..................6,87 11,95 Erscheint 30.08.2012 Unfälle passieren! Mal lässt man sein Schwert fallen oder trifft einen Freund versehentlich mit dem Speer in den Rücken. In der Hitze des Gefechts geschieht alles Mögliche: von beinahe schon lustigen bis hin zu tödlichen Patzern. Dieser Satz aus 52 Karten enthält alles, was erforderlich ist, um Kritische Patzer in dein Spiel einzuführen. Hinzu kommen Regeln zu Patzern und eine Reihe optionaler Regeln, um den Spielern einen Vorteil zu geben. Jede Karte nennt vier unterschiedliche Ergebnisse abhängig von der Art des Patzers, die natürlich alle mit dem Pathfinder Rollenspiel kompatibel sind. Noch nie hat es so viel Spaß gemacht, sich selbst in den Fuß zu stechen! Ausgabe 21 KW 32 Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/988700 ● vertrieb@ulisses-spiele.de Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Händlershop: www.ulisses-webshop.de Uhrwerk Verlag Das Schwarze Auge-Myranor 14509 JUR Rollenspiele Im Zeichen der Götter.....................14,38 25,00 Erscheint am 16.08.2012 Im Zeichen der Götter Diese Anthologie beinhaltet drei Abenteuer, die jeweils vor dem Hintergrund eines der vielen religiösen Kulte Myranors spielen. Im Netz der Spinne befinden sich die Helden plötzlich, als sie in der Eshbathya Nahambath in der glutheißen Wüste Narkramar nur eine simple Botschaft überbringen sollen. Doch der Empfänger ist verschwunden und ein ganzes Viertel verhält sich äußerst seltsam. Können die Helden das Netz durchschneiden und das Rattenviertel von einem unheimlichen Kult erlösen? Wind und Wogen haben eine große Bedeutung für die kleine Hafenstadt Lagor im nordöstlichen Imperium, in der die Kulte des Ephar und des Chrysir um die Vorherrschaft streiten. Doch erhebt auch die finstere Göttin Charypta ihr nachtblaues Haupt, als ein wichtiges Artefakt gestohlen wird – ein Artefakt mit dem man sogar den gefürchteten Efferdwall überwinden können soll. Die Tage des Sieges sind in Sidor Harpax gekommen, wo die alljährlichen Spiele zu Ehren Shinxirs stattfinden und sich Athleten und Kämpfer aus nah und fern messen. Doch dieses Jahr liegt ein Schatten über dem Fest, denn ein Gönner der Helden wurde brutal ermordet. Was haben die mysteriösen letzten Hinweise des Toten zu bedeuten? Und wer sabotiert die gottgefälligen Wettkämpfe? ABENTEUER M16 Spieler: 1 Spielleiter und 3-6 Spieler ab 14 Jahren KOMPLEXITÄT (MEISTER/SPIELER): mittel bis hoch / mittel Anforderungen (Helden): Kampffertigkeiten, Talenteinsatz, Interaktion, Nachforschung, Körperliche Fähigkeiten ORT: Das Imperium und die Narkramar; beliebige Zeit Contact UWV6600 Rollenspiele CONTACT - Zug um Zug...................6,57 10,95 Erschienen Jetzt bist DU am Zug! Der Atomzug Tango-3 befördert heiße Fracht: OMEGA ist es in Südeuropa gelungen, eine Gruppe Aliens aus der Fraktion der Plünderer lebend gefangen zu nehmen. An Bord von Spezialwagons mit Wachen, Wissenschaftlern und Quarantänevorkehrungen sollen die Aliens samt den Wrackteilen ihres Schiffes zum europäischen Hauptquartier in Deutschland gebracht werden, um weiteren Untersuchungen unterzogen werden zu können. Doch plötzlich bricht der Kontakt zum Gefangenentransport ab. Die Lage ist unklar, eine Gefährdung von Zivilisten ist nicht ausgeschlossen - es gibt keine Zeit zu verlieren. Euer Truppentransporter steht bereit. Schnappt euch eure Ausrüstung und steigt ein, denn ihr habt einen Auftrag ... ZUG UM ZUG ist ein explosives CONTACT-Abenteuer für 3-6 Spieler, bei dem die Charaktere es mit gefährlichen Aliens, irren UFO-Kultisten und einem außer Kontrolle geratenen Nuklearreaktor auf Schienen zu tun bekommen. Doppelgleiszüge sind die größten und schwersten Landfahrzeuge der Welt, und wenn sie einmal Fahrt aufgenommen haben, gibt es nur wenig, was sie aufhalten kann. Und als ob das nicht genug wäre, sind die Rollen der Jäger und Gejagten auf dem dahinrasenden Ungetüm keineswegs klar vergeben. Eine tödliche Hatz beginnt! 2/6 Advanced Primate Entertainment Games Brett-/ Kartenspiele APE1000 Rolling Freight (Boxed Board Game).... ......................................................34,98 69,95 Erschienen Rolling Freight is a game of building rail and shipping routes, and moving cargo across those routes. Each turn players roll custom dice to perform actions such as purchasing route contracts, completing routes, making improvements, and moving cargo. Winning will require just the right mix of all these elements so hop aboard and roll some freight! Details: 2-5 Players | Ages 13+ | 90 minutes+ Includes a huge twosided game board |38 custom dice | 132 improvement and contract cards | 5 player mats |105 partial rail cubes |170 die cut route completion sticks | 65 wooden cargo cylinders | drawstring bag |5 player pawns |full-color rules Atlas Games Dungeoneer AG1243 Brett-/ Kartenspiele Dungeoneer: Haunted Woods of Malthorin .........................................................6,48 12,95 Erschienen The betrothed of an elven prince was brutally slain on the day of their wedding. The mad bridegroom now uses his powerful magic to turn his forest realm into a horrific haunted nightmare. Do you have the courage to bring peace to these cursed woods? Haunted Woods of Malthorin is a two-player Dungeoneer card game. Your character explores a wilderness that you build with map cards, while fighting monsters, completing quests, and leveling up along the way. Each Dungeoneer set can be played as a stand-alone card game, or combined with other decks for more dungeon-delving fun and additional players. Haunted Woods of Malthorin features 55 new Dungeoneer cards, including wilderness terrain maps, special weather cards, and three new heroes for your Dungeoneer game: Elf Archer, Human Druid, and Centaur Ranger. 2 players, 40 minutes, ages 13 and up. 6-sided dice and tokens not included AG1244 Dungeoneer: Den of the Wererats.....6,48 12,95 Erschienen A master wererat and his transformed minions hold the city in fear. Vermin and shapeshifters, thieves and cutthroats lurk in every shadow. Can you face your fears and eradicate this sinister infestation? Den of the Wererats is a two-player Dungeoneer card game. Your character explores a city that you build with map cards, while fighting monsters, completing quests, and leveling up along the way. Each Dungeoneer set can be played as a stand-alone card game, or combined with other decks for more dungeon-delving fun and additional players. Den of the Wererats features 55 new Dungeoneer cards, including city maps, lycanthropic curses that transform your opponents, and three new heroes for your Dungeoneer game: Darkling Thief, Human Alchemist, and Dwarf Guardian. 2 players, 40 minutes, ages 13 and up. 6-sided dice and tokens not included. Ausgabe 21 KW 32 Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/988700 ● vertrieb@ulisses-spiele.de Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Händlershop: www.ulisses-webshop.de Catalyst Game Lab Classic Battletech CAT35003 Tabletop Tactical Operations.........................25,00 49,99 Neuauflage erschienen Take your warfare to a whole new level of excitement! Deploy under cover of exotic weather and severe planetary conditions. Surprise your enemy with your mastery of new battlefield tactics—from artillery to command-level comms to minefields— as well as cuttingedge, prototype technologies! A daring commander can take advantage of any or all of these….if he’s brave enough to seize the moment! Tactical Operations is the one-source reference for advanced rules that apply to on-world operations. It includes new movement and combat options, an extensive Advanced Weapons and Equipment section, and the rules for playing and constructing advanced Support Vehicles and Mobile Structures. CAT35400 Total Chaos....................................15,00 29,99 Erschienen A Universe Ablaze In late 3067, the Word of Blake unleashed its Jihad, fanning the flames of violence and spreading it across the Inner Sphere. Three mercenary commands struggled to find their footing and profit from the allencompassing warfare. As they navigated their way through the conflicts erupting on hundreds of worlds, these mercenaries grew in power, prestige, and character. Facing adversity, victory, defeat, and enemies within and without, they were typical of many commands touched—for ill or for good—by the Jihad. As the Jihad unfolded through the Jihad Hot Spots plotbooks, players were introduced to the Chaos Campaign, a new game play system that gave players the opportunity to craft their own games around specific battles and events of the Jihad. Now that campaign, spanning fourteen years of conflict, has been collected and updated. Presented here are all of the Chaos Campaign tracks from the Hot Spots plotbooks and interwoven with select tracks from the Jihad Turning Points e-publication series and several all-new tracks and mini-campaigns. This volume also includes detailed reports on nearly forty planetary campaigns, providing context and details previously clouded by interstellar media, local reports, and personal journals. With an updated and streamlined core ruleset for the Chaos Campaign and new Jihad era Random Availability Tables for the Word of Blake, Mercenaries, and Militias, this book has everything players and gamemasters need to recreate the pivotal campaigns of the Jihad and lead their forces to victory. Cipher Studios Hell Dorado CSHD5008 Tabletop Deserteure - Don Quixote (Blister)...12,50 24,99 Erschienen For several days, Don Quixote had been wandering around the small town that had grown at the foot of the fortress, and whose inhabitants had sought the protection of our walls as soon as the enemy began to approach. At first we took him to be some old vagabond. Indeed, his endless ranting about some man named Panza, whom he claimed was his valet, led us to believe that he was quite insane. Worse still, the man 3/6 seemed to think that he was still in Castile! However, at the very second that our dastardly officer opened the door to the enemy, we were faced with a completely different Hidalgo! Digging his spurs into his tired mare, he engaged the Demons with so much gusto that we almost felt we were watching the charge of a whole company! It was as if someone had tied a quintaine on top of an enraged horse: with his arms flailing wildly like an armed scarecrow, he both terrified and stunned the enemy troops. In the middle of this inarticulate massacre, the man began to shout at us, urging us on! He had that gleam in his eye, the one that only angels and wild beasts have, and his cracked old voice warmed our very souls by reminding us of Roland at Roncevaux. His call had a ring to it, something of the trumpets of Judgement Day, and I think that with a few more words, he could even have convinced our dead to rise up and fight by our side for an hour or two. CSHD5009 Deserteure - Alazais (Blister)............5,50 10,99 Erschienen She was beautiful, poisonous, and I think that she may have had us all under her charm. We had found her wandering alone, on the plain somewhat hastily named \"Santa Lucia’s meadows\". As meadows go, this one was a great desolation of enormous rocks, some of which were shaped like fearsome faces. Thankfully, these faces remained still and sleeping, but the wind blowing across them seemed to murmur terrible blasphemy to our ears. We were so relieved to encounter a stranger who could guide us through this place that we easily accepted her among ourselves. Maybe we were afraid of causing a dangerous ruckus by taking her by force, as soldiers often do when they meet pretty women. Perhaps she was just a little intimidating as well. CSHD6017 Saracens - Layla bint Sura ya bint Javaira (Blister) ......................................................14,00 27,99 Erschienen In the humid and stifling heat of the hamam, the women of the harem were taking care of themselves. Fatima, lounging by the side of the pool, called out to one of the concubines. \"Oda, by the One above, by the Almighty, have pity on our boredom. Tell us of the princess Layla.\" \"Again?\" she protested. \"May Allah be kind and spare me having to tell that whole tale again!\" \"Oh Oda, do tell! Please, Oda, please tell us the story!\" came the answering calls from the other bathers. Oda gave a weary shrug, admitting her defeat, and began her tale, a wide smile upon her lips. \"Princess Layla bint Suraya bint Javaira, may Allah watch over her, was a young lady, as beautiful and as sparkling as the stars in the heavens. Her eyes were like emeralds stolen from the most precious of all antique treasures, her skin was as soft as the silk of Alexandria, her ebony hair cascaded down over her fine shoulders, as light as the wind itself, and the sound of her voice as she sang was as clear and refreshing as falling rain on a baking hot day. Her mind was as remarkable as her body: in his great kindness, Allah had given her a sharp intelligence and an exceptional gift for the arts. She also possessed a deep knowledge of the Holy Scriptures and the most advanced scientific texts, as well as an innate mastery of the major arts of painting, poetry and music. She was courted by all the greatest and richest princes of the whole Empire. Ausgabe 21 KW 32 Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/988700 ● vertrieb@ulisses-spiele.de Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Händlershop: www.ulisses-webshop.de Cubicle 7 Goodman Games Clockwork & Chivalary CB76109 Rollenspiele Kingdom & Commonwealth Omnibus II ......................................................15,00 29,99 Freebooter Miniaturen Freebooter's Fate Tabletop Ex-Käpt'n Jack (Freebooters Fate) 5,88 10,50 Erschienen Figurenbausatz mit 6 Teilen. ExKäpt'n Jack ist ein Spezialist der Piraten und kann einmal pro Mannschaft für 30 Dublonen angeheuert werden. FMZUB007 Nachlademarker (Freebooters Fate). . .4,20 Dungeon Crawl Classic GMG5068 Erschienen A Rennaisance England Blasted by Magic and War January 1646, and the land is in the grip of an icy winter. From Prince Rupert’s capital of Oxford, the Adventurers set out on a quest for the missing wife of a high-ranking Alchemist. Ahead of them, a ruthless Parliamentarian agent leaves a trail of destruction; behind them, a mysterious figure dogs their footsteps. And they are bound lands tainted by the magickal aftermath of ruthless alchemical warfare . . . . • The first two adventures of the epic Kingdom & Commonwealth campaign, fully revised and updated for Clockwork & Chivalry 2nd Edition • A meaty adventure product that gets players hooked--to be followed by additional titles • From the designers of the hit Airship Pirates RPG FMPIR017 4/6 7,90 Erschienen Aus Metall. Der Blister enthält 5 Nachlademarker für Pistolen und 3 Nachlademarker für Gewehre und andere schwere Waffen. Rollenspiele DCC #69: The Emerald Enchanter ..... (DCC RPG Adventure).......................5,00 9,99 Erschienen Villagers have gone missing! A mix of clues, superstitions, and omens point to the brooding citadel of the emerald sorcerer. This silent monolith has sat undisturbed atop a windy ridge for centuries. Legends say that a green-skinned sorcerer dwells there, where he conducts strange experiments and builds enigmatic machinery. His greenskinned constructs patrol the grounds of his citadel, and he is seen only rarely when he ventures out on nefarious errands that end in horrid screams and strange lights coming from his citadel. Now it is time to penetrate his inner sanctum… A Level 2 Adventure GMG5069 DCC #70: Jewels of the Carnifex ....... (DCC RPG Adventure).......................5,00 9,99 Erschienen At the end of a forgotten back alley, in the weird and otherworldly marketplace of faiths known as the Bazaar of the Gods, stand the ruins of a forgotten chapel. Once the cult of the Carnifex was celebrated throughout the City of a Thousand Gates. But a band of holy warriors rose against the cult of executioners and torturers, casting down her signs and scattering her devotees to the winds. The fate of the cthonic goddess, and – more importantly – her fabled jewels remains a mystery...until this night. Set amid the sprawling decadence of Punjar, Jewels of the Carnifex offers level 3 adventurers a chance to plumb the mysteries beneath the city’s soiled streets, plumb forgotten crypts lavished with weird artifacts, and – for the quick and daring – claim the lost Jewels of the Carnifex! DCC RPG is an OGL system that cross-breeds Appendix N with a streamlined version of 3E. This level 1 adventure module kicks off a complete reboot of the DCC RPG product line with an all-new look! Green Ronin Publishing Mutants & Masterminds GRR5505 Rollenspiele Mutants & Masterminds: Threat Report ......................................................14,98 29,95 Erschienen The Silver Storm has turned Emerald City from a quiet Pacific Northwest metropolis to a hub of super-criminal activity, and AEGIS—the American Elite Government Intervention Service—is on the job. Threat Report presents profiles on dozens of the new supervillains endangering Emerald City and the world. From “stormers” newly granted their powers to ancient and eldritch evils, from beneath Emerald City’s streets to other dimensions and times, Threat Report gives you a plethora of villains to challenge your players. This book compiles most of Green Ronin’s Threat Report PDF series of villain Ausgabe 21 KW 32 Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/988700 ● vertrieb@ulisses-spiele.de Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Händlershop: www.ulisses-webshop.de profiles, along with new content created just for this collection. You’ll find a variety of villains ready-made for your Mutants & Masterminds game, from low-level mercenaries for hire to super-powered thugs and cosmic world-beaters,even gods pulling the strings from behind the scenes. Heroes get ready because the villains of Emerald City are on the loose! Heidelberger Spiele Verlag HBHE362 Numbskull Games Numbskull Games Brett-/ Kartenspiele The Resistance (2nd Edition)..........10,00 19,99 Erschienen he Resistance is a very intense social deduction game for 5-10 players. While it shares similiarities with games like Werewolf, Mafia and even Battlestar Galactica it has many very unique features such as a quick 30 minute play time, no moderator required and no player elimination. Set in the near future, The Resistance pits a small group of resistance fighters against a powerful and corrupt government. The resistance has launched a series of bold and daring missions to bring the governement to its knees. Unfortunately spies have infiltrated the resistance ranks, ready to sabotage the carefully crafted plans. Even a single spy can take down a resistance mission team, choose your teams carefully or forever lose your chance for freedom. Included in this release is a full expansion - \"The Plot Thickens\" is 15 additional action cards that increase the pressure and pacing of the game, and requires the spies to be even more deceitful if they are to achieve victory. The Resistance artfully balances pure deduction elements with the social elements into a game that creates the adreniline filled moments of high stakes poker but in a full interactive and social event. Its not for the faint of heart, or slow Brett-/ Kartenspiele Divided Republic (Boxed Board Game) ......................................................25,00 Herr der Ringe: LCG Schatten und Flamme Erweiterung .........................................................4,95 9,95 Indie board & card Games IBCRES2 of mind - but if you are quick on your feet you'll be proud of your hard fought victories. NUM009 Erschienen Englischer Titel: The Lord of the Rings LCG: Shadow and Flame Die Erkundung Morias ist fast abgeschlossen, aber als sich die Helden dem Osttor nähern, erhebt sich vor ihnen ein uralter Schrecken, gekleidet in einen Mantel aus Schatten und umgeben von einem Kranz aus Flammen. Durins Fluch muss besiegt werden, oder alle werden unter seinem flammenden Schwert und seiner vielriemigen Peitsche zugrunde gehen… Schatten und Flamme ist ein Abenteuerpack der Zwergenbinge Erweiterung, welcher 60 festgelegten Karten fur die fur Der Herr der Ringe: Das Kartenspiel enthält. Der Inhalt dieses Packs ermöglicht die Verbesserung bestehender Decks und versorgt die Spieler mit einem völlig neuen Szenario, dem sich ihre Helden stellen können. Spieleranzahl 1 - 2 Spieldauer 30 - 90 Min. Alter ab 13 Jahre Autor Nate French Verlag Fantasy Flight Games, Heidelberger Spieleverlag 5/6 49,99 Erschienen Divided Republicis a card driven two to four player game representing the last calm before the storm that was to become the American Civil War. Players represent the four major parties (Constitutional Unionists, Northern Democrats, Republicans, and Southern Democrats) and attempt to win the presidency by defeating their opponents with dirty tricks, platform speeches, and the manipulation of key historical events. Privateer Press Warmachine PIP34095 Tabletop Cryx Epic Warcaster- Asphyxious the Hellbringer & Vociferon ......................................14,58 26,50 Erschienen A specialist in the acquisition of lore from the dead, Lord Exhumator Scaverous is one of the most potent and intelligent servants of the Nightmare Empire. Souls are both ammunition and fuel for Scaverous. Those he slays and casts aside are fortunate compared to any possessed of special lore, whose skulls and souls he preserves for horrific necromantic interrogation. The warcaster Lord Exhumator Scaverous comes in a blister (PIP 34094). A player may field one Lord Exhumator Scaverous in a Cryx army. Hordes PIP73061 Tabletop Legion Naga Nightlurker Light Warbeast Box .........................................................7,98 14,50 Erschienen As the hosts of Everblight’s legion advance, they are preceded on the ground by the fearsome naga. These draconic horrors first spew caustic venom upon their victims before closing to tear the wounded apart with fanged maws. Though seemingly simple in form, the naga are in truth complex spawn representing Everblight’s genius in the manipulation of blighted flesh. Ausgabe 21 KW 32 Ulisses Spiele GmbH ● Industriestr. 11 ● 65529 Waldems ● Tel. 06087/988700 ● vertrieb@ulisses-spiele.de Bestellfax: 06087/9887008 – Händlershop: www.ulisses-webshop.de PIP74067 Skorne Cyclops Brute Light Warbeast (plastic) .........................................................9,34 16,99 Erschienen The tenacious and vicious nature of the cyclops brutes makes them singularly responsive to training, and the skorne rely on them to hold the flanks of formations or stand vigil over tyrants. Armed with towering shields and massive polearms, brutes constitute a virtually insurmountable threat on the battlefield. Their unique vision focuses on evading blows, and they can extend this power to those they protect. PIP75040 Minion Gatorman Witch Doctor Solo Blister .........................................................7,98 14,50 Erscheint voraussichtlich am 09.08.2012 Each witch doctor is a powerful mystic who lives and breathes the foul necromantic arts that are his birthright. Life and death are two edges of the same bloody knife to the witch doctor, who often sees his allies as nothing more than tools of battle to be moved between those two states as required. Amid the morass of combat he gathers the vile totems required to power his spells, tearing the fleshy trophies from the carcasses of vanquished foes. Raising his sacral blade aloft, the witch doctor utters sibilant incantations that impel the huge beasts he control in a wave of scaled death. Slang Design Horror Rollenspiele SLD100 Zombies of the World - A Field Guide to the Undead .........................................................9,48 18,85 Erschienen Zombies menace humanity, yet we barely understand them. Now available in print, PDF and Kindle. There are books that show you how to kill the undead but this is the first study to explain the importance of zombies to us. Zombies of the World reveals the undead to be a valuable part of our ecosystem and the key to new discoveries in medicine and technology. No other book covers these topics. Zombies of the World brilliantly documents that evolution has led to a wide variety of species. Few outside the scientific community even realize that creatures like the Egyptian Mummy (Mortifera mumia aegyptus) are actually zombies. Some species are even harmless to humans. The Dancing Zombie (Mortifera immortalis choreographicus) only seeks to thrill humans with elaborate dance routines. After decades of research, we have no idea why zombies never tire or stop. They possess an endless source of energy to shamble or (in some cases) sprint after us. Unlocking this mystery could benefit all humanity. Only Zombies of the World tackles this issue and many other paradoxes. Paperback. 60 full color illustrations. It describes 20 zombie species in detail. Sections on the history of the zombie, their evolution and zombie research included. 112 pages. 6/6