Bibliografie Rudern _englisch_ - rowing
Bibliografie Rudern _englisch_ - rowing
rowing-x.pert – Communication Research Bibliografie Rudern (englisch) Florian Caspari E-Mail: Telefon: 0177 233 0791 © Juni 2001 2 ADAIR, D. (1992). Two dots in the distance: Professional sculling as a mass spectacle New South Wales, 1876-1907. Sporting Tradit., (9), 1, S. 52-83. ADAIR, D. (1994). Rowing and sculling. In: Vamplew, W., Stoddart, B., (eds.), Sport in Australia : a social history, Melbourne, Cambridge: University Press. AFFELD, K., SCHICHL, K., ZIEMANN, A. (1993). Assessment of rowing Efficiency. (Die Bewertung des Wirkungsgrades beim Rudern.) Int. J. Sports Med. (14), 1, S. 39-41. ALTENBURG, D. (1976). Problems in rowing.Oarsman, (8), 3, pp. 40-44. ALTENBURG, D. (1992). From a beginner to a successful international rower : a concept for a systematic and long term competitive. FISA-coach, (3), 3, pp. 8-9 ALTENBURG, D. (1992). Planning and organizing general fitness training for rowers. FISA-coach, (3), 1, pp. 5-8 ANSHEL, M. (1995). 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SPOWIS: Institut für Angewandte Trainingswissenschaft e.V. (IAT), Abteilung Information und Dokumentation, Postfach 841, 04008 Leipzig. SPORTDiscus: Sport Information Resource Center (SIRC), 107-1600 James Naismith Drive, Gloucester, Ontario, K1b 5N4, Canada. Deutsche Bibliothek Frankfurt/Main, Adickesallee 1, 60322 Frankfurt. QUELLENANGABEN diverser Dokumente und Recherche in zahlreichen Literaturdatenbanken (z.B. ERIC, BILDUNG, W ISO, SOLIS, etc.) rowing-x.pert – Communication Research