Impulse March 2014 - Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg


Impulse March 2014 - Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg
Gemeindebrief der Lutherischen Kirche.
Congregational Newsletter of the Lutheran Church.
Jahrgang/ Year 43
March 2014
By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love
one another. John 13:35
Jesus Christus spricht: Daran werden alle erkennen, dass ihr
meine Jünger seid: wenn ihr einander liebt.
Johannes 13:35
Jesus Christus spricht: Daran werden alle erkennen, dass ihr meine
Jünger seid; wenn ihr einander liebt. Johannes 13
vers 35.
Nächstenliebe ist für einen Christen doch
selbstverständlich, oder? Fragen wir uns mal ob es
uns leicht fällt diese Liebe auszuüben. Gewiss gibt
es verschiedene Menschen einigen fällt es leicht andere
anzulächeln, ob fremd oder bekannt, doch wer diese Anlage hat, hat
gleich einen Vorsprung. Heisst das aber er liebt sie? Er strahlt eine
Freundlichkeit aus, ein Wärme. Die Liebe zueinander ensteht wenn
man für den anderen betet, weil er in Sorge ist, Krankheit oder
vielleicht Trauer erlebt hat eine geliebte Person dem Tod hat
hergeben müssen – man hat Mitleid.
Gott ist gnädig allen Menschen wofür wir Christen ihm viel Dank
schuldig sind. Er schenkte seinen Sohn Jesus Christus uns zu erlösen
vom ewigen Tod. Christus gab uns ein neues Gebot: Johannes 13
vers 34: “Du sollst deinen Nächsten lieben wie ich euch geliebt
habe.” In Jakobus 2 vers 8 steht: Wenn ihr das königliche Gesetz
erfüllt nach der Schrift: “Liebe deinen Nächsten wie dich selbst” so
tut ihr recht. Tun wir das?
“Daran werden alle erkennen, dass ihr meine Jünger seid wenn ihr
einander liebt.” Ein Nachfolger Jesus zu sein, heisst Menschen
lieben. Ein Christ ist seinem Bekenntnis nach ein Menschenfreund
und die Gnade hat sein Herz weit und liebevoll gemacht. Soweit
Leid und Schmerz reichen, reicht auch seine Liebe und wenn er nicht
helfen kann, so schenkt er den Unglücklichen doch Mitleid und
Teilnahme. Üben wir dieses?
Gesang 251 vers 7:
Lass uns so vereinigt werden
Wie du mit dem Vater bist
Bis schon hier auf Erden
Kein getrenntes Glied mehr ist
Und allein von deinem Brennen
Nehme unser Licht den Schein;
Also wird die Welt erkennen,
Dass wir deine Jünger sein.
Marianne Hellberg
Jesus Christ said, “If you have love for one another, then everyone will
know that you are my disciples”. John 13 verse 35.
Charity begins at home, it is said and for a Christian
it is obvious, natural, a matter of course, that you
love others too, not so? We should ask ourselves
whether it is indeed natural, easy, to love others in
practice. Not all people are the same. Some can smile easily, automatically, at others, whether known to them or whether they are strangers.
For those who have that gift it is to their advantage, but that does not
prove that they love others, although it shows friendliness and kindness
– warmth. Love towards others develops when you pray for them, because they might be in trouble, are ill, or might have lost a loved one
and are in mourning – you show empathy.
God is merciful to all people and for this we Christians are extremely
thankful. He sent his son Jesus Christ to redeem us from death. He
again gave us a new commandment: John 13 verse 34 “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another”. In James 2
verse 8 we read “You will be doing the right thing if you obey the law
of the Kingdom which is found in the scriptures, love your fellow man
as yourself.” Do we practice that? “If you have love for one another,
then everyone will know that you are my disciples.” To be a follower
of Jesus means to love others. A Christian, according to his confession,
is therefore a person who has a love for all humankind, and with God’s
mercy has opened his heart wide and loves others. His love goes with
sorrow and suffering, and should he be unable to help, he is at least
compassionate towards the unhappy soul – do we do this?
Grant us, oh God, that through your burning love, we might accept and
love one another here on earth like you accepted and loved us through
Jesus Christ. Thereby people will know that we are your disciples.
Marianne Hellberg
(Translated: Impulse team)
Profile of the month
Nkosi and Thandi Macebo
I am Nkosiyabo Macebo, known to
all as “Nkosi”, Son of Jabulani Innocent Macebo and Auxillia Mayisa
Mbakasi. I was born on 16th February 1985 in Johannesburg. I am
traditionally married to Thanduxolo
Masilela known as “Thandi”. She was born on the 8th March 1985 in
Swaziland and raised there by her parents Elias Masilela and Nompumelelo Dlamini.
We have been blessed with two boys Nkosinathi who has just
started High School in Swaziland this year and Langa who will be
turning 1 year old on 31st May.
I attended High School at Embakwe Christian Brother’s College in
Zimbabwe from 1996 – 2001. When I returned home I studied Information Technology and Project Management and graduated in
2005. I then relocated to Pietermaritzburg to work for Boston Ink
Engineering Consultants. There I met my lovely wife “Thandi” who,
at that time was studying Marketing Management at Durban University of Technology.
We joined the Lutheran Congregation in 2013 and we are happy and
delighted to be part of the Hayfields Lutheran family.
We would like to see our sons grow up knowing the Lord. It is my
wish that our youngest one Langa, will attend Sunday School and
also Bible Studies.
My wife and I hope to run our own consulting firm one day. We pray
that we will live to see our children grow up, also our grand- and
great-grandchildren. Most of all we want to grow old together,
Thandi and I.
All this is possible with the help of God!
We, your Hayfields Lutheran family are also delighted to welcome
you into the congregation. (Impulse Team)
Profil des Monats
Nkosi und Thandi Macebo
Ich heisse Nkosiyabo Macebo, und werde
“Nkosi” genannt. Meine Eltern sind
Jabulani Innocent Macebo und Auxillia Mayisa
Mbakasi. Am 16.Februar 1985 wurde ich in Johannesburg geboren. Meine Frau, Thanduxolo
Masilela genannt “Thandi” und ich heirateten
auf traditionelle Weise. Ihr Geburtsdatum ist der
8.März 1985. Sie begann ihr Leben und wuchs auch in Swaziland auf wo ihre
Eltern Elias Masilela und Nompumelelo lebten.
Uns wurden zwei Söhne geschenkt, Nkosinathi der jetzt neu in Swaziland in
die höhere Schule kam und Langa der am 31sten Mai dieses Jahres 1 Jahr alt
1996–2001 besuchte ich in Embakwe die höhere Schule, das Christian
Brother”s College in Zimbabwe. Wieder in Südafrika angekommen studierte
ich Information Technology und Project Management und bestand die Abschlussprüfung Ende 2005. Dann zog ich nach Pietermaritzburg und arbeite
bei Boston Ink Engineering Consultants wo ich meine entzückende Frau
“Thandi” die damals Marketing Management an der Durban University of
Technology studierte, kennen lernte.
2013 schlossen wir uns der Hayfields Gemeinde an und sind glücklich Teil der
Lutherischen Hayfields Gemeinde zu sein. Wir möchten, dass unsere Söhne
Jesus Christus kennen und dass unser jüngster, Langa den Kindergottesdienst
besucht und auch weiter Biblestunden beiwohnt.
Meine Frau und ich träumen davon eines Tages unsere eigene Consulting Firma
zu besitzen. Wir beten drum, dass wir auch eines Tages unsere Enkel und Urekel werden erleben können, aber vor allem, dass Thandi und ich mit Gottes
Hilfe zusammen alt werden dürfen.
Auch wir heissen euch herzlich willkommen und
freuen uns, dass ihr zu uns in der Hayfields Gemeinde gehört. (Übersetzt vom Redaktions Komitee.)
From Council
Dear Congregation
It was good to see that the Annual General Meeting was supported so well—
thank you.
We wish our elected councilors well— Craig Merryweather and Arthur StJohn
Ward were re-elected for three years. We welcome Ernst-August Uken, our
newcomer to council, who was elected for one year as Edgar Ortmann retired
from council. Hugh Wylie was elected as alternate councilor for the coming
Our sincere thanks go to Edgar Ortmann for all his work as councilor during
the past two years. It was good to have him as deputy chairman! We wish him
well, both for his work and his health.
The Assisted Living project is moving ahead and we hope that the plans will be
submitted to the municipality in the near future. Please support this project by
buying bricks at R50 each. Payments can be made at the office or EFT—
marked ‘Bricks”.
Request for donations:
Our Support Food donations need to be revived again. Now that we are well
into the new year your cupboards might need some clearing! During March we
are collecting clothes for SAVF, our charity organization for the year. Donations may be placed in the boxes in the foyer at the church or handed in at the
Wishing you all God’s blessings.
The Induction of Pastors Röhrs
Young Adults – Bubbling Again!
After quite a lengthy break, Young Adults
got back into the swing of things on 19
February 2014, with an amazing turnout of
young faces. There were the volunteers
from Germany socialising with the locals
that come from further afield than Pietermaritzburg and others from practically
around the corner. We thank Pastors Petra
and Victor Röhrs for calling this group
back into life again.
After a round of introductions, we began with our first topic which
covered ‘Happiness is …’ based on the Watchword for 2014, namely
Psalm 73:28. It was summed up that we all enjoy relaxing with
friends and family (whilst enjoying ice-cream) and that is when we
are most happy. We also discussed that we all find happiness in
spending time with and when we feel close to God. After the short
devotion we shared in a hearty supper (with much discussion and
laughter) prepared by the Family Röhrs – thank you! We also discussed the way forward: Young Adults will meet weekly at 7pm on
Wednesday evenings at the manse (unless there are time and venue
changes) either for a devotional or social evening; there has also been
a mention of camps and weekends away. If you have left school up
until the age of 30+ (or are young at heart) – we would love for you
to join in!
Helga Schultz
“What happens in our neighbourhood?”
Children of Jika Joe and Mattison’s farm informal settlements.
I knew Sandra Pillay as an active African Enterprise worker. She
wanted to help alleviate problems experienced by the squatter children at Jika Joe, and now also at the Mattison farm informal settlement. So she is working for an NGO called MNCP ( Mama Ntombi’s
Community Project). For months now I have gone out on Sundays
with Sandra and a volunteer team which prepares food and hands out
food to children who meet outside for singing and Bible stories - out
in the open, as there is no sheltered place to have lessons. Solomon
Qadi is a Zulu, now employed by a mainly Indian church to help on
Sundays and also during the week, at both places. Many of the Indian
supporters are converts from Hinduism and are generous supporters
of a cause that seems endless. Sandra is the project manager and
fundraiser, and there are many children now being helped with material needs such as food, clothing, and medicine. So many came from
sad family situations. At Jika Joe an average of 100 children come to
Wayside Sunday School on a grassy patch, and at Mattison’s ( outside the city boundary ) up to about 300 come, but on special occasions these numbers have doubled. Because Solomon has a strong
voice he is able to bring across the Bible lessons, by having them repeat together what he has taught, sentence by sentence. During the
week he is able to go to the homes and find out about special needs,
as often the children are with grannies who are not always capable of
caring adequately for many grandchildren. Abject poverty has been
found in many a home.
The project has had AIDS workshops for the community and life
skills are taught. More practical education, e.g about hot box cooking, is intended. There has also been involvement with poor school
children. Several examples of children who have been helped will be
described: Nolwazi and Olwethu.
MNCP funds are providing for Nolwazi’s schooling. She missed a
year, and now is in Grade 8. She dreams of becoming a medical doctor. By her efforts last year, after her mother died, she shows that she
is determined and capable. She is in a respectable High School.
“What happens in our neighbourhood?”
Olwethu was born to a prostitute, left abandoned on the street with a
note , but then she was rescued by social workers. At the age of six
she was placed into a school for a year, but the mother reappeared,
took her out of school and had her beg in the streets. Again she was
rescued by social workers and placed into the care of very poor relatives. Recently a friend brought her to the Wayside Sunday School.
Now MNCP has cleaned and clothed her and has put her back into
school at the age of nine. Another child has been rescued, and is keen
to be educated.
Sandra Pillay has a task that has no boundaries and is immensely
grateful for help she has received which has touched the lives of
many little ones. It is touching to see what is done for whole families
in need by compassionate hearts and hands.
Solveig Otte
Ein bischen mehr Frieden und wenig Streit,
Ein bischen mehr Güte und wenig Neid,
Ein bischen mehr Wahrheit immerdar
Und auch mehr Hilfe bei Not und Gefahr,
Ein bischen mehr "Wir" und weniger "Ich",
Ein bischen mehr Kraft, nicht so zimperlich,
Und viel mehr Blumen während des Lebens,
Denn auf den Gräbern sind sie vergebens.
World day of Prayer, 7 March 2014
“Streams in the desert”
The 2014 World Day of Prayer service will begin at the first sunrise on March 7, 2014, in
the Pacific region and, following the Earth’s
orbit, will spread all around the world. This
year, the women of the WDP Committee of
Egypt invite us into a time of worship with the
words of the prophet Isaiah: “I am making a
way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.” With these words as backdrop, we are
invited to learn about Egypt’s history and rich
cultural diversity.
When the WDP Committee first met for the preparatory workshop in May
2011, the mass demonstrations at Tahrir Square in Egypt had started. Following an intense period of protests in the Arab world, Egyptian people, including
young women, went to the streets to voice their desire for justice, freedom and
equality. Now, 3 years later, Egypt is again in turmoil with the protest against
president Morsi.
The long history and cultural legacy of Egypt starts well before the Biblical
times and intersects with the history of salvation. The Egyptian Committee is
proud when they speak about the Church of Abu Sarga where the Holy Family
was said to have found refuge in Egypt. In their own words, “It is one of
God’s streams in the desert”.
An exploration of the Samaritan woman’s conversation with Jesus at the well
echoes the cooperation between young people of different faiths during the
Arab Spring, and prompts us to ask where we might have an unexpected, inspiring conversation. This moment offers us an immense opportunity for deep
dialogue and reflection about the borders that we, like Jesus and the Samaritan
woman, have to cross to get to streams of living water. The woman by the well
has a theological conversation with Jesus that ends with action. Jesus and the
woman were able to transcend their religious and cultural differences and build
a common ground that then empowered the woman to bring change to her community.
Women and men! of our city are invited to join in this worldwide prayer
movement. The services in Pietermaritzburg will take place at 09h30 at the
Hayfield’s Baptist Church and at 17h00 at the Wesley Methodist Church
also in Hayfields.
(adapted from WDP website)
United Church Women’s Association
14th June 1921 was the date on which the first meeting took place in the Metropolitan Hall with Mrs. Nichols presiding.
The aim was to promote Christian fellowship, understanding and unity amongst
women of all denominations, to work together on united projects of which
“The Care Shop” is one. They also took it upon themselves to arrange the annual Women’s World Day of Prayer Service held on the first Friday in March
each year, also to give support to causes decided on by the U.C.W.A. at quarterly executive meetings.
From these meetings the “Care Shop” was visualized and developed due to
high unemployment. The ladies led by the late Mrs. Hallowes met to see what
they could do, then the “Care Shop” opened in Buchanan Street on the 12 th
September 1977. The vision was that people could be fed through the use of
unwanted goods. Their motto is, “Anything you no longer need we do!”
On the 22nd November 1990 the shop was consecrated and the operation began
in the new premises in the grounds of the Cathedral Church. “The Care Shop”
is manned by volunteers from different churches and of different race groups,
to enjoy fellowship together while they serve their Master and help raise money
to feed the hungry. These ladies are the backbone of the shop and, without
their regular devoted help, the shop could not operate. Anyone who would like
to give of their time, either a morning or an afternoon, say once or twice a
week, is most welcome. Goods that are donated are sold or given to needy
charities or missions, nothing is wasted. Six charities are supported financially
every month.
A quarterly meeting held on the 18th February 2014 was quite well supported.
The new president, Mrs. Yvonne du Plessis of the Methodist Church Prestbury,
was inducted for the coming year. The speaker was Mrs. Lolly Stewart who
spoke about “Courage, Faith and Mercy.” Her life story made the audience
marvel what a devout Christian can endure when the Lord is beside the sufferer
all the way.
The next quarterly meeting is scheduled for the 20 th May, 2014 at the Lutheran
Church Hayfields. As hosts we look forward to wonderful support from all our
ladies, their friends and relatives.
Marianne Hellberg
A Question of Colour
While everything is still green around us after the
good Summer rain, Autumn is not far away. Leaves
are starting to change colour and the Summer green
will soon be changing to more golden and red.
Leaves will start to fall, leaving many trees quite
bare. Isn’t the American name for autumn “the Fall” very apt?
One may ask the question : “What suddenly makes the leaves fall ?”
There is nothing magic involved. When Nature and Chemistry get together they are a powerful force: the dropping of the leaves in Autumn is a vital response of the plant to the onset of winter when
temperatures fall (sometimes to zero and below), and rainfall is much
lower .Under these stressfull conditions the tree synthesises a hormone named abscisic acid which “kills off” the leaves to conserve
energy. It is Natures’ way of dealing with stress.
Now, briefly, let us move to another colour change which affects all
of us, but particularly the “Duzi” paddlers at this time of the year. In
places on the Duzi which are slow flowing the water has turned a
sickly green ! What causes this colour change ? The answer is
“eutrophication” of the water system. A big word which means that
fertilizer run-off (nitrates and phosphates), also sewage discharge, is
promoting excessive growth of green algae and other plants. This
time around GREEN is not a good colour!
Dawn and Siegfried Drewes
When I am, completely myself, entirely
alone, and of good cheer....
it is on such occasions that ideas flow
best and most abundantly.
W.A. Mozart (1756-1791)
Thank you & Hospital Visitation
Hospital Visiting Ministry for March 2014
M. Van Niekerk
W. Schulze
E & O Engelbrecht
Herzlichen Dank für alle Glück- und Segenswünsche zu unserer Silberhochzeit am 14ten Januar, und
unseren Geburtstagen, - Irene am 16.1 und Erich
am 18.1. Ein Dank für das Geschenk von der Gemeinde Hayfields welches Wal Bornheimer mir
überreichte. Auch einen besonderen Dank an Pastor
Dieter Klee für die Andacht und das Gebet.
Liebe Grüsse von Erich und Irene
Council & Portfolios
Wal Bornheimer - 033 3472471 / 082 9201722 or
Chairman: Communication. Employees, Duty Rosters (Consolidation of lists), Flower/Tea/Welcomers
List, Statistical return, NPO report, Monthly and Annual Calendar, 80+ Birthdays, Council Window,
Pastoral: Funerals/Memorial Services, Prayer Ministry, Hospital Visiting, Children’s Church
Key- and Service Helpers, Hayfields Churches Network
Ward 5
Edgar Ortmann 033 3303741 / 082 8947208
Deputy Chairman:
Property Cemetery, Wall of Memory, Maintenance (buildings, grounds, vehicles), General Equipment,
Security, Fire equipment
Wards 1 & 7
Craig Merryweather 083 4436953
Financial Matters: Finance, Asset Register and stock taking
Ward 9
Annette Pfeiffer 033 3441963 / 083 2323964
Support Services: Music Groups (Brass Band, Choir, Worship Team, Organ, Music under the Cross),
Impulse, Multi Media
Ward 2
Frank Böcking 082 7995797
Deputy Secretary
Life Groups: Men’s Guild, Youth Work – Young Adults & LYF, Seniors’, House Groups
Wards 3 & 8
Arthur St John-Ward 033 3862980 / 082 8775959
Deputy Treasurer
Relationships: Kenosis, Lutheran Gardens, Partnership, All Lutheran Committee, Lutheran Theological Institute, Mission Committee, Vehicles & Transport
Wards 4 & 6
Wards & Care – All Councillors together with the Ward Leaders
Fund Raising Events – members of the Wards responsible to take charge
Funerals – Councillor in charge of the Ward to which the deceased belonged
- Ward is responsible for the refreshments.
Weddings -Councillor in charge of the Ward to which member belongs.
Support Fund: Chairman, Vice-chairman, Treasurer, Pastor
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5
Ward 6
Ward 7
Ward 8
Ward Leaders:
Edgar & Karin Ortmann, Tel: 033 3303741
Annette Pfeiffer, Tel 033-3441963
Frank Böcking 0827995797
Arthur St John Ward, Tel 033 3862980
Wal Bornheimer Tel: 033-3472471
Arthur St John Ward 033 3862980
Edgar Ortmann 033 3303741
Robert & Ronell Wichmann Tel: 031 7811714 and
Carl & Christine Seele Tel: 033 2510602
Quick reference
Pastor Victor Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 2871264
Pastor Petra Röhrs 033 3961953 Cell: 083 3812012
Life Line:
033 3944444
AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322
Office Secretary: 033 3965169 (office hours only)
Contact Times: Mon. – Friday: 08:00 to 13:00
Postal Address: P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville 3209
Fax: 0865386356
Physical Address: 2 Bester Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg
Children’s Church: Heather Drews
Kids’ Club: Petra Röhrs
Youth: Petra Röhrs
Choir: Marianne Kassier
Brass Band: Thomas Ammann
Worship Team: Gertrud Tönsing
Mission Committee : Anita Harms
Partnership: Erlo Drews
Men’s Breakfast: Helmut Oellermann
033 3962814
033 3961953
033 3961953
033 3471048
033 3963322
033 3460498
073 3705554
033 3962814
033 3471579
Synod Representatives:
Todani Moyo
Valentin Volker
033 3968259
Bank Account:
Bank: First National Bank, Hayfields Branch
Branch Code: 22-14-25
Name: Lutheran Congregation Hayfields
Account Number:
5677 111 28 48
Webpage of ELCSA(N-T) :
Local page of our congregation is linked to this webpage under the
Southern Circuit Congregations
Impulse Newsletter:
E-mail contributions: or
or P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville, 3209
Closing Date for next issue 16 March 2014
(Registered as a Non-Profit Organisation: No.: 053-095-NPO)