Impulse Mar 2012 - Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg


Impulse Mar 2012 - Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg
Gemeindebrief / Congregational Newsletter
Der Lutherischen Kirche / of the Lutheran Church
Jahrgang/ Year 41
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served,
but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for
many. Mark 10:45
Denn auch des Menschen Sohn ist nicht gekommen,
dass er sich dienen lasse, sondern dass er diene und
Der Menschensohn ist nicht gekommen um sich dienen zu lassen, sondern zu dienen und sein Leben hinzugeben als Lösegeld für viele.
Markus 10:45
Jakobus und Johannes bitten Jesus, ihnen die Ehrenplätze rechts und links von ihm zu
‘reservieren.’ Wie gut können wir die Jünger verstehen! Wir möchten alle gern Anerkennung bekommen für das was wir geleistet haben.
Aber Jesus dreht dieses um – er sagt von sich, dass er nicht gekommen sei um sich bedienen
zu lassen. Nein, er will uns Menschen dienen. Dieses Dienen hat er bis zur letzten Konsequenz
durchgeführt, hat sein Leben für dich, für mich, für alle Menschen dahingegeben. Damit hat er dem
Tod und dem Bösen die Macht für immer genommen.
Er möchte dass wir, wie er damals den Jüngern riet, nicht immer nur auf den eigenen Vorteil
achten sollen, und nicht Angst haben, zu kurz zu kommen! Er möchte dass wir Sein Licht, Seine
Liebe ausstrahlen, denn so wird sie verbreitet. Wir können nicht prahlen; er selber wirkt ja durch uns.
Unser Gebet kann dann sein: Mein Herr und Heiland, fülle mich mit Deinem Licht und Deiner
Liebe, dass ich davon weitergeben kann, dort wo Dunkelheit und Traurigkeit herrschen. L Voigt
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to
give His life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45
James and John ask Jesus to ‘reserve’ for them the places of honour to the right and left of
Him. We can understand their wish so well! We all like to be recognised for our achievements.
But Jesus turns this around completely. He tells them that He did not come to be served. No,
he wants to serve man. He took this service to its utmost consequence; He gave His life on the cross
for you, me, and all mankind, and broke the power of death and evil for always.
He wants us, just as He wanted the disciples, not always to look out for our own advantage, and not
to be scared of losing out. He wants to fill us with His light and His love, so that we can spread this
light and love. Therefore we cannot be proud of this, because He is working through us!
So our prayer can be: Dear Lord and heavenly Master, fill me with Your light and Your love,
that I can spread it around where there is darkness and sorrow. L Voigt
Boake article: 7th February 2012.
What a challenge our baby Sifundo has been! He was born to a young schoolgirl 22 months
ago, weighing 860 grammes
An attempt had been made to abort him at 27 weeks but he survived. For his first 4 months of
life he was in a Neonatal ICU unit attached to life support machines. What a tiny scrap of humanity he
Colin and I were approached to care for him after his discharge and so he joined our family at the age
of 4 months and he is still with us. His progress is very slow and he is a very irritable baby.
Kindest regards,
Colin, Pam and the children.
If you would like to join our prayer chain, Dorle Stielau (033 396 8210) would like to hear from
Profile of the month
Brass Band Leader
I started my education in Richmond,KZN. Then my parents
moved to PMB. After completing my high school education I took a
course in typing and shorthand and worked mostly as a secretary.
From my first marriage I had two children. My daughter Alison
lives in East London and has three grown-up children. My son Anthony lives in PMB with his daughter. The father of my children
passed away while we were living in East London. I then decided to
move back to PMB where most of my family were living.
Four years after losing my husband I married Merwin Wortmann whom I had known for many years. Merwin had a son Eldred
from his first marriage. We were married for almost 25 years when
Merwin passed away.
I live at Alison Homes and am very happy here. I have been a member of our church for 9
years and would like to thank the congregation for their love and support.
Dear Tina, Thank you for sharing yourstory with us. Thank you also for your loyal input in the
prayer chain and as welcomer on Sunday mornings. We wish you many more happy years with us!
In Richmond KZN ging ich zuerst zur Schule. meine Eltern zogen dann nach PMB. Nachdem ich
meine Schullaufbahn beendet hatte, machte ich einen Kursus in ‘shorthand and typing’ mit und arbeitete dann hauptsächlich als Sekretärin.
In meiner ersten Ehe bekam ich zwei Kinder: Meine Tochter Alison wohnt in East London und
hat drei erwachsene Kinder; mein Sohn Anthony wohnt in PMB mit seiner Tochter.
Der Vater meiner Kinder starb als wir noch in East London wohnten. Ich beschloss dann, nach
PMB zurück zu kehren, wo die meisten meiner Familie wohnten. Vier Jahre nach dem Tod meines
Mannes heiratete ich Merwin Wortmann, den ich schon viele Jahre kannte. Merwin hatte einen
Sohn Eldred aus erster Ehe. Wir waren fast 25 Jahre verheiratet als Merwin starb.
Ich wohne in den Alison Homes und bin sehr glücklich hier. Seit 9 Jahren bin ich Mitglied unserer Gemeinde. Ich möchte der Gemeinde für ihre Liebe und Unterstützung danken.
Und wir danken dir für deinen treuen Einsatz in der Gebetskette und als Begrüßerin Sonntags
morgens, liebe Tina. Wir wünschen dir weiterhin viele glückliche Jahre in unserer Gemeinde.
Siegfried Hagedorn – 35 years Brass Band Leader
Speaking about jubilees: 35 years is a long time of service to the brass band and the congregation. It
takes a special dedication to motivate oneself and the band for such a long time. We hope we as players did not contribute to the grey hair.
The brass band benefited from Siegfried’s good musical understanding and extensive knowledge of the
brass music literature, be it Kuhlo 1 or pieces from modern books. He always kept it interesting by varying the type of music we have played from old traditional to contemporary.
Siegfried was always positive about the brass band playing in services, at congregational functions, old
age homes etc., also in the Hayfields Churches Network services. Siegfried initiated the good practice
of the brass band playing at least once a month for the whole service alternating between English and
German services. He served as well for many years as Regional Director of Brass Band Music
On a note of political correctness: Siegfried managed to grow the brass band and in fact achieve almost perfect gender transformation with our band having the largest percentage of women players. We
thank Siegfried for the successful training of new players over the years, both young and those that are
young at heart.
Now Siegfried has the opportunity to again participate in the band himself where he plays bass. Siegfried will undoubtedly be a good advisor to Thomas in all matters of brass band.
We thank Siegfried for his valuable contribution to the music ministry in our congregation.
(T Ammann)
Council Window
Firstly I would like to thank all who attended the Annual General Meeting - it was wonderful that so
many attended. To those who were not able to attend I express my gratitude to all who are always
willing to help – may it be fixing a bench, planting a tree, or even more important – just a friendly
word or smile.
Congratulations and God’s Blessing to our two new councillors, Edgar Ortmann and Frank Böcking.
May they find joy and satisfaction in their work in our congregation. Linda Knox is the alternate
councillor and Rupert Buhr our auditor.
We thank Sigrun Ammann and Chris Ahrens for their dedicated service as councillors. I am sure
that we will still call on them at times!
The tasks ahead of us now are the Centenary Celebrations and the Easter Evening. If you have not
yet volunteered to help then please do so. It is always great working together in a group. We request everyone to bring a plate of cake, scones, muffins, Butterkuchen or biscuits for the Sunday
tea on
the 18th of March. Please no elaborate cakes – one needs to be able to take it into your hand without needing a plate and cake fork.
Council has a tall task ahead of them with the filling of our pastor’s post in June 2013. As all the
work lying ahead will be confidential, I request you not to approach us asking who our next pastor
could be. You will be notified timely of any proposals made.
Wishing you a blessed Lent and Easter season.
Ganz herzlich danke ich der Gemeinde für das Geschenk – den Jubiläumsbecher, Schokolade und
der hübschen Karte dazu – zu meinem 80. Geburtstag! Inge Rencken
Hospital Visiting Ministry for March 2012
T Buhr & P Summersgill
L Knox
E le Roux
D Sikhakane
M van Niekerk
Centenary Celebrations
Our Centenary Celebration Weekend is nearing and we would like to inform you of what has been
Friday, 16th March 2012 at 19:00 – Congregational Musical Celebration Evening.
Our musicians have planned a special evening for us.
Saturday, 17th March 2012 – Laying of wreaths:
15:00 Bishopstowe Cemetery
16:30 Hayfields Wall of Memory
A wreath, on behalf of our congregation will be laid at the cross, both at the Bishopstowe cemetery
and at the Hayfields Wall of Memory. Pastor Schütte and Pastor Lilje will officiate at these functions.
The brass band will participate. After the short ceremonies family members of the deceased will be
given the opportunity to lay a wreath or place some flowers on their loved ones graves. The pastors
present will accompany them and say a short prayer at each grave.
At our Wall of memory the wreaths/flowers can be laid beneath the urn grave.
Sunday, 18th March 2012 – 09:00
1. The service
The service is led by Pastor Scriba
A procession of pastors will move into the church.
Bishop Müller will deliver the sermon.
Induction of the new councillors and the new brass band leader.
Communion will be served from four positions, with the congregation moving ‘Wandelgang’ past the
communion servers.
Words of greeting.
2. Children’s church will be held in the hall at the Lutheran Gardens.
3. Tea, coffee, juice and cake will be served.
4. The Centenary brochure and mugs will be on sale – R60 each
5. The brass band plays outside under the tree.
6. Lunch will be served.
Refreshments – a group of ladies have volunteered to take charge. They will be approaching the
whole congregation to assist.
Lunch will be potato and carrot salad with Frankfurters.
You will be asked to bring a plate of cake, scones, muffins or biscuits – something you can take in
your hand and do not need a plate.
Logistics - Men’s Guild
Setting up of chairs and tables
Parking - Young Adults and 5 car guards
I wish to express my sincere thanks to Pastor Scriba, Siegfried Drewes, Valentin Volker and Annette
Pfeiffer for the many hours spent on the planning, collecting data and collating the brochure.
We ask God’s blessing for this wonderful festival ahead of us.
Wal Bornheimer
James and Jean Hackland, the husband-and-wife team who won this year’s mixed
doubles in the Dusi Canoe Marathon are the son-in-law and daughter of our Congregation
members Linda and Arthur Knox and the parents of the two lively little girls who come to
church with Linda every so often.
Pastor’s Page
Pastor’s Page 100th Anniversary of our Congregation, March 2012
Dear members and dear readers of Impulse,
In this month we are to celebrate our 100th Anniversary, as the road of unity of the two congregations from Hermannsburg and Berlin background, we do it with:
Psalm 100:1-5: Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before
him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his
people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give
thanks to him and praise his name. For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness
continues through all generations.
Psalm 100 is a processional hymn, as visitors from far away climb up the hill to go into the temple and offer
their gifts and sacrifices, their praise and thanks to God. A priestly choir accepts them and exclaims with what
kind of attitude they are to come into the presence of the Lord. These exclamations are also meant for us.
When considering the centenary celebration of our congregation, we are to shout with joy, worship with gladness, sing with joy. We are to acknowledge ‘only Lord is God’, he made us, we are his, like sheep belonging to
the shepherd. We are to enter our service with thanks, praise and worship. The Lord gives us his goodness,
unfailing love and faith-ful-ness.
That is the right attitude to enter into the next centenary of our existence. With our bells, organ, brass band,
with our worship team and instruments, with our choirs and our singing we worship the Lord. In our confession
and creed, in our prayers, readings and sermons we acknowledged that he is our God, Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. In our experiences of truth-searching, trials und troubles, in our sickness, sorrow and grief we turn to him,
our shepherd, and find comfort, support and healing. In worship, thanks and praise we experience our fellowship with him and among ourselves and, in an ecumenical spirit with his body, with its many members, as one
church on earth.
In fellowship at His table we receive his goodness, his unfailing love and his faithful-ness. These are the characters which Jesus the Christ conveyed, preached and lived among us. He showed the Father’s love in forgiving us our short-comings and sins, in encouraging us to turn back, and when we did not deserve it in accepting
us again, and in loving us when we did not feel that we deserved it.
We took home God’s blessings from our worship services, new courage and strength for our daily chores and
work, supporting guidance in trials, troubles and temptations. We were encouraged to plant our little seed of
faith, even if we were not able to see it grow to become a shaded tree. We sometimes had to overcome our
doubts, dips and depressions to start the next morning anew with his promise of hope.
May his goodness, love and faithfulness continue among our children, grand-children and the generations to
come, for the next hundred years and to endure forever, beyond death and the end of times.
May God grant us a blessed Anniversary!
With kind regards
Georg Scriba
Seite des Pastors, 100. Gedenkjahr der Gemeinde, März 2012
Liebes Gemeindeglied, liebe Impulse-Leser,
In diesem Monat feiern wir das 100. Gedenkjahr des gemeinsamen Weges der beiden Gemeinden aus der
Berliner und Hermannsburger Tradition, mit dem Psalm 100,1-5: Jauchzet dem HERRN, alle Welt! Dienet
dem HERRN mit Freuden, kommt vor sein Angesicht mit Frohlocken! Erkennet, daß der HERR Gott ist!
Er hat uns gemacht, und wir sind sein, sein Volk und Schafe seiner Weide. Gehet zu seinen Toren ein
mit Danken, zu seinen Vorhöfen mit Loben; danket ihm, lobet seinen Namen! Denn der HERR ist
freundlich, und seine Gnade währet ewig und seine Wahrheit für und für.
Der jüdische Dichter, Martin Buber, übersetzt: “Schmettert IHM zu, alles Erd-reich! Dienet IHM in der Freude!
Kommt mit Jubelruf vor sein Antlitz” Hier gibt der Chor sein letztes, der Posaunenchor bläst forte fortissimo, die
Instrumente klingen weit übers Kidrontal. (Bei uns würden wir alle Orgelregister ziehen). Pilger von weither
ziehen unter diesem Klang singend hinauf zum Tempel. Sie bringen dem Herren ihre Gaben und Opfer, ihr
Dank und Preis. Auch wir sind aufgerufen zu jauchzen, zu dienen, zu froh-locken, und so dürfen wir auch
unsere Gottesdienste feiern. Auch wir bekennen, dass er alleine unser Gott ist, Vater, Sohn und Heiliger Geist.
Wir stehen unter seinem Schutz und werden von ihm geführt, wie der gute Hirte seine Schafe auf die grüne
Weide leitet.
So feiern wir das Leben unserer Gemeinde mit Dank für den gemeinsamen Weg durch die 100 Jahre. Wir
teilen miteinander die Erlebnisse, die wir erlebten. Wir erinnern uns an die guten, wie die schweren Tage, an
Pastor’s Page continued ...
Fortschritte, die wir gemacht haben, aber auch an die Mühen, unter denen wir gelitten haben.
So wollen wir auch unsere Gottesdienste weiterhin feiern, fröhlich und getrost. Wir wollen Gott als unseren
Herrn bekennen: den Vater, der uns geschaffen hat und uns aufruft, seine Schöpfung zu erhalten; den Sohn,
der uns erlöst hat und verheißen hat, bei uns zu sein bis an das Ende der Welt; und den Heiligen Geist, der uns
das Wort Gottes lebendig macht und uns in Traurigkeit tröstet. In allen Schwierigkeiten und Nöten wenden wir
uns an ihn, den Hirten unserer Seele. Seine Freundlichkeit, Gnade, Liebe und Wahrheit erfahren wir in unseren
Gottesdiensten und besonders in der Taufe und im Abendmahl. Von dort nehmen wir diese Gaben in den
Alltag, zur Stärkung in Anfechtungen und Nöten.
“Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, singet dem Herrn, alle Welt! Denn Gott hat unser Herz und Mut
fröhlich gemacht durch seinen lieben Sohn, welchen er für uns gegeben hat zur Erlösung von Sünden,
Tod und Teufel. Wer solches mit Ernst glaubt, der kann es nicht lassen, er muß fröhlich und mit Lust
davon singen und sagen, daß es andere auch hören und herzukommen.” (Martin Luther, Vorrede zum
Babstschen Gesangbuch).
So wünsche ich uns ein gesegnetes Jubiläumsfest!
In herzlicher Fürbitte
Euer Georg Scriba
Die Weltkugel die seit einigen Wochen in
unserem Altarraum in der Kirche steht,
ist die Weltkugel unter dem Kreuz.
Sie wird vom Kerzenlicht aus der Mitte
erwärmt und zeigt uns, dass Christus
das Licht und die Wärme schenkt, dass
er uns den Weg nach oben, zu Gott zeigt
und uns umhüllt und trägt und immer für
uns da ist, wenn wir mit unserem Gebet
zu ihm kommen.
So dürfen wir eine Kerze an dem
Licht in der Mitte anzünden und sie mit
einem Gebet (Dankgebet, Fürbittengebet) auf die ‘Straße’ stellen, die die
ganze Welt umfasst, und uns somit ein
Zeichen gibt, dass das Licht durch oder
um die Welt getragen wird.
About the World Globe which has been
standing in the front of our church these
last few weeks:
The World Globe
is the world under the Cross, illuminated
from the centre by the light of a candle
which radiates the warmth and light of
Christ, showing us the way to God. It
surrounds and carries us when we come
to God in prayer.
From this light in the centre we
may light a candle with a prayer of thanksgiving or intercession and place it onto the circle
which embraces the whole world, as a sign and testimony that His light penetrates and carries
“366 + 1, Church and Music 2012”
“366 + 1, Kirche klingt 2012”
Am 31.Oktober 1517 schlug Martin Luther seine 95 Thesen an die Tür der Schlosskirche in
Wittenberg – der Tag wird allgemein gesehen als der Anfang der Reformation. In 5 Jahren (2017)
wird also das 500-Jahr-Jubiläum der Reformation gefeiert.
Bis dann soll während dieser 5 Jahre in der EKD in Deutschland besonders an die Reformation
gedacht werden. Jedes Jahr hat sein besonderes Thema. Für das Schaltjahr 2012 ist das Thema
‘Reformation und Musik’; und das EKD Projekt “366 + 1 Kirche klingt 2012” plant für jeden Tag ein
Konzert, Musikabend, Gottesdienst oder dergleichen. Es fing am 01. Januar in Augsburg an und
wird am 31. Dezember in Zittau enden. Dazwischen zieht sich das klingende Band Tag für Tag von
Ort zu Ort durch die ganze Bundes- republik. Das macht 366 Konzerte – das +1 Konzert soll ein
ganz besonderes sein – in der Osternacht.
Für jede Woche und jede Kirchenjahreszeit gibt es ein Leit-Lied. Die Sätze aller dieser LeitLieder werden in einer Chronik gesammelt, die reihum durch das Land geht und die Konzerte begleitet.
In sieben Orten stehen besondere Höhepunkte für intensiveres Erleben und Nachdenken in
Konferenzen und Symposien auf dem Programm. Einer von diesen ist für Ibbenbüren vorgesehen,
der Kirche in der Christian Schauerte tätig ist. (Das Thema für Ibbenbüren ist ‘JAZZ erst recht’).
“366 + 1, Church and Music 2012”
The beginning of the Reformation is generally seen as 31 October 1517, the day when Martin
Luther put up his 95 theses on a church door in Wittenberg. This means that the 500th anniversary of
the Reformation will be celebrated on 31/10/2017, and during the 5 years till then each year has its
own theme, in the context of the Reformation.
The theme of this year (a leap year) is ‘Music and the Reformation’, and the EKD project “366 +
1, Church and Music 2012” aims to produce a musical event on each one of the 366 days, plus a
very special concert, +1, during the Easter night. This musical chain started on 01/01/12 in Augsburg
and will end in Zittau on 31/12/12.
Each week and each church season has its own ‘theme song’, and all these songs/musical
pieces will be collected in an almanac which will passed from town to town and concert to concert.
In 7 places special musical highlights with opportunities for more intensive study, seminars etc
are to be presented during the year. One of these places is Ibbenbüren, the area in which Christian
Schauerte is director of church music.
Solveig Otte (15 Lutheran Gardens) needs scraps of material (suitable for patchwork,
preferably cotton), as well as old sheets, for her mission work in Mpophomeni and her
charity work among needy immigrants. Please help.
An ongoing request for Easter and Advent Sales:
Please collect egg shells and clean 750g coffee tins throughout the year. They may be left in the
Church Hall above the Lost and Found items.
Green Page
Hayfields Churches Network – Environmental Committee
Last year the committee organised a number of events with guest speakers, but on the
whole they were not very well attended. Because the environmental crisis is too serious for us
Christians simply to ignore, we believe that information on environmental issues is still important.
We therefore want to carry on this year with providing relevant information in the form of
documentary film shows once a month – always on the the second Thursday evening. We will
also stick to one venue, at least for six months.
The first film, called ‘Gasland’,deals with the environmentally harmful effects of drilling for
gas in America, involving a process called ‘fracking’. This is very relevant for us in South Africa,
because SHELL has proposed to drill in the Karoo, and there is already a process of disinformation going on. We need to be informed!
So come to the Baptist Church in Foxon Road on Thursday 8 March at 7 pm.
The main project the committee wants to tackle this year is the Municipal Landfill site. Because the condition of the site leaves much to be desired, with resultant environmental and health
hazards, we want to create a pressure group to monitor the Municipality’s management of the site.
We invite members of the congregation who feel strongly about this issue to become involved.
The intention is to get the public at large to participate as well. We intend to start the process with
a preliminary meeting with the manager of the dump, to explore possibilities how the whole management of waste removal can be improved. The congregation will be informed about the details
at a later stage.
Gunther Wittenberg
Herr, sei vor uns und leite uns,
sei hinter uns und schütze uns,
sei unter uns und trage uns,
sei über uns und segne uns!
Sei in uns, dass Geist,, Seele
und Leib — dein Eigentum —
dir recht dienen und deinen Namen
Quick reference
Personal Needs:
Congregational Needs:
Pastor: Pastor Georg Scriba 033 3961953 / :082 440 7574
Office Secretary: Mrs. Margrit Roussos 033 3965169 (office hours only)
Mon. – Wednesday & Friday: 08:00 to 10:00
Contact Times:
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 10074
Scottsville 3209
Fax: 086 538 6356
Physical Address: 2 Bester Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg
Life Line: 033 394 4444
AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322
Congregational Council & Portfolios:
Deputy Chairman:
Ms Waltraut Bornheimer
* Pastoral
Mrs Sigrun Ammann
* Support Services
Mr. Craig Merryweather
*Financial Matters
Mrs. Annette Pfeiffer
*Life Groups
Mr Christof Ahrens
Mr. Arthur St.John Ward
033 347 2471 / 082 920 1722
(Ward 5)
033 396 3322 (Ward 7 & 8)
083 443 6953 (Ward 9)
033 344 2963 (Wards 1 & 2)
033 396 2040 (Ward 3)
033 386 2980 (Wards 4 & 6)
* Portfolio Details:
Support Services: Music (Brass Band, Choir, Worship Team, Organ, Music under the Cross), Key- and Service Helpers, Wards & Care
Groups, Impulse, Transport, Multi Media
Relationships: Kenosis, Lutheran Gardens, Partnership, All Lutheran Committee, Lutheran Theological Institute, Hayfields Churches Network,
Mission Committee
Financial Matters: Finance, Fund Raising Events
Life Groups: Women’s Groups, Men’s Guild, Youth Work, Seniors, etc
Pastoral: Funerals/Memorial Services, Prayer Ministry, Hospital Visiting, Children’s Church, House Groups
Property: Cemetery, Walls of Memory, Maintenance (buildings, grounds, vehicles), Equipment, Security
Ward Leaders:
Music Ministry
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5
Ward 6
Ward 7
Ward 8
Choir: Mrs. Marianne Kassier
Brass Band: Mr. Thomas Ammann
Worship Team: Pastor Gertrud Tönsing
Ward 9
Ward A
Edgar & Karin Ortmann
Tel: 033 330 3741
Anita Harms
Tel: 033 344 1312
c/o Chris Ahrens
Tel: 033 396 2040
Danie Malan
Tel: 072 231 2810
Waltraut Bornheimer
Tel: 033 347 2471
c/o Arthur St John Ward Tel: 033 386 2980
c/o Sigrun Ammann
Tel: 033 396 3322
Robert & Ronell Wichmann Tel: 031 781 1714
Carl & Christine Seele
Tel: 033 251 0602
Monika van Niekerk
Tel: 033 396 6883
Church Office
Tel: 033 396 5169
033 347 1048
033 396 3322
033 346 0498
Youth Ministry
Youth Worker:
Children’s Church: Mrs Heather Drews
Kids’ Club: Pastor Gertrud Tönsing
Lutheran Youth Fellowship: Michael Reibeling
Young Adults: Michael Reibeling
Helga Schullz
033 326 1816
033 346 0498
082 440 7450
082 440 7450,
078 460 2985
Impulse Newsletter:
Dr. Curd Sievers:
033 396 8220
E-mail contributions: or or
P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville, 3209
Closing date for next issue: 19 March 2012
Synod Representatives:
Mrs Annette Pfeiffer 033 344 1963
Mr. Todani Moyo
082 551 5705
Webpage of ELCSA(N-T) :
(Local page of congregation is linked to this webpage under Southern Congregations)
Bank Account:
Bank: First National Bank, Hayfields Branch (Branch Code: 22-14-25)
Name: Lutheran Congregation Bishopstowe-Pietermaritzburg
Account Number: 5677 111 28 48