Impulse August 2012 - Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg


Impulse August 2012 - Church of the Cross Pietermaritzburg
Gemeindebrief/ Congregational Newsletter
Der Lutherischen Kirche / of the Lutheran Church
(Registered as a Non-Profit Organisation: No. 053-095-NPO)
Jahrgang/ Year 41
08– 2012
“God heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds”
Psalm 147: 3
„Er heilt, die zerbrochenen Herzens sind, und verbindet ihre
Wunden.“ Markus 4:24
Auf ein Wiedersehen
Vader, in U hande gee ek my gees oor.”
(Lukas 23:46)
„Vater, ich befehle meinen Geist in Deine Hände.”
Dit was die teks vir Nonnie Dedekind se herdenkingsdiens nadat
sy op 6 Julie op ‘n jong ouderdom oorlede is. Sy was eintlik van
plan om nog vir ons ‘Impulse’ ‘n bydrae te skryf oor haar stryd teen kanker, maar
die tyd was te kort.
Maar op haar blogg ‘Tjeers!’ was hierdie woorde Nonnie se laaste skryfstuk vir
familie en vriende: “Wat doen ’n mens as jy weet jou dae is getel, en jy
weet sommer hoeveel is oor? Iets wat net vir die gelukkiges (jy dink
dalk die ongelukkiges) beskore is...Ja, ek weet nie hoeveel dae ek, of
jy, het nie. Maar ons het vandag. Kom ons hou aan om die
lewensfees te vier... Kuier met jou geliefdes soveel jy kan. Kom sit om
ons vuur as jy nie een het nie. Of dit die finale een is of nie, sal net
ons Skepper en Verlosser weet en bepaal, maar as Hy jou nog ’n
blaaskans gee, dank Hom en jubel en leef!”
En die jubel het uitdrukking gevind in haar keuse vir die laaste gesang van die
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord; He is trampling out the
vineyard where the grapes of wrath are stored; He has loosed the fateful lightning
of His terrible swift sword, His truth is marching on!
Glory, glory halleluja.....His truth is marching on!
Nonnie Dedekind hatte versprochen, der
‘Impulse’Redaktion einen Bericht über ihr
Leiden zu schicken, aber sie starb bevor sie
das tun konnte. Deshalb bringen wir hier
oben ihren letzten Gruss den sie per ‘Blogg’
an Familie und Freunde schickte, und den
Pastor Scriba bei der Gedenkfeier verlas.
(Red Komitee)
Nonnie had planned to write about her illness for the ‘Impulse’ but died before she
could do so. We wish to pass on to you
(above) what she wrote for her family and
friends on her ‘blogg’ - it was read at her menorial service. ( Ed Team)
Profile of the month
Enid Schirge
Ich wurde 1960 in Port Shepstone
geboren und besuchte die Schule
auf Izotsha und später in
Moorleigh nachdem meine Eltern
dorthin gezogen waren.
Meine Konfirmation war 1973 in
Dein Stecken und Stab trösten
Nachdem ich mit der Schule
fertig war habe ich kurz im
Krankenhaus gearbeitet und danach bei alten Leuten im Haushalt geholfen und auch
im Arcadia Altenheim in Greytown. Jetzt wohne ich in Pietermaritzburg im NCVV
I was born in Port Shepston in 1960 and attended school in Izotsha and later in
Moorleigh after my parents moved to Estcourt.
The verse given to me on my Confirmation in 1973 is from Psalm 23 “Your rod
and staff comfort me.”
After leaving school I worked as a nurse for a short while and thereafter assisted an
elderly couple with the housekeeping and also worked in the Arcadia Old Age home
in Greytown. I am now living at the NCVV Home in Pietermaritzburg.
Magdalene Baxter
I lived with my parents on a farm on the South Coast. We were five children and I
went to school in Port Shepstone and in Bethanien (Izotsha).
After my parents moved to Estcourt I left High School to get a job. I worked as Assistant Matron at boarding schools for several years. It was sad for us when my father died in Estcourt Hospital. I had an unhappy marriage which ended in divorce. I
became ill and needed treatment in hospital.
I am now living at the NCVV Home in Pietermaritzburg.
Ich lebte mit meinen Eltern und 5 Geschwistern auf einer Farm an der Südküste und
besuchte die Schulen in Bethanien und Port Shepstone.
Nachdem meine Eltern nach Estcourt gezogen waren, verließ ich die Hochschule
um zu arbeiten.
Ich arbeitete mehrere Jahre als “Assistant Matron” an
verschiedenen Schülerheimen. Es war eine traurige Zeit, als mein Vater im Estcourt
Hospital starb.
Profile of the month cont.
Nach einer unglücklichen Ehe und der Ehescheidung erkrankte ich und wurde in
einem Hospital behandelt.
Jetzt lebe ich im NCVV Heim in Pietermaritzburg.
Maggie and Enid both regularly attend our monthly Hayfields Home Group and
they also have helped with the baking of biscuits for our Spring Fest. We are
happy to have you both in our Congregation.
Gottes Nähe sei mit dir bei allem was du tust und lässt.
Gottes Nähe geleite dich auf allen deinen Wegen und zum
Ziel des Lebens.
Gottes Nähe mache dich gelassen in der unruhigen Zeit.
Gottes Nähe nehme dir die Furcht vor einem schweren
Gottes Nähe vertreibe dir die Angst, dass du dein
Lebensziel verfehlen könntest, und die Angst vor dem Tod.
Gottes Nähe sei mir dir! Kurt Rommel
In daily life we must see that it is not happiness that makes
us grateful, but gratefulness that makes us happy.
Co-workers’ Training Seminar
24 - 26 August 2012
at Empangeni
All congregants are welcome to the courses, however the primary target
group is indicated in brackets.
1 Bible - An Introduction to the Bible
(Foundation) - Dirk Köstlin
(Lay Preachers in Training/ Co-Workers)
1 Bible - Gen 1 - 11: Sacred Pre-history
(Advanced) - Gertrud Tönsing
(LP and LP in training/ Co-Workers)
3 Sharing the Word (Foundation) - Dieter Klee
(Lay Preachers in training/ Co-Workers)
5 Children’s Ministry - Jesica Schmidt (Sunday
School Helpers)
Pastor’s Page
Caring and Sharing
Dear congregation members, dear readers of Impulse,
We are looking ahead from the cold winter days,
moving towards spring time. We do this with new energy as we are being called with our motto to impact.
The last Sunday in August, the 12th Sunday after Trinity, reminds us of our calling to care and share, a calling which we have chosen as our congregation’s
motto for the past two years. The watchword says it
so delicately, so encouragingly and so comfortingly:
A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering
wick he will not snuff out. (Isaiah 42:3). The Epistle reading of Paul’s conversion experience (Acts 9:1-20), shows us how Saul had to overcome the inner and outer blindness to become one of the greatest messengers of God’s grace and love. In the Gospel
Jesus appears as the physician to heal the deaf and mute man so that he is able to proclaim the wonders of God (Mark 7:31-37).
For this Sunday Psalm 147 is given as our praise song. In the Greek translation this
psalm is divided into two, verses 1-11 as Psalm 146 and 12-20 as Psalm 147, which in
a number of instances is a repetition of the first. In continuous crescendo we are all
called to participate and sing to his praise: We praise him, we thank him, we sing to
him, we play music to him, we extol his name. We do this because God’s works can be
discovered through the historical actions with his people and in the created world, in
nature and among the animals, and in the yearly climate change. His works become so
clearly visible in his act of healing and loving, in his actions of support and protection,
and especially through communicating with us through his comforting word and guiding will.
It is in the form of a creed that the psalm enumerates his acts: He is the God of creation. He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name (just consider
the many names he has given to the billions of stars and universes!), he is mighty in
power, he understands without limit. He is the God of seasons: he covers the sky with
clouds, he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills, he provides
food for the cattle and for the young ravens, he spreads the snow like wool and scatters
the frost like ashes, he hurls down his hail like pebbles and melts them again; he stirs
up his breezes, and the waters flow, he satisfies you with the finest of wheat.
When we are called to participate in praise we are also called to sustain his wonderful
creation. How can we destroy it with our greed and carelessness when we praise what
has been created so masterfully?! Let us who believe that he has created everything out
of his care and love, sustain his creation with all that is in our power, also by praising
him and his creation!
He is the caring God of history: he builds up Jerusalem, he gathers the exiles of Israel.
Pastor’s page cont.
Council Window
He heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds. He sustains the humble,
punishes the wicked and delights in those who fear him. He strengthens the bars of
your gates, blesses your people within and grants peace to your borders. He sends
his creative command to the earth, his word runs swiftly. He reveals his will and his
laws and decrees to his people. This he has done for no other nation, only for his
chosen people. Praise the LORD.
In relating what he has done for us, we are called to do the same, in our caring
groups and as individual members of Christ’s body, sharing joy and pain with one
another. May his healing ministry become apparent through what we do: The Lord
heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds (v. 3).
I do hope the 12th Sunday after Trinity will be such a call-up for us all in caring and
sharing for and with one another.
May the caring triune God bless you all,
Kind regards
Georg Scriba
Council Window
August is a very busy month for us all! I would therefore like
to highlight all our functions and request you all to participate.
Saturday 11th August: Maintenance Day - 8:00 till 12:00
Sunday 12th August: election of Pastor after the Family Service. The German
service may start a little later than normal.
Sunday 19th August: Half-yearly General Meeting after the combined service.
Saturday 25th August – preparing the meat for the sausages etc on the farm of
Dieter Kassier– do come along! It is great fun.
Thursday 30th August: making sausages.
Friday 31st August: packing meat products and setting up the hall for the
Spring Fest.
In the mean time the ladies are baking biscuits in the Lutheran Gardens. If you
are able to help or are willing to make a donation you can contact Monika
Deppe (033 3968208) or
Irmela Oltmann (033 3968234)
Please assist to feed our pigs. Should you wish to make an electronic
donation please give ‘pigs’ as a reference.
We are looking forward to a wonderful ‘working together’ this
One Third Wasted
Do you throw food away? A staggering one third of food produced for
human consumption is wasted each year.
Not only does this squander all the resources that go into food production and transport, rotting food in landfills produces methane, a major
greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming.
Some tips for avoiding food waste:
Plan your meals a week ahead, check which ingredients you have, make a shopping
list of only what you need, and stick to it.
• Check that the fridge temperature is 1 - 5 degrees C and the door seals properly.
• Don't throw perfectly good food away. Use up leftovers wherever possible. Make
slightly overripe fruit into smoothies and slightly wilting vegetables into soups and
and stews.
• Put newly-bought foods at the back of the cupboard and fridge, and bring older
items to the front so you remember to use them before their use-by date.
• Use your freezer. Freeze food in batches; freeze sliced bread before it goes stale.
• Serve smaller portion sizes so people will be more likely to clear their plates.
Start a compost bin.
- Source: Olivia Rose-Innes, EnviroHealth Editor,
Hot, or Scalding?
If you need to add cold water to your bath or shower, your geyser thermostat temperature is set too high and it's wasting energy.
Your geyser accounts for about 30-40% of your electricity bill. There are
various ways to reduce this -- apart from using less hot water of course -- but
simply turning the thermostat down to between 55-60°C can make a significant difference. Keeping it above 60°C is unnecessarily high for a hot shower (or occasional bath, if you must!)
If you're uncertain how to turn down the thermostat yourself, it's probably best to
ask an electrician or plumber to do it next time you need to call one out. If you want
to try DIY:
• Turn off the electricity supply.
• Find the geyser, usually in the ceiling.
• Open the protective covering over the thermostat.
Turn the thermostat setting to between 55-60°C. This might require a screwdriver.
You may have to try different settings until you get one that suits you.
- Source: Olivia Rose-Innes, EnviroHealth Editor,
Thank you
A very big thank you to Georg Scriba and Waltraut Bornheimer and our Lutheran Congregation for thinking of us
old ones on our special days.
Wir danken euch.
Edgar and Denise Bunge would like to thank our congregation most sincerely for, first of all, the visits by Pastor Scriba on our birthdays, and of
course Waltraut’s visits with a lovely mug each.
During both Denise’s stays in hospital in May and then in June she really
appreciated the visits of the Congregation ‘hospital visitors’. Also special
thanks to Waltraut for her help when Peter and Ingrid had to do the big
move here to Lutheran Gardens.
Thank you to all the kind people who have welcomed us here in our new
Edgar and Denise Bunge danken der Gemeinde von Herzen für die
Besuche zu unseren Geburtstagen, von Pastor Scriba wie auch Waltrauts
Besuche mit den schönen Jubiläumsbechern für jeden von uns.
Dann für die beiden Male im Mai und Juni, als Denise im Hospital war
und die Gemeindevertreter sie besuchten – das hat sie besonders geschätzt.
An Waltraut einen besonderen Dank für ihre Hilfe als Peter und Ingrid den
großen Umzug zum Luthergarten meisterten.
Vielen Dank all den lieben Leuten die uns willkommen hießen in unserem
neuen Heim!
Hospital visiting
Thanks cont
Hospital Visiting Ministry for August 2012
Vielen Dank für die Glückwünsche und den
Becher zu meinem 83sten Geburtstag.
Schätze es sehr.
Many thanks for the good wishes and the jubilee mug which I received on my 83rd birthday. It is much appreciated.
Alec Oellermann
E. & O.
L. Knox
E. le Roux
D. Sikhakane
M. van Niekerk
Vielen Dank für alle Grüße und
Anrufe zu meinem 75. Geburtstag. Herzlichen Dank für den
Orchideenstrauß vom Gebetskreis. Vielen Dank Herrn
Pastor Scriba für die Andacht mit
Psalm 23. Ruth Schärf
The ‘Biscuit bakers’ are getting ready to bake for the Spring Fest!
Donations for ingredients may be left with Margrit at the church office or given
to Irmela Oltmann or Monika Deppe.
NB: Please collect 750g coffee tins and 5l ice cream containers.
We welcome our new members, Hugh and Maggie Wylie.
We wish you well and trust that you will soon feel at home in our midst.
A good pastor must have:
The strength of an ox,
the tenacity of a bulldog,
the daring of a lion,
the wisdom of an owl,
the harmlessness of a dove,
the industry of a beaver,
the gentleness of a sheep,
the versatility of a chameleon,
the vision of an eagle,
the hide of a rhinoceros,
the perspective of a giraffe,
the endurance of a camel,
the bounce of a kangaroo,
the stomach of a horse,
the disposition of an angel,
the loyalty of an apostle,
the righteousness of a prophet,
the tenderness of a shepherd,
the fervency of an evangelist,
the devotion of a mother.
And even then- he wouldn’t please everybody!
Irene Marks.
Quick reference
Personal Needs:
Pastor: Pastor Georg Scriba 033 3961953 Cell: 082 4407574
Life Line:
AIDS Helpline: 0800 012 322
033 3944444
Congregational Needs:
Office Secretary: 033 3965169 (office hours only)
Contact Times: Mon. – Friday: 08:00 to 13:00
Postal Address:
P.O. Box 100074
Scottsville 3209
Fax: 0865386356
Physical Address: 2 Bester Road, Hayfields, Pietermaritzburg
Congregational Council & Portfolios:
Ms. Wal Bornheimer
033-3472471 or 0829201722
* Pastoral
Deputy Chairman:
(Ward 5)
Dr. Edgar Ortmann 033 3303741/0828947208 (Wards 7 & 8)
Mr. Craig Merryweather 0834436953
*Financial Matters
(Ward 9)
Mrs. Annette Pfeiffer
033 3441963
*Support Services
(Ward 2)
Mr. Arhtur St.John Ward
* Relationships
Mr. Dr Frank Böcking
*Life Groups
033 3962980
(Ward 4 & 6)
(Wards 3 & 8)
* Portfolio Details:
Support Services: Music (Brass Band, Choir, Worship Team, Organ, Music under the Cross),
Impulse, Transport,
Multi Media
Relationships: Kenosis, Lutheran Gardens, Partnership, All Lutheran Committee, Lutheran
Theological Institute,
Mission Committee
Financial Matters: Finance, Asset Register & Stock Taking,
Life Groups: Men’s Guild, Youth Work-Young Adults & LYF, Seniors, House Groups,
Pastoral: Funerals/Memorial Services, Prayer Ministry, Hospital Visiting, Children’s Church,
Key-and Service
Helpers, Hayfields Churches Network
Property ; Cemetery, Walls of Memory, Maintenance (buildings, grounds, vehicles) General,
Fire Equipment, Security
Quick reference
Ward Leaders:
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ward 3
Ward 4
Ward 5
Ward 6
Ward 7
Ward 8
Edgar & Karin Ortmann, Tel: 033 3303741
c/o Annette Pfeiffer, Tel 033-3442963
c/o Frank Böcking 0827995777
c/o Arthur St John Ward, Tel 033 3862980
Waltraut Bornheimer Tel: 033-3472471
c/o Arthur St John Ward 033 3862980
c/o Edgar Ortnmann 033 3303741
Robert & Ronell Wichmann Tel: 031 7811714 and
Carl & Christine Seele Tel: 033 2510602
Ward 9 Monika van Niekerk, Tel: 033 3966883
Ward A Church Office: Tel: 033 3965169
Youth Ministry
Youth Worker:
Children’s Church:
Kids’ Club:
Lutheran Youth Fellowship:
Young Adults:
Mrs. Heather Drews
astor Gertrud Tönsing
Michael Reibeling
Michael Reibeling
Helga Schultz
033 3261816
033 3460498
Music Ministry
Choir: Mrs. Marianne Kassier
033 3471048
Brass Band: Mr. Thomas Ammann
033 3963322
Worship Team: Pastor Gertrud Tönsing
033 3460498
Mrs. Annette Pfeiffer
Todani Moyo
Synod Representatives:
033 3441963
Impulse Newsletter:
Dr. Curd Sievers:
033 3968220
E-mail contributions: or or
P.O. Box 100074, Scottsville, 3209
Closing Date for next issue 19th August 2012
Webpage of ELCSA(N-T) :
Local page of our congregation is linked to this webpage under Southern
Bank Account:
Bank: First National Bank, Hayfields Branch (Branch Code: 22-14-25)
Name: Lutheran Congregation Bishopstowe-Pietermaritzburg
Account Number: 5677 111 28 48