April 2016 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
April 2016 - Academy Publishing, Inc.
olverine For the Parents, Staff, and Students of Wellington High School Volume 16 / Issue 1 Beliefs aStudents’ learning needs are the primary focus of all decisions impacting the work of the school because each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. aA safe and physically comfortable environment promotes student learning. aTeachers, administrators, parents, students, and the community share the responsibility for advancing the school’s mission. aStudents learn in different ways and will be provided with a variety of instructional approaches to support their learning styles. aCultural diversity can increase students’ understanding of different peoples and cultures. aStudents need to not only demonstrate their understanding of essential knowledge and skills but also to be actively involved in solving problems and producing quality work. aA student’s self-esteem is enhanced by positive relationships and mutual respect among and between students and staff. Mission Statement Wellington Community High School seeks to provide a safe environment conducive to promoting lifelong learners and productive citizens who contribute to the community as a whole. April 2016 2016 Senior Letter for Graduation Dear Senior Students, Parents and/or Guardians, We will soon be sharing an exciting time in your life – graduation. Our commencement exercises will take place inside the South Florida Fairgrounds Expo Center on May 25, 2016, at 4:00 PM. We have planned many activities leading up to this special event, and the information below outlines the dates and times of these activities, as well as the expectations surrounding them. We, the staff at Wellington Community High School, ask for your cooperation in making these last weeks an enjoyable experience for all. To ensure that all events and activities are positive and safe for all involved, every graduate must adhere to all school rules and regulations during school and at all school-sponsored activities and events. These rules include incidents of fighting and/or use or possession of drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, or weapons. If a student fails to adhere to school rules, he or she will not be allowed to participate in scheduled senior activities, including the graduation ceremony. SENIOR ACTIVITIES AND PROJECT GRADUATION In order to participate in the senior activities, students must pre-register by May 6. This year’s event includes an afternoon of bowling on May 24. Students must prepay for the event, complete the necessary permission slip, and submit them to Ms. Farris in room 2-134 by the deadline. Additional details and costs will be distributed at a later date through English classes. The only authorized post-graduation activity is Project Graduation, which is sponsored by parent volunteers and hosted at the Wellington Recreational Center on Pierson Road. This full night of entertainment is for Wellington High School graduates only. This all-night party begins at 10:00 PM and ends at 5:00 AM the next morning. There will be tons of food, games, a DJ, inflatable games, photo both, and a hypnotist. Attendees are required to stay for the duration of the event and parents will be notified if a graduate fails to appear. The $10.00 ticket includes a T-shirt and a gift card. Registration forms were distributed in English classes and tickets are on sale the week of April 25 during lunch. Students must have a signed waiver in order to purchase a ticket. Please note that no other activity or senior trip is condoned or authorized by Wellington Community High School or the School District of Palm Beach County. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS In order to participate in the graduation ceremony, a senior must have completed his/her required credits, have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0, and have documented twenty (20) hours of community service. If every requirement is not completed by 3:00 PM on May 19, 2016, that senior will not be able to participate in the May 25, 2015, graduation ceremony. SENIOR CHECKOUT Senior checkout will occur on Friday, May 20, 2016 in the Theatre. Students will clear obligations, the senior survey, and pick up the cap and gown. Students will report to checkout as follows: A-E 8:00-9:00 AM F-L 9:00-10:00 AM M-RE 10:00-11:00 AM RF-Z 11:00-12:00 PM ...continues on next page To download a pdf version of this newsletter, go to www.academypublishing.com. School District of Palm Beach County’s Nondiscrimination Policy The School District of Palm Beach County prohibits discrimination against students, employees, and applicants on the basis of religion, race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, marital status, age, parental status and disability in any of its educational activities and services and employment practices. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Robert Avossa School Board Members Chuck Shaw, Chairman Frank Barbieri, Jr. Esq., Vice-Chair Marcia Andrews Karen M. Brill Mike Murgio Dr. Debra Robinson Erica Whitfield Area III Superintendent Matthew Shoemaker Principal Mario Crocetti Assistant Principal, Administration E.Calvente-Torres Assistant Principals, Student Services Tonya Grant Henry Paulk Deans John Rejc Eric Moore Assistant Principal - Testing Mike Kozlowski Assistant Principal, Community School Chris Romano Academy Program & Activity Director Jim Marshall Athletic Director Pattie Fitzhugh School Police Officer Jim Mullins School Nurses Junia Austin Garcia Thomas DATA Counselor Christine Ranieri 2015-2016 Guidance Counselors Meghan Thornton-Chairperson Jana Bolinder Tammy Christie Carey Geidel Amy Hand Carmen Rosas Ashley Rios “Wolverine Watch” April 2016 Published Five Times Per Year Wellington Community High School 2101 Greenview Shores Blvd. Wellington, FL 33414 Issue #1 Senior Letter continues... SENIOR OBLIGATIONS Prior to participating in any senior activity, all financial obligations must be cleared through Mrs. Heller in the main office. The deadline for clearing obligations in order to participate in the graduation ceremony is May 20, 2016. Seniors with outstanding obligations may not participate in the graduation ceremony. CAPS, GOWNS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, AND MEMORABILIA Caps and gowns will be delivered on campus to graduates on May 20, during senior checkout in the theatre. A student who needs to purchase a gown may do so by bringing $55.00 in cash or money order on either May 20, or to the mandatory rehearsal on May 23. All students must wear the same royal blue gown from Balfour. GRADUATION REHEARSAL Graduation rehearsal is a mandatory activity for graduates who intend to participate in the graduation ceremony. Rehearsal begins at 3:30 PM in Wellington High School’s theater and ends at 5:30 PM on May 23, 2016. Seniors who fail to attend rehearsal will forfeit their graduation tickets and their right to participate in the graduation ceremony. Exceptions may apply to students who produce documented evidence of a mandatory college registration or of a medical emergency to Ms. Farris. GRADUATION TICKET INFORMATION Each graduating senior will receive six (6) tickets to the graduation ceremony. These tickets will be distributed at the end of rehearsal on May 23. At this point in time, we have no extra tickets. If some should become available, they will be distributed equally on Tuesday, May 24, to those graduates who submit a notarized request signed by the parent/guardian of record at graduation rehearsal requests submitted prior to this date will not be honored. Remember, we do not expect to have extra tickets; if there are some, there will be very few! The graduating senior has the responsibility of distributing tickets to family members; tickets are not given directly to parents. GRADUATION CEREMONY The South Florida Fairgrounds is located at 9067 Southern Boulevard, West Palm Beach, FL 33411. The commencement ceremony will be held in the Expo Center. For the benefit of family and graduates, Grad Images will photograph the seniors on stage as they receive their diplomas and again after they exit the stage. During the ceremony, the district will stream the graduation so that interested parents may make personal copies of the ceremony. Members of the audience are NOT permitted to leave their seats to photograph or videotape the graduates. Doors will be opened at 3:00 PM. All guests, including children, must show their tickets at the door. Seating is on a first-come basis, and saving seats for late arriving guests is not permitted. Handicapped seating is available for the guests restricted to wheelchairs and one companion. Handicapped and elderly guests, plus one additional person, may enter the building early. Ten minutes prior to the beginning of the ceremony, the expo center doors will close. After the procession of graduates has cleared the lobby, the front doors will reopen. To maintain the dignity of the ceremony, no air horns, noisemakers, balloons, or signs will be permitted in the building. These items will be confiscated at the doors with no guarantee of return. DIRECTIVES FOR GRADUATES on May 25, 2016 Graduating seniors must arrive by 2:30 PM and proceed immediately to their assigned seats in the western Expo building where they will remain until directed to exit by the accompanying faculty members. Upon arrival, graduates should be dressed appropriately. Girls may wear dresses or dress pants with dressy shoes. (Backless shoes may pose a danger when climbing the stairs to the stage.) Boys should wear dress shoes and socks, dark-colored dress slacks, and light-colored shirts with ties. No jeans, casual sandals, or tennis shoes are permitted. (Students wearing unacceptable attire will be removed from the graduation line.) Graduates may not carry personal items (keys, cell phones, etc.) since there is no secure storage area. Caps and gowns must be worn during the ceremony. Only school-approved cords and accessories may be worn with the gown. Caps should be free of decoration and each senior’s name should be written inside his/ her cap. A Balfour representative will be on hand to assist with any problems. Following the ceremony, seniors will return to the western building to collect their actual diplomas. Graduates must present their caps with their names written inside in order to receive their diplomas. Afterwards, they may meet their families outside of the Expo building. This formal activity brings closure to a successful high school experience. This will be an exciting time for all involved. Let us be courteous to one another so that everyone will depart filled with happiness and pride. Once again, please remember that adherence to all school rules is required in order to participate in senior activities, including the graduation ceremony. Should you have additional questions regarding senior activities or the graduation ceremony, please email Ms. Farris at marie-amalie.farris@palmbeachschools.org. You may also check the senior webpage, http:// wchsseniors.weebly.com. Mrs. Heller may be reached for questions concerning obligations at 795-4901. We hope that the activities planned for the Class of 2016 will provide a source of pleasurable memories for graduates and parents alike. We look forward to experiencing this special event with you and your graduates. Sincerely, Mario Crocetti Principal Amalie Farris Senior Class Advisor Guidance Department News CLASS OF 2016 VALEDICTORIAN AND SALUTATORIAN CONGRATULATIONS TO: VALEDICTORIANS: DAVY YUE SALUTATORIAN: KELLY CUTHBERTSON Our entire school community congratulates Davy and Kelly on their outstanding accomplishments. BRIGHT FUTURES SCHOLARSHIP UPDATE At the completion of the seventh semester, many seniors were identified as eligible for one of the Bright Futures Scholarships. Students must apply for the scholarship at www.Floridastudentfinancialaid.org/ssfad/ bf. Students and parents are also encouraged to submit an error free FAFSA. Seniors planning to improve their GPA or test scores for the Bright Futures scholarship have until June to complete the requirements. COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS All of the Bright Futures Scholarships require documentation of community service. Academic Scholar - 100 hours, Medallion Scholar - 75 hours, Gold Seal - 30 hours. Community service log forms are available in the Guidance Office. Completed forms must be submitted to the Guidance Office for documentation on the student’s transcript. In addition, many community clubs and organizations sponsor scholarships emphasizing community service. All students are encouraged to participate in community service activities throughout their four years in high school. COMMUNITY SERVICE REQUIREMENTS Students must have 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. Seniors must have earned at least 20 hours of service to participate in the graduation ceremony in May. Community service opportunities are posted in the Guidance Office. All students must complete the 20 hour requirement in order to receive a parking pass in the 2016/2017 school year. FINANCIAL AID FOR COLLEGE Parents are encouraged to submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the processing agency as soon as possible. The FAFSA is required for federal financial aid consideration. FAFSA applications are available online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. SCHOLARSHIP BULLETIN Seniors are encouraged to check the Scholarship Bulletin posted in the Guidance Office and on Edline. If you would like to apply for specific scholarships on the list, please complete the scholarship application request form available in the Guidance Office. A list of additional scholarships is available on the school district website at www.palmbeachschools.org. Click on the student or parent section and scholarships can be found under “helpful links.” SAT, ACT, PERT: Juniors should take the SAT and/or ACT during the spring of this year. Seniors who need to improve their scores for the Bright Futures Scholarship should consider retesting. SAT – apply on-line at www.sat.collegeboard.org. ACT – apply online at www.actstudent.org. Seniors who have not obtained the test scores for college readiness are encouraged to take the PERT at Palm Beach State College. Students planning to participate in the dual enrollment program at Palm Beach State College or FAU must have the required test scores on either the ACT, SAT, or PERT. DUAL ENROLLMENT & EARLY ADMISSION AT PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE Requirements: Complete 9th grade, have a minimum 3.0 GPA (3.2 GPA for early admit), have “college ready” test scores in English, math, and reading on the ACT, SAT, or PERT. Students must attend a mandatory Palm Beach State Information/Advising Session prior to enrolling in courses. Students must submit an application to Palm Beach State College and then go online with their Panther ID Web number and make a reservation for a session. You cannot attend without this reservation. Likewise, you cannot become a Dual Enrollment or Early Admit student without proper paperwork from the guidance counselor. COLLEGE READY TEST SCORES Course requires higher test score. There could be additional courses. Reading English Math MAC 1105 ( College Algebra) SAT 440 ------440 450 ACT 19 17 19 20 PERT 106 103 (Writing) 114 123 • Apply online at www.palmbeachstate.edu/AdmissionsApplications.xml • Once you have received your “Conditions of Admissions” letter by email, follow the instructions to log in to your Panther Web account and to activate your college email account. • Sign up for a mandatory session. Log on to your Panther Web account. Click on “College Events/DE Information/Advising Sessions” to register. • Meet with your guidance counselor to complete the Dual Enrollment Permission and Registration Form. SUMMER PROGRAMS Many colleges and universities throughout the United States offer high school students the opportunity to take summer courses on their campuses for enrichment purposes. Please note that credit earned in an accredited post-secondary school, not a part of the dual-enrollment program, will not be included in HPA calculations. Prior approval from the principal is required for all summer college programs. The guidance office has a file of summer opportunities. FLORIDA SHINES Students and parents are encouraged to visit the state website https://www. floridashines.org for detailed information on career, college and vocational school planning. ATTENTION SENIORS – FINAL COLLEGE TRANSCRIPTS Counselors will distribute Final College Transcript Request Forms during senior checkout. Although graduation is scheduled for May 25th, final transcripts indicating graduation from high school will not be available from the district until mid-June. Seniors will also be required to complete a senior survey at that time. Seniors should be assured that as soon as final transcripts are available in June, they will be forwarded to the college or university designated on the completed Final College Transcript Request Form. COURSE SELECTION FORMS All students should have their course selection sheets turned in by this time. It is imperative that students turn this in so that the school can foresee the number of courses and teachers we will be required to hire for next school year. Slight changes can be made in the students’ schedules until the end of the school year. Remember that schedule changes at the beginning of the school year are only permitted within the first ten days of the new school year. Huntington 2016 AICE/AP Exam Dates Exam Date April 22 April 25 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 24 May 26 May 27 May 31 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 9 Exam Exam Length AS Art & Design 9704/01 All Day AS Art & Design 9704/01 All Day AS Marine 9693/01 1.30 AS Marine 9693/02 1.15 A Level Marine 9693/03 1.30 A Level Marine 9693/04 1.15 AP Chemistry 3.15 AP Environmental Science 3.00 AP Psychology 2.00 AS General Paper 8004/11 2.0 AP Spanish Language 3.03 AS English Language 9093/11 2.15 AP Calculus AB 3.15 AS History 9389/31 1.0 AS Thinking Skills 9694/11 1.45 AP US History 3.15 AP Studio Art PM AP Biology 3.0 AP Music Theory 2.40 AS Spanish Lang. 8685/21 1.45 AS Psychology 9698/11 1.3 AP US Government 2.25 AS Thinking Skills 9694/21 1.45 AS Literature 9695/31 2.0 AS History 9389/21 1.3 AS Spanish Language 1.3 AP Macroeconomics 2.10 AS English Language 9093/21 2.0 AP World History 3.05 AS Business 9609/11 1.15 AS Global Perspectives 9239/11 1.3 AP Statistics 3.0 AS Geography 9696/11 3.0 AS Business 9609/21 1.3 AS Sociology 9699/11 1.3 A Thinking Skills 9694/31 2.0 AS Psychology 9698/21 1.3 AP Statistics Make-up test 3.0 A Level Thinking Sk. 9694/41 1.3 AS Media Studies 9607/02 2.0 A Level History 9389/31 1.0 AS Environmental Man. 8291/11 1.3 AS Environmental Man. 8291/21 1.0 AS Literature 9695/41 2.0 AS Sociology 9699/21 1.3 A Level Literature 9695/51 2.0 AS Travel & Tourism 9395/11 2.3 A Level History 9389/41 1.3 A Level Literature 9695/61 2.0 Report Time 7:30 7:30 12:45 12:45 12:45 12:45 7:45 7:45 11:45 7:30 7:45 7:30 7:45 11:30 12:50 7:45 11:45 7:45 7:45 12:45 7:30 7:45 12:45 7:30 12:45 12:45 11:45 7:30 7:45 12:45 12:45 11:45 7:30 12:45 12:45 12:45 7:30 7:45 12:45 11:30 12:45 12:45 12:45 8:30 12:45 8:30 10:30 11:30 8:30 2016 Second Semester Exams Dates: Friday, May 27 May 27 - June 2, 2016 Times: PERIOD 1 (7:30 – 8:35) PERIOD 2 (8:41 – 9:46) PERIOD 3 (9:52 – 10:57) PERIOD 4 (11:03 – 12:13)* LUNCH (12:13 – 12:58) PERIOD 5 EXAM (1:04 – 2:50) Tuesday, May 31 *includes 5 minutes for announcements. PERIOD 1 EXAM (7:30 – 9:12) PERIOD 2 EXAM (9:22 – 11:00) Lunch: 11:00 – 11:25 Buses board at 11:30 Wednesday, PERIOD 3 EXAM (7:30 – 9:12) June 1 PERIOD 4 EXAM (9:22 – 11:00) Thursday, June 2 Lunch: 11:00 – 11:25 Buses board at 11:30 PERIOD 6 EXAM (7:30 – 9:12) PERIOD 7 EXAM (9:22 – 11:00) Lunch: 11:00 – 11:25 Buses board at 11:30 Miss Debbie by Arlene Einhorn No longer will we see your face, As we walk around this empty place; Your voice will no longer fill our ears, All we have now is beautiful tears; Miss Debbie’s name will no longer be heard; But will be sung by a beautiful bird, Your kids will struggle everyday; And in the end will find their way, We’ll never forget the job that you’ve done; To try and help each and everyone. Positive Behavior We have implemented two programs at Wellington Community High School that promote positive behavior. One is the Wellington Way Award and the second is C h a r a c te r C o u n t s . T h e following students have been nominated for either the Wellington Way Award or Character Counts. WELLINGTON WAY AWARD Bennett Aikey Vanessa Correra-Ruiz Adina Henry Naidza Gaspard Jamie Hole Caramen McDaniel Brandon McGuire Julianna Perez Amanda Rodriguez Brandon Schloss Litz Simon Roger Wright Emma Yeackley CHARACTER COUNTS Angela Calicchio Joshua Doobraj Shira Hadar Megan Ihle Jacqueline Kline Tamual Kyles Arielle Loiseau Ludner Lucas Japhet Medor Ericson Nguyen Alejandro Oms Jonathan Philistin Martin Ramirez Catherine Rose Steve Ruiz Parent And Community Volunteers Thank you to EACH AND EVERY school volunteer for all you do to support the education and extracurricular activities at Wellington High. Please continue the sign-in/ sign-out procedure in the front office. Volunteer hours help Wellington High School to be recognized for the Five Star School Award and the Palm Beach County Gold and Silver Star Volunteer Award. At Wellington High School, we have a very active School Advisory Committee which meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Principal’s Conference Room in the Main Office. We cordially invite parents, students, and community members to join us. Your input, support and involvement are greatly appreciated in maintaining our standard of excellence as an ‘A’ rated school In Tune With Wellington’s Needs Florida Dance Performance Assessment and National Honor Society for Dance Arts Honors Concert The Wellington High School Dance Company participated in the Florida Dance Performance Assessment on February 6, 2016 and received superior ratings in Ensemble Performance for their piece, “The Winner Is,” choreographed by Jennifer Simmers and in Modern Dance. The National Honor Society for Dance Arts members performed their piece, “Dream,” in the NHSDA Honors Concert. Dancers had the opportunity to participate in master classes and a mock college audition. Dance Department Concerts Dance Company Concert April 28 and 29, 2016 WCHS Theater 7:00 PM Dance Company Auditions/Fine Arts Academy for Dance May 10, 2016 Dance Studio, room 6-104 3:00-5:00 PM Student Dance Concert May 12, 2016 WCHS Theater 7:00 PM Debate Team Three members of the Wellington Debate Team will be representing the @RedDawnDebaters in Salt Lake City this June at the 2016 National Speech & Debate Association National Championship. The Public Forum Debate team of Caramen McDaniel & Connor Yeackley went undefeated and earned the top seed and a return trip to the NSDA national championship. They will be joined by Victor Sanchez, who placed second in the Florida Oceanfront NSDA District’s Congressional Senate. Sanchez is also first alternate in United States Extemporaneous Speaking, Representing Wellington at the and Zachary Jacobson is first alternate in Informative Speaking. 2016 National Speech & Debate Eight additional debaters will be in Sacramento over Association National Championship Memorial Day Weekend at the 2016 National Catholic in Salt Lake City are Victor Sanchez Forensic League “Grand National” championship tournament: in Congressional Debate (Senate) Tinquisha Shaw in Oral Interpretation, Bennett Aikey in and the Public Forum Debate team Congressional Debate, both Eileen Wheelen and Jacobson in of Caramen McDaniel & Connor Dramatic Performance, and the Public Forum Debate teams Yeackley. of Sara Casey & Julie Cesta and Brandon Schloss & Chris Slaughter. In addition, Amaris Fairchild is 1st Alternate in Oral Interpretation. Sanchez also qualified in Congressional Debate, but chose to relinquish his opportunity so that Aikey, who was 1st Alternate, could go in his place. Meanwhile, Wellington Debate had 11 competitors at the Florida Forensic League state debate championship in Orlando March 4-5. In Public Forum Debate, McDaniel & Yeackley placed ninth overall debating whether the United States should remove its military presence from Okinawa. McDanile was 8th best overall speaker, while Yeackley was 16th. The PFD team of Schloss & Slaughter finished 27th in the state. The Group Interpretation ensemble of David Gold, Antoinette Gray, The Wellington Debate crew heading Gillian Kruisland, Casey Mangini, and Gabby Vivas placed 8th to Sacramento this Memorial Day overall with their competitive acting performance of “Physically weekend for the 2016 National Impossible,” while the novice freshman Duo Interpretation team Catholic Forensic League “Grand of Kristina Davis & Scarlet Jasperson finished 21st in the state National” championship tournament. with their performance of “How to Survive a Horror Movie.” The Florida Forensic League also honored Wellington Principal Mario Crocetti at the state championship as “State Administrator of the Year,” for his continued proactive support and endorsement of debate and the forensic arts as both an academic and extracurricular activity. Wellington Debate is coached by Paul Gaba. You can follow the program and its successes on Twitter (@RedDawnDebaters) or through its Facebook page (www.facebook.com/wellingtondebate) for more information. HonorRoll List 9TH GRADE HONOR ROLL *DENOTES ALL A’S ABARCA, ALYSSA ACEVEDO, LISA AJITH, RHYAN *BALCOMB, EMILY BARTLEY, DEANNA BEBERGAL, RACHEL *BEHARRY, TRISHA *BERGERON, CATHERINE *BESHAY, GIOVANNA *BOLLETER, TYLER BOYD, DANIELLE BOYER, RYAN BRICKETTO, MORGAN BRINKMANN, ISABELLA *BURCHILL, ERIC BURR, AIDAN *BURROUGHS, SYDNEY BUTLER, ALEXIS *CAMARGO, LAURA *CAMPANALE, CATHERINE CANDALES, MELISSA *CANNON, MARLEY CANO, NATALIA CASTELLUCCI, CATHELENE CAZORLA, JOSHUA CELESTIN, ILEANA *COHEN, DANIELLE COLLINS, HANNAH COLUCCI, EVA COMSTOCK, ASHLEY CONLIN, CHRISTOPHER COOMBS, CARLY COTTER, GRACE COURY, DAVID *COZAD, ASHLEY CREAN, MADELEINE CREWS, FAITH CRISTEA, BIANCA *CROSBY, RHETT CROSBY, WYATT CRUZ, BRYAN DAVIS, KRISTINA *DEBONO, ANDREW DEGRACIA, RICARDO DOWLER, NICHOLAS DROST, SHAELYN DUBOCQ, ALEXIA EGGENS, GABRIELA ESPINAL, JONATHAN *FERNANDEZ, TERESA FYFE, TAYLOR GALLARDAY, KENNETH GAY, MADISON GHETTIE, SYDNIE GILLETTE, HAYLEY GLASS, CONNOR *GONZALEZ, MELISSA GRAHAM, CORY GRECO, MICHAEL GUEST, CHRISTIAN *GULKIS, KATHERINE HART, COOPER *HAUSMANN, HANNAH HAYNES, HUNTER *HERMAN, FRANCESCA HERNANDEZ, ALEJANDRO HIDER, CLAYTON HILL, JESSICA HOOGENBOOM, KAYLA HULL, MADELINE IMAMURA, ADAM IZQUIERDO, ANGELIQUE *JEAN-FRANCOIS, NNANDI JEAN-LOUIS, KELSIE *JOHN, RHEA KELLY, MICHAYLA *KING, KEYTON KINNEY, KANDICE KIRKPATRICK, LILY *KLOPMAN, HALI KNUDSEN, EKATERINA KRATENSTEIN, ADAM KROPP, HOSANNA LABORDE, BRITNEY LACOSTA, FRANCESCA LEAL VILLEDA, AYLIN LEDERER, VALERIE LEE, CAITLIN LEVITT, DYLAN LEVY, TABATHA LIBERTA, TYLER LOISEAU, ARIELLE MAHOOD, DESTINY MANCUSI, ANTHONY MANN, JEREMY MARCUS, TALIA MATOS, NOAH MCDEVITT, KAYLEE MCFARLANE, ELIAHNA *MEVE, RILEY MEYER BERTHEAU, SARAH MILES, KALENA MONTELLA, GIANNA MONTES DE OCA, KEVIN MOORE, ADDISON MORA, STEPHANIE MOYA, CAMILLA MUEHLBERGER, KYLE MUIR, AMANDA MUNOZ, ANGEL MURNAGHAN, CATHERINE *NAVIA, LUCIA *NEWSOME, KYLE NOVACK, BLAKE OREZI, DINAH ORTISI, ANNA PAMATMAT, ERICA PERSAD, AMRIT PETERSON, TAYLOR *POIRIER, TAYLOR POMARICO, REBECCA QUILLEN, SIANA RAJIMON, ROBIN RAMOS, NELSON *RAYMUNDO, OLIVIA RENE, ALLY REYES, SIERRA *RICH, JOSEPH RIVERA, CATARINA RIVERO, ALEXANDER *ROBINSON, LAUREN ROCA, CARLYN *ROCCATAGLIATA, JOANNA RODRIGUEZ PEREZ, EMELY ROMANO, EMMA ROSE, CAROLINE ROTT, EMILIE RUIZ, MARISSA RUSSACK, LAUREN SABATINO, FELICITY SAENZ MARTINEZ, ANDREA SAMUELS, MYLES SANGOYOMI, OMOTOLANI *SANITA, DYLAN *SANTOS, BRIANNA SARACHE, JAVIER SCHMIDT, KATELYN *SCHUBE, JORDANA *SEAWRIGHT, HENRY SEYMOUR, JOSHUA SHANE, DYLAN SIGURDSEN, DAN *SIMON, HUNTER SIRUCEK, DOMINIC *SKIVINGTON, GAGE SLAVIN, MASON SMITH, ALEXANDER SMITH, JAZMINE SMITH, JONAH SONYE, KEEGAN *SPENCE, KIMBERLY ST JUSTE, RAFAELA STEINBERG, MAXWELL STOWELL, ANA SUCHEDINA, AMIN TIZOL, ANGELO *TOBIN, RICHARD TOLER, JASON TOLMAN, KATIE TORREGROSA, ALEXANDRA TOVAR, VALENTINA TRAVIS, BARRETT *UPSHAW, SOPHIA VALENCIA, NATALIE VENTURA, RYAN VICK, OLIVIA VIDAL, PATRICK VILARINO, LESLIE VITALE, SIERRA WEINSTEIN, KORINA WENDT, EVE WOOLWINE, GARRETT *WORTMAN, JULIA YOOL-SANDOVAL, DIEGO *ZAIDSPINER, NOAH ZUMPONE, FRANK 10th GRADE HONOR ROLL *DENOTES ALL A’S ACUNA, JOSE ADAMS, IZABEL ADKINS, TYLER AIKEY, BENNETT ALFARO, ALBERTO ALLY, CONNOR ANDRADE, VERANIA ANDRINGA, LIONA *ANSCHUETZ, KAYLA ARGUELLES, NICOLE AUGER, LAURYN BAEZ, SKYLEEN BARLETTA, AGOSTINO BARNHART, ALEXANDER BEAN, SAMANTHA BEATTY, ZACKARY BENONY, AUDREY BLANCA, GIULIANA BLOOM, MADISYN BOBADILLA, ARIANNIE BODNER, HALLIE BODNER, JORDYN BORDEAUX, LAUREN *BOUDREAU, BRENDAN BOWSER, ASHLEE BRODEUR, RYAN BROWN, HALEY *BROWN, MAXIMILIAN *BROWN, ROBERT BROWNER, JESSICA *BUZZANCA, OLIVIA CABRERA, GABRIELA *CARAVELLO, NICHOLAS *CARTER, ASHLEE CASTELLAR, JAN CASTILLO, ELIZABETH CESTA, JULIE *COURY, SOPHIA COURY, VIENNA DANIEL, TONY DAVILA, JULIAN DAVIS, PAIGE DEBOSE, CAMRYN DEERING, BROOKE DEERING, TAYLOR DELGADO, DANIEL DELL’AQUILA, ELENA DELTOR, SEBASTIAN DELUCA, MIA DEUSCHLE, ELIZABETH DIAZ, DAVID *DIMAPILIS, DAVID *DUNN, AYDEN DUNNAM, CONNER EAMES, OLIVIA ENFIELD, RYAN ESTES, KAYLA ESTRADA, ASHLEY FALLMANN, MADISON FARRELL, LAWRENCE FELICIANO, SOFIA FERGUSON, ASHLEY FLEURIMONT, BENJAMIN FRITZ, KOHLMAN FUNK, TAYLOR GAGNON, RYAN GARZA, STEPHANIE GATES, ALEXANDRA GECK, MORGAN *GEORGIEVSKI, LILY *GRAHAM, JACK GRANADO, CLAUDIA *GUERRA, ALEXANDRA *GUTMAN, KEVIN HAGAN, SKYLER *HAMPLE, CATHLEEN *HAYES, VICTORIA HELD, SAMANTHA HEMPFLING, ALEXANDRA HENDERSON, LILIJANA HERNANDEZ, BRANDON HERROD, JACKSON HESSLER, MAGGY HOANG, BRITTANY HOLLISTER, JETT HOLMBERG, HANNAH HULL, LAUREN JACKSON, JANNARD JAEGER, JOHN *JEAN-MICHEL, SOPHIE JOHNSON, SIERRA *KERR, KAYLA KHANNA, AMAL KLEINO, COURTNEY *KUCHTA, KELSI KURIT, SAMANTHA *LABRA, KEVIN LAUNDRIE, MADISON LAWRENCE, JAYNAH LEWIS, TREVON *LEZOTTE, MADELINE LUNA, KATHERINE *MACALUSO, ALYSSA *MACMAHON, ALANA MANCINI, LAUREN *MARADIAGA-CONNOR, ALEJANDRA *MARTIN, COLE MARTON, ANTHONY MASTA, CLAIRE MENDEZ, KARLA *MERISIER, ELIE *MOUBARAK, JAMIE MUNSTERTEIGER, KAYLA NASTO, GABRIELLA *NEWMAN, JOCELYN *NGUYEN, ALINA NICHO, MCKENZIE *NORMAN, AARON *NUNEZ, ADRIAN OKKASHE, HANA ORTISI, ALYSSA OWEN, LANEKA *PATEL, DHRUVIN PEDEN, NICOLE *PEREZ, ADDALEE PEREZ, DANIELA PETROVICH, RYAN PHILISTIN, JONATHAN PINCUS, JACOB PITTMAN, ETHAN POPPER, KENDALL PORTU, TIFFANY POWERS, COLE QUINTANA, JASMINE RAMOS, EDUARDO *REED, CORTLAND REHR, ALEXANDRA *REID, THOMAS *REYES, RACHEL *RIVAS-CHAVEZ, ANA RIVAS-CHAVEZ, MARILENE *ROCHMAN, JESSICA RODRIGUEZ, SAMANTHA *ROGALSKY, JAKE ROMERO, AUGUSTINA ROSEN, JOSHUA RUEHRMUND, JESSICA SAAVEDRA, SEBASTIAN SABER, ERIC SABER, LUCAS SALAZAR, CRISTIAN SCHNARS, RYAN *SCHUSTER, SUSANNAH SEMCO, GAVIN SHAHID, MARY ANN SHAW, TINQUISHA SHI, ZIXIONG *SIELI, GINA SILVA, MARIA *SISKIND, SAMANTHA *SMITH, DWIGHT SOSA, SOPHIA *SOTO, CHRYSTINA SOTO, DYLAN SPATZ, EAVEN SPAZIANI, CAMRYN STEPHENS, DEVEREAUX STOKES, LIAM *SULLIVAN, SAMANTHA TAI, BRANDON THOMAS, GRACEY *THOMPSON, MELINA TRIVINO, SEBASTIAN TROTTA, COSIMO *TURPIN, ANGEL ULLOA, JULIANA VALDEZ-MUNOZ, KENNY VALLECILLO, DIEGO WALKER, TYLER WASHINGTON, KELSEY WESOLOWSKI, KAYLEE WIENER, JACKSON WILDERMUTH, LAURA WILEY, WHITNEY WILSON, JONATHAN WOLF, TREVOR ZOLLO, OLIVIA *ZUCKER, WILLIAM 11th GRADE HONOR ROLL *DENOTES ALL A’S *ABREGO, ANGELICA ALVAREZ, LAUREN ANTHONY, THOMAS AQUA, ADAM ARENA, JULIA AREVALO, SEBASTIAN BAPTISTE, AARON BARNARD, JACK BARRIOS, ZACHARY *BAUZA MARTIN, NYDEEN BEHARRY, AMRITA BERMEO, DOMENICA *BLOOD, JOEL *BLOOD, JOSHUA BORRIELLO, MICHAEL BOSWELL, WYATT BRAM, RENEE BROCCOLI, BRIELLE BRUNELAS, ANGELO BRYANT, ERIN CABRERA-ALONZO, EDWIN CARDONA, JESSICA *CARROLL, CHRISTINA *CHEN-YOUNG, SAGE CLEIN, DANIEL COCHRANE, SHELBY *COLON-FLORES, SHANELA COZAD, GRACE CRAWFORD, LILY D’AMICO, KASSIDY *DEEGAN, SHAYE DEJEAN, KATELYN DELAURA, JESSICA DELBENE, GABRIELLE DENTON, DARYL DIAZ, IVONNE DIFIORE, TYLER DILL, LINDA EPSTEIN, CAYLA EPSTEIN, HUNTER ETTEN, TYLER *FINK, DEMI FOTI, NANCY FRANK, ALYSSA GABRIEL, JESSICA GARCIA, STEPHANIE GAVIRIA, KIARA GILLESEN, ODA *GIRALDO, CHRISTIAN GIRGIS, IMMANUEL GOLDFARB, SETH GOLDHABER, GORDON GOMEZ, GARRETT *GONZALEZ, REBECCA GOODSTEIN, JORDAN GRADY, BRANDON GRAHAM, MASON GREEN, MARA *GROPPER, ADAM GUERRERO, KEVIN *HALL, VICTORIA HARLAND, SHANE HERNANDEZ, ANA HERNANDEZ, JENNIFER HEWITT, LEEANN HOILETT, JAHWANY JAMES, MICHAELEVANS *JARAMILLO, DANIELA JEAN, BORINA-JO *KAISER, DAVID KAZAR, KIMBERLY KEISER, SOPHIE KLEINMAN, BRYCE KOOS, TAYLOR KRAEMER, NICOLE KUCHCIAK, ASHLEY LARROTA, ANDRES LASKO, MOLLY LEE, WILLIAM *LENZI, TREVOR LESTIDO, ESTEBAN *LINNUS, COLE LIPMAN, HANNAH LOMBARDO, BRODY LOPEZ, ALEXANDRA *LUCK, KAITLYN LYON, CASSIDY MACGIBBON, KALYN MANGINI, CASEY MARAVANKIN, MAXIMILIANO MARTINEZ, JONATHAN MAY, JACOB MCCLAIN, LATARAIN *MCDANIEL, CARAMEN MCENTEE, BRIANA *MEVE, SYDNEY MICHAELS, JESSICA MOORE, ASHLEIGH *MORRISSETTE, JORDAN MOSHE, DREW *MUCINO, BROOKE NAVARRETE, JHONA NEGRON, TRISTIAN *NORTON, CAMILLE *OLIVERA, MILAGROS OWENS, HAIDYN *PEARSON, OLIVIA PEART, MIGUEL PEDONE, ROXANNE PEREZ, MICHAEL PERGOLA, JAKE *PETERSON, CONNER PETERSON, ZION PHELAN, KEELY PUGA, AGUSTIN QUASHIE, AYANNA QUINTANA, ELIZABETH RABENSTEIN, LEIGH *REID, ERIC REUTHER, JONAH REXHEPI, ALBIONA RHODES, BRENDON *RHODES, MICHAEL ROBERTS, CALLIE *ROBINSON, TATIONA *RODRIGUEZ, HELEN ROSCIGNO, RYDER ROSELLI, SOFIA ROSEN, EVE *SANCHEZ, HANNAH SANTARPIA, ANTHONY SARRO, PATRICK SCARLETT, JANELLE SCARSELLI, BIANCA SCHILIRO, JULIANNE *SCHOEMIG, SKYLAR *SCHOENFELD, HANNAH SCHWEMMER, TAYLOR SHIREY, MEGAN *SIGMAN, ADAM SMITH, COLIN SMITH, DEAN *SOTOMAYOR, KAYLA STEINBERG, PARKER *STOBBS, TIFFANI *SUCHEDINA, SANA TECHERA, NICHOLAS THOMAS, IRIS *THUSS, DAVID TIZOL, LORENCIO TORRES, MARIA TORRES, NATALIA TORREYES, ALEXANDRA TOVAR, CRISTIAN TREANOR, JACOB VALDESCRUZ, OWEN VARGAS GALLARDO, LAURA VIGOA, JASON WALKER, BRITTON *WATEROUS, JENNA WATSON, MASON *WEINGART, SAMUEL WILLIAMS, DELICIA WILLIAMS, IAN WILLIAMS, MEGHAN 12th GRADE HONOR ROLL *DENOTES ALL A’S AGUIRRE, ALAN ALEXIS, DEBORAH ALICEA, KAITLYN *ATKINSON, CHRISTOPHER ATKINSON, NICKOLAS BARKSDALE, MEAGHAN *BARNES, BRITLYN *BATTELENE, DEANNA BENNETT, SIERRA *BENSHIMON, ARIEL BINIAMIN, CAREEN BLUM, MEGAN *BODGE, ZACHARY BOMAR, DANIELLE BOUZAS, SAMANTHA BROWN, LEXI BRUCE, ISABELLA *BUNTING, REBEKAH BURKE, HUNTER *CAMPANALE, VICTORIA CHARLES, NEFERTARI CHEN-YOUNG, JADE *CHOUDHRY, MAHIDA CHUNG, SERAI CLINE, CODY CONNER, JAMES CORDERO, LUCERO CORTES, SARA *COYLE, TIFFANY CRUZ, MAXIMINO *CUSELL, ALEXANDRA CUTHBERTSON, KELLY DALTON, BRYNN DANIEL, KAITLIN *DAWSON, MERCEDES DEMARS, MARGARET DUDMAN, JESSICA DUNKLEY, VICTORIA EPSTEIN, DYLLAN ERIE, MAURICE FELICIANO, PATRICIA FERN, JULIET FIELDEN, CALVARY FILEUS, BRITTANY FINERAN, JENNIFER FISCHER, CHEYENNE FISHER, DAVID FITZSIMMONS, GREGORY FLORES, ALEXA FORGIONE, GIANNI FORMANEK, RACHEL GOLDSTONE, ELI GOMEZ, NICOLAS GORMAN, SKYLAR GREENBERG, FELICIA *GROSSMAN, ZOE *GROVE, GABRIELLA GUMULA, SAMANTHA *GUYN, BRANDON HAMMACK, SHAE HAMPLE, SCHUYLER *HAUTER, DIANA HERROD, ASHLEY HIGGINS, DAVID HOLLINS, SPENCER HOLT, MIRANDA HUERTA, EMMANUEL HUGHES, CODY HUMIENNY, JACLYN HUNDLEY, CHRISTOPHER JAREMKO, AMBER JOSEPH, JESSICA KADIKKATTU, CIBIN *KAMEKA, STEPHEN KEREZMAN, COURTNEY KNOBLAUCH, ASHLEY KORZENIOWSKI, JULIA *KRAMER, KAITLYN KUSHAY, RYAN KWIATEK, AARON LABORDE, FRANCESCA LAGANA, CODY LAMOUR, ALEK LAVECCHIA, BRADLEY LEMONS, STEVEN LEYVA, MELISSA LOHR, KATHERINE LONGO, ISABELLE MANASSE, JOSSAEL MANDELL, MYA MANGINI, GENEVIEVE MARTIN, KARA *MARTINEZ, DAVID *MCCLIMANS, EMILY *MELTON, LAUREN MENTOR, CEDRICK MIKHAEL, MARIAM NEFF, JONATHON NTUKOGU, OFORDILI O’DRISCOLL, ALLISON OCHOA, LEYDY PACHTER, NICHOLAS PATSIAS, LAUREN *PAUL, HARRISON PAZMIN, VALENTINA PELUSO, LOGAN PEREIRA, KRISTINA PHAN, THIEN *PINCUS, RACHEL POWELL, MADALIN RASKIN, ARIEL RICHARDS, AHMMONRESHA ROBERTS, BRYCE *RODRIGUEZ, MARY ROGERS, LOGAN ROMERO, DIANA ROSE, SAMANTHA SANCHEZ, VICTOR SATTANNO, SARAH SCHEBECE, SAMANTHA SCHWINGHAMMER, KATIA *SCOTTI, LEAH SEGURA, PAULA SHANE, ZACHARY SILVER, JACOB SIMON, LITZ *SMITH, ERIKA SMITH, JANAE *SOLORZANO, STEFANY SOMERS, TYLER SORENSEN, JESSICA SORIERO, BRIANNA STARK, RYAN THOMAS, BRADLEY THOMPSON, HALEY TOLER, LAUREN TORREGROSA, ISABELA TORRES, SAMANTHA TYSON, DOMINIQUE VALDESPINO, GISELLE *VAN WART, PAIGE VERGARA, DANICA *VILLEDA, MARYANN VOCATURO, JULIANN WAGNER, JACKSON WEBER, JACLYN WHITTEN, ELAYNA WIENGES, JOSIAH WILLIAMS, GEORGIA WORKMAN, SARAH *XUE, AMY *YUE, DAVY HonorRoll List Band The “Mighty Wolverine Sound” Band members have had an extremely busy and successful 3rd quarter, and look forward to presenting 2 spring concerts for the entire community during the 4th quarter. On Friday, April 15th, at 7:30PM, our Jazz Band will present its annual “Jazz Under the Stars” Spring Concert at the Wellington Amphitheater, 12100 Forest Hill Blvd, Wellington, FL 33414. The Wellington Landings Middle School Jazz Band will be joining our group in this performance. A bake sale will be held, and donations will be collected during the event to benefit the WHS Band’s scholarship programs, but admission is free. Then, on Tuesday May 3rd, at 7PM in the WHS Theater, our entire band program presents “Surround Sound 6.0,” a 360-degree concert experience. This concert features all genres of music – pop, rock, classical, jazz, etc. - much of it composed or arranged by WHS band members. This has become a highly anticipated annual event that all ages will enjoy. Again, admission is free and all are invited. On February 3rd-6th, 150 members of the Mighty Wolverine Sound Band performed in the District Solo/Ensemble Assessment. Our band members earned a record-setting total of 199 Superior medals! The following band students earned Superior ratings in Solo Performance: Freshmen Trisha Beharry, Catherine Bergeron, Ashley Clarke, Kristina Davis, Colin Geller, Hayley Gillette, Katie Gulkis, Grace Hoskens, Britney LaBorde, Aylin Leal-Villeda, and Jonah Smith; Sophomores Nicholas Caravello, Elizabeth Castillo, Lauren Dunkley, Eric Evans, Juliana Falta, Lexie Gates, Alana MacMahon, Hunter Markey, and Jesse Ruehrmund; Juniors Katelyn Beharry, Cameron Bennett, Mitch Gulkis, Sophie Keiser, Macrae Reilly, Hannah Schoenfeld, and Connor Yeackley; and Seniors Alex Cusell, Brendan Derrig, Kelly Gerboc, Christina Jansen, Eric Jansen, Evelyn Kassel, Steven Lemons, Jonathon Neff, Evan Sponder, and Bianca Valdivia. In addition, the following groups earned Superior ratings in Ensemble Performance: the Blue Woodwind Choir, the Silver Woodwind Choir, the Symphonic Band Brass Choir, an Oboe Duet, a Tuba Quartet, a Flute Duet, 2 Saxophone Duets, a Saxophone Trio, a Clarinet Trio, 2 Brass Quintets, a Mallet Duet, a Tuba Duet, a Trumpet Octet, a Brass Quartet, a Snare Drum Duet, a Trumpet Duet, 2 Percussion Choirs, a Trumpet Trio, and the WHS Majorettes. Congratulations also goes to the Wellington High School Jazz Band for earning Straight Superiors this year. 68 of these students qualified for the State Solo and Ensemble Assessment on March 29th in Cape Coral. Wellington High School Band’s Majorette Squad competed in the TwirlMania International Baton Twirling Competition, held at Disney’s Wide World of Sports in Orlando February 12-15. Our Majorettes won the Disney Parade Competition for the 5th year in a row, and also earned 1st place in Large Dance Twirl Team. The majorettes are now preparing for their remaining spring competitions. Finally, congratulations to the members of the Wellington High School Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble, who performed in the District High School Music Performance Assessments on March 8 and 9, and hosted the entire assessment in our Theater along with the Wolverine Band Boosters for the 7th straight year. Our Symphonic Band earned an overall Excellent rating with a Superior in Sightreading. Our Wind Ensemble earned straight Superior Ratings, with a total of 31 “A’s” and only 2 “B’s” out of 33 grades. Congratulations also to senior Evan Sponder, who earned a Superior rating in Student Conducting. To help support the Wellington High School Band, the Wolverine Band Boosters Association has a Corporate Sponsorship Program. Sponsorship recognition rewards are available for donations as low as $100. Donations of $300 and up include Sponsorship Banner display on the school fences, and donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. For more information and a sponsorship form, please visit our web site, www.whsband.com, or email sponsorship@whsband.com . The WHS Band members and staff sincerely thank the entire Wellington community for its continued support. EDUCATION IS A POWERFUL THING olverine Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Orlando, FL Permit No. 2346 Wellington Community High School 2101 Greenview Shores Blvd. Wellington, FL 33414 To Addressee or Current Resident FCCLA Heads to San Diego, CA in July!!! Congratulations to the Varsity Cheerleading Competition team on a record breaking season! Led by Coach Matt Mounts and local cheer coaches Stephanie Brodbeck and Robbie Gregory, the cheerleaders are 2015 FHSAA State Runner-Ups and Ranked 2nd in the Nation! Early in the season, the Varsity Cheerleading team earned several 1st place finishes in local competitions and advanced to the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) state competition. Although Coach Mounts was unable to attend, he was certainly there with them in spirit, face-timing them after they won 2nd place, a new school record, in the Class 2A Small Non-Tumbling Division. The following weekend, the team attended UCA Nationals competing against some of the best teams in the Nation. Hours after learning of the passing of their beloved Coach Mounts, the team rallied together and performed flawlessly in his honor to advance to semi-finals. The next day, with support from each other and other competing teams, they performed another flawless routine advancing to finals. For their final performance of the season, the team left it all on the floor and earned a school best of 2nd in the Nation! The small token hearts they wore with them was a reminder to each girl of Coach Mounts and his love for them. It was a season to remember with many life lessons mixed into cheerleading. They all know Coach Mounts is so proud of them and their resiliency to finish their season strong. Congratulations to team members: Bre Clemente, Alicia Lowenstein, Savannah Race, Monica Schell, Juliann Vocaturo, Jhona Navarrete, Olivia Buzzanca, Mia Deluca, Courtney Kleino, Mackenzie King, Emily Mozdierz, Jessica Pass, Kylie Stellway, Briana Vasquez, Jillian Kelly, Taylor Poirer and Ali Torregrosa. Also a special THANK YOU to Terry Roberto for jumping in last minute to support and travel with the team to States and Nationals. Academy Publishing School Newsletter Program™ • 800-644-3541 On Ma rch 4 th – 7 th the Wellington FCCLA group attended the FCCLA State Leadership conference in Orlando. Our students participated in 7 different completive events bring home 7 gold medals, and 5 silver medals. The individual results are: Chapter Service Project Portfolio (Sr. Division)- Lauren Thomas and Rebecca Millington and Michael Barnes 1st place Gold and qualified for Nationals!!! They designed and constructed red capes for the children at St. Mary’s Hospital to wear at their Annual Carnival Event. The capes had design features to allow the children with special medical needs to take them on and off easily. Chapter Service Project Portfolio (Occupational Division) – McKenzie Nicho and Morgan Geck - 1st place Gold and qualified Nationals!!! They organized a book drive for the children of Pahokee Elementary school and involved Wellington High School and the greater community. Chapter Service Project Display (Senior Division) – Ashlee Bowser and Emily Fonticiella earned a 3rd place Gold medal. They organized a drive for a woman’s shelter in Lake Worth. Life Event Planning (Junior Division) – Sahar Barzroudipour, earned a Silver medal. She planned a Sweet 16 Party. Fashion Construction (Occupational Division) – Elvanice Privilma – earned a silver Medal on the construction of a two piece pants outfit. Recycle and Redesign (Occupational Division) – Nathalie Diatezua earned a silver medal for her dress creation that features re-purposed drapes and sheets. Focus on Children (Occupational division) – Sheina Melo-Roca and Jessica McCarthy earned a Silver medal. Their project was centered on Self-esteem and preventing bulling and they partnered with The Boys and Girls Club of Wellington. This summer 5 students will be attending the FCCLA National Conference and Completive Events in San Diego, CA. Mrs. Matella, their Adviser, is looking forward to a successful week in California as we explore the sights of San Diego and bring home the Gold!!! A Season to Remember In Honor of Coach Mounts
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