

• Foreword
• History
• Mission and Vision
• Principles and Security Services
• TNP Organizational Structure
✔ Central Organization
✔ Provincial Organization (City Police Department)
• Law Enforcement Agencies in Turkey
• Ranks in TNP
• Number of Police Officers
✔ By Rank
✔ By Gender
✔ By Education
• Branches in TNP
• International Relations
✔ Security Cooperation Agreements
✔ Liaison Officers in Turkey
• TNP abroad
✔ Peacekeeping Missions
✔ TNP Representations
✔ TNP Deployment for International Organizations and Missions
✔ Others
• Training Activities in TNP
✔ Basic Police Trainings
- Police College
- Turkish National Police Academy
- Police Vocational Training Centers
- Police Vocational Schools of Higher Education
✔ In-Service Training
• International Trainings of TNP
✔ Personnel Studying Abroad
✔ Training Activities for Foreign Police Organizations
✔ Trainings of Foreign Police Officers in Turkey
• Training Academies and Courses Given by TNP in Turkey
✔ ‹SAK
• EU Affairs
• General Information
✔ Turkish Police Radio
✔ Community Policing
• Police Guest Houses
• Contact Us
General Director of Turkish National Police
Turkish National Police, with more than 240.000 members of staff, is
dedicated to serving the community by enhancing public safety through
cooperative interaction with public and other relevant organizations in
line with principles and reforms, within the framework of democratic,
secular and social state governed by the rule of law, abiding by human
rights and universal values.
We are responsible for protecting life and property, enforcing laws,
and taking all appropriate measures to combat crimes. In this respect,
preventing crimes before they occur by doing effective and efficient
community policing with the most professional and well-trained staff in
every city of Turkey.
Since the security problems such as terrorism and transnational
crimes are becoming global and worldwide cooperation is highly needed to overcome those challenges, Turkish National Police has signed
99 Security Cooperation Agreements up to now with 59 countries in
combating against crimes.
We are also determined to promote the peace of the world by the principle embedded in our leader Atatürk’s motto:‘‘Peace at home, Peace
in the World”, which could be considered as the basis of the foreign
policy of the Republic of Turkey. In this regard, we make contributions
to the United Nations or other international organizations such as EU,
OSCE, NATO, Temporary International Presence in the city of Hebron
(TIPH) and Turkish Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Afghanistan
both financially and by providing human resources.
In closing, we would like to state that it is our objective to prepare our
organization to serve the society better in the future than today with
more effective policing techniques on combating crime and constant
training including technological development and innovative ideas.
Republican Era and Afterwards
he Directorate General of Security was
established after 2 months of Turkish
Grand National Assembly was founded.
Police Task Discretionary Law (Law No:
2559), which was to be used for so many
years, was enacted in 1934. Security Affairs
Law (Law No: 3201) was adopted in 1937.
he Ottoman Empire established
a security organization called Police on
April 10, 1845 with the
enactment of Police Regulations.
Police Force Era (18461879)
This period started with the
foundation of Legitimate Police in order to unite the security forces. Afterwards,
Police regiments were organized firstly in Istanbul and then in the countryside.
Police Ministry Era (1879-1909)
Originally, Police Ministry was established to
provide security in Istanbul but it was expanded for the security of countryside in 1885.
Moreover, undercover police, police inspectorships and mounted police troops were established in 1898 and Marine Police was
started to serve in 1899. Police Ministry was
abolished after the II. Constitution was declared.
II. Constitutional Era (1909 -1923)
Instead of Police Ministry, General Directorate of Public Safety was established under
the Ministry of Interior with the Law of Istanbul Province and General Directorate of Security Organizations, which was issued on
July 22,1909.
After 1980, Directorate of Security Affairs
was known for a period of planned growth
and change. Several new departments were
established to meet different security needs
during this period. Along with the Central
Organization, the City Police departments
have reached new standards. City Police
Departments have been reorganized according to the size of the city,
crime statistics and
some other criteria.
OUR MISSION is to protect the fundamental rights
and freedom of individuals in line with Atatürk’s
principles and reforms, within the framework of democratic, secular and social state governed by the
rule of law, abiding by the rule of law, respect for
human rights and impartiality and under the light of
universal values; and contribute to the formation
and protection of an atmosphere that enables the
society to continue existing in peace and security.
OUR VISION is to be an organization deterring the
prospective perpetrators of order, peace and security, apprehending criminals promptly by providing
all necessary evidence, contributing to the formation of public security policies and to set a good
example as an organization with its happy personnel and human-centered quality services.
• Rule of Law,
• Human Rights,
• Democratic Policing,
• Public Safety and Security,
• Social Peace,
• Professionalism,
• Harmony Between Liberty & Security,
• Crime Prevention and Effective Policing,
• Community Policing Philosophy.
International Security Services of TNP
• Combating Cybercrime
• Counter Terrorism
• Combating Organized Crimes
• Counter Illegal Narcotics
• Training of Foreign Police Officers/Cadets
• Minimizing Transnational Crime
• Participating in Peacekeeping Operations
• Combating Crimes Against Public Order
• Combating Crimes Against Children
• Combating Intellectual Property Crime
• Traffic Services
• Criminal Police Services
• Asylum and Migration Services
TNP render
services under
the title of
Directorate of
Apart from the big cities, local branch offices and police centers work in provincial centers
within the police units rendering services under the public administration heads (governors
of provinces or district governors).
Turkey is an unitary state that every agency exists at
the national governmental level
Turkish National Police
Turkish Coast Guard
Gendarmerie General
General Directorate of
Customs Enforcement
The duty for ensuring public security and public
order is being carried out by Turkish National
Police, Gendarmerie General Command, Coast
Guard Command, under direct supervision of the
Ministry of Interior (MoI).
The police render services to nearly 50 million people in Turkey that has a population of more than 70
million people. This figure equals to %70 of the population.
Gendarmerie General Command is
responsible for the maintenance of safety
and public order as well as carrying out
the other duties assigned by laws and regulations, is an armed security and law
enforcement force, having military
In general, the duty and responsibility
area of the Gendarmerie is outside the
Police duty zone. These are the places
outside the municipal boundaries of the
provinces and districts and having no
police organizations. The Gendarmerie is
responsible for the performance of the
safety and public order in the above mentioned zones.
As a law enforcing armed force, Turkish
Coast Guard Command is responsible to
Ministry of Internal Affairs in terms of
assigned duties and operations along the
Turkish coastline, in its internal waters
such as the Marmara Sea, Istanbul and
Çanakkale Straits, seaports, bays, territorial waters, exclusive economic zones, and
all maritime areas that are under Turkish
sovereignty and control in accordance with
the national and international laws.
General Directorate of Customs
Enforcement provides service by
ensuring smooth and simple application of customs cross- border procedures in international trafficking of
goods, passenger and vehicle with an
effective and efficient control mechanism in compliance with the existing
government policies and by awareness
of the ongoing world economy trends
as well as towards all new technological challenges.
General Director
1st Degree Chief Superintendent
2nd Degree Chief Superintendent
3rd Degree Chief Superintendent
4th Degree Chief Superintendent
Chief Inspector
Deputy Inspector
Senior Chief Police Officer
Chief Police Officer
Police Officer
Security Cooperation Agreements
All over the world terrorism and security problems are getting higher. To get over these
problems global cooperation is needed.
Turkish National Police attaches great importance to international cooperation in combating crimes.
99 Security Cooperation Agreements
were signed with 59 countries.
Concerning reliable and quick cooperation; 62 liaison officers from 25 countries are deployed in Turkey.
Turkey and United Nations signed an agreement for
Turkey’s contribution to UN Peacekeeping Operations
on 14 June 2000.
Turkey is one of the major contributing countries to
UN Missions/Peacekeeping Operations.
Turkey supports the mission in accordance with the “Agreement between the European Union and
the Republic of Turkey establishing a framework for the participation of the Republic of Turkey in the
European Union crisis management operations” signed in June 2006.
85 Police Officers are working in EULEX Kosovo Mission.
Since the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords (1995), the EU has had a key supporting role in the
stabilization of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).
3 Police Officers are working in EUPM Bosnia-Herzegovina Mission.
TNP is providing close protection for ambassadors,
counsalates and other representatives of Turkey.
The TIPH is a civilian observer mission stationed in the city of Hebron. The mission was called
for by the Israeli and the Palestinian authorities in 1997, to support them in their efforts to
improve the situation in Hebron.
The mission works with a mandate which states that the TIPH is established to promote a
feeling of security to the Palestinians of Hebron and to help to promote stability in the city,
by their presence.
7 TNP officers are working in TIPH.
Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT), established in
Afghanistan at the end of 2002, is a civilian-military integrated organization designed to realize three objectives:
improve security, extend the reach of the Afghan
Government, and facilitate reconstruction in priority
Currently, 9 trainers and 1 coordinator are working in
Wardak PRT.
Police College was established with the aim of educating and training students for the
Police Academy, which trains top and mid-level senior Police Officers for TNP or for the
faculties and university colleges to get further education in the domains of study that
would be needed by the Police organization.
Students are selected into the College
according to the Secondary Education
Placement Points calculated when the
placement tests given by the Ministry of
Education are over and these students are
reported to the administration of the Police
First, an interview is held to get into the
Police College. Second, a physical education exam is needed to be passed.
Afterwards, a written examination is given.
Next, the successful candidates that have
passed the tests and exams to get into the
Police College are announced as principals
and reserves.
Turkish National Police
Academy (TNPA)
Faculty of Security Sciences
Institute of Security Sciences
Police Vocational Schools of
Higher Education
Research Centers
Faculty and Higher
Education Institutions
modern education and
training for the police in
Turkey both for national and
foreign national police cadets.
TNPA was restructured in 2001
with an aim to gaining academic
autonomy and university status.
TNPA is composed of the Faculty of
Security Sciences, the Institute of
Security Sciences, Police Vocational
Schools of Higher Education and the
Directorate of Research Centers. In
these departments, the Academy provides diploma for undergraduate and
postgraduate programs.
Turkish National Police Academy
(TNPA), one of long-established institutions of Turkey founded in 1937, has two
main tasks. TNPA’s first task is to train
police officers and police supervisors.
Second one is to conduct scientific
researches in the field of security.
TNPA, whose graduates become ranked
officials, serves as a university level training and education institution not only for
the Turkish National Police (TNP) but
also for the cooperating countries’
police institutions that have bilateral
agreements with TNPA.
Foreign Students in TNPA
TNPA Security Sciences Faculty has 1847 students, 307 of
which are guest students from 15 different countries around
the globe. TNPA has an international dimension with the resident students from different countries and cultures such as
Sudan, Ethiopia, Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Azerbaijan,
Kyrgyzstan, United Arab Emirates, Palestine, Jordan, and
Yemen. Between 1991-2011, there are 712 graduates from 18
different countries.
Erasmus programme is a European Union education and
training programme which aims to increase the quality of
higher education in Europe. For this purpose, the
Programme promotes the co-operations between higher
education institutions in Europe. The partnerships and
mobility activities are financially supported by the
Programme. TNPA also signed cooperation protocols with
17 educational institutions of 12 European countries within
the scope of the ERASMUS program of the European Union;
bilateral protocols with individual universities around the
world such as UK University of Portsmouth; and other bilateral protocols with state police training and education institutions like China, Russia, and South Korea. Therefore, the education and training at TNPA is enriching day by day.
Police Vocational Schools of Higher Education: Associate
degree (2 year) education is offered at 29 Police Vocational
Schools of Higher Education. Graduates of these schools
become police officers.
TNP In-Service Training Programs:
TNP has five different in-service training programs:
1) Job Development, 2) Self Development, 3) Job Specialization, 4) Promotion, 5) Internship.
1) Job Development Training Programmes provide up-to-date information about changes in
laws, rules and regulations related to policing and new methods and techniques for combating
crime to improve police officers knowledge and skills.
2) Self-Development Training Programmes aim to enhance personal knowledge and capabilities
of police officers. Foreign language courses and other self development courses are main self
development courses.
3) Job Specialization Training Programmes are given to provide specialized information to
police officers related to their task specialization in policing.
4) Promotion Training Programmes are arranged for personnel who are promoted to higher
rankings to provide necessary information related to their new position in the organization.
5) Internships are arranged for new staff in order to transform their theoretical knowledge into
practical knowledge.
88 members of the personnel of TNP are currently studying
abroad. These staff members are doing their post-graduate
studies or attending Short Term Training Programmes and
some Special Courses as interns or lecturers.
TNP provides training programmes in Turkey and
in abroad for foreign police officers and cadets
from more than 55 countries.
TNP provides training programmes in 40 different
countries all over the world.
Some of the main training fields are as follows;
• Information Technologies and Communication
• Training and Trainers Development
• Aviation
• Intelligence
• Crime Scene Investigation and Criminalistic
• Organised Crimes
• Special Skills in Policing
• Modern Approaches in Policing
• Defense Techniques, Weaponary Knowledge and
Operational Shooting
• Criminal Investigations
• Advanced and Safe Driving and Traffic
• Counter Terrorism
• Mass Demonstrations and Crowd Control
• VIP Protection
• Protection of Important Facilities
• Management
Afghan National Police Training Program (Turkey Sivas Police Vocational High School)
On 05.02.2010, Afghanistan Minister of
Interior demanded for training ANP(Afghan
National Police) personnel in Basic Police
Training in our country. Afghan and NTMA(NATO Training Mission Afghanistan) officials visited several police training schools
in Turkey and finally the police training
campus in the city of Sivas, in the middle of
Turkey with the population of 300.000, was
chosen for the Project.
Afghan National Police Cadets will have
been trained at Sivas Police Vocational
School in Turkey for 6 months. This project
is sponsored by Turkey, Japan(JICA) and
NATO. Graduates will work as a mid and
upper level police managers in Afghan
National Police Organization all over the
Afghanistan. 492 Afghan students started
the 6-month training on 15 July 2011 and
according to the MOU(Memorandum of
Understanding) the program will continue
on the basis of consent of Islamic Republic
of Afghanistan and Republic of Turkey. The
MOU was signed on March 5th between
Turkey and Afghanistan. The MOU was
approved by the Turkish Parliament and
went into effect on 11 May 2011 after being
published in the Official Gazette.
The training programme is implemented in
Dari Language, the most common language
in Afghanistan, through interpreters.
Additionally, the course notes prepared by
the Training Department of the Turkish
National Police are translated into Dari language.
The training program has modular system
in 16 different areas. These are;
• Police Defense Tactics
• Introduction to firearms and basic shooting training
• Basic capabilities of special operation
• Basic training of riot force (tactics for
Intervening the Social Disturbances)
• Human Rights and Police Ethics
• Communication Skills
• Guard and Prevention
• Narcotics and Organized Crime
• Stopping and Controlling the Vehicles
• Leadership and Management
• Policing in Multi-Cultural Societies and
Community Policing
• Combating Terrorism
• Criminal Investigations and Professional
• Crime Scene Investigation and Evidence
• Controlling the Traffic and Accident
• First Aid Implementation.
The training program has 4 modules which
are given during the term.
• Physical Training
• Judo training by Japan Trainers
• Basic Police Skills
• Behavioral Pattern and Massed
Also Principles and Dominant Rules of
Afghanistan trainings are given by the
Afghan trainers.
Having strong belief in international cooperation, Turkey has supported every initiative
aimed at combating drug trafficking at the international level. In line with this understanding, the Turkish International Academy against Drugs and Organized Crime
(TADOC) was established in Ankara on June 26, 2000 under the Department of AntiSmuggling and Organized Crime and within the framework of Turkey-UNODC collaboration to provide training in the field of combating drugs and organized crime.
With its experienced trainers, international subject experts, state of the art facilities
and equipments, and the training programs developed according to the needs of the
region, TADOC provides distinguished training not only to the personnel of the national law enforcement agencies, but also to the law enforcement personnel of the countries that Turkey signed bilateral cooperation agreements and treaties with. UNODC
refers to TADOC as a “Center of Excellence” and presents our Computer Based
Training System (CBT) as “best practices” to the rest of the world.
TADOC is a significant contributor of the training projects organized within agencies
and multinational organizations such as the UNODC, the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), British
Serious Organized Crime Agency (SOCA), Interpol and NATO-Russia Council (NRC).
Since its establishment, trainees from over 80 countries have participated at TADOC
fixed and mobile training programs. Annually an average of 750 international participants benefits from TADOC basic and expertise trainings, in which the ratio of theory
and practice is monitored. 15 compact training courses are available at TADOC for
international participants which last one or two weeks.
The electronic infrastructure of TADOC is designed digitally, and has the ability to forward vision and sound to any point via the internet. Video-conference system situated
in the Academy to implement the technique of ‘distance training’ makes it possible to
hold trans-national/trans-provincial training and seminar programs. TADOC also has
a completely digital simultaneous translation facility, computer labs, Car and Body
Search Platform, Operational ‘Skills-House’ and a Simulation-based Interactive
Shooting Area.
SASEM has started its operations
as a training center named as
“Criminal Technique Training and
Research Department” under the
Department of Public Order on
August 18, 1998. To fight changing
and evolving types of crime and to
train specialized personnel in the
responsibility of Public Order
Department, SASEM was reorganized and began to serve with the
name of Crime Research and
Investigation Training Center on
April 11, 2002.
SASEM uses modern and scientific
methods and serves technical information to train qualified personnel
who believe in the rule of law and
human rights and take the advantage of their experiences to fight
against developing and changing
types of crime through the provision of citizen satisfaction and community support. Thus, our trained
personnel can create an efficient,
progressive policing model in the
contemporary national and international field.
The Intelligence Academy (‹SAK), founded in 1951, is the
training unit of the Department of Intelligence. It offers
both in-service and international trainings. Since 1997, it
has been organizing international training programs.
As of 2011, more than 1900 members of foreign law
enforcement intelligence agencies in 31 countries have
participated in ‹SAK’s international certificate programs
including but not limited to courses titled;
• Homeland Security Intelligence,
• Surveillance on Foot and by Vehicle,
• Intelligence Role Against Terrorism,
• Organized Crime Intelligence,
• Recruitment of Human Sources,
• Technical and Electronical Intelligence,
• Intelligent Case Officer.
To implement national and international training activities, the Academy has modern facilities including modern classrooms, a conference room with simultaneous
interpreting service, computer and technical classes,
VIP salons, meeting rooms, a guest house of 100 persons capacity, a library with access to international catalogs, indoor sport pitches, fitness centers, and saunas.
With these programs, ‹SAK aims at;
• building trust and confidence among law enforcement
intelligence agencies from different countries,
• better fighting against transnational terrorism and
organized crime,
• creating awareness of different points of view in intelligence activities,
• contributing to a common language among police
intelligence officers,
• providing a platform to discuss issues affecting countries and share information with one another,
• contributing to regional and global human security and
public peace.
In addition to its training activities, ‹SAK has published
more than 100 books on intelligence and terrorism by
evaluating its operational experiences and using scientific methods.
Finally, the participants of ‹SAK’s programs not only get
trained in classrooms but also find opportunity to visit
the most beautiful historical and touristic attractions in
Turkish cities such as Istanbul, Ankara, and Antalya during the programs.
Turkish National Police has a specialist knowledge
and experience of terrorism, against which Turkey
has been fighting for many years.
Attacks of several terrorist organizations have been
foiled by the trained personnel of counter-terrorism
units. In this sense, basic trainings and advanced trainings under 18 different titles such as interview and investigation, operational shooting tactics, (audio) surveillance
for counter-terrorism police and briefings for the other
state institutions are held by Counter-Terrorism Department
of Turkish National Police.
In order to share its specialist knowledge and experience and
wishing to contribute global counter-terrorism efforts, Turkish
National Police has held international trainings on the subjects of
investigation and interview, de-radicalization, crisis management,
getting digital evidence, public relations and operational shooting
tactics in Turkey and abroad.
Counter-Terrorism Department has a key role in the body of Turkish
National Police with its long experience and trainings. TEMAK
(Counter-Terrorism Academy) has been established to improve this
role and to organize counter-terrorism trainings more systematically and professionally.
TEMAK has aimed to minimize terrorist acts in Turkey and all
over the world, to develop vocational qualifications of counterterrorism police and to adopt fighting methods respective to
human rights and freedoms.
KATEM (Department of Criminal Research and
Technical Investigations), under the Department of
Criminal Police Laboratories, provides training in
forensic and crime scene investigation.
KATEM delivers basic and specialized courses about
crime scene investigation, analyzing evidence, and
other forensic topics for national and international law
enforcement bodies.
While national courses are arranged for police officers, international courses are given to foreign police
organizations according to bilateral training agreements between Turkey and other countries. KATEM
also arranges training activities for international
organizations such as Organization for Security and
Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and Turkish
Cooperation and Development Administration (T‹KA).
KATEM is a training unit that gives training to solve
crime by using evidence-based approach and continues to deliver modern and contemporary training at
national and international level with continuous selfrenewal, effective training methods and aims to educate staff who believe in the rule of law, respect
human rights and possess necessary technical knowledge and experience.
The Dog Training Center (KEM) was established
in 1997 through the contribution of United Nations
Drug Control Program (UNODC) and the Turkish
Police Foundation. KEM continues to work in
Turkish National Police Anti-Smuggling and
Organized Crime Department. Since it was established, over 1500 dogs and their handlers have been
trained at KEM.
Training has not been limited only to police service
dogs used by the TNP and their handlers, but has also
been given nationwide to the security units in the
Gendarmerie General Command, the Turkish Air
Forces Command, the General Directorate of Customs
Enforcement, TÜBITAK, the Fire Authority of Ankara
Metropolitan Municipality, General Directorate of Civil
Defense and internationally to the security units of the
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Palestine, Algeria,
Montenegro, Belarus, Macedonia, Iraq, Jordan and
Turkmenistan with which security and training cooperation
contracts were signed.
At KEM, basic training is given in the areas of;
• Narcotics Search
• Explosives Search
• Arms - Ammunition Search
• Human Scent Identification
• Search and Rescue (S.A.R.)
• Cadaver Search
• Banknote Search
• Special Operation
• Public Order Patrol
• Tea and Tobacco Search
Turkish National Police (TNP) aims to establish an International Police Training Center
(IPTC) that professionally provides modern in-service training for both national and
international police forces. IPTC will also serve as a research and development center to
enhance our knowledge in policing and security.
Target groups of IPTC are members of TNP, other public officials, members of law
enforcement officers from abroad. Thus, Turkey will enhance not only its police forces´
crime fighting capacity, but also contribute to the security of our world by providing professional police training for police forces from other countries.
The construction process of IPTC began in 2011 and will be completed in 2014. It is estimated that the cost of IPTC will be 100 Million Euros. When we consider Turkey’s peaceful foreign policy in the world and especially in its close neighborhood, IPTC will serve as
a focal point to provide police training for national and international police forces.
• Turkish International Academy against
Drugs and Organized Crime (TADOC)
• Intelligence Academy
• Peacekeeping Academy
• Counterterrorism Academy
• Crime Investigation Academy
• Crime Prevention Strategies Academy
• Forensic Science Academy
• Cybercrime and High Tech Crime
Investigation Academy
• Leadership and Management Academy
• Traffic Management and Safety Academy
• Public Security and Crowd Control Academy
• VIP Protection Academy
• Bomb Disposal and Investigation Academy
• Shooting and Tactical Training Academy
• Continuous Training Academy
• Distance Education and E-Learning Center
• TNP will have an international police training
center that has professional training standards.
• TNP will provide professional in-service training to increase crime fighting capacity and democratic policing awareness of its members.
• IPTC will contribute to the security of our world
by providing professional police training for
police forces from other countries.
• By establishing IPTC, there will be an opportunity for sharing experiences and best practices in
policing with other countries police forces.
• IPTC will be a training center to develop a global perspective in the field of policing.
• TNP will also enhance its training collaboration
with international organizations such as UN,
INTERPOL, OSCE, and EU to arrange security
training programs in the IPTC.
• IPTC will be a state of the art training center
that serves 3000 people per day.
TUB‹M is Turkish National Focal Point for European Monitoring Centre for Drug and Drug
Addiction (EMCDDA). It is also the centre which monitors drug problem in every dimension,
develops and supervises National Drug Strategy and Action Plan, and ensures national coordination in this field.
TUB‹M operates under umbrella of Ministry of Interior – Turkish National Police. Since 2002 it
is affiliated to Department of Anti-smuggling and Organised Crime Department which is the
most powerful body on combating drug supply and crime.
Creation of Focal Point to EMCDDA goes back to 2000 when Turkey applied to the EU
Commission to join EMCDDA in line with the Turkey-EU harmonisation process.
Upon the recommendation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and authorisation of Prime
Ministry dated 16.05.2002, KOM Directorate under the Security General Directorate became the
EMCDDA National Focal Point for Turkey and TUB‹M carries out already this task on behalf of
National Tasks
a. Ensuring national coordination in line with National Strategy and Action Plan (“National Drug
Coordination Board” founded under TUB‹M includes 40 agencies/institutions working in the
field of fight against drugs (fight against supply, law enforcement, prevention, treatment and
rehabilitation. The board convenes 3 times a year under the presidency of TUB‹M.)
b. Convening Scientific Board in line with the National Action Plan and conducting the presidency of this board (“TUB‹M Scientific Board provides recommendations on fighting against
drug with 11 academics from 7 different universities on the fields of psychiatry, public health,
forensic medicine, criminology, social services, etc.)
c. Writing National Drug Report Annually (Data related to the fight against drug is collected
from relevant agencies annually and “National Drug Report” is written. This report is submitted to EMCDDA.)
d. Writing National Strategy Document and supervising it (National Strategy Document covering 2006-2012 is in effect.)
e. Writing National Action Plan in line with the National Strategy and supervising it (National
Action Plan for 2007-2009 is over now and has been evaluated. National Action plan for 20102012 has been written with contributions from relevant agencies and is now submitted for signature.)
f. As is due according to the National Action Plan, it monitors the work done by Provincial
Boards on Fighting Against Drugs (Supervising Provincial Action Plans written by Provincial
Boards under Governors’ Offices)
g. Monitoring the work of TUB‹M Provincial Focal Points and providing them guidance (Demand
reduction conferences are organised at schools upon the request of the Provincial Directorate
of National Education.)
h. Ensuring active functioning of National Early Warning System (Monitoring new psychoactive
substances within Early Warning System, conducting risk assessment for Turkey and initiating
processes for legally limiting these substances.)
International Tasks
a. Acting as the National Focal Point of Turkey for EMCDDA.
b. Collecting, submitting and sharing any drug related data to EMCDDA and United Nations
Office for Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) ever year regularly on behalf of Turkey.
c. Writing National Drug Report annually and sharing it with EMCDDA.
d. Carrying out its functions in line with EMCDDA monitoring fields.
Prevalence among Young people and
General Population (This working group is
working towards conducting the Drug
Prevalence in General Population Survey
in Turkey in 2011. This survey will be the
first of its kind in Turkey)
Problem Drug Use Indicator,
Drug Related Deaths and Death Rates
Treatment Demand Indicator,
Drug Supply and law enforcement,
Early Warning System Working Group
(EWS), new trends-substances
Exchange on Drug Demand Reduction
Activity (EDDRA) Working Group.
TUB‹M conducts surveys and researches
wherever needed.
TUB‹M is the national reference point for
drug monitoring and cooperation.
TNP has been contributing to 14 from 35
total chapters including the Political
Criterias in negotiation process within its
These chapters are as follows:
1. Intellectual Property Law
2. Free Movement of Capital
3. Information Society and Media
4. Customs Union
5. Transport Policy
6. Trans-European Networks
7. Freedom of Movement for Workers
8. Judiciary and Fundamental Rights
9. Foreign ,Security and Defense Policy
10. Financial Control
11. Justice, Freedom and Security
12. Right of Establishment and Freedom
to Provide Services
13. Free Movement of Goods
14. Financial Services
Technical & Financial Cooperation
A total of 35 EU projects (covering twinning, supply and investment component)
were prepared as part of the EU
Financial Cooperation Programming.
• 16 EU projects have been completed up
to now,
• 8 EU projects are still being carried
• Preparation phase for the contracts of
11 EU projects is still going on.
13 EU projects under the responsibility
of other institutions are implemented by
Turkish National Police.
PolNet (Police Computer Network and Information System) is the infra-structure of computer technology and information system of Turkish National Police (TNP).
Turkish Police network connects over 3000 locations each other, which constitute 81 city
police departments, 100 border gates and some other small units.
The PolNet is a comprehensive store of information; providing a secure on-line aid to
criminal investigation. Using modern technology, it enables police officers in the field to
access national information via a police network. The Department contributes to the
detection of vehicle theft offenders through the Vehicles Database, and of criminals
through the Criminal Records Database. It also houses important data about Terrorists,
Organized Crime Groups etc.
• PolNet is a modern information system with a software through which the police can
reach data faster, safer and easier.
• PolNet, which is a high-performance, economical and measurable system open to novelties with its big capacity, has been developed to cover all needs of the police.
• PolNet is a system that allows authorized staff to search any information related
crimes and criminals on all national computer databases.
The benefits are;
• Provision of a single telecommunication infrastructure among the Headquarters and
City Police Departments of our organization to ensure RELIABLE, SECURE and RAPID
• Provision of every kind of information among the Headquarters, All City Police
Departments, Border gates (Air, Land, Sea and Railway), towns and Police Centers.
• Consistency
• Scalability
• Enables collaborative working
• Cost effective.
City Security Management System (MOBESE) is
an informatics system which provides beneficial
and effective results by processing image, video
and location data. These results also collaborate
with PolNet (Police Information System and
Network) applications thus yielding to increased
public safety.
The main goals of the project;
• Improving effectiveness of struggling with
crimes and criminals
• Strengthening coordination and communication
among police forces
• Monitoring the police activities
• Accessing any necessary information from anywhere and in a little while.
City Security Management System (MOBESE)
Project has been implemented to all (81) cities
and largely populated districts.
Turkish Police Radio was established
in 1952. Police officers and civilian
staff work in Turkish National Police
The Radio aims to improve relations
between police and public and to prevent traffic accidents and crimes.
Turkish National Police has 62 contact
radio stations in 49 city police departments and 13 district police departments.
The Radio can be listened all around
the world via internet ( or satellite broadcasting
(Türksat 3A).
In Turkey, Community Policing Bureaus were
initially established in the police departments
in 10 cities in 2006 as part of a pilot project.
After the successful implementation, community policing was gradually disseminated at the
country level. Since 2009, community policing
has been put into practice in the police area of
responsibility in all 81 cities of Turkey.
In order to harmonize the services and applications throughout the country, the Regulation for
General Directorate of Security, Community
Policing Services is enacted and a Handbook for
Community Policing Service Standards and
Applications is prepared and published. The officers
working for community policing bureaus are dressed
in a distinctive type of uniforms.
With the implementation of community policing;
increasing the trust in police, elevating the support
and contribution of the public for the security services,
reducing crime rates and the fear of crime, adopting
the prevention oriented policing practices, providing
holistic approach in crime prevention, determining
the security strategies according to the demands of
the public is aimed.
It has been observed that the successful applications of community policing is resulted with the
higher interest and support for community policing among the public, the increased public security services appreciation, the improved perception of police, the higher reports to the police
before and after the crime, and the reduced
crime rates.
The membership of Turkish National Police was
permitted by the cabinet decree dated 10.04.1994
and numbered 5965 in the framework of the law on
creating organizations of international nature numbered 3335. And “the Statue of Turkish Presidency
of International Police Association (IPA)” was ratified by the Approval -dated 17.04.1998- of the
Ministry of Interior. And the official membership to
the International Headquarters of the IPA Turkish
Presidency was approved in the 16th IPA World
Congress that was held on 8-14 May 2000. As the
IPA Turkey, current number of our members is
around 20.000. Although it is quite a new organization, it is the 5th in the world in terms of the number
of members.
The International Association of Police Academies (INTERPA) Establishment Meeting and
the Protocol Signing Ceremony” was held in Istanbul Dolmabahçe Palace on July 2nd, 2011
under the initiatives of Turkish National Police Academy with the participation of 25 police
training institutions from 23 different countries. OSCE, Serbia and Palestine attended the
meeting as observers. The President of Turkish National Police Academy, Prof. Dr. Zühtü
ARSLAN was elected unanimously as the first president of the INTERPA, by the General
INTERPA was established in order to share experiences and knowledge, and to inquire
common problems in the field of police training among the countries all around the world
especially with those that have students in the Turkish National Police Academy.
Dedicated to undertake important roles for the future of police training and scientific studies in policing, the secretarial services of INTERPA will be undertaken by the Turkish
National Police Academy.
• To raise the cooperation in
the field of police education among member police education institutions by sharing the
best practices and research in policing and police education field.
• To conduct exchange programs (for the police administrators, faculty members, trainers
and police cadets). To exchange experience and to learn from each others’ best practices.
• To increase the managerial capacities of the senior police directors by means of joint programs.
The Police Guest Houses are institution of Turkish
National Police. Every provinces of the Turkey has a
guest house.
These Police Guest Houses are providing for training, social activities, accommodation and other
police activities.
All members of Turkish National Police can take
advantage of these facilities.
Turkish National Police
International Relations Department
Tel : + 90 312 412 31 10-12
Faks: + 90 312 466 90 22
Address: Ayrancı Mah. Dikmen Cad. No:11 Çankaya-ANKARA
S Blok Kat 9-10 06100 TÜRKIYE