November 23, 2008 – The Feast of Christ the King
November 23, 2008 – The Feast of Christ the King
Live + Jesus October 9, 2016 - Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Mother of Consolation Parish 160 Years of Ministry in Chestnut Hill 1855-2015 Parish Mission Statement Nourished by the Word and Eucharist, we, the members of Our Mother of Consolation Parish, strive to create a vital, welcoming The Jubilee Catholic faith community that embraces each person. Acknowledging Year of Mercy our blessings and supporting one another, we humbly serve the needs of God’s people and work to be the presence of Christ in our world. Our parish Community extends a warm welcome to all our guests and visitors. If you would like to register as a member of our parish community, please contact the parish office. Mass Schedule Monday - Friday Saturday Daily Saturday Vigil Sunday 7:00 AM 8:00 AM 4:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Gluten-Free Hosts available in the Sacristy. Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday: 8:30 - 9:00 AM & 3:30 - 4:00 PM Private Prayer The Chapel, located in the Oblate Residence, is open during the week from 6:00AM to 6:00PM for prayer and devotion. First Friday Eucharistic Devotion Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place in the Chapel - 7:30AM to 6:00PM on the First Friday of the month (September to June). Stay Connected Do you receive parish emails & texts? If you would like to receive information and updates about parish events, please text OMC to 84576 or visit: BLESSED LOUIS BRISSON, OSFS Founder of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales & The Oblate Sisters of St. Francis de Sales FEAST DAY - October 12 9 E. Chestnut Hill Avenue • Philadelphia, PA 19118 • Twenty-Eighth 215-247-0430Sunday • in Ordinary Time - 044 - Lord Hear Our Prayer Announced Masses We Celebrate Baptisms this week … Monday, October 10 - Columbus Day We Pray for…… 7:00 AM: Bill McMonagle req by Private Request Those serving in our military, especially: Jack Tuesday, October 11 - St. John XXIII (pope) Anthony, Thomas F. Burke, John Dobbins, Eric Duckworth, Ronald E. Gabor, Jr., Christopher Gaiters, Tim Gallagher, Clint Hajek, Thomas Howe, Stephen R. Irwin, Christian Kostis, Alexander S. Martin, Jack R. Martin, Edward T. McCann, Brendan McCormick, Anthony Palombi, Billy Roust, Ryan Sullivan, John Vogelbacker 7:00 AM: Charlie McClafferty req by John Gilligan Wednesday, October 12– Blessed Louis Brisson, OSFS 7:00 AM: Tom Reynolds req by Joanna Casper Thursday, October 13 Those who have died, especially: Elena Candido 7:00 AM: William Mullen req by Margaret Mary Elliott Those who are sick and homebound, especially: Mary Helen Adler, Stephanie Anderson, Gloria Antinucci, Katie Brennan, Rozanne Brickley, Joanne Brown, Hilary Bruce, Eileen Cawley, Megan Conboy, Winston ChinAhin, Georgette Cook, Hugh Cregan, Don Daddario, Philip & Mary D’Amico, Carol Davis, David Delowery, Frances Delli Carpini, Rosemarie Dietz, Mario Diliberty, Ann and Tom Dougherty, Keefe Ellis, Joan Gain, Terry Gibbons, Bill Gregg, Agnes Grossman, Shane Guano, Bronwyn Hansen, Helen Henry, Ed Hooven, Charles Joyner, Marian Joyner, Sheila Kendall, Marie King, William King, Dale Kinley, Tim Kitchen, John Lang, Baby Novalee Lang, Bobby Langdon, Jr., Gerry Laskowski, Ruth Longo, Jennifer Leaming Lyons, Mary MacFarland, James Mazzone, Robert McAuliffe, Molly McClure, George McCombe, John McDermott, Jimmy McGillian, Vera Morangello, Robyn Muldrow, Kevin O’Brien, Theresa Nocero, Darryl Palmer, Ken Patrick, Dominic Pironti, John Paul Pironti, William Patrick Pironti, Sr. Marie Poland ASC, Richard Porth, Gene Reilly, Michael Reinking, Robert Richey, III, Joseph Rizzo Jr., Joseph Rizzo Sr., Kiersten Reilly, Ernest Robinson, Rosemary Schoendorfer, Harold Shelly, Frances Shinn, David Sickles Sr., Matt Sokol, Bernedette Smith, Caroline Sweeney, Michael Sweeney, Chris Tama, Lt. Ryan Timoney, Alice Georgia Unsworth, Mary Violi, Anne Walsh, Patsy Walsh, Peggy Webber, Louise Willard, Darrin Wood, and those who care for them. Prayers for the Sick and Homebound If there is anyone you would like added or removed from our Sick & Homebound Listing, please call the Parish Office at 215-247-0430. Question of the Week Youth: What do I need to thank God for today? Adult: For what do I give thanks to God most often? Friday, October 14 - St. Callistus (pope & martyr) 7:00 AM: Catherine Coyle req by Bridge Gallagher Saturday, October 15 8:00 AM: Donna Cerino req by her Children - David & Diane 4:30 PM: William Villano req by Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hunter Sunday, October 16 - 29th Sunday in O.T. 7:30 AM: Dr. Walter Matteucci & Joanne Matteucci Cottee req by his Wife/her Mother 9:00 AM: Living & Deceased Member of OMC Parish req by OMC Parish Community 11:00 AM: Edward Devlin red by Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Dalicandro 6:00 PM: Cesira Costa req by Daughter & Grandaughter Stewardship of Treasure “Give to the Lord as he has given to you, generously, according to your means.” Sirach 35:12 October 2, 2016: $ 14,346 Weekly Budgeted: $12,500 Thanks for your support of our parish and our ministries. Your continued and consistent contributions to the parish are greatly appreciated. The Parish Finance Council invites you to consider online giving as a way of supporting the Sunday Collection throughout the year. For more information, please visit the parish web page and click on “Online Giving.” Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 044 - 2 A Thought from St. Francis de Sales “The only remedy against lying is to correct the lie as soon as we realize we have told it; so we must also repair our anger instantly by an act of meekness, because, as the saying goes, fresh wounds are the quickest to be healed.” The Week at a Glance Monday, October 10 7:30 PM: Thomas Merton Series (Parish Center) Tuesday, October 11 6:30 PM: Syrian Refugee Meeting (Parish Center) 7:00 PM: Women-Sharing (Parish Center) 7:00 PM: Safe Environment Training (Hall) Wednesday, October 12 9:00 AM: Safe Environment Training (Hall) 7:00 PM: Cub Scouts (Hall) Thursday, October 13 4:00 PM: DVD Religion Course (School) 7:30 PM: Adult Choir Rehearsal (Church) Friday, October 14 10:00 AM: Observation Morning for Parents (School) 7:00 PM: OMC Movie Night (Parish Center) Saturday, October 15 11:00 AM: CGS - Level II (Atrium) 12:00 PM: Rosary Rally (Front of Church) 4:30 PM: Baptism during Vigil Mass (Church) Sunday, October 16 9:00 AM: Sunday Story during Mass (Church) 10:00 AM: PREP Classes (School) Our Annual Mass of Remembrance Our Mass for OMC parishioners who have died during the past year will be celebrated on Saturday, November 5 4:30 pm Vigil Mass. As is our tradition, the families of the deceased will be invited to join the OMC community in remembering their loved ones. In addition, we will remember the family members and friends of all our parishioners who have died this past year. If you would like your loved one(s) to be remembered at this Mass, please call the parish office (215-247-0430). It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead. (2 Maccabees 12:46) Bulletin Articles & Inserts Oct. 23 - articles & inserts due Oct. 9 October 30 - articles & inserts due Oct. 16 St. Vincent de Paul Society CLOTHING & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS COLLECTION SATURDAY, October 22nd SUNDAY, October 23rd OMC Society of St. Vincent de Paul is collecting USABLE clothing, shoes, and household items in good condition. Clothing should be on hangers or neatly stored in bags. Shoes should be bound together. ALL items must be clean, repaired, and in good condition. Receipts provided. Questions or for more information: Call 215-836-7924 or 215-242-3794. Stop by and share our Vincentian Spirit! Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 044 - 3 Respect Life Month at OMC Baby Bottle Campaign: Beginning this Weekend - October 8/9: For twenty-five years, Mothers’ Home has been a beacon of hope for homeless pregnant women. To provide housing for the homeless is itself a noble deed and a corporal work of mercy. We go beyond providing a safe place for our women to prepare for their birth of their babies. We provide training in pre-natal and postnatal care. We offer courses in relationship, nutrition, budgeting, and computers to prepare them for life after they leave Mothers’ Home. We also help them find housing and counsel them to meet their individual needs and goals. Most of our mothers return to our home after they give birth for about a three-month period to enable our mothers to bond with their child and find permanent housing. We have been able to continue our mission for over twenty years because of the generosity of people like you, and, I believe, the Holy Spirit. We have no endowment and must raise funds each year to meet our expenses. One of most significant sources of income is our Baby Bottle Program. I would like to ask you to take a bottle home with you and just put some spare change in the bottle. Please return the bottle with change on the weekend of October 29/30. It may not seem like much to do but I can assure you that it will help us continue to serve these women when they are most vulnerable. Last year, Our Mother of Consolation again donated approximately $4,000. We are most grateful for your support and the support of George Hohenleitner who coordinates the appeal at OMC! Women deserve better than abortion but we, as Christians, need to provide an alternative. We need to work to enable women to be life giving. Mothers’ Home helps women to help themselves and helps them to care for their babies. When you exit Church this weekend (October 8 & 9) and on the following two weekends in October (Respect Life Month), please take a bottle and help us help these women. Thank you! Donald Corcoran, Executive Director - Mothers’ Home, 51 N. MacDade Blvd., Darby, PA Rosary Rally - October 15 - 12 Noon In 1946, Father Petrus Pavlicek made a pilgrimage to a Marian shrine in Austria. There he heard a voice within himself say: “Do as I say and there will be peace.” After World War II, Austria was divided among the Allies with the Soviet Union awarded the richest region, including Vienna. The Austrians were subjected to all the atrocities of communist occupation. Naturally, they were most eager to be free again. Father Pavlicek obeyed Our Lady and founded the Holy Rosary Crusade of Reparation in 1947. The Crusade invited the faithful of Vienna to join in Public Square Rosary Walks through the city streets. They prayed for the end of communism in Austria. The walks began small, more like a trickle. But they grew steadily in size and frequency. They spread throughout the country and in 1955, the Soviet forces inexplicably pulled out of Austria. This year 12,000 Rosary Rallies will take place in America; ours will take place in front of Our Mother of Consolation Church at 12 noon on Saturday, October 15. Please plan to attend and, if possible, bring a family member or friend with you. For more information, please contact George Hohenleitner at 215247-3062 or 40 Days for LIFE - October 26 Join the world-wide movement to protect mothers and babies. With God’s help, 40 Days for Life has achieved proven results: 10,331 babies spared from abortion, 118 abortion worker conversions, and 609 closed abortion centers. Get involved and you can help save lives! September 23 through November 1 - Local churches will sign up parishioners for a Prayer Vigil each day from 7 AM until 7 PM at Planned Parenthood, 12th & Locust Streets, Phila., PA. OMC’s DAY IS OCTOBER 26 (WEDNESDAY). To schedule an hour to pray or for more information, contact George Hohenleitner 215-247-3062 or Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 044 - 4 OMC Ministry Fair - October 29/30, 2016 SHARE YOUR GIFTS AND LOVE OF GOD WITH OUR PARISH COMMUNITY! COME TO THE MINISTRY FAIR AND EXPERIENCE OUR PARISH FULLY ALIVE! WHY A “MINISTRY FAIR”? To invite you to participate in the life and work of our OMC Parish Community as outlined in our Mission Statement… “Nourished by the Word and Eucharist, we, the members of Our Mother of Consolation Parish, strive to create a vital, welcoming Catholic faith community that embraces each person. Acknowledging our blessings and supporting one another, we humbly serve the needs of God’s people and work to be the presence of Christ in our world.” WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? We live out our Baptismal call to be Disciples of Jesus on Mission when we love and serve one another as Jesus served. We are called to share our time and our unique talents with God’s people. Come to the fair to see the good works other parishioners are doing. There is at least one ministry for you! HOW DO WE SERVE ONE ANOTHER? We serve one another in so many ways…. A kind word to a young mother struggling with her children in Mass, sharing our faith with the little children going to Sunday Story, feeding the homeless, working to change unjust conditions for the poor and imprisoned, consoling those in a nursing home, organizing a parish or community-wide event…. HOW DO I LEARN MORE ABOUT THESE MINISTRIES BEFORE THE FAIR? Visit our Parish website at Also, look through our Parish Guide Book and Directory. Contact the Parish Office at 215-247-0430 if you would like more information and are unable to attend the Ministry Fair. Get connected, involved, and share your talents! Make new friends while helping others. Be a Disciple of Jesus fully alive with the Spirit! The Spirit is Calling!!! ~ Will You Serve??? Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 044 - 5 Parish Faith Formation Sr. Christine Konopelski, SSJ - Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation THIS WEEK! OMC Night at the Movies! Film Showing: Philomena Friday, October 14 ~ 7 PM in the Parish Center Join us for a screening of the 2014 film, Philomena (98 minutes) directed by Stephen Frears and starring British actors Judi Dench and Steve Coogan. Coogan, plays journalist Martin Sixsmith, author of a book about the real-life Philomena Lee’s search for her son, given up for adoption in the 1950’s. The film retells the story of Philomena’s experiences as a young unwed mother, sent by her family to the Sean Ross Abbey in Roscrea, Ireland, where she joined other young women who worked for their keep and whose children were put up for adoption, many by American couples. This skillfully produced film has authentic moments of grief, humor, and inspiration. Discussion will follow with handouts and refreshments provided. Limited Seating. Pre-Registration required by Monday, October 10. Contact Sister Christine at or 215-247-0430. Ministers' Morning of Renewal Saturday, October 22, 9:00 to 11:00 AM (Church) Presenter: Fr. Joseph DiMauro, OSFS 8 AM Mass (Parish Mass - optional) ~ 8:30 AM (Refreshments in Hall) If you volunteer for a Parish Ministry or "desire" to volunteer... this Morning of Renewal is for you! We will welcome Fr. Joseph DiMauro, OSFS, as our presenter and facilitator. Fr. DiMauro is currently the parochial vicar at Christ the King Church, Haddonfield, NJ. Fr. DiMauro has been involved in education on many levels including serving as principal at Father Judge High School in Philadelphia. He has also served as rector of the Oblate College Formation Program at Brisson Seminary and as a team coordinating and training priest for Worldwide Marriage Encounter. Father’s experience, spiritual insights, prayerfulness, and pastoral ministry will help lead us into this morning of grace, insight, and rest in the Lord! Through input, prayer, reflection, and discussion, Fr. DiMauro will help us understand our deeper baptismal call to discipleship in and through the ministries we share within and outside our parish community. “Come apart with Jesus, rest and be renewed” for the ministry to which you have been called. Pre-registration requested. Contact Sister Christine at or 215-247-0430. This event is sponsored with the support of the Salesian Disciples. NEXT Spiritual Book Group ~Thursday, October 20 7:30 PM ~ Large Conference Room To be Discussed: Elijah in Jerusalem by Michael O’Brien Elijah in Jerusalem, the long-awaited sequel to the acclaimed, best-selling novel Father Elijah: An Apocalypse, the continuing story of the Catholic priest called to confront a powerful politician who could be the Antichrist foretold in the Bible. The now-Bishop Elijah, wanted for a murder he did not commit, tries again to meet the President. Accompanied by his fellow monk, Brother Enoch, he enters Jerusalem just as the President arrives in the holy city to inaugurate a new stage of his rise to world power. This time Elijah hopes to unmask him as a spiritual danger to mankind. As the story unfolds, people of various backgrounds meet the fugitive priest, and in the encounter their souls are revealed and tested. Elijah perseveres in his mission even when all seems lost. The dramatic climax is surprising, yet it underlines that God works all things to the good for those who love him. Come and bring a friend! All are welcome! Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 044 - 6 In these last two months of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, we are invited to review the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and deepen our commitment to live them with renewed enthusiasm. Today we continue our reflections with the Third and Fourth Corporal Works of Mercy. Practical Suggestions for Practicing the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy ---by Joe Paprocki, D.Min. (adapted) The Corporal Works of Mercy - The Corporal Works of Mercy are kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their everyday material and physical needs. 3) Clothe the Naked • go through drawers and closets and find good-condition clothes and shoes to donate to agencies that provide assistance for those in need; • support our St. Vincent de Paul Society Clothing Drive; • participate in programs that provide towels and linens for hospitals in distressed areas; • volunteer to work at a clothing drive or at a shelter where clothing is distributed to those in need. 4) Visit the Sick • spend quality time with those who are sick or homebound; • take the time to call, send a card or an e-mail to someone who is sick; • volunteer to drive patients to medical appointment and treatment facilities; • volunteer at a hospital; • assist those who are full-time caregivers for family members; • cook and deliver meals to the sick and homebound - support our Aid to Friends Ministry. Sunday Story Growing Pains! The Gift of Children in our OMC Community We are blessed as a parish community here at OMC with many young families and their children. Because of this, we provide our “Sunday Story” Ministry for our youngest parishioners in order to welcome them as baptized Catholics to join us at Mass AND to hear a message from Scripture that they can understand. However, we are experiencing some “growing pains.” The number of young children is exceeding the space we have available. Therefore, beginning with October, we will offer Sunday Story in the following three age groups: Pre-K 3, Pre-K 4, and Kindergarten (behind the GREEN banner), Grade 1 (behind the WHITE banner), and Grade 2 on the side aisle. Since children in Grades 3 & 4 have already received the Eucharist, we ask that they remain in the main Church and “grow into” full participation in the Liturgy of the Word. We recognize the gift children are to our parish community and welcome them in our Church. It is God who put the “giggle” in our children and Jesus who reminds us “Let the children come unto me!” Thank you for your support and understanding! Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 044 - 7 WE THIRST: LESSONS IN MERCY A Course on Addiction Awareness within Our Society These evenings of reflection are designed for all members of our community including the afflicted and their families and friends, counselors, nurses, ministers, deacons, those in the criminal justice system, educators, and anyone who would like to learn more to become part of a solution. We will explore the epidemic of addiction in our society and our responsibility as followers of Christ in responding to those who are suffering — the outcasts, the sick, the oppressed. The presentations are designed to educate, inspire, foster hope and healing and reduce the stigma surrounding this affliction. Attendees will learn the basic biology, psychology, sociology, and spirituality of addiction within the context of our faith and our call as Christians to “be merciful, as our heavenly Father is merciful.” Presentations will include prayer, lectures, music, and videos designed to be spiritually moving and inspiring as well as educational. During his papacy, Saint John Paul II spoke of the crisis of addiction and the need for the Church to help, to spread hope, and to work against discrimination. It has been over fifteen years since the resulting document: Church: Drugs & Drug Addiction was published, and we are still not doing enough as a faith community. This Year of Mercy is a divine signal for us to begin Our Mother of Consolation Church Parish Hall 9 E. Chestnut Hill Avenue - Philadelphia, PA 19118 TUESDAY EVENINGS: October 18 October 25 November 8 November 15 7:00 PM to 9:00PM OMC To Register Call: 215-247-0430 or Email: christinessj@omcparish Presenter, Nina Marie Corona, MA, CRS, is a Pennsylvania Board Certified Recovery Specialist who received her certification in Alcohol & Drug Counseling from Villanova University (2014). Corona is a recent graduate of Loyola University’s master’s program in Spirituality, and she also studied graduate theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary and LaSalle University. Currently Nina teaches at Villanova College in the Drug and Alcohol Counseling Program. In addition, she is a member of NAADAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals, and was a recent panelist for the association’s webinar series on The Spirituality of Addiction. Nina is also a member of the Society for the Study of Christian Spirituality and the retreat team at the St. Francis Retreat Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 044 - 8 2015 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence Our Mother of Consolation Parish School ♦ Ms. Theresa Ponte - Principal Principal’s Corner - Food for Thought… Incense is made from frankincense, which is made from the sap of desert trees. When burnt, the sweet smell signifies something pleasing to God and the smoke symbolizes one’s prayers rising up to God. (Home and School Connection). UPDATE: We are still in need of help on Tuesday & Thursday afternoons (2:45-6:00 PM) with the CARES program. Interested applicants should send a resume to Mrs. Felicia Maisey (CARES coordinator) at We are also looking for an aide for our first grade. Hours would be Monday through Thursday 8:30AM-11:30AM and Friday 9AM-12PM. Interested applicants should contact Ms. Ponte at Come Visit OMC Parish School ! It’s not too early to start thinking of school for the 2017-18 school year! That’s right, OMC Parish School is already planning ahead, with six Observation Mornings scheduled. The first will take place on Friday, October 14 at 10AM. Meet our new Principal, take a Tour, and see our students in Action! Spaces for our Parish School are in demand as we limit our enrollment to provide the strong education for which we are known. Our Wait List currently extends into the 20192020 school year! Please contact Mrs. Sue Lasek at 215-247-1060 or to RSVP for our Observation Morning, or to ask about our Wait List and Admissions Process! Parent & Tot Playgroups Start THIS WEEK! Our popular Parent & Tot playgroup will gather TODAY Sunday, October 9 after the 9 AM Mass. This an opportunity for parents and our youngest parishioners to meet and build their OMC Family. These groups meet throughout the year on the first Thursday and Second Sunday of each month. Questions? Want to get on the email list? Contact Ashli Barbarito ( for the Sunday Group, and Diana Cosgrove (d for the Thursday Group. Support OMC Parish School through the United Way! In many organizations, the month of September begins the United Way Workplace Campaign. Participants are able to pledge a donation to an approved non-profit organization, and the donation is deducted before taxes from the participants’ paychecks. OMC Parish School participates as an approved non-profit in the Workplace Campaign. Our organization number is 51518. Please consider donating to OMC Parish School through this wonderful program. Your pre-tax donation could translate to only a few dollars a month for you, but it would mean everything to OMC Parish School! Questions? Contact Colleen Amuso at or 215-247-1060, or Your Workplace Campaign Administrator. Thank You, as always, for your support! Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 044 - 9 Our Mother of Consolation Parish Information 9 E. Chestnut Hill Ave. • Philadelphia, PA 19118 • 215-247-0430 • Fax 215-247-2506 Oblates of St. Francis de Sales Fr. Bob Bazzoli, OSFS - Pastor Fr. Robert Mulligan, OSFS - In Residence Fr. Mark Plaushin, OSFS - In Residence Parish Staff Mrs. Mary Cassidy - Director of Parish Services Mrs. Barbara Chandler - Choir Director Sr. Christine Konopelski, SSJ - Pastoral Associate Sr. Toni Longo, ASC - Director of Worship Deacon Joe Nines - Permanent Deacon Mrs. Sharon Violi - Bookkeeper/Tuition Officer Mr. Dave Vogelbacker - Business Manager Parish Pastoral Council: Susan Anthony, Mark Badstubner, Bob Bazzoli, OSFS, Jacob Bucko, Diana Cosgrove, Suzanne Danell, Isobel Grogan, Christine Konopelski, SSJ, Dana McAleer, Nancy McGettigan, Eleanor Peck, Sean Plover, Bill Rooney, Nancy Rue, Paul Sharkey, Eugenie St. John Sutton Parish Finance Council: Bob Bazzoli, OSFS, Justin Brennan, Walter Clayton, Suzanne Danella, Regina Forrence, James Griffith, Mike Jones, Maureen Malloy, Matt Mihalich Our Mother of Consolation Parish School 17 E. Chestnut Hill Ave • Philadelphia, PA 19118 215-247-1060 Fax 215-247-0590 Ms. Theresa Ponte - Principal Mrs. Colleen Amuso - Director of Advancement Mrs. Suzanne Lasek - Administrative Assistant Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Tuition/Business Hours Monday thru Thursday - 9:00 to 4:00 PM Accessibility Entrance – For those who are unable to use the front steps, a ramp is located to the left of the main entrance. Seating – Seating for those who have difficulty in walking is available in the front pew. Sound Amplification System An amplification system is available for those with a hearing impairment. Please contact the parish office to obtain an earpiece for your personal use. Gluten-Free Hosts – Please check in the Sacristy. Marriage – Please contact the parish office at least nine months prior to the wedding date you desire and before making any other arrangements. Baptism – Are you expecting a child? Parents participate in the preparation session prior to the Baptism, usually during pregnancy. Sessions will be conducted at the Parish Center (7 E. Chestnut Hill Avenue). For more information, contact the Parish Center. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) – The RCIA is the sacramental process by which a person seeks full initiation into the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Catholic, please contact the Parish Center. Ministry to the Sick & Homebound – Please help us to remain informed about parishioners who are hospitalized, homebound, or in a nursing facility. If you know of someone who wishes to celebrate the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please contact the Parish Center. Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - 044 - 10 JACOB F. RUTH FUNERAL DIRECTORS est. 1851 Family Owned and Operated Pre-Arrangements Available Cremation Services Joseph C. Thomas, Supervisor Joseph C. Thomas, Sr. (1924-2012) Parish Members 8413 Germantown Ave. • Chestnut Hill 215-247-9090 DENTAL ARTS OF CHESTNUT HILL, LLC 8625 Germantown Ave. 215-242-6630 AXEL RAMKE, D.M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D. GENERAL DENTISTRY — — Wyndmoor Plaza, Suite 1B • 805 E. Willow Grove Ave. • Wyndmoor, PA 19038 (215) 233-0557 The Oblates of St. Francis de Sales Pillars of Gentle Strength Private Art Lessons Total Portfolio Preparation 215-206-6701 Jay Mallon REALTOR® If you want to be a pillar of strength for others, consider a vocation as an Oblate Priest or Brother. To learn more about the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, please contact Fr. Tim McIntire, OSFS 610-282-1100 ext. 1393 Please pray for vocations. “My family’s parish for over 55 years.” Fox & Roach, Realtors® Cell: 215-450-1113 Office: 215-542-2200, x395 A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC Serving PA, NJ & DE 215-639-8500 Sunday, October 2, 2016 EIGHTH GRADE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAM Appliance Repair Washer • Dryer Oven • A/C Please visit our website at for information on scholarships, financial aid, and transportation. Ellen R. Brooks Art Studio Board Certified Internal Medicine Primary Care OPEN HOUSE Saturday, October 29, 2016 Student Portfolio Services Dr.Solo Frances Sirico-Kelly Practice/Personal Care No Service Charge With Repair Call 215-233-1459 SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: AAA APPLIANCE SERVICE OPEN HOUSE - OCT. 16 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. APPLICATION DEADLINE - NOV. 4 Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 ENTRANCE EXAM - NOV. 12/13 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 Philadelphia, PA 19131 Family Owned and Operated Since 1987 FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY rch Chu ber m s e M ount c Dis BASEMENT WATERPROOFING MOLD REMEDIATION FOUNDATION REPAIR 215-427-1727 044 Our Mother of Consolation-Philadelphia (i) • Save today through pre-planning • Convenient terms for all of your burial needs • Traditional in ground, mausoleum & cremation options available at most cemeteries John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166 • RYAN LANDSCAPING CRAFT Funeral Home of ERDENHEIM For All Your Landscaping Needs 215-247-5852 Family Dentistry DANIEL M. MELE, D.M.D. George Washington Memorial Park 40 W. Evergreen Ave. 2 Plots in Good Shepherd Garden Suite 111 Value $9,500. Family moved to Atlanta. Will consider any reasonable offer. In Chestnut Hill 215-242-9411 (770) 393-9500 FRANK MASTRONI Local Diocese Member ® ROOFING SIDING REMODELING Plumbing • Heating Cooling • Fuel Oil Healthy Home Comfort DWYER Family owned since 1875 David V. Peake, JR., Supvr. Janice H. Mannal, F.D. WALTER A. DWYER, INC. (215) 248-4300 814 Bethlehem Pk., Erdenheim, PA 19038 215-233-2231 Commodore Barry Club 6815 Emlen St., Phila., Pa 19119 Tom Walsh, Manager 215.843.8051 Available For Weddings & Private Parties Colleen Higgins 610-825-2828 Gary L Stevens, DDS David G. Parkes Co. FAMILY DENTISTRY Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning Erdenheim, PA 19038 215-260-4527 Mc BRIEN CONTRACTING • Roofing & Siding • Complete Carpentry Services • Additions & Remodeling • Storm Windows & Doors • Finished Basements Free • Replacement Windows • Porches & Decks Estimates • Gutters & Spouting FULLY INSURED All Work Overseen By Owner (215) 233-1150 Over 30 Years of Serving Montgomery County with Quality Home Improvements CHESTNUT HILL DENTAL Coupe Flowers, Inc. Robin F. Gallagher, DMD Glenn A. Familant, DDS Alexander B. Cauterucci, DMD 1030 E. Willow Grove Ave. Silverstone Wyndmoor, PA 19038 Bed & Breakfast Phone: 215-233-1700 Fax: 215-233-1730 Emergency: 215-964-0151 215-242-3333 TOP OF THE HILL Jacob R. Orozco, DMD, MS • Orthodontist Abbey S. Orozco, DMD • Pediatric Dentist (215) 220-3777 • 8705 Germantown Ave. SteveHarveyLawLLC Business, Employment, Civil Rights and Consumer Law Rachel Gallegos, parishioner 625 Bethlehem Pike 1880 John F. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 1715 Erdenheim, PA 19038 Philadelphia, PA 19103 (215) 836-7330 office 215.438.6600 (215) 836-2057 Fax William Coupe MORELAND CATTLE COMPANY All Natural Grass Fed Beef Ground Beef • Steaks 215-242-6404 1 Piece to Bulk • Pick Up or Delivery 825 Bethlehem Pike • Suite 200 Flourtown, PA 19031 Michael & Frances Jones Parishioners 215-435-6274 Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards ROOFING All Types of Roofing Slate • Copper • Gutters • Repair & Restoration FREE ESTIMATES 215.806.7944 Parish Member Since 1971 044 Our Mother of Consolation-Philadelphia (b) FX Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. OPEN HOUSE ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! October 2, 2016 12:00-2:00pm Call Us Now At: 215-MARCH17 Pick-Ups & Clean Outs To Start a Clothing Drive Fundraiser for your school or church call: 215-MARCH17 John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166