December 2010 - Lyon Park Citizens Association
December 2010 - Lyon Park Citizens Association
DEC ‘10/JAN ’11 Citizen ur r o be n y 2 2 em i m nd e re fu Pag se ion g! ea at in Pl ov giv n re ay e id th hol LYON PARK The Newsletter of the Lyon Park Citizens Association President’s Message: MILESTONES: TEN FOR 2010 LPCA President, Natalie Roy, with “sharks” Sandy Hecker and Betty Perfall at the Halloween Spaghetti Dinner. This is my third year as LPCA President, and, as before, I am amazed by the events and milestones of the year past. Here are my Ten for 2010: 10. Tiptoeing through the tulips: Lyon Park received a donation of hundreds of bulbs from the National Tulip Library. Volunteers planted tulips in public spaces throughout Lyon Park. Springtime will bring beautiful surprises. 9. Snow, Snow and, yes, more Snow: The winter of 2010 produced more snow than many of us have ever seen in Arlington — or anywhere for that matter. Numerous blizzards resulted in school, work and store closings. However, the snow also brought unparalleled neighborhood togetherness such as sleepover and sledding fests for youngsters, ad-hoc shoveling parties, rivers of hot chocolate and even a neighborhood BINGO game at the LPCH. 8. Development in Clarendon and Lyon Park: Trader Joe’s announced it is coming to Clarendon. The owners of the Hard to believe 2011 is just around the corner — time to wax nostalgic and make those ambitious resolutions. Before listing my Ten for 2010, I want to thank the countless volunteers who stepped up this year to make Lyon Park such a special place. An especially big thank you to the Lyon Park leadership circle; the LPCA Executive Committee, the LPCC Board of Governors, the Woman’s Club, and the Lyon Park Community House (LCPH) Renovation Fund Building and Fundraising Committees. These super-volunteers work mostly behind the scenes, but everything they do is key to building our community. Garfield Park project reported that their financing has come through. Some years back, LPCA secured a $17,500 commitment from the owners of Garfield Park for the LPCH renovation fund, as part of a community benefits package. The Community receives a check this month. 7. Improvements to Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson Middle School’s extensive renovation project, under the leadership of Lyon Parker Jennifer Dunlap, was unveiled in October. We were also thrilled with the addition of a brand new turf soccer field at Jefferson, an effort spearheaded by Ashton Heights’ Nancy Van Doren. LPCA wrote letters and attended meetings to support these important community projects. 6. Reduced speed on Pershing Drive. Lyon Park joined forces with our neighbors in Ashton Heights to reduce the speed limit on Pershing Drive from 30 mph to 25 mph. The small reduction in speed is reaping huge dividends by making this neighborhood thoroughfare safer A nonpartisan publication serving Lyon Park residents’ common interests for pedestrians, bikers and motorists. 5. Lyon Park Community House Renovation Project: The LPCH Fundraising Committee kicked off an aggressive fundraising campaign this year to renovate our historic 1925 LPCH. So far the community has close to $300,000 in committed pledges & funds committed to the renovation. CON’T ON PAGE 3... Wednesday, November 10 LPCA MEETING AGENDA 7:15 •Social – Refreshments 7:30•Introductions & Holiday Cheer •ACPD Christina King • Special guest speaker: Tom Shooltz Principal Ironwood Realty Garfield Park Development Update • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 1 The Lyon Park Citizens Association 414 N. Fillmore St. Arlington, VA 22201 LPCA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Natalie Roy (703) 524-4119 Vice-President-Development Larry Mayer (703) 525-8921 VP-Neighborhood Conservation Elliott Mandel (703) 527-1502 Read My Two Lips: Tulips! On November 13, six Lyon Parkers spent a crisp and sunny Saturday morning planting tulip bulbs. The event was made possible by Brett Thompson who brought this fantastical opportunity from the National Tulip Library to Lyon Park. Gary Putnam served as technical specialist for the event by teaching proper planting technique and assisting Brett with a massive bulb/chaff separation operation. Michael O’Connor assisted Gary with plot identification, and Marjie Mayer, Natalie Roy and Elliott Mandel rounded out the planting team. It was a great volunteer effort that should result in beautiful blooms for many seasons to come. In all, thousands of bulbs were planted around the Lyon Park neighborhood. Keep your eyes peeled in the spring and come join us all in tip toeing through the tulips! Vice-President-Programs Elizabeth Sheehy (703) 516-4910 Treasurer Bill Anhut, Jr. (703) 528-3665 Secretary/Historian Vacant Sergeant-at-Arms Rich Robinson (703) 527-2724 Membership Chair Kathleen McSweeney (703) 243-0323 Member At Large Melissa Bondi (703) 527-6379 COMMUNITY CENTER BOARD OF GOVERNORS Jeannette Wick, Chair (703) 524-8531 IMPORTANT CONTACTS Police Liaison Adam Parkhomenko (703) 864-7796 Community Center Rental Agent Shirley Larson (703) 527-9520 Clarendon Alliance Representative Natalie Roy (703) 524-4119 Civic Federation Reps Melissa Bondi Steve Geiger Erik Gutshall Larry Mayer Natalie Roy Jim Turpin (703) 527-6379 (703) 522-0026 (703) 276-0809 (703) 525-8921 (703) 524-4119 (703) 248-6988 Doorways for Women and Families Liaison Erik Gutshall (703) 276-0809 Newsletter Co-Editors, Design and Advertising Deborah Sauri, Natalie Roy, Susan Robinson, Helen White, Distribution (703) 527-2977 2 DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 • November Meeting Minutes: Topics included Trader Joe’s, Garfield Place and safety issues on Route 50. Special thanks to Ann Hamilton and Joey Durishin for the yummy snacks at the meeting. You guys are the best. Also Bill Anhut deserves a big thank you for securing our terrific guest speaker, Mary Beth Avedesian from Saul Centers Inc. She gave a great presentation on prospective tenant Trader Joe’s in their new building complex on Highland and Clarendon and also outlined site condition changes they are asking the County to approve which focused on parking and loading dock operation times. Please go to page 6 for a copy of the comments Larry Mayer presented to the County Board on behalf of LPCA on Trader Joe’s. More Halloween pictures on pages 9-11 The Lyon Park Halloween Bonfire Dear Lyon Park Neighbors, As 2010 comes to a close, I ask you again to consider giving to the Lyon Park Community Center Renovation Fund if you haven’t done so already. With nearly $300,000 raised or committed so far we are making excellent progress toward the goal of completely renovating the Community House. But we still need significant funding. Why should you contribute? It’s clear that different households have different needs and interests regarding this building. For households with children, the LPCH is a social center where the neighborhood kids grow up together and share social events and bonds that are not available in most other American communities. For adult households, the LPCH is a great way to connect to each other, and a refreshed building would enable a wide range of activities of personal interest, from movies to wine tasting to art classes to music. Lastly of course, as part owners of this building, all households will benefit by having a beautiful new space to ‘extend’ their homes and host larger personal functions and events. It is also worth mentioning a few key points about the mechanics of the donation: 1. LPCC is a 501c3 charity, which means that all donations are fully tax deductible (so your out pocket expense might only be 2/3 of what you donate) 2. Donations can be spread out over three years (so you can make a larger pledge, but pay it off over many months) 3. Donors who over time (from Sept 2008 to August 2013) donate $1,800 or more are considered a ‘major donor’ and will receive permanent recognition in the new building 4. Ashton Heights residents who donate at the $1,800 level receive LPCA member rates to rent the LPCH for 2 years, and donors at the $6,000 level receive member rates for life. 5. See the pledge form (on page 22) for details about payment options, etc So with that… I’d ask you again to consider donating. Your support at any level will be greatly appreciated. If you have any questions please feel free to drop us a note at All the best for the holidays and the start of 2011 — John Fiske, on behalf of Fundraising team Fast Facts for Donating to the Lyon Park Renovation Campaign! • Cash, check, credit cards and Paypal are accepted as forms of payment. Checks may be made out to the Lyon Park Community Center, or LPCC. • If you are mailing a pledge form and/or donation, please address the envelope to: Lyon Park Community Center P.O. Box 100191 Arlington, Virginia 22201 • Note that the pledge form suggests gifts at a major donor level, but please know that all sizes of gifts are needed and appreciated. (President’s Message continued from page 1) The building committee also made tremendous progress working with the architects to get the renovation plans finalized, among countless other tasks. 4. Lyon Park Gala: The first ever Gala featured an elegant dinner, hours of enthusiastic dancing and outstanding home grown entertainment. Most importantly, the event raised 25K for the renovation fund. 3. Community Events & Activities: We were all kept busy with a wide range of Lyon Park events including crafts fairs, snow bingo, the pancake breakfast, Villas & Vistas home and garden tour, the tree giveaway program, the chili dinner, a candidate’s night, the annual spring fair, an end of year holiday party, a Halloween spaghetti dinner & pumpkin carving contest, the Halloween Children’s Parade & Bonfire, and a Turkey Trot bake sale. 2. The NEW Lyon Park Citizen: The newsletter went through a beautiful makeover this fall, compliments of our new graphic designer, Deborah Sauri. Deborah deserves major kudos, as does newsletter distribution chief, Helen White, who is responsible for making the newsletter delivery train run smoothly. 1. Walking around Lyon Park. I love biking, running and walking around Lyon Park and checking in with neighbors. It is wonderful to be able to go through the neighborhood and always see a friendly face. It is why Lyon Park is home to me and my family. Happy Holidays everyone! See you in 2011. Natalie Roy President Lyon Park Citizens Association To make an online donation, please visit the following website: • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 3 Once Upon a Time in Lyon Park BY ELIZABETH SHEEHY A look back at our neighborhood’s heritage through the prism of the minutes from the Board of Governors meetings A Tennis Match Ends in Love-Love 1934 – A year marked by hooliganism, bold ideas and community activism in Lyon Park. Despite the ongoing Depression, the LPCC minutes make little mention of the difficult economic times. The one exception is a January correspondence, as the Board of Governors requested of Penn Mutual [Bank] ”on account of the stress of the times…that we be relieved of the necessity to reduce the principal [of our loan] at this time.” Fortunately, the request was granted, allowing the Board to move to more pressing matters: wild parties, curb and gutter improvements, and tennis. To be fair, the curb improvements came first, discussed at the February meeting. The hope was to fund the project through cooperation with Arlington County and the short-lived C.W.A. (Civil Works Administration) program. By early March, it was clear that a C.W.A. project was unlikely, and the work was postponed. Wild parties led the agenda for March. An unfortunate series of events at a recent party sponsored by Delta Sigma fraternity resulted in “four broken drinking glasses, three broken cups, and four broken panes of glass at the entrance”. The incident generated an array of recommendations, including stopping all rentals to fraternities (rejected), or allowing rentals only until 12:30 am (it is unclear how late rentals were permitted, but certainly into the wee hours). The Board resolved to draw up Regulations for renters for future approval. [Sidebar note: Nobody ever discusses snow in any of the Board of Governors’ notes. Didn’t they have snow back then?] In August, attention turned to a recent suggestion to improve the park as a recreational center of the community, Depression notwithstanding. It was proposed to build “a tennis court, croquet court and horseshoe court” using funds raised by the community by selling $1 tickets in advance “entitling the holder to 20 hours’ play on either the tennis or croquet court. No charge is contemplated for use of the horseshoe courts.” The Board voted in favor of the scheme and the following week a more detailed strategy was approved. By September, the community began to chime in on the plan. Several petitions were circulated, and a mass meeting was called on September 17 at 8 pm to determine the sentiment of the citizens of Lyon Park. Hand bills were printed to publicize the meeting, and it appears to have been well-attended. Let- 4 DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 • ters were read from several prominent citizens unable to attend. Mr. Rowell wrote: “I have heard that only one other form of exercise, swimming, brings more muscles into play than tennis. The only criticism of tennis is that applause must be in the form of clapping instead of cheering as in football and baseball…. To those of us who have youngsters in the family, approaching and in the “teen” age I can think of no more healthful or clean sport, or one that will teach them how to become a good looser (sic) when the game goes to the other fellow.” But 20 neighbors signed a petition opposing the tennis and croquet courts, fearing that “such courts would amount to the establishment of an amusement park in our midst”. However, it was noted that several people “signed papers both for and against the proposal and that some regretted signing the petition objecting to the construction of the tennis court.” At the meeting’s end, the vote by property owners was 20 in favor and 23 opposed. In the interest of community harmony, the proposal was dropped. The desire to improve the park did not wane, however. Pursuit of the sewer and curbs continued the following year, and the Board commissioned a park beautification plan, completed in 1939. It is hard to imagine our Lyon Park with a croquet lawn and tennis courts, but it is easy to recognize the passions that such plans may have elicited. As Carl Lewis, active community leader, wrote in 1934, “one of our greatest assets here is our ability to get along peaceably with our neighbors. We of course have our differences and we iron them out. Having the Community House in our midst where we can get together has been a great source of satisfaction and benefit in this respect. For myself, I should not want to live in a community where I could not be at peace and in friendship with my neighbors.” Even in 1934, with the Community House less than ten years old, it served as the heart of the neighborhood. Keeping the Community House vibrant in our midst will indeed benefit our community, and support the friendships that Carl Lewis wrote about, 76 years ago. Upcoming Concerts this Winter from the IBIS Chamber Music Society: We hope we can tempt some of you out of the neighborhood in pursuit of some good music. December finds an IBIS trio of flute, harp and viola in nearby Westover — think dinner at the Lost Dog or the Lebanese Taverna, followed by an interesting mix of seasonal music by Andre Jolivet, Debussy’s seminal Trio for Flute, Viola and Harp, and an unusual and beautiful work by German composer Harald Genzmer. LPCA’s Bill Anhut addresses the crowd at the November LPCA meeting This concert is FREE, not too lengthy (we know it’s a weeknight) and suitable for older kids. Join us after the show for a Meet the Artists reception. Thursday, December 9 at 7:30 pm (ending at 9) at the Resurrection Lutheran Church, 6201 Washington Boulevard. Street parking available. January brings an event we are really excited about. On January 30, at 7:30 pm IBIS will be the guest of the Artisphere, along with international artist Dar Williams. Dar has been lauded as “the best female singer/ songwriter in America today” (Relix Magazine), and our own Joe Scheer has written some ravishing arrangements of her songs for our group. This crossover concert will be recorded for a live CD release. The Artisphere assures me that tickets will be on sale soon, so mark your calendars, and we will keep you posted. LPCA’s Elliott Mandel with November LPCA guest speaker, Mary Beth Avedesian (M) • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 5 Development Projects Garfield Park Update Garfield Park is an apartment complex that was approved a few years ago by the County Board. Located in Lyon Park, it’s at the corner of Washington Blvd, 10th Street and North Garfield Street. A small group of community residents attended developer/owner Tom Shooltz’ quickly arranged neighborhood meeting on 11/4. We were delighted to see a model of a truly beautiful apartment complex with a lot of visual interest resulting from a mix of exterior materials and colors. The complex will consist of 149 rental apartments, with over 50% as 2-BR, 2BR+den and 3BR units. Construction is scheduled to start in December 2010 and scheduled to complete in Fall 2012. From a neighborhood perspective, the ‘worst’ part of the construction will be the pile driving, because of the noise. We can expect the pile driving to take a month, followed by 2 months of excavation, 4 months of concrete/garage/first floor work, 2 months of roofing and then 8 months of exterior and interior work. Since the sidewalks are being rebuilt as part of the project, there will be certain periods of time when the sidewalks will not be available, but these are expected to be short in duration. Electrical wiring is being under-grounded, so this will result in some disruption of 10th Street traffic; however, that is expected to occur in the overnight hours. (Dominion Power is also going to be routing electrical lines underground on 10th Street as part of their substation project, however, that disruption is separate from any disruption caused by Garfield Park construction). New water pipes are also being put in and this may also cause some disruption along Garfield Street near the construction site. On Washington Blvd, improvements will include a left turn lane into the complex from Washington Blvd and a new pedestrian crosswalk. Garfield Street will experience loss of parking on the side of the street adjacent to the construction site during the construction phase. Garfield Street is also ‘changing direction’ from south-only to north-only to ensure that traffic from the complex is not routed through the Lyon Park neighborhood. Even though Garfield Park was not obligated to provide affordable housing, Tom Shooltz made a voluntary contribution of over $200,000 to Arlington County’s affordable housing fund as part of the project. He is also making a $17,500 contribution to the Lyon Park Renovation Fund as part of the site plan conditions. Bozzuto Construction is building the complex and managing it upon completion. The main contacts during construction are David Shroeder and Joshua Lemberger JOAN FITZGERALD AND LARRY MAYER Comments on Proposed Amendments to Site Plan #397 (3030 Clarendon Blvd) Presented to the Arlington County Board by Larry Mayer on behalf of LPCA Lyon Park is very excited at the prospect of Trader Joe’s coming to Clarendon! Our community association supports the requested changes in Site Plan conditions, both for loading dock access and parking provisions, with some friendly amendments. These changes will allow Trader Joe’s to execute a lease and have a presence in Clarendon. B. F. Saul, the developer of the property, made a presentation at the Lyon Park Citizens Association’s November 10th general meeting. Concern was expressed at our meeting about parking availability (similar to what was covered in the staff report). Moreover, there were many questions relating to capability of a “park once” capability as supported by the Clarendon Sector Plan. These concerns were alleviated by the statements made by the B.F. Saul representative, that their philosophy supports allowing a patron to park once to get all of her or his errands completed before driving home. As outlined at our meeting by B.F. Saul, Trader Joe’s patrons could shop either before Call today for a free market analysis on your home’s value. Tour our homes @ Ron Cathell Realtor. MBA Keller Williams Realty Arlington Office 703-975-2500 Your Orange Line Specialists M 6 DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 • M M M M (Continued from page 6) or after other activities and would not be subject to being towed (as can occur at other establishments in Clarendon). Statements made by Saul Staff indicated that, for example, one could park for three hours. Any additional time over the 90 minute validated portion from a Trader Joe’s visit, would be charged at normal garage parking rates. There were assurances given to us at the LPCA meeting that towing would be a last resort — only for grievous violations of expectations. Having reviewed the proposed conditions, Lyon Park supports the changes with the addition of friendly amendments proposed by Mr. Peter Owen and the Transportation Commission, to more explicitly confirm expectations into site plan condition language. We support clarifying the conditions as recommended by Mr. Owen, as opposed to adding language in the supplement which might or might not be reflective of the verbal statements made to our membership. Furthermore, the Board should strongly consider Mr. Owen’s suggestion for a survey to determine if additional parking might be needed in the future to support a successful Trader Joe’s operation. Our membership was also very concerned with the availability of bicycle parking — especially considering the close proximity of our neighborhood. We were delighted to hear from B.F. Saul that they are planning to put in numerous new bike racks along Highland Street and the Clarendon Boulevard sides of the complex. We want the board to know how important this is to our community, to ensure that adequate bicycle racks are provided. Perhaps, avid use of bicycles and considerable foot traffic will negate the need for more reserved parking in the future — however the main concern at this point in time is that there is enough parking for our residents to shop in our neighborhood and patronize stores like Trader Joe’s — as opposed to make trips to Bailey’s Crossroads or Alexandria where most Lyon Park Patrons now shop at Trader Joe’s. Bloss Free Will Baptist Church 716 N. Barton Street 703/527-7040 Arlington, VA 22101 COME WORSHIP WITH US Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Bible Study/ Prayer Thursday 7 p.m. • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 7 Holiday Recipes and Notes DEBORAH BASH A few summers ago on a visit to Plymouth, Massachusetts, we toured the Ocean Spray Cranberry factory. Cranberries are native to North America. The Native Americans used cranberries to brighten up food, treat wounds and use the juice as dye for their rugs and blankets. The Pilgrims made cranberry sauces, bubbling tarts and nogs. The word “cranberry” came from the contraction of crane and berry. The berries were called this because their pale pink blossoms resembled the head of a crane and cranes were often seen in the lowlands where the cranberries grew. Cranberries grow best in a sandy soil and Cape Cod has the perfect soil conditions and weather condition for growing this versatile food. Other states where Ocean Spray grow their berries: New Jersey, Wisconsin, Washington and Oregon. Over the years cranberries became a staple at fall and winter holiday dinners. Potato Latkes Cranberry Relish Drop 2 tablespoons of batter into hot oil for each pancake. Turn over to brown and remove to paper towels to absorb grease. Keep warm in a 200 degree oven until ready to serve. Serve with applesauce. The Bash Berry favorite is Cranberry Relish. This dish has been served for over 60 years at our holiday table. 2 cans of whole cranberries rind of one orange ½ cup of orange juice ½ cup of chopped walnuts 2 apples grated 1 small can of pineapple chunks Mix all ingredients, make day before and keep cold in refrigerator. Freezes well .Taste varies from person to person. Some folks like it tart, some like it sweeter. Adjust with sugar if needed. Good item to make the day before The next group of recipes are items you can use, or make as gifts. If you have some special family recipe send it to the Lyon Park Citizen and we will help you share it. No Bake Chocolate Clusters 2 pounds white chocolate or almond bark 1 cup creamy or chunky peanut butter 2 cups salted dry roasted peanuts 3 cups pastel miniature marshmallows 4 cups crisp rice cereal Melt chocolate and peanut butter in microwave or double boiler, stir often to mix well. Add all remaining ingredients: Stir with wooden spoon to coat evenly. Drop on waked paper by the teaspoonful. Cool Yield 11 dozen treats. 8 DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 • Potato pancakes or latkes are associated with the Jewish holiday of Chanukah, also known as the Festival of Lights. Latkes can be served anytime and go nicely with meat or fish dinners or just as a snack. They are often served with a side of apple sauce or sour cream, you may find another item to server it with. 6 large Idaho potatoes peeled and grated 3 onions grated 4 eggs, lightly beaten ¼-1/2 cup all purpose flour 3TBS of salt Oil for frying After grating potato let stand for 10 minutes and pour off water. Mix in eggs,oinions and flour and salt. Mix ingredients Taste varies from person to person. Some folks like it tart, some like it sweeter. Adjust with sugar if needed. Good item to make the day before. Keep in refrigerator. n I Northern Virginia! As your friendly, Lyon Park neighbor, and Arlington County resident for over 44 years, I take a special interest in Arlington properties. Buyers are always interested in moving into our neighborhood. If you are thinking of selling or buying real estate, call me, Deborah Bash, the REALTOR that DELIVERS! Deborah Bash Direct: 703-405-6069 Office: 703-905-7236 Toll Free: 800-819-9971 1311A Dolley Madison Blvd McLean, VA 22101 Halloween in Lyon Park • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 9 The Halloween Parade BY ZOE KANT The 2010 Lyon Park Children’s Parade of Costumes was held on Halloween day. Given that the weather was absolutely perfect and we managed to get the word out in Lyon Park, Ashton Heights, and in the Long Branch weekly announcements, we had perhaps one of our biggest turnouts ever. Our costumed children (and many parents) paraded bravely without police escort (the Marine Corps Marathon was also that day — so the police were not able to accompany us), played in the park, and, as usual, demolished an enormous spread of home-baked treats. Many thanks to the volunteers who baked tons of treats, took photos, helped with set up and clean up: Jennifer Hart, Shelya White, Michelle Zamarin, Shirley Larson, Sue Madden, Michael (didn’t get his last name but he volunteers with setting up the bonfire too), Theresa Colucia, Susan Demske, Katherine Buckley, Julie Gantz, Brenna Snicer, Susan Leland, and Cathy Kunz. Without your help the parade would not have been possible. 10 DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 • The Halloween Spaghetti Dinner BY NATALIE ROY Thank you to everyone who came and helped out at the Halloween Spaghetti Dinner. Fun is an understatement. It was the place to be on October 30th! Special thanks to our spaghetti leader Gary Putnam who was the kitchen master overseeing the salad, spaghetti and garlic bread production, to Kit Putnam for the amazing set up and decorations and for absolutely everything in between and to Michael O’Connor for being there to help out big time from the beginning to end. You three were amazing! Thanks so much to Trish Montgomery for all of your fabulous help in the kitchen (the bread was delicious) and making the ice runs, to the sharks, Betty Perfall and Sandy Hecker for cashiering (people loved giving you money-they thought you were loan sharks!) and for helping us set up and clean up. Your costumes were the best (Gary and Kit’s were pretty awesome too). Please check out the pictures in this special Halloween section to see pictures of the costumes. Thanks to Kim Franklin for being an asset in the kitchen and helping with the our always critical cleaning up duties and major kudos to Elizabeth Wray for coming to contribute sauce and then staying to lend a hand the entire time! Thank you Elizabeth. And last but not least thanks to Tagrid Wahba who helped serve and do anything that needed to be done out in the main hall and stayed to help clean up and make the community center ready for the next day’s Halloween’s events! Thanks also to our marathon runners An and Jeff, who helped stay to clean up as well. And of course we appreciate all of the terrific sauces that were donated. Winners of the sauce competition received gift certificates from Putapella’s restaurant. The dinner proceeds netted a little over $1,000 which went to the Lyon Park Renovation Fund and the LPCA for the newsletter. Thanks again for another wonderful community event. • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 11 TreeTop News BY BILL ANHUT How can I help my trees this winter? The winter months are a great time to catch-up on tree maintenance and prepare for the spring growing season. During the summer months, it is important to water trees but generally not perform maintenance (i.e. pruning or pest treatments); while during the fall season we try to keep-up with raking the leaves. With the onset of winter, trees enter their dormant season. Leaves have fallen, photosynthesis has stopped, and roots stop sending nutrients up the tree. I asked my Tree Steward buddies to recommend tips to care for trees during the winter months. Here is what they have to say: 1. Allow leaves to remain on the ground instead of raking them. 2. Water newly planted trees regularly throughout the winter months. 3. Be alert for broken branches, prune before spring time. 4. Remove heavy snow and ice from weighing-down branches (especially evergreens, using upward broom strokes) 12 DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 • 5. Assess for structural pruning (remove competing central leaders, support healthy branches by removing competing subordinates, eliminate rubbing branches). 6. Protect trees prone to winter burn with anti desiccant spray. 7. Prevent sunscald on young or thin barked trees with trunk wrapping. 8. Apply 3” of leaf mulch around each tree, but not touch tree bark. 9. Consult Guide to Successful Pruning, Deciduous Tree Pruning Calendar ( (Thanks to Nora, Lynn, Bill & Kirsten for your suggestions) Tree service companies are looking for jobs this time of year. Review my November 2009 article recommending how to select a tree service company ( html). Arlington County has a surplus of leaf mulch. It exports excess mulch. Do your part, to keep leaf mulch in Arlington, by spreading it around your trees. Order leaf mulch (http://www. ) n Long Branch News BY ERIKA HOWDER Thomas Jefferson Middle School A LETTER TO THE FIFTH GRADE at Long Branch Long Branch continues to be a happy and happening place. Fall has arrived and with it the usual fluctuations in weather and wide array of illnesses. Remember to send your kids to school in clothing appropriate for the weather and keep them home if they are seriously ill or running a fever. The PTA is continuing to move forward in its plans to honor Rocky Belk. Surveys were sent out to all students and many alumni. As soon as the surveys are compiled and analyzed, the top ideas will be presented to the Long Branch community and fundraising will commence. If you’d like to be involved in any way, please contact PTA President, Mark Tramontozzi at Long Branch has also recently completed its third fundraiser – school pictures. The school will receive 25% of the proceeds of the total sales. There will be few more exciting fundraisers in the new year, including our Annual Auction. It’s not too early to start thinking about donating. Mark your calendars for March 12, 2011. This year we are excited to be in a new venue -- the NRECA building in Ballston. Many thanks to all the organizers of Long Branch’s fundraisers! Long Branch will once again be supporting Arlington’s Adopt-A-Family program this holiday season. Each year, the school gets the holiday wish lists of several local families. Long Branch families sign up to bring specific items such as toys, books, winter clothing, household gifts and gift cards, which are then wrapped and donated. In recent years, wish lists have leaned much more heavily towards NEEDS than WANTS, so please consider picking up a “gift mitten” from the Long Branch lobby and brightening someone’s holiday. If you are interested in helping out or need more information, contact Mary Anne Clarkson at 571-271-5974. Winter break begins after school on December 22 and resumes on Monday, January 3, 2010. Watch for children running, biking, walking, and playing in the neighborhood. Happy Holidays to all! n While many kids think that October is important because it is when we celebrate Halloween, it is also important for other reasons. October is National Bullying Prevention Month. At Thomas Jefferson Middle School, we spend a lot of time talking to our teachers and counselors about preventing bullying. For example, Ms. Luthra, our counselor was talking to us about what we should or should not do when a fight is going on. She said that it is important to notify a teacher or adult immediately. She also said that sometimes it is a good idea to be a defender and stand up for the kid being bullied, but is isn’t smart to become part of the problem when you are trying to stop bullying behavior. We even watched a movie about bullying for which we received an hour of community service for watching and discussing the movie. That might sound a bit crazy, but our teachers want to make sure that we know what to do in a bullying situation. So you see that I have mentioned the community service responsibilities at Jefferson. Students earn community and service hours for doing good deeds and helping the community through service projects. Sixth graders complete ten hours of community service work during the year, seventh graders complete 15 hours and eighth graders complete 20 hours. Community and service is part of the IB program because when we work to improve the environment or care for others around us, we become better people. Kids, the next time you are looking at a dictionary, find the word “altruistic”. Coming in future articles, I shall linterview more pupils and get advice on preparing for middle school. Until then, pull out your winter coats because winter is coming! Robert Velasco SCA 5th Grade Liaison Jefferson Middle School Dates to Remember: PTA meeting: January 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the library. • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 13 • D E S I G N • B U I L D • R E N O VAT E • I N S P I R E “ In every instance I was highly satisfied with the integrity, management of the project and quality of work output by this company. They stand behind their work and are very responsive. When I hired them to do three different projects, they did them well and exceeded my expectations. They are clean, courteous and respectful. When TriVistaUSA performed work on my home, I brainstormed what I wanted, discussed it over with Michael and they designed the solution and gave me a time line. The rest is history.” A. DAVID SCOTT 888.814.8748 Our Thoughtful Design Builds Fine Living WWW.TRIVISTAUSA.COM Book Review Death Comes for the Archbishop by Willa Cather Vintage Classics, Random House, NY, 1927, 1955. Paperback, pp 297. Arlington Country Library $0.50 Death is just an incidental part of life, and Willa Cather puts life into that perspective. She opens with a beautiful description in the Roman garden of a villa and a summer evening in 1848 where a Spanish cardinal is discussing a request from the Provincial Office at Baltimore to establish an Apostolic Vicarate in New Mexico. If you know Rome, the page will swoosh you right back to a Rome you love. She is similarly observant about the southwest: “the mesa plain had an appearance of great antiquity…as if, with all the materials for world-making, the Creator had desisted, gone away and left everything…” The little group nominates Jean Marie Latour, a parish priest from the shores of Lake Ontario and his assistant father Joseph Vaillant. They recognize they are young, strong, full of zeal, intel- BY PEGGY DEAN ligent and able to deal with the savagery, ignorance, dissolute priests and political intrigue at their new post, plus the thousands of square miles that the parish encompasses. Imagine no wagon roads, no canals, or navigable rivers traveling by pack mules over treacherous trails. In addition to her capsules of local scenes, Cather intently records impressions and sensibilities as the two men labor as the years turn into decades with the testing of Latour’s calling and his sense of inadequacy and spiritual defeat in the face of Indian life millennia old, and finally in the face of his death. She sees the difference between Latour the more intelligent, organized leader and Vaillant the more deeply spiritual with stronger interpersonal skills. She touches on the Navaho way as passing through the country without disturbing anything. Finally, after a full life Latour, now an Archbishop, runs down. The description of his death is like all of Cather’s writing, factual, largely unemotional, realistic, in tune with nature and God’s will. She says “he was soon to have done with calendared time, and it had already ceased to account for him’. Latour could see that his friends thought his mind was failing, but he thinks it was only extraordinarily active in some other part of the great picture of his life. The scene leaves the impression that St. Joseph, the patron saint of a good death, was in the room, waiting to accompany him when he was ready. n Holiday Cheer at the Lyon Park Holiday Party Friday, December 17 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Don’t miss this classic Lyon Park event! Join your friends and neighbors on Friday, December 17, at the Lyon Park Community Center for our annual family holiday celebration. December brings an assortment of holiday traditions to a multicultural community like ours, and we hope you’ll come and share your family traditions. There will be cookies and other sweet treats from around the world, warm beverages, spinning dreidels, a toasty fire, and singing! For the youngest in our community, you can expect a special visit from Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus. The festivities will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. to make sure that there is enough time for all the children who want to say hello to the man in the red suit. Come and enjoy seasonal cheer in the company of your neighbors! Can you help out? We would love to have your help with the following: • Can you bring a seasonal dessert item, a healthy snack or a drink to share that will serve about 15-20 people? • Can you assist with set up and clean up? • Can you sing? Want to help us lead the caroling? If you can answer ‘yes’ to above, please contact Renee Gutshall, at or 703-276-0809 to volunteer. • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 15 T ’ N O D ! T E FORG ! S E U D PAY It’s time to join or renew your membership in the Lyon Park Citizens’ Association If you’re reading this, you already see the value $10 buys! You may also “Renew for 2” @ $20. LPCA Constitution, Article II, Membership: Membership in the Association shall be open to all persons eighteen years of age or older who either own or lease a residence within the boundaries of the Association. Each person eligible for membership may have full voting privileges as long as his/her household is current in its dues. Clip out & return the form below. You may also join or renew your membership in person at the next regular LPCA monthly meeting Not sure if your dues are paid for the coming year? Drop a note to membership chair Kathleen McSweeney ( and she’ll let you know. The membership year runs from October 1st to September 30th. PLEASE PAY YOUR LPCA DUES Please complete this form and mail it with your check to: LPCA Membership, 414 N. Fillmore St, Arlington, VA 22201 q Household @ $10 q Renew for Two @ $20 q Lifetime @ $200 Community Volunteer Interests: NAME SAVE TIME AND USE AN ADDRESS LABEL HERE ADDRESS HOME PHONE E-MAIL ADDRESS q Add me (us) to the community listserv (Check all that apply) q q q q q q q q q q Neighborhood Conservation Community Center and Park Development Issues Social Events (Holiday Party, Halloween) Spring Fair Homes and Gardens Tour Traffic Issues Newsletter Trees and Conservation All-purpose volunteer Realty Specialist Since 1976 Buck & Associates, Inc. Realtors® ♦ Residential Sales & Relocation ♦ Commercial Sales & Leasing ♦ Property Management ♦ Consulting Please contact us with any of your Real Estate needs. 2 5 1 9 Wi l s o n B o u l e va r d A r l i n g t o n , VA 2 2 2 0 1 (703) 528‐2288 ext. 20 w w w. b u c k r e a l t o r s . c o m • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 17 Donating Securities to the Lyon Park Renovation Fund BY MICHAEL O’CONNOR Contributing stocks or other securities to the Lyon Park Community House Renovation Fund may be a good choice for you. By directly contributing securities with significant unrealized capital gains instead of selling the asset and then donating the proceeds you may enjoy significant tax savings because you will not have to pay capital gains tax on the increased value. You will also receive a charitable deduction for the full current market value of the security at the time of the contribution. The Board of Governors has established a brokerage account to accept such donations. If you are interested in making a contribution of securities to the Lyon Park Community House Renovation Fund please contact Bill Anhut at (703) 528-3665 or As you can see in the example below both you and the renovation fund will benefit. You receive a larger tax savings from your contribution and the Renovation Fund receives more money. Example: Contribution of securities to the Renovation Fund compared to selling them and donating the after tax proceeds. Contribute security directly to Lyon Park Renovation Fund Sell security and contribute after tax proceeds to Lyon Park Renovation Fund Current fair market value of your securities $10,000 $10,000 Amount of federal long-term capital gains tax you pay* $0 $900 Your Charitable Contribution $10,000 $9,100 Your total tax savings** $3,500 $2,285 *Assumes a cost basis of $4,000 and long-term capital gain of $6,000 at 15% **Assumes donor is in the 35% federal income tax bracket Alleviate Holiday Stress! Save the Date: December 23, 2010 The Lyon Park Woman’s Club will be trying a new fundraiser this year: On Dec 23, 2010, we will offer the community a menu of prepared food via an event called a “Drive-Thru Dinner.” We’re in the planning stages right now, but the basic concept is you’ll be able to order a complete family supper— possibly chicken pot pie or stew, salad, and dessert for take-out. It will probably work like this: We’ll cook all day, and you’ll call and order dinner, then drive up to the door and someone will bring it to your car. Simple? Maybe. 18 DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 • We are still working on the details. We’ve asked Thelma and Elizabeth to wear little pleated skirts and deliver your order on roller skates. They haven’t yet agreed, but if you see them, please encourage them to do it! Watch for more information on the listserv in December. Or call Gary Putnam at (703) 527-2266 or Jeannette Wick at (703) 524-8531 in mid-December, and we’ll tell you what’s for dinner on the 23rd. Remember: one stop, one bag and you have supper in hand. For those of us who are beaten to a frazzle by the season, this could make it a lot more palatable. Cassianna Spa & Salon 315 North Glebe Rd Arlington, VA 22203 703-528-5798 703-524-6862 Monday-Friday 10 am - 8 pm Saturday 9 am - 7 pm * Sunday 11 am - 6 pm Special Coupon for Lyon Parkers! $65 1 Hour- anti-stress massage $80 Color & Cut $75 Repechage 4-Layer Facial One coupon per customer • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 19 New Webmaster is Needed We’re looking for a new webmaster to oversee the LPCA website. No website experience is required, and no knowledge of coding is needed. The site can be run by anyone with basic computer skills. is the LPCA website, and it was started two years ago to provide a place for Lyon Parkers to find current information about neighborhood goings- on, as well as to be a repository for information of longer-term interest. One of the most popular features of the site are its pictures, taken by neighbors of neighborhood events. The site has been visited over 36,000 times this year, an average of over 100 visits per day. The monthly newsletter posted there and Halloween and Christmas pictures of the children are especially popular and are viewed by hundreds who visit the site. Joe Englehardt, who has been operating the site for the past two years, is stepping down at the end of the year. He says that the national firm which hosts the site provides an easy interface which allows the site to be easily updated. As a result, he can log on and update the site much like using a word processor, and his weekly updates can be quickly completed. He says that if this troglodyte can do it, you can too. If you think you might be interested, please contact Joe at 703-528-0771 or Natalie Roy at 524-4119. n Sarah and Hayden Hershey arrived home at 115 North Highland on August 28 and are enjoying life in Lyon Park. 20 DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 • Interesting Jobs on The LPCC Fundraising Team — Please Help! Restaurants We are planning a restaurant week in Clarendon to support the LPCH. A great role for a food lover to to meet local restaurateurs while helping coordinate and encouraging participation. Event Leads Manage a single fundraising event at the LPCC – whatever appeals: Wine tasting? Jazz night? Dinner Club? Sock Hop? Oil Painting class? Movie night? An easy and fun role! Grant Writers Looking for two or three people to take on grant writing –research, writing, even seeking celebrity endorsement! Great for a people who need flexibility for when they do certain roles Please contact John Fiske at to help! Thanks Classified Ads GET SOMEONE’S ATTENTION! The Citizen is hand delivered to 1900 households each month. The Citizen’s classified ads are free for industrious teens (babysitters, leaf rakers, snow shovelers) who need cash or have nagging parents. All others pay $10.00 for 20 words. Use area code 703 unless otherwise noted. TEEN BABYSITTING Nick Bornbusch, 15, Red Cross certified, no infants, 351-9360 Bryan Burgess, 14, Red Cross certified, 527-3740 Izzy Franklin, 14, Red Cross certified – Babysitting and Mother’s Helper Carolyn Grahn, 14, Red Cross certified, 243-9212 Thad Jones, 15, 527-0929 Lauren Karpinski, 14, 524-1575 Katie Menoche, 16, Red Cross/CPR certified, 243-3823 Riley Shepardson, 16, Red Cross/CPR certified, no infants, 525-6834 Susan Sabatier, 13, Red Cross/CPR certified, (662) 816-7070 (cell) Pet Sitter extraordinaire – Carolyn Grahn, 14, will take care of all of your pets! Experienced caring for dogs, cats, birds, and various rodents. 243-9212 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Pet sitting and dogwalking – I love animals and can care for and/or exercise your dogs, cats, rodents and/or fish! Nick (13) Bornbusch, 351-9360 Lawn Mowing, Gardening, Snow Shoveling Clinton James, 18, references available, 525-7948 Matt Nice, 13, 522-6291 Robby Moore, 14, 528-1176 Stephen Moran, 16, Red Cross certified, 351-7852 Dog walking – Thad Jones, 15, 527-0929, cell 350-5832 Katelyn Rowland, 13, Red Cross and Girl Scout certified, Experienced with infants and children 1-9, and mother’s helper, 525-9049 Babysitting/Petsitting – Ian Hall, 14, and Remy MacDonald, 13, 525-3328. :: FOR SALE :: Restoration Hardware flush mount ceiling light. Brand new in box. Perfect condition. $115.00. Mike 703-304-6745. • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 21 PLEDGE FORM: RENOVATING THE LYON PARK COMMUNITY HOUSE Please Mail Pledge Form and Payment Information to: Lyon Park Community Center P.O. Box 100191 Arlington VA 22201 I Hereby Pledge $______________ to Renovate the Lyon Park Community House. DONOR LEVELS – We wish to publically recognize major donors who provide a total of $1,800 or more to this project between Sept 2008 and August 2013 . Recognition will be made at four donor levels: [ $50,000 – sponsor a room (separate arrangements will be made) [ $12,000 – gold sponsorship $333 a month for 36 months [ $6,000 – silver sponsorship $167 a month for 36 months [ $1,800 – bronze sponsorship - $50 a month for 36 months Ƒ I/my family would like to be acknowledged as follows (30 characters or less) ________________________________________________ Ƒ I/we would like to be listed anonymously. PAYMENT SCHEDULE - I will make my payments according to the following schedule (all funds must be received by August 2013) Ƒ In one payment, given in full by ___________ (date) Ƒ In multiple payments of $________ per ________ (month or year) starting ________. For monthly ACH, please debit account this day __________ PAYMENT METHOD - I will make payments according to the following method: Ƒ Personal Check - Payable to Lyon Park Community Center Ƒ Automated Clearing House (ACH) – Please provide a voided check. Ƒ Credit Card/PayPal - please complete this pledge form and then go to to complete donation Ƒ My company makes matching gifts - I have enclosed the relevant forms. Ƒ I wish to donate equities; please contact me to coordinate details CONDITIONS OF GIFT: By signing below, I authorize the Lyon Park Community Center (LPCC), a 501(c)3 corporation to initiate debit entries to my checking account, if that payment method was selected, according to LPCC policies and procedures. I understand the LPCC plans to execute the plan as approved by the Community but has discretion to alter the design as needed to meet fiscal restraints and future requirements. No goods or services are to be provided in return for this gift. Signed: _____________________________________ Date: __________________ Full Name: ________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________ City State Zip: ________________________________________ THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! The LPCC is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so your donation is tax deductable. Tax ID is 65-1317810 The LPCC will mail a receipt to the address listed above at the end of any year(s) in which you make a donation 22 DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 • Come Celebrate theChristmas Season With Your Neighbors and Friends at Christ Church of Arlington The Christmas season is a time for reflection, joy, celebration and wonder. It is a time to set aside the demands of busy days and hefty to-do lists and reflect on the birth of Jesus Christ. December is the perfect time to ask questions about Christ and discover more about His transformational power in our lives. It’s a time to explore how the birth of a poor baby boy 2,000 years ago changed the course of history and still affects our lives today. Christ Church invites you to join us in celebrating Christmas and this advent season. Even if you... • have never been to church, • fell away many years ago, • are fairly new to the faith, or • are a seasoned sheep of the Good Shepherd, we are confident you will feel quite at home with our church family. We are always open to helping each other grow in the matter the depth of our current knowledge of Jesus Christ. There is always room to grow, and more to learn, for everyone. Our prayer is that we will be a blessing to the Lyon Park Community. ~ Brian Webster, Pastor CCA Lessons and Carols SUNDAY ~ DECEMBER 12 ~ 10:30 A.M. Please join us as we sing favorite carols, listen to beautiful instrumentals and hear the Christmas story, followed by seasonal refreshments and warm fellowship. Christmas Eve Service FRIDAY ~ DECEMBER 24 ~ 6:00 P.M. Experience hope, love and joy at this wonderful candlelight service on the eve of our Lord’s birth. 3020 N. Pershing Drive • Arlington, Virginia 22201 Tele (703) 527-0420 Christ Church of Arlington is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 23 LPCA December Member List Lifetime Members Andelin, John, & Geoffrey, Virginia Barber Deborah, & Rasmussen, Adam Baron, Jeff & Lois Barrick, Alexander Bartlett, Ellen & Melanie Beck, Shrive & Sylan Bell, Randy , & Jablonski, Tim Boblett, Doris Boswell, Jackson & Ann Brown, Marguerite Brown, Mary Ann Brown, Wendell & Alice Buckli, Amy, & Fiore, Daniel Burgess, David, & Mounteer, Kate Burruto, Camille Byers, Bob , & Zarate, Christina Carr, Timothy Caudell-Feagan, Linda & Michael Chau, Duong Drinkwater, John & Cathy Duggan, Martha, &McLennan, Doug Eisenberg, Al Fall, Milt & Joyce Feira, Joshua and Virginia Friesen, Lindalou Gahr, Bill & Karen Galetshoge, Faith, & Schaefer, Brent Gallagher, Dylan & Stacey Gallina, David , & Lee, Kattie Garrett, James Good , Carl Gortenburg, Gary, & Purcell, Anne Grahn, David , & Nusbaum, Jill Hedges, Elizabeth Higbee, Florence Jones, Heather , & Lee, Michael Kennealy, Sean & Nicolette Lagarde, Stephen Lam, Larry & Karen Lassell, Don & Pamela Lavoie, Cheryl Lazure, Al & Gwynne Leighton, Andy, & White, Helen Lewis, Jeffery & Mary Mayer, J.I. and Marjorie McBride, Larry & Barbara McDade, Elizabeth McMillan, Richard & Patricia McSweeney, Kathleen, & Rafky, Michael Montgomery, Mark & Tricia Morison, Patricia Nelson, Gerald & Liselotte O’Leary, Frank & Linda Pfeiffer, Ella Putnam, Gary & Kit Ralston, R.L. Revollo, Emma Robinson, John and Betsy Rostker, David & Heather Roy, Natalie & Nikki Saulmon, Teddy 24 DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 • Siney, Anna Smith, Mary “ Shelly” Sood, Harbans & Raksha Tyson, Elinor Vogelson, Bill & Marjorie Wills, Clarence & Deborah Wilson, Gregory & Alvera 2010-2011 Paid Members Adamczak, Paul, & Gagnon, Joe Ahern, Elizabeth & Joseph Ahuja, Kiran, & Guzman, Javier Altschuler, David & Jean Amel, Dean, & Savela, Terry Amos, Phillip and Joan Anhut, Dale & Bill Arnold, Fred & Lita Arvandi, Arshia , & Fiske, John Barr, David & Kristine Barringer, Don, & Harpham, Evelyn Bash, Deborah & Marvin Batelman, Robyn & Asaf Battaglia, Elizabeth Battiata, Mary Beggs, Charles & Michelle Bell , Susan & Ken Benjamin, John , & Campbell, Jean Benson, Mary Berry, Erin Betterton, Constance, & Salotti, Christopher Bird, Aaron, & Fischetti, Diana Black, Ronald & Betty Bohman, Joseph & Martha Bouquet, Marcel Boyle, Kevin & Judy Bryan, Sam & Frances Burggraf, Sue , & Ryan, Deirdre Campbell, Constance, & Romero, Eduardo Cerimele, Matt, & Taylor, Tiffany Chen, Chun & Khen Chen, Cindy, & Kocher, Robert Cheng, Stephanie Christensen, Kevin & Christina Clarke, Sally, & LaBonte, Jay Conaway, Patricia Davis, Michael, & Seymour, Karen Dean, Margaret , & Wukitsch, Tom Delmar, Marco & Elizabeth Deming, Bruce & Clay Dichter, Andy Dodge, Mary L. Dood, Kendall & Gail Dorfman, Mark & Lynn Dryden, Laura, & vanHoek, Robert Ducazau, Laura & Dave Dudka, Robert & Cassandra Dupuy, Siobhan, & Olinde, Geoff Durishin, Mike & Joey Embrey, Bud & Carole Endo, Erik & Jennifer Englehardt, Joe & Sandy Erwin, Sandra & Randy Evans, Mark & Maria Everline, Penny & Mark Fagen, Joel, & Taylor, Sara Fibel, Margaret & Sylvia Foley, Michael & Elizabeth Fonseca, Thomas Franklin, John & Kim French, Leslie , & Hemstreet, Hugh Fulton, Donna & Charles Fuqua, Jeremy, & Schultz, Karin Furgal, Mary Jo & Joe Gallin, Joshua & Nara Geary, Paul & Molly Geiger, Stephen, & Hopkins, Jane Gianelli, Diane, & Keller, Steve Good, Mary Gordon, G.S. (Ms) Gray, Georgia & Robert Gutshall, Erik & Renee Hagemann, Bob & Stefanie Hall, Polly and Matthew Hankla, Carl, & Rouleau, Mary Hart, Bruce, & Joiner, Carrie Hartline, Donald Haselby, Kate & John Hauslein, Diane Heend, Orin, & Philp, Susan Hershey, Andrew & Margaret Hobart, George & Marjorie Hoffman, Jeff, & Kaplan, Debra Hopkins, Tracy, & Turvene, David Horgan, Mark and Michelle Horner, F.H. Hughes, Stacey Jarkowski, Hope & Justin Joyal, Peaches (Georgia) Kane, Mary, & Stokely, David Kanyako, Vandy Karcher, James, Evans, Elaine Kellogg, Paige & Keith Kelly, Karen & Bill Kohn, Robert & Monica Kunz, Cathy & Will Larson, Ben & Cary Larson, Shirley & Lowell Laver, Chris & Hanna Lavoie, Ineke Ledwin, Karen Logan, Mary, & Stellberg, John Lopez, Eugene & Mary Losa, Gene & Lorraine Lowell, John & Maria Jose MacDonald, Edward & Marie-Catherine Madden, Sue & Patrick Mandel, Elliott & Marlene Manning, Rebecca, & Silvester, R. Scott Marinelli, Roberta, & Taylor, Phil Mason, Laura, & Oliver, Louise Maus, Louise Mayer, Larry McMahon, Michelle, & Salazar, Maj. Ronald McPherson, Natalie Metzger, John , & Rice, Roman Meyers, Janet Mikulak, Robert , & Porelius, Gunnel Milby, Bill & Brittany Miller-Moran, Liz, & Moran, Brian Murphy, Sheila Murphy, Susan Naughton, John Neher, Lisle & Mary Neubauer, Martin & Lynette Neubert, Nancy, & Swigert, James Nobile, Thornton, & Smith, Emily Normand, Annie O’Connor, Michael O’Donnell, Chris Parris, Robert & Miyuki Pearl, Laura & Ben Perfall, Betty Phelan, Jane & Gary Phillips , Charles Pinkela, Kenneth Puri, Subir Randolph, Brian Rees, Carol Riris, Haris, & Smaragdis, Mary Rizzo, Jacki Robinson, Rich & Sue Robinson, Susan, & Scheer, Joe Roof, Peter Rostker, Bernie & Louise Rowland, Ken, & Sullivan, Joan Sabatier, Jim & Linda Sandoval, Barbara Sauri, Deborah and Michael Scambos, Thomas & Marian Selario, Jim & Sheila Shotwell, Andy & Lynn Showalter, Paul & Sharon Silverson, John & Winifred Sioris, H.R. Smaldone, Jerry & Lynn Smith, Paul & Marianne Smith, Andy & Eileen Sparks, Marguerite Spettel, Stewart Stewart, Lyn & Rob Stewart, Terri & Pat Stroup, Cindy Stutsman, James Sundman, Alexandra Svarcas, Rita Swanson, John & Amelia Trachtman, Mark & Sherry Tran, Keri Velasco, Robert & Janine Wagner, John Walsh, Maureen Watson, David & Courtney Weigle, Graham & Kate Wells, Daniel & Sharon Whelan, Teresa & Dave Wick, Jeannette Wilder, Leslie & Tracy Wooldridge, John & Deborah Wray, Elizabeth S. Yauger, David & Dina Zeller, Brian & Colleen • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 25 Lyon Park Community Center Events Woman’s Club (not just for women): Lyon Park Community Center RENTAL RATES WEEKDAYS LPCA Members* General Public Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM $25/hour $25/hour Tuesday, December 23, 12 noon. Potluck luncheon. Bring a dish to share and a small gift to exchange. Join in the fun! Monday – Thursday 6 PM – 10 PM $80 Children’s Holiday Party: WEEKENDS, HOLIDAYS & FRIDAY EVENINGS $100 Friday, December 17, 7 PM. Bring a plate of cookies to share. Prelude: The Arlington Youth Orchestral Program will present LPCA Members* General Public its Holiday Chamber Music Concert on Sunday, December 19 at 4 PM. The concert will feature string musicians in grades 5-10. Admission is free; donations will be gratefully accepted. Half day including Friday evenings 8 AM – 2:30 PM or 3:30 PM – 10 PM $250 $400 Bring it on BINGO: Friday, January 7th, 7 pm – 9 PM, all ages Full Day 8 AM – 10 PM $550 welcome. Fundraiser for the Lyon Park Renovation Fund New: Monkey Jumpers: An action class for ages 3 – 5 years, beginning January 6. Thursdays, 1:30 – 2:15 PM. Valentine’s Day Extravaganza: Friday, February 11, 7-9 pm, Fundraiser for the Lyon Park Renovation Fund Fitness Pursuits: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:30 – 5:30 PM. Catherine Fergusen, (703) 522-0301. Duplicate Bridge: Every Friday, 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM $400 SPECIAL CHILDRENS’ BIRTHDAY RATE You may rent the community house for birthday parties for kids age 10 and under for a 3 hour period, including set-up and clean up. Two time slots are available: 9AM to 12 noon, or 12 noon to 3 PM. If your party lasts longer than 3 hours, you must rent under the regular half-day rate. LPCA Members* General Public $125 $175 *Lyon Park Citizens Association rates apply only to Lyon Park residents whose membership is current. LPCA members cannot sponsor non-member renters. or voice mail: (703) 527-9520 CABOMA (Capital Area Bluegrass Old-time Music Association). 2nd and 4th Sundays of every month, 2:00 – 6:00 PM. St. Hildegaard’s Old Catholic Church: Sundays at 10 AM. LPCA ADVERTISING RATES If you are interested in advertising, please email Fr. Stan. (703) 528-1825, R&M CLEANING SERVICES RELIABLE • EXPERIENCED • GOOD REFERENCES FLEXIBLE SCHEDULING • REASONABLE RATES WE BRING OUR OWN EQUIPMENT Free-in-home Estimates Weekly/Bi-weekly/Monthly or Occasionally Move-in or Move-out Office 26 Call MARYEN or RAUL at [703] 321-5335 DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 • Ad size Measures… Cost Business Card 3.5”W by 2.3”H $59/month Quarter Page 3.5”W by 4.5”H $89/month Half Page 7.5”W by 4.5”H $149/month Full Page 7.5”W by 9.5”H $249/month Full Page Free Standing Insert 8.5”W by 11”H $385 We are also now offering full page color ads at a cost of $320. We offer a 5% discount if you commit to three or more months in a row and another 5% if you are a Lyon Park resident. • DEC ’10/JAN ‘11 27 Architect Designed. Expertly Crafted. Custom Homes & Additions. Featured & on the Cover: Cottage Living Magazine December 2006 Considering an addition, renovation or new home? To schedule a Free consultation visit us at or call (703) 525-5020
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