Churches of St. Mary - St. Mary`s Catholic Church Mechanicsville


Churches of St. Mary - St. Mary`s Catholic Church Mechanicsville
Churches of St. Mary
Mechanicsville - Tipton
Twenty-eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Father Hitch, Shared Pastor
October 12-13, 2013
Phone: 563-886-2506 or 563-432-6236
Liturgical Year C
Website for both parishes:
Mass Intentions for October 12-20, 2013
1st, 3rd, 5th Saturday at 5:10 PM
Every SUNDAY 10:00 AM
Weekday Masses:
Tuesday/Thursday 8:00 AM
Sat. 10/ 12 5:30 pm
Sun. 10/ 13 8:00 am
10:00 am
Mon. 10/ 14 No Mass
Tues. 10/ 15 8:00 am
Wed. 10/16 8:00 am
Thurs. 10/17 800 am
10/18 8:00 am
Sat. 10/19 5:30 pm
Sun. 10/20 8:00 am
10:00 am
Mass Times
2nd and 4th Saturday at 5:30 PM
Every SUNDAY 8:00 AM
Weekday Masses:
Wednesday/Friday 8:00 AM
Spec Int.
Children of Parish
Spec. Int
Fr. Dan Mannhardt
Elmeda Bean
Gordon Ryan
Mary Salemik
John Krob
Dana Lu Donohoe
Janice Timmerman
t Seems too Me……..Last weekend at both parishes you received information
about the Diocesan Annual Appeal. At St. Mary’s, Tipton a colorful flyer and a response envelope was attached to the bulletin. At St. Mary’s, Mechanicsville the envelope was in the
pews. As you looked the materials over please consider you gift to the 2013 annual appeal. A
simple way to return your ADA envelope is in the collection basket as it comes around.
A letter from Bishop Amos states “At our Baptism we were made part of the Body of
Christ. As adopted children of God, we are Brothers and sisters to each other. We are connected
in faith, made one in the Spirit.” A colorful pie-chart graph, explaining in detail how your gift is
used is a part of the materials. The Annual Diocesan Appeal Goal for the 2013 is $2, 922,025.
Each year, every Catholic family is asked to participate in our Annual Diocesan Appeal.
This is a vital sign of our unity in Christ as we reach out in faith to love one another constantly in
Jesus’ name. Supporting this special Appeal is also a very meaningful way of expressing our
gratitude to God for His many blessings.
Please make all checks payable to the Diocese of Davenport and all pledge reminders
and IRS tax letters will come from the Diocese. Thank you for your gift to the ministries to the
ast week a priest of the Diocese,
Fr. Daniel Mannhardt died.
Fr. Mannhardt had served our Diocese
since his ordination in 1957. The closest
his ministry was to our area was West
May his soul and all the souls of the faithful
departed through the mercy of God rest in peace!
302 Reeder ST., POB 457,
Mechanicsville, IA 52306
Phone: 563-432-6236
208 Meridian St., POB 309,
Tipton, IA 52772
Phone: 563-886-2506
St. Mary’s Tipton WEB Info:
Page 2
208 Meridian St., POB 309,
Tipton, IA 52772
Phone: 563-886-2506
St. Mary’s Tipton Church
Collected October 5-6, 2013
75 Envelopes
$ 2,894.25
$ 3,094.25
Next Week Lectors
October 19-20, 2013:
5:10 PM Mary Jo Williams
10:00 AM Kathy Laing
Instead of having coffee/rolls Sun. Oct.27th.the
KC's are having a meal (pork chop/hot dogs, potato wedges) from 11:00 to 12:30 and we have
been ask if we could provide some salads and
dessert to serve 120 people and also maybe a
few ladies that could help.
So I am asking if anyone (in there busy
schedules) to help out in anyway they
can. Please just let me know I would appreciate
it. The KC;s have always been helpful to us.
October 2013 Altar Server
Haylee H / Kole M
Oct 13
Haylee H / Paige J
Oct 20
Allie R/ Bob R
Oct 27
Haylee H / Madelyn H
Thank you, Bev Petitgout
Phone: 563-886-2096
Adults and interested High School Students:
The next “Shape of Worship” class meets October 27 at 9 a.m. at the hall. It will conclude in
time for 10 a.m. Mass.
Thanks to those who have already generously
donated to our Informed
Choices Clinic drive. Our local KofC chapter
has also partnered up with the Knights of Columbus Insurance to sponsor a table at Informed
Choices upcoming fundraising banquet. This
year, the featured speaker is Pam Stenzel, who
travels the country helping young people make
good and healthy decisions by giving them all of
the facts. From her website,, “ She understands the
perils that young people face as they make adult
choices, and is dedicated to reviving the character and integrity of today's youth.” The banquet
is October 22 from 7 to 9:30 at the Coralville
Marriott. We have 8 slots left at our table.
There is no cost to attend. However, there will
be an opportunity to donate during the evening if
you are so inclined. If you have questions or
would like to join us please feel free to contact
Tim Ryan at (563)210-2046 or I look for these 8 spots to
disappear quickly. Thanks in advance for supporting this amazing cause!
Parents of students in grades K – 8: Check out
the bulletin boards in your students’ rooms!
They are beautiful! Thanks to Bridget Owen and
Kelli Jauron for sharing their artistic skills to create these inspiring boards.
This month’s 4th Sunday, instead of coffee and
rolls, the Guild and the Knights will host a Fall
Picnic. The menu is to include butterfly chops,
hotdogs, potato wedges, homemade salads and
desserts. See you on October 27th!
Faith Formation-Tipton
K- 8 Classes - 9 a.m. Sundays in the hall, October 13 and 20.
High School meets at 7 p.m. Wednesday, October 9, and 16th.
Confirmation Class: Reminder that in addition
to class, please plan to join together for Mass at
least six times before Confirmation on June 1,
2014. In October, we plan on Mass on the 13th this weekend! Meet in the hall at 9 a.m.
Our 2013/14 Catechists are: K/1 - Rachelle Ham,
Buffy Johnson, Sarah Tucker; 2/3 - Julie Ford, Lisa
Mosier, Julie Tischuk, Rachel Courter; 4 - Tim and
Katie Ryan, Rita Urmie, Jane Osborn; 5/6 - Michelle
Barton, Julie Thomas; 7/8 - Karen Rohlf, Mike
Thompson; Music - Jamie Meyer; Assistant – Jill
Kofron; Confirmation and High School - Mary Barnum, Kelsey Stueland, and Maggie Wehde.
For registration and/or questions, call or email Mary
Barnum (D.R.E.) 563-886-2545 or 319-321-0715
(cell); Email:
Betty Wright has invited her friends and fellow
parishioners to share her CarePages. You may
go to . You will need to sign
up for an account if you do not have one already. It is a very simple process! Once you
are signed in, do a search for BettyWright (all
one word, NOT case sensitive) and you will be
able to both follow her journey with cancer as
well as have opportunity to offer her prayers
and encouragement.
Betty thanks you in advance for joining her support system!
St. Mary’s Tipton WEB Info:
Page 3Page 3
General Guild Meeting:
All women of the parish are invited to attend the
Annual Guild Meeting at St. Mary's Parish Hall on
Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2013 at 6:30pm. A free catered meal will precede the meeting. Please make
your reservation by calling Julie Larson - 319-3213531 - by Friday, November Nov. 1.
St. Mary's Annual Christmas Bazaar:
This year's bazaar will be held on Saturday, Nov.
9, 2013 from 9:00am-2:00pm. There will be crafts,
a cookie walk and food stand with soups, sandwiches and pies. Each family is asked to bring 3
dozen cookies for the cookie walk.
If your cookies contain nuts, please label them as
such with the kind of nut. Please avoid bringing
chocolate chip cookies. The hall will be open
Thursday and Friday before the bazaar from
7:00am-7:00pm if you would like to drop off your
The Shape of Worship Class is open to all
members of the parish.
Sign-up by emailing Mary Barnum or simply
"show up" to one or all of the classes.
The Shape of Worship
Class Schedule:
Classes will be held in the hall, 9:00 - 9:50
a.m.* on the following Sundays:
October 27 - Hospitality and Gathering
November 17 - Eucharist: What Happens on Sunday?
January 26 - Eucharist: What Difference
does the Building Make?
February 23 - Baptism: Our Entry into
the Church
March 23 - Other Prayers and Devotions
(*with the exception of November 17 which will be
held immediately following Mass)
Last week we attached envelopes to bulletin for your annual appeal contribution. In the event
that you did not get a bulletin, or misplaced the envelope, we are providing the following cut
out from the envelope. You can clip this from the bulletin and include it with your Annual Appeal contribution. You may either mail it directly to the Diocese, or place it in a separate envelope and drop it in the collection basket.
Diocese Mailing Address:
Annual Diocesan Appeal
Diocese of Davenport
780 West Central Park Avenue
Davenport, Iowa 52804-1901
Page 4
St. Mary’s Mechanicsville WEB Info:
St. Mary Mechanicsville Oct 5-6, 2013
collection: $ 3,011.48
St Mary Mechanicsville
302 Reeder ST., POB 457,
Mechanicsville, IA 52306
Phone: 563-432-6236
October Ministries
Scott Schroeder
No Mechanicsville Parish Council Meeting this week!
Brian Walshire
Sadie Stabenow
Joyce Pisarik
Ryan Crock
Dan Driscoll
Judy Aberle
Joan Garner
Scott Schoeder
Operation BackPack:
Volunteers are needed for the next date to fill BackPacks
for North Cedar Elementary students. It is planned for
Thursday, October 24 from 2:30-3:45 pm at the Methodist Church in Mechanicsville. Contact Shirley Jarzombek if you would like to volunteer.
Everett Walshire
Host Fam.
Altar Setup
Money Count.
Tory Jarchow Family
Mike Wilhau Family
Jared Nolz Family
Al Dohmen Family
Evelyn Walshire
Sharon Boyd
Sharon Boyd
Ryan Crock
MCC Food Pantry wants to thank
St Mary's for the donation of pasta
items this month.
More volunteers are needed to help with
Bingo at the Mechanicsville Care Center.
Various groups volunteer a month at a
time for this fun and important activity for
the residents. St. Mary's is in charge for
the months of Jan, April, July and October.
The activity is held on Wednesdays at 2pm
and usually takes less than an hour. If you
are interested in volunteering, please
come on the Wednesdays of the month of
Oct. If you have questions, contact Sharon
Boyd or the Care Center.
New Missalettes! We will be receiving
new missalettes, Breaking
Bread beginning with Advent. These are a
full year missal which includes music and
are published by Oregon Catholic Press.
New practices; old traditions:
 1) You will be given an opportunity
to greet the people around you before
 2) You are asked to hold hands during
"Our Father" even across the aisle.
 3) Toddlers and elementary aged students are asked to bring their offering
up the center aisle with the gifts at the
MCC Food Pantry:
During the month of September we served 51 families
(consisting of 84 adults, 66 children and 29 seniors). We
registered 3 new families and 21 of the 51 families utilized
the pantry twice this month. Thank you to all of our volunteers that helped with the pantry this month.Because of
Thanksgiving, our November distributions will be on the 1st
and 3rd Thursday in November (November 7th & 21st) and
the 3rd Saturday (November 23rd).
We received many donations of food and money again this
month. Thank you to everyone who donated fresh produce
over the summer. Our clients have truly enjoyed the variety
and amount of locally grown produce.
It is hard to believe that February 23, 2014 will mark the 5
year anniversary of our first distribution. We were given a
couple thousand pounds of food the Boy Scouts collected
and were trying to determine the best way to get it into the
hands of people who needed it. Individuals met representing the local Churches and most of the community groups
in town. On February 23, 2009 we served 8 families and
still had a tremendous amount of food left over. I never
imagined that nearly five years later the Mechanicsville
Community Cupboard would be here and impacting so
many lives in our community.
I know we are all very busy people, yet you take the time to
volunteer and contribute to our pantry. My hope is that
someday there will not be a need for a food pantry in our
community, I thank God and each one of you that the Mechanicsville Community Cupboard is here and we are able
to serve as many families as we do. Thank you for all that
you do. ~Scott Schroeder
Sunday, October 20th we will be having an all parish meeting to introduce the new council members
and to review the parish plans & progress for the past
Lector Training: If you are interested in being a lector for
Mass, please sign-up at entrance of church. We will be
having a training for all lectors in the near future.
Items for the Mechanicsville portion of the bulletin should go to
Shirley by Wednesdays of each week. Shirley will send them to Maureen in Tipton by Thursday noon. You may contact Shirley by dropping
off items to her home, by using either email address: or or home phone 4326526 or church phone 432-6236.
St. Mary’s Mechanicsville WEB Info:
Page 5
We invite youths in grades K-6 attending school or religious education in our diocese to participate in the annual contest to create a
2013 Christmas card for The Catholic Messenger.
Drawings should be done on white, 8 ½- by 11-inch paper in colored pencil,
crayon, marker or paints. Please submit original artwork only; no black and
white drawings.
The artwork should focus on the religious nature of Christmas. If using yellow,
please use a deep yellow or make sure it is surrounded by a dark color. Yellow
is hard to reproduce.
The contest, which has a Nov. 22 postmark deadline, is open to youths living or
attending school in the Diocese of Davenport.
Messenger staff members will judge the entries based on originality and the ability to convey what Christmas means to Catholic Christians.
Entries must include first and last name, age, grade, home address, school (public, private or home school with the school’s location) and parish (name and city) on the back
of the drawing. Please do not fold entries.
Any information omitted could be grounds for disqualification.
Winning entries will be featured in The Catholic Messenger’s Christmas edition (Dec.
19). The drawings also will be featured on The Catholic Messenger Web site:
All entries should be postmarked by Nov. 22 to:
The Catholic Messenger, 780 W. Central Park Ave., Davenport, IA 52804-1911.
People were terrified by the idea of leprosy in biblical times. They lumped several different things
under the name. These ranged from true leprosy and cancer to simple rust or mildew. If a person
showed any white spots on his body he had to strip and be examined by a priest. A period of quarantine would be followed by another exam. If the symptoms cleared up, the victim could return
home. If the spots remained or grew worse, the person would be banished. The priest carried the
responsibility of protecting society from contagion.
Stewardship: A Way of Life
“Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to God?”
Luke 17:18
Jesus seems so sad and disappointed in the nine lepers who did not return to thank Him. Do we
regularly return to thank God? Or do we run off to our busy lives, taking for granted all the wonderful blessings that God gives to us every day?
St. Mary Churches, Mechanicsville - Tipton
Website information for both parishes:
s Jesus continued his journey to Jerusalem,
he traveled through Samaria and Galilee.
As he was entering a village, ten lepers met
They stood at a distance from him and raised their
voices, saying,
"Jesus, Master! Have pity on us!"
And when he saw them, he said,
"Go show yourselves to the priests."
As they were going they were cleansed.
And one of them, realizing he had been healed,
returned, glorifying God in a loud voice;
and he fell at the feet of Jesus and thanked him.
He was a Samaritan.
Jesus said in reply,
"Ten were cleansed, were they not?
Where are the other nine?
Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to
Then he said to him, "Stand up and go;
your faith has saved you."
Luke 17: 11-19
Questions of the Week
Theme: We are Eucharistic people. We live in praise and thanksgiving.
Breaking Open the Word
Suggested text for faith sharing: Today’s Gospel
Step One: Listen to the Word
Listen carefully to the Gospel of this week. What image in this story
strikes you most forcefully? What word or phrase caught your ear?
Step Two: Look into Your Life
 Question for Children: Make up a prayer which tells God you
are thankful for everything you have, even if it’s not all you want.
 Question for Youth: Only one of the lepers returned to give
thanks. This past week, when have you stopped to thank someone for something good they have done for you? When have you
thanked God this week?
 Question for Adults: What are some ways you can think of to
show gratitude to God? Make them concrete and real.
Domestic Violence:
Communities of Faith Respond
Domestic violence affects all denominations and congregations. We are in
this together.
Presenter: Deborah Farmer Minot, Associate Judge in the Sixth Judicial District; Jeff Nullmeyer, Pastor at Calvary Chapel, Iowa City; Ella and Valerie, domestic
violence survivors; Kristie Fortmann-Doser, Executive Director at Domestic Violence Intervention Program.
Presentations will be followed by a facilitated panel
discussion with system responders.
Refreshments provided.
OCTOBER 31st, 2013
9:00 AM to Noon
The Kirkwood Room at Governor’s Ridge
515 Kirkwood Ave, Iowa City, Ia 52240
To register or get more information,
Peace Church—Bennett Turkey Supper
We3dnesday, October 30, 2013
5—7 pm
At the Bennett School Gym
Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing,
corn, salads, rolls, beverages, and lots of
homemade desserts, including a large variety of pies.
Adults $9.00
4-10 yrs $5.50
Under 3– free
Fall Harvest Bazaar
October 19, 2013– Saturday
Clarence United Methodist Church
Doors open at 10:30 AM
Lunch served at 11 Am-1pm
Crafts, Bake sale, nuts, Silent auction
Basket and Quilt auction at 12:15
40 Days for Life
Join our Prayer Vigil
Where: Emma Goldman Abortion Clinic
227 N Dubuque ST. Iowa city
When: Daily until November 3
Sign up to pray at:
Or call Sheryl at 319 855 8475