Howick BR+E Report
Howick BR+E Report
2012 Business Retention and Expansion Township of Howick A Study by: The Township of Howick With the support and guidance of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Credits Final Report compiled by: Mark Cassidy & Gayl Creutzberg (Consultants) Members of the Business Retention + Expansion Study Steering Committee: o Art Versteeg – Reeve o Randy Scott – Councillor o Shelley Miller-Cameron – Councillor o Don Watson – Business Leader o Peter Keil – Business Leader o Douglas Barill – Business Development Coordinator, County of Huron Recording Secretary – Genevieve Scharback – Clerk OMAFRA Representative – Jane Muegge, Rural Development Coordinator This report is available to the community. Copies may be found on file in the library and a digital version may also be obtained from the Municipal website i Chair of the BR & E Steering Committee`s Message This is the first Business Retention and Expansion (BR+E) study undertaken by the Municipality. Over thirty-five (35) businesses were interviewed providing feedback on a broad range of issues. In response to the findings of the survey, a number of Action Points have been identified by our BR+E study team. Immediate action will be taken towards the development of an inventory of available grants and incentives programs to support our business community. I would like to use this opportunity to once again thank all of our businesses who contributed their valuable time and insights to this initiative, demonstrating community spirit and helping us understand the challenges and opportunities faced by the businesses in the Township of Howick. I would also like to extend our gratitude to the following partners for providing expertise, guidance and support throughout the study: Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Rural Community Development Branch County of Huron - Economic Development Services The Municipality of the Township of Howick Special thanks to our interviewer – Gayl Creutzberg – without whose diligent and committed work this study would not have been possible. It has been a pleasure to serve as Chair on this BR+E study team. Our next step will be to work together with Economic Development Services to prioritise specific action items and develop a plan for implementation. Sincerely, Art Versteeg, Chair of the BR + E Study Steering Committee Township of Howick June 2012 ii Table of Contents Credits........................................................................................................................................................ i Chair of the BR & E Steering Committee`s Message.............................................................................. ii Background .................................................................................................................................................. 2 Main Findings ............................................................................................................................................... 3 PROFILE OF THE HOWICK BUSINESS COMMUNITY .............................................................................. 3 Summary of Recommendations ................................................................................................................. 4 COMMUNITY SERVICESLOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES ..................................................................... 6 Future Plans.............................................................................................................................................. 8 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................ 12 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY ............................................................................................. 14 The Three Local Questions ........................................................................................................................ 16 67. How Can We Engage Old Order Mennonite? ................................................................................. 16 IDEAS FOR ENGAGEMENT ..................................................................................................................... 16 68. The Maitland River – how can we showcase this resource? .......................................................... 17 IDEAS FOR PARTNERING ....................................................................................................................... 18 69. What is Howick Township to you? .................................................................................................. 20 Action ......................................................................................................................................................... 22 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................ 23 1 Background The need for conducting a Business Retention and Expansion Study is determined by a number of economic development factors. Among those factors are the demographic changes confronting all rural communities in Ontario: an aging population, outmigration of youth, declining assessment base and increasing service costs. Economic development strategies are necessary to tackle these challenges. The Township of Howick Business Retention and Expansion Study is designed to gather the input of the business community to: Learn about the current issues and the future plans of local businesses to inform the Township`s economic development plans Understand how the Municipality may assist businesses to remain strong and grow in today`s difficult economic climate A sample of over thirty (30) businesses plus seven from our Mennonite community joined in the study representing approximately one third (1/3rd) of Howick’s commercial base. The participating businesses comprised a cross-section of all business sectors from across the Township. 2 Main Findings PROFILE OF THE HOWICK BUSINESS COMMUNITY 3 Summary of Recommendations The report that follows provides an in-depth analysis on the dynamics of the local business climate through the collection and interpretation of the survey results. Also in this report are recommended actions which encourage the engagement of the community, government and business organizations to work in partnership for future development of the Township. The Township and its partners must invest time and resources and coordinate efforts in the area of economic development, and the Township must assume the lead role showing commitment to supporting commercial growth in the area. Five themes were identified through the project results: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Coordinate joint marketing and business networking initiatives, Facilitate and encourage community collaboration and revitalization, Improve access and communications to business support services, Develop a strategy to attract new commercial investment, and Determine the viability of tourism sector development in targeted areas Participating in joint marketing and networking opportunities will increase the attractiveness of Township businesses. Local businesses are of a size that requires the strength of collaborative efforts. It is also recommended to develop a township wide economic development and tourism committee to work towards new projects to enhance business growth to capitalize on the interest generated by the BR+E study. Businesses felt strongly that it is critical for municipal officials to work with them towards planned growth by regular contact and ongoing business retention and expansion type processes to identify issues. Communications was identified as a key area of concern with business owners feeling that more information should be readily available to inform them of new and essential programs that can help their business. It is recommended that the Township work together with Huron County Planning to seek ways of streamlining the process for permits and approvals. Huron County Economic Development Services is committed to assisting the Township with implementation of key initiatives to be developed as a result of the Township of Howick Business Retention and Expansion Study. 4 BUSINESS CLIMATE 5 COMMUNITY SERVICES 6 LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES 7 8 Future Plans 9 10 11 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT 12 13 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY 14 What assistance, if any, could the community, local government or economic development organizations give to support your business? Other Responses: Business directory Water in the villages Communication - we are looking for organic growers. Gorrie and Wroxeter are under serviced for meals on wheels Help to attract businesses to Howick Chamber of Commerce (we go outside the community at this time) Downtown village revitalization Training community wide such as WHMIS, CPR Trade show - Huron Country wide Signage – it’s cheap advertising Business page for Howick in Independent Plus 15 The Three Local Questions 67. How Can We Engage Old Order Mennonite? (Realizing that the Mennonite population is increasing in Howick Township, how can we further engage this segment of the population? How can businesses better serve this segment of the population?) Many agreed that the Farmers’ Market is valuable in that it brings everyone in the community together. “Keep doing the Farmers’ Market”. But there are concerns: Will it survive after the grant money is gone? It would be good for the Township to maintain the market because it gives Howick a sense of community. IDEAS FOR ENGAGEMENT List of Businesses (Gorrie Line Produce welcome us with open doors) Improved communications - it needs to be two way. The Mennonite community will come together to write a letter that expresses their thoughts on an issue and will gladly contribute, when asked. Access to telephones in shops like Watson’s and at Gorrie Line Produce. Other open-air common markets for handmade goods such as quilts 16 68. The Maitland River – how can we showcase this resource? (Our three villages share the Maitland River and riverside parks. How can we come together to benefit from this commonality? What future possibilities do you see for partnerships to highlight this pristine natural resource as part of the Township?) Note: Most people interpreted this question as cooperation between the communities. Few saw the river as a resource. Therefore the responses deal with the community’s willingness to partner in general. Some were surprised this question was being ask, saying that the problems were a long time ago and that we “hear more Howick now.” This may apply to “over the age of fifty and they need to adjust their thinking.” “The rivalry is not that bad.” The younger generation did not play the east and west hockey thing. “The older generation was competitive. The community today wants to support local but needs to know what is out there. However, despite wanting all the services, “they won’t support them.” “When you take the dams out, you take out the villages. The river is not what it used to be.” Conservation Authority has really affected our use of the rivers.” “We are like the tri-cities. We are oblivious to what goes on outside our own villages. Maybe we can bond through business, with a business event at the arena that brings us together.” 17 IDEAS FOR PARTNERING Fix the dams and parks Rebuild the dam in Fordwich; flooding created a great place on Sundays to fish and boat. Gorrie does not have a park like they used to. The Township used to take responsibility to talk to Maitland CA. Improve riverside parks - parks need work, they used to be used a lot Splash pad in Wroxeter for the kids to balance the pool in Gorrie Something unique such as the swans in Wellesley Create places to sit down and fish. A BBQ in the parks would be a great asset. Promote Local Businesses Two way communication for bettering the community - Bring together ideas and share Business directory - a list of local products and services including Mennonite businesses. Buy local creates a sense of community and engages our Mennonite population as well as our younger families. Business list must be very well done otherwise we are quickly written off as a destination. That the business directory becomes part of What’s Happening Howick and includes a map of Mennonite businesses. Bring the Communities Together There is a massive disconnect between service groups and town staff. We don’t get along Build on community type groups such as the farmers’ market and the Gorrie park group. Get youth, town staff and the service clubs more involved to help with the Fair, rather than it being an Old Boys reunion. A meeting of the villages two times per year (on a volunteer basis) - one rate payer per town+2 businesses per town+2 council members - to assist in bringing business propositions or issues to Council, to market the municipality and to pool resources. Create a large community event (Belmore maple syrup festival is a good example). Hot Rod weekend - a cruise tour through all villages in Howick, ending up at car show. Each town to get a turn to host, involve service clubs and legion. A canoe trip from Fordwich to Wroxeter - need parking and places to get in and out in the 3 villages. Buy local passport - create a passport experience (for local residents). See how many you can visit and support. Family day in the park (Wroxeter) 18 Trails Turn the rail bed back into a walking/cycling trail that connects local business in the 3 communities. Is it possible to gain access to parts of it and string it together into some form of trail between the 3 villages? It is suggested that we “get it back”. Take trail (snowmobile) through Gorrie. Walking trails that the community can enjoy and that attract tourism. Four wheeler trail between villages “Rideau canal” in Howick. Great skating on the Maitland going between the 3 villages and thus a spin off for cafes in the winter. We need a draw. Events Fordwich winter Olympics - they make it just about them. Bring everyone in. Fall Fair Need new blood, currently resistant to change and therefore it struggles away. Draw young farmers Date is too late. The agricultural fair is the best way to exhibit our rural roots. Tourism Build an attraction, something to draw tourists Cultural centre: Mini-REACH or Ag and food skills training centre, where traditional skills are thought to get the 4H type skills back for youth and adults. Turn one of our historical buildings into a museum, eatery or shops with a theme of Ag and rural living. Develop the Gorrie mill as a tourist attraction Have kiosk in each village where anyone, including Mennonite, can sell their wares (like a market). A company further north has 700 canoes booked for the May24 weekend, but our river has no water in it. In the winter we could cater to the skidoos. Village Revitalization Improve the high streets (villages) Revitalize the villages They need cleaning They need to look thriving to get people to stop and shop 19 69. What is Howick Township to you? (Howick Township is looking for a branding image. What is Howick Township to you?) “Feature Howick for tourism or a place to retire to.” “a place to experience rural living and get agricultural education.” “Howick Hockey Team and sports teams” “An agricultural based community with a strong agricultural history (which is disappearing).” “A resource for peace and quiet, the river runs through it, strong communities and great people.” “Rural community of hardworking people who don’t need all the supports and government handouts.” “Promising high quality rural workmanship.” “Three river villages, each with pretty spots (that need to be promoted).” “Small friendly community with values of looking after each other, and businesses helping each other” “Small town values, heritage towns, scenic, productive and progressive farms, friendly, small community, small farm image, beautiful country, clean, comfortable, peaceful, relaxed, rustic, a step back in time (Mennonite carriages), horse and buggies, held firm to its roots (by not amalgamating)” “Self-employed, fairly successful community, entrepreneurs, proud of all the different businesses, great place to do business -I have been successful” “Everything I want is right here, enough business to sustain us, we can get it done here” “Safe; affordable; I love/like it here; know everyone; close-knit, treated well & like you belong in the community: a community; offers what I love to do (hunting and fishing); not far from everywhere; no traffic lights; the agricultural fair; there is no place I’d rather be; staff are helpful and work with you; a different way of life” 20 Howick is… home (x9) Howick is… a great place to raise a family (x3) Howick is a farming community (x3) Howick is… country living (x3) 21 Action Opportunity #1: Coordinate joint marketing and business networking initiatives between the three communities. Possible Actions (What can be done to improve the situation?) Form a business association or develop a local chapter of an existing one (i.e. Chamber of Commerce) Opportunity #2: Facilitate and encourage community collaboration and revitalization. Possible Actions (What can be done to improve the situation?) Develop community signage identifying the communities and the location of businesses and services Opportunity #3: Improve access and communications to business support services. Possible Actions (What can be done to improve the situation?) Provide an annual forum for funding agencies to showcase their services and the programs and grants that are available Opportunity #4: Develop a strategy to attract new commercial investment. Possible Actions (What can be done to improve the situation?) Work together with Huron County Economic Development to participate in appropriate regional initiatives such as business networking and reverse tradeshows Opportunity #5: Determine the viability of tourism sector development in targeted areas. Possible Actions (What can be done to improve the situation?) Work together with Huron County Tourism to participate in appropriate regional initiatives such as Taste of Huron and other culinary tourism initiatives 22 Appendix See list of documents for Internal Circulation 23