St. Irenaeus Parish, Park Forest, Illinois


St. Irenaeus Parish, Park Forest, Illinois
St. Irenaeus Parish, Park Forest, Illinois
January 5, 2014 The Epiphany of the Lord
Feast of Epiphany
Here at the year’s end, at the feast
Of birth, let us bring to each other
The gifts brought once west through desertsThe precious metal of our mingled hair,
The frankincense of enraptured arms and legs,
The myrrh of desperate, invincible kissesLet us celebrate the daily
Recurrent nativity of love,
The endless epiphany of our fluent selves,
While the earth rolls away under us
Into unknown snows and summers,
Into untraveled spaces of the stars.
-Kenneth Rexroth, Sacramental Acts as found on Abbey of the Arts website
Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany when the church remembers and proclaims that
Jesus was born for all people, a global Jesus if you will. What a wonderful feast to celebrate
and ever more to be able to live in the ordinary events of our days! As the poem says "let us
celebrate the daily recurrent nativity of love, the endless epiphany of our fluent lives..." and
each time we gather for Eucharist we celebrate love born in us and we take into our very selves
the Body of Christ. We become Eucharist at every gathering in prayer around the Table of the
Lord and the Word of God! We stand together as a people of faith, united in Christ, engaged
in a universe that calls us to connection and oneness with all that is around us! We are blessed
once again!
Fr Terry
Sundays 9 a.m.—1 p.m.
St. Irenaeus School Building
Vendors include:
-S.A.F.E bringing a variety of fresh
produce, dried beans, soup mixes
80% of SAFE sales/produce goes to area
food pantries
-The Herb Basket offering herbal
products and maybe that perfect unique
gift for a teacher or friend
-Crocheted Hats offering handmade
hats for everyone.
Use lot at 78 Cherry St. and enter rear of building
or park in church lot near gym and enter gym
doors on patio
Cardinal George celebrates his 50th anniversary!
As part of his 50th Anniversary of Priesthood Ordination, Cardinal Francis
George would like to visit parishes he has not been to in a while. St. Irenaeus will
be his destination for the 10:30 mass on Sunday, January 12, 2014. Please plan
on joining us to help the Cardinal celebrate his 50th Anniversary! There will be
a reception in Room 8 immediately following the liturgy.
Manna Gift Cards
Manna Bonus
‘Make A Difference with Every Purchase!’
Hundreds of retail, grocery, specialty stores, restaurants
and gas stations are in the offering.
By using Manna gift cards, you can
give 3% -30% of your everyday purchases back to the church.
If you have any questions about Manna please call the parish
office at 708-748-6891
Portiuncula Retreat Center
9263 W. St. Francis Road
Frankfort, Ill. 60423
An Introduction to Centering Prayer: “Relaxing in the Arms of God”
Date: Saturday, January 18, 2014 from 9:30-Noon...Fee: $20
Participants will receive practical instruction and orientation for
resting in God beyond thoughts, words and emotions. Wisdom from
Orthodox and Catholic masters, both men and women, will be
shared. You will be encouraged and equipped to extend this prayer
into the fabric of your life.
Facilitator: Fr. Ted Curtis is a commissioned presenter of the method of Centering Prayer, and
has been the rector of Grace Episcopal Church of Chicago for twenty years. He has practiced
this prayer for two decades.
TO REGISTER: Please contact us at 815-464-3880 or
January 5, 2014
Epiphany of Our Lord
“Then they opened their treasures and offered
him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
Matthew 2:11
The image of the Magi kneeling before
the infant Jesus and opening their treasure
chests for Him is an image that we should
all try to follow. Each of us is called to
open our gifts before Jesus, offering Him
what He needs. If you have trouble with
this idea, keep one of the Magi from your
Nativity set on your desk all year as a
reminder to bring your gifts to Jesus.
Nina Council 3602
Ladies Auxiliary will
hold their annual Pizza/
Trivia Night on
Saturday, January 18,
2014 at St. Mary Ryan Hall, 227
Monee Rd., Park Forest, IL. Pizza,
soft drinks and other refreshments
will be served at 6:30 p.m. Doors
will open at 6:00 p.m. Trivia will
begin at 7:00 p.m. Cost will be $10
per person. Door prizes will also be
awarded. Tickets are available by
contacting Jackie Smith at 708-4817949.
As of November 19, 2013
PARISH 2013 GOAL: $16,649.40
AMOUNT PLEDGE: $9,605.00
New Anniversary Item for Sale
We are selling Mugs with our
65th anniversary logo on them.
The cost is $5.00 each. They
are available after Mass or in
the parish office during normal
business hours.
Liturgical Ministers
January 11/12
5:00 p.m.
8:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
Bob Carreras
Tim Blumenthal
Laurie Miller
Mary Jane Riopelle
Mary Schmittgens
Gene Schmittgens
Stephanie Sagun
Jen Willford
Linda Marron
Kevin Headly
Karen Ertl
Isabel Acosta
Juan Chavez
Michael Rosenquist
Daisy Chavez
Joanna Mahiya
George Mahiya
Vincent Oganwu
Eileen Rose
Bev Helm
Sally Fortune
Denise Douglas
Loren Bowns
Dennis Condon
Judy Sopiarz
Richard Thomas
Marilyn Olson
Gerry Berish
David Perkis
Raye Warkenthien
Pat Benjamin
Sevena Merchant
Connie Rice
Mass Intentions For The Week
Monday, January 6
St. Andre Bessette
8:00 Chuck Differding req by
The Family
Tuesday, January 7
St. Raymond of Penyafort
8:00 Marlene Hamill req by
The Family
Wednesday, January 8
8:00 Chris Predny req by
Mom & Dad
This Week’s Meetings
Food Pantry Open
10:00-12:00 in the R.E.
SNAP (food stamps)
screening and application
10:00-12:00 noon in Rm. 8
Scouts 6:30 in the R.E.
Choir/Cantor 6:30 in the
PADS 7:00 in the R.E.
Thursday, January 9
8:00 Communion Service
Art & Environment
9:00 in Church
Friday, January 10
8:00 Communion Service
R.E. Class 9:00 in the R.E.
Saturday, January 11
5:00 Brian O’Neal req by
His Son Cody
Sunday, January 12
8:30 Paul Cordes req by
The Family
10:30 Susan Brown-Barber req by
The Greeters
January Top
Box-order forms
are available and
can be turned in
by putting them in the collection
basket or drop them off at the
church office. Order forms are
due by January 6th.
Church Stewardship
Dec. 22 Weekly Collection $3,445.00
Weekly E-Giving Collection $460.00
Weekly Budget Shortage ($1,195.00)
Budget Year to Date
Total Year to Date
Budget Shortage YTD ($11,661.77)
Maintenance Fund Dec. 22 $644.00
Maintenance Fund
Maintenance Fund YTD $20,988.73
For single mothers and
unplanned pregnancies
Catholic Charities Family Shelter
Senior Services
Crisis Center for South Suburbs
Grief Support Center for New
So. Sub. Family Shelter Domestic
So. Sub. Council on Alcoholism
and Substance Abuse
Ministry of Care & Anointing of the Sick
Please call the rectory if you, or someone you
know, is unable to join us for Eucharist. Our
ministers of care visit parishioners at home
and in the hospital or nursing home. Arrangements can be made for the celebration of the
Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.
The Sacrament
of Marriage
Couples planning to
marry must call the
rectory at least six
months prior to their
desired wedding
date. All couples
must attend a PreCana Conference.
Need prayers?
Call the St.
Irenaeus Health
Ministry Prayer
Line at 747-0974
with your requests
of Baptism
Baptisms are
the first and
weekends of each
month. Parents must
attend a baptismal
preparation session prior
to securing a date for
their child’s baptism.
Please call the parish
office for further
information and/or to
sign up for a baptismal
prep session.
St. Irenaeus Ministerial Staff
Rectory Phone: 748-6891
Religious Education Center Phone:
Rev. Terry Johnson, Pastor
Loren Bowns, Deacon
Colleen Pochyly
Coordinator of Religious Education
Mariana Carrillo, Resource Coordinator
Joseph Schenk, Director of Music Ministry
Terri Cardin, Administrative Assistant
Karen Hoogland, Business Manager
Sr. Agnes Ann O.P. Home Visitor
Mailing address:
78 Cherry St. Park Forest, IL 60466
Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00
am-5:00 pm, closed from 12pm-1:00pm
Bulletin Submissions
Articles are due by 10 AM on Fridays 8 days
prior to publication date. Electronic submissions
are preferred – email to Please include
“Bulletin article” in the subject line. Questions?
Call Terri Cardin at 708-748-6891 between the
hours of 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.