Please join with our Diocese and other Dioceses across


Please join with our Diocese and other Dioceses across
JUNE 29, 2014
Solemnity: Saints Peter and Paul
This week-end, at the beginning of the 13th Week in
ORDINARY TIME, we celebrate the June 29 Solemnity of
Sts. Peter and Paul. This commemoration of these two
Apostles, Martyrs, Saints dates back to the third century in
Rome. As placed in the Church’s Liturgical Calendar, these
principal patrons of the city of Rome, and so of the Church,
proclaimed with their lives that Jesus is the Messiah, the
Son of the living God. May their example and presence as
“Prince of the Apostles” and “Apostle of the Gentiles”
strengthen us in our faith. Saints Peter and Paul, pray for us!
The Rite of Committal and Burial for our long time
ST. MARK parishioner and dear friend, Ed
Pawlowski, will take place at 1pm on Friday, July 18 at
Arlington National Cemetery. All attending the burial must
queue up by 12:30pm at the ANC Memorial Gate in private
vehicles. The procession/ceremony is about 30 minutes.
Please RSVP to Edleen, by July 1, if you plan to attend the
reception/burial ceremony at or 518
-524-4249. A useful website for those wishing to learn
more about Arlington National is www.arlington
Fortnight for Freedom
Please join with our Diocese and other Dioceses across
our country in again shining a light on the continuing
challenges to religious freedom both at home and abroad,
during this third annual Fortnight for Freedom, continuing
to July 4. This year’s theme is “Freedom to Serve” the poor
and vulnerable in accord with human dignity and the
Church’s teachings. Please visit ayer m and www.arlingtondiocese .or g/
religiousliberty to find Fortnight resources. Our parish Holy
Hour will be Friday, July 4, at 7:00pm, following our
parish’s First Friday monthly day of Adoration.
July 4th Holiday—Independence Day
Friday is our national holiday of independence, July 4th.
Mass on the day will be at 10:00am. Please join in prayers
of thanks for the blessing of our country—and especially
our freedom to be the very special country that we are. And
please join in prayers of thanks for all those who, in so
many ways, have worked, served, and sacrificed for this
freedom and for our country. And please join in prayers to
protect our freedom from challenges inside of and outside
of our country, that we remain a beacon of our freedom for
ourselves and all our world. Happy July 4th!
PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO 6:15am Mass Friday,
July 4th. As with all national holidays, the parish Mass will
be at 10:00am. And being the First Friday, Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament will follow through 7:00pm and the
Holy Hour for the Fortnight for Freedom.
Peter’s Pence—Second Collection
This week-end, we are asked to join with the Holy
Father, Pope Francis I, in his charitable works. The Peter’s
Pence Collection is taken up world-wide to support the
most disadvantaged: victims of war, oppression, and natural
disasters. This is an opportunity to join with our Holy
Father, and be a witness of charity to our suffering brothers
and sisters. Please be generous in this Second Collection.
How Does a Person Become Catholic? If you are
curious about Catholicism, or know someone who is,
Inquiry is the first step in the four-step process of faith
formation known as the Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults. If you have any questions about how to begin, call
703-938-1948 and ask for Marie Pitman.
Upcoming M&M Events:
July 12 - Last event before summer break!
Dinner at an M&Mer's spectacular chateau.
M&M=Maturing Matters - The 55+ Group of
ST. MARK Church—For more information please
Barbara Walsh at 703-620-9314 or or Joyce Kerrigan 703-262-0148 or
Religious Education Announcements
Wilderness Escape Vacation Bible School will be held
from July 14-July 18. Spots are now full for registration. If
you are interested in helping please contact the RE office
for more information.
Religious Education Registration: Registration forms for
the 2014-2015 school year will be available by mid-June.
Forms will be mailed out to those registered in the spring of
2014 and will be available on the Parish Website, in the RE
Office and at the Information Desk in the Narthex.
RAISE YOUR HAND for Religious Education: Visit the
Religious Education table in the Narthex for more
information on how you can Raise Your Hand for
Religious Education at ST. MARK. We have needs for
adult and children’s faith formation, Sacrament preparation
CONFIRMATION, Vacation Bible School, Little Rock
Scripture Study, RCIA and more. Visit us or contact Ana
Lisa Pinon or Marie Pitman at (703) 938-1948 for more
Openings: ST. MARK Catholic School still has openings
for grades K – 4 for the upcoming academic school year
(2014-15). Please contact the School Office (703-2819103) if you are interested in more information or a tour of
the Christian Formation Center and infrastructure of the
School Program. Please visit our website at http://
”Like” us on Facebook for Parish news in
your news feed! Search for ST. MARK Catholic
Church Vienna VA .
Acts 3:1-10; Psalm 19; Galatians 1:11-20; John 21:15-19
Acts 12:1-11; Psalm 34; 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18;
Matthew 16:13-19
lovely hymn in our new GATHER hymnals, “Heart of a
Shepherd,” written by Catholic composer Rory Cooney. It
was sung by our Festival Choir at the Mass celebrating the
40th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood for Father
Pat, Father Tuck Grinnell, and Msgr. Mark Lane. The
refrain echoes and expounds on the Gospel which is
proclaimed at the Vigil for today’s Solemnity:
“If you love me, feed my lambs;
be my heart, my voice, my hands.
If you love me, feed my sheep.
And for my part, I give you the heart of a shepherd.”
We hear the Lord speaking these tender words to priests.
We could also hear these words as the Lord speaking to US.
We are all members of His Body, the Church, called to feed
those who are spiritually, emotionally, or financially poor.
May we take heart from this sung prayer, and rely on God’s
grace to give us all the heart of a shepherd so that we may
fulfill our Baptismal call in Christ.
the Fourth of July, is also First Friday. Adoration will
begin after our 10am Mass, and continue in the Chapel until
7pm. Evening Prayer and Benediction to close the Fortnight
of Freedom will be celebrated at that time.
Please take time to sign up for some time in prayer, on the
blue poster in the Narthex. In the words of one of our Fifth
Graders at ST. MARK School, after a recent presentation on
“Thank you so much for coming to teach us about
Adoration! My favorite part of Adoration is being able to
talk to and hear Jesus!”
Please pray for all parishioners who are
homebound and in nursing homes. Please
remember to pray for those in our parish who are
ill: Charlene Merrill, Milton Smithman, Karen
Kuchta, Nur Gangji, Kathy Froelke, Carol Palmucci, Gina
McCloskey, Faye Morin, and Betty Fulton.
Please pray for the following deployed service
people who have ties to our parish: Sgt Joshua
Wyant, Maj DeLeon Jose, Michael Tadlock, Cpl
Derek W. Raines, LCpl Christian D. Wilkins, Cpl Rafael De
La Torre, MGySgt William McClelland, SGT Keisha R.
Dennis, Cpl Austin Evans, Cpl Austin Evans, Robin Miller,
LTJG John Duffner, Gen. John Love, and CDR Todd
Daily Readings
Mass Intentions
Amos 2:6-10, 13-16; Monday, June 30, 2014
Ps 50; Mt 8:18-22
First Martyrs of Holy Roman Church
9:15am †Arla Kolasch
7:30pm †Amy Marsden
Amos 3:1-8; 4:11-12; Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Ps 5; Mt 8:23-27
Bl. Junípero Serra
9:15am †Joe & Margaret Kolasch
Amos 5:14-15, 21-24; Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Ps 50; Mt 8:28-34
9:15am †Marion & Merritt Woodcox
& Gladi
Eph 2:19-22; Mk Thursday, July 3, 2014
16:15; Jn 20:24-29
St. Thomas
9:15am †Jack Rehagen
Amos 8:4-6, 9-12; Mt Friday, July 4, 2014
4:4; Mt 9:9-13
Independence Day
10:00am †Frank McMahon
Baptismal Gowns – do you have the gift of sewing? The
Baptismal team at ST. MARK could use your help sewing
our handmade Baptismal gowns. This unique and special
ministry means a lot to the families who approach the
parish for BAPTISM and marks the special occasion in a
unique way. If you share your talent of sewing, please
contact Judy Wilgenbusch at
Summer Bible Study – The Holy Spirit and Our Gifts.
Tuesday mornings from June 24 to July 29 from 10:00–
11:00am in room C-102. Contact Marie Pitman at 703-9381948 ext 2 for more information.
Amos 9:11-15; Ps 85; Saturday, July 5, 2014
Mt 9:14-17
Sts. Anthony Zaccaria and Elizabeth
of Portugal
8:00am †Amy Marsden
5:30pm †Janice Pawlowski
Zech 9:9-10; Ps 145; Sunday, July 6, 2014
Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt Fourteenth Sunday in ORDINARY TIME
8:15am †Barbara Jean Nevins
10:00am †John Frederick Reeping, Jr.
11:45am People of the Parish
Matthew 25-The Christ House
For the entire month of July, ST. MARK Catholic Church
will be participating in Catholic Charities’ Food Drive.
Hunger is on the rise in our State. 1 in 8 people in Virginia
do not have enough food. Our neighbors need our help!
You may use the BLUE grocery bags located in the
Narthex to purchase and return the following items in need:
Canned Meat and Tuna
Canned Vegetables
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Cereals, hot and cold
Canned fruit
Baby Food
Pasta Sauce
25 Collection was initiated at ST. MARK about 5 years ago.
Our faith community has been able to respond to many of
the requests from local agencies who help provide for the
needs of the poor living in our area. We publish this list so
you can keep it in mind as you go about your regular
shopping routine. If you see an item on sale, you can pick
up an extra one to bring here. There is a container located
just outside of the Narthex area that you can place these
items in. Thank you for your generosity and support of this
outreach effort.
ST. MARK English as a Second
Language (ESL) Program Summer
Bonus Session: A six-week series of
Tuesday evening classes (6/24, 7/1,
7/8, 7/15, 7/22, & 7/29) will be offered
to ESL students who wish to continue their instruction this
summer. Each session will be self-contained, themed, and
multi-level. Students may attend as many of the six sessions
as their schedules permit. Planned topics include world
sports; cultures/countries; international/American food;
music; iconic places; and current events. There will be no
registration, books, or fees. The classes will take place from
8:00pm-9:30pm in the lower level below the Cassidy
Activities Center at ST. MARK (C102 & C103). Space is
limited to 30 students, so students should be punctual.
Please pass this information on to those who may be
interested. For further details, visit ST. MARK ESL's Web
page at or our facebook
page; write; or call (703) 6263585.
Marriage Encounter: “We, though many, are still one
body in Christ.” And we, as husband and wife, became one
body in our Sacrament. As Jesus feeds us with His Body,
we need to feed our marriage body so that it grows and is
productive. Take time to feed your Sacrament.
The next weekends are Sep 12-14 and Nov 14-16 in
Herndon, VA. For more information visit our website at or contact us at or 703-378-4150.
JUNE 29, 2014
West Virginia – Household items needed: Our
friends in West Virginia can use the excess household items
you have taking up space in your home. July 12 will be our
next trip, so let’s help brighten the lives of those less
fortunate. On Saturday, July 12 we will be collecting and
loading household items to transport to Hinton, WV. Items
always needed are:
Refrigerators; Stoves (electric); Washers & Driers
(electric); Kitchenware; Microwaves; Mattresses & Box
springs (no King); Lamps (no halogen); Dressers; Bed &
Bath Linens; Area carpets/rugs; End Tables; Window &
Floor Fans.
All items should have no rips or tears, be clean, in good
mechanical condition, and ready for immediate use! They
will be delivered to Hinton on Saturday evening for
distribution to those most in need. If you have items to
donate, please call Sam at 703-255-9273 before July 8. We
can always use more volunteers, especially those with pick
up trucks. We work from 8:00-10:30am on Saturday
morning doing our collecting and loading. Come join our
group to help a worthy cause.
Retreat at Dominican Retreat, McLean
July 8-14—Come Away and Rest Awhile/Extended Silent
Retreat – Private or Directed. Directors: Sr. Mary Ellen
Brady, OP, Sr. Catherine Morgan, OP and Fr. Bill Wyndaele,
CICM. Time: Tuesday Arrival after 4.00pm—10.00am.
For further information or reservations call Dominican
Retreat at 703-356-4243 or
Do you have good pictures of ST. MARK events? We
are looking for photos taken between June 2013 and June 15,
2014 to be considered for the 2015 ST. MARK Calendar.
Please bring photos or digital copies to Tim O’Connor in the
Parish Office. For more information please contact Mary
Margaret McGowan at 703-281-5123. Thank you!
POOR BOX: Please remember to donate to one of the 4
Poor Boxes located at the back of the church OR the 1 in
the Chapel to help with the needy folks in our area. The
money goes directly to help those in need of food, clothing,
paying utility bills, and many other basic costs to help those
in dire need. The Vienna/Oakton area is not immune to this
growing problem. We receive many calls asking for help.
Every penny helps!! Thank you.
Counseling Corner:
Offering helpful thoughts and
resources for emotional and spiritual health.
“Nothing has changed except my attitude—so everything
has changed.” Antony de Mello in Wellsprings
Ellen Murphy, LCSW
ST. MARK Counseling Center
(703) 281-9671
High School Events
Upcoming Youth Events
9:15 am Mass & Breakfast ( June 17 thru August 5)
Steubenville Conference (July 11 thru July 13)
Nats / Orioles Baseball Games
Kings Dominion Day (August 1)
Hershey Park Expedition
And much more...check out our webpage for dates
Jr. High Event
Summer Youth Wave continues in July with 3 more events. See
our webpage for more details/dates & times.
Visit us at:
Please fill out a registration form for the 2013-14 school year!
Sunday, June 29
No HS FUEL on Sunday evenings during the summer.
Monday, June 30
Girls’ CLC in Youth Room at 7:30 pm
Tuesday, July 1
9:15 am Mass & Breakfast for High School Youth
Wednesday, July 2
9:15 am Mass & Breakfast for College Youth
Boys’ CLC in Youth Room at 7:30 pm
Friday, July 4 - Independence Day
Tuesday, July 8
Jr. High Summer Youth Wave - Splashdown Water Park
12:30 - 6:30 pm
For more information contact Kevin Flores / Eric McDade
at 703-938-5656 or /