Next week-end, we are asked ... Collection to assist the Holy Father in his charitable... Peter’s Pence Collection


Next week-end, we are asked ... Collection to assist the Holy Father in his charitable... Peter’s Pence Collection
Solemnity of the Most Holy
Body and Blood of Christ
This week-end, in the continuation of ORDINARY
TIME, we consider the gift and the mystery that is the Most
Holy Body and Blood of Christ - ”Corpus Christi” - the
Lord himself blessing and nourishing us always. Formally
composed in France in 1246, and then extended to the
Church Calendar for the whole church by Pope Urban VI in
1264, this Solemnity recalls the institution of the
EUCHARIST, Jesus’s gift to us of himself - following upon
the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity, as we are blest by
the Lord’s very presence among us. “O Sacrament most
holy, O Sacrament divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be
every moment thine!”
Fortnight for Freedom - June 21 to July 4
In these two weeks, we as church in our nation ask
God’s grace and strength to witness to our nation of the
blessings of God. Particularly in light of the HHS Mandate
affecting insurance coverages which violate moral
teachings for the church, its employees, and businesses
wishing to operate within moral parameters, the Fortnight
offers a statement of the importance of religious freedom.
Please join in prayer, study, catechesis, and public action to
highlight this freedom, and the need of its protection. Our
Diocesan event will be June 28, at ST. JOSEPH, Herndon,
9am to Noon - Fortnight for Freedom - Freedom to Serve.
Please come. Our parish Holy Hour will be July 4, 7pm.
JUNE 22, 2014
Welcome to our New Parochial Vicar
As was noted in the Arlington Catholic Herald last
week, Father Paul Grankauskas is being assigned to our parish
as a Parochial Vicar, effective June 15th. Father Paul comes
to us from ST. THOMA S à BECKET, Reston. But we
actually have history with him, as we has the Transitional
Deacon here in the summer of 1999, and on week-ends
leading up to his ordination to the Priesthood on June 10,
2000. Because of the limited time, most of the parish did not
get an in-depth experience of him—but some do remember
him—especially the bride-to-be who has already asked him to
preside at her and her fiancé’s Sacrament in August. Father
Paul has been a Parochial Vicar at A LL SA INTS, Manassas,
ST. MARY of SORROWS, Fairfax Station, and ST. ANN,
Arlington. Welcome, Father Paul—we are blest in your
coming to us!
Peter’s Pence Collection
Next week-end, we are asked to join in the Second
Collection to assist the Holy Father in his charitable activities
around the world. This “Peter’s Pence” Collection benefits the
most disadvantaged victims of war, oppression and disasters.
Please join Pope Francis as a witness of charity to those who
are suffering.
Upcoming M&M Events:
Religious Education Announcements
Wilderness Escape Vacation Bible School! Registr ation
forms for this summer’s Vacation Bible School are now
available on the Parish Website and at the Information Desk!
Please visit
vacation-bible-school-2/ to access the registration form. This
summer’s VBS will be held July 14 to 18. We are also
looking for adult and youth volunteers. Past experience is not
required! Please contact the RE Office for more information.
Religious Education Registration. Registr ation for ms for
the 2014-2015 school year will be available by mid-June.
Forms will be mailed out to those registered in the spring of
2014 and will be available on the Parish Website, in the RE
Office and at the Information Desk in the Narthex.
RAISE YOUR HAND for Religious Education. Visit the
Religious Education table in the Narthex for more
information on how you can Raise Your Hand for Religious
Education at ST. MA RK. We have needs for adult and
children’s faith formation, Sacrament preparation for
CONFIRMATION, Vacation Bible School, Little Rock
Scripture Study, RCIA and more. Visit us or contact Ana
Lisa Pinon or Marie Pitman at (703) 938-1948 for more
June 25-After Mass coffee with Marie Pitman
as speaker.
July 12 - Dinner at an M&Mer's spectacular
M&M=Maturing Matters - The 55+ Group of ST.
MARK Church—For more information please contact:
Barbara Walsh at 703-620-9314 or
or Joyce Kerrigan 703-262-0148 or
Openings: ST. MARK Catholic School still has openings
for grades K – 4 for the upcoming academic school year
(2014-15). Please contact the School Office (703-2819103) if you are interested in more information or a tour of
the Christian Formation Center and infrastructure of the
School Program. Please visit our website at http://
FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION: Next Friday, the Fourth
of July, is also First Friday. Ador ation will begin after our
10am Mass, and continue in the Chapel until 7pm. Evening
Prayer and Benediction to close the Fortnight of Freedom will
be celebrated at that time. Please take time to sign up for some
time in prayer, on the blue poster in the Narthex.
A Fifth Grader at our school recently wrote the following in a
thank-you note after a presentation on First Friday Adoration:
“Dear Mrs. Novelly, Thank you soooooo much for teaching us
about Adoration! My favorite part is knowing that I can come
pray to Him whenever I want!”
This student had come to understand that First Friday is a
wonderful way to lay before the Lord all our worries,
concerns, prayers, and gratitude.
May we follow the
wonderful example of our Fifth Graders, and come for a visit
on First Friday!
Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Psalm 147
1 Corinthians 10:16-17; John 6:51-58
THE GIFT OF THE EUCHARIST: Twice a year we set
aside a time to remember and commemorate the greatest
gift of the Lord: the gift of His Body and His Blood. On
Holy Thursday, and again on this Solemnity of the Body
and Blood of Christ, we thank God for this gift and meditate
on its meaning. The people of the Old Testament saw in the
manna a sign that God had not forgotten them as they
journeyed for forty years in the desert. We see in the gift of
the EUCHARIST God’s care for us as we celebrate almost
50 years together as the ST. MA RK Parish Community.
The First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians asserts the truth
that “because the loaf of bread is one, we, though many, are
one body, for we all partake of the one loaf.” As we come
to the Table of the EUCHARIST together each week, let us
keep in mind both the “vertical” (my relationship to the
Lord) and the “horizontal” (our relationship with one
another) dimensions of this great gift of the EUCHARIST.
Jesus is really and truly present with us when we share His
Body and Blood together, and we become one Body in Him
to the extent that our hearts are open to this unity.
At this time eight years ago, our Bishop gave permission for
everyone who wished, to receive Communion under both
species. This is a good time to update our practices and
theology. No one is forced to receive the Precious Blood.
Those who wish may receive from the Chalice by
approaching the Extraordinary Minister of Holy
Communion, saying “Amen” to them as they say “The
Blood of Christ,” and taking the Chalice into your own
hands to sip the Precious Blood. The EMHC will take the
Chalice back from you and wipe the side of the Chalice
clean with the purificator.
Please Note: Some have been confused by the mandate to
bow before receiving the EUCHARIST. The General
Instruction on the Roman Missal has suggested a slight bow
of the head as one receives. A profound bow does not need
to be made. Also, let us all remember to keep reverence for
the EUCHARIST by either praying silently to the Lord, or
by joining in the singing of the Communion Song, during
the distribution of Communion. It’s a temptation to become
distracted and talk with those around us. But Communion
time is also a wonderful opportunity to offer God thanks for
all our blessings, to pray for all those we love, and to be
conscious of our oneness in the Body of Christ. In our
prayer and in our singing, we commit ourselves more firmly
to the Lord and to one another.
Summer Bible Study – T he Holy Spirit and Our Gifts.
Tuesday mornings from June 24 to July 29 from 10:00–
11:00am in room C-102. Contact Marie Pitman at 703-9381948 ext 2 for more information.
Please pray for all parishioners who are
homebound and in nursing homes. Please
remember to pray for those in our parish who are
ill: Charlene M errill, M ilton Smithman, K aren
Kuchta, Nur Gangji, Kathy Froelke, Carol Palmucci, Gina
McCloskey, Faye Morin, and Betty Fulton.
Please pray for the following deployed service
people who have ties to our parish: Sgt Joshua
Wyant, Maj DeLeon Jose, Michael Tadlock, Cpl
Derek W. Raines, LCpl Christian D. Wilkins, Cpl Rafael De
La Torre, MGySgt William McClelland, SGT Keisha R.
Dennis, Cpl Austin Evans, Cpl Austin Evans, Robin Miller,
LTJG John Duffner, Gen. John Love, and CDR Todd
Daily Readings
Mass Intenons
2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, Monday, June 23, 2014
18; Ps 60; Mt 7:1-5
9:15am †Eberhard Shirmacher
7:30pm †Amy Marsden
Is 49:1-6; Ps 139; Acts Tuesday, June 24, 2014
13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, Navity of St. John the Bapst
9:15am †David Dunaway
2 Kgs 22:8-13; Ps 119; Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Mt 7:15-20
9:15am †Eberhard Schirmacher
2 Kgs 24:8-17; Ps 79; Thursday, June 26, 2014
Mt 7:21-29
9:15am †Jack Rehagen
Deut 7:6-11; Ps 103; Friday, June 27, 2014
Jn 4:7-16; Mt 11:25- Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
6:15am †Martha Walten DiBerto
9:15am †Amy Marsden
Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18- Saturday, June 28, 2014
19; Ps 74; Lk 2:41-51 Immaculate Heart of the Blessed
Virgin Mary
8:00am †Theodore R. & JoAnne L.
5:30pm †Carl Salnoske
Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34; 2 Sunday, June 29, 2014
Tim 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul
8:15am †Ronald Baker
10:00am People of the Parish
11:45am The Toscano Family
Matthew 25-The Christ House
For the entire month of June, ST. MA RK Catholic Church
will be participating in Catholic Charities’ Food Drive.
Hunger is on the rise in our State. 1 in 8 people in Virginia
do not have enough food. Our neighbors need our help!
You may use the BLUE grocery bags located in the
Narthex to purchase and return the following items in need:
Canned Meat and Tuna
Canned Vegetables
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Cereals, hot and cold
Canned fruit
Baby Food
Pasta Sauce
25 Collection was initiated at ST. MA RK about 5 years
ago. Our faith community has been able to respond to many
of the requests from local agencies who help provide for the
needs of the poor living in our area. We publish this list so
you can keep it in mind as you go about your regular
shopping routine. If you see an item on sale, you can pick
up an extra one to bring here. There is a container located
just outside of the Narthex area that you can place these
items in. Thank you for your generosity and support of this
outreach effort.
Baptismal Gowns – do you have the gift of sewing? The
Baptismal team at ST. MARK could use your help sewing
our handmade baptismal gowns. This unique and special
ministry means a lot to the families who approach the
parish for BAPTISM and marks the special occasion in a
unique way. If you share your talent of sewing, please
contact Judy Wilgenbusch at
ST. MARK English as a Second
Language (ESL) Program Summer
Bonus Session: A six-week series of
Tuesday evening classes (6/24, 7/1, 7/8,
7/15, 7/22, & 7/29) will be offered to
ESL students who wish to continue their
instruction this summer. Each session will be selfcontained, themed, and multi-level. Students may attend as
many of the six sessions as their schedules permit. Planned
international/American food; music; iconic places; and
current events. There will be no registration, books, or
fees. The classes will take place from 8:00pm-9:30pm in
the lower level below the Cassidy Activities Center at ST.
MARK (C102 & C103). Space is limited to 30 students, so
students should be punctual. Please pass this information on
to those who may be interested. For further details, visit
http:// or our facebook page;
write; or call (703) 626-3585.
JUNE 22, 2014
Learning English opens doors: find
out how rewarding it can be to enable the
dreams of others! ST. MARK English as a
Second Language (ESL) ministry is
welcoming new volunteers now to serve
with us for 2014-15. Help our adult
learners master the English language, prepare for American
citizenship, learn to converse fluently in English, and
integrate into the local community. How you can help:
dedicate 2-3 hours one evening a week as an ESL Teacher
or Teacher's Aide, Citizenship Tutor, Conversation Group
Facilitator or occasional Substitute Teacher or Aide; serve
as a Korean, Arabic, or Vietnamese translator in support of
student outreach; help with program administration
including hospitality, photography, student registration, etc.
All classes take place at ST. MA RK Christian Formation
Center, 9972 Vale Road, Vienna, VA. For additional
information or to volunteer, contact Ida Hiller at 703-6263585, email or see the web site at
Do you have good pictures of ST. MARK events? We
are looking for photos taken between June 2013 and June 15,
2014 to be considered for the 2015 ST. MA RK Calendar.
Please bring photos or digital copies to Tim O’Connor in the
Parish Office. For more information please contact Mary
Margaret McGowan at 703-281-5123. Thank you!
POOR BOX: Please remember to donate to one of the 4
Poor Boxes located at the back of the church OR the 1 in
the Chapel to help with the needy folks in our area. The
money goes directly to help those in need of food, clothing,
paying utility bills, and many other basic costs to help those
in dire need. The Vienna/Oakton area is not immune to this
growing problem. We receive many calls asking for help.
Every penny helps!! Thank you.
Counseling Corner: Offering helpful thoughts and
resources for emotional and spiritual health.
"“On the contemplative path, embracing is valuable because you
are embracing God in the feeling, not embracing the feeling
alone...Rather, it is as if you are being confronted with a feeling,
you open your arms wide enough to embrace the Spirit through,
with, and in the pain. God envelopes the pain--and you. You may
need to gently touch just a corner of the pain in order to build
trust in God. In time you hold God and the pain in your heart. In
doing so, you are changed, opened to being transformed in the
mystery of God's embrace of you, in your humanity...In Christian
contemplative practice, the way to become fully human is
through embracing the divine presence and action in all things,
including emotions." David Frenette in The Path of Centering
Ellen Murphy, LCSW
ST. MARK Counseling Center
(703) 281-9671
High School Events
Begins a/er Workcamp...
9:15 am Mass & Breakfast ( June 17 thru August 5)
Steubenville Conference (July 11 thru July 13)
Nats / Orioles Baseball Games
Kings Dominion Day (August 1)
Hershey Park Expedi>on
And much more...check out our webpage for dates
Jr. High Event
Summer Youth Wave con>nues in July with 3 more events. See
our webpage for more details/dates & >mes.
Jr. High Workcamp registra>on con>nues un>l filled.
Limited spots available...need adult leaders!
Visit us at:
Please fill out a registration form for the 2013-14 school year!
Upcoming Youth Events
Sunday, June 22
High School Workcamp begins (Imperial, PA) 5:30 am
Monday, June 23
Girls’ CLC in Youth Room at 7:30 pm
Tuesday, June 24
9:15 am Mass Only HS (No Breakfast - Workcamp)
Wednesday, June 25
9:15 am Mass for College Youth (Breakfast on own - Workcamp)
Boys’ CLC in Youth Room at 7:30 pm
Saturday, June 28
HS Workcamp concludes - back at ST. MARK by 3 pm (ish)
Sunday, June 29
No HS FUEL on Sundays during the summer...check out
specific dates for events and ac>vi>es online.
For more information contact Kevin Flores / Eric McDade
at 703-938-5656 or /