First Things First A Strong Family United in Christ July 14, 2013 15th


First Things First A Strong Family United in Christ July 14, 2013 15th
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 14, 2013
Join Us for Mass:
Mon-Fri 10 am | Sat 8 am & 5 pm |
2001 Dayton Ave - Saint Paul, MN 55104
Fr. Humberto Palomino, P.E.S.
Pastor of the Church of St. Mark
Sunday 9:00 & 11 am
| email: | 651-645-5717
A Strong Family United in Christ
First Things First
The readings today invite us to put our hearts and our lives in order. It’s a matter of
defining our priorities so we can focus our attention on what we want to become and
how to get there.
A dispersed mind or a divided heart is not directed towards a clear goal. An
inconsistent and changing will is going to undo what it started yesterday and will
start tomorrow what needed to be done today. Is it any surprise that living this way is sterile and
unfruitful? It’s common sense! We need to act differently, we need to order our time, efforts, desires
and projects, if we what to achieve.
A Strong Family Story…
One gift of being a strong family is
our ability to reach out and help
others. Here is an article from Judy
Miske, our Pastoral Care Coordinator,
highlighting an opportunity for us to
work together in supporting our
neighborhood food shelf.
For the past four years or so, food
donations have been faithfully
brought to Keystone Food Shelf
by Dan Nedoroski. Despite his
ongoing desire to serve, Dan is
unable to continue this effort. We
are so grateful for all his hard and
The law of God is not like the laws produced by the legislature; it is not an agreement between devoted work to feed the hungry
special interests nor is it the result of a vote by those who today say something and tomorrow will of our community.
The Law has Power to Liberate - The sense of order we are speaking of is not one imposed from
outside ourselves. It is not something laid upon us arbitrarily. Moses tells us in the first reading today:
“This command that I enjoin on you today is not too mysterious and remote for you. It is not up in the
sky, that you should say, ‘Who will go up in the sky to get it for us and tell us of it, that we may carry
it out?’ Nor is it across the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will cross the sea to get it for us and tell us
of it, that we may carry it out?’ No, it is something very near to you, already in your mouths and in
your hearts; you have only to carry it out.”
change completely, depending on the state of their political party or reelection prospects.
The Law of the Lord is written within us, evidence by what God has given each of us: The voice of
our conscience. To hear it, we just need to make silence. Unlike other laws that restrict, this law is a
way to freedom and its only obligation is our fidelity to the best in us that comes from God.
The Head and the Heart - God then wants to reign not only externally (for instance, in what we
do) but especially interiorly; in "the heart" according to common Biblical terminology.
We need to clarify that this "heart" is not just a source of feelings like almost everyone tends to
understand in our culture. The heart is the core of our souls, in which we make our most important
decisions, treasure our deepest desires, recall and meditate on what happened to us, and look for the
meanings of things.
When God is given the first place in our hearts, all of our being starts to exhibit a proper order,
meaning and beauty in Him. If He commands to love Him, it is not because He needs it, but out of
love for our good, which, given how He made us, can only be possible if He is loved above all things.
This ‘first place in our hearts’ is expressed by Saint Paul on the Second Reading today in this image
of the human body: "He is the head of the body, the Church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from
the dead, that in all things he himself might be preeminent." Just so, we understand that a life founded
-- Spiritually Speaking, continued on page 2
Upcoming Events
Children’s Theatre Performance - 7pm in the Gym
Class of 1963 - 50th Reunion Weekend
Pastoral Care Mtg - 10:45-Noon in the Parish Center
Altar Servers Training - 11-12:30 in Carolyn Hall
Project Home Training Session - 10am in Carolyn Hall
Coming Soon: Consecration to the Sacred Heart Meeting
Plan to Attend: Renewal of Wedding Vows
July 19 & 20
July 19-20
July 24
July 24
July 28
Aug 2
Oct 5
Keystone is a lifeline for struggling
families. Most people who use the
food shelf are employed in lowpaying jobs that offer few or no
Keystone offers basic needs in
difficult times offering
information, referral, emergency
assistance, and the assurance
that someone cares.
Some of the clients say:
“If it were not for Keystone, my
family and I would have very little
food in the house.”
“My husband is very sick. I had to
quit my job to care for him. The help I
get from the food shelf helps greatly.
Everyone has always treated me with
dignity and respect.”
I have chosen to take up the
cause of supporting Keystone
-- Strong Family story
Continued on page 2
Page 2
July 14, 2013
Parishioner Spotlight
Spiritually Speaking, continued from page 1
in Christ finds its solidity because "For in him all the fullness
was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile all things for
him, making peace by the blood of his cross through him,
whether those on earth or those in heaven."
Lord Jesus, you are the master of the universe, and yet you wish
to listen to me and guide me. You know all things past, present
and future, and yet you respect my freedom to choose you. Holy
Trinity, you are completely happy and fulfilled on your own, and
yet you have generously brought us into existence. You are our
fulfillment. Thank you for the gift of yourself. I offer the littleness
of myself in return, knowing you are pleased with what I have to
Lord, help me to be like the Good Samaritan.
Lord, I am sorry for accepting your love for me on the cross while
failing to love others in the same way. Don’t let me get
discouraged by my little daily setbacks as I try to love more, but
encourage me to be more like you, to be a Good Samaritan to all I
Please join us in welcoming our new parishioners:
Michael & Anna Torchia
We also congratulate families and celebrate recent
Gideon Edward & Amos James Kolar,
Children of Daniel & Claire
Tucker Bolinger,
Child of Ryan & Monica
Luke Benjamin Gaida,
Child of Steve & Kelly
Adelaide Miriam Brekke,
Child of Ben & Joy
Fintan John Bergson,
Child of Brian & Jennifer
Felicity Rae Stolpestad,
Child of Adam & Anna
Nora Rose Beisang
Child of Dan & Jolene
Strong Family Story, continued from page 1
Zanee Hiro & Fazil Malak Kidane
Children of Zada
here at St. Mark’s and coordinate our efforts to bring
food items to the food shelf.
I am
asking for
volunteers to give a half hour one day a week (most likely
on Monday morning after the 10am Mass) to load my car
with the grocery bags from Sunday Mass donations.
Robert James Martin,
Child of Peter & Samantha
Once the food is at the Food Shelf, volunteers will unload
the car and carry in the bags.
Psalm #69: “ Turn to the Lord in your need, and you will
live. ”
I am asking 2 things:
1. PLEASE increase your donations at Offertory time
during Mass!!!!
2. Offer your time to help load the food into my car for
Those of us who never worry where our next meal is
coming from need to help feed our hungry brothers and
Thank you in advance of your response.
-- Judy Miske
Join Us
Pray the Rosary
Monday Evenings at 6:30pm
Main Church
All Are Invited and Welcomed
Today’s Readings: #909 Dt 30:10-14; Col 1:15-20;
Lk 10:25-37
Next Sunday: Gn 18:1-10a; Ps 15; Col 1:24-28; Lk 10:3842
Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration
The Lord in the Most Holy Sacrament is waiting for
you in the Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. There, in the
quiet, open your heart, open your heart and let Him
speak to you. Let's take Him up on his invitation to
come to Him with our worries and burdens, to allow
Him to carry them with us. His wisdom will bring
meaning to the stirrings of your heart.
Stop any time, but consider committing an hour a week as well.
Please call Dunia Ruff at 651-698-6334.
The following hour have no scheduled adorers:
Tuesday 1:00 AM - 2:00 AM
Wednesday 12:00 PM to 1:00 AM
Wednesday 1:00 to 2:00 PM
Friday 9:00 to 10:00PM
We need substitutes; especially when the universities have a break.
Page 3
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Ministries
Community News
Rockin’ Snow White: Prince charming, a vain queen (with a
sassy mirror), wee woodland creatures, feisty dwarves broom
dancing , 98% humidity and a pure, innocent princess. Ah, its time
for the St. Mark’s Children’s Summer Play!
Family Fest at the Basilica: The Move & Groove Family
Fest is back at the Basilica with a big day of summer fun
celebrating kids’ fitness, wellness and creativity with a family
concert featuring kids’ music from the Imagination Movers!
10:30am to 3pm at the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis. More
info available at
To whet your appetite for this upcoming production, we shall
reflect on past summer plays with a family who has been through a
few (warm) dramatic seasons. Tom and Betty Swords and their
three children, Patrick, Daniel and Lauren have been both on-stage
and back-stage mainstays for 10 years. With Tom leading the prop
team, and Betty making sure the actors are properly made-up, the
Swords are the kind of family that does not wait for an invitation to
help. When asked about their favorite production, the two declined
to choose, claiming that they have loved all the plays. However,
Tom did wax wisely regarding lessons learned when it comes to
props, “When making props for kids if it looks like it could break it
will break. If it looks like a weapon it will be used as a weapon. So
bring glue guns and duct tape to all dress rehearsals and
performances.. Practically anything can be made from parts found
at Axman's Surplus...even if you walk in with no idea of how to do
it”. The Bard himself would likely agree with Tom as he calls
Axman “The Harrods of prop making”. Betty enjoys cajoling grade
school boys into donning lipstick and blush, and marvels at the
miraculous performance progress from dress rehearsal to opening
The Swords speak of their amazement every year at the dedicated
volunteers that act as directors, producers, musicians, costumes and
set.. “Many of these volunteers have been giving up a large part of
their summer for more than 20 years. Their own children are grown
(and several now also volunteer) but they continue the tradition so
other children could experience the play. I know the summer plays
will always be one of the most significant memories our children
have of growing up in St. Mark's parish”.
Where else can you hear a DNR guy croon sweet nothings in the
woods? Join us at the play!
Rockin’ Snow White
7:00pm - July 19 & 20
St. Mark’s Gym
Adults: $5 - Children over 5: $3
Children under 3: free
Grandparents Apostolate: Join us to celebrate the Feast
of Saints Joachim and Anne. All grandparents are invited to an
hour and a half of celebration, encouragement, prayer and
fellowship highlighted by a presentation by Fr. Troy Przybilla,
Director of Vocations. Topic: A Unique Painting of the Immaculate
Conception and the Inspiring Story Behind It. Friday, July 26
following the 8:15am Mass at Nativity of Our Lord Church in
Steiner Hall. Refreshments will be served.
Ice Cream and Bikes: Join Keystone Community Services
for an ice cream treat and a bike donation drive! Saturday, July 20
from 11am – 2pm at the Express Bike Shop 1158 Selby Ave.
(corner of Selby and Dunlap Avenues). The Express Bike Shop is
able to take many bikes, previously sitting idle in garages or fated
for the scrap yard, and return them to productive service. The
Express Bike Shop is a social enterprise and youth development
program of Keystone. For more information, or to find out how you
can support the Youth Express program, contact Margo Kemp
Relations, or call her at 651-6036650.
Cafesjians Carousel in Como Park:
needed. Must be 16 yrs and older 3-4 hour shifts, 2 times a month.
If interested, please call Tammi @ (651) 489-4628.
Mass Intentions for the Week
+ Poor Souls
+ James B. Nelson
+ Lloyd Davis
+ John R. Clasen
+ Harold Cragg
Parish Q & A:
Q: Is St. Mark’s looking for gardeners?
Project Home Update: Our Saint Mark’s Family will again
have the opportunity to serve as hosts this year for Project Home
families. Between August 1 and September 3 we will be hosting
families in need of nightly shelter. Sign up will be happening today
in the back of the Church. Don’t miss this special opportunity to
encounter our Lord in our brothers and sisters. We will need 4
volunteers each evening—two for a 5PM-8:30PM shift and two
starting at 8:00 PM and staying overnight until 7:00AM
weekdays/9AM weekends. This year we want to invite you to start
and end this experience with a few minutes in our Adoration Chapel
to hold up our guests in prayer. Questions or ready to sign up?
Call: Mitch Mueller at (651) 497-1909 or Catherine Njogu at (612)
310-8662, or look for the link on the Saint Mark’s Website.
Saint Mark's 8th Grade Class Reunions:
 Class of '63: July 20
 Class of '58: August 24
 Class of '73: September 21
Donations of money for supplies, or during the month itself, of
healthy snacks such as fruit would also be most welcome.
To get in touch with reunion coordinators -- and for information about
putting on your future class reunion -- contact Jana Hayden-Sofio,
A: Yes! Saint Mark's Flower Beds Need Your Help.
Small parcels of manageable size need occasional weeding
-- easy and fun! Contact Jana Hayden-Sofio,
School News
Page 4
July 14, 2013
Parish Staff:
Father Humberto Palomino, P.E.S.
Father Carlos Farfan, P.E.S.
Judy Miske
Patricia Hartshorn
Keely Wojda
Cindy Holupchinski
Sharon Suess
Zach Zeckser
Associate Pastor
Pastoral Care Coordinator
Liturgy Coordinator
Director of Religious Ed.
Director of Music
Parish Administrator
School Principal
Parish Center
Fax No.
Brigid Kostka, Secretary
LuAnn Hanrahan, Secretary
Parish Center Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Tuesday & Thursday
8:00a.m.-7:30 p.m.
Parish Pastoral Council:
Brian Bergson
Faith Carlson
Kevin Lewis
John Mayhew
Cindy Morrissey
Paul Ruff
Robert Tibesar
St. Mark’s School
Barb Sonntag, Secretary/Notary Public
Child Care Center
Cassie Schwingle, Director
School Advisory Committee:
Kevin Brennan, Co-Chairperson 651-647-9309
Colleen Howard, Co-Chairperson 651-645-4341
Bulletin Content Welcomed
Please submit bulletin content to by
10am Thursday (or earlier) for the bulletin available 10 days later. We’re
looking for Strong Family Stories, Parishioner Spotlights, Q & A’s, as
well as events. You may also drop off your article at the Parish Center.
Kickball Anyone?
Vacationing Markers with Brother
Joe at the first Wednesday
morning kickball game.
An informal group of neighborhood Markers meets
Wednesday mornings at 9:30 on the parking lot for
kickball. All ages welcomed - the first game included
representatives from preK through 5th grade. This is a kidrun group, and parents are encouraged to attend, help ref,
and occasionally sub in. Join Us!
Page 5
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Schedule of Celebrations
Saturday Evening Mass:
Sunday Masses:
5 pm (Sign Language Interpretation)
9 am & 11 am
Weekday Masses
Monday - Friday
Tuesday - Friday
10 am
7 am
8 am
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament: 10:45 am Mon to 8:00am Sat in
St. Mary’s Adoration Chapel
(St. Mary’s Adoration Chapel is located at N.E. Corner of church)
For Baptisms:
Baptism Enrichment:
Saturdays 3:30-4:30 pm
Sundays 8:30-9:00am & 10:30-11:00am
Call the Parish Center to arrange.
Please call Sharon at the Parish Center.
For Weddings: The bride or groom, or their parents must be a
registered Parishioner of St. Mark’s. Wedding arrangements must be
made at least 6 months in advance with Fr. Palomino.
6:30 pm Monday, May through October
(except Holidays) and daily after 10 am
Mass (except School and Funeral Masses)
Divine Mercy Chaplet: Daily at 3pm in St. Mary’s Adoration Chapel
Prayer Chain:
For prayer requests, call the Parish Center at 645-5717
The Year of Faith
The Voice
by Martha Fernández-Sardina
“Pope John XXIII was moved to tears when visiting a hospital. “The Pope
… walked to the bed of seven-year-old Carmine Gemma, who only three
months earlier had lost his eyesight through a severe attack of meningitis.
The otherwise strong little boy lay on his cot, and at the Pope’s approach
he called out, ‘You’re the Pope, I know, but I can’t see you.’ John sat
down on the side of his bed and for several minutes he stroked the child’s
pale hands in silence. After a while, almost as if he were talking to
himself, he spoke: ‘We are all blind, sometimes.’”
—A Pope Laughs: Stories of John XXIII, Kurt Klinger
Sometimes faith is called “blind” because we don’t immediately see
with the eyes on our face what or who we are placing our trust in.
Faith is at its best in moments like these, when we are invited to
declare, “I know, even when I can’t see.”
This truth became movingly clear in the story of a young girl who
was trapped between raging flames and the window of her secondstory bedroom. Firefighters, prepared to catch her, asked her to
jump. The little girl hesitated as precious minutes flew by, until her
father, arms wide open, yelled: “Sweetheart! It’s Daddy! Jump!”
Through the noise and smoke-filled air, the father heard his
daughter’s scared voice: “Daddy! I can’t see you!” With the courage
and authority exhibited by a true father, he cried back: “But I can
see you, sweetheart! Jump!” Trusting the known voice of her father
and obeying his command, the little girl jumped into his strong and
loving arms.
Like Pope John XXIII’s little patient friend and this girl, we may not
always see clearly, but we need not doubt, question, or deny what
we know: the voice of the One who addresses us in love despite
the apparent lack of visible evidence. If we have established before
the “test of fire” who it is we have trusted, we will say: “I know in
whom I have believed” (2 Tm 1:12).
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