The Ascension of Our Lord - Ss. Peter and Paul Parish
The Ascension of Our Lord - Ss. Peter and Paul Parish
May 20, 2012 ~ 7th Sunday of Easter Please READ this Bulletin Carefully… There is a lot happening at the Parish… Fr. Tony Wants all members to be Informed!!! He is also calling on you for your prayers & Support! The Ascension of Our Lord Clergy, Staff & Parish Officers Directory Pastor: Fr. Anthony V. Cirignani, O.F.M. Parish Office, 435-7548 Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm (Closed 12:Noon—1:00pm) Fr. Harry G. Hafeman Dcn. Michael C. Vincent 437-0651 (Religious Education Office) Dcn. Robert F. Ellis (Dianne) 371-1931 (Community Outreach) Parish Trustees Dan Malcore—Trustee Treasurer Bud Donovan—Trustee Secretary Carol Foytik 435-7548 (Business Manager) Norma Chavez 435-7548 Cell: 530-4458 (Ministerio Hispano) Amberly Boerschinger 435-7548 (Communications Secretary) Katie Stanczak (Religious Education Office Manager) (437-0651) Roger Bader 465-0135 (Director of Music) Pam Quick Pastoral Council / Finance Council Daniel DeBauche—P.C. President Chuck Gustafson—F.C. Chairman St. Thomas More School Eric Weydt, Principal 432-8242 Ushers: Ken Heim-432-5811 Lectors: Carol Tatro– 469-0521 Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Janet Lenss—544-8035 Greeters: Barb Moore– 469-0814 Servers: Todd Gehring– 336-5363 Maintenance: Artie Kaczrouske—655-1744 Debbie Lemmen , May 20, 2012 ~ 7th Sunday of Easter Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church ~ Green Bay, Wisconsin Parroquia Católica de San Pedro y San Pablo 710 North Baird Street—Green Bay, Wisconsin—54302 This Weeks Featured Article FINANCIAL MATTERS THROUGH THE EYES OF A PASTOR!!!! A Pilgrimage to the Shrine in New Franken, WI Any Pastor is reluctant to talk about financial realities in a parish under his charge. As most of you have been informed and involved in the need to lease out our school building, the Trustees, Finance, and Pastoral Councils have been working many long and hard hours to make this new re-structuring a reality. Thanks be to God, we have leased out the 2nd and 3rd floors to the JDAL Charter School under the umbrella of the Green Bay Public School System. I have asked our Finance Council to give an update on the leasing of the entire school building and what that means for the Parish, as well as our future events and Religious Education Program. This will also give us a reality check about the collections and finances of the Parish. I hope that these conversations during the weekend masses will help clarify any misconceptions about this project. I believe this endeavor will help the whole Parish continue its mission of welcoming and educating the next generation of all who come to us seeking acceptance and guidance in their spiritual lives. We all understand that the whole country is in a financial crunch on all levels; this includes unfortunately the churches. So, I ask you to consider increasing your weekly contributions by at least $5.00, to help meet our parish obligations as well as our staff salaries, if at all possible. Memorial Day Pilgrimage On Monday, May 28th (Memorial Day) parishioners are invited to participate in the ancient tradition of making a pilgrimage on foot, to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help. A pilgrimage is a prayerful, sacrificial journey to a holy place, symbolic of our lives as pilgrims on earth seeking our destination in heaven. We will meet in the Saints Peter & Paul Parking lot at 7:20 am to organize, attend Mass, then depart. On arriving at the shrine. (approximately 2:30—3:30 pm) We will pray the Stations of the Cross - then use the time at the shrine as each pilgrim would like. If unable to make the pilgrimage on foot, you may participate by making a spiritual pilgrimage and meeting us at the shrine, and/or help transport pilgrims back to SSPP. Pilgrims should each bring: Their own lunch, water or something to drink, a rosary and anything else they may need and a way to carry it. Please do not bring cell phones, or other electronics. (cameras are acceptable) LITURGY MATTERS TO US.!!!!!!!!!! Catholic worship is a major priority for us through our conversations and surveys over the past two years. We have been educated in the reason for worship and its proper and reverent style at our Parish. Sadly, we all have noticed a slight decrease in weekly mass attendance at all of our English Masses. I ask you to please invite and re-invite friends and family members that have not been to Church for a while. We have far too many empty pews to continue with the schedule as is. The Pastoral Council has been trying to find ways to get people to attend Sunday Church regularly by visiting the neighborhood around us. I ask all of you to invite family and friends that only come to Church on occasions. We all need to work on this, not just committees or organizations. This old saying rings very true: “United We Stand Divided We Fall!” If interested in walking or driving, or for more information, please call Genevieve at 422-8033. Our Own Needs Collection—Sunday, May 27, 2012 On Pentecost Sunday, the Annual collection for “Our Own Needs” will take place. Please support these collections through donation and prayer so that the Church can continue its important work here in the diocese and throughout the country. The four major beneficiaries represented in this collection are: • Catholic Communications Campaign • Catholic University of America • Catholic Home Missions Appeal • Black & Native American Missions THANKS FR. TONY VISIT OUR WEBSITE: 2 Parish Business, Information & Announcements Our Advertiser of the week Stewardship ~ “Money Matters” Envelopes Offerings Repairs Total May 13, 2012 $ 10,120.00 $ 1,042.00 $ 1189.00 $ 12,351.00 Needed weekly to meet budget: $10,500.00 Thank You for helping us meet our weekly budget!!! You will be rewarded for your generosity. Parish Picnic is Around The Corner Stewardship Prayer w/ Reflection Saints Peter & Paul Parish Annual Summer Picnic is right around the corner, Sunday, August 19, 2012. Please start thinking about what you can donate and how you might help in anyway to make this event a success. If you have any questions—please Carol Foytik at 435-7548. All donations of any kind are welcomed and accepted. Please be Generous!!! Donations needed: Raffle Prizes (Large & Small) Children’s Novelty Prizes Cash Donations 60 Whole Turkeys 12 Bags of Charcoal & Lighter 30 Pounds of Butter 30 Pails of Vanilla Ice Cream 12 Flats of Strawberries If everyone gives a little... We will all gain a lot… Thank You! God of tremendous promise and love, we are grateful to be able to serve you and your Church as a parish leader. Allow your Spirit to encompass us with your great wisdom and hope so that we can help to call forth others in your service. Be with us as we open our hearts and minds to your Word. Word of God: (Jn 15:16) “It was not you who called me; it was I who called you to go forth and to bear fruit that will last.” Question for Reflection: How are we good stewards of our role as a parish members: (grateful, nurturing, sharing, caring, giving and returning)? As a parish member, what does it mean to “bear fruit that will last?” Bulletin Announcements & Inserts If you have a Bulletin Announcement and would like it put in the Bulletin… (Subject to Space & Message) Please bring it in writing to the parish office no later than noon on Mondays. PLEASE Call Carol Foytik TODAY at 435-7548 and tell her where you will be volunteering and what donation you will be making. WE NEED EVERYONE’S HELP & SUPPORRT—CALL NOW! SsPP KC Council 10552 News: Our next Meeting is on Monday, May 27th, in the Mother Teresa Center. We begin with Rosary at 6:15pm, followed by our Business Meeting at 6:30pm. Food and Refreshments follow the meeting. New Community Shelter Meal Saints Peter & Paul Parish serves a meal the 3rd. Saturday of every month at the NEW COMMUNITY SHELTER for those in need. Caroline Moes has been responsible for this program for many years. Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve meals on Aug. 18, Oct. 20 & Nov. 17. To volunteer call Caroline at 468-1177. Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Invites all women looking for a day of reflection, prayer and spirituality to consider joining them on Saturday, June 9 at St Mary’s of the Lake, 15232 County Road F in Lakewood, Wisconsin, 54138. Registration begins at 8 am with a continental breakfast, Mass to follow, with speakers, breakouts for sharing, raffle baskets and much more, plus a lunch is included all for the registration fee of $10. The day will end around 3:00 pm. Please Call Pat Bath if you are interested in attending. (715-276-3609) St. Thomas More Hawks Football Welcomes participation from your parish youth. St. Thomas More Hawks Football registration for the 2012 fall season is taking place for grades 5-8. The youth of your parish is invited to participate. The fee is $100 -scholarships are available. Please call Andy Nicholson, Football Coordinator, to register your child or with any questions - 465-3564. 3 Avisos Por la Comunidad Hispana Mass Intentions & Ministry Appointments Mass Intentions; 7th. Week of Easter Monday, May 21th: 8:00am: Cindy Kapla Tuesday, May 22th: 8:00am: † Dorothy Stroobants Wed, May 23th: 8:00am: † Craig Derenne 6:30pm: Family Prayer Night Mass in Marian Chapel Buletin en español May 20, 2012 Thursday, May 24th: 8:00am: † Luis & Ruth Derbique Preparación Bautismal: Friday, May 25th: Cada 1er Lunes de cada mes preparaciónes de bautismo ubicado en el salon de reuniones Fr. Schuh Hall 6:00-7:30 por la tarde. Para su Membresía por favor de pasar a la Rectoria de la Parroquia. 8:00am: Living & Deceased members of the Perpetual Adoration Chapel & Their Intentions Saturday, May 26th: 8:00am: † Jeff Nowaczyk 4:00pm: † Deceased Military Personnel Mes de Mayo Rosario a la Virgen Mariana: Sunday, May 27th: 8th Sunday of Easter: Pentecost 7:30am: Living & Deceased Parishioners of Ss. Peter & Paul Perpetua Adoración Ss PPs ofresimiento de flores con niños y padres de familia todos los Jueves 6:30 de la tarde en la Capilla Mariana. 9:00am: † Jeff Nowaczyk 10:30 am: † Ruth & Gus Warwick 12:30pm: Pro Populo Misa de Intención: Misa para sus seres queridos, favor de pasar a pagar en la Rectoria Lunes a Viernes 8:30 – 4:30 por la tarde el estipendio es $10.00. Parish Elections SECRETARY TRUSTEE ELECTION IS SET FOR JUNE… ANY REGISTERED MEMBER INTERESTED PLEASE CONTACT FR. TONY, 435-7548. Elections will take place on the weekend of June 3rd. & 4th. Don Patz & Dan Malcore are the two candidates so far. Ministros de la colecta: Mes de Mayo iniciamos una (2da) colecta despues de la communión, Ministros y Servidores por favor de no dar cambio en ningun tiempo al momento de la colecta son regulaciones Diosesanas. Liturgical Roles for the rest of May & June All ministers assigned to serve at our Masses are asked to follow the scheduled put together by your team leader. If you are unsure whether you are schedule please call the person in charge and request a copy of the schedule. IF you cannot meet your scheduled time—please contact them to provide for a substitute. Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Janet Lenss—544-8035 Pre Registración de Catesismo: Tendremos pre registraciónes de catesismo, favor de presentar su acta de bautismo al enscribirlo. La fecha sera los Sabádos 2 y 9 Junio. Greeters: Barb Moore– 469-0814 Lectors: Carol Tatro– 469-0521 Servers: Todd Gehring– 336-5363 Ushers: Ken Heim-432-5811 Congratulations NORMA Leasing of the School Many Blessings to Norma Chavez in the completion of the Discipulos de Cristo programma de formacion. This is the Hispanic Version of the Diocesan Commissioned Ministry program… This is a four year formation program to prepare a person for parish ministry. Thank You for all you do for the faith and us as a parish. Many Prayers and Blessings to you Norma from all of us At Ss. Peter & Paul Parish, Green Bay. The 1st floor is leased to the Head Start Program and will begin this fall. The 2nd floor is leased out the JDAL Charter School and is included in their contract with the Parish for the next four years. The following areas need to be re-designated to accommodate a new model of our Wednesday night Parish Religious Education Program. The weekly evening Family Prayer Night will hold mass and prayers in the Church. 4 And the Lord Jesus, Was Taken up into the Heavens... JESUS CHRIST GOES TO THE FATHER AND WE AWAIT HIS GLORIUS RETURN.. ALLELUIA Today we must look backward and forward at the same time in order to fully appreciate the events of the Ascension of the Lord. Forty days ago we sang joyful Alleluias as we recalled the Lord’s Resurrection in glory from the tomb. In just a few more days we will commemorate the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. Today is alike a directional arrow that points us from the first event to the second. We are fortunate; with hindsight we can see the whole picture. We are able to understand the intricate progression from the Resurrection to Ascension to Pentecost. That was not so for the early disciples of Jesus. A question for us this week is where indeed, do we go from here? In 2012, we know the answers to many of the questions the apostles were left with at the Lord’s Ascension. As the Church, the Body of Christ guided by the Holy spirit, we carry on the work of Jesus. Through and under the authority of the Magisterium, the Gospel message has spread to the ends of the earth, and the Holy Spirit is alive and active in the hearts of all who believe and are baptized. This will continue to be the mission left for us until Christ returns in total glory and triumph, and the Kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven. I encourage you to pray this novena prayer each day this week with the intention for our Parish and Diocese… Come Holy Spirit, fill my heart with your holy gifts. Assist me, O Holy Spirit, in all my trials of life, enlighten me in my ignorance, advise me in my doubts, strengthen me in my weakness, help me in all my needs, protect me and my family. Graciously hear me, O Holy Spirit, and pour your light into my heart, my soul, and my mind. Assist me to live a holy life and to grow in goodness and grace. Amen. Alleluia. Matters of Importance… Pastoral planning update - Reality Check A few months ago I reported to all of you that if we don't increase attendance at all our Masses we will have to combine our Sunday Mass schedule. Because we are not sure when this will happen. It remains un-said, that unless you help by inviting family members and friends to return to regular Sunday Mass every week, this is an issue we will have to face. We are not the only church experiencing this trend. and of course, with lower attendance we cannot meet our weekly financial bills, so our collections come in lower than our per week needs. (Thank You to those who so generously gave this past weekend!)We all have been experiencing hard times but we have to remember that God is still in control even though it may seem doubtful. So, I ask you to help the churches evangelization efforts by starting with ourselves , our families, and friends. I have asked our Finance Council members to give a reality update on the state of finances for our parish by the end of this month and through June. Through the Intercession of SS. Peter & Paul may God continue to bless and protect our beloved Church and Parish Family. In the Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Fr. Tony Fr. Tony Cirignani, Pastor A Pilot Study ALSO ANNOUNCING SUMMER SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE STARTS JUNE 17TH. 8:00AM ENG. MASS 10:00AM ENG. MASS 12:30PM SP. MASS SATURDAY (4PM) WILL REMAIN SUNDAY 730& 9AM WILL BE SUSPENDED FOR NOW. MONTHLY DIVINE MERCY HOLY HOUR WILL BE HELD IN THE ADORATION CHAPEL THIS STARTS ON MAY 27TH. AT 3PM. 3PM-4PM ONE OF OUR LAY MINISTERS WILL LEAD PRAYERBEFORE THE BLESSED SACRAMENT. ALL OUR WELCOME TO ATTEND... 5 (920) 498-8600 Libertas Treatment Center 1701 Dousman Street Green Bay, WI 54303-3282 Compliments of CLIFF YOUNG Electrical Contractors LLC residential, commercial & industrial Ken Young - Owner 469-0111 joseph h. peot Painting * Wallpapering Contracting Parish Member 920-435-0455 Alcohol/Drug Abuse Treatment for Teens & Adults ROLA-RENA Roller Skating Rink 731 Morris Ave., Green Bay, WI 494-6152 Jauquet Lumber Co., Inc. Quality Building Material Mary and John Dollar 1613 Main St. 468-6651 Riverside Ballroom 920-432-5518 1560 Main Street, Green Bay, WI 54302 Ken Kristi & Kenny Tedford 435-2287 1751 University Ave., Green Bay, WI 920-965-0233 Dr. Nicole Gardner 1476 University Ave. MALCORE Care Free Travel FUNERAL HOME D Travel the Care Free Way d Compliments of Kathy Nooyen Dan Malcore Parish Member 5163 Algoma Rd., New Franken, WI 54229 Phone: 920-866-9733 Fax: 920-866-9753 Green Bay, WI rJ Heating, Air Conditioning Ventilation & Air Quality Control 1396 Plane Site Boulevard, De Pere 920-336-5551 JACQUES inc. • Caulking - Tuckpointing • Building Restoration • Chemical Cleaning 701 North Baird Street Green Bay Ph.: (920) 432-6116 • Fax: (920) 432-7114 432-5579 Personalized Catering For Every Occasion Jim Manders, President BOOYAH CLUB 1041 S. Huron Rd. (920) 617-3000 East Green Bay Rick Patterson, Pres. Free In-Home Consultation Ph 920-468-4804 Window treatments for every style and budget. Fax 920-468-7827 1710 Steffens Way, Green Bay, WI 54311 920-494-1682 Santa Maria Nursing Home Serving The Community For 30 Years Occupational, Physical & Speech Therapy Homelike Atmosphere • Dining Room • Chapel WE CARE 432-5231 Family Owned & Operated 430 S. Clay St. • 3 Blocks North Of St. Vincent Hospital BLINDAUER’S David & Elaine Demro Products in Harmony with Nature Demro Enerprises / Green Bay 920.468.5571 • Delain Insurance Agency Dorothy’s Custom Sewing Sheet Metal – Roofing And Alterations Auto • Home • Farm • Business • Health Mike Blindauer – Dean Englebert Horst & Dorothy Lindenbeck David Delain (920) 435-4111 1227 S. 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