SmartFinder Development Guide.
SmartFinder Development Guide.
Smart Finder Development Guide PCB boards:KF-4A/KF-Li Authors: Jeffrey Peng, Charlie Xia Ace Sensor Inc. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the information and procedures detailed in this guide are complete and accurate at the time of printing. However, information contained in this guide is subject to change without notice. © Copyright of Ace Sensor Inc. 2012. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work is vested in Ace Sensor Inc. and the information contained herein is confidential. This work (either in whole or in part) must not be modified, reproduced, disclosed or disseminated to others or used for purposes other than that for which it is supplied, without the prior written permission of Ace Sensor Inc.. If this work (or any part of it) is provided to a party ("Other Party") under a contract between Ace Sensor Inc. and the Other Party, then the use of the work by the Other Party shall be governed by the provisions of the contract. Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Cha ange History Versiion 1.0 1.1 1.2 Datte Aug. 22 2nd 2012 Nov. 4tth 2012 Nov. 16 6th 2013 Author A Jeffrey y Peng, Charliie Xia Jeffrey y Peng, Charliie Xia Jeffrey y Peng Desccription Creation off the documennt based on Sm mart Finder firmware deesign. iOS 6 updatte iOS 7 updatte. Adding m more exampless. Table of Conttents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Abstract A ............................................................................................................................ 2 Introduction I ..................................................................................................................... 2 Configuratio C on and Notifi fication ........................................................................................ 3 Access A Conttrol ................................................................................................................. 5 Firmware F Up pgrade ........................................................................................................... 6 5.1 1. Using th he On-Board d Debugging g Interface .............................................................. 6 5.2 2. Using th he Over-Thee-Air Downlo oad......................................................................... 7 6. Testing T with h 3rd Party To ools ............................................................................................ 9 6.1 1. Turning g Off Access Control ..................................................................................... 9 6.2 2. Control the Immediate Alert .................................................................................. 111 6.3 3. Notificaation from th he Smart Fin nder Tag ................................................................ 112 Page 1 Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 1. 1 Abstra act This document iss written for developers who w want too develop innnovative appplications g the Ace Sen nsor’s Smartt Finder prod ducts. It covvers the proggramming aspect on using accesss control, co onfiguration and firmware upgrade m methods for Smart Findeer (PCB board ds: KF-4A an nd KF-Li). 2. 2 Introdu uction Smarrt Finder products are designed for lo ocating mispplaced objectts via buzzerr sound and BLE signal streng gth. Clear audible a buzzeer sound andd long batterry life are thee design objecctives. Stand dard Bluetootth Low Enerrgy profiles: Link Loss, Immediate A Alert, Tx Poweer and Batterry Service arre supported d. In additionn, a tight access control m mechanism allow ws Smart Fin nder productss be used as basic proxim mity tag in aareas such as external inputt device, hom me automatio on, office seccurity, enterrprise inventory trackingg, etc. etc. Modeel KF-4A Color: Black B (other color also possible) p Dimensio on: 52.7x32x x10.2mm (Lx xWxH) Weight: 23g/0.8oz 2 Battery: 2xAAAA 2 battteries. Estimated d battery life: 2+ years (3 3 uses per daay) Modeel KF-Li Color: White W (otherr color also possible) p on: 58x36x10 0mm. (LxWxH) Dimensio Weight: 22g/0.8oz 2 L batteriies with USB B charging innterface. Battery: Li-ion d battery life: one full ch harge: 6 monnth with no eexposure to ssunlight; onee Estimated hour of su un exposure will last 7 days. d b on TI CC2541 C Bluuetooth Low Energy chipp with 256K Kb Both KF-4A and KF-Li are based T dettails of TI CC C2541 can bbe found at flash memory. Technical http:/// ure.tsp?generiicPartNumbeer=cc2541&fiileType=pdf Page 2 Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Acee Sensor provides a free iOS app, Sm mart Finder A App, which works with KF--4A and KF--Li. You can n download iit from here:: http ps://itunes.ap p/id5284606659 3. 3 Config gurationandNottification n Smarrt Finder tag is fully conffiguration drriven. This m makes it posssible tailorinng for differrent use scen narios. The configuratio on is done wiith a private profile in thhe service 0xAC CE0. This co onfiguration n parameters controls auto or manual m adverttising val auto adveertising interv access con ntrol: authorrizing connection, passcoode setting connectio on interval When n configuring Smart Find der tag, you need to balaance battery consumptioon with user experrience (respo onsiveness). If the Smartt Finder tag is intended tto be a standdard proxiimity tag, thee 0xACE0 seervice does not n need to bbe used. Forr a full accesss control, please refer to Seection 4 for how h to use seervice 0xAC CE0. The notification n event e is defin ned in servicce 0xFFE0 w which notifiees button preesses. Table 1: Configu uration and d Notificatio on Private P Profile Defin nition. Servicce 0xFFE0 0 0xACEE0 Charactte ristics Attribute e Descriptio on Value Meanin ng Note Service fo or button press events 0xFFE1 Notify Button pre ess event 1 Left key presssed 2 Right key prressed Access Control 0 Key lifted Smarrt Finder tag on nly has this button R/W Advertisingg Interval Control 0 Manual conttrol uint8 1 2 3 4 5 645 ms 768 ms 961 ms 1065 ms 1294 ms 0xACE1 Page 3 The aadvertising will run for 30 0 seconds by presssing the button n, 200m ms Interval Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 0xACE2 0xACE3 0xACE4 R Access Control >5 0 Set broadcasting interval in 10ms incrementall Off uint8 1 On When access control is turneed on, if the correect passcode iss not received during connection, the keyy fob disconnect the will d unau uthorized connection in 30 nds. secon W Connection n Interval Control 0 Disconnect uint8 Notify Authorized d / RSSI n notification byte Write <20 0xF0~0 xFF 1 ‐128~0 Set passcode uint8[5] 0xACE5 Page 4 Connection interval in 100ms incrementall Set Keyfob sside RSSI notificaation interval in 100ms incrementall. 0xF0 turns off thee interval Authorized Keyfob side RSSI Under the condition off connection being authorized, this can be used to set de new passcod and turn thee Access Conttrol on. All 0 indicates Access turning off A Control When the Access n, Control is on until you sett the correct passscode, you have no o write permission tto any characteristic of this service aand proximity seervices Hold the button forr over 3 seconds to orize current autho connection. When the access he contrrol is on, set th correect passcode to o autho orize current connection. Passccode and advertising intervall configurations are mory storeed in flash mem and p persist during poweer loss. Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 4. 4 AccesssControll To prrevent unautthorized acceess over BLE E, Smart Finnder tag usess a private prrofile to suppo ort a passcod de based acccess control mechanism. m This privatte profile alloows passcodde exchaange during the pairing process. p Wh hen a smartphhone or tableet tries to coonnect to the Smarrt Finder tag,, the correct passcode must be sent w within 30 secconds. Otherrwise the conneection is disaabled and drropped. The access a contro ol mechanism m is provideed by the serv rvice 0xACE E0. The folloowing is a work k flow that an n iOS app sh hould do to enable e accesss control. Initia al Setup: Ap pp adds a Sm mart Finder tag: 1. The app connects c to th he tag, turnss on the Notiify in Characcteristics 0xA ACE4. 2. The app displays d a meessage requeesting the usser to press aand hold the button for 3 second. Once O the useer has done so, s the app w will receive a notificationn in Characterristics 0xACE4 with valu ue 0x01. 3. The app writes w to Chaaracteristics 0xACE5 a 5 byte passcoode. This turrns on access control. Please P note that t the passccode cannott be all zero, which indiccates turningg access con ntrol off. 4. The app writes w 0x05 to t Characterristics 0xACE E1 to turn onn auto broaddcasting. 0x05 indicates a slow w broadcastin ng interval. O Other broadccasting intervvals are alsoo available, see table in n Section 3. If I the value iis set to 0x000, broadcastiing only happens for f 30 second ds when the button is preessed. 5. If you neeed to conserv ve battery, th he connectioon interval shhould be exttended. The default vaalue is 30ms,, set by iOS.. Without coompromise uuser experiennce, the recommen nded value is 0x03 for an interval off 300ms to bbe set in Chaaracteristics 0xACE3. 6. Once the access contrrol is enabled d, the tag is bbond to the paired iOS ddevice and will not reespond to requests from unpaired deevices. der tag Regu ular Use: Ap pp connects to a paired d Smart Find 1. The app connects c to th he tag, turnss on the Notiify in Characcteristics 0xA ACE4. 2. The app writes w to the passcode seet previouslyy to Characteeristics 0xAC CE5. The appp will receiv ve a notificaation in Charracteristics 00xACE4 withh value 0x011 confirmingg authorizattion. 3. If you neeed to conserv ve battery, th he connectioon interval shhould be exttended. The default vaalue is 30ms,, set by iOS.. Without coompromise uuser experiennce, the recommen nded value is 0x03 for an interval off 300ms to bbe set in Chaaracteristics 0xACE3. If there is no n data transsmission in 5 seconds, thhe connection is closed. a tag can then perform m required int nteraction. 4. The app and This access contrrol process iss shown in Section S 6.1 w with a 3rd parrty tool. Page 5 Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 5. 5 Firmw ware Upgrrade 5.1. 5 Using gtheOn‐B BoardDeb bugging Interrface KF-4 4A/KF-Li come with on--board debug gging interfaace. This consists of 5 through-ho oles (shown in i the red rectan ngle in the picture p on thee right) in th he dimensionn of 0.3-0 0.4mm. Distaance between n the pins is 2mm. R: Reset P2.1: CC2 2541 P2_1 P2.2: CC2 2541 P2_2 3 + : VDD 3.3V - : GND 0V 0 Stand dard 2mm to ouch-pin con nnection can be used to conneect to the deb bugging inteerface. This debugging interfface can be used u to repro ogram the firrmware usinng TI’s CC-debugge C er and SmarttRF™ Flash Programmeer. Pleasse find the deetails of the CC Debuggeer here: http:/// m/tool/cc-debugger Notte that batterries shoulld be removeed when usin ng CC-debug gger. Page 6 Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 5.2. 5 Using gtheOverr‐The‐AirD Download d To up pgrade the firmware fi usin ng the BLE wireless inteerface, you’lll need to install TI’s BLE Multitool on n your iOS ddevice: pp/ti-ble-muultitool/id5800494818 Pleasse follow thee steps below w to upgradee you firmwaare. Step 1: Upload th he new firmw ware, e.g. “K KF4A-OAD .bin”, via em mail or Droppbox to your iOS device. d The following f sccreenshots sh hows how too upload the new firmwaare from Dropbox into TI BLE Multito ool. mart Finder tag into OA AD mode. Reemove a batttery. Press aand hold thee Step 2: Set the Sm button on the Sm mart Finder taag while puttting the batteery back on.. The LED w will stay lit, indicating it’s in OAD mode.. f up pdate with TII BLE Multiitool app. Noote: there’s a bug in iOS Step 3: Perform firmware 64bitt device, i.e. iPhone 5S, iPad i air and iPad mini 2 . Please use a 32bit deviice, i.e. iPhon ne 4S/5, iPad d 3/4/mini orr iPod Touch h 5th generattion. The folllowing screeenshots show w this process. p Page 7 Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Step 4: After the firmware up pgrade comp plete, the Sm mart Finder ttag will reboot, beep andd then LED L turns off. o If the LE ED stays on all a the time, the firmwarre upgrade iss not succeessful. Possib ble problemss: (a). You’rre using a 644 bit iOS devvice. (b). You have a corru upted firmwaare bin file. Page 8 Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ r 6. 6 Testing g with 3rd Party Tools T You can c test the Smart S Finderr tag with 3rdd party toolss. Our favorite tool is Lightb blue iOS app p. https://itu 6.1. 6 Turn ningOffAcccessContrrol If thee access conttrol has been n turned on in n the Smart Finder tag, tthe connectiion will be dropp ped if a correect passcodee is not received within 330 seconds. T To turn off tthe access contrrol, follow th he steps belo ow. 1. Connect Lightblue L to the Smart Finder F tag, too inspect servvice 0xACE E0, if Characterristic 0xACE E2 has value 0x01, the acccess controol is on. Page 9 Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. Press and hold the buttton on the Smart S Finderr tag for 3 seecond until a beep is sounded to t complete pairing. p Wrrite to Characcteristic 0xA ACE5 the vaalue of 0x000000 00000 (10 zeeros, i.e. 5 by ytes of 0x00). Confirm tthat Charactteristic 0xACE2 has h changed d its value to 0x00. The aaccess controol has been tturn off. Page 10 Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 6.2. 6 ControltheIm mmediateA Alert Follo ow the steps below to turrn on the buzzzer and LED D on the Sm mart Finder taag. Setting the “A Alert Level”” to 0x01 turns on the bu uzzer; 0x02 tturns on the bbuzzer and fflashing the LED;; 0x00 turns off the alertt. Page 11 Ace Sennsor Inc. 11 – 3000 Earl Grey Dr. Suitee 383, Ottawa, Ontario, K2T 1C1 Tel: 6133 3667799 Fax: 613 800-0726 _______ __________________ _________________ __________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 6.3. 6 Notifficationfro omtheSm martFinde erTag The service s 0xFF FE0 providess the notificaation to show w whether thhe button is ppressed. When n the button on the Smarrt Finder tag is pressed, C Characteristtic 0xFFE1 sshows value 0x02. When the button b is lifteed, Characteeristic 0xFFE E1 shows vaalue 0x00. Follo owing the steeps below to receive notiification from m the Smartt Finder tag. Page 12