Document 6504579
Document 6504579
Clergy Continuea frcom page 1 Westfield; Reverend and Mrs. Richard Rowe, First Presbyterian Church, Cranford; Reverend and Mrs. Joseph Kucharik, Zion Lutheran Church, Clark; Reverend David E. Buck, Terrill Road Baptist Church, Scotch Plains; Reverend S. Timothy Pretz, Osceola Church, Clark; Reverend Jackie Nome, United Presbyterian Church, Plainfield, and Rabbi Moshe Samber, Temple Beth El, Plainfield. Some friends from Texas also participated: Reverend Larry Bethune, University i; Baptist Church, Austin, 'land Dr. Barry Foster and ^Deacon Ottis Poe of South Park Baptist Church, Alvin. There were several goals for the trip, all of which 'seem to have been acomplished. One hope was or the clergy to gain a eater understanding of he complexities that make p Israel - politically, lonomicaliy and socially, nother goal was to pre:nt the "true faces" of irael, the country that tost Americans are not iware of due to exagJeraied media bias, in fder for clergymen to enpjurage their eongregaio'ns to visit Israel, ,#iia.K'e"reby promoting Illtourism. Finally, a purthat will be ongoing the community for time to come: en- Sipne . ...... . jeouraging possibilities for finter-faith dialogue on issues that are imto American *>4(«society such as the |homeless, the hungry, and lomestic violence. Ascent to Jerusalem Several of the travelers |were particularly touched sy the significance of the initial ascent into Jerusalem. The group ! drank wine and recited blessings (which Jesus did), and jews still do to this day. As it says in Psalms, "Let us go unto the house of the Lord." In fact, Arthur Kreyling mentioned he planned to prepare a sermon on this topic as soon as he returned home. "The entire group was at times moved to tears by sheer spirituality of the sharing we experienced," said Tova Shull, Director of the Jewish Community Relations Council, who coordinated1 and accompanied the Mission. "Everyone on the trip was able to use music to add to the inspiration they experienced. The shared prayers and hymn singing in the difference churches brought such hope for the future." In addition to the music they all shared and the carefully tailored itinerary, the group had the opportunity to participate in three formal study sessions while in Israel. The first was on The Political System in Israel, by David Ritchie, a Professor of political science at Hebrew University. They also learned about Arab-Jewish Relations in Israel, by Morris Zilka, from the Information Department of the World Zionist Organization, Arab affairs expert and former advisor to Teddy Kollek (currently Mayor of Jerusalem). The third formal lecture was on Religious Pluralism in Israel, including Jewish and Christian Perspectives, by Rabbi David Rosen, International Director of the InterReligious Affairs for B'nai B'rith and the former Chief Rabbi of Ireland. At these sessions and throughout the Mission, participants had the opportunity to share their political, economic and religious concerns. In all instances, thoughtful responses from lecturers, Old City of Jerusalem and other clergy and Israeli the Western Wall, holy citizens helped the group places to Jews around the in alleviating their world, and to the Via troublesome issues. Dolorosa and Church of The travelers also the Holy Sepulchre. The studied different clergy visited the Dead movements in Israel. They Sea, Masada and the Juwent to three Kibbutzim dean Desert, and spent (collective farms), one of time in Bethlehem to visit which had an orthodox the Church of the Nativireligious orientation: Kib- ty, Manger Square and butz Ein Natziv. There, a more. Other highlights inmember of Kibbutz gave cluded tours of Jericho, the group a tour, describ- the origination of the Joring its economics, social dan River, Tiberias and a structure, and general boat trip across the Sea of functioning. The visit end- Galilee. ed on a somber note with a Perhaps most imporvisit to a bomb shelter tant to the participants on Scotch Plains Mayor Joan Papen is pictured with (found in abundance on the trip were the feelings DECA students P.J. Hocltjc and Brad Rezza after Kibbutzim). The Ministers they were left with « and proclaiming the week of February 5-11 as DECA's received quite a clear idea the kisses, hugs, hand- Free Enterprise Week, Throughout the year, DECA of what it would feel like shakes, embraces and love has sponsored many activities promoting our free to bring children down they shared. Would they enterprise system, including the meeting with many there at night in the do it again and encourage government officials and officials of the Soviet Emdarkness, listening to the others to participate in a bassy in Washington D.C. artillary going off similar trip? A unanimous overhead. and resounding yes! The tour was quite comprehensive and realistic, with the country's beauty A $300.00 scholarship is ing a career in education interspersed with its prou*. offered again this year in or library science. blem spots. According to Continued from page 1 memory of A. Loraine several of the participants, While high school Ayers, librarian at the the bomb shelter visit was presented, and it is going Scotch Plains-Fanwood students may pick up apone of the most depress- to be particularly High School for 33 years plications at the Scotch ing stops. The group also challenging, even with and an active volunteer in Plains-Fanwood High went to Kiryat Shemona, a voter approval, to main- community affairs. This School Guidance Office, border town near tain next year the quality scholarship is available to college students should Lebanon where they saw education that has become all residents of Fanwood call 754-4874 about their how difficult life was the hallmark of our and Scotch Plains, both applications. Applications under those cir- district." male and female, who are and required credentials cumstances. Additional hearings and graduating from high must be sent to the An interesting day was presentations on the school or are already in chairperson by April 1, spent at Nes Ammim, a budget will occur prior to college or graduate 1989: Margaret Katims, 4 Christian Kibbutz its final adoption on school. The scholarship Clydesdale Road, Scotch populated by German and March 9. applicant must be pursu- Plains, NJ 07076. Dutch peoples. Their objective is to strive for a new relationship between Jews and Christians and to ^promote^, a. ..betterunderstanding of Judaism and the State of Israel for Christian participants who come to work there from six months to several years. Near Nes Ammim is a Kibbutz established by Demonstrations • Exhibitions • Refreshments Holocaust survivors. The two Kibbutzim have formLaboratory Displays • Career Information ed a strong working relationship. Meet Faculty and Students No trip to Israel is complete without a visit to the A Public Forum: Eating Disorders - How To Detect Early Warning Signs Free Enterprise Week proclaimed in S.P. Scholarship in memory of A, Loraine Ayers Budget, ^ ^ | ^ February 22, 6:30-9-00 PM BUSINESS & EhfelNElRING BUILDING SCOTCH PLAINS CAMPUS Location: 889-8573 |RirJt|iS Roai toff Martine) with Michael M. Newman, M.D. Chief of Eating Disorders Program and Glrta E. Rayfield, Ph.D. Director of Outpatient Eating Disorders Program Fair Oaks Hospital, Summit, New Jersey Dates & Times: For Information call BATH & SHOWER ENCLOSURES • Safety Tempered Glass •Mirrored Closet and Shower Doors •Steam Units •Available In AWariety of Glass Frames •Custom Etched Glass Available Tuesday, February 28th 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon Thursday, March 16th 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Fair Oaks Hospital (Multi-purpose room) 1 Prospect Street, Summit, New Jersey The forum, open to the public, encourages laypeople to learn how to prevent a loved one from falling victim to anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Eating disorders are serious, life-threatening problems which are often difficult to deal with and understand. People with eating disorders typically resist seeking help, therefore it is up to the parent, spouse or friend to recognize the early warning signs of anorexia or bulimia nervosa and learn what they can do to prevent the disease from becoming a serious illness. Over 75,00 Shower Doors Installed FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE Learn the early warning signs. For further information on Fair Oaks Hospital Eating Disorders Program, please call (201) 522-7035, FMR OAKS HOSPITAL BringsThe ExpertsTo lou ROBERT L. CARROLL CO. THE ORIGINAL SHOWER DOOR MAN Family Businass For Over 30 Years 322-6667 Serving The Garden State Scotch Plains, NJ, P I as