Document 6555797


Document 6555797
Privileged to Serve October 12
D E AC O N S :
Danny Brown
Terry Carter
David Crutchfield
JT Dunn
Dennis Faulkner
David Gardner
Paul Glenn
Dan Guffey
Jason McReynolds
Ken Morgan
Brandon Rader
Ron Ray
Bobby Ricks
Alan Robinson
Greg Simmons
Steve Johnson
Bart Rogers
Wickliff Moore
Ken Sturdivant
P R E AC H E R S :
Steve Johnson
Brian Egerton
S E C R E T AR Y :
Sarah Faulkner
Bible Study --- 9:30 am
Worship ----- 10:30 am
Worship ----- 6:00 pm
7:00 pm
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
2280 Hume Road, Lexington, KY 40516
Phone (859) 299-9511
Building Blocks Preschool
Meets every Tuesday
9:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
September - May
Prepare Communion------------------- Jerry & Misty Wise
Collect Cards ------- Co. Crutchfield, I. Holt, W. Simmons
Ushers------------- Ken Morgan, Chris Juett, Bill Corman
Hospital Baskets --------------------------------- Jenetta May
Meal Coordinator -------------------------------- Veletta May
Count Team --------------------------- Chris Free, Jack May
Song Leader ------------------------------- David Crutchfield
Preside Lord’s Table -------------------------- Brian Egerton
Serve ----------------------------Charlie Beall, Nick Roberts
Gene McCarty, Lincoln Justice, Jason Justice
Jack May, Randy Grow, Conner Holt
Scripture Reading -------------------------------- Paul Glenn
Opening Prayer ------------------------------ Kenneth Drake
Announcements --------------------------------------Ron Ray
Closing Prayer ---------------------------------- Darryl Brown
A/V PC -------------------------------------------Neil Robinson
MAC ------------------------------------------------- Nick Lowell
Attend Nursery -------- Stacy Murphy, Makenzie Murphy
Greeters ------------------------ Ashley Wilkes, Bea Brown
Song Leader ---------------------------------------- Jerry Wise
Opening Prayer -------------------------------- Kalib Lindsey
Scripture Reading ---------------------------- Brandon Grow
Preside Lord’s Table ------------------------- David Gardner
Serve ------------------------------- Jamie Alcorn, J.T. Dunn
Announcements --------------------------------------Ron Ray
Closing Prayer ----------------------------------- Terry Carter
A/V PC --------------------------------------- Dennis Faulkner
Mac -------------------------------------------------- Nick Kinser
Greeters -------------------------------Dean Dunn, Jeff Wills
WEDNESDAY, Octobe r 15
Song Leader --------------------------------------John Lugger
Invitation ----------------------------------------------- Matt Law
Announcements --------------------------------------Ron Ray
Closing Prayer ------------------------------------ Michael Orr
A/V PC ------------------------------------ Jason McReynolds
MAC ------------------------------------------------David Rader
Greeters ------------- Ashley McReynolds, Linda Moores
Today’s Sermons
“Laying the Right Foundation”
Last Sunday
Year Ago
Bible Study ....................... .194……....……n/a
AM Worship ....................... 280 .…………..278
PM Worship ....................... 170…........ .....155
Wednesday ....................... 194……...........184
Contribution ................ $13,890........... $14,771
Budget ........................ $14,549…........$11,706
The Gift of Righteousness
Romans 5:6-11
Contact elder for September
Wick Moore
Volume XLVI
Into all
the World
Campton, KY
Larry Shoemaker
Cynthiana, KY
Licking Valley
Dry Ridge, KY
(Grant County)
Jerry Carmichael
Frenchburg, KY
(Menifee County)
Randy Imel
Hawesville, KY
George Jensen
Jackson, KY
Virgil McIntosh
Apologetics Press
Montgomery, AL
Bear Valley Preacher Schools
Keith Kasarjian
Bible School of the Americas
Panama City, Panama
Calovebora, Panama
Silvestre Vasquez
Victor Jimines
Jose Rodriguez
Colon, Panama
Ica, Peru
Mission Trip
Latin America
Jack Farber
Panama Satellite Bible Schools
Simion Vasquez
El Salvador
…. .. ....... ...
“The Holy Spirit”
Sunday, October 19, 7:30 a.m.
WDKY-TV Cable Channel 7
John Kachelman
India, Myanmar
Louis & Bonnie Rushmore
October 12, 2014
No. 41
Family Matters
As a part of God’s family, it is a great blessing to know that we
have a support system that we can turn to and lean on during difficult times
in our lives. There is no better feeling than knowing that we have people
praying for us and rooting us on as we strive together to faithfully serve our
God. Last Sunday morning Emily Ricks responded to the invitation asking
for prayers. She said that she has not been the Christian that she knows she
should be and she wants to make some changes. It is not easy to admit when
we are struggling and need some help from others so let’s make sure that we
wrap our arms around Emily and encourage her at this time.
I also would like to encourage everyone to continue with the daily
Bible reading. I know life is busy and there are always things that you could
be doing, but please take a few minutes to open up your Bibles and spend
some time getting to know Jesus better every day. If you have not started yet,
it is not too late! We are only in week two, so it will not be hard to catch up.
I promise it will be a blessing to your life.
Daily Bible Reading Schedule
Sunday: Romans 15-16
Monday: Matthew 19-21
Tuesday: I Corinthians 1-3
Wednesday: Matthew 22-24
Thursday: I Corinthians 4-6
Friday: Matthew 25-26
Saturday: I Corinthians 7-9
“For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any
two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and
of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of
the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)
Prayer List
Tibby Beck
Betty Carpenter
Frank Carroll
Pearl Couch
Bob Kirby
Charlene Lugger
Virginia Rice
Wayne Sebastian
Foster & Deloris Sword
Keith & Agatha Wallace
Alberta Yonts
Betty Beard [Holt]
Bobby Bradley [May]
Donna Campbell [Wilkerson]
Donna Cochran [Corman]
Crystal Cooley [Onesi]
Frank Craig [Allen]
Rhodella Fleming [Fleming]
Melody Gibson [McReynolds]
Lance Gorlow [Gorlow]
Bertie Jeffries [Faulkner]
Regenia Kinder [Kilgore]
Mark Kirby [B. Brown]
Ken Marshall [Simpson]
Charles Morris [Delpont]
Jackie O’Donnell [Reilly]
Mike Pelfrey [J. Lewis]
John Rogers [Yonts]
Vicky Rogers [Rogers]
Bill Silvia [Ray]
Patsy Smith [Whitman]
Larry Spicer [Spicer]
Kathleen Stone [M. Wise]
Larry Thomas [Horton]
Raechell & Jeff Toomey [Cotterell]
R e m e m b e r i n P r ay e r
Yo u ’ r e I nv i t e d
And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.
-Matthew 21:22
 Charlene Lugger is home and is much improved, but needs our
continued prayers as she recovers from this most recent setback.
 Michael McVey asks for prayers for strength so that he can better
help others. He is thankful for the prayers on his behalf.
 Phil Owens has requested prayer for himself and his dad. Phil is in
Florida with his dad due to his dad’s health issues. The family is
under considerable stress at this time.
 Emily Bishop, daughter of Bill and Nelda Corman, had surgery and
would appreciate prayers as she recovers.
 Tina Lewis reports that her mother, Phyllis Dixon, is home and
recovering, and appreciates our prayers on her behalf.
 Christene Fleming asks that we continue to pray for her mother-inlaw, Rhodella Fleming.
 Dave and Carolyn Simpson have requested prayer for Mack
Simpson, who is suffering from severe back pain, complicated by
several other health issues.
 Opal Williams, neighbor of Mary Wise and the Whitts, had two
aneurysms and a stroke and is in need of prayer.
 Jan Leonard, a former member, requests prayer for her father, Dale
Reed, who was hospitalized in Belleville, OH. She also requests
prayers for the family of Richard Leonard, her brother-in-law who was
recently killed in a car accident.
 Ken Marshall, Dave Simpson’s cousin, is in the nursing home for
rehabilitation, and has developed unexplained internal bleeding. They
are requesting our prayers.
 Debby Warne’s father, Wirt Cook, is in need of our continued
 Prayers have been requested for those who have contracted ebola.
 Please get the Lads to Leaders paperwork in to
Brian Egerton as soon as possible.
 There is a sign-up sheet on the foyer bulletin
board for any of the youth planning to go to Malibu
Jack’s. Please sign up by October 15th.
 NL4:12 parents, please sign up for youth events
on the sheet posted in the foyer.
Ladies’ Class
Ladies, we hope to see you at the Ladies’ Bible Class tomorrow night
at 6:30 PM. We will have a special guest speaker, Vicky Rogers, from
Evansville, Indiana. We have invited ladies from area congregations, so
we are expecting a larger than normal crowd. Please sign up on the
Soul Sisters bulletin board if you are planning to attend.
To an Open House
In honor of
John V and Betty Sue Carpenter
50th Wedding Anniversary
October 12, 2014, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Lone Oak Country Club
44 Club Lane
Nicholasville, KY
Please, no gifts.
L o o ki n g A h e a d
TODAY - Door Knocking - 2:00 PM - MPR
MONDAY - Ladies’ Potluck and Bible Class - 6:30 PM - MPR, Guest Speaker: Vicky Rogers
TUESDAY - Dynamic Marriage Class - 7:00 PM - Room 108
THURSDAY - Mom & Baby Group - 6:30 PM - MPR
THURSDAY - Singing at Sayre Christian Village - 6:45 PM
SATURDAY - Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast - 9:00 AM - MPR
SATURDAY - Youth Activity - 1:00-4:00 PM - Malibu Jack’s
October 19 - Congregational Potluck - after morning services - Team 2 Host
October 19 - Flu Clinic - after morning services - Room 111
October 19 - Door Knocking - 2:00 PM - MPR
October 24 - Agape Group - 10:30 AM - MPR
October 26 - Youth-led service - Morning service - Owenton Church of Christ
October 26 - Tween Devo - 4:30 PM - MPR
November 8 - Ladies’ Day - Women Under Construction, Speaker: Renita Archey
Area Eve nts
October 12-15 - Gospel Meeting - Elizabethtown Church of Christ, Speaker: Mel Futrell
October 17-19 - Gospel Meeting - Jackson Church of Christ, Speaker: A.T. Pate
October 18 - Youth Rally - Cumberland Church of Christ, Speaker: AJ Gooch
October 19-22 - Gospel Meeting - Cumberland Church of Christ, Speaker: Dr. Ed Gallagher
October 20 - Monday Night Youth Rally - Scott County Church of Christ - Meet at 6:00 PM
October 24-26 - Gospel Meeting - Point Pleasant Church of Christ, Speaker: Doug Burleson
October 25 - Annual Fall Ladies’ Day - Rolling Hills Church of Christ, Speaker: Celine Sparks
 November 7-8 - Commit Youth Rally - Richmond Church of Christ - sign up sheet in foyer
Every Member!
Every Task!
Every Soul!