Document 6556605


Document 6556605
St. Thomas’, Tean
St. Giles’, Cheadle
St. Wilfrid’s, Cotton
Presbytery & Parish Office: 18 Charles Street, Cheadle, ST10 1ED
Tel: 01538 753130 Fax: 01538 751940 Email:
Parish Priest: Father Sandy Brown Email:
Parish Child Protection Officers: Lynn & John Smith 01538 756314
Diocesan Child Protection Co-ordinator: Jane Jones 0121 230 6240
Guild Hall Bookings: 01538 750830
Newsletter items to:
The parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Reg Charity No: 234216
TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - 12 October 2014 - Year A; Psalter: Week 4
‘In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell, for ever and ever’
The Sick
Canon P Taylor, Fr P Rogers, Winifred Birch,
John Bowler, Blanche Briscoe,
Patricia Buckley, Alban Burton,
Andrea & John Butler, Edna Carr, Violet Chell,
Margaret Clowes, Josie Coates, Joe Cooke,
Reverend Ray & Anne Cummins,
Janet Daniels, Elsie Done, Joe Doyle,
George Hebda, Jane Feeney, Isabel Finney,
Michelle Forrester, Clare Green,
Joyce Harrison, Roy Harrison, Jill Jervis,
Alan Johnson, Carmel Johnson, Mary Jose,
Chris Keates, Trevor Kellett, Sandra Kellett,
Sophie Mills, Arthur Moult, Sheila Murray,
Barbara-Ann Nash, Lesley Newton, Andrew
Norton, Eleanor Oldroyd, John O'Leary,
Michael Phillips, Marion Pilling, Cara Plant,
Irene Poole, David Routledge,
The Sargeant Family, Dorothy Swift,
Beryl Trowel, Jim & Ethel Wardrup,
Pauline Watkins, Carolyn Whitehurst,
Betty Whieldon, Sheila Wilson.
Rest in Peace
Michael Greer, Kathleen Sims,
Deacon John Burrows,
all who have died recently,
those with anniversaries falling at this time,
and all the faithful departed.
29 Nov: Gerry Rourke & Kerrie Taafe (Tean)
27 Dec: Andrew Michael Scott & Claire Lorraine Chell
Please keep all in your prayers
The Apostles’ Creed:
I believe in God, the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ his only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius
Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended into hell; on the third day he
rose again from the dead; he ascended into
heaven, and is seated at the right hand of
God the Father almighty; from there he will
come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic
Church, the Communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of
the body and life everlasting, Amen.
This is our Faith; This is the Faith of the
Church. We are proud to profess it in Christ
Jesus our Lord. Amen
Saturday 11 October: Feria (St John XXIII, Pope)
10.00 am Cheadle: Priest’s Intention (Followed by Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament until 12 Noon)
10.30 am Cheadle: Sacrament of Penance
4.30 pm Cheadle: Confessions
5.00 pm Cheadle: Peter Cartlidge
Sunday 12 October:
10.30 am Cheadle: People of the Parishes
4.50 pm Tean: October Devotions
5.30 pm Tean: Priest’s Intention
Monday 13 October: Feria (St Edward, King & Confessor)
9.00 am (NB) Cheadle: Nora Stephens
Tuesday 14 October: Feria (St Callistus, Pope & Martyr)
9.45 am (NB) Cheadle: Jadzig Rabanill
5.00pm: Reception of Body: Kathleen Sims
Wednesday 15 October: Memorial: St Teresa of Jesus
Born in Avila, Spain, in the year 1515. At the age of 20 she entered the Carmelite
Order and undertook the reform of the Order. This brought many trials, but she
was faithful to the Church, contributing to the renewal of the Church, writing
outstanding works of mysticism and asceticism. Her spiritual teachings are a
guide to a life of union with God. She died in the year 1582. She was declared a
doctor of the Church in 1970; the first female to receive this title.
8.45: (NB) Tean: Holy Souls
10.00: Cheadle: Funeral Mass: Kathleen Sims.
Thursday 16 October: Feria (St Margaret Mary Alacoque or
9.15 am Cheadle: Pat Cumbernatch
(Sr. Hedwig)
2.30 pm Cheadle: Funeral Mass: Michael Greer.
6.30 pm. Tean: PARISH FORUM, beginning with Mass.
Friday 17 October: Memorial: St Ignatius of Antioch
St Ignatius was the successor to St Peter as Bishop of Antioch. He suffered
martyrdom in Rome during the persecution of Trajan. On his way to the Eternal
City, he wrote several letters concerning the Person of Christ, the Constitution
of the Church, and Christian Life. In these letters, he expressed his great love
fore the Lord and His ardent desire for martyrdom. His name appears in the
Roam Canon.
6.30 pm Tean: Holy Souls
Saturday 18 October: Feast: St Luke, Evangelist
A physician from Antioch, he was converted to the Christian Faith. He was a
disciple of St Paul and a faithful companion in all his journeys. He was the author
of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. He was an evangelist who
wrote about the childhood of Our Lord and has told us some of the most moving
parables - such as the Lost Sheep and the Prodigal Son. In his gospel, he
highlights the universality of salvation.
10.00 am Cheadle: Private Intention (followed by Exposition of
the Blessed Sacrament until 11am)
10.30 am Cheadle: Sacrament of Penance
4.30 pm Cheadle: Confessions
5.00 pm Cheadle: Helen Lowndes.
Sunday 19 October: MISSION SUNDAY
10.30 am Cheadle: People of the Parishes
4.50 pm Tean: October Devotions
5.30 pm Tean: Priest’s Intention
Second Collection: APF (Mission Sunday)
Thought for the week:
Frequently we hear Jesus using the
metaphor of the feast or banquet for
Heaven. Today again he uses this
allegory. In Old Testament times two
separate invitations were issued prior to
a wedding celebration. The first was
advance notice and the second was
just as the feast was to begin. It was
traditional for the guests to be provided
with a wedding garment as they arrived.
We also frequently hear of the wedding
being used to symbolise the uniting of
Christ to his Church. Bearing this in mind
and relating this to Christ’s message of
salvation we can understand that the
first invitation was to the Jews who turned
down the invitation when they refused
to accept Jesus as the Messiah. The
burning down of their town most likely
alludes to the destruction of Jerusalem.
The second invitation is issued to those
who are outside of the Jewish community,
the outcasts and the Gentiles. They
respond to Christ’s call and receive the
wedding garment and enter into heaven.
The wedding garment is clearly important
as the man who has responded to Christ
but is not wearing a garment is turned
away. St Paul tells us that we are to
“put on Christ.” The wedding garment
is symbolic of this ‘putting on’ it is the
acceptance not only of Christ’s call but
of the commitment to follow him through
good and bad times. The parable is
telling us that it is not enough to say we
are following Christ if our lives do not
reflect this. We are all called to enter the
Kingdom of God and
we need to respond
to that call and to
follow Jesus, to draw
close to him and to
trust him as Paul did
to fulfil all our needs.
1st Reading: Isaiah 25: 6-10
Psalm: 22
2nd Reading: Philippians: 4:12-14,19-20
Gospel: Matthew 22: 1-14
Our gardening club at St Thomas'
meets every Thursday lunchtime to
work in the Canterbury Garden under
the guidance of a couple of retired
teacher/ parishioners. The children
are as keen as mustard and weed,
plant, collect seed, prune, clear, water,
anything which is green or ought to
be green. The group functions on a
zero budget and is dependent on
donations / hand-outs from anywhere.
The best donations are "in kind" and
effectively cost little in outlay.
Anyone who has any bulbs surplus or
plants which are too big or in the
wrong place please let us know and
we would be so grateful to receive
them. Also, if anyone has any garden
tools which they are willing to donate
then please consider it. Trowels, hand
forks, trugs or buckets, spades, rakes,
hoes are all items which would be
very useful. Give me a ring on 01538
722464 and I will even collect (or dig
up) any item or plant. Just think, you
would be donating something for a
little part of English heritage and
environment, and at the same inspiring
the next generation of Monty Dons,
Alan Titchmarshs or Rachel de
Tames. You know the scenario:
"Looking back on my career in
horticulture as I announce my 32nd
gardening book in this year of 2064,
it all started in Staffordshire in a little
village when a parishioner gave me
a trowel from her shed to help my
Gardening Club on Thursdays..." !!!!
OCTOBER: MONTH OF THE ROSARY: Please remember to pray some part of the Rosary each day. At Tean, there will be
October Devotions at 4.50pm before Sunday Mass. This year, we shall try to pray the Rosary before Mass at Cheadle, at least
some of the time.
Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendour of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth,
grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches.
Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or
scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may this Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of
the sacredness and inviolability of the family, and its beauty in God’s plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer.
The Synod of Bishops lasts until 19 Oct.
On that day, the Pope will beatify his predecessor, Pope Paul VI (who was Pope when I was ordained).
NOVEMBER: Prayer for the Holy Souls: It will soon be here, which is why I have made available the familiar envelopes. Please
make a list of the people, you would like to remember, lists which will be placed on or under the altar. Many like to enclose a
monetary offering, and Mass will be offered for the Holy Souls in and around November.
POPE FRANCIS: Are we open to the gift of God’s salvation, or do we prefer to take refuge in the safety of our man-made rules
and regulations? That was the question Pope Francis posed during his homily at the morning Mass at Santa Marta on Friday.
God’s only wish is to save his people, but so often we want to make the rules for our own salvation. This is the dramatic paradox
of so many of the Bible stories which culminate in the life of Jesus himself. If I don’t follow Jesus but go looking for other gurus and
seek refuge in man-made commandments, the Pope concluded, I may feel safe but the truth is I am buying my salvation, instead
of receiving the free gift that God gives me.
CHEADLE & DISTRICT FOODBANK: Thank you to all who continue to give so generously. They continue to serve many local
families and welcome all donations of food. Please pray for all the volunteers that they may continue their wonderful works. To get
involved please see Glenn or Chris. Please note they will now close at 3pm on a Friday.
FRIDAY SUPPERS: The Friday Suppers cookbook has been written by Pauline Curran, a lifelong Catholic, who worked alongside
Delia Smith for two decades, to provide inspiration for meat-free meals for families observing Friday abstinence. It is full of
simple, family-friendly fish and vegetable recipes and all proceeds from sales of the £6.99 book will go to support CAFOD helping
those living in extreme poverty across the world. The meat-free recipes are also ideal for those trying to cut their carbon footprint
in support of their recently launched ‘One Climate, One World campaign’, which is calling on political leaders to take action to
prevent climate change pushing people deeper into poverty. As part of the campaign CAFOD are asking us to reduce our own
impact on the planet where possible, with ideas including eating less meat, switching off unnecessary appliances and turning down
thermostats. Please see for more information. As explained last week, because we did not get the CAFOD
envelopes out in good time, do bring yours this weekend to place in the Offertory bag.
BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATES: This is the time of year that Yr 6 pupils need them for Painsley. It is a time consuming task and of
course we shall help. Please do NOT make your request by phone. Please write in giving us all the details to help us search the
Registers (Cheadle/Tean). A s.a.e. makes it easier to send a certificate to you. A contribution will be welcome for our parish funds.
CHURCHES TOGETHER IN CHEADLE & DISTRICT: The first "Sing Along" in September went well, so we will continue meeting
on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7.30 p.m. in the Methodist Church. The next meeting will be Tuesday 28 October. All welcome.
Michael Greer R.I.P. Funeral Mass: Thursday 16th October at St. Giles.
Many people will have seen Michael Greer at Mass in Cheadle on Sunday mornings. He was one of the residents from Church Terrace and
a wheelchair-user, who was normally to be seen wearing a type of crash helmet. Michael has been very ill for a couple of years. As a Catholic
community, we should be grateful to the staff of Church Terrace Nursing Home, who have not only looked after Michael’s needs on a daily basis
but have also ensured that Michael was enabled to practise fully the Catholic faith that he obviously loved. Mass the previous Sunday and having
received the Sacrament of the Sick and Holy Communion in the days before he died.
May he rest in peace.
Many thanks for the gift of
a magnificent vacuum cleaner, for
which our regular team of
cleaners are eternally grateful!
Next meeting will be on Monday
1 December, at 7.30pm
in the Presbytery (Parish Room).
It is very important to prepare for the
Sacrament so please attend.
I am eternally grateful to the good
parishioners who give their time.
Churches Together Prayer Services
in Residential Homes:
LOOKIING AHEAD: GUILD HALL COMMITTEE: Monday, 13th.October: 10.00 in the Presbytery;
PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE: Monday, 13th. October at 11.00
PARISH FORUM: Thursday, 16th October (this week) at Tean, after Mass at 6.30
For those enquiring about the Catholic Faith. For parishioners to sponsor the enquirers on their journey.
For parishioners to invite those interested. Please contact Fr Sandy for more details.
Pope’s Universal Prayer Intention:
That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the
world most battered by war and violence.
Pope’s Evangelization Intention:
World Mission Day.
That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer
zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world.
Beech Lodge: Thursday at 2.30pm
16 Oct, 20 Nov, 18 Dec
Parish Finances:
Church Terrace: Friday at 3.30pm
Nov 14, Dec 12
St Giles: £80.30 + Gift Aid £277.74 = £277.45
Second Collection (CAFOD) = £313.13
Daisy Bank: Wednesday at 2.00pm
19 Nov, 10 Dec
St Thomas’: £207.30 + Gift Aid £127.00 = £334.30
Second Collection (CAFOD) = £73.80
READERS: If you are unable to attend please find a substitute.
Sat 11 Oct: J Blackburn
Sat 18 Oct: V Blaxhall
Sun 12 Oct: J Varghese
Sun 19 Oct: S Peck
REMINDER: You are ALWAYS welcome to call Jane Jones,
safeguarding Officer, at any time. Tel: 07976 516629
(Totally private and only answered by Mrs Jones).
S.V.P: If you know of anyone in need of help, or who
would like a visit, please contact the Parish Office on
01538 753130. Meetings are held once a month on the
first Thursday, at 6.30pm in the Parish Room.
And finally…
Do not be afraid or discouraged,
for the Lord will personally go ahead of you.
He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you.
Deut. 31:8