Document 6557972


Document 6557972
Newcomers are invited to introduce
themselves to one of the clergy or a member of
the team on duty near the main door.
If you need any information or assistance please
speak to a churchwarden or steward.
Fairly traded coffee and tea are
available in the church hall after the
9.30 a.m. service. Please join us.
There is a loop
system for hearing
aid users and pew
cushions are available
by the table near the
door. Large print
copies of the notices,
hymnbook and
service books are
also available.
St Mary’s
At Communion
Services everyone
is invited to come
to the altar rail to
receive communion or a
blessing (if the latter, please
indicate this by bringing a
book with you).
Notice Sheet for
12th October 2014
Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
We welcome families with very
small children and ask your cooperation in ensuring that they
are supervised during services.
Adults can sit with children in the
area at the back of the church
where they can enjoy toys and paper for
drawing. A Sunday School with groups for
younger and older children meets at 9.30 am in
the Church in Term Time during the Parish
Communion Service on the second and fourth
Sundays. On the first and third Sundays of the
month children join in the Family services.
Services today -- 12th October
Parish Communion (Harvest Book)
followed by Greetings Cards Stall
and light refreshments in the Hall
There will be Prayers for Wholeness & Healing
with the laying on of hands after the service
Choral Evensong for Harvest
Hymns at Evensong: E H 292, 290, 277 and Psalm 65
Evening service in C by Stanford
Anthem: Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem - J Maunder
Next Sunday - 19th October
Registered Charity No.1131568
Churchwarden: Mr Christopher Hjelt Tel: (01234) 402465
Church Office: Tel (01234) 328823
E-mail -
Church Hall: Tel - 01234 359094
Church Website:
Holy Communion
9.30 am
Hymns at the Parish Communion: 101, 511, 137, 139 & 534
Anthem: Now join we to praise the Creator
Organ Voluntary: Toccata in Seven - John Rutter
The Rev'd Jackie Buck (part-time)
54, Henderson Way, Kempston, MK42 8NP
Tel: (01234) 407020 E-mail:
Please contact the Vicar, as above, for all enquiries about Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals.
For other enquiries please ring the Church Office (messages can be left).
8.00 am
5.00 pm
The Rev’d Richard Howlett
The Vicarage, Church Lane, Goldington, Bedford, MK41 0AP
Tel: (01234) 355024 E-mail:
The Rev'd Ben Lewis
1, Atholl Walk, Goldington, Bedford, MK41 0BG
Tel: (01234) 353928
to our
8.00 am
Holy Communion
9.30 am
Family Communion (Orange Book)
followed by light refreshments in the Hall
Followed by Greetings Cards Stall and Traidcraft
Hospital Chapel Team at South Wing
Harvest Bring and Share Lunch - TODAY at 12.30pm
We hope that you will be able to come.
Weekday Services at St. Mary’s
Monday - Friday :
9.00 am Morning Prayer
10.00 am. Holy Communion (BCP)
Please take this notice sheet home with you for information
Monday 13th October
St Mary’s Women’s Fellowship
2.00 pm in the Church Hall
Walking Hadrian’s Wall - Richard Kirby
Open Meeting - Men very welcome
Monday 13th October
Signing Group
2.00 pm in the Dilworth Room
Monday 13th October
Mission Action Planning
7.30 pm in the Dilworth Room
Tuesday, 21st October
PCC Standing Committee
7.15 pm in the Dilworth Room
The Belief Autumn Course 2014 “Received in Good Faith” - Why is
faith in God not just a delusion? Wednesday 15 October at 8pm with
the Revd Dr David Munchin who is interested in the relationship between
theology and philosophy, in particular the philosophy of science. Week
three of a five week course. St Andrew’s Church Centre. Open to all. A
donation of £3 is welcomed at the door.
Goldington Churches Together Study Day - Saturday 18th October at
the Stables Christian Centre, Bolnhurst with Pastor Lonnie Haye from
Yarlswood Immigration Centre. 10.00 am - 3.00 pm. Bring & share lunch.
£7.00 to cover venue hire. See the sign-up sheet on the table.
The Bunyan Prom Concert - Lest we forget - Bunyan Meeting, Mill
Street, Saturday October 18th at 7.30 pm. Music and Songs from WWI
and Proms favourites with Bedford Town Band. Admission £8
(Concessions £5)
Solemn Evensong at St Martin’s, Bedford - Sunday 19th October at
6.30 p.m. followed by a reception. This service and a Flower Festival on
the theme St Martin’s through the ages celebrate the 125th anniversary of
the dedication of the present church. It also marks the retirement of the
Rev’d Roger Stokes.
Foodbank - We are currently running low on Tinned Meat, Tinned Fruit
and Rice Pudding. Please help top up supplies by leaving your
contributions in the box in church. Tinned food from our Harvest will go
to the Foodbank.
As part of our service on Remembrance Sunday we should like to
mark the Centenary of the outbreak of World War I. We ask that
members of the congregation bring along any memorabilia about how
the war affected their families. Please contact Richard Howlett or Don
Preston if you would like to help in this way.
The BeCHaR petition from St Mary's was given to the Chief Executive,
who included it as part of his submission to Mayor Dave Hodgson.
Thanks to all those who signed.
Fairtrade Stall - Orders are now being taken now for Fairtrade
chocolate Advent Calendars and Advent Candles. Please sign up by 9th
November using the order form in church.
Pre-Christmas Ladies Breakfast - Saturday 29th November at The
Harvester Grill, Riverfield Drive at 9.00 a.m. for 9.15 a.m. To get us
underway again before the year ends we have booked The Harvester
Grill this time but will keep our options open for next year. On offer is
an unlimited Cooked Breakfast at £4.99 and an unlimited Continental
Breakfast at £2.99. Please join us by signing up on the sheet. For more
info speak to Wendy Watmough.
Suggested subjects for your prayers during the coming week
With the whole Church
world-wide we pray for
The Church of the
Province of West Africa
In our own parish
we pray for St Mary’s work with the
under 5s and for those living in Everard Road and Evesham Abbey.
With others in our Diocese
we pray for those who choose to have
their marriage in church and we reflect on the verse
“My brothers and sisters, whom I love
and long for, my joy and crown, stand
firm in the Lord in this way, my beloved.”
We pray for the sick and infirm,
either at home or in hospital
and we remember those who
receive communion at home.
We remember those
who have died
and we give thanks for their lives.
If you know of any one who is sick either at home or in hospital, please let the Vicar or
the Churchwarden know.
Prayer Request Forms are available in the tower - you may request prayers for
particular people or situations.
Completed forms should be put in the ‘Post Box’ under the tower.
Weekly Notice Sheet Forms are available in the tower. These must be put in the
Church Office letter box in the Hall porch by Monday for inclusion the following week.