Document 6558049


Document 6558049
PO Box 749
Office open Mon – Fri (9.00 am - 12.30 pm)
Our Aim: “To know Christ and to make Him known”
Phone: (02) 6772 2269
Fax: (02) 6772 0188
Sunday, 12th October, 2014.
Trinity 17 / Ordinary Sunday 28
‘God’s Work/God’s Plan’
Ecclesiastes 2: 18 – 24 (pg 537 ‒ NRSV) John 6: 24 – 29 (pg 867 ‒ NRSV)
7.30 am Cathedral – Holy Communion – Preach: Rev Peter Smart
Lead: Peter Hutchinson
9.30 am Cathedral – Holy Communion – Preach: Rev Peter Smart
(with Crèche & Kidschurch) Lead: Rev Jonathan Peart
Ecclesiastes 2: 18 – 24 (pg 473 ‒ NIV) John 6: 24 – 29 (pg 755 ‒ NIV)
6.00 pm Parish Centre – Evening Service – Preach: Rev Peter Smart
Lead: Rev Jonathan Peart
8.00 am
St Mary’s, West Armidale – Holy Communion – Rev Charles Hebblewhite
~ Message
from Rev Peter Smart ~
Dear Friends
In every seven-day week, there are 168 hours. Quite a massive portion of this block
is spent at work. Work comes in many shapes and sizes and some we even get paid
for doing! Our brief sermon series on ‘work’ is coming to an end, but I am hoping
to continue our interviews with our church family members, and to think how we
can encourage and support one another in being Christian OUT THERE!
Thank you to those who have agreed to be interviewed so far.
May the Lord be in your working week.
Peter Smart
Notices & Requests ~
Meetings in October:
Property & Maintenance – Monday, 13th at 4.00 pm in MR1
Finance – Wednesday, 15th at 5.15 pm in MR1
Parish Council – Tuesday, 21st at 7.30 pm in MR1
Courthouse Coffee: Monday, 13th October – Sue Blair, Miggs Coggan
Monthly Morning Tea & Coffee will be held after the 7.30 am service
TODAY. Please stay after this service and enjoy the friendly fellowship in
the Parish Centre.
Monday Manna: Christianity Explored continues tomorrow, Monday, 13th
October at 5.30 – 6.30 pm in MR1. Contact: Jonathan Peart on 6772 5521 or
Finance Report for September 2014: St Peter’s offerings were on Budget for the
first quarter of this financial year. Total receipts were $1,777 less than budget. We
recorded an operating deficit YTD of $9,552. Donations for International Student
Ministry were on budget for the quarter and ISM expenses exceeded receipts by
Armidale Inter-Church Women’s World Community Day Service will be held at
the Uniting Church on Friday, 31st October at 10.00 am. Speaker will be Mrs Betty
Pearson, giving an address entitled “Building with Godly Wisdom”. Morning tea to
follow. All welcome.
Wanted: is there anyone interested in providing a transcribing service for oral
interviews? Please contact Suzanne on 6772 7175 if you can assist.
Board Games Night: If you are interested in a board games night, come along to
Sue Jaggar’s (15km out of town – Donald Rd) on the evening of 24th October.
Contact Sue for details (0419846302 or
Dean’s Farewell & Lunch: We are hoping to out-source the catering for this lunch
so that parishioners are freed to attend the Communion Service and enjoy the
occasion. However, it would be most helpful to have some volunteers to bake
gluten-free quiches or frittatas for those with dietary needs. Some slices, brought on
serving plates and placed on tables after lunch, would also be appreciated. Please
advise the Parish Office if you can help. The speeches will be held outside the
Cathedral and it is suggested that you might like to bring along a hat and folding
chair or rug to sit on. There will be limited seating available for those who need it.
The AYF Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday,
22nd October 2014, at 7.30 pm in St Peter’s Parish Centre, followed
by supper. All interested in the SRE ministry are invited to attend.
You are invited to another wonderful Prayer and Pancake Breakfast to pray
for SRE teacher Les Moreman and high school students in the SRE programme.
High School SRE depends on your prayers. This will be held on Saturday, 25th
October at the Armidale Community Church, Markham St from 8.30 – 10.00
am. Gold coin donation.
LOST: A large set of keys, possibly lost in the Cathedral grounds, on Friday,
3rd October. If found, please hand in to the Parish Office.
Centenary Celebration: A service to celebrate the Centenary of the Armidale
Diocese will be held on Saturday, 8th November from 11.00 am to 12.30
pm at Lazenby Hall at the University of New England. This service will
be followed by a luncheon in the grounds. To assist with the catering,
would you please put your name down on the sign-up sheets available at
the various Parish services to indicate that you will be attending.
For Sale at the Registry Office and Parish Office, copies of the Centenary book,
I Will Build My Church, for $25.
A Memorial Service for the late Katie Mitchell will be held next Wednesday,
15th October at 12.30 pm in the Uniting Church, Rusden Street.
Safe Ministry Training
Essentials (for those who have never done any Safe Ministry training)
Monday 27th Oct
Part A
7.00 – 9.00 pm
cost $5
Monday 3rd Nov
Part B
7.00 – 9.00 pm
cost $5
Refresher (for those who need to update ie, did Safe Ministry 3 years ago)
Monday 17th Nov
7.00 - 9.30 pm cost $5
Dean’s Farewell – sign-up sheets available to indicate if you will be attending the
combined Parish service and luncheon on Sunday, 9th November at 9.30 am.
Last call to collect lost property: Two coats were left over from Parish
Camp – please reclaim from the Parish Office on week mornings.
Other clothing items also have been left around the Cathedral over the
last year – if not claimed, they will have to be given away.
St Peter's Anglican Cathedral International Students Ministry is organising an
Iranian food cooking demonstration. It will be held on Saturday, 18th Oct, 2014
from 11.00 am to 2.00 pm at Robyn and Ron Perry's house (3 McCarthy Cr). Please
bring $12 or student $6 pp (to cover the cost of food). Please put your name on the
sign-up sheets or ring Polly Wong on 6772 2524 or 0431 406 371 or email:
Kairos Outside for Women (KOWNE): A special weekend of love, acceptance
and encouragement for women impacted by the imprisonment of someone close
to them will be held at Lake Keepit on 24th to 26th October. Do you know of any
potential guests or can you help with donations or prayer? Please contact Jean
Squire on 6772 8199, 0478 415 825 or email
National Grandparents’ Day: Grandparents, family members and professionals
are invited to a lunch to celebrate grandparenting on Monday, 20th October, 2014
from 12 noon in the Auditorium Armidale Ex-Services Club. Tickets $15 or $10
(concession) including a hot lunch. The event includes, a short talk, musical
interlude, a film and a hot lunch. All are welcome. Bookings at Armidale ExServices Club. Phone: 67760800. For more information: phone 0421659467 or email:
Margaret Sims <>
Women's Gingerbread House: Please come along to our Women's Gingerbread
House Afternoon on Saturday, 22nd November at 2.00 pm. This year it will cost $28
for a kit and money needs to be paid to confirm your place. Please take an invite as
this is a great event to bring your friends to, as there will be a short Christmas
message. Tickets will be available next week.
St Nicholas’, Saumarez Ponds
Sesquicentenary Celebrations
On Sunday, 26th October, 2014 at 3.00 pm there will be a service
of prayer and thanksgiving at St Nicholas’ celebrating 150 years
since the Church was opened. The service will be followed by
afternoon tea in the Church grounds. All Welcome. For further
information call Geoff Green on mobile 0427 007 185.
St Peter's Garden Weekend
Thank you to everyone who is potting, sewing, knitting, collecting
books and cooking for the Garden Weekend.
In the next 2 weeks someone on the Committee will be ringing you,
if you are on our phone lists, to ask for your help on Saturday 1 st and/ or Sunday
2nd. We will be asking if you can spend 2 or 2½ hours sitting at a garden gate,
serving morning/afternoon tea or lunch at the designated gardens, helping on the
Plant Stall or sitting in the Cathedral. We will also be asking for people to make
sandwiches, cakes and slices on both Saturday and Sunday which will be served
for lunches and morning/afternoon teas on both days.
If you are able to donate sandwiches and slices they need to be delivered by about
8.30am to the Parish Centre on both/either Saturday or Sunday. We require
“gourmet” sandwiches. Sandwiches should be made from large sliced loaves
(the cheapest loaves have very small slices and are not required). Do not cut.
Put the loaf back into the packet. Label to show the contents.
Jenny Snell, who is responsible for catering, would also like to borrow for the
weekend several large eskies for transporting lunches to the gardens where lunch
is being served. If you can help with eskies please leave a message at the Parish
Centre or contact Elizabeth.
Elizabeth Robins (Chairperson)
Ph 6772 6579
Compassion Australia: an inspiring evening event with CEO, Tim Hanna and
Christian music artist Chrissie Pearce at Armidale City Bowling Club on Monday,
20th October from 7.00 – 9.00 pm. Entry is free. To reserve tickets, visit
Men’s Dinner: will be held on Wednesday, 15th September at 6.30 pm in
Parish Centre. $10. Speaker will be Rev Peter Smart. All men welcome.
Please put your names on the sign-up sheets.
~ Summary of Important Events ~
Monday, 13th October
Wednesday, 15th October
Wednesday, 22nd October
Sunday, 26th October
Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd
Saturday, 8th November
Sunday, 9th November
Sunday, 16th November
5.30 pm – 6.30 pm: MR1 – Monday Manna
6.30 pm: Men’s Dinner
7.30 pm: AYF AGM – Parish Centre.
3.00 pm: Sesquicentenary Celebrations at St Nicholas’.
St Peter’s Armidale Gardens Weekend – Booklets available.
Sunday, 5pm: Evensong
11.00 am – 12.30 pm: Anglican Diocese of Armidale Centenary
Celebrations at Lazenby Hall, UNE. Followed by lunch.
The Dean’s Last Sunday & Farewell Lunch.
Confirmation Service (classes held for 6 weeks prior).
St Mary’s News ~
Congratulations and grateful thanks are extended to the members of the
RSPCA, the Rev Bill Howarth and to Jan Clark and her team for the success of
the ‘Blessing of the Animals’ held at St Mary’s yesterday.
Thank you everyone who contributed so generously last Sunday to the
collection of food items for St Peter’s Food Cupboard. The next collection will
be on Sunday, 2nd November for the Uniting Church and its outreach to needy
Next Sunday, 19th October, after the 8.00 am service, a birdbath in the front
garden will be dedicated by the Rev Graham Farley to the memory of Gordon
Langley Kingdom (1920 – 1995), Jeanette Anne Kingdom (15.8.43- 23.8.43) and
Geoffrey Gordon Kingdom (10.8.45 – 27.4.50). During the 8.00 am service, a
new member of the family will be baptized. Morning tea will be served
afterwards in the Hall.
From its Social Concerns and Community Outreach Fund, St Mary’s has sent
$95 to the Leprosy Mission - $45 to enable a child who has dropped out of
school due to leprosy/disability, join a special educational programme, and
$50 for the purchase of a goat to provide much-needed milk and cheese for a
Mission News
Two weeks to go until the Book Sale in St Mary’s Hall on Saturday morning,
25th October. Donations of books will be gratefully received. Please contact
Gwenda Shannon (6772 6437) if you have books to donate and would like to
deliver them or have them collected. Now, Booklovers, do you agree with
William E Gladstone (1809 – 98) who said, “Books are a delightful society. If
you go into a room filled with books, even without taking them down from
their shelves, they seem to speak to you, to welcome you.”? If you do, then
come and meet a delightful society of books in St Mary’s Hall on the 25 th just
waiting to go home with you.
Prayers ~
“If you, O Lord, should mark iniquity, Lord, who could stand?
But there is forgiveness with you, God of Israel.” (Psalm 130: 3 – 4)
Graciously hear us, Lord God; and grant that we, to whom you have given the desire to pray,
may by your mighty aid be defended and strengthened in all dangers and adversities;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pray for all students who are sitting exams, but especially for overseas
students who are studying at the University of New England. We pray that
God will give them clear thinking and a good memory.
Pray for Year 12 students commencing their HSC exams tomorrow, Monday
13th October.
Pray for successful organisation and preparation for this year’s St Peter’s
Garden Weekend.
Pray for those who have lost loved ones recently, that they may recognise the
Lord’s comfort at this time.
Pray for members and friends of our parish serving God elsewhere:
 Secure Workers with CMS
 Malcolm and Charissa Forrest (CMS in Amman)
 Gillian Law (CMS in Italy)
 Keith and Mary Lou Doe (CMS preparation to go to Nepal)
 Chris Campbell (home from SIM in Niger)
 David and Alisan Greeff (CMS in Namibia)
 Carissa Hutchinson (India) (
 Glen and Annette Simpkins (Scripture Union in the Northern Territory)
 Nick and Caroline Stone (in training at SMBC)
 Brent and Elizabeth Weightman (Bingara)
 Peter Curtis (Chaplain, Gunnedah High School)
 Tim and Sophie Pullar (home from OM in Paris)
Please pray for those who are ill and those who care for them:
Kylie Alcorn
Lola Baker
Betty Chiswell
Helen Dangar
Joyce Gow
Chris Halligan
Allan Hatte
Enid Isaacs
Annie Lamble
Rick Lewers
Raphael Martin
Ann Munday
John Sinden
Creena Waters
Please pray for those who are grieving, remembering especially the family
and friends of:
Mona Ward
Allan Edmunds
Reynold Mullen
Ann Lemcke
Bruce Goldsmith
Neil Lomas
Peter Chiswell
Betty Jenkins
Barbara (Babs) Field
Bryan Pape
Karen Bannon
Dal Fayle
June Jackson
Edgar Bradley
Katie Mitchell
Lola Taylor
Cal Birtles
Kevin Creagan
Jean Stewart
Priscilla Mamer’s brother
Jean Peatfield
(It is our custom to keep names in this section for a year following their deaths, unless otherwise requested by family members.)
Wed 15th Oct 10.00 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – Rev S Reeve
11.00 am – Autumn Lodge – Rev G Farley
2.30 pm – BUPA – Rev J Peart
Thur 16th Oct 11.00 am – Ken Thompson Lodge – Rev G Farley
Sun 19th Oct Trinity 18/OS 29 (G) – ‘Surely not in vain’
7.30 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – Rev S Reeve
8.00 am – St Mary’s, WA – Holy Communion & Baptism – Rev G Farley
9.30 am – Cathedral – Morning Prayer & Baptism – Rev S Reeve
6.00 pm – Cathedral – TAS Boarders’ Service – Rev S Reeve
BIBLE READINGS for the Cathedral – Sunday, 19th October, 2014.
Morning Services:
Psalm 73
Matthew 22: 34 – 40
7.30 am
F Newling
Rev P Wong
9.30 am
P Abrahams
L Abrahams
Evening Service: 6.00 pm
J Hardy
M Hatte
Grounds Roster for w/e 18th October: P Aggs, B Elwin, K Birkett, T Marjoram.
All notices for the SUNDAY SIGN (in writing or via e-mail) to be in the Parish Office
no later than 12.30 pm, Tuesday. Thank you.