National Research Centre For Banana
National Research Centre For Banana
Phone : 94425-53117/94425-83117 e-mail : National Research Centre For Banana (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) Thayanur Post, Thogamalai Road, Trichy - 620 102 (Tamil Nadu) Tender Notification No.03/2014 Sealed tenders are invited by the Director, NRCB, Tiruchirapalli under two bid system from reputed manufacturers/dealers/authorized Indian Agents for the supply of following EQUIPMENTS to this Institute. Tender form, list and detailed specification of the equipments, other terms and conditions of procurement are available at our website: Tender form details can be downloaded from the website directly. Sealed tender for each item separately superscribed as “Tender for equipment name” should be sent to this office along with non-refundable processing fee of Rs.1000/- (Rupees One Thousand Only) by demand draft drawn in favour of “ICAR Unit –NRCB” payable at Tiruchirapalli. Last date for receipt of completed Tender document is 10.10.2014 (Friday) by 02.30 P.M. Technical bids of the Tenders will be opened on the same day i.e. 10.10.2014 (Friday) at 03.30 PM. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. MASS SPECTROPHOTOMETER WITH GAS CHROMOTOGRAPHY : MICROWAVE-PLASMA ATOMIC EMISSION SPECTROMETER TISSUE HOMOGENIZER MULTIMODE MICROPLATE READER AUTOMATIC LABORATORY GLASSWARE WASHING MACHINE 25.0 KVA ON-GRID SOLAR PV MODULE General Conditions for all the instruments : 1. Warranty : Minimum two years for lab equipments and five years for On-Grid Solar PV module. 2. 3. 4. If offer is submitted for more than one instrument, separate tender for each instrument along with Processing Fee should be submitted. Performance Security : 10% of cost instrument for 26 months by means of bank guarantee / Joint Fixed Deposit / DD in favour of ICAR-UNIT, Trichy. Postal/Courier delay is not acceptable. Do not send tender through Courier and preferably send by SPEED POST. Tenders received after the due date and time and also without the requisite fee will be rejected. Director, NRCB reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. Sd/Director DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS OF THE INSTRUMENTS 1. MASS SPECTROPHOTOMETER WITH GAS CHROMOTOGRAPHY : GC Specifications System should be capable of supporting two inlets and two detector ports simultaneously, should have electronic pneumatic / pressure controls for all the gases and should have Chromatography Data system which is based on Microsoft Windows operating system for instrument control, data acquisition, data analysis, quantization, automation & customization with online and offline sessions provided. A Provision to install two or more columns Operating temp range of oven from near ambient to 450oC and option of cooling up B to -80 deg C with liquid nitrogen or CO2 c Oven temp ramp rate of oven should be120oC or better d Possible to program 15 temp ramps (16 plateaus) or better e 15 EPC/PPC channels for inlets, detectors or auxiliary gases or more f Flow sensor for control & storage of split ratio Possible to use capillary columns of 100, 250, 320 microns and g above The pressure set points should be adjustable by increments of 0.001 psi up to 100 psi h Maximum temperature attainable should be 400 deg C or more fr injectors/inlets Inlets: Two inlets should be provided. One Programmable temperature vaporizer(PTV) or Multi Mode inlet for large volume injection and one split/split less Capillary injector. The Programmable Injector should have ramping facility and I Injector should be capable of doing large volume injection upto 500 microlitre PTV Injector should have heating rate of 800 degree/min and above and should be programmable with more than 8 steps heating and ramps Quote one FID detector with the following specification or better: MDL: < 1.5 pg c/s OR BETTER(SPECIFY THE COMPOUND) J Dynamic range: > 107 Data acquisition rate: up to 400 Hz OR BETTER All gases flow should be adjustable/controlled by software with no manual control. The system should have a Autosampler/injector with vial capacity of 15 vials or more. The system should be upgradable to 100 vial or more capacity Autosampler should be capable of handling large volume injection with syringe size K from 0.5 microlitre to 250 microlitre Autosampler should be upgradable with bar code reader, dilution , vortex, heating capability MS SPECIFICATIONS : LAN based quadruple MS system with EI system and (optionally quote CI source and CI should do both PCI and NCI) with appropriate computer & printer to support the system from original manufacturer. Should include turbo molecular pump WITH 250 L/SEC CAPACITY OR MORE with EI and CI source Mass range of 2-1000 amu in 0.1 amu steps Mass axis stability should be 0.10 amu/48 hrs Scan speed up to 15,000 u/sec or better Ion source temp - up to 350oC for better sensitivity for active compounds and it should be programmable. Transfer line temp - 100-350 DEG C Ionization energy range 5-220eV Ionization current range - 1-315μ A EI scan sensitivity and is a must parameter to demonstrate at site at least: 1500:1 S/N for 1 pg OFN scanning from 50-300 amu at nominal m/z 272 ion The mass spectrometer shall have the capability to cerate a 90 SIM ion groups with up to 45 ions per group or more. PCI scan S/N (Methane) 100:1 S/N will be given by 1-μL injection of 100-pg/μL BZP2 standard scanning from 80 to 230 amu at nominal 183 amu ion NCI scan S/N (Methane) 500:1 S/N will be given by 2-μL injection of 100 fg/μL OFN standard scanning from 50 to 300 u at nominal 272 u ion Spectral libraries: NIST LATEST VERSION WITH LICENCE The gcms system should be quoted with the following capability for: Replacement of GC column without venting MS vacuum which results in elimination of GC/MS downtime. Splitting of one column effluent to FID and MSD with software controlled flow so that both detector have the same RSD. The device should have pressure controlled carrier flow and should be controlled by software Optionally quote the below probe: MS sample Probe for Solid, Liquid and Slurry Samples: The system should be provided with a probe for injecting solid, liquid or slurry sample without and dilution with solvent or sample preparation. The system should come with following items: 1) Two cylinders each of Helium, Nitrogen, Air and Hydrogen. Optionally 1 cylinder of Methane for CI. It should be along with 2 stage regulators, tubing, purification panel and installed at site 2) 7.5 KVA UPS of brand Numeric or APC with 1 hour backup The Vendor should provide list with contact details of users where similar GC/ GCMS is running with Electro antennogram(EAG) Detector coupled with GC. This is a mandatory requirement as GC will be used to couple with EAG detector. 2. MICROWAVE-PLASMA ATOMIC EMISSION SPECTROMETER Sl.No. Segment Specification 1.0 Microwave PlasmaAtomic Emission Spectrometer 1.1 Plasma Magnetically excited microwave Nitrogen plasma 2.0 2.1 Optical System Wavelength Range 2.2 2.3 3.0 Spectrometer Detector Sample Introduction System Plasma Torch Simple intact (cassette style) torch – no alignment required – (HF-acid proof) – with suitable cooler region elimination. Sample introduction Parameter (HF-acid proof) Nebulizer : Inert Spray chamber : Double-pass glass cyclonic Sample tubing : solvent resistant Waste tubing : solvent resistant Read : Time 3 s Replicates : 3 Stabilization time : 15 s Rinse time : 45 s Fast Pump : 80 rpm Background correction : Auto Pump speed : 5 rpm Source of Nitrogen Nitrogen generator suitable for the equipment gas Software/System Windows based latest operating system with capabilities for advanced data handling, storage and analysis. MPAES should be fully computer controlled including gas flow, plasma view, ignition, microwave generation, electromagnetic induction, safety interlocks, trouble shooting etc. Computer and Printer Branded PC and Laser Printer Comprehensive Two years warranty in addition to regular warranty warranty by the (total 2+2=4 years). principal manufacturer Installation At National Research Centre for Banana, Tiruchirapalli, TN. Training 10 days at site and 2 days at application laboratory Period of Minimum 7 years after the lapse of comprehensive warranty Maintenance support Delivery Delivery at F.O.R destination 3.1 3.2 4.0 5.0 5.1 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 Wavelength range. The instrument shall be able to operate over the range of 160 to 850 nm. Monochromator Non-blooming Charge Couple Device 3. TISSUE HOMOGENIZER Applicable for wide range of plant tissues, seeds and compatible for DNA, RNA and PROTEIN isolation. Running temperature = 15 deg C to 30 deg C. Provisions for multiple sample processing, rotors of 24x2 ml and 6x50 ml holding capacity. Digital display with control for temperature, RPM and Time. Disposable probes. Homogenizer speed : Max. 25000 RPM / 3-30 Hz. Accessories should resist organic solvents like phenol, chloroform, methanol, etc. 4. MULTIMODE MICROPLATE READER Microplate reader capable of reading fluorescence (top and bottom), UV-Visible absorbance, and luminescence (not secondary mode) using monochromator based optics. Tunable wavelength control using quadruple (preferable) or double dual monochromators for both fluorescence (excitation and emission) and absorbance with Xenon flash lamp energy source. Methods of detections: Kinetics, end-point, spectral scanning, and well-area scanning. Detectors based on photomultipliers with minimal noise and automatic path length / path check correction. Read times with maximal sensitivity, not on-the-fly reading, for 96-well plates should be less than 25 seconds. Resolution should be 0.0001 OD. Microplate capacity: from 6-well to 384-well plates with shaking for thorough mixing. The instrument should have provision for Cuvettes for reading both fluorescence and absorbance with compatible quartz cuvettes (0.1 – 3.0 mL). It should be able to measure ultra low volume samples (equal to or less than 2 µl) using micro-volume plates or multivolume plates with detection limit of 2 ng dsDNA /μL. Temperature and accuracy: Ambient +5 deg C to 40-45 deg C with less than or equal to ±1.0 deg C at set point of 37 deg C. Fluorescence: excitation wavelength: 250 – 850 nm or wider range. Fluorescence sensitivity and detection limit: Equal to or less than 0.25 fmol/well in 384-well plates in top-reading mode for fluorescence. Wavelength accuracy and reproducibility: ±2.0 nm or less and ±0.2-0.4 nm. Starter kit for florescence (RIBO GREEN / PICO GREEN) for 1000 reactions need to be supplied along with Instrument. Luminescence must be in the primary mode. Luminescence Wavelength range: 300 – 700 nm. Luminescence sensitivity: 20 - 200 amol ATP typical (flash) /well lower detection limit for firefly luciferase in 96 and 384 well top read. Latest version of original licensed software for instrument control, operation workflow, kinetics, and data analysis should be included. Authorization letter from principal and manufacturer for sales and service should be provided. IQ, OQ, PQ, applications, and capabilities of the system using standard protocols to meet the specifications should be demonstrated on site. Certifications for various applications including HTRF study. System should be upgradable to following Detection Modes: Time Resolved Fluorescence (TRF), filter based Fluorescence Polarization and dual reagent dispenser for flash luminescence. Desktop computer with 2nd generation Intel Core i5 processor (3.0 GHz), memory 4 GB (1333 MHz), Storage 500 GB, Windows-7, chassis (tower), and high resolution LCD monitor (19”). On-line uninterrupted power supply (UPS) at least 1 KVA with 20 min back-up. 5. AUTOMATIC LABORATORY GLASSWARE WASHING MACHINE: Microprocessor controlled laboratory glassware washer with 120-140 liter capacity. Type 316 stainless steel with detachable large spindles for washing narrow-neck glassware. Rack must accommodate a variety of inserts for holding beakers, culture tubes and other special glassware (inserts sold separately). Test tube trolly with minimum of 50 noshers to be quoted for efficient wash. Water temperature must reach 93-99 deg C (199 deg F) on 230 volt models to sanitize glassware and for enhanced washing and faster drying and sufficient water recirculation rates must be present for thorough cleaning. LCD information center for customizing cycles and monitoring operation, including internal water temperature (deg C or deg F). dual pumps, one for washing and one for draining to reduce potential for cross contamination. Built-in purified water pump to bring non-pressurized or pressurized purified water into the tank for up to six pure water rinses. Manual fill detergent dispenser for powder or liquid detergent and manual fill rinse aid solution dispenser. Built-in forced air drying into the tank up to 250 minutes and programmable from 40 to > 70 deg C. Alarms with display for HOT GLASS, PLEASE WAIT, WATER LOW, WATER HIGH and OVERFLOW, LIQ. DETER. , RINSE AID, DRAIN FAIL and LOW TEMP. User set delayed start ( up to 8 hours). Type 304, brushed stainless steel door, tank, upper and lower wash arms. One piece, stainless steel, fine mesh particle drain filter to trap debris in tank to protect the pumps is required. Four leveling feet is required. Factory installed drain hose and band clamp must present. Necessary suitable RO unit should be quoted to have required quality of feed water to the machine. Other essential and optional accessories may be quoted separately. 6. 25.0 KVA ON-GRID SOLAR PV MODULE: 1.0 1.1 Introduction : The grid-connected solar photo-voltaic (PV) systems, solar energy is fed into the building loads that are connected to the TANGEDCO grid through a service connection with surplus energy being fed into the grid and shortfall being drawn from the grid. Production of surplus energy may happen when solar energy produced exceeds the energy consumption of the building. This surplus is fed into the grid. During the night, or when during the day energy demand in the building exceeds solar energy generation, energy is drawn from the grid. Grid connected solar PV systems have no battery storage and will not work during grid outage. For buildings with grid connected solar PV systems, the service connection meter needs to be of the bidirectional type, whereby import kWh and export kWh are separately recorded. A grid connected solar PV system consists of the solar panels, solar panels mounting structure, one or more grid inverters, protection devices, meters, interconnection cables and switches. Components and parts used in solar PV systems should conform to the BIS or IEC or other international specifications, wherever such specifications are available and applicable. Quality and Workmanship : Solar PV modules are designed to last 25 years or more. It is therefore essential that all system components and parts, including the mounting structures, cables, junction boxes, distribution boxes and other parts also have a life cycle of lat least 25 years. Therefore, all works shall be undertaken with the highest levels of quality and workmanship. During inspection special attention will be given to neatness of work execution and conformity with quality and safety norms. Non compliant works will have to be redone at the cost of the installer. System sizing : As per the solar net metering orders of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission (TNERC) of 13.11.2013, crediting of energy for the purpose of net metering is limited to 90% of the consumed energy during a 12 month settlement period. The maximum recommended solar PV capacity for grid connected solar PV systems is therefore a capacity that produces not more than 90% of the annual energy consumption of the building. Specification of Solar PV Module : Detailed specifications of the solar PV module are given below. 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.1 3.0 4.0 4.1 Type Origin Efficiency Fill factor Degradation warranty Module frame Crystalline Silicon Manufactured in India. >= 13% >=70% Panel out put (W ) capacity to be >= 90% of design nominal power after 10 years and >=80% of design nominal power after 25 years. Non-corrosive and electrolytically compatible with the mounting structure material. Termination box Blocking diodes Module minimum rated power RF Identification tag for each solar module RF Identification tag data Power out put rating. Compliance with standards and codes Salt mist corrosion testing Module dimensions Glass thickness Maximum power voltage (Vmpp) Peak power current (Impp ) Open circuit voltage (Voc) Short circuit current (Isc) Weight of each module Certificate / standards Operating temperature Temperature co-efficient Pnom Temperature Co-efficient Voc Temperature Co-efficient Isc 5.0 5.1 5.2 Thermo plastic, IP 65, UV resistant. Schottky type. The nominal power of a single PV modlle shall be not be less than 250 Wp. Shall be provided inside the module and must be able to withstand environmental conditions and last the lifetime of the solar module. a. Name of the manufacturer of PV Module. b. Name of the manufacturer of Solar cells. c. Month and year of manufacture (separately for solar cells and module). d. Country of origin (separately for solar cells and module) e. I-V curve for the module. f. Wm, Im, Vm and FF for the module. g. Unique Serial No. and module No. of the module. h. Date and year of obtaining IEC PV module qualification certificate. i. Name of the test lab issuing IEC certificate. j. Other relevant information on traceability of solar cells and module as per ISO 9000 standard. To be given for standard test conditions (STC), I-V curve of the sample module shall be submitted. IEC 61215 / IS 14286 IEC 61730 part 1 and 2. As per IEC 61701. As per MNRE recommendations. ISO 9001 :2008, ISO 14001:2004, OSHAS 18001 : 2007, ISO 50001:2011. -40 deg C to 85 deg C As per MNRE recommendations. Solar PV Module Mounting Structure : The PV Module shall be mounted on fixed metallic structures having adequate strength and appropriate design, which can withstand the load of the modules and high wind velocities. The support structure shall be hot dip galvanized steel or aluminum. Detailed specifications for the mounting structure are given below : Wind velocity withstanding capacity Structure material Bolts, nuts, fasterners, panel mounting clamps. Mounting arrangements for RCC Flat Roofs 150 km/hour Hot dip galvanized steel with a minimum galvanization thickness of 120 microns or aluminium alloy as per IS: 2062. Stainless steel SS 304. With removable concrete ballast made of prefabricated PCC (1:2:4), M15. Installation Minimum distance between roof edge and mounting structure Access for panel cleaning and maintenance Panel tilt angle 5.3 6.0 6.1 7.0 7.1 7.2 The structures shall be designed for simple mechanical on-site installation. There shall be no requirement of welding or complex machinery at the installation site. 0.6 m All solar panels must be accessible from the top for cleaning and from the bottom for access to the module-junction box. North – south orientation with a fixed tilt angle of 11-13 degrees (depending on location), south facing. The prospective installer shall specify installation details of the solar PV modules and the support structures with lay-out drawings and array connection diagrams. The work shall be carried out as per the designs approved by the Centre. Solar Array Fuse The cables from the array strings to the solar grid inverters shall be provided with DC fuse protection. Fuses shall have a voltage rating and current rating as required. The fuse shall have DIN rail mountable fuse holders and shall be housed in thermoplastic IP 65 enclosures with transport covers. Solar Grid Inverter : The solar grid inverter coverts the DC Power of the solar PV module to grid compatible AC power. The detailed specifications of the solar grid inverter are given below. Total output power (AC) Input DC voltage range Maximum power point (MPPT) tracking Number of independent MPPT inputs Operation AC voltage Operating frequency range Nominal frequency Power factor of the inverter Total harmonic distortion Built in protection Anti islanding protection Humidity Inverter efficiency Inverter weighted efficiency Protection degree Communication interface Safety compliance Environmental testing Efficiency Measurement Procedure Cooling Display type Display parameters to include 30 KVA 1000V 34 A 2 or more Single phase 230 V or three phase 415V (+12.5%, -20%). 47.5 – 52.5 Hz. 50Hz >0.98 at nominal power Less than 3% AC high / low voltage ; AC high/low frequency as per VDE-AR-N 4105 & VED-0126-1-1 As per VDE 0126-1-1, IEC 60255.5 / IEC 60255.27 0-95% Rh >=95% >=94% IP 65 for outdoor mounting, IP54 for indoor mounting. RS 485 / RS 232 / RJ 45 IEC 62109-1, IEC 62109-2 IEC 60068-2 (1,2,14,30) IS/IEC – 61683 Convection LCD for data display, LCD / LED for status display. Output power (W), cumulative energy (Wh), DC Max. recommended PV power Max. input voltage MPPT Voltage range Total input current max. output current Reactive power (adjustable) No. of conductors (user settable) Noise level (typical) Self consumption at night EMC Environmental testing Ingress protection Communication interface Built in energy data logger Emergency power off (EPO) Warranty 8.0 8.1 9.0 9.1 9.2 10.0 10.1 11.0 Voltage (V), DC Current (A), AC Voltage (V), AC Frequency (Hz), AC Current (A), Cumulative hours of operation (h). 38 kWp. 1000V 480-800 V 68A 46A 0.8 lagging – 0.8 leading. 4/5 wire (L1, L2, L3, N, PE) < 61 dB (1 m front panel) < 2 watts. En 61000-6-2; EN 61000-6-4 IEC 60068-2-1; IEC 60068-2-2; IEC 60068-2-14; IEC 60068-2-30; IEC 60068-2-6; IEC 60068-221; IEC 60068 2-27; IEC 60068-2-75; IEC 60068-2-78 (as per MRE and SECI requirement) IEC 60529 MODBUS RTU over RS 485 physical layer. Yes. Yes, external switch to be connected. Five years. DC Combiner Box : A DC Combiner Box shall be used to combine the DC cables of the solar module arrays with DC Fuse protection for the outgoing DC cable(s) to the DC Distribution Box. DC Distribution Box : A DC Distribution Box shall be mounted close to the solar grid inverter. The DC distribution box shall be of the thermo-plastic IP65 DIN-rail mounting type and shall comprise the following components and cable terminations : Incoming positive and negative DC cabls from the DC Combiner Box. DC circuit breaker, 2 pole (the cables from the DC Combiner Box will be connected to this circuit breaker on the incoming side). DC Surge protection device (SPD), class 2 as per IC 60364-5-53. Outgoing positive and negative DC Cables to the solar grid inverter. As an alternative to the DC circuit breaker, a DC isolater may be used inside the DC Distribution Box or in a separate external thermo-plastic IP 65 enclosure adjacent to the DC distribution box. If a DC isolater is used instead of a DC circuit breaker, a DC Fuse shall be installed inside the DC Distribution Box to protect the DC cable that runs from the DC distribution box to the solar grid inverter. AC Distribution Box : An AC Distribution Box shall be mounted close to the solar grid inverter. The AC distribution box shall be of the thermo plstic IP 65 DIN rail mounting type and shall comprise the following components and cable terminations : Incoming 3-core / 5 –core (single phase / three-phase) cable from the solar grid inverter. AC circuit braker, 2-pole / 4-pole. AC surge protection device (SPD), class 2 as per IEC 60364-5-53. Outgoing cable to the building electrical distribution board. Connection to the building electrical system : 11.1 The AC output of the solar grid inverter shall be connected to the building’s electrical system after the TANGEDCO service connection meter and main switch on the local side. The solar grid inverter output shall be connected to a dedicated module in the Main Distribution Board (MDB) of the building. It shall not be connected to a nearby load or socket point of the building. The connection to the electrical system of the building shall be done as shown in typical wiring diagram 1 in the annexure 2. 11.2 For buildings or loads with diesel generator backup, the wiring of the solar grid inverter shall be such that the solar grid inverter cannot run in parallel with the diesel generator. This implies that the solar grid inverter must be connected to a distribution board on the grid side of the automatic or manual change over switch as shown in typical wiring diagram 2 in the annexure 2. 12.0 Cables : 12.1 All cables shall be supplied conforming to IEC 60227 / IS 694 & IEC 60502 / IS 1554. Voltage rating : 1, 100V Ac, 1,500V DC. 12.2 For the DC cabling, XLPE or XLPO insulated and PVC sheathed single or single core flexible copper cables shall be used. Multi core cables shall not be used. 12.3 For the AC cabling, PVC or XLPE insulated and PVC sheathed single or multi core flexible copper cables shall be used. Outdoor AC cables shall have a UV stabilized outer sheath. 12.4 The total voltage drop on the cable segments from the solar PV module to the solar grid inverter shall not exceed 2.0%. 12.5 The total voltage drop on the cable segments from the solar grid inverter to the building distribution board shall not exceed 2.0%. 12.6 The DC cables from the SPV Module array shall run through a UV stabilized PVC conduit pipe of adequate diameter with a minimum wall thickness of 1.5 mm. 12.7 Cables and wires used for the interconnection of solar PV modules shall be provided with solar PV connectors (MC4) and couplers. 12.8 All cables and conduct pipes shall be clamped to the rooftop, walls and ceilings with thermo plastic clamps at intervals not exceeding 50cm. The minimum DC cable size shall be 0.4 mm2 copper. The minimum AC cable size shall be 4.0 mm2 copper. In three phase systems, the size of the neutral wire size shall be equal to the size of the phase wires. The following colour coding shall be used for cable wires. DC positive : RED (the outer PVC sheath can be black with a red line marking). DC negative : BLACK AC single phase : Phase – RED, Neutral – BLACK AC Three phase : phases – RED, YELLOW, BLUE; Neutral – BLACK Earth wires : GREEN 12.9 Cables and conduits that have to pass through walls or ceilings shall be taken through a PVC pipe sleeve. 12.10 Cable conductors shall be terminated with tinned copper end-ferrules to prevent fraying and breaking of individual wire strands. The termination of the DC and AC cables at the Solar Grid Inverter shall be done as per the instructions of the Centre, which in most cases will include the use of special connectors. 13.0 Earthing : 13.1 The PV module structure components shall be electrically interconnected and shall be grounded. 13.2 Earthing shall be done in accordance with IS 3043-1986, provided that earthing conductors shall have a minimum size of 6.0 mm2 copper, 10 mm2 aluminium or 70 mm2 hot dip galvanized steel. Unprotected aluminium or copper clad aluminium conductors shall not be used for final underground connections to earth electrodes. 13.3 13.4 14.0 14.1 14.2 14.3 14.4 15.0 15.1 15.2 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 18.0 18.1 A minimum of two separate dedicated and interconnected earth electrodes must be used for the earthing of the solar PV system support structure with a total earth resistance not exceeding 5 Ohm. The earth electrodes shall have a precast concrete enclosure with a removable lid for inspection and maintenance. The entire earthing system shall comprise non corrosive components. Surge Protection : Surge protection shall be provided on the DC side and the AC side of the solar system. The DC surge protection devices (SPDs) shall be installed in the DC distribution box adjacent to the solar grid inverter. The AC SPDs shall be installed in the AC distribution box adjacent to the solar grid inverter. The SPDs earthing terminal shall be connected to earth through the above mentioned dedicated earthing system. The SPDs shall be of type 2 as per IEC 60364-5-53. Junction Boxes : Junction boxes and solar panel terminal boxes shall be of the thermo plastic type with IP 65 protection for outdoor use and IP 54 protection for indoor use. Cable terminations shall be taken though thermo plastic cable glands. Cable ferrules shall be fitted at the cable termination points for identification. Tools, Tackles and Spares : The Installer shall keep ready stock of tools, tackles and essential spares that will be needed for the day-do-day maintenance of the solar PV system. This shall include but not be limited to, the following : Screw driver suitable for the junction boxes and combiner boxes. Screw driver and / or Allen Key suitable for the connectors, power distribution blocks, circuit breaker terminals and surge arrestor terminals; Spanners / box spanners suitable for the removal of solar PV modules from the solar PV module support structure ; Solar panel mounting clamps; Cleaning tools for the cleaning of the solar PV modules. Spar fuses. Caution signs : In addition to the standard caution and danger boards or labels as per Indian Electricity Rules, the AC distribution box near the solar grid inverter, the building distribution board to which the AC output of the solar PV system is connected and the solar generation meter shall be provided with a non corrosive caution label with the following text: WARNING – DUAL POWER SOURCE EB & SOLAR The size of the caution label shall be 105mm (width) x 20 mm (height) with white letters on the red background. Caution labels as may be prescribed by TANGEDCO shall be fixed s per the TANGEDCO specifications. Metering : An energy meter shall be installed in between the solar grid inverter and the building distribution board to measure gross solar AC energy production (the “Solar Generation Meter”). The Solar Generation Meter shall be of the same accuracy class as the TANGEDCO service connection meter or as specified by TNERC. 18.2 19.0 19.1 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 20.0 The existing service connection meter needs to be replaced with a bidirectional (import kWh and export kWh) service connection meter (the “Solar Service Connection Meter”) for the purpose of net-metering. Documentation: The installer shall supply the following documents : System description with working principles. System single line diagram. Solar PV Array layout Routing diagram of cables and wires. Data sheets and user manuals of the solar PV panels and the solar grid inverter. A system operation and maintenance manual. Name, address, mobile number and e-mail address of the service centre to be contacted in case of failure or complaint. Warranty cards. Maintenance register. Test Certificates and Reports to be furnished : Test Certificates / Reports from IECQ / NABL accredited laboratory for relevant IEC / Equivalent BIS standard for quoted components shall be furnished. Type Test Certificates shall be provided for the solar modules and the solar grid inverters to provide evidence of compliance with standards as specified in article 4.0 and 7.0 of this Technical Specification. The Centre reserves the right to ask for additional test certificates or (random) tests to establish compliance with the specified standards. TENDER ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR 25 KVA ON-GRID SOLAR PV MODULE The Bidder(s) shall meet the following Eligibility Criteria to participate in the tender and shall enclose documentary proof for fulfilling the eligibility in the Tehno commercial bid. S.No. Minimum eligibility Criteria 1. a. The bidder / its wholly owned subsidy shall be A registered manufacturing company / firm of SPV cells / Modules or Battery or PV System electronics in India. Or A PV System integrator in India in existence for at least past one audited year. b. Consortium not exceeding three partners. Each partner of the consortium shall be registered company / firm in existence for at least past one audited year. The prime bidder amongst the consortium partners shall be either A registered manufacturing company / firm of SPV Cells / Modules or PV Systems electronics in India Or A PV system integrator in India. Proof to be submitted for fulfilling the eligibility criteria Certificate of Incorporation or Registration and relevant proof shall be submitted. Certificate of incorporation / registration of all the partners shall be submitted. Copy of consortium agreement shall be submitted Or A letter to intent to execute a consortium agreement in the event of a successful bid shall be signed by all the partners and submitted with the bid together with the copy of the proposed consortium / agreement. In case of consortium, all partners of the 2. 3. 3.1 3.2 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. The bidder shall use only SPV modules manufactured in India Annual turnover of the bidder shall be as per the following . In case of consortium, consortium partners shall cumulatively have 50% of the average annual turnover as per criteria (2) or (3) & Prime bidder shall satisfy the criteria (1). Turnover in PV field in the last three financial years Average turn over in the in the last three financial years Bidder shall have installation experience in installation of solar PV plants of 10 Kwp and above and shall have installed at least 40% of the quantity tendered (power plants installed minimum period of 3 months prior to the date of bid submission will only be considered) and these systems shall be working satisfactorily (Lanterns are not allowed.) The bidder shall agree to accept the entire quantity that is finally allotted to him. Various components of the SPV system shall conform to the MNRE standards as per the Technical Specifications given in the tender Bidder(s) shall not be currently blacklisted by any of the State / Central Government organizations of India as on the date of submission of tender. The bidder shall undertake to submit only bound bids with all pages serially numbered. The bidder shall undertake for product take back and re-cyling. consortium shall be liable jointly and severally for the execution of the contract in accordance to the contract terms and a statement to this effect shall be included in the letter of intent. Necessary undertaking letter shall be submitted from the Module Manufacturer. A summarized sheet of turnover certified by registered CA shall be furnished. More than Rs.25 lakhs. More than Rs.25 lakhs. Copy of the work orders and performance certificates for satisfactory function of those SPV systems obtained from the end user if system cost was paid by the end use or from the Government agency. Necessary undertaking shall be enclosed in this regard. Copy of the test certificate / test reports for each components shall be submitted. Necessary undertaking letter shall be submitted. Necessary undertaking letter shall be submitted. Necessary undertaking letter shall be submitted. General: 1. Postal/Courier delay is not acceptable. and preferably send by SPEED POST. Do not send tender through Courier 2. Tenders received after the due date and time and also without the requisite fee will be rejected. Director, NRCB reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever. Sd/Director TENDER FORM I. Terms and conditions for furnishing tenders/quotations: 1. Tenders/quotations for technical and financial aspects should be furnished separately in two closed envelopes superscribing as Technical Bid for supply of quoted (Equipment name) and Financial Bid for supply of quoted (Equipment name) in the tender forms enclosed. 2. Both the technical and financial tender covers may be put in one cover and name of the equipment may be written on the outer cover also for each equipment/item. 3. DGS & D rates if available may be quoted. 4. Last date and time of receipt of tender will be: 10.10.2014 (Friday) by 02.30 PM. 5. Tenders received after the due date/time will not be accepted. 6. Technical bids of the Tenders will be opened in the presence of the bidders/ authorized representatives, on the same day i.e. 10.10.2014 (Friday) at 03.30 PM. 7. In the event of any of the above date being declared as a holiday/closed day for the purchaser the bids will be sold/received/opened on the next working day at the appointed time. 8. Processing fee of Rs.1000/-(Rupees One Thousand Only) should be furnished by DD drawn in favour of “ICAR Unit NRCB” payable at Tiruchirapalli along with Technical Bid which is non refundable. Technical Bids without processing fee will be rejected and no exemption will be allowed. 9. Detailed specifications such as make and other distinguishing marks with respect to the standard/quality of the item(s) wherever necessary should be indicated in the tender. 10. The insurance charges, if any, are to be borne by the suppliers. The Tenders should be kept valid for a minimum period of six months from the date of its offer. 11. The bid security i.e. Earnest Money Deposit as mentioned below against each instrument is to be submitted along with the Technical Bid through DD drawn in favour of “ICAR Unit-NRCB” payable at Tiruchirapalli. The bidders who are registered with the Central Purchase Organization, NSIC are exempted for it. S.No. Name of the instrument EMD (in Rupees) 1. MASS SPECTROPHOTOMETER WITH GAS 2,50,000/CHROMOTOGRAPHY 2. MICROWAVE – PLASMA ATOMIC EMISSION 1,00,000/- 3. 4. 5. 6. SPECTROMETER TISSUE HOMOGENIZER MULTIMODE MICROPLATE READER AUTOMATIC GLASSWARE WACHING MACHINE 25 KVA ON-GRID SOLAR PV MODULE 35,000/75,000/25,000/1,00,000/- 12. Performance security @10% of the equipment value for 26 months should be paid by the successful bidder in the form of account payee demand draft drawn in favour of ICAR UNIT – NRCB, Trichirapalli or fixed deposit receipt or Bank Guarantee from a commercial bank before executing the order. Performance security to be paid will remain valid for a period of sixty days beyond the date of completion of warranty obligations. II. Other Conditions of Supply: 1. Delivery of the goods must be completed not later than the date(s) as specified in the order. 2. Guarantee – The equipment supplied should have minimum guarantee period as mentioned in the specification given above. 3. Customers list along with the broucher of the quoted model is mandatory. It should be attached along with the Technical Bid. 4. Satisfactory installation and test running at NRCB, Trichy is to be done at the cost of supplier/agent within 15 days of the supply of the instrument. 5. Payment will be made by RTGS/NEFT TRANSFER in favour of the firm/party on receipt of the articles in satisfactory condition and successful installation. The bill should be drawn in triplicate drawn in favour of The DIRECTOR, NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE FOR BANANA, TIRUCHIRAPALLI – 102 duly pre-receipted for arranging the payment. 6. Advance /partial payment is not acceptable. 7. The Director reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations without assigning any reason. 8. Terms and Conditions of Import: 8.1 Since the Centre is having Registered with DSIR, New Delhi for availing duty exemptions, the traders are requested to offer the price only in FOREIGN CURRENCY on FOB Basis for direct imports. 8.2 By irrevocable Letter of Credit (LC) through our bankers STATE BANK OF INDIA, MAIN BRANCH, TIRUCHIRAPALLI, TAMIL NADU, INDIA open for 90 days for Shipment and 21 days for document negotiation. 80% of cost of instrument will be released by our banker on receipt of documents and 20% will be released only after successful installation of the equipment at our end and submission of Performance security. 8.3 Alternatively, 100% WIRE TRANSFER can be arranged after completing the supply, successful installation of the instrument and submission of Performance Security. 8.4 Minimum Validity of quote – Six months. 8.5 Shipment –By air/sea to CHENNAI / TIRUCHIRAPALLI (TAMIL NADU, INDIA). Partial shipment not allowed. 8.6 Air/Sea freight –Will be paid by this Institute in Indian rupee. TECHNICAL TENDER Date : ____________ From To The Director, National Research Centre for Banana, Thogamalai Road, Thayanur Post, Tiruchirappalli-620 102. Sir, I/We am/are in furnishing our quotation along with technical specifications for supply of following equipments intended by you. I/We agree to the terms and conditions of supply given in the tender form. The rates quoted are for supply of items at site: NATIONAL RESEARCH CENTRE FOR BANANA, TIRUCHIRAPPALLI, TAMIL NADU. DD worth Rs.1000/-towards Processing Fee (DD No.______________________ dated _____________) and Earnest Money Deposit Rs._________________ (DD No.____________________ dated____________) are enclosed. SL No. TENDER TECHNICAL Technical Specifications Special Features Yours faithfully, Signature of the Authorized Signatory (with office seal & date) FINANCIAL TENDER Date : ____________ From To The Director, National Research Centre for Banana, Thogamalai Road, Thayanur Post, Tiruchirappalli-620 102. Sir, I/We am/are in furnishing our competitive rates and terms for supply of the following equipments/stores intended by you. I/we agree to the terms and conditions of supply given in the tender form. FINANCIAL TENDER Sl Cost/Unit Amount Technical Specifications No. (Rs.) (Rs.) Yours faithfully, Signature of the Authorized Signatory (with office seal & date) Note: 1. Indicate special discounts, taxes payable extra and any other condition deserving. 2. Cost in foreign currency and Indian rupees are to be indicated clearly. In case your offer is for both Indian and Foreign item please furnish the same separately. 3. DGS & D rates if available, may be quoted separately.