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October 8, 2014
Application Notice
All applicants are
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resume through
CareerQuest at
Existing paper applications
are no longer considered.
Computers are available for
your use during business
hours at:
Dept. of Human Resources
8115 Gatehouse Road
Falls Church, VA 22042
Contact HR Client Services
at 571-423-3000 or 1-800831-4331 for assistance.
FCPS Job Specifications
are available on the web at :
Resumes for jobs
posted in this issue
must be submitted by
October 14, 2014
Superintendent’s Office and
School-Based Administration
ence, or equivalent experience. Knowledge
of principles and practices of modern public
elementary school education and an ability
to apply them to the needs of the school.
Skill in oral and written communications.
Principal, High School US-32
Ability to plan, organize, and coordinate
South County High
school programs and services. Ability to supervise programs and evaluate the work of
(Readvertisement) 5562BR
instructional and support staff. Ability to deDescription: Directs and is accountable for velop effective working relationships with
the planning, assessment, instructional lead- students, staff, and the community.
ership, communication, community relations,
and safety and administrative management
required to manage the instructional and
special programs, organization, co-curricular
and extracurricular activities, and facilities of
an assigned high school.
Qualifications: Postgraduate Professional
License with endorsements in administration Facilities Management Liaison US-20
and supervision preK-12, plus seven years' Facilities Management, Woodson
Complex 5570BR
progressive teaching and administration or
supervision experience, some at the high
school level, with a minimum of three years Description: Acts as frontline customer service representative between a maintenance,
administrative experience. Knowledge of
central operations, and/or grounds mainteprinciples, practices, materials, and equipment used in modern public high school edu- nance facility and the various schools and
offices. Responsible for the oversight and
cation and an ability to apply them to the
coordination of the Office of Facilities Manneeds of the school. Knowledge of current
agement. Assists with the management of a
curriculum, instructional practices, trends,
satellite maintenance facility and personnel;
and public school organization and administration. Skill in oral and written communica- and performs related duties as required or
tions. Ability to plan, organize, coordinate,
and evaluate school programs, services, and Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachestaff. Ability to develop effective working
relationships with students, staff, community, lor's degree in business administration, supervision, or in a technical specialty field to
and the general public.
which assigned, plus two years' progressive
experience in the specialty field to which
Assistant Principal I/II, Elementary
assigned, one year with oversight or lead
School US-25/26
Daniels Run Elementary School (219 responsibilities. Knowledge of national,
state, county, and school board regulations,
Days) 5568BR
directives, and policies and/or codes applicable to functional responsibilities. Knowledge
Description: Assists with the planning, asof best practices with respect to customer
sessment, instructional leadership, commuservice. Skill in oral and written communicanication, community relations, and safety
tions. Ability to work independently to reand administrative management required to
solve conflicts and problems. Ability to mainmanage the instructional and special protain effective working relationships with
grams, organization, and facilities of an eleschool personnel, peers, subordinates, and
mentary school.
the public. Valid driver's license with a good
Qualifications: Must hold or be eligible for
driving record. May be required to work an
Postgraduate Professional License with enevening and/or night shift on a regular or
dorsements as an elementary school princirotating basis, and/or agree to assume an
pal or in administration and supervision preK
emergency call-out list status.
-12, plus five years' progressive elementary
school level teaching and leadership experi-
Facilities & Transportation
Plumber I US-15
Facilities Management, Sideburn
Support Center (Readvertisement)
Description: Performs skilled journey-level
plumbing and pipefitter work required to
install, inspect, maintain, and repair new
and existing water, steam, and natural gas
systems and appliances.
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school and completion of an
apprentice-level plumbing training program
plus four years' progressive experience in
plumbing repairs, pipefitting, and commercial kitchen equipment service/repair, two
years at the apprentice II or equivalent level. Knowledge of local, state, and national
codes and of hazards and safety precautions. Basic computer skills. Strength and
dexterity necessary to perform all required
tasks including lifting, stooping, bending,
and working in tiring and uncomfortable
positions. Valid driver's license with a good
driving record and Commonwealth of Virginia backflow certification. Required to work
an evening and/or night shift on a regular or
rotating basis, accept call-back overtime or
regular overtime, and/or agree to assume
an emergency call-out list status.
Building Supervisor I US-10
 Centreville Elementary School
 Coates Elementary School
 Hunt Valley Elementary School
(Readvertisement) 5505BR
Description: Supervises and participates in
the cleaning, maintenance, operation, and
security activities for a school or an FCPSowned building.
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus one year of progressive experience with public building
maintenance to have included oversight or
supervision of custodial personnel.
Knowledge of custodial methods, materials,
practices, and equipment. Ability to operate
and adjust central heating and air conditioning systems. Ability to train, assign, and
OCTOBER 8, 2014
supervise. Ability to maintain records and
prepare routine reports. Strength, agility,
and dexterity to perform all required tasks
indoors and outdoors in a variety of temperatures and climatic conditions. Must successfully complete the FCPS Custodial Certification Course within 12 months of appointment. May be required to work an
evening and/or night shift on a regular or
rotating basis.
al methods, materials, and equipment. Ability to communicate in English. Ability to
understand, follow, and repeat basic oral
and written instructions in English. Sufficient
strength, agility, and dexterity to perform all
required tasks. Ability to work outdoors in a
variety of temperatures and climates. May
be required to work an evening and/or night
shift on a regular or rotating basis.
Assistant Building Supervisor US-10
 Carson Middle School 5575BR
 Woodson High School 5576BR
Human Resources
Description: Assists with the planning,
assignment of personnel, and oversight/
supervision of cleaning and maintenance
activities in an FCPS-owned building; and
participates in cleaning and maintenance
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a tenth
grade completion plus four years' progressive public building custodial experience,
one year at the custodian II level or equivalent. Knowledge of custodial methods, materials, and practices. Ability to operate and
adjust central heating and air conditioning
systems. Ability to train, assign, and supervise the work of subordinates and to maintain records and prepare routine reports.
Sufficient strength, agility, and dexterity to
perform all required tasks indoors and outdoors in a variety of temperatures and climatic conditions. Must successfully complete the Custodial Certification Course
prior to or within 12 months of appointment.
May be required to work an evening and/or
night shift on a regular or rotating basis,
Custodian I US-05
 Centreville High School (0.5 position) 5581BR
 Union Mill Elementary School
Description: Cleans, maintains, and secures classrooms, offices, restrooms, halls,
stairs, and public areas in FCPS-owned
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a sixth
grade education plus knowledge of custodi-
Coordinator IV, Instructional Employment Services US-28
Talent Acquisition and Management,
Gatehouse Administration Center I
(Readvertisement) 5565BR
Description: Plans, manages, and coordinates program activities and personnel for
instructional hiring in the Office of Talent
Acquisition and Management; and exercises leadership to create, design, implement,
assess, and revise programs or activities
related to FCPS hiring practices and working with principals and program managers
to identify and resolve school based human
resources needs.
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to a bachelor's degree in public administration, technical specialty, or a related field plus six
years' progressive experience related to
personnel management, some in a supervisory or leadership capacity. Master's degree in relevant field preferred and may be
substituted for one year of the required experience. Knowledge of the theory, procedures, practices, expertise, methods, materials, and technology required to accomplish
the mission of hiring instructional personnel.
Familiarity with school division regulations
and/or legislation. Ability to interpret, assess, and recommend modifications to procedures, regulations, and legislation. Skill in
personnel, financial, and administrative
Instructional Services
Educational Specialist, ES Social
Studies US-25
PreK-12 Curriculum and Instruction,
Fairfax Ridge 5569BR
Description: Organizes curriculum revision
projects and develops, disseminates, and/or
implements elementary social studies instructional programs and materials for general or special student populations, or for
school administrators and teachers who
work with students in the assigned program;
often serves as the lead in team, program,
or project activities; and acts as a resource
for region, school, and departmental staffs,
and the community.
Qualifications: Valid qualifying Postgraduate Professional License with endorsements in elementary education plus five
years' progressive related teaching experience, some of which may have been in a
supervisory or administrative role (i.e. head
teacher, department chair, etc.). Endorsement in administration or supervision preK12 preferred. Knowledge of FCPS curriculum, instructional goals, procedures, and
practices, and of growth, development, and
learning. Skill in elementary social studies
programs. Skill in oral and written communications and human relations.
OCTOBER 8, 2014
al skills to provide wide-range of counseling, diagnostic, and crisis intervention services to the needs and requirements of a
public school system. Ability to gain the
confidence and cooperation of students,
teachers, and parents. Ability to establish
and maintain positive relationships with
other professionals within the school and
the community. Skill in oral and written
Office Personnel
Business Operations Assistant I/II/III
Facilities Management, Herndon
Support Center (0.625 position,
Open Until Filled) 5571BR
Description: Performs a series of highlyresponsible, complex technical-clerical
tasks involved in the processing of facilities
management related actions in the Office of
Facilities Management.
Qualifications: Any combination of educaSafety & Security Assistant US-11
tion and experience equivalent to graduaChantilly High School (190 Days)
tion from high school plus three years' ex5572BR
perience, one year related to the business
of the business of facilities management.
Description: Performs a variety of duties
Knowledge of facilities management busirequired to maintain a safe and secure envi- ness office practices and procedures. Ability
ronment in a school, an alternative learning to operate personal computers and office
center, or for adult and community educaequipment. Ability to utilize a computer,
tion programs held during or after school in peripheral office equipment, and software
the evening and/or on weekends; enforces applications.
the regulations establishing a tobacco-,
alcohol-, weapons-, and drug-free school
setting; may monitor students in a selfcontained setting; and performs related
duties as required or assigned.
Qualifications: Any combination of educaHourly Multilingual Translator
tion and experience equivalent to graduaSpecial Services; Operations and
tion from high school supplemented by specialized safety or security environment train- Strategic Planning
ing plus two years' progressive experience. Language Services
Skill in oral and written communications and
in record keeping. Ability to control students Description: Reviews and evaluates docuand maintain a healthy school environment. ments; translates school-home communications and systemwide documents from EngSufficient mobility to move about school
Social Worker US-24
lish to the target language of Vietnamese;
Social Work Services, Various (209
Strength to deter and/or restrain students to clarifies terminology and content; uses techDays) 5578BR
nology in English and Vietnamese appropriprevent injury in cases of unruly behavior.
Ability to successfully complete compulsory ately to format, translate, save, and retrieve
Description: Provides the full range of socertification training approved by the Virgin- work; assumes responsibility for quality of
cial work services to schools and centers or
translation work submitted by reviewing,
ia Center for School Safety within 60 days
to a diagnostic unit; performs specialized
of hire. Must successfully complete compul- editing and revising own work; responds to
social work in an educational setting; and
editing suggestions of other; learns new
sory recertification training annually. Applisystematically collects, analyzes, synthesiztranslation skills and new technology; and
cants must be 21 years old at time of apes, and interprets information needed to
maintains records of translations.
devise an appropriate services plan for
schools, programs, students and families.
Qualifications: Any combination of educaQualifications: Master's degree from an
tion and experience equivalent to compleapproved program in social work. Profestion of a bachelor's degree in education, a
sional certification desirable. Good
language, or a related field, plus five years
knowledge of social work theory, practice,
of progressively more responsible multiand procedures. Ability to apply profession-
School Assistants
Other Opportunities
Special Services
language experience with proficiency in
Vietnamese and English. Experiential
knowledge of the culture, customs, governmental and school services. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, in English. Must pass a FCPS translator’s exam to qualify.
To Apply: Interested applicants should email their resumes to Pernilla Urps, language services specialist at
After-School Program Assistant
Robinson Secondary School
Approximately 15 hours per week,
$16.75 per hour
Description: Serves as administrative assistant to after-school program specialist in
the middle school. Ensures smooth and
efficient operation of the activities office and
performs a variety of duties required to
maintain a high quality after school program.
Qualifications: Any combination of education and experience equivalent to graduation from high school plus three years' progressive experience, two years in the administrative or office assistant class. Work
experience in an educational setting preferred. Knowledge of procedures, practices,
and operations of an office. Skill in business
English, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Ability to utilize a computer, peripheral
office equipment, and software applications.
To Apply: Interested applicants should
send resumes to Mary Aunon at
Secondary Special Education
Department Chair
Fairfax High School
218-Day Teacher Contract
Description: Applicants must demonstrate
the knowledge and skills relevant to special
education. Applicants must be able to build
the capacity of others by sharing and modeling professional and procedural
OCTOBER 8, 2014
knowledge connected to effective instructional practices. Applicants must understand and follow applicable local, state, and
federal regulations, policies, guidelines, and
Qualifications: Qualified applicants will be
able to collaborate with instructional staff to
design, implement, or support services for
program needs. Qualified applicants use
technology, materials, and other resources
as appropriate to deliver services and programs. Qualified applicants will be able to
consult with administration, parents, community agencies, school and support personnel to resolve issues and/or communicate progress related to special education
communication and human relations.
To Apply: Interested applicants should
send resumes to Michael Bloom at
To Apply: Interested applicants should
send resumes to Dave Goldfarb at
Curriculum Resource Teacher K-12
Special Education Instruction
Fairfax Ridge
218-Day Teacher Contract
Description: Supports curriculum development and revision projects for special student populations, specifically students with
high incidence disabilities; reviews and develops curriculum materials; and develops
and conducts central and school-based
staff development and acts as a resource
for school staff on strategies to support instruction of students with specific learning
disabilities, emotional disabilities, and students with autism spectrum disorder.
Qualifications: Postgraduate Professional
License with endorsements in teaching field
(s) appropriate to assignment plus three
years’ progressive teaching experience or
equivalent experience with special student
populations; knowledge of FCPS curriculum, instructional goals, procedures and
practices, and of growth, development and
learning. Demonstrated skill in the ability to
identify the support needs of students with
specific learning disabilities, emotional disabilities, and students with autism spectrum
disorder. Ability to identify and support the
implementation of research based instructional strategies. Skill in oral and written
OCTOBER 8, 2014
Applications for New Instructional Coaches
The Instructional Services Department, Office of Professional Learning and School Support is hiring instructional coaches
for the 2014-2015 school year. Instructional coaches are typically based in one school building and support student
achievement by facilitating professional learning and providing instructional support in the content areas. Instructional
coaches focus on closing the achievement gap in reading and math in a culture of collaboration. Instructional coaches are
on an eleven-month (218-day) contract.
Elementary and secondary teachers who have math content expertise, and are interested in an instructional coach position
are urged to apply.
Requirements include:
 A bachelor’s degree in education, in a K-8 core curriculum or 7-12 English or mathematics, with a valid teaching license issued by or recognized by the Commonwealth of Virginia. Highly qualified status is required.
 Five years of progressive teaching experience with a strong understanding of the Fairfax County Program of Studies
and the Virginia Standards of Learning objectives is required.
 Applicants must also document a history of professional development and teacher leader activities at the school and
district levels.
Expert knowledge of the following is required:
 Strong interpersonal and collaborative skills
 Strong knowledge and experience with Professional Learning Communities
 FCPS Best Practices in Teaching and Learning, current educational research, strategies for differentiating to meet the
needs of diverse learners, and resources related to instruction and FCPS goals and objectives
 Language arts and mathematics curriculum and instruction
For applications and/or more information:
 Visit
 Contact Laura Elliott at
OCTOBER 8, 2014
Open Until Filled Positions
Jobs designated Open Until Filled (OUF) will remain on the FCPS job board
( until a candidate has been selected and placed in the position.
Job Title
5554BR………Accounts Payable Analyst I …………………………. US-21…………. Comptroller …………………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5386BR…….. Appliance & Equipment Technician ……………….. US-13 ……….. Facilities Management ……………….. Edison Ctr
5416BR …….. Budget Analyst II ………………………………………US-24 ………… Budget Services ……………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
4081BR……... Bus Driver I/II…………………………………………. US-11/12…….. Facilities Management…………………. Various
5525BR……... Business Operations Assistant I/II/III ………………. US-12/13/14 …. Payroll Management ………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5531BR……... Business Operations Assistant I/II/III (0.5 position) US-12/13/14 …. Payroll Management ………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5571BR……... Business Operations Assistant I/II/III ………………. US-12/13/14 …. Facilities Management ……………….. Herndon Ctr
5113BR…….. Buyer I/II………………………………………………. US-17/18………Financial Services……………………… Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5434BR …….. Coordinator III, Classification & Compensation ….. US-27 ……….. HR Benefit Services ………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5442BR …….. Coordinator III, Payroll Administration…………….. US-27 ……….. Payroll Management ………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5559BR …….. Coordinator III, Payroll & Benefits Accounting……. US-27 ……….. Payroll Management ………………….. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5402BR…….. Director III, Budget Services ………………………... US-30………… Budget Services………………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5483BR………Director III, Facilities Management …………………. US-30………… Facilities Management ………………… Sideburn Ctr
4763BR…….. Domain Architect …………………………………….. US-27…………. Information Technology……………….. Wilton Woods Ctr
5045BR………Field Construction Representative………………….. US-19…………. Design & Construction…………………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
4044BR………Food Services Manager-in-Training………………… US-06……….. Financial Services……………………… Various
5041BR…….. Food Services Van Driver……………………………. US-07……….. Financial Services……………………… Various
5228BR………Food Services Worker I/II…………………………….. US-01/2………..Financial Services……………………… Various
5461BR…….. Manager, Health & Medical Sciences ……………. US-26 ……….. Instructional Services ……………….. Fairfax Ridge
5544BR …….. Project Manager, Information Technology ………… US-26 ………… IT Support Services …………………… Wilton Woods Ctr
5494BR………Public Health Attendant ……………………………… US-04………… Special Services ……………………….. Various
5493BR………Public Health Training Assistant ….……………… US-09………… Special Services ……………………….. Various
5564BR…….. Senior Communications Specialist ………………… US-25 ………… Strategic Communications ……………. Gatehouse Adm Ctr
5220BR………Sheet Metal Worker I ………………………...……… US-14……….… Facilities Management ………………... Woodson Complex
5065BR………Software Developer…………………………………… US-23/25……... Information Technology……………….. Wilton Woods Ctr
Coaching positions can be found at Call for Coaches