Document 6560559
Document 6560559
The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection October 2014 October 2014 The monthly Newsletter of Copley Parish, located at Bridge and Anchor Drives Joppatowne, MD 410-679-8700 (O) 443-610-8533 (C) craigmatthew3801 “A Bridge to the Future, Anchored in the Past” Sunday Worship: 8 AM Holy Eucharist Said Service 10 AM Choral Eucharist and Sunday School Tuesday Worship 7 PM Office Hours: Wednesday and Friday, 9 to noon Epistle Editor Dani Rice Ricepaddy2@ 410-679-4249 Deadline for The Church of the Resurrection (Episcopal)... where everybody is someone and Jesus is Lord Matthew’s Musings We have ended our summer vacations and now are facing another productive year at the Church of the Resurrection. I want to begin with some statements of gratitude. First, I want to thank the Rev’d Paul Moser for graciously taking over services when we took some weekends to enjoy our new camper. I am most grateful for his generosity of spirit and time. It is a joy to be able to rely on a priest of such experience for support and mentoring. I also want to thank the volunteers who have been working so hard recently: Kathy, our stalwart administrator, Jim, our overworked property warden, Stephen our rector’s warden, and the often overlooked altar guild lead by Pat. In addition, I want to thank Colleen and Craig, Kathleen and Mary Lou, Galib and Ken for their work on the recent and very successful Murder Mystery! There is a number of upcoming things to look out for. The outreach committee is now focused on the Halloween Haunted House the weekend of October 24 -26. We need all hands on deck for the efficient and quick take down of the same! Please see Craig to volunteer for the fun. In addition, we will be looking forward to the Blessing of the Animals next weekend, October 4, at 10 am. Further, Galib will roll out his annual Night at the Races on November 8 at 6:00 pm. Remember that he has been asking members to solicit businesses for advertisements to put into the booklet for the evening. Also, we need items for the silent auction for that evening as well as items for the Christmas Bazaar on December from 10 am - 2pm. During the season of Advent we will be lighting of the Christmas Tree on December 13, as well as our annual cookie baking and exchange. November 10/20/14 1 Continued on page 2 October 2014 The Church of the Resurrection The Epistle Matthew’s Musings II accept your tithe through the Paypal link on the homepage of our website! We have a dizzying array of activities coming up. Please join us, contribute, volunteer, set up, take down, publicize, support in any way that you can think of! The Church of the Resurrection is certainly stronger because of all those who contribute! In your charity, please remember those in need of our prayers: Joanne and Ed, Herb and Barb, Pat and Karl, Nancy, Christine, and all those on our continued from page 1 Events involving the business of the parish include the visitation of the Rev’d Canon Scott Slater on November 9, and the Annual Meeting on November 16. We will be voting on the parish budget which the vestry is finalizing at the October vestry meeting. It is the time to name new and returning wardens and parish leadership after the Annual Meeting as well. It is also coming time for the Stewardship Drive where we will be asking members to pledge their tithes for the year. remember: Even if you can’t make it to church, we can still parish prayer list. Matthew+ From the Rector’s Warden I was always told to plan for the worst and then you are ready for anything. Luckily, I did it for the most part and it paid off. You may have noticed that the website was down for over a week due to "server maintenance" by the webhosting company. If I am already talking out of your league, the webhosting company are the folks that provide us a space on the Internet to have our church website. It is a free site, so we got our money's worth. Sometime on a Saturday night, the site went down and was supposed to be up just a few short hours later. They kept saying it would be up shortly, but the days dragged by with no website. It took over a week before I could get back onto the server and when I did, everything was gone! They claimed that they had trouble and lost some files, but in the back of my mind, I am pretty sure they made some big mistakes. They supposedly made a complete backup of the server before they did maintenance, but they didn't. Their reaction to inquiries were to put the blame on the website owners saying it was our responsibility to do backups. It would have been nice to be informed in advance of the maintenance, but we weren't. Luckily, I have periodically done back-ups and was able to restore the site to get our scheduling back online. Unfortunately, it was an older version of the system which is missing a newly developed advertising module and some other minor changes. These will be fixed in time. We are looking at options to ensure better service. Some are free and some not so free. With our church living on a shoestring budget, the free options are always more appetizing. It is a lesson to me, and should be to the church, that we need to prepare for the worst and pray for the best. Like our webhosting, there are other areas that are seeing issues. We have become too comfortable with the way things have always been and now times are changing in ways for which we are not prepared. Stephen 2 The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection October 2014 Parish News and Notes Jen and Tim were rear-ended on September 23rd. They were bruised and shaken up, but not seriously injured, and the girls were not injured. The car, on the other hand… Ron has been having a great deal of trouble with his back, and is waiting to see his surgeon. We will keep you posted. Please keep him in your prayers. There is no truth to the rumor that ye editor and the Property Warden were engaged in fisticuffs. I pulled my thumb out of joint last July, and thought I’d be able to ride it out, but finally had to bow to the inevitable and have surgery on it. I’ll be in a cast until mid-October, but I chose a green one, to match the liturgical color for the season. Carol wishes to thank everyone for their prayers and inquires about her health. Only 15 more days of radiation to go! Yea! The Essence of Destiny Watch your thoughts for they become words, Choose your words for they become your actions. Understand your actions for they become habits, Study your habits for they become your character, Develop your character for it becomes your destiny. Ready...Set...Grow! The Reading Buddies program is growing. Grow with us!!! We now have ten volunteers who will read to first graders. A meeting with the principal and Reading Specialist of Riverside Elem. School took place and the logistics of this outreach were discussed. Hopefully, children will be 3 assigned to each volunteer and the program will start up by mid-October. Help read to a first grader for only 2 hours per week (on any day but Fridays) from either 9-11 a.m. or 1-3 p.m. The classroom teachers are nearby if any question should need arise. Books are already chosen for you. Child + You+ Book. All done. The main goal is to teach children that reading is fun! And YOU can be part of this adventure. Talk to Carol, if interested. October 2014 The Church of the Resurrection The Epistle Bishop Suffragan-Elect Heather Elizabeth Cook Ordination and Consecration on September 6 The Episcopal Diocese of Maryland ordained and consecrated its newest bishop on Saturday, Sept. 6 at the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer in north Baltimore. Heather Cook is the first woman elected bishop in the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland. The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church, was the chief consecrator. As is the Episcopal tradition, Ms. Cook was elected bishop on May 2. The service of ordination and consecration featured participants from across the diocese and Cook’s family, friends and people from past ministries. To honor her early years in Baltimore and her Episcopal education, a student from St. Paul’s School for Girls, Brooklandville, lead the opening procession of the service with the school’s flag. Cook graduated from St. Paul’s School for Girls in 1974. Following the service, Cook offered blessings at the altar of the church. The Right Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton, bishop diocesan of the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland said at her election, “This is a glorious day for the Diocese of Maryland as we welcome Heather Cook to the diocese, and I look forward to her joining with me in our Episcopal ministry.” Church Clean-up Day We have not had a Community service worker for quite a while, so now while we have a breather between mowing and raking would be a good time to get the inside of the church into a “state of grace”. All of the carpets need to be vacuumed, at the very least, and a good shampoo probably wouldn’t hurt. There are cobwebs everywhere and what isn’t covered with cobwebs is coated with dust. The first Saturday has been “claimed” by the Blessing of the Animals, and the RIRA Crab Feast, so join us on Saturday, the 11th, for a pew polishing, window washing, Swiffering, extravaganza. Sort of a Grubby Sunday, but on a Saturday. 4 The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection October 2014 Catching up with...the Knitting Group The Knitting (and Crocheting) Group first picked up needles and hooks in January, 2012, and other than a snow day here and there, has been meeting on Monday evening and Wednesday morning ever since. We started off with poor Kathy sewing together a garbage bag full of Granny Squares, donated by someone in Joppatowne, who had made the squares to “work off steam” while her husband was ill. Kathy has a good eye for color and was able to put together some lovely shawls from that bag of squares - although she admits she doesn’t want to see another square in a looong time! The first group of prayer Shawls was blessed by Dr. J on February 5th of that year. Fr. Matthew blesses the completed shawls on the second Sunday of each month. So far, we have given away almost 200 shawls, over 40 this year alone. Pictured above, going up the left side and coming down the right are Harriet, Karen, Merrie, Carole, Diane, Kathy, Pam, Olga, Dani, and Hannah. And Blazer, under the table. The photo was taken by Judy, with her cell phone. Where is Everybody? Where have all the members gone? For the first 24 weeks of this year average attendance per Sunday was 55 for both services. The last 16 weeks has seen that number down to only 41 per Sunday. I haven’t heard of anyone dying or moving so where are you? We miss anyone who drops off the radar screen so let us know if there is a problem we need to address. Please! 5 October 2014 The Church of the Resurrection 6 The Epistle The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection October 2014 Service Rota - October 2014 Altar Guild - Dulcie Carey & Evelyn Wilkins October 5th Crucifer: O.T. LEM Prayers Ushers October 19th Paula Sanders Christine Moser Ken Hawley Paula Sanders O.T. LEM Prayers Albert & Clara Lema O.T. LEM Prayers Ushers: Olga Franzoni Ken Hawley Gene Wilkinson Ushers Jim & Dani Rice October 12th Crucifer: Crucifer: October 26th Crucifer: O.T. LEM Prayers Dani Rice JoAnn Geier Dorian Burton Ushers Linda Bullock & Pam Young Barbara Dotterweich Dani Rice Kathy Grumbach Clara & Albert Lema November 2nd A note to the folks who read The Prayers of the People: A copy of the Prayers, with all the blanks filled in, can be found on the Welcome Table in the narthex, to the right of the large cross. Crucifer: O.T. LEM Prayers Ushers To find out what you will be reading go to: Use the RCL list. Paula Sanders Ken Grumbach Albert & Clara Lema If you are unable to serve on your assigned Sunday, it is your responsibility to find a substitute and contact the church office (410-679-8700) so the correct name will appear in the bulletin. Acolyte Head: Ken Hawley 410-852-0003 Chief Usher: Jim Rice 410-679-4249 Lay Readers: Dani Rice 410-679-4249 7 October 2014 The Church of the Resurrection The Epistle October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 The Church of the Resurrection (Episcopal) 410-679-8700 Office Hours Wed & Fri 9- noon Tuesday 7 PM HC - Said Service Sunday 8 AM HC - Said Service 10 AM - Choral Eucharist, Sunday School & Nursery 5 6 7 8 1 Ray Rios- Velez Calvin Wilkins 9 Beverly Evelyn Allman Blessing of the Animals 10 AM Herb Baker RIRA crab feast 1:00 10 11 Logan Breakfast 8:45 12 St. George’s Noon –3 13 14 15 Marge Murray Work Day 9:00 Vestry 6:30 16 17 18 Doug Long St. George’s Offering Paul Theodore 19 20 Matthew D’Amario 21 22 23 24 25 Haunted Church 6PM Haunted Church 6PM Chesapeake Traders All Week Ron & Pam Young (see pg 3) Paul Moser Mary Lou Sieber 26 27 28 29 Albert Lema Maureen Long Haunted Church 6PM Gene Wilkinson 8 30 Robert 31 & Neresa Severn Dulcie Carey Jackie Vernon Reformation Day The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection October 2014 Such a Welcome! One of my relatives was the pastor of a German Lutheran church in New York City. If you think Episcopalians move slowly, consider that George, who died two years ago, was the first bi-lingual pastor this congregation had ever had. The Sunday Service included the installation of a associate pastor, who was ushered to a special chair in front of the congregation. After the organ prelude, everyone began singing the first hymn. Startled, George realized it was not the one he had chosen. He had a quick conversation with the organist, and discovered that the hymn numbers Words spoken in anger are not likely to be forgotten quickly. Heartaches do not disappear in an instant. 9 had been transposed. The hymn, erroneously posted, was No. 352 in the German Lutheran hymnal: “Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid begegnet mir zu dieser Zeit!” Freely translated, the words mean “O God, what a terrible grief has befallen us at this time!” It’s nice to know Resurrection isn’t the only place that gets confused. October 2014 The Church of the Resurrection The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection (Episcopal) Bridge and Anchor Drives P.O. Box 222 Joppa, MD 21085-0222 10 The Epistle