Document 6561324


Document 6561324
Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish
three churches
Sacred Heart
50 Fairway Drive,
Clear Island Waters
St Vincent’s
40 Hamilton Avenue,
Surfers Paradise
Stella Maris
268 Hedges Avenue,
Very Reverend
Fr Tim Harris
Parish Priest & Dean
of South Coast Deanery
Fr Christopher Obi
Associate Pastor
Fr Nicholas Okafor
Associate Pastor
Sue Thomas
Pastoral Associate
Sr Mary Hansen PBVM
Pastoral Assistant
Sonya Slater
Parish Manager
Marylou Ayres
Parish Secretary
Angela Williams
Atrium Coordinator
Shannon Morrison
Baptism Coordinator
Rita Foxlee
State School R.E.
Eliza Kerklaan
Youth Ministry Coordinator
St Vincent’s School
Clear Island Waters
Phone: 5572 1746
P. Kerry Rowlands
St Kevin’s School
Phone: 5539 4522
P. Sue Curtis
St Michael’s College
Phone: 5530 2722
P. Michael Laidler
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
11th / 12th October 2014
As already indicated in a previous parish newsletter, Bishop Joseph
Oudeman, Auxiliary Bishop Brisbane and Bishop for the Southern
Region is making a pastoral visit to us this weekend Bishop Joe of
course has been a regular visitor over the years and so is no stranger
to our parish. Already Bishop Joe has had a busy time spending all day Friday visiting our
Catholic teachers in our 3 schools. He attended the 100 year birthday celebrations of a
parishioner and hosted a light dinner with the priests of the Deanery that night.
On Saturday he met with the Parish Mission Council and Finance Board and visited the
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium and inspected the new Stella Maris Church
development. Bishop Joe will celebrate 3 of the Parish Masses where he hopes to meet as
many parishioners as possible. I sincerely welcome Bishop Joe and trust that his visit proves
I am pleased that the parish has an opportunity to farewell Fr Paul Taubman at our 9.00 am
Sunday Mass. Fr Paul is well known to many, serving two terms as Associate Pastor for Surfers
Paradise Parish.
All of us were saddened when we heard of Fr Paul's stroke a few months back and we have
been thinking about him ever since. As a result of the stroke which has left Fr Paul blind in one
eye, the Archbishop has granted Paul's request to retire from active ministry.
I am not yet sure what Paul has in mind for the future in terms of his living arrangements but
this will be a matter for him and the Archbishop to sort out going forward.
I have known Paul for over 20 years and I have found him to be a sensitive and caring priest
who has made a generous contribution in his role. I only wish him well and trust that he will
adjust to his unexpected early retirement. These have been difficult days for him so my prayer
for Paul is that a peaceful acceptance of what has occurred will descend upon his life and that
his God will continue to hold him in the palm of his hand. Thank you Fr. Paul.
Deanery Pastoral Council Report
Last Saturday the Deanery Pastoral Council (DPC) met for one of its semi-regular meetings.
New members of the group indicated that parishes (and therefore parishioners) in general
may have no idea of the existence of the DPC, let alone the meaning of ‘Deanery’. So, in the
interests of communication and to enlighten people who may not know of the existence of our
deanery or the DPC, this for your interest:
A deanery is a grouping of parishes. To foster pastoral care through common action, several
neighbouring parishes can be joined into special groups, such as vicariates forane (i.e.
Deaneries). Canon 374.2.
The particular groupings are at the discretion of the bishop (in our case, Archbishop). The
current groupings of deaneries came out of Synod 2003. The role of the Deanery Pastoral
Council is to assist in the pastoral planning of the parishes in its grouping (deanery). Members
of the DPC are parishioners who may be members of their own parish’s Pastoral/Mission
Council, or a parishioner chosen by the priest. While there is a general set of Archdiocesan
guidelines for DPCs, particular guidelines are set at the discretion of each DPC, e.g. meeting
days, times, roles, raison d’etre, etc.
Someone once said to me a long time ago, ‘The Roman Catholic Church is not a democracy.’
The role of any parish or deanery council is not to ‘set the agenda’ for the Church. It is to
respond to the pastoral care of parishioners in pastoral planning as guided, and sometimes
directed, by the leader of the local Church, that is, the Archbishop. Continued over page:
Continued over the page:
Continued from Page 1:
Over the past few years, the Brisbane Archdiocese allocated grants to deaneries after each deanery submitted proposals
for parishes working together. These grants ceased at the end of 2012.
A deanery is not an ecclesial entity. Therefore, any collaborations between parishes in a deanery is fully funded by the
parishes involved. The South Coast Deanery Pastoral Council has a long history of having met on a regular basis for close
on 30 years. Current items on the agenda for discussion over the next few months are: the implementation of the
Archdiocesan Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy; a deanery celebration of Mass of All Nations; Hospital
Chaplaincy for the hospitals on the Gold Coast; Youth Ministry; discussion of submissions and proposals for ways in which
parishes in the deanery can assist each other and work together. The agenda is set in response to and guided by the
meetings of the Leadership Teams of parishes (clergy and Pastoral Associates). Members of the DPC report back to their
clergy and their parish council to discuss ways in which their own parish can support the pastoral planning and care of the
parishes within the deanery.
God’s Abundant Blessings,
Fr Tim
Readings: Isaiah 25:6-10; Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20; Matthew 22:1-14
Feasts: Wed 15th St Teresa of Jesus, virgin, doctor; Fri 17th St Ignatius of Antioch, bishop, martyr;
Saturday 18th St Luke, evangelist.
Next week’s readings: Isaiah 45:1,4-6; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5; Matthew 22:15-21
Recently, a conversation was had regarding our praying of the Apostle’s Creed, particularly the
meaning of the words ‘He descended into hell.’ An excerpt of a book by Ronald Rolheiser OMI may assist the
understanding of what these words mean. From Prayer: Our Deepest Longing. Franciscan Media, Ohio. 2013.
‘Love through Locked Doors.’ (Pp60-62)
Several years ago, a family I know well lost a daughter through suicide. She was in her late 20s and had become
dangerously depressed. An initial attempt at suicide failed. The family then rushed round her. They brought her home,
strove to be with her constantly, sent her to doctors and psychiatrists, and generally tried everything within their power
to love and coax her out of her depression. It didn’t work. Eventually, she succeeded in taking her own life.
Looking at her death and her family’s efforts to love her and save her life, one sees how, at a certain point, human
love can be helpless. Sometimes all the effort, patience, and love in the world cannot get through to a frightened, sick,
depressed person. In spite of everything, that person remains locked inside herself, or himself, huddled against love,
unfree, inaccessible, bent upon self-destruction. None of us who have ever dealt with a situation like this have been
immune to the deep feelings of discouragement, guilt, hopelessness and fear that ensue. Love, regardless of effort,
seems powerless.
Fortunately, we are not without hope and consolation. We believe in the ultimate redeeming power of love, and in the
power of a love beyond our own that can do that redeeming. God’s love is not stymied in the same way as is ours.
Unlike ours, it can go through locked doors, enter closed hearts, and breathe peace and new life into frightened
paralysed persons. Our hope and our belief in this is expressed in one of the articles of our Apostle’s Creed: “He
descended into hell.” What an incredible statement that is: God descended into hell. If that is true, and everything in
Christ’s life and teaching suggests it is, then the human heart has its ultimate consolation: Love will triumph.
We haven’t always understood those words to mean that, however. The doctrine of Christ’s descent into hell is first
and foremost a doctrine about love, God’s love for us, and the power of that love to go all lengths, to descend to all
depths and to go through virtually every barrier in order to redeem a wounded, huddled, frightened, paranoid,
alienated and unfree humanity.
By dying as he did, Christ shows that he loves us in such a way that he can descend into our private hells. His love is
so empathetic and compassionate that it can penetrate all barriers that we construct out of hurt and fear and enter
right into our despair and hopelessness. We see this idea expressed powerfully in John 20. Twice John presents the
disciples as huddled behind closed doors, locked in because of fear. Twice John has Jesus come through the locked
doors and stand in the midst of that frightened and depressed group and breathe peace into them. That image - Christ
going through locked doors - is perhaps the most consoling image within our entire faith. Put simply, it means that
God can help us even when we cannot help ourselves. God can empower us even when we are too weak and
despairing to even, minimally, open the door to let him in. That is not only consoling, it is also corrective of a bad
spirituality that many of us were raised on.
For a fuller version, go to
A reminder of the Liturgical Ministers Workshops Saturday 25th October. There have been a number of
apologies (thank you wholeheartedly for your RSVPs!). The workshops will continue on 25th October. A ‘catchup’ workshop will be held at a later date. For those new to the roster, or wanting to come onto the rosters, please
RSVP as soon as possible. These are general workshops, so are appropriate for anyone on any liturgical roster in
each of our three churches. Peace and Grace, Sue Thomas
10am to 2.00pm
Thursday 16th October in the
Parish Hospitality Centre, Clear Island Waters
Usual Fun and Cards of your choice
$5 entrance, Raffle and Lucky Door Prizes
All Welcome
The Rosary - October is the month of the Rosary
The statue of our Lady will be at the homes of the
following parishioners for the Month of October the
month of the Rosary.
Monday 13 October: Pinky Huerto of Parkwood
Monday 20th October: Tess Galang of Parkwood
Monday 27th October: Rowena Caluag of Arundel
Please phone Maxine or Pat Sela on 55399539 and offer
your home to have the statue for a week.
Contact Irene Ross 5562 1260 for more information
We Place Our Trust In God - Sometimes simpler said than done!
A weekend for women – for reflection,
silence and deep connection with God.
23rd November, 2014 Palmer Colonial Golf Club
Facilitated by Grace Harwood from
Paradise Springs Avenue, Robina
Dragonfly Ministries. Friday 12 December
Time: Noon for 12.30pm - Cost: $35.00 p/p
(6pm) – Sunday 14 December (5pm) Santa
Raffles & Lucky Door Prizes, Fun and Fellowship
Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston, Cost:
Prize for best dressed in Christmas Theme
$300 ($270 pensioners and full-time students) ($10 extra
RSVP by 11th November, 2014. Tickets available from:
per day for special diets) Individual, ensuited rooms. All
Irene Ross 5562 1260, Pauline Coggan 5526 5987,
linen and meals supplied. Numbers are limited. Contact
Kath Rice and Dot Empen.
Grace on 0409 524 283 or
to register.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER: This will be held on Friday 6th
Book Club members are reminded of our
March 2015 and will focus on the people of the Bahamas. If
monthly meeting on Tuesday 21st October at
you are from the Bahamas or know of the people and their
12 noon in the Parish Hospitality Centre.
history could you please contact Irene Ross on 5562 1260.
New Vinnie's Shop
The new shop at 1, Santa Maria Court,
Burleigh Waters was opened on the 1st Of October 2014.
The shop is in the centre off Bermuda Street opposite Bond
University. We are also looking for volunteers to work a day
or two in the new shop. If you have some spare time phone
Becky Gellel 0430 026 920 Multi Centre Coordinator.
Hi everyone,
Veniré, a group for High Schoolers, meets every Thursday
6.30pm-8.30pm in the Hospitality Centre. Come along
and meet other young people from across the coast.
Dinner is provided and it’s FREE.
SAVE THE DATE!! Keep the afternoon of Sunday the 26th
free starting at 3pm! There will be something special
happening into the lead up to our Youth Mass that night! So
all people young and young at heart keep this day free
please. Eliza Kerklaan – Parish Youth Co-Ordinator.
Mobile 0432 333 549 or
Tickets on sale this weekend. Great Prizes
1.“Poinsettia” Painting by Award Winning Artist Peggy Toth
Valued at $3000 2. Knitted Toys 3. Gents and Ladies Lorus Watches
4. Amazon Kindle Wi Fi
5. Artwork
6. Basket of Gifts
7. Teddy Bear 8. Jewellery – Pearl Dress Set 9. Rudolph Plush Toy
DRAWN Sunday 21 December 2014 after Mass
TICKETS $5 each or $10 for a book of 3 Tickets (Proceeds Stella Maris Project)
Pre-orders for Break Open the Word $10 and the Daily
Mass Book 2015 $20 have been extended to Friday 31st
October. Please pay for your copy on ordering.
Church Door Café
At Sacred Heart Church
Come and try our Breakfast
and New Lunch Menus.
Open Monday to Friday
7.30am – 3.30pm
“Where parishioners, schools, parents and locals can
come together united in the love of Christ.”
Real men don’t do church? Wrong! menAlive
retreat 8/9 November 2014 at St Brigid's Parish,
Nerang. Contact Tom Lyons 5559 5554 or Michael
Ware 5500 4510 or email Tom at
International Baby Loss Memorial Day Candle Lighting
Ceremony will take place on October 15th 2014 at 6.00pm
at Allambe Memorial Park, 129 Nerang Broadbeach Road,
Nerang. For more information please email to Pregnancy
Loss Australia at
This week the builders will start work on the zinc roof. The slab has
been poured at the rear for the vestry and amenities. The structural
steel frame work will be constructed shortly. Working with the
architects they have identified a sandstone relief carving of Our Lady. If
you are interested in sponsoring this beautiful carving I will have details
of the costing in a couple of weeks. There will be small items that will
need assistance. I will let you know as they come up.
Thank you to those who
continue to support this project
in prayer and generosity.
Have a joyful week.
Sonya Slater, Parish Manager
11am 1 Tuesday
No 9am Mass that day)
Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 7am, 9am & 6pm
Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 8am & 10am
For more Parish groups, please refer to our Website
Filipino: 1 Sunday 1.00pm Sacred Heart
Baptisms: Please contact the Parish Office 5572 5433.
Benediction: 1st Friday 7.30am St Vincent’s
Hispanic: 1 & 3 Sundays 5-7pm St Vincent’s
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday 9am Sacred Heart (school term)
Fr Ignacio Gutierrez 0481 118 521
Christian Meditation: Tuesday 10am (Youth Room) Shirley Daly
Tuesday 6pm (Youth Room) Sue Thomas
Maronite Rite: Saturday 7.15pm Sacred Heart
CFC Australia: 1 Sunday. For information ph. Butch & Mini 0424 583 168/9
Ph: 3394 4994 St Maroun’s Church
Exposition: Monday & Friday 6am St Vincent’s
Polish: Sunday 11.30am Sacred Heart
Tuesday 9.30am Sacred Heart
Fr Bernard Bednarz 5504 6297
Thursday 9.45am St Vincent’s
Art & Craft: Wednesday 9am Hospitality Centre
Friday 7pm Sacred Heart (1st Friday all night 7pm-7am Sat)
Book Club: 3 Tues 12noon. Hospitality Centre
Marriages: Please contact Parish Office 5572 5433. 6 mths notice required.
Bridge: Mon 12.30pm. Hospitality Centre
Rosary: Sunday 7.30am St Vincent’s;
C W L: Meeting 12.30pm. 1 Tues. Hospitality Ctr
Monday and Friday St Vincent’s 6.30am
Friendship Day 3 Thurs 10am-2pm
Tuesday and Friday 8.25am Sacred Heart (Before Mass)
rd th
Parish Choir Practice: 9am 3 /4 Sat, Sacred Heart.
Wed 9.30am Sacred Heart
Youth Choir: Eliza Kerklaan Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Sacred Heart Prayer Group: 1st Tuesday 9.30am Youth Room
Playgroup: Wednesdays 9.30am Casey Hall
Scripture Discussion: Tuesday 11am (Youth Room) Shirley Daly
Yoga: Tues 10.45am $10/session. Hospitality Centre
Spiritual Direction: Bernadette Kavanagh-Stewart 5520 7242
Zumba Gold: Friday 9.15am Casey Hall. Beginners/
St Joseph’s Prayer Group: 1st Wednesday 9.30am Sacred Heart
Intermediate level. Susana Pozzi 0421 607 397
Youth Led Mass: 4th Sunday 6pm Sacred Heart
Playgroup: Iovanah Archer 0420595404
Fr Marc Singson 0431 042 603
RECENTLY DECEASED: Michael Burcul, Gary O’Neill, Liam McEvoy, Maureen Murphy, Carol Third.
ANNIVERSARIES: Gino Cappellazzo, Antonio Velardo, Aurora De Farias, The De Farias Family, Hugh Shephard,
Nick Prajdic, Frank Dranginis, Leo Brennan.
THOSE WHO ARE SICK Maureen Fitzgerald, Annette Anning, Margaret Miller NZ, Jeff Doyle, Marnie Lee Rose, Clare Keim,
Charlie Pickering, Sr Caroline Hunt, Beth Green, Joe Sheehy, Angela Ferguson, Denise Tracey, Bill Carroll, Michelle Pritchard, Fr
Trevor OGS, Rosaria Zammitt, Giovaninna Vitale Freda, Monica Bailey, Mary Mullahy, Michelle Pritchard, Ron Perry, Mitchell
Edwards, Patrick Cannard, Paul Kiely, Rose Crane, Mary Carniel, Baby Charlie Francis, Fr Ray Wells (Hobart), Leiha Carlson, Pat
Lazaro, Kaylene Swan (Launceston), (Baby) George Thomas Cook, Lesley Cruse, Peter Verhaze, Tony Tongue, Margaret
Webber, Ricardo Pereira, Warren Potter, Victoria Dawson, Sheryl Abrahams, Rita Rogers, Susan Richmond, Ronnie Burke,
Norm Mullins, Eleanor B Nascimento, Dolly Roberts, Joan Wienand, Shirley Heath, Mary Coy, Mary Fraser, Natty Massina,
Danny Osmund, Marlise England, Stephen Zannett, Jacqui Caughey, Baby Eva Cassidy Abad, G Nicholas, Bruno
Andreetta, Julieta Alvero, Margie Savage, Joanne Burge, Shirley Day, Leo Domingo, Bernie Wall, Sr Christine Hesel,
Rosalia Roque, Mary McCarthy, Michael Kearney, Josephine Maybury, Monica Clifford, Clare Martin, Reg Spillane, Gerrard
Theron, Mary Kerr, William Sheehan, Kate Needham, Margaret Guillesser, Barbara & Mike Farrell, Justin King, Anna Wheeler,
Emma Winks, Una Parkinson, Nathan Clarke, Pat Burton, Gus Reeves.
Become a Part of the PARISH PLANNED GIVING PROGRAM to help your Parish grow.
We thank most sincerely all Parishioners who contribute to the Planned Giving Program. Your ongoing
commitment and contribution assists the responsible budgeting for the operating expenses of the Parish
(wages, rates, electricity, building maintenance, etc) as well as pastoral planning for Parish growth (faith
education, sacramental preparation, resources, etc). To obtain Planned Giving envelopes, please complete this
form and place on the Collection Plate, or contact the Parish Office on 5572 5433. Planned Giving
Contributions are not Tax Deductable. (Please print clearly)
Surname:_________________________ Christian Names:__________________________________________
Address:__________________________________________________________________Post Code:_______
Phone No:______________________(H)______________________(W)____________________________(M)