october 2014


october 2014
october 2014
Fr. Alex’s Message
Fr. Hector’s Message
Daughters of Penelope
Parish News & Events
Parish Spiritual Life
Focus on Philoptochos
Parish Photos
Spiritual Message / Greek 14
News & Events/ Greek
Parish Council
October Calendar
Christmas Donations
“My Lord and my god”
“Receive and Share the Light of Christ!”
64 Hershey Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603
Phone: 717-394-1735 Fax: 717-394-0991
Email: agochurch@comcast.net
Website: www.annunciationorthodox.org
Office Hours: Monday—Friday, 8:00 AM—4:00 PM
The Annunciator is the monthly newsletter of Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church.
Submissions for consideration are due the 15th of each month. (Please submit in Publisher or Word format)
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
is under the jurisdiction of:
His Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholemew
His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America
His Eminence, Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
Parish Administration
Rev. Alexander Goussetis, Pastor
Rev. Hector Firoglanis, Assistant Priest
Rev. Alexander Veronis, Pastor Emeritus
Parish Council
Maria Querry, President
Alexander A. Mountis
Artemis Tsoflias
George Soukas
Helen Hazatones
Nicholas Veronis
David Gammache
Kim Keares
Joanne Martin
Peter S. Billis
Donna Vitko
Kaliopi Karomfily
Maria Barron
Jim Voulopos
John Stauffer
Board of Elders
Dr. James Argires
George Katsaros
Constantine J. Kourgelis
Olga Pratt
Church Staff
Cantors………….. …………………. ………….Nicholas Belessis
Nicholas Billis
Jonathan Troop
Ecclesiarch…….…………...….…………………….John Scanlon
Lay Assistant……..……… …..……….………….Maria Koursaris
Building Supervisor…………...….……………David Gammache
Office Administrator……………………………...Sherry Anderson
Administrative Assistant……...…………………..Pat Hazatones
Office Assistant………………...…………………... Mary Keares
Volunteer Office Assistants……….................... Demetria Baker
Sunday Bulletin…………………………..……….Maria Koursaris
The Annunciator………………………………...Sherry Anderson
Church Office Email Addresses
Fr. Alexander Goussetis……………..fralexg@comcast.net
Fr. Hector Firoglanis………..………..firoglanis@gmail.com
Fr. Alexander Veronis……………...frveronis@comcast.net
Sherry Anderson………………….agochurch@comcast.net
Maria Koursaris…………………..agocmaria@comcast.net
David Gammache………………...agocdavid@comcast.net
Sunday Worship Hours
September - May
8:00 AM - Early Divine Liturgy
9:00 AM - Orthros/Matins
10:00 AM - Divine Liturgy
June - August
8:15 AM - Orthros
9:30 AM - Divine Liturgy
Sunday School…………………..…………….Sally Stratigos
Dan Soukas, Jonathan Troop
Choir…………………………………………..Maria Koursaris
Organist....…………….………………….Zaferula Yelagotes
Philoptochos……………..………….Cassandra Karamanos
Christine Speros
GOYA..………….………………………….Michael Efstration
JOY Dance…………….………….……………….Karen Herr
GOYA Dance………………..………………Despina Proithis
Greek School PTO……………..............Robin Roumeliotis
AHEPA………………...…………………..Constantine J. Seiss
Daughters of Penelope….………………...Mary P.Morgan
Zaferula Yelagotes
Pan-Coan Society……….…………………...Tasos Marinos
Chiotiko Society……………..................Panagiotis S. Billis
Webmaster…………….…………….. Dimitri & Kim Keares
Bazaar Committee……………………………………………………..Kosta Kontanis
Alexandra Schramm
Bookstore………………………………….Paul & Kay Benos
Service & Outreach Committee………............Joanne Martin
Susana Troop
F r . A l e x an d e r G o u s s e t i s ’ Me s s ag e
Generation to Generation
While earning a doctoral degree in Psychology and Pastoral Counseling
following seminary, I enrolled in a class that used the book Generation to
Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue by Edwin H. Friedman
as its primary textbook. The premise of the book is that (most) people belong
to family systems, whether that implies our nuclear family, Church, or larger
community. Furthermore, by being a member of a family system we are influenced, for better or worse, by that family system. The key to growth for any person, according to the author, is to raise one’s awareness of how a family system has influenced us.
Many of the principles outlined in this book I found very compatible with
Orthodox Christianity. While western societies focus more on the individual in
defining the world around them, the author reverses this hypothesis by stating
that we are the result of our family systems, or at least greatly influenced by
them. In Orthodox Christianity, the communal dimension is of primary importance; we are members of the Body of Christ, the Church.
By stating that our Orthodox Church is Apostolic, as noted in the Nicene Creed,
we are acknowledging our connection to this legacy of faith, from generation
to generation. The wisdom, the guidance, the blessings that comprise the
collective treasure chest of our Orthodox faith is our spiritual heritage; we are
members of this family system!
On a practical level, each one of us has access to the many resources that
bring us to a deep and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ: the liturgical
services, the sacraments, the iconographic and hymnological traditions, the
lives of saints, the dogma and canons that shape our faith, and much more.
We are the beneficiaries of this family system.
Only one thing is needed to benefit from this spiritual inheritance – active
participation on our part. We will not profit from passivity; rather, we belong to
a faith that demands a response. We are invited to experience first-hand the
holiness that has been handed down to us from generation to generation.
The Annunciator/October 2014
F r . H e c t o r ’ s Me s s ag e
Mentoring Disciples of Christ and the Future Leaders of the Church
October is a special month in which we commemorate five of the Lord’s Holy Disciples: Thomas
the Apostle (Oct. 6); James the son of Alphaeus (Oct. 9); Philip the Apostle (Oct. 11); Luke
the Evangelist (One of the Seventy—Oct. 18); and James the Lord’s brother (son of Joseph
from a previous marriage—Oct. 23).
The final commandment of our Lord to His Disciples was...to make disciples! (Matt. 28:19).
Not only was Jesus’ final commandment to make disciples, but through His own example we see
where our Lord spent most of His time. He did not spend most of His time healing the sick or
feeding the poor. He did not spend most of His time visiting sinners and calling them to repentance. He did not even spend most of His time teaching the masses about the Gospel. Most of our
Lord’s time was spent with the inner circle of His Disciples. He taught them, He ate with them,
He travelled with them, He rebuked them, and He molded them with His words and with His
Discipleship is a big part of Christianity, and if we are to call ourselves Disciples of Christ, we
must in turn embrace our God-given responsibility to mentor others. Every year when we begin
our youth ministries, I invite our Goyans to mentor our JOY children, our OCF students to mentor
our Goyans, and our Young Adults to mentor our OCF students.
My own children who are in the HOPE and JOY groups adore and look up to the Goyans. The
same can be said about the way Goyans look up to OCF students as their examples. No matter
what age or stage of life we are in, we are all called to serve as mentors and help the younger generation grow in their faith. It is not only a commandment of God; it is a most rewarding experience to mentor a younger person and to lead them on the path towards Christ-like holiness.
Being a mentor does not mean merely being a friend. It is more like being a spiritual parent and
nurturing the spiritual growth of those entrusted to us. As St. Paul says, “Even though you have
ten thousand instructors in Christ, you do not have many fathers; for in Christ Jesus I
became your father through the gospel” (1 Cor. 4:15). Just like being a parent, being a spiritual mentor requires a significant investment of time. Of course the first responsibility of a spiritual
guide and mentor is to have our own spiritual life in order, and to have a spiritual father/mentor
ourselves to whom we are accountable. From there, we can begin by being a spiritual mentor to
our nephews and nieces, to our godchildren and to those who are already close to us through
family ties. One of Christ’s original Disciples, St. James, was his stepbrother. We may expand
our role of mentoring and discipling others by teaching Sunday School, serving as an Oratorical
Festival Mentor, or volunteering at an agency such as “Children Deserve a Chance” in downtown
We are not called to save the world. Christ already did that. All we have to do is spread His
Gospel and His Grace throughout the world...one disciple at a time.
The Annunciator/October 2014 PAGE 2
S t e wa r d s h i p Me s s ag e / Dau g h t e r s o f P e n e l o p e
2014 Stewardship Sunday
October 26, 2014
Thank you to all our parishioners for your time, talents and
financial contributions. In order for the church to continue to
grow and provide its many programs, we rely on your
Stewardship contributions.
Please fill out a pledge card for 2015!
If you haven’t fulfilled your pledge for 2014, please do so.
The Annunciator/October 2014 PAGE 3
Pa r i s h N e w s & Ev e n t s
September 13 Nina, child of George and
Heather Lazos, with godparent
Athanasios Evagelou
September 20 – David Schrott and Megan DiLeo
Tuesday, October 7 @ 7:00 PM
In room 4/5 by parishioner Eileen Howells.
The class is open to all parishioners and
especially recommended to parish council
members, ushers, Sunday School & Greek
School teachers and church staff.
If you are interested
in taking the class to be certified for CPR and
use of AED defibrillator, please call the church
office to register. 394-1735
Altar Candles……
September 7
In loving memory of Thomas Chase
by Vasa Simpson.
September 28 In memory of my husband Peter
Topoulos by his wife Maria & family.
September 14 In loving memory of Thomas L. Chase
by his wife Dolores.
Altar Flowers……
September 14 In loving memory of Thomas L. Chase
by his wife Dolores.
Candelabra Candles……
September 14 In loving memory of Thomas L. Chase
by his wife Dolores
American Hellenic Educational Progressive
Association (AHEPA)
June 30, 2014, Red Rose AHEPA #71
Hope & Joy Fall Event
Oregon Dairy
Friday, Oct. 3, 2014
5:30-8:00 PM
Activities include: Regular & Flashlight Maze,
Straw Tunnel, Pebble Toy Box, Replica Milking
Cow, Pet & Calf, Bean Bag Toss & Pumpkin
Group rates of 15 minimum:
Adults: $9 & Children (3-12) $4
Honored Scholarship Recipients
From our chapter, 3 candidates were winners in
the state of PA, District 4. They were:
Patrick Jones, Marissa Karomfily, Andrew Moshos
National Competition for Scholarships
Marissa Karomfily was awarded a National AHEPA
Scholarship for the year 2014.
Congratulations to our winners!
The Annunciator/October 2014 PAGE 4
Pa r i s h N e w s & Ev e n t s
The Annunciator/October 2014 PAGE 5
Pa r i s h S p i r i t ua l L i f e
Learn Your Faith!
Our parish is blessed to offer a variety of Bible Studies and discussion groups to help inform
and inspire our parishioners and friends. Below you will find a group that will match your
schedule and level of interest. Check the weekly bulletin, the monthly Annunciator, and the
parish website for specific dates and times of the following groups.
AGAPE Bible Study
Women’s Orthodox Study Group
This monthly group, led by Fr. Veronis, offers a
fellowship and study in the Greek language.
Refreshments will be offered by the Women’s
Bible Study
This group, led by Presvytera Lisa Goussetis,
meets every other Thursday of the month. Book
studies and video presentations are offered.
Child care available.
Tuesday, October 21
9:30 AM
Thursday, Oct. 2,16, 30
10:00 AM
Early Risers Group
Orthodox Study Group
This weekly group meets at 6:30AM each
Thursday. Fr. Alex Goussetis leads the group in
the reading of Orthodox books and the viewing of
various instructional videos on the faith.
This group meets monthly on Saturday.
The group is led by Fr. Veronis and focuses on
Bible passages and readings on the Orthodox
Thursday, October 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
6:30 AM
Saturday, October 25
9:30 AM
Women’s Bible Study
This group, led by Presvytera Pearl Veronis,
meets weekly on Tuesday mornings. Bible
Studies and other resources are used for
inspiration and education of the Orthodox faith.
College Fellowship (OCF)
This weekly group, led by Fr. Hector serves the
college students of Franklin & Marshall and
Millersville University.
Tuesday, October 7, 14, 21
10:00 AM
Wednesday, October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Orthodox/Mennonite Dialogue
Young Adults Bible Study
This monthly group, led by Fr. Goussetis, is an
“unofficial” Orthodox-Mennonite dialogue and
study group. Readings and discussions on the
two traditions are shared by members of the
Mennonite & Orthodox faiths.
This group, led by Fr. Hector
serves the Young Adults of our parish.
October 17 at 12 noon
Tuesday, October 7, 14
Annunciation Church –Room 7
7:00 PM
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” — Proverbs 119:105
The Annunciator/October 2014
Focus on Philoptocos
The Annunciator/October 2014
Fat h e r Al e x ’ s 1 0 y e a r c e l e b rat i o n / Alta r B oy R e t r e at
The Annunciator/October 2014 PAGE 8
Blessing of the Playground/ Preschool orientation
The Annunciator/October 2014 PAGE 9
Attic Room
Koulourakia Wednesday, October 1 — 5:00 PM Thursday, October 2 — 9:00 AM Kourambiedas Wednesday, October 8 — 5:00 PM Thursday, October 9 — 9:00 AM Baklava Wednesday, October 15 — 5:00 PM Thursday, October 16 — 9:00 AM Please bring all your items for
the Bazaar Attic Room starting
Monday, Oct. 7. If you have
questions, please contact
David Gammache at 394-1735.
Mousaka Friday, October 17 – 5:00 PM Saturday, October 18— 9:00 AM Put away — 6:00 PM Finikia (ONE Baking Day ONLY) Thursday, October 23 – 9:00 AM ‐ Baking Thursday, October 23 — Noon ‐ Packing Syrup, Baklava Saturday, October 25 – 11:00 AM Chicken Sauce Prep Thursday, October 30 — 6:00 PM Sunday, October 26 —7:00 PM Monday, October 27 — 9:00 AM Bread Kneading Pastry Donations
If you prefer to send in a monetary donation for the Bazaar
Committee to prepare pastries
on your behalf, send a check
payable to:
“Annunciation Church
Bazaar Pastries”
64 Hershey Ave.
Lancaster, PA 17603
Bread Baking Yiaprakia Monday, October 27 – Noon Tuesday, October 28 — 9:00 AM Macaroni Prep Monday, October 27 — 6:00 PM Tuesday, October 28 — 5:00 PM Wednesday, October 29 — 6:00 AM Wednesday, October 29 — 9:00 AM Karithopita & Ravani Thursday, October 30 — 9:00 AM Hamburger Prep Cream Sauce Pastitsio Chicken Sauce Prep Thursday, October 30 – 6:00 PM Salad Dressing Thursday, October 30 — EVENING Hall Setup (tables & chairs) Thursday, October 30 — EVENING Friday, October 31 — 9:00 AM Friday, October 31 — ALL DAY Saturday, Nov 1 – 11 am to 7:30 pm Sunday, Nov 2 – 11 am to 6 pm Rice Pudding Hall Set‐up (decorations) Greek Bazaar **Bazaar Pastries:
Due to food health regulations
and the need for consistency in
the size of the pastries sold at
the Bazaar, ALL pastries for our
upcoming Bazaar will be made at
the church during the designated
baking days. We appreciate the
efforts of everyone who has
donated pastries in the past and
we encourage them to come and
help us at the Church during the
October baking days. Anyone
who desires to make a donation
to help with the cost of
ingredients may make a check to
“Bazaar Pastries” and send or
give to the Church office.
$15.00 EACH OR 2 FOR $25.00
The Annunciator/October PAGE 10
The Annunciator/October 2014
Ka l an da
Το υπέροχο έθιμο των Καλάντων του Νέου Ετους
υπάρχει για πολλούς αιώνες στην καρδιά του
Ορθόδοξου κόσμου στην Ελλάδα, τα Βαλκάνια, την
Κεντρική Ευρώπη, καθώς και σε όλη τη Μεσόγειο.
Στην κοινότητα μας στο Λάνγκαστερ, το έθιμο αυτό
καθιερώθηκε από τα αρχικά χρόνια της ύπαρξης της
κοινότητας. Τη δεκαετία του '50 ο ρόλος αυτού του
εθίμου έγινε πιο σημαντικός με διπλό σκοπό –όχι
μόνο για να αυξήσει τα ομόλογα της
κοινότητας αλλά και για να συγκεντρώσει
χρήματα για το ταμείο προϋπολογισμού
κατασκευής της νέας εκκλησίας στην
Λεωφόρο Hershey. Εκείνη την εποχή, η ενορία μας
αποτελείτο από περίπου 150 οικογένειες. Από τότε
έχουμε ξεπληρώσει την εκκλησία και την αίθουσα.
Σήμερα, η κοινότητά μας έχει πλησιάσει σχεδόν τον
αριθμό 600 οικογενειών. Τα τελευταία χρόνια, οι
εισφορές από τα Καλάντα χρησιμοποιούνται για
διάφορες ανάγκες της εκκλησίας μας και για
διάφορους φιλανθρωπικούς σκοπούς.
Κατά τους επόμενους μήνες, θα δείτε διάφορες
δημοσιεύσεις σχετικά με τα Κάλαντα και πώς
μπορείτε να δηλώσετε αν θέλετε αυτή η παράδοση
να συνεχιστεί στο σπίτι σας. Οι ομάδες και οι
τραγουδηστές θα επισκεφθούν μόνο αυτούς που
επιθυμούν να έχουν τα Κάλαντα.
The lovely custom of New Year
caroling has been practiced and
enjoyed for many centuries in the heart of the
Orthodox world including Greece, the
Balkans, central Europe, and throughout the
Mediterranean. This tradition has been a part
of our Lancaster community for most of its
existence. In the 1950s, however, it took on
heightened significance with a new purpose–
not only to increase community bonds, but to
raise money for the building fund of the new
church on Hershey Avenue. At that time, our
parish consisted of about 150 families. We
have since burned the mortgage for the
church and the social hall. Today, our church
community is approaching 600 families. In
recent years, the Kalanda donations
received go for the various needs and
philanthropy of our church budget.
Πάντοτε ψάχνουμε για άτομα που
In the coming months, you will be seeing
ενδιαφέρονται να τραγουδήσουν. Σκεφθείτε many posting about the Kalanda and how you
αν επιθυμείτε να συμμετάσχετε σε αυτή την
can let us know that you would like to have
εύθυμη και χαρμόσυνη μουσική εμπειρία.
Σας ευχαριστούμε εκ των προτέρων για την
αφοσίωση και την υποστήριξή σας.
this tradition continue at your home. Only
those who make their wishes known, will receive carolers.
Επιτροπή «Κάλαντα»
The Kalanda Committee
Κυριακή: 28 Δεκεμβρίου
2:00-6:00 μμ
Mark Your Calendars!
Kalanda: Sunday, December 28
2:00 –6:00 PM
The Annunciator/October 2014 PAGE 12
C ro p wa l k
HOW CROP/CWS STOPS HUNGER? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. It builds wells for clean, safe WATER. It teaches ways to secure a future with food. It introduces modern agricultural methods. It frees young girls from daily back breaking work to collect wood all day. It enables girls to a end school and increases literacy among women. It responds to emergency situa ons worldwide. It provided food for 30,000 people in Lancaster last year. It reduces hunger in 80 countries. “25%
of our funds serve the hungry in Lancaster,
75% in 80 nations worldwide!”
Registra on at 12:30 PM Walk begins at 1:30 PM From CLIPPER MAGAZINE STADIUM (544 Prince St., Lancaster, PA) A THIRD WORLD MEAL IS SERVED AT END What are CROP
Hunger Walks?
Neighbors walking together to take
a stand against hunger in our
world. Different ages, faiths and
backgrounds-together we raise
awareness and funds for international relief and
development, as well as local hunger-fighting. Some
2,000 communities across the country take part each
The Annunciator/October 2014
S p i r i t ua l Me s s ag e i n G r e e k
Συνέντευξη σέ μαθητές Λυκείου τού Σεβ. Μητροπολίτου Ναυπάκτου
καί Αγίου Βλασίου Ιεροθέου
1. Ερώτηση: Θά μπορούσε νά δοθή ορισμός τής ψυχής;
Απάντηση: Η ψυχή είναι κτίσμα τού Θεού πού έγινε μέ τήν ενέργειά Του, είναι ζώσα, κατά χάρη αθάνατη,
διακεκριμένη από τό σώμα, αλλά ενωμένη μαζί του. Ο άνθρωπος αποτελείται από ψυχή καί σώμα καί κάθε
ένα από αυτό μόνο του δέν συγκροτεί τόν άνθρωπο. Στήν Εκκλησία δέν πιστεύουμε σέ προΰπαρξη τής
ψυχής χωρίς σώμα, ούτε προΰπαρξη σώματος χωρίς ψυχή. Η ψυχή είναι τό πνευματικό στοιχείο τής
υπάρξεως τού ανθρώπου πού δίνει ζωή στό σώμα. Είναι εκπληκτικό νά γνωρίση κανείς τήν ψυχή ενός
ανθρώπου καί νά μή παραμένη μόνο στό σώμα του.
2. Ερώτηση: Γιατί οι άνθρωποι, καί κυρίως οι νέοι, έχουν απομακρυνθή από τήν Εκκλησία;
Απάντηση: Απομακρύνονται, γιατί αισθάνονται τήν Εκκλησία αυτό πού δέν είναι, τήν αισθάνονται σάν μιά
θρησκεία, σάν ένα μικρομάγαζο, σάν ένα γηροκομείο κλπ. Σέ αυτό φταίμε όλοι καί εμείς οι Κληρικοί πού
δέν δείχνουμε τί είναι πραγματικά η Εκκλησία καί οι νέοι πού δέν αναζητούν τό βαθύτερο «είναι» τής
Εκκλησίας. Γιά νά βρής κάτι βαθύ πρέπει νά τό αγαπήσης, νά πονέσης καί νά τό αναζητήσης. Η Εκκλησία
είναι ένας χώρος επαναστάσεως εναντίον κάθε κατεστημένου καί κάθε υποκρισίας, είναι ένας πνευματικός
φάρος, πού φωτίζει καί οδηγεί.
3. Ερώτηση: Πρέπει η Εκκλησία νά εκσυγχρονισθή σέ κάποια θέματα καί ποιά;
Απάντηση: Η Εκκλησία έχει μιά παράδοση, η οποία έχει δυναμικότητα καί προσαρμόζεται σέ κάθε εποχή
χωρίς νά χάνη τήν ουσία της. Δέν είναι ανάγκη νά εκκοσμικεύεται, νά κάνη εκπτώσεις, αλλά καλεί τόν
άνθρωπο σέ αναζήτηση. Είναι ένας χώρος πού ομοιάζει μέ τόν αληθινό έρωτα, πού δέν ευτελίζεται, αλλά
προκαλεί τόν άνθρωπο γιά εύρεση τής εσωτερικής ομορφιάς τών άλλων. Η ομορφιά τού ανθρώπου δέν
είναι μόνον εξωτερική, αλλά εσωτερική. Αυτό συμβαίνει μέ τήν Εκκλησία. Σέ κάποια θέματα μπορεί νά γίνη
εκσυγχρονισμός, όταν συνδέεται μέ τήν προσφορά τής αλήθειας καί όχι τήν απώλεια τής ζωής της.
4. Ερώτηση: Πώς κρίνει ο Θεός τόν καλό άθρωπο καί τόν κακό Χριστιανό;
Απάντηση: Δέν μπορώ νά ξέρω, δέν μπορώ νά εισέλθω μέσα στόν νού τού Θεού. Πάντως, μού αρέσει νά
λέγω ότι χαίρομαι πού θά μέ κρίνη ο Θεός καί όχι οι άνθρωποι, γιατί ο Θεός βλέπει τά εσώψυχά μας, τίς
διαθέσεις μας, είναι φιλάνθρωπος, ενώ οι άνθρωποι κρίνουν εξωτερικά καί είναι πολύ σκληροί. Φοβάμαι
πολύ τήν σκληροκαρδία τών ανθρώπων.
5. Ερώτηση: Στό σχολείο κάναμε γιά τό μυστήριο τού γάμου. Τί γνώμη έχετε γιά τήν απόφαση νά
επιτρέπεται ο γάμος ανάμεσα σέ άτομα τού ιδίου φύλου; Γιά τόν πολιτικό γάμο;
Απάντηση: Η Εκκλησία έχει τήν θεολογία της γιά τόν γάμο. Ο γάμος είναι ένωση κατά Χριστόν ανδρός καί
γυναικός γιά νά γίνη η οικογένεια καί νά δημιουργηθή ένας χώρος αγάπης καί ειρήνης. Στήν διδασκαλία
τής Εκκλησίας δέν υιοθετείται γάμος ανάμεσα σέ πρόσωπα τού ιδίου φύλου, δέν μπορεί νά γίνη αυτό. Αλλά
η Εκκλησία δέν είναι υπεύθυνη γιά τούς ανθρώπους εκείνους πού θέλουν νά ζούν έξω από τήν παράδοσή
της καί νά κάνουν καί πολιτικό γάμο.
The Annunciator/October 2014 PAGE 14
N e w s an d Ev e n t s i n G r e e k
Τετάρτη, 1 Οκτωβρίου: Αγίας Σκέπης
9-11:00 πμ Ορθρος & Λειτουργία
Παρασκευή, 17 Οκτωβρίου: Προφήτη Ωσηέ
9-11:00 πμ Ορθρος & Λειτουργία
The Annunciator/October 2014 PAGE 15
Pa r i s h C o u n c i l
Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
Parish Council Minutes
August 26, 2014
Opening Prayer: The August 26, 2014 meeting of the Parish Council began at 7:34 PM with an opening prayer by Fr. Alexander Goussetis.
President Maria Querry brought the meeting to order at 7:36 PM.
Minutes of Last Meeting: The minutes of the May 20, 2014 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Peter S. Billis to approve the
minutes. James Voulopos seconded the approval. They were approved unanimously.
Sharing the Faith: Father Alexander Goussetis shared teachings from the “Sermon on the Mount.”
Financial Report: Treasurer, George Soukas, reported the following finances for the months of May-July, 2014:
2014 Actual
2014 Budget
Committee Reports
Bazaar: There will be a bazaar meeting on Thursday, September 11 at 7:00 PM. Ticket sales will begin Sunday, September 7. Helen Hazatones mentioned the purchase of freezers. Steve Groff from Empire TV & Appliance will give them to us at ½ off. He will keep the freezers at
his site when not in use.
Hellenic Culture: Peter Billis reported the following for the Hellenic Culture committee: Again this year, our parish was represented at the
Multi-Cultural Fest held by the Lancaster Liederkranz at their facility near Mount Joy PA. Our parish was invited along with the Irish-American
and Italian-American Societies to join the Liederkranz to celebrate the many old-world cultures of our greater Lancaster community. The
event was held on June 15, 2014.Our own Kefi Dancers and Opa Dancers represented us and were again enthusiastically received. We
thank Despina Proithis and Tina Georges, as well as the parents’ team, for bringing the children to the program.Our food stand was a huge
success thanks to the leadership of Maria Barron. We would also like to thank Kyvele Karpouzis, Peter Billis, George Ioannidis, Martha Ioannidis, Anna Michalopoulos and Connie Hajioannou. The Mandros family extended reduced pricing for the food materials. Additionally, Kosta
Kambouroglos, Peter Billis, Stamatia Bougiamas and Connie assisted with the serving of the food.We are looking forward to working with the
Liederkranz organization to more broadly promote the next event to our parishioners.
Parish Activities: Helen Hazatones reported the following: The annual Church picnic was a huge success. Thank you to all the volunteers!
Personnel: Father Alex reported that a meeting will be held on August 27 to discuss performance reviews and hiring of an assistant preschool teacher.
Preschool: Kim Keares reported that the summer program went very well. The playground is being enjoyed by the kids. Back to school
night, which includes the blessing of the new playground, will be held on September 3. A candidate is being considered for the assistant pre
-school teacher position, which has been vacated with the retirement of Donna S.
Property: David Gammache reported the following:
Commercial Kitchen Repair Service replaced fan blade & motor in kitchen refrigerator
Scherich Roofing repaired the leaking roof above the carport entrance
Wizard Lock repaired the door closer unit in carport entrance that was damaged by water leakage
Pavlick’s Carpet Cleaning cleaned carpet in the following areas: carport, narthex, breezeway, Father Alex’s office, & nursery. They also
stripped & waxed the pre-school area
Yarnell Security performed semi-annual fire alarm inspection
Gordner’s Fire Protection serviced and inspected fire suppression units in both kitchens
Groff’s Heating & Air Conditioning serviced all 6 AC units
RE Walton Plumbing repaired large hot water heater which supplies the kitchen & social hall area. They also unclogged one of the drains
inside the kitchen
Kline’s emptied & cleaned the grease trap
B&B Communications repaired an altar mic and the close circuit camera
Purchased new TV & DVD for use in downstairs’ Sunday school classes & pre-school
Purchased replacement pads for AED unit
State inspection was performed on the church van
Pre-school playground equipment was installed inside the fenced area
Ville Painters renovated the main office
ADT Security Systems installed 8 outdoor cameras with a monitoring and recording station in the office
Order placed and deposit submitted to York Building Products for new front doors
Discussion on Property Committee Meeting- David wanted to discuss the removal of carpet from altar. President Maria Querry recommended that a proposal be put together & brought to the Parish Council.
Service and Outreach: Joanne Martin reported a meal for Crispus Attucks was served on August 9. A group from the committee will be assisting the St. Thekla monastery in Hanover on October 11 for a Fall cleaning; with a meal and fellowship offered by the nuns.
Stewardship: Nicholas Veronis reported the following on stewardship:
The stewardship campaign is underway for October. The goal is to have 70% of stewards give $35 or more each week.
Technology: The technology committee will be meeting on Wednesday, September 3. If you are interested in being part of the committee,
please contact Kim Keares at kjkeares@comcast.net
Planning Meeting: President Maria Querry thanked those participating in the Planning Retreat. President Maria Querry mentioned the Clergy/Laity assembly will be held in Camp Hill this year. Contact Maria if you are interested in attending.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM with a closing prayer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Artemis Tsoflias
Parish Council Secretary
The Annunciator/October 2014
Sponsor Page
The Annunciator/October 2014 PAGE 17
The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church
64 Hershey Avenue
Lancaster, Pa 17603
Non-Profit ORG
Lancaster, PA
Permit No. 502
Advent Spiritual Retreat
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Time: 9:00 AM –1:00 PM
Dr. Albert Rossi
“Becoming a Healing Presence”
 Dr. Rossi teaches courses in pastoral theology at Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Seminary.
 Written numerous articles on psychology and religion and published a book through Paulist
Press entitled, Can I Make a Difference: Christian Family Life Today.
 Licensed clinical psychologist
 Bi–weekly podcast on Ancient Faith Radio titled Becoming a Healing Presence.
Flyer for registration will be included in the November Annunciator
Every year, our Annunciation Parish offers the opportunity to all members to be part of our
Annual Community Christmas Card. The Christmas Card goes to all the homes of our
parish wishing them blessings during the Christmas season and as we celebrate the
Nativity of our Lord.
If you would like to be included please complete the form below and return to the church
office by December 1st. A $15 minimum donation per family is greatly appreciated.
All donations support the various ministries of the Annunciation Church.
Please make your donation payable to:
“Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church-Community Christmas Card.”
64 Hershey Ave., Lancaster, PA 17603, Phone: 717-394-1735 Email: sherry@agochurch.com
Please Note: Only the names of parishioners who send their completed form or call the church
office with their request will be included.
NAME (s) as it is to be listed on the card:
Address _________________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________________________ Email: ______________________________________
Every Church Year, during the Christmas Season, flowers are ordered to decorate our Church. The
flowers are a monetary contribution to “ Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church” in memory of a loved one,
in honor of someone or for the Glory of God. The Church will purchase the poinsettia and decorations
on your behalf. The names of the donor and those honored or commemorated will be listed in “ The
Annunciator.” These colorful, holiday flowers will be used to decorate the church for the holiday season
and for the holiday services. Help reflect the beauty and the glory of the angels’ message by sending in
your donation to Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church -Christmas Decorations by December 1.
64 Hershey Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603 Phone: 717-394-1735 email; sherry@agochurch.com
City, State, Zip___________________________________________________________________
In Loving Memory of _____________________________________________________________
In honor of _____________________________________________________________________
For the Glory of God _____________________________________________________________