Document 6572855


Document 6572855
If anyone would like to fill a shoebox for
the Operation Christmas Child Appeal,
shoeboxes and leaflets giving all the
instructions and lists of what can and can't
be included can be found in the foyer.
Please bring shoeboxes back to church
anytime and these will be dedicated on Sunday 16th
November before we take them to the collection centre.
Gail and Shirley
Thank you to everyone who supported our fund raising
fair last Saturday. We raised over £500 plus a huge
amount of tinned and packet food.
We recently worked out our running costs. To provide hot
meals each Monday and cold snack on Wednesdays for
100 needy people, and about 70 emergency food bags is
currently costing us £500 plus huge numbers of tins
every month. This means that our effort last Saturday will
keep us going for almost a month.
Quite a few of our community came along to help, just as
they do down at Comfort Zone. It is great that they are
starting to take ownership of their project
The Teddy’s name is JO, and she is in the foyer awaiting
collection by Mrs Frankland who guessed correctly.
Thank you all again for your support. Gwen
Please remember in your prayers the family of Sheila
Sharpe who died on Tuesday and whose funeral is here
on Thursday at 2.00 p.m.
Please continue to pray for David and Peter Taylor.
Hannah’s funeral is at Trinity Methodist Church on
Wednesday 29th October at 12.15 pm.
Focusing on God to grow disciples,
relationships and community
Rev. Stephen Dunn
60 Victoria Road East
Thornton Cleveleys
Telephone: (01253) 855917
Church office telephone: 07967 497 617
Sunday 19th October 2014
9.30 a.m. Rev Stephen Dunn
10.30 a.m. Coffee
11.00 a.m. Rev Stephen Dunn
Holy Communion
7.00 p.m. Monthly intercessory prayer meeting
in the prayer chapel
7.00 p.m. Mettle on the Mezzanine
Please let Lesley Butterworth have your contributions for notices
by Thursday at 5pm. Phone – 821 957 or
Email –
Welcome to all friends and visitors to our worship today.
9.45 a.m.
to 11.30 a.m. YOYO – Parent and Toddler
The Prayer Chapel is available before each act of worship for preservice prayers.
If you require prayer at the end of services please see a member of the
prayer team.
8.00 a.m.
Men’s Breakfast
The church office will be open on Friday from 10.00 am to 12 noon.
1.30 p.m.
2.00 p.m.
to 2.00 pm. The Prayer Chapel is open
for a time of quiet prayer.
Bible Study in the Prayer Chapel
(Contact Brian Robbins – Tel: 873625)
5.15 p.m.
6.15 p.m.
7.00 p.m.
Scruffy Club – a club for school years
reception to year 2. Fun, games and craft.
CCK – Cool Club for Kids for Years 3 – 6
Homegroup at 1a School Road
(Contact – Sylvia Clark –Tel: 857754)
7.30 p.m.
8.00 p.m.
Tues. 2.00 p.m.
7.00 p.m.
7.30 p.m.
Worship Leaders Training Course – Prayer
Poulton Methodist Church Badminton
at TMC and members of TMC welcome to join.
Ladies Fellowship – Quiz - Dingbats
Half Hour Prayer Meeting in Prayer Chapel
Homegroup at 327 Devonshire Road, Blackpool
(Contact – Christine Penson – Tel: 07583 706638)
7.30 p.m.
Homegroup at 33 Leslie Avenue
(Contact – Wendy Reeds – Tel: 07753 414930)
7.30 p.m.
Homegroup in the Prayer Chapel
(Contact – Joyce Wood – Tel 851987)
Wed. 7.30 p.m.
Outrageous Women - foyer
Thurs. 9.30 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
11.00 a.m.
11.00 a.m.
2.00 p.m.
2.00 p.m.
7.15 p.m.
Café open
Midweek Service – Brian Robbins
Choir Practice
Nimble Fingers
Funeral Service for Sheila Sharpe
Boardmates – in the church hall
Alpha Course
Sunday 26th October
9.30 a.m. Deacon Jo Critchley
10.30 a.m. Coffee
11.00 a.m. Rebekah Spinks
7.00 p.m. Mettle on the Mezzanine
Friday 31st October 9.45am-11.30am
Parents & carers are invited to bring along toddlers &
children of all ages for a fun morning: Toys to play with;
Craft to make;
Costs: £2 parent & toddler/child - includes
tea/coffee/juice 50p for each additional child Toast;
Teacakes; Cakes to buy.
The Christmas catalogues are now available for your
perusal. Please could all orders be given to Kay or Colin
by Sunday 2nd November at the latest. Payment by
cash or cheque (made out to the Leprosy Mission.)
Postage is free. Thank you for you continued support.
Kay & Colin.
There will be concert by Carleton Community Choir at
TMC on Friday 14th November at 7.00 pm – An
Autumn Evening of Songs. Entry will be by donation.
Refreshments and raffle.
Join us to share in and celebrate the
work of Operation Christmas Child
on Saturday 15th November from
4.00 to 6.00pm.
Help us fill shoeboxes and enjoy a meal with us – Messy
Church activities for the whole family.
Donations welcome to contribute OCC’s transport costs.
If you would like to help out, please join us for a short
meeting after Church today. Many thanks Sarah
Hopefully an event that will be perfect for both 'cake
bakers' and 'cake eaters' alike!
I am holding a fund raising evening in aid of a
'Compassionate Ministries' project in Africa on Saturday
22nd November. It will be cafe style where you are free
to drop in from 6pm and stay as long as you wish (the
results will be announced close to 9pm)
So for those of you who may have been inspired by
several series of 'The Great British Bake Off' and are
currently mourning its ending why not bake a cake to
enter this 'fun' competition? And those of you whose
only expertise in cakes is eating them why not come
along and judge other people's offerings?
Tickets are £3.00 for adults and £1.50 for children, when
bought in advance, or £3.50 for adults and £2.00 for
children on the evening (an incentive to book early!)
A ticket will entitle you to an evening of tea/coffee and
lots of samples of cakes!! There will also be an
opportunity to purchase cakes to take home. Please
speak to me or text me if wanting a ticket or planning to
enter a cake (there will also be a separate section for
under 16s to enter) Wendy Reeds (07753 414930)
Circuit Prayer & Spirituality day on Saturday 1st
November 12.30pm – 4pm at Poulton Methodist
Church. Edel McLean (Training, Development & Learning
Network) will lead this interactive and useful training
afternoon. Everyone is encouraged to come along to this
event, there be training workshops as well as a chance to
reflect on your own prayer life.
Bring a packed lunch. Refreshments will be provided. A
contribution of £5 per person.
For further information please contact Rev. Paul or
Deacon Jo Critchley: 01253 – 790277.
A reminder there is a box in the foyer for items for
Streetlife. The following items are required.
FOOD: Soup, Beans, Spaghetti, Tea, Coffee, Sugar,
Biscuits, Tin Puddings, Tin Custards, Tin Meat, Tin
Fruit, Tin Vegetables.
TOILETRIES: Soap, Shampoo, Shower gel, Toothpaste,
Tooth brushes, Razors, Hairbrushes, Towels (new or very
CLOTHING: Hats, Gloves, Scarves, Pyjamas,
If you wish to make a cash donation, please give this to
Bill Casson.
The next Vine will contain a section for Christmas
greetings. You can use this to reach all your friends at
Thornton Methodist Church, instead of sending Christmas
cards. If you wish to do this, please hand your written
message, of up to 30 words, along with a donation for
Church funds, to Lesley Butterworth, Jean Casson or
email by Friday 14th