
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
POLLS ARE OPEN 7:00 A.M. – 8:00 P.M.
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6 Candidates for School District Board Member for TWO 6-year terms
TWO 6-year terms
Vote for no more than TWO
9205 Twin Lakes Court
White Lake, MI 48386
Question 1 (150 Words or less):
Please provide biographical information and
explain why you are running for School
Board and relevant qualities and skills you
would bring to the position that you are
running for.
Question 2 (150 Words or less):
What are the top three (3) Priority Issues
facing your school district and what actions
would you take to address them if elected to
the school board?
I was born and raised in Waterford.
Growing up in Waterford I attended
Houghton Elementary, Mason Middle and
Kettering High School. After attending
Michigan State University and getting my
teaching degree I moved back to my home –
WATERFORD! I have worked for 23 years
in the Waterford School District as both an
elementary school teacher (7 years) and
principal (16 years). With 23 years of
educational experience I believe I can offer
the school board a lot of insight on how we
can improve our achievement scores. I care
very deeply about the success of the
Waterford School District. I think our
community will only be as good as our
schools. The Waterford School District has
a very talented and dedicated group of
teachers, principals, coaches and parent
Academic achievement: We need to
improve test scores. I believe this is a key
reason that Waterford has declining student
enrollment. Improved test scores can be
achieved with a curriculum director that has
a vision and can inspire and lead our great
teachers and principals.
Copyright League of Women Voters Oakland Area 2014
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Financial stability: We need to get our
financial house in order. Recent school
closings are a major distraction to student
learning. There needs to be more honest
and open discussion about our financial
problems. All too often financial matters
are presented at school board meetings
when they reach crisis status. There needs
to be more publicly shared upfront planning.
Transparency: Board meetings should be
the time for open discussions of issues.
Board packets should be published days
before the meetings rather than hours
before. Staff and community should be able
to shape decisions. Currently, the Central
Office is the sole decision maker.
Published by the League of Women Voters Education Fund
TWO 6-year terms
Vote for no more than TWO
9205 Twin Lakes Court
White Lake, MI 48386
Question 1 (150 Words or less):
Please provide biographical information and
explain why you are running for School
Board and relevant qualities and skills you
would bring to the position that you are
running for.
Question 2 (150 Words or less):
What are the top three (3) Priority Issues
facing your school district and what actions
would you take to address them if elected to
the school board?
I have lived in the Waterford School District
for more than 20 years. I moved to this
community after I graduated from Western
Michigan University and married my wife,
Mary Barghahn, who grew up in Waterford.
We have two children that attend the
Waterford Schools. Our son Cameron is a
junior at Kettering High School. Our
daughter Claire attends Pierce Middle
School. The main reason that I am running
for school board is due to the serious
financial condition the district is in. I work
as a Sales Account Manager for an
automotive supplier with several
manufacturing plants in southeast Michigan.
I believe my working experience dealing
with financial issues would be an asset to
the Waterford School Board.
1) Financial status: We need to improve
the finances of the Waterford School
District. We need better upfront
planning in regards to our budgets.
Waterford closed three elementary
schools last year and did so without
allowing enough time for proper
community discourse. People
understand that unfortunately sometimes
it is necessary to close schools but the
way the superintendent and his
administration dealt with the community
on this was just plain wrong.
2) Academic achievement: We need to
improve our test scores. This starts with
a central office administration that
acknowledges there is a problem.
3) Declining student enrollment is a major
problem for our school district.
In my opinion all three of these issues are
tied together. It all starts with improving
our achievement scores. Until this happens
I believe it will be very difficult to increase
enrollment. Until we increase enrollment
we will continue to face financial
4031 Gleason Road
Waterford, MI 48329
Copyright League of Women Voters Oakland Area 2014
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Published by the League of Women Voters Education Fund
TWO 6-year terms
Vote for no more than TWO
2734 Moosewood Drive
Waterford, MI 48329
Question 1 (150 Words or less):
Please provide biographical information and
explain why you are running for School
Board and relevant qualities and skills you
would bring to the position that you are
running for.
Question 2 (150 Words or less):
What are the top three (3) Priority Issues
facing your school district and what actions
would you take to address them if elected to
the school board?
David Downing, a 12 year Waterford
Township resident, lives with his wife
Sandy and daughter who attends Waterford
Schools and is in the 11th grade. He has a
bachelor’s degree in business
administration, works at Canterbury on-theLake as an information technology
specialist, and retired from the State of
Michigan with thirty years’ service in
various agencies. A retiree member of
UAW Local 6000, he has served on the
board of directors of the Drayton Plains
Nature Center, and is currently a member of
the board of directors of the Hills of
Waterford homeowners’ association. He and
his wife are the treasurers for the Waterford
Kettering Band Boosters.
Talking with parents, achievement/test
scores are a great concern. As a parent, I
know that Waterford Schools can do better
in this regard. It is the board’s responsibility
to ensure that teachers and staff are enabled
to seek out and implement best practices for
learning, giving all a better education.
I believe in quality public education for
current and future students of the Waterford
School District. Acting as individuals, board
members can accomplish nothing. However,
working together as a team, we can do great
things for our students and our wonderful
Waterford community.
Copyright League of Women Voters Oakland Area 2014
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Waterford Schools continue to face serious
budget challenges. Voters have recognized
the importance of funding capital and
technology improvements that will maintain
and improve our school facilities. It is the
School Board’s job to ensure that Waterford
Schools continue to handle its finances with
the same care we use with our own money.
Declining enrollments are a fact of life for
most school districts. Charter schools have
changed the educational marketplace,
providing additional choices for parents
who search for quality educational
opportunities. Waterford Schools must be
able to offer superior academics and
activities, making it the clear “school of
Published by the League of Women Voters Education Fund
TWO 6-year terms
Vote for no more than TWO
2851 Onagon Trail
Waterford, MI 48328
Question 1 (150 Words or less):
Please provide biographical information and
explain why you are running for School
Board and relevant qualities and skills you
would bring to the position that you are
running for.
Question 2 (150 Words or less):
What are the top three (3) Priority Issues
facing your school district and what actions
would you take to address them if elected to
the school board?
A 39-year Waterford resident, Halls
attended Sandburg, Crary and Waterford
Township HS until its repurposing,
graduating from Mott in 1984. Her father,
Gerald Spry, was Director of Bands at
Township and Mott. Halls has a BA in
Communications from Michigan State
University. She and husband Brad have two
children in the district (2014 graduate and a
senior). As Executive Director for the
Waterford Coalition for Youth, she works
with the community to reduce substance
abuse and high risk behaviors in youth.
Halls recently began her fifth year as
Kettering band booster president and has
been a PTSA member in the district for 14
years. Elected to the School Board in 2008,
Halls is serving in her third year as board
secretary. “My responsibilities to families
and citizens in this community are a
privilege and I continue working
collaboratively to ensure Waterford is
providing the best education possible for all
Our team of outstanding administrators and
staff are never satisfied standing still,
working consistently to progress with new
evaluation tools, professional learning
communities and technology advancements.
We must hold true to our commitment to
inspire, educate, and empowerall levels of
learners for their future.
Copyright League of Women Voters Oakland Area 2014
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Waterford isn’t unique in working to do
more with less. When reductions are
necessary, at the heart of every decision is
the goal to keep the impact as far from the
classroom and student learning as possible.
This process brings the expertise and
creativity of many to the table to ensure all
possibilities are considered.
Declining Enrollment:
The economy is one factor affecting
enrollment. We continue developing
innovative ways to educate and engage all
families in the positive opportunities
available here in the WSD. It’s our
responsibility to continue advancing to fit
the needs of all students entrusted to us for
quality education.
Published by the League of Women Voters Education Fund
TWO 6-year terms
Vote for no more than TWO
567 Crescent Lake Road
Waterford, MI 48327
Question 1 (150 Words or less):
Please provide biographical information and
explain why you are running for School
Board and relevant qualities and skills you
would bring to the position that you are
running for.
Question 2 (150 Words or less):
What are the top three (3) Priority Issues
facing your school district and what actions
would you take to address them if elected to
the school board?
I have been a resident of Waterford for ten
years. I have a Masters of Public
Administration from the University of
Michigan and Bachelors of Political Science
from Oakland University. Currently I work
in criminal justice administration, teach as
an Adjunct-Professor at Oakland
Community College and formerly worked
on education policy on Capitol Hill.
I have served as a Trustee with the
Waterford Township Library Board, am a
past board member with the Youth
Assistance and Community Mental Health
We need to strengthen achievement scores
and college readiness. I would collectively
work with board members and the
superintendent to find concrete and
achievable solutions.
I want to make Waterford Schools a premier
district. I would like to help strengthen our
achievement scores and build a curriculum
that will allow more innovative academic
My background in administration will serve
the board well. Throughout my service, I
have made decisions on multi-million dollar
contracts. Additionally, I have been on the
front lines of teaching as an educator at a
publicly funded institution.
I’ll strive to increase student enrollment.
The state of Michigan was the only state to
lose population in 2010. Waterford Schools
are feeling the effects and it’s hurting us
fiscally. As a board member I would
advocate for new innovative ways to make
the district the most desirable for families.
We must also expand our academics.
Students are not always provided the option
to obtain a full breadth of learning on a
deeper scale. As a board member I would
advocate for the creation of a full
International Baccalaureate Program (IB) in
district. IB provides a level of education that
encourages independent thinking students
that are risk takers and problem solvers.
College readiness rates for IB students in
some districts are in the 100th percentile.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan national organization whose purpose is to promote political responsibility through
informed and active participation of citizens in government. The League never supports or opposes any candidate or political
party. Candidate responses are included as submitted and have not been edited except in cases where the replies have exceeded
the stated word limitations.
Spelling and Grammar were not corrected.
The inclusion of candidates’ statements and
opinions is solely in the interest of public service and in no way is to be construed as an endorsement by the League of Women
Voters which takes no responsibility for any views or facts stated by the candidates.
Copyright League of Women Voters Oakland Area 2014
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Published by the League of Women Voters Education Fund