Document 6574593
Document 6574593
ST PETER’S CATHEDRAL PO Box 749 ARMIDALE 2350 Office open Mon – Fri (9.00 am - 12.30 pm) Our Aim: “To know Christ and to make Him known” Phone: (02) 6772 2269 Fax: (02) 6772 0188 E-mail: S UNDAY S IGN St Nicholas’, Saumarez Ponds Sesquicentenary Sunday, 26th October, 2014 Trinity Sunday 19 / Ordinary Sunday 30 CATHEDRAL SERVICES ‘The Mystery of Prayer’ Philippians 4: 4 – 7 (pg 955 ‒ NRSV) Luke 18: 1 – 14 (pg 853 ‒ NRSV) 7.30 am Cathedral – Holy Communion – Preach: Rev Peter Smart Lead: Peter Hutchinson 9.30 am Cathedral – Holy Communion – Preach: Rev Peter Smart (with Crèche & Kidschurch) Lead: Matthew Tierney Philippians 4: 4 – 7 (pg 832 ‒ NIV) Luke 18: 1 – 14 (pg 742 ‒ NIV) 6.00 pm Parish Centre – Evening Service – Preach: Rev Peter Smart Lead: Alan Hardy SERVICES IN OTHER CENTRES 8.00 am St Mary’s, West Armidale – Holy Communion – Rev Simon Reeve 10.00 am All Saints’, Thalgarrah – Holy Communion – Rev Simon Reeve 3.00 pm St Nicholas’, Saumarez Ponds – Sesquicentenary – Right Rev Rick Lewers Lead: Rev Simon Reeve ~ Message from Reverend Peter Smart ~ Dear Friends, The apartment that Elizabeth and I lived in while we were in Jordan overlooked a pile of stones that had been an Ammonite watch-tower from c.1000 BC. When you looked to the right you saw the Reuters News Office on the other side of the road! From the kitchen window a well built-out valley in which there were at least two mosques. The call to prayer echoed up from the valley several times a day. It was a good reminder of the privilege of prayer given to us by a loving, caring heavenly Father. The New Testament has a number of encouragements to pray and we also have Jesus’ example and pattern of prayer which we all know and pray when we meet. ‘Our Father’ is perhaps the key to unlock the meaning of prayer which is an expression of relationship and a clue to the purpose of prayer; we are meant to be participating in a wonderful and personal fellowship with a heavenly Father – God of the universe! A privilege not to be neglected. God bless us this week as we walk and talk with Him. Peter Smart ~ Notices & Requests ~ Meetings in November: Property & Maintenance: Monday, 10th November at 4.00 pm in MR1. Finance: Wednesdsay, 12th November at 5.15 pm in MR1. Parish Council: 18th November at 7.30 pm in MR1. Courthouse Coffee: Monday, 27th October – Jean Brennan, Eileen Brennan (CWL) Monday Manna: Christianity Explored continues for 2 more weeks, Monday, 27th October from 5.30 – 6.30 pm in MR1. Safe Ministry Training Essentials (for those who have never done any Safe Ministry training) Monday 27th Oct Part A 7.00 – 9.00 pm cost $5 Monday 3rd Nov Part B 7.00 – 9.00 pm cost $5 Refresher (for those who need to update ie, did Safe Ministry 3 years ago) Monday 17th Nov 7.00 - 9.30 pm cost $5 Please let the Parish Office know if you will be attending – 6772 2269. We need your photos! Do you have any photos of the Williams’ during their 13 years of ministry at the Cathedral? Please send digital prints to or hardcopies can be delivered to the Cathedral office for scanning. Any questions, please see Alison Reeve. Armidale Inter-Church Women’s World Community Day Service will be held at the Uniting Church on Friday, 31st October at 10.00 am. Speaker will be Mrs Betty Pearson, giving an address entitled “Building with Godly Wisdom”. Morning tea to follow. All welcome. St Peter’s Bells 18th Anniversary: Today marks the 18th anniversary of the installation and dedication of the eight change ringing bells in the tower at St Peter’s. Extra ringing took place yesterday, and apart from regular service ringing, a special ‘quarter peal’ is planned between 11.00 am and 12.00 noon today. We warmly welcome visiting ringers from Sydney and Brisbane. Simon McMillan, Tower Captain. Journey to Turkey and Greece with Paul and Anita Barnett: 26 March – 18 April 2015, “Walking in the steps of Paul and John”. For information contact Colin and Sue Law (who are going) 6772 0245 or Olive Tree Travel 1300 55 08 30. Any takers would need to decide quickly. Dean’s Farewell – sign-up sheets are available to indicate if you will be attending the combined Parish service and luncheon on Sunday, 9 th November at 9.30 am. Dean’s Farewell & Lunch: We are hoping to out-source the catering for this lunch so that parishioners are freed to attend the Communion Service and enjoy the occasion. However, it would be most helpful to have some volunteers to bake gluten-free quiches or frittatas for those with dietary needs. Some slices, brought on serving plates and placed on tables after lunch, would also be appreciated. Please advise the Parish Office if you can help. The speeches will be held outside the Cathedral and it is suggested that you might like to bring along a hat and folding chair or rug to sit on. There will be limited seating available for those who need it. Churchwardens Women's Gingerbread House: Please come along to our Women's Gingerbread House Afternoon on Saturday, 22 nd November at 2.00 pm. This year it will cost $28 for a kit and money needs to be paid to confirm your place. Please take an invite as this is a great event to bring your friends to, as there will be a short Christmas message. Tickets on sale now – See Alison Reeve 6772 8783. Wanted: is there anyone interested in providing a transcribing service for oral interviews? Please contact Suzanne on 6772 7175 if you can assist, as it is becoming urgent. ST PETER’S GARDEN WEEKEND REQUESTS: Once again we are appealing for helpers to decorate the Cathedral for the St Peter’s Garden Weekend. We will be doing this on Friday morning, 31st October 2014 from 8.00 a.m. If you enjoy working with flowers do come and join us. It is a lovely, relaxing morning and we all offer encouragement to one another as we do the arrangements. As you would be aware, there are many to do, so any help is greatly appreciated. We also need people to polish the brass vases and plaques. We would also appreciate donations of flowers and greenery from your gardens. This helps to keep the costs down as flowers become more expensive. If you are able to help in any way, please phone Ros Townsend (6772 6015) or Joan Monty (6772 7049). The Garden Weekend is nearly here and there are a few housekeeping matters to attend to: Firstly, if you have items for the Plant Stall the delivery time is 4.00pm on Friday, 31st October at 151 Mann Street where Rob and Isabel Pollard will be collecting things from you; Secondly, cake, biscuits, slices (including gluten free) and produce items can be delivered to the Parish Centre on Saturday 1 st November from 8.30 am onwards. If your donation is not perishable the Parish Hall will be open on Friday, 31st October; Next, Craft items can be left any time from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm on Friday, 31st October so that Chris Pratt will be able to price the given items; and, Books can be left any time from now on at the Parish Centre where Jonathan will handle their organisation. We need to have more donations of sandwiches for the lunches on Sunday, 2nd November. If you can make a loaf of bread into uncut, gourmet sandwiches for that Sunday, can you please let Elizabeth know on 6772 6579. Thank you to everyone for your generosity and we are looking forward to a very happy and successful weekend. Elizabeth Robins (Chairperson) Centenary Celebration: A service to celebrate the Centenary of the Armidale Diocese will be held on Saturday, 8th November from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm at Lazenby Hall at the University of New England. This service will be followed by a luncheon in the grounds. To assist with the catering, would you please put your name down on the sign-up sheets available at the various Parish services to indicate that you will be attending. ~ Summary of Important Events ~ (please put them in your diary and pray for them) Sunday, 26th October 3.00 pm: Sesquicentenary Celebrations at St Nicholas’. Monday, 27th October 5.30 – 6.30 pm: Monday Manna Christianity Explored 7.00 – 9.00 pm: Safe Ministry Training – Part A – Parish Centre. Saturday 1st & Sunday 2nd St Peter’s Armidale Gardens Weekend. November 5.00 pm, Sunday: Evensong. Monday, 3rd November 5.30 – 6.30 pm: Monday Manna Christianity Explored 7.00 – 9.00 pm: Safe Ministry Training – Part B – Parish Centre. Saturday, 8th November 11.00 am – 12.30 pm: Anglican Diocese of Armidale Centenary Celebrations at Lazenby Hall, UNE. Sunday, 9th November 9.30 am: The Dean’s Last Service & Farewell Lunch. Sunday, 16th November 9.30 am: Confirmation Service. Saturday, 22nd November 2.00 pm: Women’s Gingerbread House. ~ St Mary’s News ~ There will be a service of Holy Communion at 6.00 pm on Tuesday next (28th October) to commemorate St Simon and St Jude, Apostles and Martyrs. The celebrant will be the Rev Jim Caley. Next Sunday (2nd November) All Saints will be commemorated at the 8.00 am service. Next Sunday there will be a collection of food items, such as long-life milk, packets of weet-bix, etc., tins of meat, vegetables, fruit, soup, baked beans, etc. (preferably with lift-off lids) as well as tea and coffee, for the Uniting Church and its outreach to needy people. Next Sunday also there will be a trading table after the 8.00 am service. All proceeds will be used for social concerns and community outreach purposes. And, of course, next Saturday and Sunday, St Mary’s Church, Hall and grounds will be open to everyone enjoying St Peter’s Garden Weekend. The grounds can speak for themselves but particular mention is made of the exhibition in the Church of the work of Jan Clark, Textile Artist. There will also be displays in the Hall of the early days of St Mary’s and the Sunday School. ~ Mission News ~ Thank you everyone who contributed to the success of the Fellowship’s Book Sale yesterday morning – those who donated books, those who set up the Hall, sorted and priced the books, came and bought books. Left over books are being sold at half-price for a short time after the 8.00 am service today. After that, the remaining books will be offered to the St Peter’s Garden Weekend book stall. Next Sunday, the Fellowship will be able to report how much money was raised. So, Book Lovers, let’s close with a short quote, ‘Books are the carriers of civilization’ (Barbara Tuchman, American historian). ABM Christmas cards are now available at the Parish Office (week mornings only) and at St Mary’s on Sunday mornings. There are two designs in packets of ten and cost $10 per packet. ~ Prayers ~ “Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his presence continually.” (Psalm 105: 3 – 4 ) THE THIRTIETH ORDINARY SUNDAY Almighty and eternal God, grant that we may grow in faith, hope, and love: and that we may obtain what you promised, make us love what you command; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Pray for the successful organisation and preparation for this year’s St Peter’s Garden Weekend. Pray for follow-up rain in the weeks to come. Give thanks to God for the opportunity in NSW Public Schools to teach Special Religious Education; give thanks for around 10,000 Christian volunteers who seek to teach about the Lord Jesus all around the State. Pray that God might continue to work in the lives of the young people in our schools. Pray for the all those affected by the worsening Ebola crisis, that combined international efforts will work uniformly to contain and control the spread of this disease. Pray also for those grieving the loss of family members, particularly throughout West Africa. Pray for members and friends of our parish serving God elsewhere: Secure Workers with CMS Malcolm and Charissa Forrest (CMS in Amman) Gillian Law (CMS in Italy) Keith and Mary Lou Doe (CMS preparation to go to Nepal) Chris Campbell (home from SIM in Niger) David and Alisan Greeff (CMS in Namibia) Carissa Hutchinson (India) ( Glen and Annette Simpkins (Scripture Union in the Northern Territory) Nick and Caroline Stone (in training at SMBC) Brent and Elizabeth Weightman (Bingara) Peter Curtis (Chaplain, Gunnedah High School) Tim and Sophie Pullar (home from OM in Paris) Please pray for those who are ill and those who care for them: Kylie Alcorn Lola Baker Betty Chiswell Helen Dangar Dick Franklin Joyce Gow Allan Hatte Enid Isaacs Annie Lamble Rick Lewers Raphael Martin Ann Munday John Sinden Creena Waters Stan Williams Please pray for those who are grieving, remembering especially the family and friends of: Don Roberts Katie Mitchell Lola Taylor Cal Birtles Kevin Creagan Jean Stewart Priscilla Mamer’s brother Jean Peatfield Mona Ward Allan Edmunds Reynold Mullen Ann Lemcke Bruce Goldsmith Neil Lomas Peter Chiswell Betty Jenkins Barbara (Babs) Field Bryan Pape Karen Bannon Dal Fayle June Jackson Edgar Bradley (It is our custom to keep names in this section for a year following their deaths, unless otherwise requested by family members.) SERVICES NEXT WEEK Tues 28th Oct 6.00 pm – St Mary’s, WA – Holy Communion – Rev Jim Caley Wed 29th Oct 10.00 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – Rev Simon Reeve 11.00 am – Ningana – Rev Simon Reeve Sun 2nd Nov Trinity 20/OS 31 (G) – ‘Consider the Lilies’ 7.30 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – Rev P Smart 8.00 am – St Mary’s, WA – Holy Communion – Rev C Ainsworth 9.30 am – Cathedral – Morning Prayer – Rev P Smart 10.30 am – St Nicholas’, Saumarez Ponds – Rev C Ainsworth 5.00 pm – Cathedral – Choral Evensong – Rev P Smart 6.00 pm – Parish Centre – Evening Service – A Hardy BIBLE READINGS for the Cathedral – Sunday, 2nd November, 2014. Morning Services: Isaiah 40: 25 – 31 Matthew 6: 25 - 34 7.30 am R Smith C Pratt 9.30 am R Crosslé Ron Perry Evening Service: 6.00 pm D Brunckhorst S Brunckhorst Grounds Roster for w/e 1st November: A Harper, W Towner. All notices for the SUNDAY SIGN (in writing or via e-mail) to be in the Parish Office no later than 12.30 pm, Tuesday. Thank you. DID YOU KNOW? … that each week the Sunday Sign is placed on St Peter’s website ( on Thursday afternoon; and that last week’s Sunday Sign is also there, under “Notices”. Notes ~ ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………… ~