Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Stewardship Commitment Sunday October 26, 2014, 10:00 AM
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Stewardship Commitment Sunday October 26, 2014, 10:00 AM
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost Reading of God’s Word Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18 (page 93, LP page 184) Matthew 22:34-46 (page 804, LP page 1535) Stewardship Commitment Sunday October 26, 2014, 10:00 AM *Hymn 645 Watchword of the Week: You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy. Leviticus 19:2 Prelude Proclamation Adult Handbell Choir Welcome and Announcements Moment for Stewardship Rev. Scott Venable Rev. Chris Weber NETTLETON Presentation of Stewardship Commitments (As the music plays, we are invited to place our commitment cards in the baskets at the front or back of the Sanctuary as an act of dedication to Christ and His church.) Take My Life That It May Be *Benediction *Postlude (Following the Liturgy, please greet those around you in the Name of Christ.) To God Be the Glory Arr. Birchwood Please sign the Friendship Register at the end of your row and pass it down. If you would like information about our activities or becoming a member of Fairview, please indicate your wish in the appropriate space. Giving of Tithes and Offerings to the Lord Prayer of Dedication Anthem A Holy Sacrifice Choplin O Lord who are we to stand before You? Who are we to come before Your mighty throne? For Lord, You are so perfect and so holy, we could never come in our strength alone. As we come to worship You as You call Your church to do, we bring to You our humble gifts of praise. If we offer You our best, we know that You will bless and make our gifts a holy sacrifice. May the offering of our lives be a holy sacrifice to You. Wash them clean, make them true, let them be a holy sacrifice to You. If we could spend our earthly days singing lofty songs of praise, yet no music would be worthy of Your throne. But if our gifts are from the heart, then Your spirit does its part to make them a holy sacrifice. Children three years old and under may go to the Nursery. *Please stand. The Chancel Flowers are given by Judy and Jerry Byerly in honor of Jennifer and David Church and the Fairview Youth Fellowship. Congratulations to Emily Rascoe and Jason Deane who were united in marriage on Saturday, September 27th, in Banner Elk. The congregation was saddened by the passing of one of our Fairview Friends, Jane Crutchfield, on Monday, October 20th. We express our sympathy of her son, Vic, and to the Crutchfield family. Stewards of Service This Week: “A Holy Sacrifice,” Words and Music by Pepper Choplin ©2000 GlorySound CCLI License #751334 Ushers: Hewitt Gilbert, Gary Harrold, Harry Sapp, Bill Shields Greeters: Ken and Nancy Tomberlin Worship Nursery: Peggy Hoyle Doxology Message 2 Corinthians 8:1-7 (page 941, LP page 1801) *Hymn 610 *Liturgy of Stewardship, Page 154 Children’s Rev. Venable The Christian Steward’s Lifestyle McChesney Long Ago You Taught Your People A Charge to Keep I Have Message Prayers of the People/Pastoral Prayer Call to Worship Pat Sapp Kathy King CALENDAR: OCTOBER 26 – NOVEMBER 2, 2014 Today Monday 10:00 AM 11:30 AM 4:30 PM 10:30 AM Stewardship Commitment Sunday Catered Celebration Luncheon Band Practice (Blum Chapel) Women’s Fellowship Executive Board Mtg. (Conference Room) 5:30 PM Wednesday 12:00 PM 5:45 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM Saturday 4:00 PM Sunday 2:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:10 AM 4:30 PM Christian Education Committee (Conference Room) Lunch & Bible Study (Fellowship Hall) Handbells (Handbell Room) Bible Study (Conference Room) Choir Practice (Sanctuary) Bus takes Country Village Apt. Residents to Shepherd’s Center Meal at Home Moravian Daylight Saving Time Ends Worship Sunday School Band Practice (Blum Chapel) _______________________________________________________________ Staff & Ministry Areas of Fairview Office Phone: 768-5629; Kitchen Phone: 768-1958; Fax: 768-5637 E-mail: Website: Office Hours: Monday–Thursday, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM; Friday, 9:00 AM–Noon Rev. Scott Venable, Pastor Lewis Phillips, Music Director/Pastoral Assistant Janet Robbins, Administrative Assistant Dena Todd, Treasurer Amy Mendenhall, Vice-Chair, Elders Robert Rascoe, Chair, Trustees Robah Ogburn, Band Director Everyone is invited to be involved in each of the ministry areas of the congregation. If you have questions about becoming a participant in our music ministry, children’s ministry, Sunday School, outreach projects or mission efforts, please speak to an usher. If you are in need of pastoral assistance, you are invited to contact the Church Office. You may also call Rev. Scott Venable at 659-4586 or Lewis Phillips at 751-4264.