The Uganecz Flyer October 2014


The Uganecz Flyer October 2014
The Uganecz Flyer
October 2014
After months of waiting, we have finally arrived in Papua, Indonesia!
The sound of children playing, whistles
blowing, traffic honking, and mosques
calling sneak through our single pane
windows. Poverty, stares, and sweat
are common again.
Makenna remembers the distinct taste
of Milo chocolate milk. Paeton says he
likes the dirt around. Tehya says she’s
home. Chris’ eyes sparkle.
For me, it is all new again. And yet it’s
normal too. This is where I raised my
babies. This is where I was stripped of
comfort 10 years ago and then learned
the comfort of Jesus. This is where we
have been called.
It is good to be here again.
We are very blessed to live on the MAF
base, just across the street from the
MAF hangar. Chris has begun helping
as Base Manager, but is still waiting for
a Work Visa to fly here. Please pray
that this Visa will be issued soon and
also for wisdom in his new role.
The kids attend Hillcrest International
School, which is a short drive from our
home. Tehya is already involved in volleyball and band, Paeton enjoys Science
and running, Makenna is doing very
well adjusting to very full days of
school. Please pray for the children as
they continue to settle here.
There is an open door for Jules to distribute the Sunday School materials
that she drew while we lived in Kalimantan. Please pray for the LORD to
guide and bless this project.
We have a couple of very cute 4 week
old kittens that needed rescuing from
an attic. Did I say cute?!?
First day of school. The school bus is called an Elf!
Ha! A blue elf!
We have just started a bathroom project, adding a master
bathroom onto a MAF staff
house where the whole family
has been using one bathroom.
This will be nice for them to return to as the family is in Canada for a few weeks, grieving a
mother/grandmother who has
just passed away. We pray it
will be a blessing for them.
May the Lord bless and keep you. Please pray
that we would be mightily used of the Lord here
in Papua and that He would give us strength as
we get to know people.
Thank you for praying and giving to this MAF Ministry!
Chris, Julene, Tehya, Paeton & Makenna
Mission Aviation Fellowship Canada
264 Woodlawn Rd W
Guelph ON N1H 1B6