Lighthouse Reports 2013-2014 Annual Development Report


Lighthouse Reports 2013-2014 Annual Development Report
2013-2014 Annual Development Report
Dear Friends,
Imagine a journey through time to the Lighthouse
Christian School of the future. Can you envision what our
school will be five, 10 or 20 years down the road? Think
about the thousands of children who will be blessed
as students over that time. Consider the lives that will
be eternally changed through a leading-edge, private
education at a school where the name of Jesus Christ is
clearly proclaimed as Lord!
That future vision is beginning to take shape and already
stands upon a strong foundation at Lighthouse today.
Thanks to the Lord’s provision and the dedication of faithful
donors, we are blessing the 345 students who proudly called
themselves Lighthouse Navigators this year, as well as future
generations of Navigators years before they set foot on
campus. You play a vital role in this endeavor, and on behalf
of the Board of Directors I offer you this message of deep
gratitude for joining us on this important journey.
As with any journey, it’s good to pause for a moment and
look back on the visible portions of the road traveled, to
gain perspective and a sense of accomplishment, and I want
to highlight some of the progress we’ve made over the past
12 months.
Multi year giving through our Legacy Builders program
totaled $343,887 in 2013-14, adding 10 new Legacy Builder
families to our ranks for this important program. These
funds enable us to budget more effectively, invest in our
program, and ensure that our tuition assistance program
remains robust – bringing in students and revenues that
otherwise we would not have. In addition, you contributed
a combined $240,452 through the auction, annual fund
and designated gifts last year – funds that will be used to
offset operating expenses and invest in enhancements to
our technology initiative and the new iMac mobile lab.
Although we are moving in the right direction
financially, our focus continues to be on supporting our
outstanding faculty and staff, building our program,
and reducing our $2.7 million building debt which runs
$180,000 per year. By March of 2016 (3:16) our desire is to
dramatically reduce – or better yet eliminate – the debt.
Please join me in praying for that!
I hope you’ll enjoy this year’s Annual Development
Report, and I want to again offer my sincere thanks for your
partnership. I appreciate all you do, and I pray that you will
continue to join Lighthouse Christian School as it moves
toward what is clearly a very bright future.
Mark Soupiset, Chairman
Lighthouse Christian School
Board of Directors
Beyond Tuition- funding the LCS Program
Fundraising Totals 2013-2014
Annual Fund
Stewardship &
Generous Hearts
Year ended June 30, 2014. Unaudited - Cash Basis
Revenue vs. Expenses 2013-2014
Tuition is intentionally set to make Lighthouse Christian
School accessible for a broad range of families and covers
nearly 85% of the Lighthouse operating budget. This
results in a typical gap of 15% between tuition revenue
and the actual cost of educating a child at Lighthouse.
This remaining gap is serviced through our fundraising
Thanks to generous hearts and broad-based
participation, the model works well at Lighthouse,
promoting stewardship and making the school accessible
for more families. Without the benefit of state and federal
funding, we rely on the financial support of parents,
faculty, and friends to enhance curriculum and facilities. To
do this each year, we ask all of our families to prayerfully
consider participating in ways that are fitting for them.
There are several ways families can help to support the
Lighthouse Mission:
• Legacy Builders
• Annual Dinner and Auction held each spring
• Annual Fund “Quest for Excellence”
Each student at Lighthouse Christian School benefits
from the vision and generosity of many dedicated parents
and supporters. Every gift - large or small - makes a major
difference. Thank you for your support and confidence in
us as a school. Your giving makes an incredible difference
to the students and faculty at Lighthouse Christian today
and in the future. As a 501c(3) organization, gifts to
Lighthouse are tax deductible as allowable by law.
Year ended June 30, 2014. Unaudited - Cash Basis
Spending 2013-2014
2% 2%
Human Res
Facility & G
Human Resources Operaona
Facility & Grounds Student Pro
Human Resources
Administrave Expenses
Facility & Grounds
Informaon Technology
Human Resources
Administrave Expenses
Instruconal Supplies
Facility & Grounds
Informaon Technology
Operaonal Supplies
Administrave Expenses
Instruconal Supplies
Student Programs
ended June 30,
2014. Unaudited
Instruconal Supplies
Student Programs
- Cash Basis
Strategic Plan: 2013-2023
Strategic planning: Year one
The desired fruit of the Strategic Planning process is to see our graduates, year
after year, leave Lighthouse well-prepared for the future, having achieved their
academic potential, developed servant hearts to help in the local and global
community, and cemented strong personal relationships with Jesus. Following
is year one of our progress along the path:
OBJECTIVE 1: Student exhibits personal Commitment to Christ
• Revised the admission process to build parental commitment to Christ at the
center through the administrative interview process and focus on LCS core
values and mission.
• Implemented a Christian counseling program
• Introduced the mentorship program in Middle School – adopting a small group
format with adult mentors and Middle School students.
OBJECTIVE 3: Students’ learning needs will be met Implemented standardized formative assessment tool (AIMSWEB) as a gauge for
determining student baseline and progress throughout the year.
OBJECTIVE 3A: Technology integrated throughout school
• Fourth and Fifth grade teachers, along with Middle School core subject
teachers, have all received iPads and implementation training
• E-curriculum has been evaluated and purchased for Middle School
• Beyond Technology Education continues under the guidance of Lisa Creekmore
OBJECTIVE 4: Engaging extra-curricular programs
• A team has been created to identify “holes” in LCS extracurricular program and
prepare a plan for enhancement during the 2014-15 school year.
• After school care will have a new look and feel
OBJECTIVE 4A: Develop a facility plan
• After studying other entities’ facility plans the wheels are in motion for
an overall campus Master Facility Plan to help efficiently plan for the
• SchoolDude software has been implemented to manage our maintenance and
facility usage
OBJECTIVE 5: Grow to full enrollment
The new Admissions position now includes a marketing emphasis and enhanced
communication with local pre-schools.
OBJECTIVE 5A: Financial Stability
Driven by the Strategic Plan and the Master Facility Plan, the Development
department is working on a major gifts emphasis, helping LCS to achieve the
goals set out in the long range plan and meeting growing needs.
New parent orientation also now includes small group meetings which share the
heart of the Lighthouse mission, history, the role of volunteers and the need for
fundraising to help fill the gap between operating costs and tuition.
New Mobile Lab
Computers for
2014-15 Year
While the existing mobile lab
has served LCS well during
the past 7 years, constantly
changing technology and
system requirements to run new
software and manage multiple
users effectively necessitated the
upgrade to the new MacBook
Air laptops. Thanks to generous
donors at last year’s Garden Gala
auction, the 24 new mobile lab
computers and the new e-catalog
for our library are now a reality for
the 2014-15 school year.
The new lab gives us greater
opportunities for students in
elementary grades to do “high
end” media projects while
also providing flexibility in
scheduling our Middle School
electives which require faster
OBJECTIVE 2: Employees fully engaged
• Developed an engagement survey to determine a baseline, set a goal for
compensation and benefits and establish priorities moving forward.
• Enhanced focus on: Commitment, Collaboration and Competence as a means
of evaluating staff.
Stephen Roddy
Director of Education
“ alumni Spotlight
Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds
Each year we hear exciting things about what our alumni are up to…We reached out to the 30 members of the
LCS class of 2010. This is what we heard from those who shared their plans with us - it is exciting to see where
God is leading them.
Alivia Brown is the two-time state girls’ 4A golf champion. Alivia received a scholarship
from Washington State University to play on the Women’s Golf team where she will be
studying Pre-Med in the fall. She attended Bellarmine Prep.
Alivia Brown
Joe Bundick graduated from Gig Harbor High School. He was also a DECA state competitor
and played varsity baseball. Joe is also an accomplished athletics official in basketball,
baseball, soccer and lacrosse. Joe plans to attend the University of Washington this fall to
study Mechanical Engineering. Favorite LCS Memory: “Either playing 4th grade vs. 5th grade
football games at recess or the Washington DC trip…where I truly had the time of my life.”
Alec Foege graduated from Bellarmine Prep where he also played varsity basketball. He
will attend Boise State University to study Entrepreneurship. Favorite LCS Memory: The 8th
grade Washington DC trip.
Rachel Geringer - A graduate of Gig Harbor High School and the Tacoma Community
College Running Start program, Rachel graduated with a 4.0 and her Associates Degree
from TCC. She served as captain of the girls golf team both Junior and Senior years at GHHS
and went to State this year. Rachel is attending the University of Washington, Seattle, this
fall. She will major in Communications and also complete courses necessary to participate
in the Master’s in Teaching program for an endorsement in secondary social studies.
Favorite LCS Memory: The 8th grade Washington DC trip and field days.
Rachel Geringer
Chad Glover graduated from Gig Harbor High School where he was the captain of the
Boys’ Basketball team for two years and was also a 2-year letterman in both basketball and
baseball. During his time at GHHS he earned a 3.91 GPA and a scholarship to Washington
State University where he will be studying Business in the fall.
Chad Glover
Ali Oatridge graduated from Tacoma Baptist High School, while also playing varsity soccer
for Gig Harbor High School. During her four years, Ali was active in tennis, basketball and
pep club while also serving as a volunteer at Manor Care in Gig Harbor. Next year Ali will
attend TCC on a soccer scholarship and then plans to transfer to WSU to study Business.
Favorite LCS Memory: Hiking up Mt. Si with the 8th grade girls.
Rachel Robson attended Peninsula High School. After graduating a year early, she is now
living in Los Angeles and going to college at the Fashion Institute of Design and Marketing.
She is studying Beauty Industry Marketing and Merchandising.
Brady Schneider
Brady Schneider graduated from Gig Harbor High School where he excelled academically
and was involved in sports and school activities. He was awarded two community
scholarships and will be attending the University of Washington, Seattle, this fall where he
intends to pursue a Business major. Favorite LCS Memory: Being in Mrs. Givens first grade
class and the many lifelong friendships that began that year.
and praise your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16
LCS 2014-15
Board of Directors
Aliya Shepard graduated from Tacoma Baptist High School
where she served as class Vice-President both her Junior and
Senior years. She was also a member of National Honor Society
and Pep Club, graduating as the class Salutatorian. This fall,
Aliya will be going to Northwest University in Kirkland on a full
tuition Presidential Scholarship to pursue a degree in Business
Management. Favorite LCS Memory: Eighth grade Bible with
Miss DeWalt. “I really grew closer in my walk with God and got to
know the girls in my grade much better. Lighthouse blessed me
in so many ways, and I am so thankful I had the chance to attend
such a wonderful school.”
Aliya Shepar
Owen Taylor, a graduate of Gig Harbor High School, is headed
to Eastern Washington University this fall. He was a 4-year
Varsity football player and named to the 2014 First Team All
Narrows, First Team All Area, and Second Team 4A All-State team
in 2013. He plans to study Business. Favorite LCS Memory: 8th
grade basketball undefeated season and the Washington DC trip.
Owen Taylor
Josh Weirsm
Jake Welk
Mark Angell
Michael Nesland
Colette Taylor
Patrick Abraham
Sheila Benson
Tim Cedarland
Nikki Fisher
Greg Hammontree
Spencer Hutchins
Brian Kerr
Josh Weirsma attended Gig Harbor High School and was also
a member of the Running Start Program, completing nearly 90
credit hours of college courses at TCC. At GHHS, Josh was the
Baritone Section leader for the Meistersingers. A member of
the Phi-Theta Kappa Honors society for Junior colleges, Josh
received Tacoma Community College’s Foundation Tuition
Waiver Scholarship for 2014-2015, where he will complete his
Associates of Arts and Sciences degree, while focusing on prerequisites for entrance into a University engineering program.
Favorite LCS Memory: Participating in Middle School choir and
band. “I met several of my closest friends while drumming for
Mrs. Sharett’s Middle School ensemble and, participating in choir
helped me to develop my vocal talents and my passion for music,”
says Josh.
Julie Sievert
Jake Welk attended Bellarmine Preparatory School, where
he played basketball for three years and football for one year.
He will be attending Boise State University where he is looking
forward to the campus, city, the weather and BSU football
games. He plans to obtain a Business Degree with an emphasis
in Supply Chain Management. Favorite LCS Memory: “...when
our 8th grade basketball team had an undefeated season. It was
Mr Roddy’s last year of coaching Middle School Basketball.”
Megan Yates graduated from Bellarmine Prep where she
was involved on the Varsity Tennis team and 2014’s MVP. She
was also a member of the National Honors Society and plans
to attend the University of Washington and study Business.
Favorite LCS Memory: The 8th grade Washington DC trip.
Megan Yates
Mark Soupiset
Marty Young
Board Members Emeritus
Troy Alstead
Rick Barney
Dion Rurik
Dennis Trittin
Lighthouse Christian
School exists to glorify
God by providing
quality, Christcentered education
that will nurture
students to become
spiritually minded,
academically versed,
socially balanced, and
equipped to make a
positive impact in their
community to the glory
of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The LCS Legacy Builders program is a factor in our ability to impact the lives of not just our current
students, but those who have yet to arrive. Founded to provide a sustainable funding source for
Lighthouse, the Legacy Builders enables our finance committee to focus on core needs. Thank you
for your generous support.
Patrick & Angela Abraham
Payvand & Amanda Aflatooni
Allyn & Jessica Akins
Troy & Connie Alstead
Mike & Lindsey Altman
Rick & Barb Barney
Robert & Sheila Benson
Avery & Jolin Bevin
Scott & Susan Bigler
Brad & Jodi Bodenman
Paul & Sheri Bogataj
Brian & Amanda Born
Phil & Susan Bouterse
George Briggs
Linda Kaye Briggs
Chris & Jeanna Brown
Greg & Gretchen Carrougher
Kelly & Jacque DeGideo
Mike & Jenny Dubinsky
Steve & Eileen Finnigan
Garrett & Nikki Fisher
Don & Amy Gartlan
Bill & Sally Glover
Rick & Jeanne Grayson
Greg & Amy Hammontree
Colleen Harnish
Rob & Melissa Heckman
Dennis & Theresa Hutchins
Jim & Darlene Johnson
Mike & Selina Kelly
Brian & Tiffany Kerr
Brian & Julie Kott
Chad & Julie Krilich
Aaron & Lindsay Laird
Ian & Maurie-Lynn Lawson
Don & Jan Mallavia
Rob & Kara Marston
Dave & Linda McClung
Brent & Susan Moss
Michael & Melissa Nesland
Erik & Diane Ogard
Tony & Becky Omlin
Jon & Melissa Perry
David & Cheryl Pratt
Gary & Christina Price
Frank Jr. & Elaine Pupo
Frank Sr. & Janis Pupo
Greg & Dion Rurik
George & Dion Russell
Erik & Robyn Saathoff
Sonny & Kelli Schneider
Steve & Ronna Schreiner
Chris & Kim Seher
Dustin & Amy Shawcross
Patrick & Nora Smith
Mark & Robin Soupiset
Sajan & Sheela Thomas
Dennis & Jeanne Trittin
Tim & Mona Truebenbach
Craig & Kelley Turner
Scott & Charith Varga
Pat & Anne Vaughan
Denny & Marlene Waldron
Russ & Rebecca Wyman
Brian & Heather Yates
Bob & Jan Yerex
Afton Abraham
Patrick & Angela Abraham
Payvand & Amanda Aflatooni
Allyn & Jessica Akins
Bruce & Diane Allen
Troy & Connie Alstead
Mike & Lindsey Altman
Janice Angel & Lynn Williams
Dave & Carol Annonen
Rick & Barbara Barney
Robert & Sheila Benson
Joe & Georganne Berg
Mary Best
Avery & Jolin Bevin
Paul & Sheri Bogataj
Phil & Susan Bouterse
Brian & Amanda Born
John & Jill Branham
George Briggs
Linda Kaye Briggs
Chris & Jeanna Brown
Business Growth Resource Company
John & Janice Carpenter
Greg & Gretchen Carrougher
Community Bible Fellowship
Ken & Sharon Cox
Jim & Marjorie Doerksen
Jeffrey & Rachel Dolven
Dustin & Amy Shawcross
Mike & Jenny Dubinsky
Jesse Ewell
John & Wendy Ferrell
Sandra Ferrell
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Garrett & Nikki Fisher
Suzanne Flaherty
Chad & Jeri Fullerton
Timothy & Jill Geringer
Bill & Sally Glover
Lawrence & Lisa Godt
Richard & Jeanne Grayson
Erin R. Green
Thomas & Kathryn Haass
Douglas & Jean Hagen
Greg & Amy Hammontree
Colleen Harnish
Scott & Bitsy Hatteberg
Rob & Melissa Heckman
Whitty & Jenny Hood
Joe & Lauren Howl
Dennis & Theresa Hutchins
Terry James
Richard & Patricia Jamieson
Jim & Marlyn Jensen
Jon & Jill Johansen
Knut & Judith Johansen
Jim & Darlene Johnson
Diane Johnson
Audree J. Keen
Mike & Selina Kelly
Brian & Tiffany Kerr
Keybank Foundation
Andrew & Sarah King
Kim & Andrea Kirn
Brian & Julie Kott
Laird Norton Trust Company
Aaron & Lindsay Laird
Tim & Susan Larson
Janet Lee
Douglas & Karen Leland
Boyd & Helen Lofgren
Don & Janilyn Mallavia
Ty & Tonya McFarland
Barbara Mcgregor
Carrie McMillin
Gene & Terri McPherson
Joe & Katrina Mitrovich
Brent & Susan Moss
National Christian
Charitable Foundation
Michael & Melissa Nesland
Nick & Sheila Nesland
Mark & Joelle Neufeld
Erik & Diane Ogard
Frederick Oldenburg
Douglas & Linda Olsen
Tony & Becky Omlin
Jon & Melissa Perry
John & Mary Peterson
Vince & Kelly Pinaroc
Plumb Signs
William & Peggy Pratt
Gary & Christina Price
Frank Jr. & Elaine Pupo
Frank Sr. & Janis Pupo
Frank & Claudia Ralph
Joan Rich
Ron & Katie Robertson
Rock of the Harbor
Stephen & Amy Roddy
Greg & Dion Rurik
Rush Team Apparel
Russell Matching Gifts Program
George & Dion Russell
Erik & Robyn Saathoff
Coby & Stephanie Sagle
Sonny & Kelli Schneider
Steve & Ronna Schreiner
Chris & Kim Seher
Patrick & Nora Smith
Andrew & Lisa Snyder
Mark & Robin Soupiset
Charles Stone
Subaru of Puyallup
Thomas & Colette Taylor
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Dennis & Jeanne Trittin
Tim & Mona Truebenbach
Craig & Kelley Turner
John & Shellie Turner
Jon & Kathleen Ueland
Scott & Charith Varga
Pat & Anne Vaughan
Mark & Dawn Wagner
Denny & Marlene Waldron
Michael & Lisette Welk
Russ & Rebecca Wyman
Brian & Heather Yates
Robert & Jan Yerex
Save The
2015 Annual Auction
Saturday, March 14, 2015
March 14, 2015
Join us for the
Lighthouse Christian
School Annual Auction,
20th Birthday Bash.
Don’t miss this fun and
festive event. Start
thinking about how
you can plug in!
How about:
• Being a Corporate
• Creating a fun giftbasket with a friend
• Sharing a nearby
vacation home, or
encouraging a friend
or family member to
do the same
• Contributing season
tickets for Seahawks,
Mariners, Huskies,
Cougs, Sounders or
• Hosting a table and
inviting friends
• Donating your favorite
bottle of wine for the
“wine toss”
• All items - both small
and large - make for a
fun evening
Associated Petroleum Products, Inc.
Thank you Frank & Elaine Pupo
Ohana Harbor Coffee Co. Thank you Steve & Ronna Schreiner
All New Glass Thank you Sonny & Kelli Schneider
Troy & Connie Alstead
Digital Benefits Advisors Thank you Kirk & Mari Andonian
and Joe & Georganne Berg
Harnish Auto Family Thank you Harnish Family
Auto Warehousing Thank you Chris & Kim Seher
Johnson, Stone & Pagano
Glenn & Dee Kemak
Pediatrics Northwest
Janet Snyder
Dan & Rita Stene
Strategic Capital Thank You Gary & Christina Price,
Mike & Lisette Welk, Mike & Jenny
Dubinsky and Ryan & Kristin
The Floral Reef
Bordeaux Orthodontics Thank You Joe & Kerry Bordeaux
Fund an Item
Bruce & Diane Allen
Troy & Connie Alstead
Richard & Barbara Barney
Joel & Heidi Black
Brad & Jodi Bodenman
Jeff & Rachel Dolven
Mike & Jenny Dubinsky
Garrett & Nikki Fisher
Derrek & Heidi Gafford
Don & Amy Gartlan
Bill & Sally Glover
Lauren & Joe Howl
Brian & Tiffany Kerr
Brian & Julie Kott
Chad & Julie Krilich
Don & Jan Mallavia
Michael & Melissa Nesland
John & Heidi Otis
Loran & Susanne Payne
David & Cheryl Pratt
Frank Jr. & Elaine Pupo
Frank Sr. & Janis Pupo
Frank & Claudia Ralph
Greg & Dion Rurik
Each year a key piece of the Lighthouse operating budget is achieved through our Annual
Auction. While many schools place requirements on families for volunteer hours, auction
donations, and procurement values, Lighthouse has been blessed over the years by nonmandated and joyful giving. Thank you to the families and businesses for your support! We
couldn’t have done it without YOU!
Fund an Item
Sonny and Kelli Schneider
Steve and Ronna Schreiner
Chris and Kim Seher
Mark and Robin Soupiset
Tom and Colette Taylor
Evan and Ember Thomas
Dennis and Jeanne Trittin
Craig and Kelley Turner
Jon and Kathleen Ueland
Kip and Lynda Vandeventer
Pat and Anne Vaughan
Karleen Woodworth
Bob and Jan Yerex
2013-14 DONORS:
Annual Fund, Quest
for Excellence, and/
or purchases at the
Patrick & Angela Abraham
All New Glass, Inc.
Bruce & Diane Allen
Troy & Connie Alstead
Gerald & Nancy Anderson
Kirk & Mari Andonian
Mark & Elizabeth Angell
Annie Wright Schools
Dennis & Kathryn Arneson
Carolyn Ascheman
Auto Warehousing Company
Brian & Kate Bare
Richard & Barbara Barney
Jeff & Torgerson Barney
Eva Battle
Robert & Sheila Benson
Scott & Vicky Bildsten
David & Mary Bjarnason
Kris & Sarah Bjarnason
Joel & Heidi Black
Brad & Jodi Bodenman
Paul & Sheri Bogataj
Bill & Linda Cantus
Joe & Sommer Carbone
John & Janice Carpenter
Jeffery & Barbara Carpenter
Greg & Gretchen Carrougher
Isaac & Kirsten Conrad
Dave & Sherie Coons
Mike & Jody Coulston
Larry & Lisa Creekmore
Nancy Critz
JT & Heather Curry
Digital Insurance
Joe & Cindy Dille
Jeff & Rachel Dolven
Matt & Marie Dougil
Beatrice Dow
Mike & Jenny Dubinsky
Frank & Elsbeth Dubinsky
Clara Dee Ek
Daniel & Valerica Ene-Stroescu
Annual Fund, Quest
for Excellence, and/or
purchases at the auction
Sandra Ferrell
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Bob & Adele Fisher
Garrett & Nikki Fisher
Todd & Siobhan Fisher
Derrek & Heidi Gafford
Ray & Ann Garner
Don & Amy Gartlan
Cathy Givens
Bill & Sally Glover
Jeanne Grayson
Grindstone Foundation
Greg & Amy Hammontree
Rick Harrell
Honeywell International
Charitable Giving
Rose Hove
Joe & Lauren Howl
Kaitlyn Huber
Janet Snyder
Marlyn Jensen
Jon & Jill Johansen
Johnson Stone & Pagano
Michael & Lucie Joseph
Joseph M. Bordeaux
Wajahat & Rubina Khan
Patrick & Marly Kelly
Mike and Selina Kelly
Glenn & Dee Kemak
Brian & Tiffany Kerr
Andrew & Sarah King
Kim & Andrea Kirn
Brian & Julie Kott
Chad & Julie Krilich
James Langager
Aaron & Lindsay Laird
Sarah Larsen
Joseph & Marla Lee
Eric & Kandace Lewis
Lingenbrink Orthodontics, Inc.
Monte & Beverly Lund
Donald & Janilyn Mallavia
Jessi Markham
Joe & Laura Maxwell
Gene & Terri McPherson
Adrian & Kelly Merry
Lary & Diane Migita
Andrew Moren
Michael & Melissa Nesland
Nick & Sheila Nesland
Iliana Nicholas
Donald & Kathleen Ogard
Tony & Becky Omlin
Chris & Laura Olson
Doug & Linda Olson
Jeff & Sarah Olson
John & Heidi Otis
Timothy & Kathleen Pabisz
Loran & Susanne Payne
Peters Family Trust
Plumb Signs
David & Cheryl Pratt
Gary & Christina Price
Gary & Sharon Price
Frank Jr. & Elaine Pupo
Frank Sr. & Janis Pupo
Frank & Claudia Ralph
Cory & Julianne Ripley
Stephen & Amy Roddy
Greg & Dion Rurik
John Saatela
Coby & Steph Sagle
Andy & Erica Schell
Sonny & Kelli Schneider
Steve & Ronna Schreiner
Chris & Kim Seher
John & Becky Sharrett
Jaclyn Shope
Matt & Julie Sievert
DJ & Lisa Sigurdson
Patrick & Nora Smith
Mark & Robin Soupiset
Fred & Patricia Soupiset
Dan & Rita Stene
Strategic Capital Group LLC
Ken & JoAnna Sturgis
Subaru of Puyallup
Gene & Kim Tarr
Tom & Colette Taylor
Evan & Ember Thomas
Alan & Barbara Thompson
Thrive Ministries
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Clark & Heidi Tibbits
Marco & Kacey Toctaquiza
Chester & Marilyn Torgerson
Derek & Melissa Traver
Dennis & Jeanne Trittin
Tim & Mona Truebenbach
John & Karen Truebenbach
Craig & Kelley Turner
Jon & Kathleen Ueland
Kip & Lynda Vandeventer
Rod & Suzi Vasquez
Pat & Anne Vaughan
Dan & Sarah Wagner
Mike & Lisette Welk
Jenne Williams
June Williams
Karleen Woodworth
Bob and Jan Yerex
Carolyn Zierath
Every effort has been made
to recognize our donors
accurately. For corrections
or more information, please
contact the Development
Office at (253) 858-5962 or
e-mail: development@
Lighthouse Christian School
3008 36th Street NW
Gig Harbor, WA 98335
October 24, 2014
Legacy Breakfast
Be part of the sustainable future of LCS...Lighthouse alumni families
and friends please join us for our annual Legacy Breakfast, celebrating
20 years of Lighthouse Christian School, 1994 - 2014. Childcare - and
breakfast - are provided. 7:45 to 9:00 AM. RSVP to Sally Glover.
December 24, 2014
LCS Alumni
Basketball Tournament
Don’t miss the fun as Lighthouse alums from across the years take the
court on Christmas Eve morning! What a great way to start the day…
and the launch of a new Lighthouse tradition. Mr. Roddy will lead the
charge – parents and alums are welcome. Show off your mad hoop
skills! 8:00 AM. Pre-registration is preferred.
March 14, 2015
LCS Annual Auction
“20th Birthday Bash”
Happy Birthday Lighthouse! The annual auction will honor the past, celebrate
the present, and create the future at the 20th Birthday Bash. 5:30 PM
June 5, 2015
Celebrating 20 Years!
with the Shy Boys
Food and fun | 5:00 PM
Celebration program | 6:00 PM
Music and dancing | 6:30-8:00 PM
For more information, contact Sally Glover at 253.858.5962 or
1994 - 2014
celebrating our past | embracing our future
The seeds of Lighthouse began in the prayers
of several teachers in 1993. Within months,
an exploratory parent meeting was held and
the foundation of Lighthouse was laid. Under
God’s constant guidance this pioneer group
witnessed God’s providence again and again.
Blessed with the support of local churches and
a wonderful staff, Lighthouse opened its doors
in the fall of 1994 to 90 students in grades K – 8.
This fall, we welcome 345 students as
we continue to offer a strong K-8 academic
program, and help students to shine God’s
light in the Gig Harbor and Kitsap Peninsula
Join us this school year as we celebrate 20
years of Lighthouse and look forward to the
tremendous future God has planned for us.