
Our Lady of Lourdes, St Peter Chanel, Sacred Heart
Pastoral Co-Ordinator: Shona Roberts, Ph 878-7774, Cell Ph: 021 071 9696 Email: heretaungapastoral@gmail.com. .
Passionist Family Groups Co-Ordinators: Hastings : Sacred Heart, St. Peter Chanel.& Our Lady of Lourdes. Allan & Jo Brady 876-9507
Challenge 2000 - Contact details: Manisha Jobard 021 118 5507
Web Site: www.hastingscatholic.org.nz
Catechist: Tongan & Pacific Islands, H.B Pastoral Area: Tevita Faka’osi Ph. 879-8189 Cell ph. 027 2237 058
2nd November 2014 The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed
Vigil St Peter Chanel
Immaculate Conception, Pakipaki
Our Lady of Lourdes, Havelock Nth
Sacred Heart
St Peter Chanel
Sacred Heart
Friday 11.30am
Sacred Heart
Saturday 8.30am
Our Lady of Lourdes Saturday 11.30am
St Peter Chanel
Saturday 5.00pm
Or by Appointment.
Monday: 9.00am, Our Lady of Lourdes,
Tuesday: 9.00am Our Lady of Lourdes, 6.00pm St Peter Chanel, 1.20pm St. John’s College
Wednesday: 9.00am Aubert Centre, 9.00am Our Lady of Lourdes, 12.05 Sacred Heart
Thursday: 9.00am St Peter Chanel 10.00am Our Lady of Lourdes 12.05pm Sacred Heart
Friday: 9.15am Madonna Maria 10.00am Our Lady of Lourdes 12.05pm Sacred Heart
Saturday: 8.00am Sacred Heart preceded by Rosary at 7.30am 9.00am Our Lady of Lourdes
Feastdays this week 3/11 St Martin de Porres, 4/11 St Charles Borromeo
Readings for next Sunday: Dedication of the Lateran Basilica: Ezekiel 47:1-2, 8-9,12 Ps 45:2-3,5-6,8-9 Corinthians 3:9-11,16-17 John 2:13-22
Morning Prayer - at Sacred Heart Day Chapel 7.40am and 9.00am Monday to Friday.
Evening Prayer - with Benediction every Sunday 4 - 5pm at Sacred Heart.
Exposition - Madonna Maria, Frederick St every Tuesday 9am - 1pm. & Fridays 9am-10am at Our Lady of Lourdes
Christian Meditation Every Wednesday held in Sacred Heart Day Chapel, at 7.00pm
Baptism Preparation Every First Sunday of the month at 3.00pm in Sacred Heart Church Foyer
Marist Third Order - Every first Sunday of the Month at 2.00pm in Sacred Heart Office
Bible For Starters—2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month Sacred Heart Parish Office 7.30pm
REFLECTION FOR TODAY The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed (All Souls Day)
Today we hold together in perfect balance our complete confidence in God’s promise of eternal life and our ignorance of how
that promise is to be realised. We move from mourning through faith to hope.
Remember that you have only one soul;
that you have only one death to die;
that you have only one life to live,
which is short and has to b e lived by you alone;
and that there is only one glory, which is eternal.
If you do this, there will be many things
about which you care nothing.
St Teresa of Avila
Parishioners are invited to attend a One Day Spiritual Retreat given by The Abbott at the Southern Star Abbey, Kopua. The theme
of the retreat will be “Reunification”.
Saturday 8th November 9.00am to 4.00pm. Car pool from Sacred Heart Church meeting at 7.30am (it takes about 70 minutes to
travel there) Shared Lunch. There are limited numbers available for this retreat, so please register your intention to attend with Deb
Lucy: spc@paradise.net.nz or during office hours 8.00am to 12.30pm Mon-Fri indicating if able to provide transport or not.
40 hours Adoration will be held in November commencing on Thursday 6th November concluding Saturday 8th November. Fr Thom
Rouse a Columban Priest will walk us through this years celebration of the 40 hours, where we celebrate this special time in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. It will again be held at Madonna Maria Church Frederick Street Hastings. Programme is: Thursday 6th
November Mass at 9.15am and again on Friday 9.15am. Devotions Thursday and Friday evenings 7.00pm. 40 hours concludes with
Mass at 8.00am Saturday morning. Come and pray and hear Fr Thom, who spent his mission time in Fiji from 1977 to 2014.
An Annointing Mass will be held on Thursday 13th November, 1.30pm at St Peter Chanel. CARING COMPANIONS afternoon tea will
follow. If you are able to bring a plate it would be greatly appreciated. All Welcome!
THE LAZARUS EXPERIENCE: A healing weekend for separated and divorced Catholics. Friday November 28 to Sunday Nov 30th
In Lower Hutt. Contacts: Katrin 04 970 9385 or Eustie 04 550 9240 Facebook: Lazarus Experience Wellington
Responsible for the spiritual growth and nourishment of students and staff. 15 hours per week for Term 1 only 2015.
There is a possibility of combining with the Catholic Parish of Napier Youth Ministry position for more hours from Term 2, 2015.
Letters of application with two referees to The Principal, Sacred Heart College, Convent Road, Napier 4110 or email to
ADULTS BECOMING CATHOLIC within the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Programme. (4)
Why are there various Rites that people on this journey participate in? The Rites are two-fold. They provide the Catholic Parish community
the opportunity to welcome, pray for and support the catechumens/candidates. For those journeying, they provide a source of strength and
support from both God and the Parishioners. For example, the Rite of Welcome provides a very important reminder for Catholics of what
their Baptismal promises mean. For the person on the journey it is a source of support and the opportunity for parishioners to get to KNOW
and journey with them and be reminded of their ongoing conversion. For those on the faith journey, the Rites have been commented on
very positively. Is the journey for you? If so, contact any of the Parish Offices for details.
LARRY BURNS has been a Sacred Heart parishioner for many years, he and Vera (now deceased) were married in the old church over 50
years ago. Larry has been in poor health lately so son Geordie thought the best option for his dad was to settle him close by in a resthome
in Papamoa. It was a rushed decision so there was no time for Larry to say goodbye, however he would love to hear from you. Larry’s
address is: Cedar Manor Care Home, 30 Sixth Avenue, Tauranga 3110. The office has recently heard that Larry is receiving visits and
Holy Communion from his new parish in Tauranga.
ST JOSEPH’S BRANCH, HIBERNIAN SOCIETY: Members are cordially invited to attend the monthly meeting at the RSA Club on
Wednesday, 5 November 2014 at 7.pm.
YOUTH NOTICES: Young People 13-18year olds, COME TO LIFETEEN SUMMER CAMP 2015. For more information contact Rev.
Nath (spc@paradise.net.nz) Be inspired! Www.wellingtonlifeteen.co.nz Rev. Deacon Nathaniel T. Brazil.
Youth Adults: Ever thought about living in community? Te Ahi Kaa ‘The Hearth Place’ is Palmerston North Dioceses Young Adult
Catholic ommunity, based in Palmerston North City. A year at Te Ahi Kaa would involve living your everyday life, be it study or working, but
living with like-minded people of faith and making prayer, hospitality, service and formation a focus of your life. So if you are 20-30 years
old and would like more information please contact Mary-Grace Williams, 021811148, mgwilliams@pndiocese.org.nz
FB DiocesanYoungCatholics
Loving for Life Christian Sexuality Programs: “It was life changing”. These were the words we heard from a high school student in
Perth recently. The student was talking about the program “Loving for Life”. Loving for Life is an Australian program, based on Catholic
Teaching, that has been running in schools for over 20 years and empowering young people to make good choices in the areas of their
sexuality, fertility and relationships.
This program is now being explored in NZ and we wish to invite you to hear about it for yourself from the programs Australian coordinator
Tina Jack. Please join us from 7.30pm on Monday 17th November in the St John’s College Room 1. Light supper will be provided. For
further information Please contact April Williams 027355 2779 or Stephen Woodnutt 027672 0055 or email loving forlifenz@gmail.com
CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE On Tuesday 4th November the C.W.L. are celebrating their annual Melbourne Cup Day Mission Fundraising Luncheon to be held at the home of Mrs Julie Wilkins, 908 Park Road South, Hastings at 12 noon. Admission $5.00. There will be
a sweepstake, raffle, sales table and lunch. All welcome.
DOVE CATHOLIC FELLOWSHIP FOR WOMEN—HAWKES BAY All women are invited to ournext and final meeting for 2014 on Saturday
22nd November 2014 at 2pm at St Mary’s Parish Centre, Osier Road, Taradale. Our speak is Sue Seager “Blessed are the poor in spirit.”
Sue is a missionary in Cambodia counselling girls rescued from forced prostitution. Phone Margaret (06) 876 6460 for enquiries.
GLORIFY PRAYER MEETING: A monthly opportunity for you to praise God, listen to sound teaching and be encouraged in your Christian
Walk. First meeting we will be showing “The 7 Spiritual Laws” DVD and will commence at 7.30pm on 5 November at St Mary’s Parish
Centre, Taradale. Facilitated by Lamb of God Community.
GUESS WHO’S COMING TO LUNCH! An opportunity to share a meal with other parishioners at home: The host chooses the number of
guests and provides tea/coffee and hospitality. The guests bring a plate for the pot luck lunch. The first event is on Sunday November 9th
Enquiries please phone Peter Crocker 876 4485 Who comes to whose place for lunch is a surprise! Further information is in the
gathering space at Sacred Heart, and final details for hosts and guests will be given out after Mass on Sunday November 9th. More
lunches to follow next year. This is just the beginning.
VOICE FOR LIFE COMMENT: Animal-rights activists and the Greens are waging a campaign to make calf induction illegal. However
Narelle Hansen, an opinion writer in the Waikato Times (11th October) notes that the Greens oppose calf induction but support human
induction—that is abortion. Calf inductions are carried out using drugs when occasionally a cow gets pregnant late and is out of sync with
the rest of the herd, causing problems for the farmer. It is easier and cheaper for the farmer to abort the calf rather han kill the cow. A
former Green M.P. has called the practice of calf induction “inhumane and cruel”. The same M.P. gave a speech last year advocating
more freely abortion, saying “It’s incredible that abortion is still such a contentious and divisive issue” Narelle Hanson makes this pertinent
Observation: “I mean, cows are precious, but surely people are too.”
As October (the month of the Rosary) comes to an end our focus moves to November (the month of the Holy Souls). We will have a
Wall of Remembrance in the office and invite you to come in and add the names of your loved ones to it. They will all be remembered
in our prayers throughout the month. Our Awards Assembly will take place on Monday 8th December at 1.15pm –all parishioners, families, grandparents are welcome to attend and our End of Year Mass will be on Wednesday 10 December 6.00pm at Sacred Heart
Church. This is a very special event for our whole school community as we celebrate the year’s achievements and gather together to
farewell our Year 8 students. Visit our new website -www.sportsground.co.nz/stjoeshastings. Sandra Connor, Principal.
Deacon Nathaniel Brazil is making his way around the school talking about and praying the Rosary with the children. The students are
loving it. We have seen some very beautiful rosary beads the children have proudly brought into school—some family hairlooms for
sure! Some very good results in Years 5,6,7 and 8 for ICAS Maths. Well done students. Teresa Neilson D.R.S.
Look for St Mary’s on Facebook. ‘St Mary’s Catholic Primary School Hastings’
This week we celebrated our sporting success at our Annual Sports Prizegiving. Next week we have a Year 13 Retreat on Tuesday,
Mass with Year 13’s and their parents at 5.30pm in the school Chapel and then dinner at Hastings, Rugby and Sports Function Centre
Elwood Road at 7pm. Tickets can be purchased from the school office. On Wednesday night we have our Maori Achievement Night
and on Thursday we have our Final leavers Mass at 1015am at Sacred Heart Church. Our Junior Examinations begin at the end of the
week and run until Tuesday.
Congratulations to everyone involved in the Arts Festival, held at College last Tuesday. It was a wonderfully entertaining concert of
cultural commitment at Sacred Heart. On Thursday next week, October 30th Massey University liaison officers will visit Yr 13 students
and Yr 10 Business Studies students are holding a Market Day. Next Friday our Yr 12 students and those from St John’s College are
celebrating Mass together, then sharing a fish n chip dinner as they plan for combined College leadership roles in 2015. The latest
issue of our newsletters will be available in Parishes this coming week.
TODAY NOVEMBER 2 - Today we welcome family and relatives of bereaved families to Mass where the candle will be lit for their deceased loved one. All are invited for morning tea after the mass in the gathering space.
WEDNESDAY MASS - At Sacred Heart 12:05. Everyone is invited to come.
ROSTERS - All Rosters available in our website or call the parish office for printed copies.
COLUMBAN CALENDARS 2015 are now available from the bookstall or parish office during the week $10 each.
SVDP CHRISTMAS CARDS are available through the office and on a Sat/Sun before and after Mass.
ST VINCENT DE PAUL CHRISTMAS PARCELS Parishioners are invited to advise Laurie (8782446) or Joan (8767265) the names of
needy families they would like to see receive a SVDP Christmas Parcel.
URGENTLY REQUIRED Parishioners to help with administering Holy Communion on a Tuesday Morning at Mary Doyle. Parishioners
would be put on a roster with one other and may only be required once a month. Mary Doyle has about 20 patients who wish to receive
this Sacrament. Please don’t leave it to someone else, ring the office on 8782575 and say yes to this ministry.
FISH & CHIP NIGHT What a wonderful turnout of people to the 1st Fish & Chip evening Thank you for supporting this. Please diary
25th November for our next Fish & Chip get-together.
1ST RECONCILIATION 2014 Parents and grandparents are invited to encourage their child/grandchildren thi week to continue their
faith journey for Reconciliation followed by 1st Holy Communion in 2015. Sessions as follows: Parents Thursday 6th & Wednesday
19th Nov. 7-8pm. Children’s Sundays 9th & 23rd Nov. 9am. All sessions to take place in the Community Centre at SPC. The Sacrament of Reconciliation takes place at 11.30am Sunday 30th November. Enrolment forms are available in the church foyer, parish
office and St Mary’s School. Any questions can be answered through the parish office. All Baptised children aged 7 upwards welcomed.
In November families remember their departed loved ones. We must also do as a parish community, as we do today, and we welcome
the bereaved to this Mass, we acknowledge with gratitude the ministry of the Bereavement Group.
MEMORIAL MASS: We invite you all to this Mass on Sunday 2nd November to remember our Faithful Departed. There will be a candle
lighting ceremony for those who have lost loved ones during the past year. After Mass you are warmly invited to join with everyone in the
Parish Centre for morning tea. There will also be a service at the Havelock North Cemetery at 5.00pm on that day.
SUNDAY NOVEMBER 16th First Holy Communion
The Columban Calendar 2015 is now available, costing $10. It gives very useful liturgical information with inspiring art work.
FRIDAY: Holy Hour 9.00am—10.00am
ST VINCENT DE PAUL: Early notice of Annointing Mass to be held at Our Lady of Lourdes on the 25th November at 2pm followed by
afternoon tea, write this date on your calndar. Christmas Cards for sale next Sunday $4,00 er packet. Your next meeting is on the 9th of
November following Mass.
KOPUA RETREAT DAY: This is on November 8th enquiries can be made by contacting St Peter
Chanel, Deb Lucy Ph: 878 2575.
85 Te Mata Rd. Havelock North
Ph. (06) 877 7124 Fax (06) 877 7337 Email: OLOL@xtra.co.nz
Parish Priest: Fr P. Cooke
Parish Office Hours: Mon 1.30 - 3.30pm, Wed 9,00 - 12 Noon
Fri. 12 Noon - 3.00pm
Parish Secretary Kathy McKay.
PRAYERLINE: When in need of prayers for special intentions please phone Trish Webley 877 8172 or Margaret Frater 877 7571.
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Shirley Wakefield, Marie Barham, Joan Thwaites, Rita Montaperto, Eileen McCarthy, Johanna Mouat, Sandy Hannibal, Sandra Nalder, June McKenna, Jill Hand (UK), Seth Adams, Helen Windle, Joan Burgess, Marijke Klumpers, Ian Hamilton, Kevin Watson, Tony Watt, Amy
Mead (Nelson), Betty Hetherington, Denyse & John Cornelius, Fiona Barker
DEATHS, ANNIVERSARIES: Sien Derkink (Ann) Keith Moody (A31/10) Rachel Brenssell (A26/10) Anne McEvoy (A1/11) Jim Clvor (A2/11) Blair McCormack (A3/11) All listed in November Memorial
ROSTERS 2nd November 2014
Readers: I Taylor, J Watson
Prayers of the Faithful: D Carran
Gifts: C & P Oliver
Greeter: H. Stewart
Ministers of Communion: T. Stehens, A Spijker, S. Carran, M. von Dadelszen, D. Matthews, K. Sheridan
Preparers of the Table: S. Brebner, N. Brebner, G. Brebner
Altar Guild: K. Begley
Church Cleaning: C. Cameron, J. Drabble 8/11
Children’s Liturgy: M. Brebner
Mary Doyle: J. Rose 9/11 Tuesday 4/11 D. Donnelly
Duart: M. Fama (5/11)
Friday Meal: J. Skinner 7/11
Flowers: M. Malone, J. Skinner 31/10
817 Gordon Road, Hastings
Phone 878-2575 Fax 878-2572 Aubert Centre Phone 879-7573
Office Hours : 8.30am - 12 30pm Mon to Fri. Email: spc@paradise.net.nz
Parish Priest: Father Vince Onesi Assistant: Deacon Nathaniel Brazil - Baptisms by arrangement.
COMUNION TO THE SICK - Phone the Parish Office - 878-2575
St. Mary’s School Office
Frederick Street,. Phone 876-6421
Principal: Ms Elizabeth Crowley
Website. www.stmaryshastings.school.nz.
IN NEED OF A PRAYER - Contact Eleanor 878-9928, Fay 878-8643
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK – Moira Moody, Seff Beaumont, Biaggio Carretu, Nina Orsi, Anthony Leanage (Brisbane) Valma McCarthy, Ethel Driscoll,
Norma Thornton, Maxwell Beattie, Ron Bell, Barbara Bowe, Sarah Connell, Raewyn Connors, Joan Corlet, Marcus Greville, Ruth Hannibal, Margaret
Harting, Pat Hutchison, Elizabeth Joseph (India), Claire Lambert, Liam McEntee, Pauline Mann, Viv Norman, Aisling O’Connell, Rosa Ogden, Blair
Stanfield, Norah Sutton, Joyce Watson, Warick Woodward, Allison Wyatt, Gracie (now at home in Wairarapa). Keira Lucy,Willem Goodall,
RECENTLY DECEASED; Sr Marie Geor, PeterVerduin.
John Breen (Snr) 26/10 Mary Fly 30/10, Sherrin Glassey 31/10, Keith Moody 31st/10, George Barnes, Carrem Koorey, Cecilia Barnes.
ROSTER FOR WEEKEND 8th & 9th November 2014 5.30PM
Ministers of Holy
Altar Servers:
Peter Culloty Jill Frizzell, Sr Mary Graham
Sue Beaumont, Deb Lucy, Gabrielle Fergus,
Carol Walsh
Pat Jonas
John Sunny, Vincent Vanu
10.00am Dedication of Lateran Basilica
Youth Mass
Youth Mass
Youth Mass
Youth Mass
Youth Mass
Sacristans: Youth Mass Ave Faka’osi
Counters: 10/11 Church Cleaning November: Marie Brady J & M Leogreen, S & C Averill Children’s Lit: 9/11 Teresa & Catherine
Parish Priest: Fr Simon Story
Baptisms Sunday Mass or at 12pm.
425 Heretaunga Street. East Hastings.
Phone 878-7774 Fax 878-2450
Email: shparish@slingshot.co.nz
Office Hours: Monday 9.30am-1.00pm.
St Joseph’s School :
Eastbourne St Hastings Phone 878-7262
Website: www.stjos.school.nz
Principal: Sandra Connor
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Anthony Leanage (Brisbane, ex SVDP) Larry Burns, Eileen O’Connor,Diane Masterson, Gail Sutton, Daphne Olsen,
Susan Kitson, Velma McCarthy, Peter Verduin, Paul Sloane, Louise O’Connor, Ryan Brunton, Gladys Campbell, Greg Sloane, Joanna Hay, German Celis
Beltran, Fr Steve Hancy, Fr Bernard Goulding, Del Hamilton, Livia Bairstow, Joel Richards (P.Nth), Bishop Barry Jones, Fr Des Levins, Peter Minogue,
Noeline Sloan, Marie Andrews, Bryanna, Beryl Honeybone , Vicky Hargreaves, Jillian Cullinane, Bradley Woon, Gloria Wilson, Marcus Greville,
Barbara Janssen, Klara Molnar, Sylvia Jackson, Dorothy Muir, Tama and Tangiora Huata, Graeme Walsh (Tauranga), Anne Thomson, Catherine Harpur,
Isla O’Connor, Joyce Jillings, Janice Charmine
ANNIVERSARIES & MASSES TO BE SAID: Mick Cowan, Dora Cowan, Joyce Huisman, John Huisman, James McIvor (A02/11), Douglas Wilkins
(A02/11), Nancy Walden (A03/11), Pauline LaHood (A03/11), Francis Stickings (A04/11), Nola McNeill (A05/11), Kevin McGruddy (A06/11), Gerard Lawrence Minogue (A07/11), Julie Neagle (A07/011), Sean Pollard (A07/11),Anne McEvoy (A 2/11) Joe, Jo-Anne & Glyn Dawes, Brian & Laurie Butler
Recently deceased: Michael Grafton Green, Sr Marie Terese Geor, Monsignor Vince Hunt, Sr. Leonard Mischewski (Sister of St. Joseph), Shaun
McCarthy, John Timms, John Simpson
Ministries 9th of November 2014: Leader M Seawright Lectors P. Brady L. Price Minister of Holy Communion: B. Noetzli, L. Noetzli, P. Ham, S.
Woodnutt, A. Schroder, R. Harding, D. Haronga Sound: K. Schroder Altar Society: Bernadette & Cushla Church Opening: D. McQuade Morning Tea:
Scarlett & Penny Greeter: B & E Murfitt Mass Coordinator: C. Testa Children’s Liturgy: Lorraine & Mary Altar Servers: Georgia & Jack Church
Cleaning: G. Sens (November 11), Counter: M. Newrick (for November 10)