Document 6594116
Document 6594116
TIDINGS Vicar NOVEMBER 2014 Rev. Sumod. C. Cherian Christ Church Parsonage DBRA-61, Near Devaswom Board Jn, Nanthencode, Trivandrum-695 003 Mobile : 94471 76033 Telephone : 2316033 Tidings November 2014 Asst. Vicar Rev. Saji Cherian Mammen Christ Church Parsonage PRA/248, Parottukonam Nalanchira, Trivandrum-695 015 Mobile : 9447006033 Church Wardens Mr. John Kurien Prof. K.V. Thomas Church Secretary Mrs. Omana Abraham Lay Treasurer Mr. A.J. Thomas Internal Auditor Mr. Abraham Mathew Church Committee Members Mr. George Ninan Mr. Godwin Mathew Mr. Hezekiel V.S. Mr. M.M. John (Munduparambil) Mr. Joshy Mathew Mrs. Laila Jacob Mr. Luke P.K. Mr. Mesfin Zachariah Abraham Ms. Nimmi Rachel Mathew Mr. Reuben Daniel Koshy Mrs. Susan Thomas Diocesan Council Members Mr. Ebby P. Kuruvila Mr. George Koshie Mr. Korah Abraham Adv. Rays John Koshy Mrs. Reena Kurien Mr. Suku C. Oommen Senior Presbyters Very. Rev. Mathew Mathew Rev. Dr. Jacob Verghis Rev. Mathai John Rev. Shiju Samuel Rev. Joseph Samuel Rev. Dr. George Joseph Rev. Viswasaraj (Tamil) Church Staff Mr. Aji George Jacob Mr. S. Samuel (Joy) Mr. K.C. Thomas Mr. Roy Daniel 9847175080 8547247910 9745692727 9447020738 9847181820 8289909503 9895332868 9447071185 9544689029 9809788681 9446018091 9495880774 9847062108 9995458461 9895223223 9447751085 Editorial Board Rev. Sumod C Cherian Rev. Saji Cherian Mammen Mr. John Kurien Mr. Saji Sam George Mr. M M John Mr. Renju Philip Ms. Susan Ebby Mr. Godwin Mathew 9447275262 9447055518 9447155109 8547479984 9496290773 9447059920 2559965 2432560 9447958556 9447613389 8281291203 9447452473 9495349325 9495304997 9495300681 9846807826 9605242882 CSI CHRIST CHURCH (Diocese Of Madhya Kerala) Palayam Trivandrum Telephone : 2305902 Email : Online Edition - TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Vicar’s Reflections Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! I praise God for the opportunity to speak to you once again through this issue of Tidings. Rev. Dn. Joji Philip, who served as our Asst. Vicar, has been transferred to our Vellore Mission, as instructed by our Bishop, and Rev. Saji Cherian Mammen has been transferred from there to Trivandrum. Rev. Dn. Joji Philip Achen has been a blessing to many in our Church during his short period here as Asst. Vicar. He has visited the homes of many of our parishioners. Soji Kochamma, who is at present in Bahrain, wil be joining him by January 2015.I pray that by God’s grace Joji Achen will be able to fulfill his duties in his new responsibilities; I welcome Saji Achen and his family to our Parish. Rev. Saji Cherian Mammen Achen was the Missionary at Kattrapally, Parkal Mission, and then the Missionary at Vellore Mission. He has two sons, Ashin and Anpin. At present, Achen’s parents are residing with him. We observe Sunday, November 2nd as “World Sunday School Day”. Let us celebrate this year’s Sunday School Day in a most suitable manner. Today’s world is a changing world. It is a world full of all kinds of challenges. It is in such an environment that God has entrusted us with the duty of leading our children in the right path. The transformation of our children will pave the way for providing a new vision to a world which has lost all hope. I pray that all those who are associated with the Sunday School will receive God’s grace for this task. Sunday, November 9th is observed as “Unity Sunday”. On this day we remember and pray for the unity of the CSI, CNI and Marthoma Churches.Even as we continue to be members of different Churches, we should be able to stand united in those areas where we can work together. Through the coming together of different Churches we should be able to bequeath to the coming generation a vision of Christian unity. The united activities of the Churches should set the stage for the realization of Christ’s vision of “One Shepherd and One Flock”. With that vision before us, let us work together in unity. We observe Sunday, November 16th as Girl Child Sunday. This day reminds us that every child is a gift of God. I pray that in this society, in which there is a growing apprehension that a girl child is a liability, our worship service and meditationwill inspire us to love and cherish all our children, regardless of gender. 2 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 On Sunday 23rd November we meditate on the thought: “Festival of Christ the King”. The idea of the Kingdom of God has great importance in the Bible, especially in the New Testament. Jesus, in His sermons, spoke about the Kingdom of God, and He urged the apostles to continue to preach about the Kingdom. The Kingdom of God signifies justice, peace, love and mutual sharing in life. Christ is the King of the Kingdom of God. In His Kingdom there is fulfillment for all and all are lifted up. And so we rejoice in Christ the King. That is, we understand the joy of the Kingdom of God. Our personal lives, family and Church must all become a part of the Kingdom of God. Sunday, 30th November is observed as the First Sunday in Advent. The thought for this day is “Joyful Expectation of Christ’s coming”. The coming of the Lord Jesus gives joy to the world. The prophets spoke continuously of the coming of the Lord. The birth, acts, resurrection and second coming of Jesus are all foretold by the prophets of the Old Testament. Therefore the people of Israel looked forward to the coming of the Messiah. As we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, let us come to a new resolution to understand that people have always waited with joyful hope for the coming of Christ. May God bless us all. Sumod Achen I¿Ømhmb tbip{Inkv X phns‚ \maØn¬ Gh¿°pw Fs‚ kvt\lhμ\w. ho≠pw Hcn°¬IqSn Tidings˛eqsS F√mtcmSpw kwkmcn∏m≥ CSbmbXn¬ ssZhsØ kv X pXn°p∂p. \ΩpsS Akn v hnImcnbmbn ip{iqj sNbv X psIm≠ncp∂ Rev. Dn. Joji Philip A®s\ sh√q¿ anj\nte°pw, AhnsS \n∂pw Rev. Saji Cherian Mammen A®s\ Xncph\¥]pctØbv°pw ÿew am‰nsIm≠p≈ A`nhμy Xncpta\nbpsS DØchv e`n®p. tPmPn A®≥ Gs‰SpØn cn°p∂ ]pXnb NpaXe \n¿Δln°phm≥ Bhiyamb ssZhIr] ssZhw \¬Is´ F∂p {]m¿∞n°p∂p. kPn A®s\bpw IpSpw_sØbpw kt¥mjtØmsS Cu CShIbnte°v kzmKXw sNøp∂p. \hw_¿ amkw 2˛mw XobXn RmbdmgvN AJne temI kt≠kvIqƒ Zn\w (World Sunday School Day) Bbn BNcn°pIbmWt√m. Cu h¿jsØ kt≠kvIqƒ Zn\mNcWw G‰hpw `wKnbmbn \SØphm≥ CSbmIs´. C∂sØ temIw am‰Øns‚ temIw BWv. At\Iw sh√phnfnIƒ D≈ Hcp temIw BWv CXv. Cßs\bp≈ 3 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Hcp Np‰p]mSn¬ Ip™pßsf icnbmb ]mXbn¬ \SØpI F∂ ZuXyw BWv ssZhw \sΩ `ctaev ] n®ncn°p∂Xv . {]Xymi \jvSs∏´ temIØn\v ]pXnb Z¿i\w \¬Iphm≥ Ip™pßfpsS cq]m¥cw hgnsbmcp°pw. AXn\mhiyamb ssZhIr] kt≠kv I qƒ {]h¿Ø\ßfn¬ ]¶mfnIfmIp∂ Gh¿°pw e`n°s´ F∂v {]m¿∞n°p∂p. \hw_¿ 9˛mw XobXn Rmbdmgv N sFIy Rmbdmgv N Bbn BNcn°p∂p. kn.Fkv.sF. ˛ kn.F≥.sF. am¿tØmΩ k`IfpsS sFIysØ Hm¿°pIbpw {]m¿∞n°pIbpw sNøp∂ Z\w BWv. hnhn[ k`Ifn¬ \mw AwK߃ Bbncn°ptºmƒ Xs∂, Hcpan®p {]h¿Øn°mhp∂ taJeIƒ Is≠Øn sFIytØmsS \ne\n¬ °phm≥ IgnbWw. k`IfpsS Hcpan®p≈Xmb IqSnhchn¬ IqSn HcpabpsS Z¿i\w hcpwXeapdbv°v sImSp°phm≥ IgnbWw. HcnSb\pw Hcm´n≥Iq´hpw F∂ I¿Ømhmb tbiphns‚ Z¿i\w ]q¿ØoIcn°p∂ thZnbmbn k`IfpsS Hcpan®p≈ {]h¿Ø\w amdWw. B Hcp Z¿i\Øn¬ \n∂psIm≠v , \ΩpsS sFIy {]h¿Ø\ßfn¬ ]¶mfnIfmbnØocmw. s]¨inip Rmb¿ (Girl Child Sunday) Bbn \hw_¿ 16˛mw XobXn Rmb¿ \mw BNcn°p∂p. F√m Ip™pßfpw ssZhØns‚ Zm\w BsW∂p≈ Nn¥bmWv Cu Zn\w \ap°v \evIp∂Xv. s]¨Ip™p ߃ _m[yXbmtWm, F∂p≈ Nn¥ hf¿∂phcp∂ Hcp kaqlØn¬, B¨˛s]¨ hyXymkan√msX F√mhscbpw Hcpt]mse IcpXp∂, kvt\ln°p∂ Hcp Z¿i\w hf¿ØnsbSp °phm≥ Cu Zn\Ønse Bcm[\bpw, XncphN\[ym\hpw CSbmbnØocs´ F∂p {]m¿∞n°p∂p. \hw_¿ 23˛mw XobXn Rmb¿ \ΩpsS Nn¥, cmPmhmb {InkvXphns‚ BtLmjw (Festival of Christ the King) F∂p≈XmWv. ssZhcmPyw F∂ Nn¥ thZ]pkv X IØn¬ hfsc {]m[m\yw A¿ln°p∂p. {]tXyIn®v ]pXnb \nbaØn¬ tbip{Inkv X p ssZhcmPysØ°pdn®v {]kwKn®p. At∏mkvXe≥amtcmSv XpS¿∂pw Cu Nn¥ {]kwKn°phm≥ \n¿t±in®p. \oXnbpsSbpw kam[m\ Øns‚bpw kv t \lØns‚bpw ]ckv ] cw ]¶phbv ° ent‚bpw PohnXssienbmWv ssZhcmPyw. ssZhcmPyØns‚ cmPmhv {InkvXphmWv. ssZhcmPyØn¬ kIe¿°pw Xr]vXnbpw, kIecpw Dbn¿Øs∏SpIbpw sNøp∂p. Aßs\ cmPmhmb {InkvXphns\ \mw BtLmjn°p∂p. AYhm, ssZhcmPyØns‚ kt¥mjsØ 4 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 \mw a\ nem°p∂p. \ΩpsS hy‡n]camb PohnXhpw, IpSpw_hpw, k`bpw ssZhcmPyØns‚ LSIßfmbn amdWw. BKa\Øn¬ (Advent) H∂mw Rmb¿ Bbn \hw_¿ 30˛mw XobXn RmbdmgvN BNcn°s∏SpIbmWv. A∂sØ {][m\Nn¥ {Inkv X phns‚ BKa\Øn\mbn kt¥mjIcamb ImØncn∏v (Joyful expectation of Christ’s coming) F∂p≈XmWv. I¿Ømhmb tbiphns‚ BKa\w temIØn\p {]Xymibpw, kt¥mjhpw ]I¿∂p. tbip{InkvXphns‚ BKa\sØ°pdn®v {]hmNI∑m¿ kwkmcn®psIm≠ncp∂p. tbiphns‚ P\\w, tbiphns‚ {]h¿Ø\w, tbiphns‚ ]p\cp∞m\w, tbiphns‚ c≠mwhchv, Chsb√mw ]gb\nba {]hmNI∑m¿ apJm¥cw Acpfn sNbvXn´p≈XmWv. AXpsIm≠p Xs∂ ainlmbpsS BKa\sØ, bn{kmtb¬ P\X ImØncp∂p. {InkvXphns‚ P\\sØ BtLmjn°phm≥ Hcpßp∂ \mw {InkvXphns‚ BKa\w Hcp B\μIcamb {]Xo£bmbncp∂p F∂p a\ nem°Ww. Hcp ]pXnb Xocpam\Ønte°v hcphm≥ CSbmIs´. ssZhw \sΩ Ghtcbpw A\p{Kln°s´. kptamZv A®≥ PARISH BI-CENTENARY PROJECTS Dear Parishioners, The Christ Church Committee has decided to take up construction of two Parish Bicentennial Projects for which foundation stones were laid by the Diocesan Bishop on 6th November 2012. The Projects are 1)Mission House in Immanuel CSI Church compound, Muttathara and (ii) Common Vault of 500 cells in the Muttathara Cemetery. We already have Rs.5.0 lakh as Fixed Deposit for the former project and Rs.2.6 lakhs as Parish Bi-centenary RD/FD. We may require an additional Rs.8.00 lakhs for completion of the above projects. We also purpose to construct a home of about 450 sq.ft. for our Gardener Mr. Roy Daniel, as his present dwelling place is in a dilapidated condition. The plan for the same has been submitted for obtaining building permit. Members of the Congregation have already contributed Rs.1.63 lakhs towards this project, under our City Mission (Swanthanam) Project. We request the patronage and co-operation of the entire Congregation for completing the above projects Christ Church Committee 5 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 hm¿ØIfpw Ipdn∏pIfpw ZzniXm_vZn ktΩf\w amthen°c, ASq¿, tImSpIpf™n Pn√IfpsS ZzniXm_vZn ktΩf\w, 2014 HIvtSm_¿ 5˛mw XobXn RmbdmgvN D®bv°v 2.30 \v tImSpIpf™n kn.Fkv.sF. ss{IÃv N¿®n¬ h®v \SØs∏´p. 2016 hsc \o≠p\n¬°p∂ ZzniXm_vZn {]h¿Ø\߃ IqSpX¬ Du¿÷kzeam°phm\pw, CXphscbp≈ {]h¿Ø\ßsf hnebncpØphm\pw IqSnb ktΩf\Øn¬ \ΩpsS CShIbn¬ \n∂v 9 t]¿ ]s¶SpØp. D]k`Ifn¬ \n∂pw \√ ]¶mfnXzap≠m bncp∂p. Transfer & Appointment \ΩpsS k`bn¬ Akn v hnImcnbmbn {]h¿Øn®p sIm≠ncp∂ Rev. Dn. Joji Philip˛s\ sh√q¿ anj\ntebv°v ÿew am‰nbncn°p∂p. tPmPn A®s‚ AhnSpsØ {]h¿Ø\߃°v F√mhn[ A\p{Klßfpw D≠mIs´ F∂v {]m¿∞n°p∂p. ss{IÃv N¿®v Akn v hnImcnbmbn Rev. Saji Cherian Mammen, 2014 HIvtSm_¿ 19 \v Nm¿÷v FSpØp. kPn A®s\ Cu CShIbntebv ° v kzmKXw sNøp∂Xnt\msSm∏w, A®s‚ CShIbntebpw, D]k`Ifntebpw {]h¿Ø\߃°v F√mhn[ ]n¥pWbpw {]m¿∞\bpw, k` t\cp∂p. Proficiency Prizes 2014 ¬ proficiency prizes \v A¿lcmb hnZym¿∞nIƒ°v, \hw_¿ 2˛mw XobXn RmbdmgvN \S°p∂ Cw•ojv & aebmfw Bcm[\ at≤y kΩm\߃ hnXcWw sNøp∂Xmbncn°pw. Almaya Fellowship A¬amb s^temjn∏ns‚ hm¿jnI I¨sh≥j≥ 2014 \hw_¿ 14, 15, 16 XobXnIfn¬ ]≈nbn¬ sh®v \SØs∏Spw. Rev. Dr. D.J. Ajitkumar BWv apJy{]mkwKnI≥. Harvest Festival 2014 Cu h¿jsØ Harvest Festival, Unkw_¿ amkw 7-mw XobXn (H∂mw Rmb¿), ]Xnhpt]mse cmhnse 7.30 aWn°v kwbp‡ 6 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Bcm[\tbmSp IqSn \SØphm≥ Xocpam\n®p. Cu h¿jsØ Sm¿P‰v 23 e£w cq]bmWv. AXn¬ 15 e£w cq] Annual Thanks Giving Collection Bbpw, _m°nbp≈ 8 e£w cq] teeØn¬ \n∂pw, hnhn[ Hm¿Kss\tkj≥ Ãmfn¬ \n∂pw e`n°psa∂pamWv {]Xo£n°p∂Xv. CXn¬ \n∂pw e`n°p∂ hcpam\w, Xmsg∏dbp∂ Bhiy߃°pw NnehnSphm\mWv Xocpam\w. Ah:1. ap´Ød D]k`bv°v Hcp anj≥ hoSv. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Foundation & basement for building common vaults in Muttathara. Housing project for Mr. Roy Daniel (Church staff) 6 City Mission Projects MKD Mission fields - Orissa Mission, Palani Mission, Kuttanad Mission Second Parsonage for Christ Church Harvest Festival expenses. {InkvXpa v Itcmƒ 24 Cu h¿jsØ {InkvXpa v Itcmƒ k¿Δokv, 2014 Unkw_¿ \v sshIn´v 6 aWn°v \SØs∏Sp∂Xmbncn°pw. hm¿jnI I¨sh≥j≥ k`bpsS hm¿jnI I¨sh≥j≥ 2015 P\phcn 22, 23, 24 F∂o XobXnIfn¬ \SØs∏Spw. apSh≥apIƒ D]k`bpsS BhiyØntebv°v Hcp Aeamcnbpw, Hcp sNdnb taibpw, 2 Itkcbpw, Hcp hiØnSphm≥ Im¿s∏‰pw AXymhiyambncn°p∂p. IqSmsX ]ffnbpsS ap≥hiØv Hcp Nmbv∏pw Bhiyambn h∂ncn°p∂p. Cu Bhiy߃°pth≠nbp≈ kw`mh\Iƒ, k`mP\ ßfn¬ \n∂v £Wn®psIm≈p∂p. {InkvXp tkh tkmjy¬ k¿Δokv sk‚¿ {InkvXptkh tkmjy¬ k¿Δokv sk‚dns‚ 2014˛17 se HutZymKnI `mchmlnIfmbn Xmsg∏dbp∂h¿ NpaXetbs‰SpØp. sshkv {]knU‚ v {io. taml≥ F. Nm≠n, sk{I´dn {io. tkma≥ tPm¨, tPmbn‚ v sk{I´dn {io. t]mƒcmPv, {Sjd¿ {io. sPbnwkv sNdnbm≥, Ct‚W¬ HmUn‰¿ {io. tXmakv tP°_v. Hma\ F{_lmw (sk{I´dn) 7 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Organisations’ Corner Almaya Fellowship 2014 sk]v‰w_¿ 14 \v aebmfw Bcm[\bv°ptijw Aflmb s^temjn∏ns‚ 2013˛14 se hm¿jnI s]mXptbmKw Asst. Vicar Rev. Dn. Joji Philip s‚ A≤y£Xbn¬ IqSpIbp≠mbn. tbmKØn¬ GItZiw 40 AwK߃ ]s¶SpØp. 2013˛14 se {]h¿Ø\ dnt∏m¿´pw IW°pw tbmKw AwKoIcn®p. anj≥ ^o¬Uv kvIqfpIfnse Ip´nIƒ°p≈ bqWnt^mw klmbw, tlmw Hm^v eu, At¥hmknIfpsS k‘n∏v, A©p X≠p anjWdnbpsS k‘n∏v F∂nh XpS¿∂pw \¬Im≥ Xocpam\n®p. 2014 HIvtSm_¿ 2 \v tN¿Øe _nj∏v aq¿ hnZym]oTn¬ \S∂ almbnShI Aflmb hm¿jnI s]mXptbmKØn¬ \ΩpsS bqWn‰n¬ \n∂pw 14 AwK߃ {]tXyI hml\w {IaoIcn®v t]mbn ]s¶SpØp. \ΩpsS _nj∏v ssd‰v dh. tXmakv sI. DΩ≥ Xncpta\nbpsS A≤y£Xbn¬ IqSnb tbmKØn¬ dh. tUm. Un.sP. APnXvIpam¿ apJy{]mkwKnI\mbncp∂p. Aflmb s^temjn∏v hm¿jnI I¨sh≥j≥ 2014 \hw_¿ 14, 15, 16 XobXnIfn¬ \ΩpsS ]≈nbn¬ h®v \S°pIbmWv. IrXyw 6 aWn°v Km\ip{iqj Bcw`n°p∂ XmWv. kp{]kn≤ kphntij {]kwKI≥ dh. tUm. Un.sP. APnXvIpam¿ (kn.F≥.sF. Hdok anj≥) apJy{]kwKnI≥ Bbncn°pw. hN\w tIƒ°phm\p≈ Cu Ahkcw {]tbmP\s∏SpØpI. I¨sh≥js\ Hm¿Øp {]m¿∞n °Wta. Golden Age Fellowship Our next bi-monthly worship service will be held on Friday, 7th November 2014 at 7.30 AM. Rev. Saji Cherian Mammen will share the word of God. Requesting your prayerful presence. 8 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Lord! I thank you for choosing me to teach your children. Help me realise the importance of imparting the Word of God. Fill me with your wisdom and help me become an ideal teacher Loving and caring for my students impartially. Let my enthusiasm spread among all. Let my prayerful life be an example. Fill me with the peace and joy of the Holy Spirit and Let my children see Jesus in me! Sosamma Thomas (ID 244) Aflmb s^temjn∏v hm¿jnI I¨h≥j≥ ÿew : kn.Fkv.sF. ss{IÃv N¿®v, Xncph\¥]pcw XobXn : 2014 \hw_¿ 14, 15, 16 (sh≈n, i\n, Rmb¿) kabw : 6 pm ˛ Km\ip{iqj 7 pm ˛ {]kwKw kp{]kn≤ kphntijI {]kwKI≥ : dh. tUm. Un.sP. APnXv I pam¿ kn.F≥.sF. Hdok anj≥ ]s¶SpØv A\p{Klw {]m]n°pI. Obituary Mrs. Annamma John (82) (ID 824), Valeth, NCC Road, Peroorkada,Trivandrum on 28th October 2014 9 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Almanac 02-11-2014 Nurturing in Faith 21st Sunday after Pentecost Christian Education Sunday - World Sunday School Day AJnetemI kt≠kvIqƒ Zn\w OT : Deuteronomy 6:4-9 Epistle : Ephesians 6:1-4 Psalm 127 Gospel : Luke 2:40-52 6.15 a.m. H.E. (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. H.E. (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel 05-11-2014 H.E. (English) 6.00 pm Wednesday 07-11-2014 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday 09-11-2014 Treasure in Clay Jars 7th Sunday before Christmas CCI Sunday, Festival of Unity of the Communion of Churches in India sFIyØns‚ BtLmjw Ot : Micah 6:1-8 Epistle : 2 Corinthians 4:7-15 Psalm 106:1-12 Gospel : Mark 4:26-29 6.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. H.E. (English) 9.45 a.m. Matins (Malayalam) 7.00 a.m. H.E. at Zion Hall 6.00 p.m. H.E. at Zenana Chapel 12-11-2014 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday 14-11-2014 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday 16-11-2014 Assuring Future for the Girl Child 6th Sunday before Christmas Sunday for the Girld Child s]¨inip Rmb¿ OT : Exodus 2:1-10 Epistle : Acts 12:12-17 Psalm 45 Gospel : Mark 5:35-43 6.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. H.E. (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel 19-11-2014 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday 21-11-2014 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday 10 TIDINGS 23-11-2014 NOVEMBER 2014 Festival of Christ the King 5 th Sunday before Christmas Strive for the Kingdom of God after understanding the risks involved ssZh `cWØn\mbv A]ISkm[yX Adn™psIm≠v ap∂n´ndßpI OT : Zechariah 2:10-13 Epistle : Ephesians 1:3-10 Psalm : 115 Gospel : Luke 1:26-38 6.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. Matins (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 7.00 a.m. H.E. at Zion Hall 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel 26-11-2014 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday 28-11-2014 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday 30-11-2014 Joyful Expectation of Christ’s Coming 4th Sunday before Christmas and First Sunday in Advent Advent Sunday {InkvXphns‚ BKa\Øn\mbn kt¥mjIcamb ImØncn∏v OT : Jeremiah 33:10-16 Epistle : 1 Thessalonians 3:6-13 Psalm 68:11-20 Gospel : Luke 1:39-45 6.15 a.m. Matins (Tamil) 7.15 a.m. Matins (English) 9.45 a.m. H.E. (Malayalam) 6.00 p.m. Evening Worship at Zenana Chapel 03-12-2014 H.E. (English) 6.00 p.m. Wednesday 05-12-2014 H.E. (Malayalam) 7.30 a.m. Friday 07-12-2014 Thanks Giving for Harvest 3rd Sunday before Christmas and 2nd Sunday in Advent Harvest Festival BZy^e Rmb¿ OT : Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Epistle : 2 Corinthour 6:6-15 Psalm 65 Gospel : Luke 21-1-4 7.30 am - Combined Service - Harvest Festival 7th December 2014 Come and Experience Great Fellowship 11 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Roster For Reading Lessons ENGLISH Date 02-11-2014 09-11-2014 16-11-2014 23-11-2014 30-11-2014 07-12-2014 First Lesson Second Lesson SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY Capt. T.M. Punnen Mrs. Sally George GIRL CHILD SUNDAY Mr. Renju Philip Mrs. Susan Verghis Mr. Roy Mathew Dr. Valsamma John HARVEST FESTIVAL MALAYALAM Date 02-11-2014 09-11-2014 16-11-2014 23-11-2014 30-11-2014 07-12-2014 First Lesson Second Lesson SUNDAY SCHOOL SUNDAY Mr. K.M. Abraham Sr. Annamma Mathew GIRL CHILD SUNDAY Mr. C.C. Cheriankunju Mrs. Jolly Job Mr. Daniel M.V. Mrs. Kunjumariamma HARVEST FESTIVAL P r o g r a m m e f o r November z All Sundays Sunday School - 8 AM Bible Study (Youth Fellowship) – After the English Service Prayer Meeting (Almaya Fellowship) – After the Malayalam Service Hi n d i Ser v i c e at Cen t en ar y Hal l 4.30 PM z 14 th - Friday Intercessory Prayer - 10 AM Bible Study (Golden Age Fellowship) After the Intercessory Prayer z All Fridays Choir Practice (English) - 5.00 PM z All Saturdays Intercessory Prayer (Youth Fellowship) – 4.30 PM Choir Practice (Junior Choir) - 4.30 PM Choir Practice (Malayalam) - 5.00 PM 11th - Tuesday Prison Visit - (Women’s Fellowship) - 2 PM z 22nd - Saturday House Visit (Women’s Fellowship) - 10 AM z 12 z 15 th - Saturday Bible Study (Women’s Fellowship) - 3.30 PM z 25 th - Tuesday Prison Visit - (Women’s Fellowship) - 2 PM z 28 th - Friday Visiting the Sick (Golden Age Fellowship) - 9 AM TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Baptism REUBEN ROY SAM, S/o Mr.Roy Simon and Mrs. Shiny Susan George, Kudiyattil House, Vivekananda Nagar, Pangode, Trivandrum - 6, on 3rd October 2014 (dob:2 September 2014) TALIA MARIAM PHILIP, D/o Mr. Philip M Chandy and Mrs. Thrill Merin Mathew, Mulammoottil House, Vikas Bhavan, PMG, Trivandrum on 4th October 2014 (dob:15th May 2014) MANNAH SARAH JACOB, D/o Mr. Jibu Jacob John and Mrs. Reetu Rachel Varghese, Modayil Valiyaveettil, T.K.D. Road, Muttada, Trivandrum - 25 on 11th October 2014 (dob:10th July 2014) S.SHERON, S/o Mr. G. Samson David and Mrs. D. SheebaLincy,HQ SAC,IAF Akkulam, Trivandrum-31 on 12th October 2014 (dob:24 June 2014) S.SHERYL, D/o Mr. G. Samson David and Mrs. D. SheebaLincy, HQ SAC, IAF Akkulam, Trivandrum-31 on 12th October 2014 (dob:30th December 2012) ABISHAK SAMUEL,S/o Mr. N.Gnanasakaran and Mrs. Shanti Beaula, Moolayil Althara, Pachallore, Trivandrum-27 on 12th October 2014 (dob:17th April 2010) ADWIN, S/o Mr. Immanuel Koil Mani and Mrs. Selvapushpam, Moolayil Althara, Pachallore, Trivandrum-27 on 12th October 2014 (dob:27th May 2014) ABIHA S, D/o Mr. Samuel Koil Raja and Mrs.Rebekkal S,Moolayil Althara, Pachallore, Trivandrum-27 on 12th October 2014 (dob:04th March 2011) ALWIN IMMANUEL, S/o Mr. Immanuel Koil Mani and Mrs. Selvapushpam, Moolayil Althara, Pachallore, Trivandrum-27 on 12th October 2014 (dob: 07thMay 2011) ANNLIYA S, D/o Mr. Samuel Koil Raja and Mrs. Rebekkal S, Moolayil Althara, Pachallore, Trivandrum-27 on 12th October 2014 (dob:22nd February 2013) Marriage PRIYA, D/o Mr.Joseph Simpson, Mullassery House, Pangappara, Trivandrum, of this Church and ELDHO, S/o Mr. Matthew Metharatta, Missouri City, Taxas, at St.Peter’s Jacobite Syrian Church, Trivandrum on 20th October 2014 13 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Contributions From 23/09/2014 to 22/22/2014 Book Collections: September 2014 Medical Help Rs . Prof. J.D. Isaac 1,000 A Well-wisher 6,000 Education Help Prof. J.D. Isaac 1,000 A Well-wisher 5,000 Housing Help (Roy Daniel - Gardener) V. Rev. Matthew Matthew 1,000 Food for the Needy Mr. Saki Koshy Abraham 10,000 Mr. Koshy John 1,000 Dr. Cherian Jacob & Dr. Mrs. Renju Thomas 10,000 Mrs & Mr. M.Y.Rao 1,000 A Well-wisher 5,000 Mrs. Elizabeth Oommen 2,000 Mr. Vishal Jacob George 5,000 Mr. Sudhir George Verghis 2,000 Mr. M.S. Joseph 500 Mr. Laly P. Mathew 1,000 Mr. Isiah Simpson 500 Mr. Isaac Simpson 500 Mrs. Sarah Thomas 500 Rev. Dr. Jacob Verghis 500 Reeve John Philip 2,000 Mr. Sujith David John 1,000 Mr. Paul Jacob 1,000 Mr. Binu Kurien 500 Mr. T.I. Cherian 1,000 Mr. Thomas Kurien 500 Mr. Mathew Zachariah 1,000 Mr. Christi G. Mathai 500 Mr. Rex David Gama 1,000 Dr. A.M. Mathew 500 Mr. Rajan George 500 Mr. C.D. Kurien 1,000 Mr. Kuruvilla Kurian 2,000 Mrs. Susamma George 500 Mr. Varkey George E 1,000 Mr. Sudhir George Verghis 3,000 Mrs. Elizabeth Sara John 1,000 Mr. K.I.John 1,000 Mrs. Ammukutty George 1,000 Mr. George Cherian 1,500 Rayan & Projoth 1,500 Jincy George 1,500 Nathan & Danny 2,000 Mr. K.I.Mathew 1,500 Mr. P.A Thomas 1,000 Nisha Thampy 500 Mr. A.S.John 1,500 Mr. Jacob Mathew Alen Mathew Mr. I.Mathew Mr. Sam John Mrs. Rema Mary Thomas Mr. K. Paulraj A Well-wisher Mr. George John Ashwin & Nevin Me. Ebenezer Rajkumar Ms. Nimmy Racehl Mathew Mr. Andrew Paul Solomon Mr. George Joseph Mr. Koshy Joseph Mrs. Saramma Thomas Prof K.V. Thomas Mr. P.V. Varkey Mrs. Annamma T. George Mrs. Annamma Abraham Dr. Rezy Cheru Mrs.Mary Joseph A Well-wisher Mr. Daniel Mathew (of Sept 2014) Parkal / Jangedu Mission Mr. K.C. Mani Mrs. Elizabeth Oommen Mr. M.S. Joseph Mrs. Annie George Varghese Mr. Varkey John E Mr. Binu Joseph Mrs. Annamma T. George Mr. P.V. Varkey Parkal Orphanage Mr. Sudhir George Verghis Mr. M.M. John Mr. Isiah Simpson Dr. Y.A. Ajith Dr. K.I. Kurien Mr. Varkey John E Home of Love, Parkal Pattom-Plamoodu Area Andhra Mission Mrs. Elizabeth Oommen Mr. Varkey John E Malayora Mission Mr. A.S. John Mysore Mission Mrs. Annamma T. George Vellore Mission Mr. Varkey John E Uttaranjal Mission Mr. Varkey John E 14 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 5,000 2,000 500 5,000 1,000 10,000 1,000 1,000 500 500 500 5,000 1,000 500 3,000 5,000 2,000 5,000 2,000 2,500 5,000 500 1,000 500 500 500 500 1,000 150 100 3,000 1,000 500 1,000 5,000 500 500 500 500 500 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Thottapradesh Mission Mr. Varkey John E Prison Ministry Mrs. Mary Joseph Mrs. Sarasa Punnen Mrs. Achamma Samuel Bible Society Dr. Cherian Jacob and Dr. Mrs. Renju Cherian Mr. Eapen Koshy Church Maintenance Mr. Koshy John Mr. P.K. Luke Mr. Isaac Simpson Mr. Isaiah Simpson Mr. M.M. John Mr. Eapen Koshy Ch ar i t y Mr. Isaac Simpson Mr. Isaiah Simpson 500 300 500 200 3,000 1,000 1,000 500 200 200 75 1,600 200 200 Wo m en ’ s Fel l o w s h i p Mr. M.S. Joseph Mr. Isaac Simpson Almaya Fellowship Mr. M.S. Joseph Ch o i r Mr. M.M. John Thank Offering Mrs. Annamma Koshy Others Mr. M.S. Joseph (Outstation) Mr. Jacob Rajan (Outstation) City Mission Mr. Binu Joseph 500 100 500 75 500 500 500 500 CORRECTION : In the October 2014 issue of Tidings under “Contributions”, Rs. 2000/- has been received for “Prison Ministry” from ‘Mrs. Jessy E. Koshy. But the name was wrongly shown as Mrs. Jessy E. Thomas. The error is regretted. Area Prayer Meetings Time 03-11-2014 5 PM 07-11-2014 5 PM Area - Monday Nanthencode - Friday Pongumoodu Name Mrs. Alice Thomas ID Phone 541 2314661 Mr. Shaji T.C. 9846144510 Thottathil, Pongumoodu 08-11-2014 - Saturday - Memorial Prayer 3 PM Palayam-Vazhuthacaud Late Mr. M.K. Mani 602 2322292 (Memorial Payer) 5 PM Nanthencode Mrs. Molly Varghese 504 2314537 09-11-2014 - Sunday 4 PM Peroorkada Mrs. Daisy John Varghese 805 2433873 (Memorial Prayer 4.30 PM Kesavadasapuram Mr. Mary George 130 2541263 4.30 PM PTP Nagar-Vattiyoorkavu Mr. Lalu George 9539733100 Thampuru, Near Govt ITI, Malayinkeezhu 4.30 PM Pattom - Plamoodu Mrs. Saramma Philip 741 6051706 16-11-2014 - Sunday 4 PM Peroorkada Mr. Roy Philip 808 2432808 4.30 PM Kesavadasapuram Mr. John P. John 148 2541390 18-11-2014 - Tuesday 5 PM Nanthencode Mr. Abraham John 525 2318429 23-11-2014 - Sunday 4.30 PM Pattom - Plamoodu Mr. Cherian George 710 2444575 4.30 PM PTP Nagar-Vattiyoorkavu Mr. M.P. Raju 1271 2361912 4.30 PM Poojappura - Karamana Mr. K. Paul Raj 1131 2352473 25-11-2014 - Tuesday 5 PM Palayam - Vazhuthacaud Mr. John George M. 617 2320276 15 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 JOYFUL EXPECTATION OF CHRIST’S COMING A life that is redeemed, Spirit filled and eternal – these are some of the privileges of the believing Christian. As the season of Advent, culminating in Christmas, is round the corner, it would be worthwhile to reaffirm our faith and firm beliefs. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. He then created Adam and Eve in His own image. However, Adam’s disobedience paved the way for a fallen world characterized by sin, evil and death. The salvation plan through Jesus Christ was provided by the LORD, as revealed in a series of promises and prophesies in the Bible, beginning with Genesis 3:15. The Jews, the chosen people of God, were living in great expectation of the coming Messiah - proclaimed as ‘Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.’(Isaiah 9:6 NKJV). John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, had preached baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. In many eastern churches, the season of Advent is observed with fasting and prayer. The birth of Jesus ‘When the fullness of time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law that we might receive the adoption as sons’ (Gal 4:4 - 5). Mary was obedient to the divine calling. The simple shepherds were quick in transmitting the good tidings of great joy concerning the birth of Jesus the Saviour, in the City of David. The wise men worshipped the new born king, and presented meaningful gifts to Him, symbolizing His kingship, divinity and atoning death on the cross. During this Christmas season, more than the celebrations, let us worship Him with all our heart and soul and mind. Only a few knew Jesus as the Messiah at His birth and the subsequent ministry. ‘He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him’. (John 1:11). Then there were two old people in Jerusalem, who were living in fervent anticipation of the coming Messiah - Simeon, just and devout, waiting for the Consolation of Israel and Anna the prophetess, who did not depart from the temple, but served God with fasting and prayer night and day whose faith were rewarded when Jesus was revealed to them by the Holy Spirit as He was being brought to the temple by Mary and Joseph. (Luke 2: 25 – 38). Christmas proclaims the Love, Joy and Peace flowing from God, which are for us to claim as our own. God’s gift to mankind is eternal life through Jesus Christ, who is the hope of the generations. Christ has become for us wisdom from God and righteousness, sanctification and redemption. Immanuel, God with us, is assured to us through the indwelling presence 16 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 of the Holy Spirit in us. Let us thank God for ‘His indescribable gift’ (2 Corinthians 9:15). The second coming of Jesus A lesson from the first coming of Jesus is that people should not live in a denial mode concerning His second coming. It is fashionable in the secular world to ‘eat drink and be merry’ forgetting the second coming of Jesus and the judgment day. As Christians, our citizenship is in heaven and we joyfully await the second coming of our Lord Jesus. The prophesies in the Bible on the matter are to be studied prayerfully. The Holy Spirit gives us the heavenly wisdom to discern the fulfillment of God’s plans in these last days, as the world’s events unfold to the second coming of Lord Jesus. We need to pray to God to keep us faultless and ready to meet Him any time. The last days are going to be very difficult to be a Christian and the worries of this life should not choke us to live like unbelievers. While Jesus came in humility at His first coming, He will return a second time in great glory as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The turn of events at the return of Jesus have always been described as glorious in the books of the Bible. Christians know that the best is yet to be, when His kingdom comes. He will come on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory (Mathew 24:30), with His angels (Mathew 16:27), with the voice of an archangel (1 Thessalonians 4:16), in the company of all His saints (1 Thessalonians 3:13). The second coming will bring about the final emancipation of the fallen world into its original glory, signifying the eventual doom of sin and evil and the ultimate victory of the exalted Christ. The death and resurrection of Jesus have ensured our victory over death. Jesus has promised that ‘Because I live, you will live also’ (John 14:19). To the Christian, death opens the door to eternal life. Jesus will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body (Philippians 3: 21). Our relationship with God was reconciled through redemption at the first coming. This relationship will find perfect fulfillment at the second coming when all His people are gathered around Him in full fellowship and where He lives among them (Rev 21:3). Those who despair at the injustice and unfair treatment in this world can take heart in the reign of Jesus, who is righteous and faithful. Since it will be a dreadful experience for the unbeliever on the judgment day, we should witness and spread the gospel far and wide, obeying the great commission of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 13:10). We need to live a life of repentance leading to holiness and godliness (2 Peter 3:11) and praying for His Kingdom to come (Matthew 6:10). “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus (Revelation .22:20). George John (ID........) 17 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 155th Anniversary of Christ Church (Nostalgia) Hm¿Ω°pdn∏pIƒ (Mr. C. Thomas IAS (Retd) ambn apJmapJw) 1. hnZym`ymkØn\v F∂pw Du∂¬ sImSpØncp∂ ]nXmhns‚ tNmZn®phmßnb ÿewam‰tØmsSm∏w Ft∂bpw Xncph\¥]pc tØbv°v 1931˛¬ ]dn®p\´p. Aßs\ al\obamb ss{IÃv N¿®v tZhmebØns‚ `mKamIphm\p≈ Akpe` Ahkcw. XpS¿∂v almcmPmkv tImtfPv Hm^v ssk≥kn¬ (C∂sØ bqWnthgvkn‰n tImtfPv) ]T\w. a‰v k`Ifn¬ \n∂v hn`n∂ambn Bw•n°≥ hnImcnbpw, Bw•n°≥ (2˛3), Bwt•m C≥Uy≥ (2˛3) IpSpw_ßfpaSßp∂ 100˛¬ Xmsg AwKßfp≈ tZhmebw IuXpIambn. 2. dh. Fw.sP. Nm≠n A®s‚ Iognep≈ in£Whpw XpS¿∂v _nj∏v E.A.L. Moore ˛s‚ t\XrXzØn¬ \S∂ ÿncoIcW ssIsh∏v ip{iqjbpw A\p{KloX\nanjßfmbncp∂p. Hcn°¬ Lord Willingdon Dw (C≥UybpsS sshkvtdmbn) Lady Willingdom Dw \ΩpsS tZhmebØn¬ Bcm[\bv°mbn FØnbXpw, At∂Znhkw k`bnte°p≈ {]thi\w apXn¿∂ AwK߃°mbn am{Xw ]m pIƒ \ev I n \nb{¥n°pIbpw sNbv X Xv C∂pw Hm¿°p∂p. A∂v tIhew Hcp hnZym¿∞nbmbncp∂ F\n°v {]thi\w \ntj[n°s∏´p. Rev. Frank Ernest Keay (1934-36) Nm]vfbn\mbncp∂ ImeØv R߃ bphP\ßsf Nmbk¬ImcØn\mbn kzhkXnbnte°v £Wn°pIbpw, A®t\mSpw IpSpw_tØmSpsam∏w Iq´mbv a BNcn°pIbpw sNbvXXv C∂pw Hm¿Ωbn¬ \nev°p∂p. k`bnse kwLS\Ifpw {]h¿Ø\ßfpw 3. dh. Fw.sP. Nm≠n A®s‚ {ia^eambn bphP\߃°p th≠n ss{IÃv N¿®v s^temjn∏v (CCF) cq]wsIm≠p. XpS¿∂v c≠p h¿j°mebfhnte°v (1954˛56) CCF s‚ sk{I´dnbmbn Rm≥ NpaXetb‰p. Cu Imebfhn¬ Hcp GIZn\ dn{So‰v, _o®v _w•mhn¬ Rev. Michael John A®s‚ (hnImcn kn.Fw.Fkv . IØo{U¬, tIm´bw, ]n∂oSv _nj∏v EKD) t\XrXzØn¬ A\p{KloXambn \SØphm\nSbmbn. 18 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 k`bn¬ a‰v HutZymKnI `mchmlnXzw ? 4. k`mIΩn‰nbn¬ Hcn°epw AwKambncp∂n√. HutZymKnI Xnc°pIƒ°nSbn¬ `mchmlnXzØn\v kabhpw kmlNcyhpw A\phZn®n√. F∂ncp∂mepw k`bn¬ kPoh]¶mfnØw hln°phm≥ Bflm¿∞ambn ]cn{ian®p. sk‚n\dn BtLmj߃ 5. hnImcnbmbncp∂ Rev. T.B. Benjamin A®s‚ (]n∂oSv _nj∏v NKD) t\XrXzØn¬ \S∂ BtLmj߃ C∂pw a\ n¬ HfnaßmsX \nev ° p∂p. tIcf Kh¿Wdpw, kμ¿i\Øn\mbn FØnb FtXym]y≥ N{Ih¿Øn Haile Selassie bpw {][m\ AXnYnIfmbncp∂p. A{]Xo£nX AwKoImcw XZhkcØn¬ \ΩpsS N¿®v Izb¿ GtXym]y≥ anthem `wKnbmbn Be]n®p. ]n∂oSv N{Ih¿Øn hn{ian®ncp∂ dknU≥kn KÃv luknte°v Izb¿ AwKßsf £Wn°pIbpw, anthem Hcn°¬IqSn BkzZn°phm\p≈ B{Klw Adnbn°pIbpw sNbv X p. {ipXna[pcambn Be]n® Izb¿ AwK߃s°√mw kz¿Æ\mWbw ]mcntXmjnIambn \evIpIbpw sNbvXp. ad°m\mhmØ A\p`hw Fs‚bpw `mcybpsSbpw Cw•≠v kμ¿i\thfbn¬ \ΩpsS hnImcnbmbncp∂ Rev. Brown s\ (]n¬°meØv B¿®v _nj∏mbn) ho≠pw I≠pap´phm\nSbmbn. \nd™ kv t \ltØmsS Fs‚ Aca\ ImW≠mtbm? F∂ tNmZytØmsS At±lw Rßsf Xs‚ Aca\bnte°v £Wn®Xv Ahnizk\ob aplq¿Øambncp∂p. CSb]cn]me\w T.B. Benjamin A®≥ Xs‚ ssk°nfn¬ `h\kμ¿i\w 6. \SØnbncp∂Xpw, Zqc{]tZißfn¬ Rßsfm∂n®v Fs‚ Imdn¬ bm{X sNbvXncp∂Xpw C∂pw Hm¿°p∂p. A∂sØ I]ym¿ {io. kmaph¬ RßfpsS hgnIm´nbmbn F∂pw H∏ap≠mbncp∂p. KXImekv a cWIfpW¿Øn Cu apJmapJw Hc]q¿Δ A\p`ham°nb almcY≥ ˛ kn. tXmakv sF.F.Fkv. (dn´.) Extract from an Interview of C. Thomas IAS (Retd) (Former Chief Secretary to Government) by Mrs. Susan Ebby, Tidings Editorial Board Member. 19 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Ip™pßfpsS CSbnse kt≠ kvIqƒ ]cn]me\w temIsaßpap≈ {InkvXob k`Iƒ \hw_¿ amkw BZy RmbdmgvN AJne temI kt≠kvIqƒ Zn\ambn BNcn°pIbm Wt√m. kt≠kvIqƒ {]h¿Ø\߃ Ip™pßsf F{XtØmfw kzm[o\n°pIbpw t\¿hgnbntebv°v \bn°pIbpw sNøp∂p F∂v Cu Zn\Øn¬ Nn¥nt°≠Xp≠v. Ip´nIƒ \msfbpsS {]XymibmWv. ]pXnb Imew ]et∏mgpw Ah¿°v Np‰pw IpSneXbpsS Ccp≠hoYn Iƒ krjv S n®ncn°p∂p. ChnsS {Inkv X ob Imgv N ∏mSneqsS BflobXbne[njvTnXambn ssZhhnizmkØns‚ hoYnbmWv \mw Hcpt°≠Xv (k¶o¿Ø\w 127). “hocs‚ Iønse Akv{X߃ Fßs\tbm Aßs\bmIp∂p buh\Ønse a°ƒ. Ahsb s°m≠p Xs‚ Bh\mgn \nd®ncn°p∂ ]pcpj≥ `mKyhm≥. \KchmXn¬°¬ h®p i{Xp°tfmSv kwkmcn°ptºmƒ Aßs\ bp≈h¿ e÷n®p t]mIbn√”. Cw•ojpImc\mb Rober Raikes 1780 ¬ Bcw`n®XmWv kt≠kv I qƒ {]ÿm\w. ]mXh°sØ Ip´nIƒ X√pIqSnbpw sNfnhmcn Fdn™pw Ifn®pw ]nWßnbpw kabw shdptX sNehgn°p∂Xv At±lw I≠p. ]nt‰ BgvN At±lw Ahsc Hcp acØWen¬ hnfn®pIq´n. \√ D]tZißfp thZIYIfpw Ah¿°mbn ]¶ph®p. ]n∂oSp≈ BgvNIfnepw CXv XpS¿∂p t]m∂p. IfnIƒ kulrZtØmsSbmIsa∂pw klPohnItfmSv Fßs\ s]cpamdWsa∂pw At±lw Ahsc ]Tn∏n®p. Ip´nIfnep ≠mb am‰w hfsc hepXmbncp∂p. ho´pImcpw \m´pImcpw AXv a\ nem°n. BZyImeßfn¬ Cu {]ÿm\sØ FXn¿°pIbpw tamiambn kwkmcn°pIbpw sNbvX \m´pIm¿ ]n∂oSv Ct±l Øns‚ al\obamb {]h¿Ø\ßsf «mLn®p. C{]ImcamWv kt≠kvIqƒ F∂ Bibw apf®Xv. F√m RmbdmgvNIfnepw Ip´nIƒ HØptN¿∂p. Aßs\ C∂p ImWp∂ kt≠kvIqƒ F∂ {]ÿm\w DZbw sNbvXp. kt≠kvIqƒ {]ÿm\Øn¬ IqSn Ip´nIsf anI® hy‡n Ifm°m\pw \∑bpw IcpWbpw ssZh`bhpw Dƒt®¿∂ ]pXp ]ndhnIfm°m\pw Ignbp∂p. CXv ap≥\n¿ØnbmWv k`bpw c£I¿Øm°fpw kt≠kv I qƒ {]h¿Ø\ßsf apt∂m´p \bn°p∂Xv. Bh¿Ø\ ]pkvXIw 6:5˛9 hmbn°ptºmƒ \ns‚ ssZhamb btlmhsb \o ]q¿Æ lrZbtØmSpw, ]q¿Æ a\t mSpw, ]q¿Æi‡ntbmSpw IqsS kvt\ln°Ww. C∂p Rm≥ \nt∂mSv I¬∏n°p∂ hN\߃ \ns‚ a°ƒ°v D]tZin®p sImSp°bpw \o ho´n¬ Ccn°ptºmgpw Fgpt∂¬°ptºmgpw Ahsb°pdn®p kwkmcn°pIbpw thWw. Hcp Ip™v sNSn hf¿∂v CeIƒ hnS¿Øn Nn√Iƒ hoin, hepXmbn ]qsam´v \nc∂v Hcp acambnØocp∂Xv ^e{]m]v X nbnseØm\mWv . sNSnbpsS Xo{hamb hnizmkamWv AXns‚ e£yØnte°p≈ am¿§w. 20 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Aßs\bmWv AXv \∑bp≈ Pohs‚ acambn ]cnWan°p∂Xv. AXpt]mse \ΩpsS Ip™pßsf {Inkv X ob hnizmkØns‚ am¿§ØneqsS PohnX ^e{]m]vXnbnseØn°m≥ ssZhhN\߃ D]tZin®psImSpt°≠Xp≠v. At∏mƒ AXv {]mWhmbp t]mse \nXyw \nc¥cw Ah\n¬ hkn°pw. AXmWv Bh¿Ø\]pkvXIw 6:8˛9 ]dbp∂Xv. Ahsb ASbmfambn \ns‚ ssIta¬ sI´Ww. Ah \ns‚ IÆpIƒ°p at≤y ]´ambn Ccn°Ww. Ah \ns‚ ho´ns‚ I´nfIfnt∑epw ]SnhmXnepIfnepw FgpXWw. Ip´nIfpsS Bflob ]cnt]mjWtØmsSm∏w imcocnIhpw am\knIhpamb \thm∞m\Øn\v kt≠kvIqƒ Du∂¬ sImSp°p∂p. Ip´nIfpsS Bflobamb D∂a\Øn\v hyXykvXamb am¿§ßfp≠v. AXn¬ apJyambXv thZ]T\amWv. A≤ym]IcpsS in£WØn¬ thWw CXv \St°≠Xv. am{Xa√ thZhmIy߃ a\x]mTam°p∂Xn\v {ian°Ww. Ip™pßfn¬ AXv Bflobamb Dt∑jw \ne\n¿Øp∂Xn\v ImcWamIpw. CShI ip{iqjIfn¬ Ip´nIsf ]s¶Sp∏n°pbpw t{]m’mln∏n°pIbpw sNøWw. kt≠kv I qfnse Km\]cnioe\w CShIbnse ip{iqjbv ° v AXy¥mt]£nXamWv . C{]Imcw Bcm[\, ]T\w, km£yw ChtbmsSm∏w ktlmZcßsf ip{iqjn°pIbpw klmbn°pIbpw sNøp∂ tkh\Xev]cXbpw Ip´nIfn¬ hf¿ØnsbSpt°≠XmWv. Ft^ky¿ 6:1˛4 hmbn°ptºmƒ “a°tf \nßfpsS AΩb∏∑msc I¿Ømhn¬ A\pkcn∏n≥, AXp \ymbat√m”. \n\°v \∑ D≠mIp hm\pw \o `qanbn¬ Zo¿Lmbpt mSv Ccn∏m\pw \ns‚ A∏s\bpw AΩtbbpw _lpam\n° F∂Xv hmKvZØtØmSp IqSnb BZy Iev]\bmIp∂p. “]nXm°∑msc \nßfpsS a°sf tIm]n∏n°msX I¿Ømhns‚ _mein£bnepw ]t∞ym]tZiØnepw t]m‰n hf¿Øphn≥”. AΩb∏∑msc [n°cn°pIbpw \nμn°pIbpw sNøp∂ a°fpw, a°sf {Iqcambn in£n°p∂ amXm]nXm°fpw ktlmZcßtfbpw klPohnItfbpw shdp°p∂hcpw \nd™ Cu ImeL´Øn¬ lrZbØn¬ shfn®ambn \ndbvt°≠ hN\ßfm Wnh. ChnsSbmWv kt≠ kvIqfns‚ {]k‡n. amXrIm]camb hf¿®bv°pw tkh\at\m`mhØn\pw kt≠ kvIqƒ ta¬∏d™ NXp¿hn[ Dt±iyßtfmsSbmWv {]h¿Øn°p∂Xv. Ip´nIƒ ]Xnhmbn F√m RmbdmgvNIfnepw kt≠kvIqfn¬ FØp∂Xn\v c£I¿Øm°ƒ Xmev]cys∏SWw. k`mtkh\Øn\v Xmev]cyap≈ Ip´nIsf t{]m’mln∏n°p∂Xn\v A≤ym]Icpw c£I¿Øm°fpw Hcpt]mse {i≤n°Ww. k`bpsS km£yw \ne\n¿Øp∂Xn\v CXv klmbIamWv . kt≠kv I qfn¬ IqSn Ip´nIfpsS ]cn]me\w km[yam°nØo¿°p∂Xn\v GhcpsSbpw klIcWw {]Xo£n°p∂p. At∏mgmWv \ΩpsS Ip™p߃ Dj n\mbn ImØncn°p∂htc°mƒ btlmhbv°mbn ImØncn °p∂Xv (k¶o¿Ø\w 130:6). AXn\mbn k¿Δi‡\mb ssZhØn s‚ A\p{Klw Gh¿°pw D≠mIpamdmIs´. B\nbΩ tXmakv (ID 154) 21 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Congratulations ! Ms. Anju Achamma John (ID 1033) achieved 1st Rank in the M.Sc. Computer Science Examination (2014) of the University of Kerala from Kariavattom University Campus. She is the daughter of Mr. John Thomas and Mrs. Rosamma John, ‘Kuzhiyath’, Kariyam, Sreekariam. CHRISTU SEVA CHARITABLE SOCIETY ]I¬hoSv The Executive Committee of Christu Seva Charitable Society has decided to start a CHRISTU SEVA PAKAL VEEDU and the first program will be held on Monday 17th November 2014 at the Christu Seva Charitable Society Premises, Devasom Board Junction, Trivandrum. The whole day program will start at 9.30 AM and will go on till 4.00 PM. The program will consist of Singing of songs, Group Activities like Tombola (Housie), Quiz, Message by a well-known speaker, Screening of a Film on Mother Teresa, general discussion etc. Tea/Coffee in the morning and in the afternoon as well as lunch will be provided. The contribution will be Rs.150/ - per person. All those above the age of 60 years who are interested in taking part in this program are requested to give their names and contribution at the Christu Seva Charitable Society counter at Christ Church after the Sunday morning church services. The initial program will be restricted to the first 20 seniors who register their names. 22 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Kid’s zone 23 TIDINGS NOVEMBER 2014 Drop your answers in the suggestion box before 22nd November B I B L E C R O S S W O R D - 66 ACROSS 1. The product of combustion, manifested in light, flame and heat 3. A priestly garment of white linen, some were ornate with embroidery 6. " The Lord is good to those who _____ for Him" 7. " ______, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will.” 9. Jesus said, " If you _____ Me, keep My commandments" 10. After the flood, he settled in the area of Egypt 12. Opposite of " yes" 13. The Israelites were defeated in battle at this city because of the sin of Achan 14. Opposite of " out" 17. " For out of _____ the law shall go forth, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem" 18. Opposite of " down" 19. Who said, " Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money!" 22. It was prophesied that Abraham's descendants would be as plentiful as the _____on the seashore 23. " Where the birds make their nests, the stork has her home in the ____ trees" Psalms 104:17 24. This book follows 2 Chronicles 25. " A harsh word _____ up anger" Proverbs 15:1 26. Will most people go to Heaven? " Narrow is the gate and difficult isthe way which leads to life, and there are _____ who find it" Matthew 7:14 29. " He who finds a ______ finds a good thing, and obtains favor from the Lord." 33. Another name for a small city 35. We are to ____ and make melody in our hearts to the Lord 37. His sister was Miriam 40. " One of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately _____ and water came out" 41. " Their wine is the poison of serpents, and the cruel _____ of cobras" 42. Food miraculously produced for the Israelites in the desert in the book of Exodus 43. An annual feast of the Jews decreed during the time of Esther 44. Place to which David came after fleeing from Saul 24 DOWN 1. " My brethren, count it all joy when you _____ into various trials" James 1:2 2. Nathan told David the parable of the poor man's little _____ lamb to help David see his sin 3. Country that was at the western most part of King Ahasuerus' empire 4. One of the sons of Jacob, whose mother was Rachel's maid, Bilhah 5. A flying creature that inhabits caves 8. Great-grandfather of David 11. Vapor rising from the earth 15. Opposite of " over" 16. Next to the last book in the New Testament 20. One of the sons of Judah that was killed by God because he was wicked 21. Partake of food 22. " A _____ answer turns away wrath" Proverbs 15:1 23. " Every branch in Me that does not bear ______, He takes away" 27. " I did not cease to _____ everyone night and day with tears" 28. This is the moisture on the grass in the mornings 30. " Even a _____ is counted wise when he holds his p eac e" 31. One of the men that Moses left with Aaron to help the children of Israel while Moses went up on Mt. Sinai 32. Joshua and Caleb spied out this land before Israel entered 34. Wife of Elimelech 35. " For whoever desires to ____ his life will lose it" 36. " No one is ______ but One, that is, God" 38. Eve's husband 39. Son of Omri who reigned in his place after his death AMBATT PRINTERS # 9388542776