Riley Street Reminder What’s Right with Our School...


Riley Street Reminder What’s Right with Our School...
November 7, 2014
What’s Right with Our School...
★Thank you to our parents who took time to
conference with us about their child’s
academic progress. We are proud to report
that we had 82% of our students represented
at conferences.
★8th graders who acted extremely mature
during the health unit which wrapped up
★Eagle Select 7th grade basketball team
starting off the season 2-0.
Riley Street Reminder
Riley Street Middle School
2745 Riley Street, Hudsonvi!e, MI 49426
Phone: 616-896-1920
Next Friday, November 14, during our TCB time (10:30-11:11), we
will be taking the opportunity to celebrate the efforts of our men and
women in uniform. We want to invite you to our first ever Veteran's
Day ceremony happening in the gym. This will be a time to present
the flag, recite the Pledge of Allegiance, Sing the National Anthem, hear from a
WWII vet and from a current serviceman on Patriotism, as well as honor veterans
who are able to attend the ceremony. Please join us on Friday to help honor the
sacrifice of our incredible men and women serving in the armed forces.
★Students who are committed to improving
academically. We’ve seen over the course of
the trimester a significant number of students
refocus their efforts to improve academically.
Keep it up...the end of the first trimester is In addition to the assembly, we will be doing a school-wide non-perishable food
fast approaching.
collection to benefit local Military families through a nearby food pantry. This
pantry is sponsored by Operation Homefront which
★S/O to our students who are involved in a
number of academic based extra-curricular services Military Members of any service branch along with their families. We are
activities like Science Olympiad, Vex asking for every student to bring at least ONE canned good or non-perishable food
Robotics, and Lego Builders. Thinking and item. There will be boxes by the office, ready to be filled. What a blessing it would
learning take place well beyond the school be to receive at least 600 items to help during this holiday season! Thanks for
day with these students.
★Student leaders like Nate Aust for stopping 6th Grade Intramural Sports ~ Sixth grade students are encouraged to stay after
to help another student pick up papers she school until 4:15pm on the following dates:
had dropped all over the floor.
‣ Thursday, November 20 - 6th grade boys - floor hockey
‣ Monday, December 1 - 6th grade girls - volleyball
★Nick Avery and Brandon Mulder for always
‣ Monday, December 8 - 6th grade boys - wiffle ball
being prompt and friendly.
‣ Thursday, December 18 - 6th grade girls - basketball
★Emily VanderPloeg, Lily Brouwer, and Pete Sixth grade students, who want to participate, should report directly to the gym at
Beckholt are very talented writers who work
the conclusion of their 6th hour class on these days. It is recommended that
carefully when revising.
students bring gym clothes to change into on these days. Students will need to
Kwiatkowski, Kaela Martz, and arrange for a ride to pick them up at 4:15pm. Contact Mr. Ross for more
Analise Gillette for picking up the extra details.
chairs at the end of the day for Mrs. Westveld.
Parent Advisory Committee ~ We are looking for volunteers to serve on this
★S/O to Discovery Science 5th hour for trying year’s Parent Advisory Committee. Meetings will be held at 7pm in our Media
their best to win the Red Wiggler worm Center on November 11, January 13, and March 10. Email Mr. Ross,
challenge by keeping worms alive and, if you are interested in serving on this committee.
learning about their habits and environment.
Yearbook Cover Contest ~ Designs are due to the office by Mon., Dec.1, 2014.
★Kelsie Sparks for helping out a student in
✴ Your design should be on 8 1/2 x 11 white paper (not notebook paper).
Mr. Bouwkamp's class without being asked.
✴ The cover must say Riley Street Middle School with the year 2014-2015.
★Student leaders like Kaylyn Westhouse for ✴ You may submit as many designs as you wish.
being a friend to all and a focused student.
✴ Must be original artwork of a current 6th, 7th, or 8th grader attending Riley
Street Middle School.
★Rebekah Ries for taking time to listen and
✴ You are encouraged to sign your name on the artwork but it will be covered
help her peers solve problems.
during judging.
★Swim Team Success! Coach Zuidema and ✴ Make sure you put your NAME and GRADE on the back of your entry.
the 18 RMS student-athletes are undefeated
so far this season with many swimmers We will have a front cover and a back cover winner. First place winner will
setting personal best times in the two meets have their entry on the front cover and receive a $20 prize along with a free
this past week.
yearbook. Second place winner will have their entry on the back cover and
receive a free yearbook.
After School Homework Help Schedule ~ We recently changed our after school homework help schedule to include specific grade
level focus. These sessions are available in our Media Center after school until 3:30 according to the following schedule:
*Tues: ALL Grade Levels
*Wed: 7th Grade ONLY
*Thurs: 8th Grade ONLY
*Mon: 6th Grade ONLY
The 8th grade students are in need of Parent Practice Partners willing to donate time on Friday, Nov. 14 to help the
students prepare for a large presentation on Nov. 18. If ANY parents are interesting in helping out by listening to 8th
graders present and offering feedback, please contact Mrs. Atkins at ASAP. Thank you!
Tie Shoes ~ A group of 8th grade students are collecting new or gently used tie shoes. You can drop these off in the basket
in the office through November 25. All shoes will go to orphans in Uganda, Africa.
MS Ski and Snowboarding Club ~ Make plans now to join the Hudsonville MS Ski and Snowboarding Club. Students
in grades 6th-8th, siblings, and parents are encouraged to join. Student busses are planning on going to Bittersweet on
Monday nights: 12/22, 12/29, 1/5, and 1/12, 1/19. (Notice we have dates planned during Christmas Break.) More information and
sign-ups will be coming in November.
8th Grade East Coast Trip 2015 ~ East Coast Trip 2015 ~ It's fundraising time! On November 11, we will introduce "Brother,
Can You Spare a Dime?" This fundraiser will run through January 6, 2015. Before a student can fundraise, they must return their
fundraising agreement form (which they will receive on November 11). If you have not signed up for the trip yet and would like
to, there is still room for you!!! See Mrs. Freeman for information or sign up online at Don't miss out on this opportunity to make middle school memories that will last a lifetime!
Band Key Card Sale ~ The bands will be selling key cards. Each card sells for $25 and includes the 2015
coupon book and unlimited use of your card. The cards are valid now through the end of 2015. If you would
like to purchase a card please contact any band student, or Mr. Good at
Box Top for Education ~ Please help our school by collecting Box Tops from many of your favorite products. For each 30
Box Tops submitted to school by February 13, 2015, your child’s name will be placed in a drawing for (4) four
Michigan’s Adventure Fun Park passes for summer 2015!! Be sure to submit your box tops in groups of 30 in a bag
or envelope with your child’s name on it. Please do not put box tops on the paper charts. If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact the school office or call 616-292-0818.
Paper Gator ~ Riley Street Middle School has a Paper Gator for your use. We will accept only paper (newsprint, office
paper, etc.) no cardboard, trash, glass or metal. The Gator is located in the east parking lot and is open to receive paper 24/7.
This is a free service to you that benefits our students financially, so please feel free to use it at any time.
Magazine Sale Fundraising ~ Be sure to visit to purchase or renew magazine subscriptions using
account #2679793. Nearly 50% of your invoice total will be donated to Riley Street Middle School
Riley Band Notes ~ Just some friendly reminders to band students and parents!
All band parents are invited and encouraged to attend the next band booster meeting this coming Tuesday,
November 11 at 7:00 p.m. in the high school band room.
Key cards sales are continuing. Please help the boosters make this a successful sale. They support all of our
bands. The cards are available from the directors and must be paid for when picked up. Please make one check
payable to Hudsonville Band Boosters for the total number of cards.
The Christmas Concert will be held on Thursday, December 4 at 6:45 p.m. in the high school gym. It will
include 6th, 7th, and 8th grade bands. All family and friends are invited and encouraged to attend. A complete
information sheet will be emailed home before Thanksgiving.
Please check the band booster website to find out more information about our scrip program. You can earn
money for your student's account while doing your Christmas shopping!
As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call or e-mail! Mr. Good
Choir Announcements ~
Century Resources Fundraiser - Our annual sale is underway. Money is due on Friday, December 5.
Hudsonville Choirs Apparel Sale! You can purchase a "Hudsonville Choirs" Hoodie or Crew-neck sweatshirt
and short and long-sleeved tee-shirts. They are a great way to show your pride and make great gifts! Order
forms and money are due on Monday, November 10. Checks can be made payable to "Hudsonville Choir".
Grand Rapids Drive NBA D-league Basketball Game! Our 7th and 8th Grade Choir students have the
opportunity to sing the National Anthem at the December 5 game at the Deltaplex and watch the game together.
Families are welcome! Tickets are $8. Ticket orders are due by November 17.
Winter Concert! Monday, December 8, at 8:00 pm, in the HHS Auditorium. Students should report to the High
School choir room in their black and white formal uniforms by 7:20 pm.
A 10-week after school healthy living/running program for all middle school girls. Participants will engage in lessons, games, activities, fun
and physical activity with the goal of learning to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Begins in March 2015
$120/participant with scholarships available. Cost includes a new pair of New Balance shoes, a practice t-shirt, a 5-k celebration t-shirt and
a water bottle.
Held twice a week after school for 1.5 hrs. Days to be determined.
New this year, registration will be online beginning Nov. 1-Nov. 30.
Here is the link: www.GOTROAC.ORG (click on the ‘Registration’ tab)
There will also be registration held at a few schools throughout the month.
SNOW DAY PROCEDURE FOR HOT LUNCH ~ With snow just around the corner, the food service program would like to remind parents and students
about what will happen if school is closed due to weather. If the district is closed, the menu that was supposed to be served on the snow day will be moved
to the next school day. An example: if school is canceled on Tuesday due to weather, Tuesday’s menu will be served on Wednesday and the menu that was
scheduled for Wednesday will be completely canceled. Because of our computer lunch account system, there will be no need to issue credits and your
student will still be able to order a lunch if they need one. The only exception to this policy is if school is canceled on Friday. In this case, Friday’s menu will
be completely canceled and we will continue with the regular menu on Monday. Information on what menu will be served on the day you return will be
available on Twitter or the food service web page at Please feel free to contact the food service department at 457–2400 if you have
any questions or are unsure of what the menu will be. Thank you! ~ Stacey L. Wykoski, Food Service Director
Day Mon.
For the week of November 10, 2014
Daily Special
Turkey Gravy, Mashed Potatoes & Roll (VM)
Yogurt Bar (MD)/Salad - Chicken Caesar
Texas Cinnamon Toast w/Scrambled Eggs (MD)
Side: Seasoned Fries/Salad - Oriental
Chicken Quesadilla (MD)
Side: Carrot Coins/Salad - Michigan
Garlic Cheese Bread (MD)
Side: Tomato Soup, Baked Fries/Salad - Cobb
Fri. Taco Bar (SM)
Side: Corn/Salad - Greek
Nov. 25
Trimester 1 Ends / Term 2 Ends
Nov. 26-28 Thanksgiving Break (Wednesday-Friday)
Dec. 4
Band Concert, 6:45p.m. @ HHS Gym
Dec. 8
Choir Concert, 8:00 p.m. @ HHS Auditorium
Dec. 20 Holiday Break begins
Jan. 4
Holiday Break ends Value Meal (VM) $2.50
Meal Deal (MD) $2.75
Super Meal (SM) $3.00
Breakfast $1.50
Community Ed Information
The following are current offerings through Hudsonville Community Education. You may register online at or pick up a registration form in our office. Registration forms can be mailed
or dropped off at the Community Education Office located at 3886 Van Buren, Hudsonville, MI 49426
Community Ed Options:
Boys Basketball "
Heat Swim Teams
Home Alone/Babysitting
Intro to Hockey
Learn to Ice Skate
Learn to Skate (Rollerblade)
Lego - Bricks4Kidz
Tae Kwon Do
We are accepting registrations online, in person, and by mail for all of the above programs.
To register online, visit and click on the Community Ed. link.
Riley Street Middle School
Eagle Select
Boys Basketball
Boys Basketball
Nov. 6"
Jenison - H
Nov. 11" "
Grandville - @ Riley
Nov. 11"
East Rockford - A (8615 9 Mile Rd)
Crestwood - H
Byron Center - A
8654 Homerich Ave
Nov. 13"
Nov. 12" "
Nov. 18" "
North Rockford - @ Baldwin
Nov. 18"
North Rockford - H
Nov. 20"
Grandville - A (3535 Wilson)
Nov. 19" "
Holland Christian - A
850 Ottawa Ave" "
Nov. 24"
Valleywood - H
Team Pictures @ 3pm
Nov. 24" "
Jenison - @Baldwin"
Dec. 1"
Byron Center - A (8654 Homerich)
Mon. " Dec. 1" "
Holland Heights - A
373 E. 24th St
Dec. 3"
Baldwin - H
Pinewood - A (2100 60th)
East Rockford - A
8615 9 Mile Rd " "
Dec. 8
Dec. 8" "
Dec. 10 ""
Grand Haven - @ Riley
Dec. 10"
Jenison - A (8295 20th)
Mon. "
Dec. 15"
East Rockford - H
Dec. 15" "
Grandville - A
3839 Prairie St
Dec. 17"
Macatawa Bay - A (3700 140th Ave)
Dec. 17" "
Byron Center @ Riley
Coaches: 7th - Mr. Barnhart
8th - Mr. Roberts
7th grade games begin at 4:00pm; 8th grade games follow.
7th grade starts at 4:00; 8th Grade follows
Riley Street Middle School
Hudsonville Middle School
Competitive Cheer
Girls Swimming and Diving
Oct. 30"
East Rockford - H
Nov. 4"
Northview - A (NHS - 4451 Hunsberger)
Nov. 6"
North Rockford - H
Nov. 11"
East Kentwood - A (EKHS 6230 Kalamazoo)
Sat. " Dec. 13" Jenison Invitational
(Held at Jenison HS - 2140 Bauer Road)
Nov. 13"
Jenison - H
Tues. Dec. 16 Mona Shores
Nov. 18"
Grandville - A (3535 Wilson)
Nov. 20"
Zeeland - A (@ City Side 320 E. Main)
Dec. 2"
Hamilton - H
Dec. 4"
Holland Christian - A
(Aquatic Center 550 Maple Ave)
Dec. 12"
Dec. 13"
Conference Dive Meet at Zeeland West HS
Sat. " Dec. 6" East Rockford Invitational
(Held at 8615 9 Mile Rd)
Sat. " Dec. 20"Reeths Puffer Invitational
(Held at Reeths Puffer HS - 1545 N Roberts Rd)
Coaches: 7th - Mr. Fischer"
8th - Mr. Opple
Thurs."Dec. 11" Grandville Invitational
(Held at Grandville HS - 4700 Canal SW)
Jan. 10" West Ottawa Invitational
(Held at West Ottawa HS North Building "
3685 Butternut Dr)
Jan. 17 Hudsonville Invitational
(Held at Hudsonville HS - 5037 32nd Ave)
Coaches: 7th & 8th - Amy Roellin
Conference Swim Meet at Zeeland West HS
Coach: Mr. Zuidema
Home meets begin at 4:00pm at Hudsonville High School.
Renaissance News
Gold Level Members
Hudsonville Lanes is our November Business of the Month with an offer for Buy One Game of Bowling, Get One
Game of Bowling Free! Doug Boomsma and has crew have been proud supporters of the program from the
beginning and we thank them for their efforts in honoring our Renaissance kids. It's businesses like this that make
our community great! Thanks Doug and all the staff at Hudsonville Lanes!
Blue & Gold Level Members
We want to again recognize our partnership with Orange Leaf FroYo in Grandville. At the end of November all
of our Blue & Gold Members will get a 3oz serving of FroYo to honor their work inside & outside the classroom. Thanks again to Jeremy and Orange Leaf for partnering with us. Cheers to our Blue & Gold!
Renaissance is all about recognizing kids and building school culture at Riley. To learn more about the
Renaissance Program, check out our website or scan our QR code to see who's on Renaissance, how to become a
member, and how to be a part of the Renaissance Crew:
Riley Renaissance Students of the Month
Last month, our staff had the opportunity to nominate two boys and two girls from each grade to showcase our Riley
Renaissance Students of the Month. The criteria was broad and we left it very open ended to our teachers. After
considering a number of nominations, we are pleased and honored to announce the following students as November Students
of the Month.
They are.... 6th Grade: Jorja Brouwer, Anneka Bos, Trenten Feyen, and Clayton Loew
7th Grade: Anna Behler, Sam Wolters, Rylee Warner, and Carson McDonald
8th Grade: Natalie Kutzli, Zechariah Moore, Aubrey Buckingham, and Jesse Rodriguez
Each student will receive a Renaissance Student of the Month T-Shirt, an Eagle water bottle, and a pizza party with the rest
of the student of the month members at the end of the year as a way to recognize their efforts. Our heartfelt congratulations
go out to them! We are excited to see who will be next for November.
These activities and promotions are NOT sponsored by Hudsonville Public Schools. Activities and promotions are
posted as a service to the Hudsonville Public School community.
The Hudsonville Holiday Parade ~ It is that time of year again! Its the 21st Annual Hudsonville Holiday Parade on
November 22 at 10am, presented by the City of Hudsonville and the Hudsonville Area Chamber of Commerce. Come
celebrate this festive time close to home. The parade route runs along 32nd Avenue from Highland Drive to Central
Blvd. The parade route ends at the Hudsonville Fire Station on Central Blvd., but the fun doesn't end there. Join us
and your neighbors at the Fire Station for hot beverages, snacks, Santa and the Reindeer, and fun activities
immediately following the parade. Any questions? Contact Michelle Fare at or call 669-0200.
Thanksgiving Day Gobble Hobble 5k ~ Do you want that extra piece of pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving day? Come to
Evergreen Ministries Thanksgiving day Gobble Hobble 5k and you will have no guilt over eating extra anything. Evergreen Ministries is hosting a Thanksgiving day Gobble Hobble 5k race to raise funds to the high school summer
mission trip. Pre-race fee is $25 and race day fee is $35. Registration is happening now and packets can be picked up
from 7-7:45 am on November 27th at EGM. Race starts at 8:00 a.m. All are welcome as is to the 10:00 Thanksgiving
day service. Contact Rebecca Steigenga for more info or go to to register.
Holiday Assistance through Love INC ~ The year has gone by quickly and we at Love In the Name of
Christ are preparing for the holiday season. Even though the economy has improved – there are still many
families in need. We offer Thanksgiving and Christmas Assistance to struggling families that either live in
our service area of Jenison, Hudsonville and Grandville, attend a church participating with Love INC, or attend a
school in our service area. The applications are available at the Love INC office (Monday through Friday 9 am – 4
pm), 3300 Van Buren, Hudsonville, or on their website:
Moms in Prayer ~ Moms in Prayer (formerly Moms in Touch) hold their meetings on Tuesdays (formerly
Thursdays) at 1:15pm at Jamestown Reformed Church - 2554 Riley St. We will be meeting in the "youth
room" to the left of the front entrance. If you are interested in meeting with other moms and spending
an hour in prayer for the staff and students of Riley Street Middle School, then you are invited to come
and join us. If you would like to get weekly email updates from Riley Moms in Prayer, even if you are unable to join us,
please email Lesli Kwiatkowski at for this or any other questions. We hope to see you there!
Griff’s Reading Goals ~ Hey Kids! Griff wants to give you an assist for reaching your reading goals. Each hour of
reading means you score with Pepsi, Craig’s Cruisers and the Grand Rapids Griffins. If you are interested in
two (2) free upper level Griffins tickets and other great area prizes, stop into the office to pick up your
reading bookmark. The dates of the hockey games are approaching fast. Stop in soon so you don’t miss out
on these great prizes!
Kids love the Grand Rapids Symphony! ~ Each year the GR Symphony presents a variety of concerts geared just
for kids and families. With low prices and programming that is a feast for eyes and ears, there is
something to excite everyone about great music played by our Grammy-Nominated orchestra! HOT OFF THE PRESSES! We are thrilled to announce that we have just added the amazing
performers from Cirque de la Symphonie to our fall Family Series Concert on November 22. These gifted acrobatic
artists will be paired with student artwork to tell the story of Stravinsky’s Firebird! For more information on this
and all of the kid-friendly programs that the GR Symphony offers, be sure to check out our 14-15 Symphony Kids
brochure! Link to our On-line Symphony Kids brochure
Hudsonville Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion sex, national origin, age, height, weight, marital status, handicap, disability or
limited English proficiency in any of its programs or activities. The following office has nondiscrimination policies: Personnel Director, Hudsonville Public Schools,
3886 Van Buren, Hudsonville, MI 49426, (616) 669-7747.