Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes Meeting Crossrail Planning Forum Date Wednesday 14th November 2012 Place Council Chamber, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London. WC1H 9JE Prepared by Ms Pree John Date of Issue 10 December 2012 Action 1.0 1.1 Welcome from Chairman/apologies The Chairman welcomed those attending the Forum. 1.2 Apologies were received from the following: Mark Lucas (LB Redbridge), Martyn Thomas (LB Havering), Kim Smith (RB of Greenwich), Peter Chappell (Essex CC), Ian Hyde (LB Newham), Peter Heath (GLA), Stephen Lord (Network Rail) and Chris Sexton (Crossrail Limited) 2.0 2.1 Review of previous minutes 18 September 2012 & matters arising The minutes of the meeting of 18 September 2012 were considered and agreed. Apart from the matters below it was decided to take other matters arising under the appropriate agenda items. 2.2 Item 3.1.2 Utility works Investigations are being conducted with regard to utility works. Crossrail are speaking separately with Tower Hamlets about utility works around the Borough. 3.0 3.1 Crossrail Update Progress on delivery and future programme AM gave an overview of progress since the last Forum meeting. A copy of the presentation is attached with these minutes. AM highlighted the following key points: Programme update: - Land and property acquisitions coming to an end, with the remaining works relating to Network Rail On-network works. - Procurement of the main station contract at Bond Street to be awarded in Feb/March 2013. - Enabling works has now ended. - Systems procurement is well on the way. Procurement of the first signalling contract was awarded in early November. - CRL is assessing the tenders for the main railway systems installations (track and overhead wall) to be awarded in early 2013. - Four tenders for rolling stock have been received: this is expected to be reduced to two with announcements to be made in the New Year. - It is envisaged that the procurement process will end in April 2014. Page 1 of 10 Tunnelling Update: - TBM Phyllis progressed 800 metres westbound (through Paddington) - Ada is now fully buried in the east bound tunnel. - A report is due to be issued with regard to the stockpile issues at Westbourne Park (structural failure of delivery system loading the trains). - The use of trucks for the removal of stock piling at ROP has now ended. - The third and fourth TBMs (Victoria and Elizabeth) have been lowered into the Limmo Shaft. - The fifth TBM is now in the ground at Plumstead, ready to start after the Christmas period. - Generally TBMs are progressing as planned. Crossrail Stations: Paddington Station - Diaphragm walling at Paddington Station continues for another 6-8 weeks, followed by street level excavation. Bond Street Station - Major excavation at Bond Street west due to start. Tottenham Court Road - Good progress on the excavation work. - Horizontal tunnelling due to start at Bond Street and Tottenham Court Road (spray concrete lining). Farringdon Station - Making progress on the water mains at Farringdon Road. - The main excavation of Farringdon West has now started. Liverpool Street Station - Still a lot of work being carried out at surface level (horizontal tunnels). - Spray concrete lining of the main platform tunnel excavation works has also started. Whitechapel Station - CRL is now in the process of preparing the platform tunnels - working on the eastbound tunnel. - A lot of work still required on the diaphragm wall and surface excavation. Canary Wharf Station - TBM Elizabeth expected to breakthrough March-April. - Canary Wharf Group is in the process of developing the level above the Canary Wharf Station for retail. Fit-out is expected late next year. Woolwich Station - Berkeley Homes. Installation box completed. Surface update - West - Stockley retaining wall early works completed. Surface: Christmas works - Network Rail to demolish three bridges, on behalf of Crossrail. - Undertake track adjustments. Page 2 of 10 Archaeology Exhibition – October 2012 - A series of open days were held: however outer borough locations attracted fewer visitors. - Locations in central London were well visited. It is expected that the exercise will be repeated in the New Year. 3.1.1 Questions arising from the presentation In response to a question raised by BB about the effects of vibration caused by the spray concrete lining in Whitechapel. AM said that the effects were more evident in the Whitechapel area due to shallow excavation and the close proximity of some buildings to the works. AM explained that the vibration is being caused by the different technique being used to break out the spray concrete lining; he described the various options available to carry out the work and the process involved. Crossrail was minimising the use of the equipment called ‘peckers’, which contributed to the majority of background noise and vibration. The main focus is on the time of day in which this type of operation was being conducted. AM concluded by saying that the source of noise will move as work progresses through the tunnel. 3.1.2 BB asked whether settlement was a factor for the TBMs. AM responded by saying that the TBM settlement trends were dropping towards less than 50% than originally anticipated, and gave an example where under Sussex Square Gardens 5-7 millimetres of settlement at ground level were recorded. Similarly, going under the District and Central line tunnels, less than a millimetre change of diameter was noticed. This is due to a better understanding and control of the behaviour of ground and water movement in the area. 3.2 London Underground Update Bond Street - Main focus on piling works to listed buildings at Stratford Place. Tottenham Court Road - Northern Line Interchange Tunnels: Tunnelling now completed. LU is in the process of excavating the stairways, which will connect the completed tunnels to the existing platforms. - Weekend Closure: Large platform hump completed which will form part of the step-free access route (from the street to the trains). Another weekend closure is expected on 17 November. - Central Line Interchange Tunnels: Continuing with the secondary spray concrete lining works. The wall of the Northern line escape tunnel which connects to the Central line interchange is now completed. - Goslett Yard (Crossrail and LU station interchange box): Completed excavation works for level minus 3: now constructing the walls and floors with only two levels remaining. - New Ticket Hall: Concourse floor slab to be completed this month. Installing the columns and walls to support the ground level slabs. LU has taken delivery of the pre-cast concrete beams which will support the surface slab, to be completed towards the end of year. Page 3 of 10 - 3.2.1 Fit-out for the new station is expected to start in the spring. Delivery of equipment and materials will start next week (19 November) to allow for use of small delivery vehicles. Delivery is expected between 23:00 and 04:00 hours. GK asked that the delivery arrangements for the fit-out phase be included on the agenda of next Tottenham Court Road Community Liaison Panel meeting scheduled for 29 November 2012. 3.3 Road Safety & Related Initiatives At the last Planning Forum meeting it was agreed that CRL would look again at the local authorities’ concerns with regard to lorry signage. RP said that this had now been done: however, Crossrail’s stance remains the same. Crossrail therefore intended to present its reasoning to the boroughs for their consideration. 3.3.1 Mick Heduan (MH), from Crossrail’s logistics team, gave a presentation on Road Safety Initiatives and Vehicle Signage which set out measures Crossrail has put in place over the past three years. This presented all the information that Crossrail considered in its latest review (as discussed at the last Planning Forum) when reaching its decision on whether to implement any further measures on vehicle signage. A copy of the presentation is attached with the minutes. CH The ten Road Safety Initiatives are: Lorry Driver Induction Training, Corporate Manslaughter Act seminars, Crossrail Driver information Pack & online driver training, Road Safety Mirror Installations, Vehicle Safety Group, Vehicle Safety Extranet on-line forum, Safety Kit on Vehicles, FORS Membership (for equivalent) Vehicle Safety kit telephone helpline and Exchanging Places events. MH informed the Forum that Crossrail have recently being awarded the IOSH Transport and Logistics Safety Award in recognition of these road safety initiatives MH reported that Crossrail were holding Lorry Driver Training courses and said that a high percentage of drivers taking the course felt that the course had significantly improved their awareness of sharing London road with vulnerable road users, thus making them safer drivers. MH encouraged local authorities Road Safety Officers to attend the course as observers. 3.3.2 Lorry Signage MH spoke about the different signage options available, explaining the disadvantage and advantages of using the existing Crossrail signage against magnetic signs. (These are explained more fully in the presentation attached). There was general discussion around the visibility of the signs being displayed on the windscreen panels. Information was also presented on the small number of instances where issues relating to lorry signage were raised by external parties, and the results of internal inspections and checks. MH went on to compare the value in terms of what could be achieved in terms of vulnerable road users safety against further action on signage. In conclusion MH said that Crossrail have exceeded the EMR requirements and have demonstrated best practice in urban construction, by extending normal health and safety boundaries to include the safety of vulnerable road users in the capital. Page 4 of 10 LA to note 3.3.3 GK commented on the poor visibility of windscreen signs to road users, which was often the cause of complaints being made within the City of Westminster and encouraged that best practical means be applied in this instance. 3.3.4 DF commented that in practical terms the switch over to magnetic signage is feasible, as Crossrail had already demonstrated a highly trained sector of the transport industry, being trained by Crossrail. Thus reinforcing the level of awareness amongst the drivers with regard to displaying Crossrail signage. 3.3.5 TA commented that perhaps Crossrail could improve the windscreen signs e.g. larger/vertical/nearside, to make them more obvious. 3.4 Wallasea Island Simon Philips (SP) last updated the Forum on Wallasea Island two years ago. Now that works had started on Wallasea Island, it seemed timely to update the Forum again. A copy of the presentation is attached with these minutes. Tunnel Drives (London end) - Royal Oak to Farringdon, Limmo to Farringdon, Pudding Mill Lane to Stepney Green, Limmo to Victoria Dock Portal and Plumstead to North Woolwich. Programme - High volume of tunnelling activities between 2012 and 2015. 2013 is a peak period for tunnelling activity and for excavation material being transported to Wallasea Island. Central Tunnels Geology - West – Clay. East – mix of materials. Thames – Chalk (There are no plans to take chalk to Wallasea Island). Transportation of Excavated Material - West, Westbourne Park/Royal Oak Portal by rail. - Northfleet by ship. - East, Limmo by ship. - Barking (Docklands Transfer Site), by road and ship. - 85% of excavated material on a tonne per kilometre basis is transported to its final destination by non-road transport. Wallasea Island - RSPB plan to create inter tidal coastal habitats on 1500 acres of the island. - 1 in 5 flood risk on the island at the moment. The RSPB scheme also manages this flood risk. - On the Essex coast 90% of inter-tidal habitat is already lost. - The Island will be completed as a series of cells with higher level bund walls to provide public access. Excavated material and Wallasea Island Progress - First excavated material to Wallasea in August 2012. Any questions arising from the presentation should be sent directly to SP email Page 5 of 10 All to note 4.0 4.1 Planning Matters Submissions A Look-Ahead of Schedule 7 submissions for November was circulated prior to the meeting. Any questions could be addressed to RP/NS outside the meeting. 4.2 Report to the High Level Forum The Chair’s report to the High Level Forum was previously circulated to members. This will be presented to the High Level Forum on 20 November. Members should refer urgent comments to the Chair after the meeting. 4.3 Planning Regime performance survey A fuller report on results from the survey will be given in the January Planning Forum meeting. 5.0 5.1 Technical Matters (inc Environmental Health Sub-Group) Temporary Construction Railway: Track Form Meeting JW reported that a meeting of the Temporary Construction Railway was held on 20 September. Presentations were given by C300/C410 and C305. (Bam Nuttall, Ferrovial Agroman and Kier (BFK) were awarded Crossrail’s Contracts 300 and 410 Old Oak Common to North Fleet). JW pointed out that although the contractors covered the same areas they used different methodologies. However both recognised the importance of track and rolling stock design to ensure that the temporary construction railway did not give rise to any adverse effects. JW highlighted the main points as follows: - - Track: All tracks will be new. Older/used rail that is warped/ridged would increase induced noise and vibration Vertical difference between rail track segments <2mm. Rail jointing design to limit rail wheel noise arising from difference in track heights. Cleaner jointing and reduction in rail head ‘butting’ leading to induced noise and vibration rail length specified so rail joints do not lie on tunnel segment joints. Avoid vertical differences in track caused by segment lip. Schoma loco and wagons: - New build. - Sprung wheels. - Integrated design to reduce rail clatter and induced noise and vibration. - Speed inhibitor to ensure speed <15kph. Monitoring to date shows that readings in the field are less than those predicted. 5.2 Permanent Railway: Wheel/rail Roughness Meeting The Wheel/Rail roughness meeting took place on 23 October. Explicit requirements in Maintenance part of contract. - Depot to have equipment to detect damaged wheels and rectify (high capacity wheel lathe). - Research into likely condition of ‘healthy’ wheels undertaken with Southampton University. Page 6 of 10 What could affect roughness at long wavelengths? - Specification of alignment. - Track construction techniques. - Straightness of rail during manufacture. Conclusions - A clear set of requirements has been defined for controlling rail roughness and track quality. - The requirements have been imposed on C610 through specification. - Preventative measures and outline monitoring strategies have been defined. Next steps - Further roughness measurements on slab track. - CRL and C610 to further develop maintenance plan. JW concluded by saying that a lot of time and effort was put into these presentations for which he is most grateful. 5.2.1 RB commented that Crossrail had commissioned further design work looking at the alternative floating trackform design and hopes to be able to present that information around March/April 2013. 6.0 6.1 Property Ian Lindsay and Sam Richards gave a joint presentation on the property impact study. A copy of the presentation is attached with these minutes. Property Impact Study IL gave a brief background explanation of the Crossrail context, expanding on the exploitation of potential property development opportunities as a key part of Crossrail’s funding in order to make the investment more affordable to taxpayers. IL highlighted the main points as: - Link between property and the railway (Metroland). - Railways and Real Estate. - Moving forward (delivering high quality OSD, urban realm and transport interchange, maximising regeneration effects). 6.1.2 SR encouraged members to take a copy of the `Crossrail Property Impact Study` GVA report, which was available in the Council Chambers. Project Brief SR highlighted the main points as: - Understanding property values during construction of Crossrail stations. - Differences of values at different stations (inner, outer and extended zones). - Additional Impact Values (GVA base predictions based on US and EU studies). - Forecasts and benchmarking (projections for stations based on what will happen). - Examples of general effects Crossrail have during construction, per station (residential and non-residential properties). Page 7 of 10 - Total impact (2012-2022) London development database. Impact on the property market. Reinforcing existing property market, and creating new residential properties. Third party endorsements, based on quantitative and qualitative surveys. 6.1.3 IL commented that the GVA report looks at all 37 connections from west to east and categories them according to their impact on the property market. Clearly, Crossrail will have some significant impacts on property value across the board; however, there are some locations where the impacts will be relatively limited, primarily because of the lack of developable land in that particular location. For example in locations such as Stratford, where property value is already at a peak, Crossrail will not be a ‘game changer’ but will simply be reinforcing the existing direction of travel. Hot spots areas where Crossrail will be seen as creating change and transforming the market, such as Farringdon, Southall and Custom House, will be a significant factor for those particular markets. IL concluded by saying, that Crossrail had already influenced development decisions and is helping to maximise further opportunities. 6.2 Public Realm Funding CM reported that as a result of the Master Planning process putting the MOU into practice TfL/CRL now has a rough estimate (£90m) of the funding requirement to implement these complementary transport measures. The Crossrail project, particularly in central London, has a budgeted contribution of between £28-30m. However, this still leaves a significant gap against the likely total costs within the GLA area. 6.2.1 Subject to approval by the next TfL board in December, CM said that TfL has put together a proposal which was usefully influenced by the advice from the two borough authorities (representing the Planning Forum) nominated to join the Chatham House discussion a few months ago. The proposal suggests a sum of £30m of TfL’s monies as a contribution towards works within the London area, outside Crossrail stations, thus helping to fulfil the proposals generated by the Master Planning process. This would leave roughly a third of the necessary funding to be secured from other local sources of which development activity and Business Improvement Districts might be a component. 6.2.2 In anticipation of a favourable outcome, CM was seeking (subject to a more detailed discussion at a later date) to set up a working group, comprising volunteers from local authorities within London and CRL colleagues. The aim would be to set up a process for allocating the contributions. It was agreed by GK that the issue would be raised at the next Interborough’s meeting scheduled for 3rd January 2013 to allow boroughs to consider their representation. LAs to note Employment & Skills update A summary of the employment and skills update is attached with these minutes. Any comments or queries should be raised with Gordon Mole. ( All to note 7.0 7.1 7.0 7.1 Community Relations The Period 5 and 6 Community Relations Reports were circulated prior to the meeting. Any comments or queries should be raised directly with Gareth Epps ( Page 8 of 10 All to note Post Meeting Note: The Community Relations Annual Report will be tabled at the next Planning Forum meeting scheduled for 14 January 2013. 8.0 8.1 Complaints Commissioner’s Report In summary SJ said that he was investigating four complaints in the Whitechapel area and one in the West End. A decision letter relating to a further complaint in the Royal Oak Portal area had been drafted, awaiting a further meeting with the Project. 8.2 Period Reports With regard to noise and vibration, there has been an increase in this category of complaint. Generally, residents appear to have little or no tolerance for noise and vibration nuisance by day or night. 8.2.1 TA said that he would be writing to Crossrail with regard to the regular late delivery of the Community Relations Reports seeking a more robust process be put in place. 10.0 10.1 AOB No other business was raised. 11.0 Future Meetings Tuesday 15th January 2013, 14:00 Thursday 14th March 2012, 10:30 Venue: Council Chamber, Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, London WC1H 9JE Ted Allett Chair – Crossrail Planning Forum 15/01/13 Page 9 of 10 Present at Planning Forum – 14 November 2012 Please note that those attendees who have failed to sign the attendance sheet are not shown below. Chairman: Ted Allett (TA) Vice Chairman: John Wade (JWa) Crossrail Complaints Commissioner: Stephen Jolly (SJ) Secretary: Ms Pree John (PJ) Crossrail: Andy Mitchell (AM) Ian Lindsay (IL) Simon Philips (SP) Gordon Mole (GM) Rob Paris (RP) Simon Bennett (SB) Gareth Epps (GE) Mary Afonja (MA) Department for Transport/Joint Sponsor Team David Gott (DG) Transport for London: Colin Mann (CM) Chair - Highways & Traffic Sub-group London Underground: Chris Phiniefs (CPhin) Nick Street (NS) Charles Hinkley (CH) Network Rail: Jason Maslen (JM) Local Authority Officers: Graham King (GK) Ian Miller (IM) Bhavna Kerai (BK) Don Murchie (DM) Barbara Terres (BT) Roy Turner (RT) Amanda Peck (AP) Mathew Durling (MD) Paul Clift (PC) Bob Bennett (BB) Ross Whear (RW) Robert Brigden (RB) Chris Seaman (CS) David Farrell (DF) Anne Stevens (AS) Stephen Burke (SB) Chris Bainbridge (CB) City of Westminster City of Westminster City of Westminster City of Westminster City of Westminster LB of Camden LB of Camden LB of Islington LB of Islington LB of Tower Hamlets LB of Redbridge LB of Havering Essex CC RB of Greenwich LB of Ealing LB of Bexley LB of Hammersmith and Fulham & RB Kensington & Chelsea Page 10 of 10