Document 6596495


Document 6596495
PO Box 749
Office open Mon – Fri (9.00 am - 12.30 pm)
Our Aim: “To know Christ and to make Him known”
Phone: (02) 6772 2269
Fax: (02) 6772 0188
Sunday, 16th November, 2014
Trinity 22 / Ordinary Sunday 33
‘From Behind Closed Doors: The Hour Has Come’
1 John 1: 1 – 4 (pg 989 ‒ NRSV) John 13 (pg 876 ‒ NRSV)
7.30 am Cathedral – Holy Communion – Preach: Bishop Rick Lewers
Lead: John Faithfull
9.30 am Cathedral – Confirmation – Preach: Bishop Rick Lewers
(with Crèche & Kidschurch) Lead: Rev Jonathan Peart
1 John 1: 1 – 4 (pg 862 ‒ NIV) John 13 (pg 763 ‒ NIV)
6.00 pm Parish Centre – Holy Communion – Preach: Bishop Rick Lewers
Lead: Rev Simon Reeve
8.00 am St Mary’s, West Armidale – Holy Communion – Rev Jim Caley
~ Message
from The Bishop ~
How do you wash people’s feet and feel no diminishment of your person?
That’s a great question. There has never been a greater living person than Jesus
and He felt no diminishment of his person when stooping in service to wash
people’s feet. Why? Because He knew who He was, where He was from, all that
had been given Him and that nothing could diminish these things. He didn’t
need to grasp at being “a somebody”. He knew He was already “a somebody” –
God’s precious only Son.
We often don’t stoop to serve others because we are working hard to be “a
somebody”. We live as though stooping service is beneath us because it might
look like we are beneath others.
Imagine the freedom that would come if we knew we already were “a
somebody.” Imagine if we lived remembering that we were created by God in
His image. That would help our self-esteem! Imagine knowing your sinfulness is
forgiven through the mercies of God. That would be liberating! Imagine
knowing that the God of all the universe would stoop to be crucified on a cross to
wash you clean. That would be humbling! Imagine knowing that God has done
all this because He loves us. That would be pure joy.
Knowing this, you would know you are somebody greatly valued and that
bending to wash someone’s feet can never diminish the wonder of being one of
God’s children.
How do you wash people’s feet and feel no diminishment of your person? By
knowing who you are and where you have come from. And if as a Christian you
are unsure then sing quietly the words of this song:
Nothing in my hand I bring,
simply to the cross I cling;
naked, come to thee for dress;
helpless, look to thee for grace;
foul, I to the fountain fly;
wash me, Saviour, or I die.
Rick Lewers
~ Message
from The Dean Emeritus ~
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ in Armidale,
Thank you for the love, prayers and fellowship that surrounded us last Sunday
and for Simon and all who organised and led such a wonderful service. We are
grateful for and humbled by your kindness and thank you for the generous gift
from the Parish as a whole; for the encouraging words and gifts from the
people at St Mary's and for the many personal gifts and expressions of thanks
from all over. I am deeply honoured in being appointed 'Dean Emeritus' and
thank the Bishop and others who made that decision.
We hold you in our hearts and continue to pray for you and the appointment
of a new Dean, thanking God for you and the privilege of ministering with you
these thirteen years.
May our faithful God continue to guide and keep you.
Grace and peace in the Lord Jesus,
Stephen and Gillian.
PS. A number of people asked about the biography I mentioned in the sermon.
It is "Bonhoeffer. Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy" by Eric Metaxas - very readable
and would make a great Christmas present for yourself or someone else. I
believe it is available through Koorong.
Notices & Requests ~
Meetings in November:
Parish Council: 18th November at 7.30 pm in MR1.
Courthouse Coffee: Monday, 17th November – John & Shaen Hansen
Monday Manna:
ALL Bible Study Leaders to meet on
Monday, 24th November from 5.30 – 6.30 pm in MR1.
Safe Ministry Training
Refresher (for those who need to update ie, did Safe Ministry 3 years ago)
Monday 17th Nov
7.00 - 9.30 pm cost $5
Please let the Parish Office know if you will be attending – 6772 2269.
Women's Gingerbread House Afternoon is THIS Saturday (22nd) at 2.00 pm. We
still have tickets available for $28 each kit. In each kit you get
the gingerbread pieces to build the house, icing and lollies to
decorate. A fun, creative afternoon and we have Tam Ramsay
from St Mark’s UNE sharing the Christmas message. A great
event to bring your friends. Tickets available after church or at
the office during the week. See Robyn Perry or Alison Reeve.
The Committee of St Peter’s Garden Weekend would like to collect as many of
the plastic name card holders as possible. We would love you to keep the Name
Cards themselves (many people have kept one from each year as a memento, as
well as enjoying Enid Isaac’s wonderful art work) and return the plastic holders
for use in future years. They can be returned to the Parish Office during the
week (Pamela has a little box) or dropped in the “everything” box at church on
Sundays. Thanking you all,
YOUTH SURGE, for all school-age youth, will be held on Friday, 28th November at
the Dorothy Knox Centre, PLC at 7.00 pm. Contact Rev Simon Reeve or
Rev Jonathan Peart for more information.
Men’s Dinner will be held on Wednesday, 19th November at 6.30pm in
Parish Centre. Speaker will be Neil Hunt, from St Mark’s Chapel. Cost
is $10. Please put your name on the sign-up sheets if attending.
Prayer for Armidale: The November Prayer for Armidale meeting will be held
at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Erskine St, 7.30 pm on Monday,
17th November. Please come along and pray for our city. The meeting runs for
about an hour with supper following.
Commemorative Public Lecture in Honour of the late Bryan Pape: A public
lecture will be presented by Professor George Williams AO, University of New
South Wales – ‘Bryan Pape and his Legacy to the Law’. This lecture will be held
at 12 noon on Tuesday, 25th November, 2014 in LT1 - JP Belshaw Lecture
Theatre, EBL - Economics, Business and Law Building, Wing 40 (W040), The
Short Run, off Trevenna Road, UNE. For more information, contact Belinda
Eastgate on 02 6773 2091.
APOLOGIES: Our main phone line has been disconnected all week and many
phone calls have been made to Telstra to try and fix whatever the problem is, but to
no avail. If you have an urgent need for a minister, please contact Rev Simon Reeve
on 6772 8783 or Rev Jonathan Peart on 6772 5521.
The Dean’s Farewell Gifts: Some have enquired about the gifts given to Stephen
and Gillian. Gifts from St Peter’s Cathedral were a Photobook (once photos from
the Farewell are added) which is a record of the Dean’s Ministry form 2002 – 2014; a
cheque for bookshelves and landscaping; a Diocesan Centenary Book; Flowers and
a Card. Gifts were also received from International Students’ Ministry, the
Cathedral Bellringers and St Mary’s, as well as private gifts and cards.
St Mary’s News ~
Today after the 8.00 am Holy Communion Service, the Rev Jim Caley will
‘unveil’ a plaque mounted on a plinth beside a tree planted in memory of
Trish Johnstone. Morning tea will then be served in the Hall. All welcome.
Today prayers will be said for those from St Mary’s who died in World War I –
Albert Archer (killed in France in 1918), Albert Frederick Burrows (died of
wounds at sea at Gallipoli in 1915), Victor Herbert Goswell (killed at Flers in
1916), George Manthorpe Grimson (died of wounds at Messines in 1917) and
Reginald Arthur Hast (died of wounds at Passchendaele in 1917).
Next Sunday, 23rd November (Christ the King) during the 8.00 am Holy
Communion Service, there will be a short service of dedication for all involved
in various ministries at St Mary’s. Light refreshments will be served
afterwards to mark the end of the present Church year and welcome in the
new Church year.
On Saturday, 29th November, there will be a Quiet Morning at St Mary’s led by
Dr Mark Shepheard. Full details will be in the next Sunday Sign.
St Mary’s Summer Taizé Service will be held at 5.00 pm on Advent Sunday,
30th November. All welcome.
The Australian Anglican Church Calendar is still available on sale at St Mary’s
($12). Please ring Gwenda Shannon on 6772 6437 if you would like one kept
for you.
Mission News ~
ABM Christmas cards are available at the Parish Office (week mornings only)
and at St Mary’s on Sundays after the 8.00 am service. There are two designs in
packets of ten and sell for $10 per packet.
~ Summary of Important Events ~
(please put them in your diary and pray for them)
Sunday, 16th November
9.30 am: Confirmation Service.
Monday, 17th November
7.00 – 9.30 pm: Safe Ministry Training (Refresher).
7.30 pm: Prayer for Armidale at Seventh Day Adventist.
Wednesday, 19th November 6.30 pm: Men’s Dinner.
Saturday, 22nd November
2.00 pm: Women’s Gingerbread House.
Monday, 24 November
5.30 – 6.30 pm: All Bible Study Leaders to meet in MR1.
12 noon: Commemorative Public Lecture in Honour of the late
Tuesday, 25th November
Bryan Pape – see notice above.
Friday, 28th November
Sunday, 30th November
7.00 pm: Youth Surge – PLC.
9.30 am: HMAS Armidale Service.
Prayers ~
“Thus says the Lord,
I know the plans I have for you,
plans for your welfare and not for evil,
to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29: 11)
Father in heaven, keep your household the church steadfast in faith and love, that
through your protection it may be free from all adversities, and may devoutly serve you
in good works to the glory of your name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Pray for Lyn Ryan, Isaac Bioletti, and Samuel Bioletti as they confirm
the Baptismal promises made on their behalf as children. May God
continue to grow them in their knowledge and love for Jesus Christ
our Saviour.
Pray for Stephen and Gillian Williams as they settle into a new life in
Blackheath, and for our Parish nominators as they select a new Dean
for the Cathedral.
Pray for all those who have completed HSC examinations, that they
might enjoy a safe rest before work/further study.
Pray for those local international university students who are facing
financial difficulties. Ask that God might provide for their needs
while bringing them into relationship with Jesus.
Pray for members and friends of our parish serving God elsewhere:
 Secure Workers with CMS
 Malcolm and Charissa Forrest (CMS in Amman)
 David and Alisan Greeff (CMS in Namibia)
 Keith and Mary Lou Doe (CMS in Nepal)
 Gillian Law (CMS in Italy)
 Nick and Caroline Stone (Curacy in Inverell, January 2015)
 Glen and Annette Simpkins (Scripture Union in the Northern Territory)
 Carissa Hutchinson (India) (
 Brent and Elizabeth Weightman (Bingara)
 Peter Curtis (Chaplain, Gunnedah High School)
 Chris Campbell (in training at SMBC)
Please pray for those who are ill and those who care for them:
Kylie Alcorn
Lola Baker
Betty Chiswell
Helen Dangar
Dick Franklin
Joyce Gow
Allan Hatte
Enid Isaacs
Annie Lamble
Ann Munday
John Sinden
Creena Waters
Stan Williams
Please pray for those who are grieving, remembering especially the family
and friends of:
Don Roberts
Katie Mitchell
Lola Taylor
Cal Birtles
Kevin Creagan
Jean Stewart
Priscilla Mamer’s brother
Jean Peatfield
Mona Ward
Allan Edmunds
Reynold Mullen
Ann Lemcke
Bruce Goldsmith
Neil Lomas
Peter Chiswell
Betty Jenkins
Barbara (Babs) Field
Bryan Pape
Karen Bannon
Dal Fayle
June Jackson
Edgar Bradley
(It is our custom to keep names in this section for a year following their deaths, unless otherwise requested by family members.)
Wed 19th Nov
10.00 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – Rev Simon Reeve
11.00 am – Autumn Lodge – Rev Graham Farley
2.30 pm – BUPA – Rev Jonathan Peart
Thur 20th Nov
11.00 am - Ken Thompson Lodge – Rev Graham Farley
Sun 23rd Nov Sunday Next Before Advent/Christ the King/OS 34 (W or G)
‘From Behind Closed Doors: Going to the Father’
7.30 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – Bishop Rick Lewers
8.00 am – St Mary’s, WA – Holy Communion – Rev Graham Farley
9.30 am – Cathedral – Holy Communion – Bishop Rick Lewers
10.00 am – All Saints’, Thalgarrah – Rev Graham Farley
6.00 pm – Parish Centre – Evening Service – Bishop Rick Lewers
BIBLE READINGS for the Cathedral – Sunday, 23rd November, 2014.
Morning Services:
1 John 1: 1 – 10
John 14: 1 – 14
7.30 am
E Robins
J Faithfull
9.30 am
L McLean
D White
Evening Service: 6.00 pm
M O’Sullivan
Rev S Reeve
Grounds Roster for w/e 22nd Nov: T Pullar, D Robins, B Seppelt, J Trestrail.
All notices for the SUNDAY SIGN (in writing or via e-mail) to be in the Parish Office
no later than 12.30 pm, Tuesday. Thank you.
that each week the Sunday Sign is placed on St Peter’s website
( on Thursday afternoon; and that last week’s
Sunday Sign is also there, under “Notices”.
Notes ~