Regional Daily Ideas Troika


Regional Daily Ideas Troika
Regional Daily, 17 December 2014
Regional Daily
Ideas Troika
Top Stories
Integrated Oil & Gas
OPEC seems ineffective in controlling its members’ output and trying to keep
prices high could be dangerous for it now, as this may result in further
technological innovations in the industry. The oil surplus is expected to be at
c.1.13mbpd in 2015, but supply may decrease if prices remain weak.
Analyst: Kannika Siamwalla CFA (
Thailand Telecommunications
We upgrade the Thai telco sector to OVERWEIGHT from Neutral given the
sector’s improved risk-to-reward profile. The better economic outlook and a
critical mass of smartphone users achieved should drive robust data growth
allowing for greater regulatory cost savings.
Analyst: Veena Naidu (
Analyst: Jeffrey Tan (
Analyst: Vikran Lumyai (
Malaysia Banks
We retain our NEUTRAL sector call. We expect another challenging year
ahead for the banks amid a softer macro backdrop, tighter liquidity and rising
concerns over asset quality. That said, sector earnings should rebound after
a weak 2014 performance while banks now appear better capitalised.
Analyst: David Chong CFA (
China Railway Construction (1186 HK)
Construction & Engineering
Market Cap: USD18,799m
CRCC announced after market close that it will offer, at most, 1.38bn private
A-shares at CNY7.20/share, 10% lower than the average price of its Ashares in the past 20 trading days. As we expect this to dilute our
FY15F/FY16F EPS by c.11%, we cut our TP to HKD9.90 (from HKD10.97,
7.5x FY15 P/E) and downgrade to NEUTRAL
Analyst: Winston Cao (
Asset Quality Issues To Linger
Other Key Stories
Aeon Credit (ACSM MK)
Financial Services - Non-Bank Financials
Analyst: David Chong CFA (
Gamuda (GAM MK)
Construction & Engineering - Construction
BUY MYR4.80 TP: MYR5.35
SapuraKencana Petroleum (SAKP MK)
Energy & Petrochemicals - Integrated Oil & Gas
Dialog (DLG MK)
Energy & Petrochemicals - Oil & Gas Services
BUY MYR1.26 TP:MYR1.65
Top Glove (TOPG MK)
Consumer Non-cyclical - Rubber Products
BUY MYR4.30 TP:MYR5.06
SP Setia (SPSB MK)
Property- Real Estate
See important disclosures at the end of this report
MRT Line 2 To Start Work By 1Q16
Analyst: Joshua Ng (
Downside Risks Still Loom
Analyst: Kong Ho Meng (
Rationalising its International Exposure
Analyst: Kong Ho Meng (
A Subtle Quarter
Analyst: Alexander Chia (
Rationalising its International Exposure
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Regional Daily, 17 December 2014
BUY MYR3.24 TP:MYR4.08
Faber Group (FAB MK)
Consumer Non-cyclical - Healthcare
BUY MYR2.40 TP:MYR3.25
City Developments (CIT SP)
Property - Real Estate
Analyst: Loong Kok Wen CFA (
Analyst: Alexander Chia (
Hi-P International (HIP SP)
Industrial - Misc. Manufacturer
BUY SGD0.69 TP: SGD0.87
See important disclosures at the end of this report
Foray Into Private Fund Platform
Analyst: Ong Kian Lin (
Libra Group (LGL SP)
Construction & Engineering
BUY SGD0.20 TP: SGD0.27
Total Access Communications (DTAC TB)
Communications - Telecommunications
BUY THB97.00 TP: THB133.00
Brighter Prospects Post Acquisitions
Strong Flow Of Contract Wins
Analyst: Jarick Seet (
Ready To Ride The Xiaomi Wave
Analyst: Jarick Seet (
Embracing “Internet For All”
Analyst: Veena Naidu (
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RHB Guide to Investment Ratings
Buy: Share price may exceed 10% over the next 12 months
Trading Buy: Share price may exceed 15% over the next 3 months, however longer-term outlook remains uncertain
Neutral: Share price may fall within the range of +/- 10% over the next 12 months
Take Profit: Target price has been attained. Look to accumulate at lower levels
Sell: Share price may fall by more than 10% over the next 12 months
Not Rated: Stock is not within regular research coverage
Disclosure & Disclaimer
All research is based on material compiled from data considered to be reliable at the time of writing, but RHB does not make any representation or
warranty, express or implied, as to its accuracy, completeness or correctness. No part of this report is to be construed as an offer or solicitation of an offer
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DMG & Partners Research Guide to Investment Ratings
Kuala Lumpur
Hong Kong
Buy: Share price may exceed 10% over the next 12 months
Trading Buy:Malaysia
Share price
may exceed
3 months,
remains uncertain
Office 15% over theRHB
Hong Kong
Ltd. (formerly
DMG & Partners
Neutral: Share
fall within
Securities Pte. Ltd.
RHB price
Sdn the
Bhdrange of +/- 10% over the next
Take Profit:
price One,
has been
attained. Look to accumulate at lower
Kong Ltd.)
11, Tower
RHB Centre
10 Collyer Quay
Sell: Share price may
more than 10% over the next 12 months
12 Floor
#09-08 Ocean Financial Centre
World-Wide House
Singapore 049315
Not Rated: Stock isKuala
not within
regular research coverage
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