Entry form - Highland Dancers Association Of Ontario
Entry form - Highland Dancers Association Of Ontario
HIGHLAND DANCERS’ ASSOCIATION of ONTARIO WINTER HIGHLAND DANCE COMPETITION SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 CO-ON-CO-15-1510 Maple High School, 50 Springside Road, Maple ON. www.hdaontario.com Schedule of Events 8:00 AM 8:30 AM Registration Opens - Primary, Beginner & Novice Competition commences for Primary, Beginner & Novice doing all dances to completion. Order of dance for Primary, Beginner & Novice: Primary/Beginner/Novice-Fling(4); Primary-Pas de Bas; Pas de Bas/Hi’Cuts; Beginner/Novice/ Primary-Sword(2+1); Beginner/Novice-Seann Triubhas(3+1); Beginner/Novice–Strathspey & Highland Reel. 10:30 AM 11:00 AM Registration Opens – Intermediate & Premier Competition for Intermediate & Premier. Note: Premier 11 & Under and Intermediate, in addition to the Hornpipe(4), will dance Fling(4), Sword(2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1). Premier 12 & Over will dance Hornpipe(4), Fling(6), Sword(3+1), Seann Triubhas(4+2). Order of dance for Intermediate/Premier Hornpipe, Fling, Sword; Seann Triubhas. COMPETITION RULES The competition will be governed by the rules of the Scottish Official Board of Highland Dance & the HDAO. All dancers must show a current SOBHD registration card. Dancer/Family must be H.D.A.O. 2014-2015 Member. Age groups will be formed at the discretion of the Competition Committee. Dancers must dance in own section and age group. Dancers will dance in inverse order of entry & must dance in numerical sequence or be disqualified. Judge’s decision is final. No discussion can be entered into between a judge and a competitor or the parent or legal guardian of a competitor. Any complaint must be in writing with the complainant’s signature, accompanied by $20.00 and given to the H.D.A. (prior to the end of the day) for consideration at the next H.D.A. Executive Meeting. The fee will be forfeited if the complaint is not upheld. IMPORTANT: No status/ category changes on the day of the competition. For status changes, notify Sandy Baker at bakerconrick@sympatico.ca. Last day for change is Monday, February 2, 2015. AWARDS Awards will be to two places less than dancers entered to a maximum of 6 places. Primary, Beginner, Novice & Intermediate will receive medals for all placings. Cash Awards to all Premier groups. Winner and runner-up trophies awarded in each age group in all sections except Primary. Primary Participation gifts donated by Creative Design. Trophies computed to six places. Perpetual and keeper trophy awarded to Most Promising Beginner, Novice & Intermediate dancers. Bursary Draw for Beginner, Novice and Intermediate Classes. Premier Draw for $50.00 Creative Designs gift certificate donated by Creative Designs CLOSING DATE: RECEIVED BY TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2015 Mail Entries to H.D.A.O. c/o Sandy Baker, 66 Beckett Ave., Holland Landing, ON L9N 1R8 ALL fees must accompany entries. Cheques (not postdated) or money orders in Canadian funds to be made payable to the Highland Dancers’ Association of Ontario. NSF charges of $20 apply. One dancer per entry form. Entries that require pickup at the post office or a courier will not be accepted. No phone entries accepted. NO REFUNDS on entry fees. Registrar: baker-conrick@sympatico.ca HIGHLAND DANCERS’ ASSOCIATION of ONTARIO WINTER HIGHLAND DANCE COMPETITION SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2015 -- CO-ON-CO-15-1510 CLOSING DATE: RECEIVED BY TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 2015 ENTRY FORM DANCER’S NAME: ________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDATE: __________________________________AGE (as of February 8, 2015): __________ CATEGORY: __________________________________S.O.B.H.D. #: ______________________ ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________________________ CITY:________________________________________POSTAL CODE: ___________________ EMAIL:__________________________________________PHONE:_________________________ WAIVER: I desire to enter my child or myself, _________________________________in the noted events. In consideration of this entry, I hereby for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims I may have for damages against The York Region District School Board and the Highland Dancers’ Association of Ontario and their executive members, volunteers and agents for any injuries that may be suffered by me or my child in competition, in events sponsored by the aforesaid organization on Sunday, February 8, 2015 in or on the grounds of Maple High School, Maple, Ontario, or approved alternate location. I give my permission for photos and or videos to be taken for HDAO’s use. Signature:_____________________________________ Date:___________________ Must be signed by parent or guardian if the competitor is under 18 years of age H.D.A.O. Winter Highland Competition - Sunday, February 8, 2015 Dance Fee: Primary - $16.00 Fling(4); Pas de Bas; Pas de Bas Hi’Cuts; Sword. (Please circle each dance the Primary dancer will be doing) $ Beginner & Novice - $20.00 Fling(4), Sword (2&1), Seann Triubhas(3&1), Strathspey & Highland Reel. $ Intermediate & Premier - $24.00 Intermediate/Premier 11 & Under: Hornpipe (4); Fling (4); Sword (2+1); Seann Triubhas (3+1). Premier 12 & Over: Hornpipe (4); Fling (6); Sword (3+1); Seann Triubhas (4+2). $ SDCCS Surcharge $ TOTAL ENTRY $ 1.00