
THE PORTAL & ST PIRAN with Our Lady, Star of the Sea and St. Anthony, St Mawes Parish Clergy: Fr. Gilmour McDermott + Dn. Andrew Shute St Austell St. Truro, TR1 1SE. Telephone (01872) 272291 email: ~ website: + Retired Priest in Residence St. Mawes: Fr Terence Perkins ­ Sunday Mass 10.30am Parish Safeguarding Representative: Maria Barnes (01872) 242018 A CELEBRATING CHURCH
Sunday, 28 December 2014 and Sunday, 4 January 2015 Mass Times for the 2 weeks are on the back page
Truro Parish is part of Plymouth RC Diocese: Reg’d Charity No. 213227 A LIVING CHURCH All cheques for the Parish to be made out : ‘P.R.C.D.T.R. Truro R.C. Parish’ Intercessions:
4 January
11 January
Maria Curtin
Josianne Cachia
D A T E S: Tuesday 30 Dec 2 pm Sports Bonanza at the Dracaena Centre, Falmouth Tuesday: 6 Jan 2 pm Parish Afternoon Tea Club in the Hall. All welcome Thursday 8 Jan 9 am Capital Projects Working Group meeting in the Hall. Sunday 11 Jan 7.30 pm “Open to Question “ session in the Hall Tuesday 20 Jan 12 pm Unity Prayer Service in the Church Tuesday 20 Jan 12.30 pm Parish Soup Lunch in the Hall Wednesday 21 Jan 6 pm Finance Committee in the Parish Office Thursday 22 Jan 7.30 pm Parish Council meeting in the Hall Future Diary Dates: The Afternoon Tea Club will be on the 1st Tuesday of each month and The Soup Lunches will be on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in 2015. Please note the Confirmation Away Day previously booked for Saturday, 24 January has been rescheduled for February. The date will be announced soon. Plymouth Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes 2015 Bishop Mark will be leading the Diocesan Pilgrimage between 23 and 29 May. Flying from Exeter and staying close to the Grotto in Hotel Chapelle et Parc. Inclusive cost is £695. More information and booking forms in the porch or from the Pilgrimage Director Father Kieran Kirby 01803 294142. Plymouth Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage Taking place at the same time costs £425 fully inclusive. More information from Jacqueline Mantello 01803 328916 or from the poster in the porch. Don Bosco School Moshi Tanzania. On Sunday 4 January Paul Barnes will be commissioned to go as a volunteer for two months. Paul thanks the parishioners and others who have donated gifts and money totalling £740 for him to take to the school.
VISITORS WELCOME We hope you have a wonderful time in Cornwall and will come and visit us again. Do make yourselves known to our clergy/Welcomers. If you are unfamiliar with our services please ask for help. The Church and Hall are fitted with a loop system for hearing aid users. Large print copies of the newsletter and service sheet are available. Toilet facilities are to be found in the entrance to the Hall across the patio. Please join parishioners for tea and coffee after the Sunday Masses. If you are moving into the parish please make yourself known and fill in a Contact Form from the Church Porch. We are pleased to welcome our visitors. Should you wish to gift aid your donation please use one of the blue envelopes to be found on the pews. Thank you for your support. A CARING CHURCH
T H E Pope’s intentions for DECEMBER Universal : Christmas, hope for humanity
That the birth of the Redeemer may bring peace and hope to all
people of goodwill.
Evangelization: Parents That parents may be true evangelizers, passing on to their children the precious gift of faith. PLEASE PRAY For baby Hardey who will be baptised on Saturday 3 January and his Family; for the sick and housebound of the Parish, and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time, especially: Marie Stoddart; Sister Philomena; Sister Joan of Arc; Mary Leddra; Patrick Golding; Thomas McIntyre; Canon Meiklem; Leo Horrax; Susanna Pollock; John Martin; Margaret Shute; Mary Trengove; Arthur Post; Roger Ogilvie; Reginald Stone; Roger Dade; Sante Toffolo; John Cook; Mary Neal; Elizabeth Preece and Raymond Southby. The Epiphany of the Lord On Christmas Day we celebrated the birth of Christ, the Word made flesh. At Epiphany we celebrate this news getting out—the making known of this amazing reality to the world. The Magi coming from distant lands represent the whole world to whom the Son of God is revealed. The feast is traditionally kept on January 6th but in many countries moved to the nearest Sunday. Pray for recently deceased parishioners, Santa Medlin whose funeral service will be Thank you here at 11.30 Tuesday, 30 January, her coffin Father Gilmour would like to will be received into the church at 5 pm thank you all for your very Monday evening, and Sheila Lachlan­Cope, generous Christmas Offering wife of Anthony whose burial service will be and for your cards and greetings. at Probus on Monday, 5 January. The Parish Office will be closed from Christmas until Monday, 19 January. Messages can be emailed, left on the answerphone, or notes put through The Presbytery letterbox. Austen Ivereigh is coming to Truro to talk about the Pope and to sign his book “The Great Reformer— Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope” on Sunday afternoon 1st March in our Hall. The book has just been published and has received good reviews in the Catholic Press. The Author, who spent a lot of time in Argentina is the former deputy editor of the Tablet and is a regular contributor to Our Catholic Visitor and the Guardian newspaper. It promises to be an interesting afternoon.
Week beginning 28 December 2014
SUNDAY MASSES Sat 27 Dec 6.15 pm First Mass of Sunday (Ted Kingett RIP) Sun 28 Dec Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph 9.30 am Mass (Alf, John & Neil RIP) 11.00 am Mass (People of the Parish)
WEEKDAY MASSES Mon 29 Dec St Thomas Becket 10 am Morning Mass (The Witherell Family) Tues 30 Dec 10 am Morning Mass (Geoffery Wells­Smith) Wed 31 Dec 10 am Morning Mass (Luke Haynes) Thurs 1 Jan Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God 10 am Morning Mass Fri 2 Jan 10 am Morning Mass and Holy Hour (Alice Kelly RIP ) Sat 3 Jan 10 am Morning Mass (Hardey Evans) Week beginning 4th January
SUNDAY MASSES Sat 3 Jan Sun 4 Jan Vigil of the Epiphany of the Lord 6.15 pm First Mass of Sunday (Kitty Burridge RIP) The Epiphany of the Lord 9.30 am Mass (People of the Parish) 11.00 am Mass (Patricia Clemens RIP)
WEEKDAY MASSES Mon 5 Jan 9.30 am Morning Mass (Mary Byrne RIP) Tues 6 Jan 9.30 am Morning Mass (Helen Lambert RIP) Wed 7 Jan 10.00 am Morning Mass (Steve Keely) Thurs 8 Jan 7.00 pm Evening Mass (Ancestors of Angela Buckley) Fri 9 Jan 9.30 am Morning Mass and Holy Hour (Caterina Burridge RIP) Sat 10 Jan 9.30 am Morning Mass (M J Joseph RIP) Christmastide Ends
Sacrament of Reconciliation - By Appointment