

HES School House News
Principal: Jessica Lewis
Hayfield Elementary School Website
January 8, 2015
Assistant Principal: Andrew Smith
Art Room News
Full-Time Advanced Academic Placement (Level IV)
The Art Room is in need of oversized t-shirts and button down shirts
to be used as smocks. If you can
donate, please send in your items to
the office. Thank you for your assistance.
Just a friendly reminder that parents or guardians who wish to refer grade two students who are not in the advanced academic placement screening pool, and students in grades three through six, may submit the Advanced Academic Placement
(AAP) Level IV Referral Form http://www.fcps.edu/is/aap/packet/
Fillable_AAPLevelIVReferralForm.pdf and the Optional Parent Questionnaire
We do not have the results of the grade two pool at this time. The benchmark
score for the NNAT and CogAT will be posted on the Advanced Academic Programs site sometime in January.
Sara Hawkins
Art Teacher
Martin Luther King Jr.’s
Birthday Observance
January 19-No School
On this day we celebrate
the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the only U.S. federal
holiday commemorating an AfricanAmerican (FCPS Calendar). It celebrates the life and
achievements of Martin
Luther King Jr., an influential American civil
rights leader. He is most
well-known for his campaigns to end racial segregation on public transport and for
racial equality in the United States
Two Hour Early Release
- Thursday, January 29
School will dismiss at 12:50 pm on
Thursday, January 29. January 30
and February 2 are student holidays.
Students will return on Tuesday,
February 3.
Hayfield Elementary School
7633 Telegraph Road
Alexandria, VA 22315
Main: 703-924-4500
The AAP Level IV Referral Form, Optional Parent Questionnaire, and other optional materials are due to Hayfield Elementary by February 3, 2015. Please direct
any questions you may have to Advanced Academic Resource Teacher, Kelly Parker, who can be reached at knparker@fcps.edu or at 703-924-4500. Also, for
more information, please visit:
Kelly Parker
Advanced Academics and Math Resource Teacher
Rising Seventh Grade Curriculum Night Set for
January 22
This event will take place at Hayfield Secondary School from 6:00-8:30 pm, and is
open to parents and students to learn about core course offerings and elective
choices for the 2015-2016 school year.
Inclement Weather and Emergency Closing Plans
Due to inclement weather or other emergency situations, it may be necessary to
close schools for the entire day, to open schools two hours late, or to close two
hours early. The procedures used in school closings are detailed at http://
www.fcps.edu/news/weather.shtml Please keep this information in a convenient
location for future reference.
While safety is always our first priority, there are areas in the neighborhood that
students may take to come to school that are not the school’s responsibility to
maintain. Certainly if parents feel that the walking conditions are not safe during
these winter months, they may make alternate decisions to ensure their children’s
safety in coming to and from school.
Here’s What’s Coming Up...
January 13 Human Relations Committee Meeting
February 3 PTA Meeting 7:00 pm
February 10 Hayfield Pyramid Choral Concert HSS 7:00 pm
February 13 PTA Bingo Night 5:30 pm—7:30 pm
P r o u d l y
S o a r i n g
HES School House News
Beginning January 29 through February 28, the SCA will be sponsoring our annual canned food drive. This year’s
drive will kick-off during our Jersey Day spirit day on Thursday, January 29. Everyone is encouraged to wear a jersey
of his/her favorite team. Vote for your favorite team in the Super Bowl by bringing in a non-perishable item and placing it in your favorite teams box in the front lobby. Use only one item of food to vote and take the rest to your classroom.
The SCA is encouraging all the students at Hayfield Elementary to bring in all kinds of non-perishable items. Also accepted are bags, boxes, and plastic items. No breakable items please. A list of needed items appears below. We are
asking for as many items as possible. Students please talk to your parents before raiding pantries for these items. You
might end up taking something planned for your own family’s dinner that night. Parents talk with your students about
the importance of helping others less fortunate than ourselves.
Items of need: sugar, oil, cereal, flour, ketchup, mayonnaise, salad dressing, jelly, coffee, peanut butter, diapers (sizes
4-6), laundry supplies, dish washing detergent, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene supplies, and toilet paper.
All non-perishable items will gladly be accepted.
The SCA would be very appreciative of any donations that you bring to them and your support with our Canned Food
Drive. The less fortunate families of our area will definitely benefit from your generosity.
Just a reminder of our PE dress code, students should wear clothing that is non-restrictive but not overly loose. Dresses
and skirts are not appropriate for most activities and should be avoided. Athletic shoes are preferred. Sandals, open
back shoes, slip on shoes, boots, and shoes that are slippery are unsafe and should not be worn. Children will be asked
not to participate if their attire is unsafe. Continued wearing of unsafe attire can reflect negatively on a student’s grade
due to lack of participation.
Cetan Tameris and Ruth Drickey, PE Teachers
Many Thanks For Angel Tree Donations
The SCA would like to thank the Hayfield Elementary community for
their generosity during this holiday season. Our Angel Tree was decorated by so many children, parents, and friends from our community with
an abundance of hats, scarves, gloves, mittens, and toys. This holiday
season, we collected four boxes full of hats, scarves, and gloves which
were delivered to Koinonia. We also collected lots of toys which were
delivered to Toys for Tots prior to the holidays.
Thank you for all your kindness; many children will be warmer and had
a merrier holiday season because of you! Again, many thanks to all!
HES School House News
HES School House News
HES School House News
HES School House News