COUGAR CONNECTION - South Heart School


COUGAR CONNECTION - South Heart School
Welcome to the “Cougar Connection.” This publication is printed & distributed monthly
South Heart Public School’s Mission Statement:
A Note from the Superintendent
Calvin Dean, Superintendent
Scott Jung, High School Principal/
Athletic Director
Jessica Geis Elementary Principal
Kristine Mehrer, Business Manager
Kathy Kuylen, Secretary
Bobbie Olson, School Counselor
Lola Huschka, Head Custodian
Update on the South Heart School Master Planning project:
At the December 2014 school board meeting, the South Heart School
Board selected JLG architects for the South Heart School Master Planning project. JLG will begin working with the school in January. We are
very excited to have selected JLG as they have done several similar
school projects in North Dakota and Minnesota. Furthermore, most of
their employees grew up and attended school in small towns just like
South Heart, which should make them an excellent fit for our community.
As mentioned in a previous Cougar Connection, this process will begin
with a full assessment of the current South Heart School building and
school district property. This will include as assessment of the current
building in terms of capacity (current and future enrollment projections), mechanical/electrical /construction limitations, current and future operational costs, future educational and school activity goals, and
many other related items. Once this process is completed, a series of at
least 2 public meetings will be held to share this information with the
community. This will be an opportunity for everyone to share ideas and
ask for input. Ultimately, JLF along with the South Heart School Board
and School Staff will present a long –range plan and possible course of
action for the future of the South Heart School facility or facilities. A
timeline for this process will be developed in the near future and will be
shared in future Cougar Connection newsletters.
Important Dates:
January 5
January 14
January 16
January 19
February 4
Please call the school
to update your phone
numbers. It is imperative that we have updated numbers incase
of an emergency, school closings or
early dismissal. Also we need
address updates as well. The mail in
South Heart needs a box number.
Parking issues:
School resumes
School Board Meeting at 7:00
End of Semester 1 (Quarter 2)
No School Teacher In-Service at DSU
Early Out Students dismissed at 1:15
Please refrain from
parking behind the
busses when school
is dismissing as this
can prevent other
cars from entering or
Phone: 701-677-5671
Fax: 701-677-5616
310 4th Street NW
P.O. Box 159
South Heart, North Dakota 58655
The South Heart FFA Chapter is looking to start an FFA affiliate!
Former FFA members and interested adults are
a wonderful source of help and support for FFA
advisors and their students. An FFA Alumni
Affiliate will help the chapter get the community more involved in agriculture education and
FFA activities. The Alumni would also provide a
helping hand to the FFA advisor in coordinating
activities for our local chapter. If you are interested in becoming a
member of the group, please contact Joe Odermann at (701) 2903536 or
Congratulations to the following students who were
winners in the Elks Hoop Shoot Free Throw Contest
held during Physical Education Class!
8-9 year old girls - Ava Walter
10-11 year old girls - Meg Silbernagel
12-13 year old girls - Paige Jung
8-9 year old boys - Jordan Koppinger
10-11 year old boys - Lance Kostelecky
12-13 year old boys - Nick Fageberbeg
With the onset of colder weather approaching, please be certain
your child/children
come to school
dressed appropriately.
Boots, mittens, hats,
snow pants, etc. need to be worn to
help prevent frost bite.
Calling all Preschoolers
If you have a child or know a child who will be 4 before August 1, 2015, please contact the
school to make sure the children are on our list. We will be having the required preschool
screening on March 27, 2015. More information will be sent at a later date.
Lindzee Schneider
Preschool teacher
South Heart School
The music students in grades 5-12 will be selling cookie dough for the annual department
fundraiser starting on January 14. In the past this fundraiser has supported students
attending the International Music Camp, SW Band and Choir tours, and a performance of
the Medora Musical.
The Junior class will be sponsoring another movie night Friday, January 23 at 7:00pm. The movie
title will be announced at a later date.
Juniors will continue to sell popcorn Mondays and Wednesdays after school. A bag is 50 cents.